Reinforced antenna for Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi antennas: increase the range of a wireless network Powerful antenna for receiving wifi

A weak signal of a home router in an urban environment is not news for a long time, but everyone faced the question of how to strengthen the wi-fi signal of a home router. active user networks. There are several reasons for such reception problems, these are: malfunctions of the device itself, interference from other electrical appliances operating in the house, and other reasons. It should be recalled that there are no less ways to amplify the Wi-Fi signal on the router; the services of a specialist are not needed.

Often, the transmitter power of the router is adversely affected by nearby electrical appliances. Significant impact, for example, microwaves, Cell phones with powerful electromagnetic radiation. Boost signal wifi router It's easy if you place the equipment far away from each other.

The router needs an open space that is freely accessible, and not behind a closet or sofa. If for some reason the microwave is located close to the router, you need to amplify the signal using a second router (optional). This is a win-win.

Strengthening the signal in the router settings

In most cases, this, of course, does not solve the problem, and the signal is still rather weak. The ability to amplify the wi-fi signal of your router is in the device, its settings. The signal of insufficient strength is “conceived” in the default settings of the home router, this happens due to the reluctance of users to change them individually for themselves. Often you don’t want to mess around with the settings, read something, delve into the process. Therein lies the problem. Neighbors living across the wall think the same way, and their nearby devices operate on the same frequency, which slows down the system.

Increasing the transmission power of the router

You can boost a weak signal by boosting the transmit power of your home router. True, the regulators are not installed on all devices, and it is recommended to do this only if other methods do not help. Uncontrolled intervention in the system threatens to damage or overheat the device. Therefore, before resorting to this method, you should carefully read the instructions (after all, read them), remember that the power indicator should not exceed 45 mW. And to improve the signal strength as follows:

  1. In the settings, open the "Advanced network settings" section.
  2. Go around the perimeter Wireless Transmit Power - "Transmit Power".
  3. Values ​​are expressed either in "%", or High - high, Medium - medium, Low - low.
  4. In the first case, you need to increase to the maximum: 100%.
  5. In the second, select "High" and set the value to "20".

Change channel to free

It is also possible to amplify a weak Wi-Fi signal by switching to free channel transmission. If the router is configured by default, there is a high probability that no actions in this direction have been applied to the neighbors either. This is one of the most common reasons for slow network speed. Being on the same channel with devices located nearby, its radius is significantly reduced. In order to increase the communication speed, it is recommended to select several options for changing the channel:

  • Set the router to "Auto" in the network settings.
  • In the same settings, set one of the static channels.
  • Use programs like inSSIDer or Acrylic that monitor free channels.

Changing the broadcast mode of the router

How to strengthen the weak signal of a wi-fi router in the settings is not so difficult to figure out. All that is needed is to change the existing standard of wireless networks, which usually operate in b/g/n mode. New devices are configured according to the modern standard - 802.11ac, which is considered the most advanced. However, the outdated 802.11n is able to increase both the transmission speed and the network coverage radius. But this will not work if the wireless router has only one antenna, or if it does not support these standards.

Switching the network to the new-old mode is simple:

  1. Go to the settings at the address of the router:
  2. Open the Wireless section - “Wireless network.
  3. Go to the item Mode - “Mode wireless network.
  4. In it, select the value N only - Save - "Save".
  5. It remains only to reload.

Amplification with additional devices

You can amplify the signal of the router by taking advantage of the capabilities of other devices designed specifically for this. Additional antennas, amplifiers, adapters will help to significantly increase the range and radius of action if usb ports work in the home router. These options are often more effective than other options, especially with older wireless devices.

Replacing the Standard Antenna

If the router has a removable antenna, replace it with a more powerful one. Albeit slightly, but the range of the network increases. This, of course, is not the best option. The effect of such changes is insignificant, but when other methods do not help, this one becomes an alternative.

TP-Link is considered one of the best antennas for wi-fi routers: high-quality and relatively inexpensive. But not suitable for all devices. of this type. In order for the result to be noticeable, you need to choose an antenna that has a gain of at least 8 dBi.

It will help to strengthen the signal of a wi-fi router by installing another antenna or even two, but this is only possible if the device itself supports them.

Installing a wi-fi amplifier (booster)

Strengthening the signal of a home router is possible with the help of repeaters such as Range Extender Booster. These are good Wi-Fi signal amplifiers with superior antenna capabilities, but they are cheaper. Other booster benefits:

  • Suitable for all broadcast mode standards.
  • Improves, expands the signal up to the edge of the coverage area.
  • Supports the power of wireless devices from 2.4 GHz.
  • Boosts the transmission speed to a maximum of 300 Mbps.
  • Stable, safe to use.

Repeater installation

A repeater (repeater) is another signal amplifier, similar in principle to a booster, but much inferior to it. The repeater is able to significantly increase the signal, this is where its capabilities end. And the booster, in addition, is able to expand the reception range. By the way, there is no need to buy this device, another router can act as such a repeater.

There are other ways to amplify the signal. Perhaps this is with the help of laptop settings or the use of improvised means, self-manufacturing of the antenna. It is really possible to gain a router without an antenna if you follow simple rules:

  • Set it high.
  • Do not place near flat metal objects.
  • Avoid radio interference.

Setting up the receiver on a laptop or computer

Few people thought about using what means to amplify the wi-fi reception signal on a personal laptop and whether this is even possible. The solution to the problem, not noticed by anyone, often lies on the surface. Often users put their laptop into power save mode to conserve battery power. At home, this is useless, since at any time it is easy to connect the beech to the mains, but wi-fi networks “lose” significantly from this, hence the weak signal. To strengthen it, just change the power settings:

  1. Open "Control Panel".
  2. Go to the "Electric control" section.
  3. Select "High Performance".

Homemade antennas

How to slightly increase the signal of a wi-fi router with your own hands, without resorting to standard means, many know. Tellingly, the methods work. Increasing the range of the device is possible due to the manufacture of original wi-fi repeater repeaters with your own hands. For this, nothing special is required: the manufacturing scheme is quite simple. You need to take a piece of foil or cut an empty tin can, give them a curved shape and install them behind the router, preferably near the wall, artificially creating a directional wave. Reducing the angle, the waves bounce off the surface of the improvised antenna, the signal is slightly amplified.

Router replacement

If none of the above helps, then the problem lies in the device itself. In this case, there is only one thing left: replacing the wireless router.

Actually, after this, problems are excluded, provided that users do not save on purchases, otherwise they will again have to look for a reason from the outside or engage in “needlework”. It is better to purchase a modern wi-fi router that supports operation at a frequency of 5 GHz, then you can forget about a weak signal once and for all.


Amplifying the signal of a router in an apartment with your own hands is an activity that does not require any special knowledge. You just need to delve into these recommendations and it will become clear that doing this at home is as easy as shelling pears.

Now it is difficult to find a smartphone, laptop or tablet that does not support wireless networks - Wi-Fi. Not only they, but also a lot of modern household appliances can connect to the network. Even multicookers are connected to Wi-Fi, so it is important to ensure good reception in all corners of the apartment or house. But a significant problem is the excess of wireless networks. In this article, we will look at how to amplify the signal WiFi router with your own hands.

Causes of a bad signal

Before considering ways to amplify the signal, we will talk about the reasons for its extinction. The main ones include:

  1. Wall material. The most common problem is a significant difference in signal levels in different rooms of an apartment with concrete walls.
  2. Router location. In order for the Wi-Fi signal to be uniform over the entire intended coverage area, you need to place it in a place equidistant from all the far corners of the coverage area. Otherwise, every wall, cabinet, shelf or other piece of furniture will degrade the Wi-Fi signal.
  3. Antenna gain. Cheap wifi routers usually have one 3 dbi antenna - this is a rather weak option.
  4. Incorrect router settings.
  5. Bad Wi-Fi receivers.
  6. Many networks running in parallel.

How to Strengthen Wi-Fi

Now that we already know what leads to a deterioration in the distribution and reception of a Wi-Fi signal, let's look at each problem and its solution separately. To strengthen Wi-Fi you need:

  1. Find the perfect place to install your router.
  2. Set its mode of operation.
  3. Replace antennas with more powerful ones.
  4. Install reflectors.
  5. Install repeaters or strengthen the network with another router.

Correct location of the router

If you want to boost your Wi-Fi signal, before doing anything, make sure you have a properly positioned router and minimize sources of interference and reflections. The router should be located so that a normal signal level is provided in each of the rooms.

If you have chosen the best place, but did not get the desired results, pay attention to the recommendations:

  1. microwave ovens, remotes remote control and other technology for high frequency, in particular 2.4 GHz. If such equipment is located nearby, move either it or the router.
  2. Neighbor Wi-Fi. You can slightly improve the situation if you install the router in a place where the signal level is the lowest. You can determine this if you walk around the apartment with a smartphone and pay attention to the level of signal reception from neighbors. You need to install the router where all the signals will have the lowest level. This program will help you WiFi Analyzer for Android.

Setting up the router correctly

Before running to the store for a new antenna, Wi-Fi receiver or router, let's go to the settings and check what parameters are set there. To do this, you need to enter the address of the router in the address bar of the browser, usually it is indicated on the sheet pasted on its bottom. Most often it is or

First of all, you need to look at the standard in which it works. in different WiFi models hardware settings and web interfaces differ significantly from manufacturer to manufacturer. Therefore, we will try to give general recommendations.

You need to connect to the router via the web interface and find the list of modes. Their names start with 802.11 numbers followed by letters, such as 802.11b/g/n. To strengthen the Wi-Fi signal of the router, you need to select the item with the name of the type:

802.11n only

You should already see an increase in the Wi-Fi signal.

After that, you can try to increase the transmitter power, for this we are looking for an item with the name of the transmit power type in the settings. It can be specified either as a percentage or as:

  • high;
  • medium;

In any case, you need to set the maximum possible percentage closer to 100% or High.

We have completed the basic settings for signal amplification. Now let's check the computer. If you have a laptop, check your power settings. In power saving mode, the signal gain from the built-in receiver is reduced, hence problems arise unstable connection and speed reduction. Set the mode to "normal" or "enhanced performance".

Duplicate the network

If you need Wi-fi reception at 100 meters or more, then with a regular router you will not achieve this. Their coverage range also depends on the number of obstructions, transmitter power and antenna gain. On average, you can count on 30-50 meters. The easiest way to boost your signal is to install a Wi-Fi repeater. This is a signal repeater that simply plugs into an outlet.

The outlet should be located in an area where the signal is still not too bad, but not near the router. You can amplify the signal with one or two repeaters to get a larger coverage area. But you need to configure it - select a network and enter a password for it. Such a reception distance is often required in a private house so that there is a signal in the yard.

The second way is to increase the coverage with another router. Some models support repeater mode. You can also do this by connecting the first and second routers with a simple network cable with rj-45 plugs, as you would do this when connecting the cable to network map computer.

Upgrading or changing the antenna

If the router does not have an antenna, then the only way to amplify is software, optimal settings we have already considered. The next option to boost your Wi-Fi signal is to experiment with antennas.

Experiments can be as follows:

If you are a fan of designing something, then a biquadrat antenna can help to amplify the signal for receiving Wi-Fi at 200 meters, its drawing is shown in the figure below:

And this antenna - a Wi-Fi gun, will help transmit the Internet for 1 km or more (depending on the installation height and the accuracy of the signal direction). Its developer claims that he managed to achieve acceptance at a distance of up to 10 km.

Thus, it is possible to organize a connection between houses remote from each other, or an apartment and a summer house, for example.

Important! Talking about the range of the antenna is not correct. This figure depends not only on its design, but also on the installation location, the number of obstacles, and, importantly, the antenna of the device that will receive the signal. If in the field an ordinary router with a standard antenna can transmit a signal to 50-100 meters, then in concrete buildings there are problems with communication when moving to the next room.

We have reviewed the main available ways, allowing you to organize the strengthening of the Wi-Fi signal of the router, as well as increasing the coverage area. If you follow all the recommendations, you will achieve an improvement in the signal, but you need to take into account the quality and serviceability of all equipment. For example, if after all the manipulations done, the signal reception quality on the phone leaves much to be desired, it may be due to a weak Wi-Fi module and a built-in antenna.


We have already shared with you several times ways to strengthen the wi-fi signal of the router using improvised means: and. But if you need something really powerful, the homemade antenna described in this post will help to significantly expand your “home zone” of wireless Internet.

Of course, you can just go to the store and buy everything you need. But a real life hacker does not give up so easily! So, a craftsman from Italy, Danilo Larizza, recently shared a story on his blog about how he managed to save money on buying a wi-fi signal amplifier and make a 2.4 GHz antenna himself, which raises the data transmission channel between two points over a considerable distance.


You will need: copper wire (or iron wire), aluminum foil, a plastic container for food storage, and a soldering iron.


From the wire you need to make 2 squares with sides of 31 mm, as shown in the figure below.


We connect the copper core of the coaxial cable to one corner of the resulting structure, and the metal braid to the other.

The device must be protected from the weather. To do this, place it in a light, airtight plastic container with a lid.

According to the author, the service life of such an antenna is at least 6 months. To further enhance signal strength and directionality, a reflective shield can be added. They can serve as ordinary aluminum foil.

Next time, before buying a wi-fi signal amplifying antenna in the store, try to make such a device yourself. The result will pleasantly surprise you!

Perhaps you have your own interesting experience or idea on how to increase the wi-fi signal? Tell us about it in the comments!

Hi all! In this article I will tell you how to increase the signal of a wifi router in your home or office.

WI-FI today is very popular in demand in the field of computer technology. There are a lot of problems around WI-FI. If the speed of the Internet connected wireless connection, very low, then in my article you will find 10 tips that will help you strengthen the signal of the router, and thereby increase the speed of the Internet.

Why is the wifi signal very weak?

If your internet speed improves when you reboot your router, you can use this tip. When conducting an in-depth study, you can find out what the problem is, most often the case is overheating of iron or old firmware. But you shouldn’t get hung up on this, you can just do it about once a day (or more often).

You can reload using DD-WRT firmware or timer. If you set up an automatic reboot of the router, then you do not have to do it manually every time.

Increasing wifi signal with DD-WRT firmware

The DD-WRT firmware significantly improves the Wi-Fi signal of the router. With this firmware, you will be presented with not only additional functions, but also improve the stability of the router.

Of course, this can damage the equipment, but more routers can easily tolerate a power increase of up to 70 mW. Do not forget that radio emission is dangerous for the body, and therefore you should not leave the router to work at high power too often.

Restrict other internet connection

If anyone in your home network often sits in video chats, downloads movies and music or plays online games, then this, of course, significantly affects the speed of the Internet for other home network users.

If you have just such a case, then increasing the signal strength will be useless, in your case, you should configure the “Quality of Service or QoS. It will prioritize speed direction for more important programs that you need to work with.

Setting a good wifi password from neighbors

If a password is set on your router, this does not mean that it is. To do this is not so difficult. There are methods that will help you discover all the users who are connected to your Wi-Fi. But this will not really do anything, it is better to completely deprive neighbors who love "freebies" from the opportunity to use your Wi-Fi.

How to amplify the signal of a wifi router by extending the antenna

Install the router in the center of the room!

It often happens that the router does not fit into the design of the apartment, but you should not hide it too far, for example, in a closet. To strengthen the signal of the router, place it in an open and free place.

It is better to install the antenna in a vertical position. The higher the router is installed, the better. In order for the signal to cover the entire apartment, it is advisable to put the router in its center.

Buying a modern router (expensive)

This method is not only the simplest, but also the most reliable. The meaning of this method is to use the most modern equipment.

That is, buy a router with the longest signal transmission range. It will be expensive, but you will forget about how to strengthen the wifi signal of the router.

Installing a wifi repeater (repeater)

If all the tips I listed below did not help you, then you need to install a WiFi signal repeater in the house. It won't take you much money, and if you still have an old router at home, you can use it, which will allow you to increase the wireless coverage area.

It is necessary to flash the old router using the DD-WRT firmware mentioned above. There is a possibility that the speed will not be as high as the speed of the main router, but it is much better than not having it and it is completely possible to connect to wireless Internet in the far corners of the apartment.

After doing everything that I advised you in this article, you will learn how to increase the wifi signal of your router and the speed, reliability and security of your wireless Internet. Recently I told a very interesting moment, you can read it very interestingly, and you can also read about it. That's all for me, I wish everyone great health!

With Uv. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

Every year there are more and more various gadgets that have access to the Internet. Almost every apartment has a laptop, smartphone, tablet or TV, and maybe even a refrigerator with a Wi-Fi module. At the same time, users often face the problem that it is not possible to “catch” a connection with the Internet everywhere. The reason for this may be too much distance from the router to the device. The coverage radius of the router is about 30 meters, and sometimes more. However, there are a number of other factors that can affect the signal level.

Interference can be created by:

There are software and hardware methods that can be used to solve this problem. The following tips will help boost your Wi-Fi and make your Internet experience more enjoyable.

Software amplification

The most common mistake when using wireless access points is that owners pay too little attention to network settings. Often, users set a security key and change the SSID. This is where all the scams end. However, there are still a lot of parameters that remain by default. Their adjustment will help increase the coverage area. Let's consider the main methods of software signal amplification.

Video: Strengthen WiFi signal

Correct location

First of all, you need to pay attention to the location of the router in the apartment. It is recommended to place the router closest to the device from which the Internet is accessed. If it is difficult to calculate such a place, and the connection is made from different rooms in the house, then it would be best to install a router in the central part of the apartment.

Thus, as much space as possible will fall into the radius of action.

If the apartment or house has two levels, then the router must be placed on the ground floor at the highest point, it can be a mezzanine or closet. Do not litter with various objects (including metal) the place where the router is located. This will allow the signal to propagate unhindered.

Device Frequency Matching

In multi-apartment buildings, up to 20, or even more, wireless networks can be within reach. It's not good for the job alone specific device. All available networks tend to intersect and use the same frequency channel. As a result, the level of network supply deteriorates even at a relatively close distance.

In this case, amplifying the Wi-Fi signal is very simple and easy, even the most inexperienced user can figure it out. First, install on your laptop special program, which determines the free channel. The most commonly used is inSSIDer. After launching the program, the screen will display a list of all available wireless networks and the frequency channels they occupy. You must select a free channel. To do this, perform the following steps:

If all channels are already used by other people's routers, you should choose the least loaded one. In order for the settings to take effect, you need to click "Save / Change".

Modern Wi-Fi protocol - 802.11n

To date, the 802.11n standard is the newest. In addition, it is also the fastest due to the increased coverage radius. If all devices in the apartment that access the Internet support this standard, in which case a transition to 802.11n is possible.

In order to switch to the 802.11n standard operation mode, you must:

Low transmitter power

Many router models are equipped with a Wi-Fi signal strength control function. You need to make the appropriate changes in the router settings:

Transition to 5 GHz

Most routers operate in the 2.4 GHz band. However, more expensive router models can provide a signal in the 5 GHz band. Therefore, it is recommended to switch to this range, since it is practically free and not occupied by other devices. In this case, the coverage will spread over a large area.

Switching to the 5 GHz band is possible if the connected devices can operate in this band.

Hardware Wi-Fi Reception Gain

If all the above steps have been taken, and access to the network is interfered with, do not despair. Perhaps not all is lost. There are several tricks that can help solve this problem. For this, it is necessary to upgrade wireless device. You can increase the coverage radius using a second router. To do this, you need to set up a wireless bridge between the two devices using the Wireless Distribution System technology. It will allow you to increase the coverage area by combining several routers into one network.

You can also do some fiddling with antennas. Most routers are equipped with external detachable antennas. Often they are underpowered by about 2 dBi, sometimes 5 dBi. They can be easily replaced with stronger ones. For this, it is worth unscrewing the old ones and placing new ones with a large coefficient in their place. In addition, you can purchase an antenna with a cable and a special stand. It connects to the router. At the same time, it can be moved around the apartment, thus providing coverage without changing the position of the router.

If the device has more than two antennas, then it will be too expensive to replace them. It will be cheaper to buy a repeater. It is also called a repeater. In other words, a repeater.

Using a repeater

Users often face the problem that in large apartments, the range of the router's signal is not enough to provide coverage in all areas. To solve this problem, aids will be useful. A repeater can be used as a device to amplify the signal. This device is connected to existing network as a client. It expands the coverage area. It must be installed between the router and the working computer.

The repeater has a compact size and is relatively inexpensive. The repeater looks like a small power supply and is powered by the mains. There are many options for such devices on the market.

Improving the adapter on the computer

On the client device, you can also enhance the reception of the distributed signal. This advice is useful to those users whose computers are connected adapters through USB port. However, this option will be useless for owners of tablets, smartphones and laptops, since the antennas in such devices are built-in. If you use a USB adapter to access the Internet, you should not connect it directly to your computer. To get started, you can use an extension cord,

and connect the device through it. A long cord will allow you to move the modem around the house, looking for a network.

You can also purchase a USB adapter amplifier. It is able to provide network access in areas with a weak signal. TO this device a modem is connected and placed in a place with Wi-Fi coverage.

Rebooting the Router

Weak signal and interference may occur due to outdated router firmware or if installed drivers require an update.

There is no financial cost to update drivers. They can be downloaded for free on the official website of the router manufacturer. Installed them on the computer, the level and quality of the signal will increase.

Antenna upgrade

This method will help upgrade the device using a reflector. To make it, you need foil and thick paper or cardboard.

A parabola with two holes for the antenna is cut out of paper and attached to a rectangle made of foil. The resulting device must be fixed on the antenna. Thus, the signal will become directional. You can also use a beverage can as a reflector by cutting it lengthwise, cutting off the bottom, and placing it behind the router. The reflector is directed to the side where coverage is to be provided.

By following these simple tips, you can significantly increase the Wi-Fi signal on your laptop. For this, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on the purchase of new devices. You just have to take a little time to study the settings of the router, or use the tools at hand and upgrade the device with your own hands.
