Return the missing recycle bin icon to win 7. The recycle bin is missing on the Windows desktop

It’s not so easy, as our site has already written about - just highlighting it, clicking the right mouse button and choosing the “Delete” item will not work, since such an item is simply absent here (at least on Windows 7 and XP). Nevertheless, there are plenty of cases when the user, having barely turned on his PC, is amazed (there is no basket!) It’s also unclear where it could have gone: perhaps one of your relatives tried, or maybe it’s some kind of virus ... Be that as it may, the trash needs to be restored - this is a very important element of the desktop, which does not allow you to thoughtlessly delete files, in including by accident.

Decide this problem as easy as pie. I will tell you how to do it on various operating systems Oh.

Windows 7 and Vista

I'll start with one of the most popular operating systems at the moment - . The same method is fully suitable for Vista, which, by the way, is much less popular.

  • First of all, open the desktop, find an unoccupied space on it and click right click mice. A menu appears, in it we select the item "Personalization".

  • The personalization window will open. On the right side of this window, there are several links, one of which is called "Change Desktop Icons". Click on it.

  • The desktop icon options window will now open. Here you can hide or remove system icons on the desktop, like "Computer", "Network", "User Files", etc. Check the box next to "Basket".

  • After that, be sure to press the OK button to save the changes and look at the desktop where the basket appeared.

Windows XP

In the case of Windows XP, the situation is somewhat different.

  • Click on the "Start" button, then select "My Computer" - "Tools" - "Folder Options".
  • Here we find the "View" subsection and uncheck the item that allows you to hide protected folders. If you have already unchecked the checkbox, you can not touch anything here.
  • On the toolbar, open the "Folders" section, see the basket here and simply drag it to the desktop. That's all, nothing more is required of you.

By the way, for all operating systems, you can roll back the system to an earlier date, when the trash was still on the desktop. How to roll back to an earlier date with the help, I already told you earlier.

Every day, a huge number of file operations take place on the computer, which are necessary for both the user and the operating system itself. One of the most important parameters any file - its relevance. Unnecessary or old documents, pictures, etc. are immediately sent by the user to the Recycle Bin. It often happens that a file is deleted completely by accident, and it can still be restored, but the shortcut to go to the Recycle Bin is nowhere to be found.

By default, the Recycle Bin shortcut is on the desktop, but due to various manipulations, it could disappear from there. Just a few mouse clicks are enough to return the Recycle Bin shortcut back to the desktop for easy navigation to the folder with deleted files.

There are two main reasons why the Recycle Bin could disappear from the desktop.

  1. A third party was used to personalize your computer software, which in its own way changed the display settings of individual elements. It could be various themes, tweakers or programs that edit icons.
  2. The display of the Recycle Bin icon was disabled precisely in the operating system settings - manually or due to minor errors in the work. Rare cases when the Recycle Bin in the settings is disabled by malware.

Method 1: Eliminate the consequences of the influence of third-party software

The specific instruction depends solely on the program that was used to personalize the computer. In general terms, you need to open this program and look in its settings for an item that could return the Basket back. If there is no such item, reset the settings of this program and remove it from the system, then restart the computer. In most cases, the Recycle Bin will return back after the first system boot.

If various tweakers were used in the form of executable files, then it is necessary to roll back the changes made by them. To do this, they usually attach a similar file that returns the default settings. If such a file is not in the originally downloaded set, look for it on the Internet, preferably on the same resource where you downloaded the tweaker. Refer to the forum in the appropriate section.

Method 2: Personalization menu

This method will be useful to users who are faced with one of two reasons for the icon to disappear from the desktop.

Method 3: Edit Local Group Policy Settings

However, keep in mind that Group Policy is only available on editions of the Windows operating system that are higher than Home Basic.

Convenient and fast access to the Basket will help you quickly access to deleted files, restore them in case of accidental deletion, or permanently delete them from your computer. Regular cleaning of the Recycle Bin from old files will help to significantly increase the amount of free space on the system partition.

When your desktop is a mess, you can delete anything in a hurry, even the trash. And in order not to run around later and not ask a question like “I deleted the basket - how to restore it”, you need to know some ways to restore it.

Method 1: Restore the Recycle Bin using Group Policy

The first method is quite simple, we use group policy some adjustments will need to be made. Launch Group Policy, to do this, click " Start - Run” and in the line we write: gpedit.msc

Next, a window opens in front of us in which you need to go along the following path: “ User configuration» — « Administrative Templates» — « Desktop". Looking for label Remove trash icon from desktop" and right-click on it: select the item " Properties».

In the window that opens, select " Not set", click" OK».

We restart the computer and, if it does not help, then we will use the following method.

Method 2: Restore the Recycle Bin using the Registry

How to restore the trash on the desktop using the registry. To do this, click " Start - Run"and write in the line regedit in order to get into the registry editor.

Here we go according to the path:


Click on a section namespace right click and select " Create - Section»

Sometimes the recycle bin, or rather its icon, disappears from the desktop unknown reasons. Naturally, this causes certain inconveniences when using a computer. After all, it is with its help that complete removal files from your computer and hard drive space. In this article, we will tell you how to return the trash to the desktop in Windows 7.

The easiest and most effective way to restore the trash icon

First you need to go to the desktop settings. To do this, right-click on any free space desktop and select " Personalization«.

Screen personalization

In the upper left part of the window that opens, select " Changing Desktop Icons«.

Desktop Icon Management

Enabling Recycle Bin Icon on Desktop in Winodws 7

If the checkbox is checked, but the basket is still not on the desktop, then you need to uncheck it and click the "OK" button at the bottom of the window. Then open "Change Desktop Icons" again, check the "Recycle Bin" box and click "OK".

But imagine what you will do if you suddenly find that the system shortcut is missing - Recycle Bin? Well, yes, a difficult question, especially when you so rarely use this element of the desktop.

There can be many reasons from a banal operating system to simple manual intervention by users, but this is not so important, since we are interested in the moment of restoring the Recycle Bin ...

Like any computer malfunction, this problem has several solutions. Each of which is effective in its own way, often for one reason or another one method may not work, so try each one in turn until you achieve the desired result.

Fix #1

The easiest option is to restore the "Trash" shortcut, re-create it on the desktop.

Fix #2

The next option uses system settings design.

Fix #3

For the third method, we need to use the "Group Policy Object Editor".

  1. To get started, press the Win + R key combination to open the Run window.
  2. Enter the following value:
    and press the "Enter" key
  3. The Group Policy Object Editor window will open in front of you, in which follow the path: User configuration ? Administrative Templates? Desktop.
  4. Then, on the right side, right-click on the "Remove Recycle Bin icon from the desktop" item and select "Properties"
  5. Go to the "Parameters" tab
  6. Check "Not configured" and click "OK"
  7. Restart your computer to apply the changes.

Note! The Group Policy Editor is not present in all versions of operating systems. Windows systems, for example, Windows 7 (Seven) Home Basic does not include this settings tool.
