Correct hamachi setup. How to virtualize a network - installing and configuring Hamachi

In order to be able to establish a direct network connection with another subscriber, Hamachi provides each user with a unique permanent external ip-address, which in the future will be used as the main means of connection.

Hamachi interface

Despite the apparent external complexity, setting up and using the Hamachi utility is quite easy, because this program has a terribly simplified, well-thought-out and intuitive interface.

Registering an account with Hamachi

After downloading and installing / installing the program on a computer, for starters, it needs register. Create a username/password for yourself, register and enter the program. Now, all you have to do is add some networks to Hamachi to find other users. After that, you can chat with them about the game, file transfer, etc.

Creating your own network in Hamachi

With Hamachi, you can easily create your own own network, so that, for example, to let only certain people go there, as well as fully manage it (delimit the statuses and access rights of users) and control all subscribers. To do this, click on the option "Create a new network" in the central window of the program or on the control panel in the column "Net". Give it a name (network ID) and a password (more than three characters are required!). After that, you must provide this data to all users that you want to see in it. Use icq, skype, email e-mail mail or just post a message on the forum or in the comments on some site. There are actually quite a few options on how to notify the right people! As soon as they receive the login / password from your network, they will immediately be able to join it. To contact them, both group and personal chat will be available. In addition, you will see the external ip-address of each of them, which you will later use to establish a connection.

Connecting to Third Party Networks in Hamachi

Today, there are many different Hamachi networks on the Internet dedicated to different games and the like. They are easy to find on all kinds of gaming sites and portals. All you need to connect to any of them is your login (network ID) and password! Find a site, look at the network you like, launch Hamachi, click in the central window of the program or in the "Network" column on the option "Connect to existing network" , correctly enter (or better copy and paste!) login / password to it and, go ahead! The local public must have been waiting for you! In a third-party network, you will have access to almost the same functions (personal and group chat, file transfer, viewing data about other subscribers), with the exception of those that its admin and moderators have, as well as certain restrictions set by them (if any).

How to play with Hamachi

So, you did everything right and the program is installed, configured, networks created / added, players are waiting ... A natural question arises: "But how to play through Hamachi ?!"

Everything is extremely simple. To begin with, through the chat, agree on a game with one of the opponents. Then, without turning off Hamachi, both players start the game on their computers, enter the network mode (in each game it can be called differently: "multiplayer", "team game", "online game" , " online game", etc.) and select the game option "local network" (it can also be called differently in different games). Then (by agreement in advance) one player creates a server, and the second gamer connects to it, driving in the required login fields and the ip-address of the opponent, which are in Hamachi.As you can see, it couldn't be easier!However, do not forget to take into account that both players must have installed the same version of the game(taking into account the options and modifications of repacks, patches and additions), otherwise there may be problems with the connection and the game!

Some problems with Hamachi

Like any network program, Hamachi may experience certain problems when working. Try to fix them by doing the following.

1) Connection failures often occur if users have different versions of the program. Try updating to one version or installing the latest.

2) Disable while playing antiviruses and firewalls(including the firewall on the router / router) or add Hamachi to them in "Exceptions".

3) Disable Firewall in Windows(successively press Start --> Control Panel --> system and safety --> Windows Firewall ) or disable Hamachi restrictions in it.

4) In Windows 7 and Vista you need make Hamachi network "Home network"(open Control Panel --> Network and Internet--> " and look at the Hamachi network icon, it should show a house with " home network", if not, select the home network option).

5) To troubleshoot connection issues, you need to increase hamachi network priority(open sequentially Control Panel --> Network and Internet --> Network and Sharing Center --> Change adapter settings --> Network connections--> click alt, to call function menu --> Additionally --> Extra options --> mouse click on Hamachi and click the green arrow on the right to move Hamachi to the top).

Hamachi is a program that allows you to create your own secure network from various computers on the Internet as if these computers were connected to each other by a physical network. In addition, using Hamachi, you can create a LAN (local area network) on top, that is, separately from the Internet. Of course, this method greatly increases its reliability, and the penetration of outsiders into this network becomes almost impossible. In this article, we will tell you how to set up Hamachi in such a way that the network is as efficient as possible. We will talk about how to set up Hamachi on Windows 7 and other operating systems, and we will start by describing the installation of this program.

Installing Hamachi

Everything is simple here. After you have downloaded the installation file, run it on your computer (if you do not trust the source from which you downloaded it, check for viruses before that) and click "Next". Now we need to agree to the terms of use of the program by checking the box in the right place, and click "Next" again. Then we will be asked to specify the directory (folder) in which the system will install Hamachi - here you can also select options such as downloading the program along with Windows boot and adding a launcher icon to the desktop.

Don't forget to check the box next to "Block vulnerable services...". Then we select the non-commercial use of the program "Non-commercial license" and click on the "Install" button. Next, the installer will perform all the necessary operations, after which it will be possible to start setting up the application.

How to set up Hamachi on Windows 7

To do this, look at your desktop. See the icon bar at the bottom? We need the right corner of this panel. Find the network icon there (it looks like a computer monitor) and click on it right click mice. In the drop-down menu, select the bottom item (“Network and Sharing Center ...”) by clicking on it with the left mouse button. Now in the menu that appears, select "Advanced" and then "Advanced Options".

You will see a list of connections under "Connections". Move the connection labeled "Hamachi" to the very top of the list and configure the bottom menu for that connection accordingly under the heading "Hamachi Bindings". In this menu, you need to check the box next to the items "Internet Protocol Version 4" and uncheck the items "Internet Protocol Version 6". This is very important for Hamachi to work correctly.

Now find the item "Change adapter settings" on the left and click on it. Here you also need to uncheck the “6th protocol” and put it on the “4th”. In addition, for protocol version 4, select "Properties" - the button is located just below the right. In the IP address field, enter the address exactly as specified in the main window of the Hamachi program. Now click on the "Advanced" button (it's at the bottom). You will see the Advanced TCP/IP Settings menu. On the “IP Settings” tab, in the “Interface Metric” item (it is at the very bottom), set the value to 10. That’s all, now it remains to restart the computer and you can operate the program, so to speak, in full mode.

How to set up Hamachi on Windows XP

Here the settings are similar to Windows 7, but somewhat simpler. Call the "Start" menu (round button in the lower left corner of the desktop) Control Panel and click on "Network Connections". Next, click on the "Advanced" tab and then "Advanced Options". Just as in the case of Windows 7, you need to put Hamachi at the top of the list, otherwise there will be no effect from the program. Now it remains only to restart the computer and see if the settings are saved. If Windows Firewall is blocking Hamachi on your computer, make an exception for the program by selecting Firewall in the Control Panel or by going to its settings from the blocking message dialog box. That's all: the program will start its work.

Good day, dear friends, readers, visitors and other personalities :)

Today's article will be useful rather for the gaming contingent (or, more simply, for gamers), but for general, so to speak, development, it will also be useful for all other types of computer users (especially for beginners or average IT people).

This article is about a program that allows you to create a virtual private network (VPN - Virtual Private N etwork) and use it for your own selfish purposes. This program is called - (in the common people - Hamster).

About Hamachi

Here's what the official website tells us:

LogMeIn Hamachi is a VPN hosted service that securely connects devices and networks and provides virtual LAN capability for mobile users, distributed teams, and business applications. You can easily create secure virtual networks on demand via public and private networks. can be securely managed and maintained from anywhere via a web interface.

In other words, it is a virtual local area network that imitates a physical one, as if deployed on the basis of (relatively speaking, on top of) an Internet channel. What are its advantages and why do we need it?

Consider two use cases: Gaming (hello to gamers) and Office (for companies, offices, corporations, etc.)

  • Game occasion : let's say you want to play a game together (by local network), but you are at different providers or even far from each other, or in the game there is simply no such item as " Play over the Internet"but there is a possibility" Play on LAN".
    The program just does what unites you into one network (or rather imitates it) and gives a specific IP address (which looks like 5.xx.xx.xx for IPv4), thus making you think operating system that you are in the same physical local area network (and not just trying to connect to each other far away). Then everything is simple: you create a room (network), your friend connects to it and that's it .. You can play.
  • Office Case: You have several computers scattered throughout the area. And you need to somehow make a local network out of all this so that you can access computers and use shared resources (files, etc.) as if you were sitting in the same office.
    The program will help you with this. You create a room, add computers to it, and share (open general access) anything you need.

In a nutshell, and as accessible as possible somehow.

Installing and configuring Hamachi

The program has a friendly interface (especially since version 2.0), is completely in Russian and can be used free of charge (for non-commercial purposes and with minor restrictions).

You can download it from the official site, namely from here (select "Unmanaged mode").

The free version is different from licensed theme that it does not cost 200 American dead presidents a year and has a limitation, namely that it allows you to organize networks (rooms) with a maximum of 16 computers each.

I will not dwell on the installation, there is nothing complicated there. Let's talk about setting up this miracle of programmer thought.

We run the program and see the following window:

Where we immediately cheerfully poke into the blue button in order to, in fact, turn on this holiday of the soul.

After this, another window will appear, where we indicate some of our client name (see the screenshot above).

Now consider the Option to create your own network. To do this, click on the blue button " Create a new network..".

Here, as you can see, there are two fields:

  • The identifier is the unique name of the network (you can use a space between words). Cannot be repeated, i.e. if someone has already named their network, for example, " My magic web", then you can no longer give yours such a name.
  • The password is, in fact, the password for accessing your network, using which other members will connect to it. You also can not specify it, but anyone who knows the name (identifier) ​​of this network can get into your network.

Having set these, we press the "Create" button, after which we get a network to which our comrades can connect.

Let's return to the second blue button, namely to "Connect to existing network".

Here we are met by all the same two fields - " Identifier and Password".
In the first, as you already understood, you indicate the name of the network, and in the second, enter the password, if any.
Let's move on to the settings. For this, we click in the program window: " System - Settings".

There are three tabs, namely "Status", "Security" and "Parameters":

  • Status .
    On this tab, you can change your username, which will be seen by other members of your network, as well as see some information about the server.
  • Safety .
    Security settings are set here, you can conjure with keys and users (block unwanted ones, etc.).
  • Options .
    Well, here you can disable the splash screen, enable encryption, compression or updates. Actually, it is also possible to go to additional settings and picking up all sorts of differences there, but I would not recommend it unnecessarily. What's more, it works just fine.

There is nothing more to say about creating and connecting to the network, and therefore I will tell you a few words about management:

  • Unwanted (or capricious) users can always be deleted (right-click on the user in the main program window and select "Exclude").
  • As for changing the password, just right-click on the network name and select " Set access". Here you can change the previously assigned password, as well as prohibit new users from accessing your network (for which you check the box next to " Do not accept new network members") or manually authorize users.
    Once you have logged into the network, then all you can do with it is to leave this network.. :)
  • You can communicate with users through a private chat (right-click on the user -> "Chat"), or general (right-click on the network name and the item " Open chat window").
  • By the way, you can always check the user's availability (right-click on the nickname in the list and "Check Availability") to send packets. If this does not happen, then their firewall may be blocking access to the program.
  • Selecting the "Browse" option from the same context menu, You can use shared resources (folders, files, etc.).

Something like this;)


Perhaps that's all.
As always, if there are any questions, additions, etc., I will always be glad to see them in the comments to this article.

See you soon! ;)

PS: For the existence of this article, a special thanks to a friend of the project and a member of our team under the nickname “barn4k“.

Hamachi is a popular application for building VPN connections and simulating local networks. With this utility, users can combine several gaming machines under one private virtual P2P network. This usually uses an internet connection.

Setting up Hamachi often causes some difficulties for gamers. And this is not surprising: despite the ease of use, self-installation may seem like a sufficient test for ordinary user. It is in order to help our readers understand the Hamachi settings that we have compiled a small but useful information guide.

A couple of common words

In what situations do users start thinking about using Hamachi? Usually the utility comes to the rescue when the player fails to physically establish local connections. An example is the combination of several computers, the owners of which live in different parts of the same city.

Hamachi helps connect one user to another by providing a unique permanent external IP address. It is in this way that further connection will be made.

About the interface

Although setting up Hamachi may seem like a chore for advanced users, it really isn't. Part of the merit of the simple development of the program lies in its simple and clear interface. It is not only well thought out and intuitive to the average user, but also simplified to the maximum. On the top control panel is the Hamachi settings menu with all the important options. Below you can find all detailed information about the external IP address, networks added or created, and all currently connected players.

We create our own network

The most Last update supports Hamachi setup for Windows 10, however earlier versions are also available for download. After downloading the program and registering an account, you can proceed to create new network. As the main admin, the user will take control and be able to control all participants in the connection.

As soon as all players have data for the new network, each of them will be able to connect to the created network. Communication with session participants can be maintained using group and personal chats. The admin will also receive information about the external IP addresses connected to the user's network.

How to connect to a third party network?

Currently, you can find a huge number of ready-made Hamachi networks created by other users for various games. For a third-party connection, the player will need information about the login and password of any network he likes.

We launch Hamachi, select the "Network" column located on the control panel, and click on connect to an already installed network. We recommend copying and pasting your username/password data, as it will be more secure than manually typing on the keyboard.

After that, an automatic connection to an already running session will occur. Hamachi will also allow the player to use private and group chats, transfer files and view information about other players. The network will have its own admin and several moderators, so any user can be banned for inappropriate behavior (or other comments).

Playing through Hamachi: subtleties and nuances

It is quite easy to start interacting with other users through the established network. To do this, you can simply agree with any of the participants about the upcoming game, using any convenient means of communication. After that, everyone should start the game itself and go to network mode. Each game calls this option differently: multiplayer, multiplayer, network play, online mode, etc.

Specifically, we are interested in the local network, therefore, it is necessary to select this particular line. The next step will again have to be discussed with partners. The fact is that only one player should be responsible for creating the server, and everyone else will be able to join it after.

It is also important not to forget about another important factor - the games of all participants in the session must have the same version. We are talking about the same set of installed content, updates, patches and other components. Otherwise, users may experience some difficulties when connecting.

Known Issues

Like any other customization game, Hamachi can experience a number of issues. We describe some of the solutions below.

  • Connection failed - common mistake that occurs when using different versions applications. We recommend that each user update his Hamachi installed.
  • When setting up Hamachi on Windows 7 (or Vista), the network being created must be converted to "Home". To do this, go to the "Network Control Center", which is located in the control panel.
  • Blocking incoming traffic - usually this problem recommends checking the Hamachi firewall settings. Her Possible Solution lies in the opening of ports, as well as in the direct connection of the Internet cable to the PC.

Proper installation and configuration helps to avoid unpleasant errors.

Many of us often like to play old games. However, many of them have closed servers and it is not possible to play with friends. In this case, the Hamachi program comes to the rescue, the main task of which is to create a local network over the Internet.

How to work with Hamachi on Windows 10?

In order for the installation of the program to be successful, you should perform a few simple steps:

  • Download the Hamachi installation file to your PC.
  • Disable during installation antivirus program, because sometimes the defender blocks the installation of software for creating servers.
  • We perform the installation and go into the program. Next, the Hamachi setup for Windows 10 will be as follows.
  • Right-click on the "Start" button and select "Network Connections".
  • The control window will open network connections. Right-click on the Hamachi network and select "Properties".

  • Now you need to open IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4). To do this, click on the "Advanced" button in the "IP Settings" tab and in the "Gateway" section, click "Delete".

  • In the "Interface Metric" field, enter the value "10" and click "OK".

After making these settings, you need to go to "Control Panel", "Windows Firewall" and add Hamachi to the exclusion list. We wrote earlier about how to add a program to the firewall exception list.

Now in the program itself, click "System", "Settings" and select the "Settings" tab. Opposite the item "Compression" and "Encryption" set "Disabled". We apply the changes.

Reload the program. You also need to enable desired service. To do this, press "Win + R" and enter "services.msc". The services window will open. Find "LogMeIn Hamachi Tunneling Engine" and run it.

After activating the service, you need to restart your PC and check the program for performance in Windows 10.

For more information on setting up Hamachi in Windows 10, see the video:
