Processor fan error what to do. When loading - CPU Fan Error - what to do? Visual inspection of cooler operation

- this inscription appears on a black screen at the very beginning of the computer boot. Until you press the F1 key, nothing happens, but then the computer boots up and works fine. What could be the reason for such a message?

If literally translated given error, then the translation will sound something like this: "PROCESSOR FAN ERROR, PRESS F1". From the message it is clear that something is wrong with the CPU fan, but how to fix it?

First of all, you need to look into the system unit of the computer and see if the fan is really not spinning. To do this, turn on the computer with the cover removed. system block and make sure that the fan on the processor starts working immediately after pressing the power button on the case. The fan should rotate freely without extraneous sounds and jamming. If this did not happen, that is, the fan remained motionless after turning on the computer, then you definitely need to look for the cause inside the computer.

First, pay attention to the cleanliness of the fan. It is quite possible that it is already so clogged with dust that it cannot rotate. It also happens that something got into the fan and jammed it. I had a similar situation when a small holder broke off inside the laptop as a result of a fall, which got into the fan and jammed it.

If the fan is clean and nothing prevents it from rotating, then check that the fan is connected correctly. You may have been tampering with the inside of the case and accidentally disconnected the fan power cable from the motherboard or plugged it into the wrong connector. If everything is fine in this regard, then try connecting the fan power cable to a different connector on motherboard. As a rule, there are several or more such connectors. detailed information you can find their location in your motherboard manual. Thus, problems with motherboard, because for some reason the power connector itself may not work.

The next step is to replace the CPU fan. You need to carefully remove the fan and go to the computer store with it and pick up an analogue.

Well, what could be the cause of the “CPU FAN ERROR PRESS F1” error if the fan rotates when the computer is turned on? This question is difficult to answer, but I can assume that perhaps due to the low fan speed, the system considers it insufficient and issues a warning. In this case, it is worth trying to replace the fan with a new one.

There is another way to get rid of this error, but I don't really like it. The fact is that some BIOSes have a system monitor - that is, a section in which computer parameters are displayed. This section is usually called Power or Hardware Monitor. You can turn off fan speed monitoring in it and the error will disappear immediately, but this does not mean that everything will be fine, the system will simply stop monitoring problems with the processor cooling system. Once again, I want to emphasize that not all BIOSes have such settings, so for more detailed information, refer to the manual from your motherboard.

I also wanted to draw attention to the fact that reinstalling Windows when a CPU FAN ERROR error occurs, PRESS F1 will not help in any way. I have repeatedly encountered the fact that users are trying to get rid of the error by reinstalling operating system but they are just wasting their time. This error appears before Windows starts loading and the operating system has nothing to do with it.

In addition to the CPU FAN ERROR PRESS F1 error, there are other messages that also suggest pressing the F1 key to continue booting the computer. I talked about some of these messages in the note ""

Surely most of us have encountered a problem that at first glance is quite difficult to solve. It occurs when installing operating systems Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows XP. In fact, it is not so difficult to solve the problem that has arisen. In this article, you can find a suitable way to fix Error loading operating system.

What does this error mean?

First you need to understand a little about the essence of the error itself and what it is. Typically, this problem occurs during the process of turning on and loading the operating system. personal computer. In this case, the following is observed: a black screen and only one inscription in English “Error loading operating system”, which, in fact, means “error loading operating system”.

There may be several reasons for this:

  • Old version of BIOS on PC. In this case, the BIOS does not support hard drives with a large amount of memory;
  • Incorrect settings in the BIOS for the specified disk;
  • Boot partition not working properly hard drive. Most often this happens due to the abrupt supply of voltage in the networks.

How to fix error loading operating system code

If, when you turn on your personal computer, you still encounter such a problem, then there is a way how to try to fix the problem yourself.

1). First of all, check the BIOS boot order, make sure that the one you need in this moment HDD is in priority for loading. If this is not the case, then change the order yourself.

2). The second thing you can do is edit the BIOS settings. Enter the BIOS itself and go to the settings of the hard drive that did not boot. Adjust the "Access mode" parameter to the "Large" state.

3). If you are the owner of Windows XP (by the way, it is with this Windows version most often such an unpleasant, but quite solvable problem occurs), then you will need to use the installation disk of your operating system (OS Windows XP) to log into the system. To do this, you must first enter the BIOS, insert the disk into the drive and try to boot from this installation disk. In the menu, you need to press "R" in order to call the command to restore the operating Windows systems xp. Next, select the desired OS and enter the command to check the disk chkdsk /P/R, then press the "Enter" key. A little patience and time to complete the process, after which you can exit the program.

This console should appear Windows Recovery XP

4). Also, when faced with such a problem, you can generally update the BIOS version. This method is effective.

5). Edit the boot option of the operating system. It is necessary to do everything in the same way as in the third case. After you have entered the menu and restored the operation of the OS using the “R” key, you need to enter the number of the desired operating system (this is usually one), and then start typing through following:


After that, you need to exit again and your PC will boot up again. Starting with Windows 7 and other recent operating systems, you can enter a value bootrec. And for Windows XP, the order of commands will be as follows:

bootrec /FixMbr
bootrec /FixBoot
bootrec /ScanOs
bootrec /rebuildBcd

When the computer is turned on, the BIOS polls all devices and compares the received parameters with those loaded into the system, and also analyzes the operation of power and cooling systems. If during loading you received a warning like: CPU fan error press F1, then this means that you have a problem with the cooling system. The reason for the occurrence is that the fan on the processor heatsink either does not rotate or does not show any signs of its operation.

cooler- this is nothing more than a combination of a metal heatsink that takes and removes heat from a hot processor chip or other microcircuit, and a fan that creates a powerful directional airflow, dissipating and removing excess heat from the heatsink.

Visual inspection of the cooler:

  1. Open the cover of the computer system unit;
  2. Turn on the power button;
  3. Check if the cooler is spinning.

If the fan does not rotate or twitches, then there can be two reasons:

  1. The fan is stuck because too much dust has accumulated in it, which prevents the active rotation of the blades;
  2. The fan itself or one of its components has failed.

In the first case you need:

  1. Carefully snap off the latches on the cooling system (disconnect the fastener from the connector or board);
  2. No less carefully remove the cooling system from the processor;
  3. Unscrew or remove the fan;
  4. Blow out the radiator (best with a vacuum cleaner);
  5. Clean the cooler;
  6. Install and fix the cooler on the radiator;
  7. Install the cooler in its place;
  8. Connect the fan power to the connector marked CPU_FAN;
  9. Test work.

If the fan does not show signs of life or does not work correctly, then it should be replaced with a similar or similar one in terms of characteristics.

For reliable transfer and distribution of heat from the processor die to the heatsink. It is designed for smoothing and reliable contact of surfaces in order to transfer heat. How best quality thermal paste, the better the heat transfers from the processor to the radiator, that is, the better processor cools down.

This error can also occur if you connect the CPU cooler power to the wrong connector. For example, instead of a CPU Fan, you connect it to additional connectors, such as Chassis Fan or Power Fan, as a result of which the BIOS does not recognize the operation of the cooler and generates an error.

Correcting BIOS values:\

  1. Go to the BIOS menu;
  2. Find the item Hardware Monitor;
  3. Check the value for starting the fan rotation, as well as its speed. If you set the turn-on threshold too high, you can get overheated even before the cooler works.

You can disable monitoring of the rotation and operation of the fan in the CPU Fan Speed ​​section of the Hardware Monitor menu item. To do this, just set the value to ignore. In this case, you must monitor the operation of the fan yourself, as well as the temperature of the processor. If a cooling system failure occurs, it will be much more difficult for you to determine the problem, and there is also a risk of damage to the processor due to its overheating.

And the most common POST system messages. Now I want to continue the previously open topic.

So, after turning on the computer, the POST computer device self-test program starts. After her successful completion, the BIOS searches for a device from which the computer will boot. This device can be any storage medium - a hard drive, flash drive, CD / DVD drive, etc.

How is this search made?

The fact is that the BIOS already has a list of devices from which it is possible to boot the computer and the search for a boot device is carried out in accordance with the order of devices in this list. The BIOS section that contains the list of boot devices is usually called Boot(boot) and the order of devices in this list, if desired, can be changed.

When the computer boots, the BIOS scans all devices in the list in order until it finds a device with boot files. This stops the search for boot devices and control of the computer boot is transferred to the program, boot files which were found (in most cases this program is the operating system Windows).

You can change the order of devices in the BIOS boot list. This is usually done like this: immediately after turning on the computer (at the stage of passing the POST check), you need to press the key Delete.

In this note, I publish screen shots of my ASUS EEE PC 1000H netbook, the BIOS view in your case may be slightly different.

Sometimes the BIOS access key may be different and this should be clarified in the motherboard manual, but in most cases it will be Delete or, as in my case, F2.

Once in the BIOS, you need to find the section responsible for the boot sequence from devices. This section is usually called Boot.

To navigate through the BIOS menu, the cursor keys are usually used - up, down, right and left arrows. The key is used to enter the menu section. Enter, and to exit Esc.

On the menu Boot you will see a list like this:

So, after passing the POST check, the BIOS polls all the devices in the list in order until it finds an available boot device. The presence of a device in the boot list does not mean its physical presence in the computer. So in the boot list, the CD / DVD drive may be in the first place, but at the time of booting the disk will not be installed in the drive and therefore the BIOS will move to the next device in the list.

Once a boot device is found, the computer boot process continues from there. Special active partition a device in which the boot information (files) is located and the operating system kernel is loaded, to which then all control of the computer boot process is transferred.

If such a device is not found, or there are no boot files on it, or the boot files are corrupted, an error message is displayed and the boot process stops.

There may be several errors:

  • non system disk
  • Invalid system disk
  • System disk error
  • NTLDR is missing

What to do if you see one of these messages?

First of all, find out in the BIOS the boot order from the computer's devices. It is possible that you have a CD / DVD drive first and some disk was installed in it during boot.

If the message continues to appear, then there is most likely a corruption system files. There can be a lot of reasons for this - from infection of a computer with viruses, to unreasonable actions of the user himself. In this case, you can try to restore Windows, but this is a very delicate matter and it is very difficult to recommend a clear algorithm of actions here that would suit everyone and in all cases.

If the failure is caused by viruses or malware, then you can try to restore the system using Dr.Web LiveDisk . This free program, with which you can boot the computer not from a hard drive, but from a USB flash drive. You can then scan your computer for viruses and fix problems.

There are hundreds of other programs that help you recover your computer after a crash, but they are all built on the same principle as those mentioned above.

And one more piece of advice - if on a computer, or rather on drive C ( system drive) you didn’t have anything archival, then by the very simple solution problems will be reinstallation Windows .

If important information yes, this is where things get more complicated. I would recommend not trying to restore the operating system, but removing the hard drive from the computer, connecting it with a second drive to a working computer and moving it necessary information from drive C to another, for example, D. Then return the hard drive back and reinstall the operating system, formatting drive C.

Why I don't like to restore Windows? Yes, because, as my experience shows, this is a thankless and temporary business. Usually, similar errors happen in very "cluttered" operating systems and the restoration of several damaged files they do not solve the problem globally - soon either the problem repeats or new errors appear. Therefore, I prefer, firstly, to keep my operating system clean, and secondly, I never bother with restoring damaged files, but reinstall the system from scratch.

Of course, reinstalling the operating system for a novice user is a dark matter and is unlikely to do without outside help, but still it is worth learning. I have all the necessary information on my site for this - the video course "How to install Windows".

Don't miss the opportunity to do a good deed:

This error may arise after turning on the computer initialization devices.

At normal operation BIOS produces analysis operation of power supply and cooling systems with normal parameters, if there are no malfunctions, further launch systems.

If cpu fan error appears during boot, then this warning associated with the operation of the processor fan. The error is not critical, it can be disable in the BIOS, however, ignoring it can be dangerous due to the likely overheating processor. To disable this option, we find the Boot section in the BIOS parameter Wait For F1 If Error translate into " Disabled«.


To troubleshoot first recommended check how freely the processor cooler rotates and whether it works at all. Perhaps he is just not connected. Often, its normal operation can be hindered by a large amount of accumulated between the blades dust.

If you have a desktop computer, then access to this fan is free. Unscrewing and removing it is not difficult.

The situation is more difficult with laptops. Here you may need dismantle keyboard and remove a lot of screws before you can get to cooler.

Having reached the fan, carefully cleaning. Large dust particles can be removed with tweezers, small - using vacuum cleaner.

The cooler must rotate free, there should be no dust on the radiator.

To improve thermal conductivity, replace thermal paste processor, this will result in better heat dissipation and decrease the number of fan revolutions required for cooling.

Among the possible reasons malfunctions may be cooler connection to the power connector on the information panel, instead of the standard one on the motherboard. In this case, BIOS does not recognize this fan is like cpu fan. Produce what you need switching.

If this does not help, try to remember if you changed the maximum rotational speed cooler, for example, in order to reduce the noise of its operation. This may also be cause such an error.

reset BIOS settings to the factory settings, in which these are optimally configured options. For more advanced users can try to set the optimal work speed, at which there will be no errors and at the same time the noise will not increase.
