Test mode windows 10 pro how to disable. Disabling test mode in Windows

Hello. This is a continuation of the first article about disabling validation. digital signature drivers, but this time we disable it permanently (well, or rather, as long as you need it). To begin with, about the essence of the Windows test mode. This mode was created for the convenience of developers and allows you to test drivers and some utilities without having to check the digital signature. That allows you not to sign each build of the driver or program to check its performance. This article is fully suitable for operating systems Microsoft Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7

Since not everyone needs it to be constantly on, I propose to break the article into two parts:

  1. Enabling test mode
  2. Disable Windows test mode

1. How to enable test mode in Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7

We open a command prompt with administrator rights, in modern operating systems, just right-click on the Start corner and select the appropriate item:

For the old operating system or those who have enabled PowerShell in the start menu, read this instruction, all the methods are described there.

In the window that opens, enter the following lines in order:

bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON

After restarting the system will be activated test mode, and a reminder of this will always be displayed in the lower right corner:

2. How to disable test mode in Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7

We will assume that we are already tired of messing around with test versions of drivers, or we are just tired of this inscription in the lower right corner, what should we do? Yes, everything is simple, open the command prompt again as an administrator and enter the following lines:

bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions ENABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

And we restart the system, after starting the test mode will be disabled, and the inscription at the bottom of the screen will disappear.

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Turn on test mode Windows 10

woodhummer 15.03.2017 - 21:37 Workshop

While working on a computer, situations sometimes arise (for example, when connecting Android devices to flash them) when you need to install specific and unsigned hardware drivers. In this case, it is best to use the Windows test mode. Let's consider this question in more detail.

Enable test mode in Windows command line

In order for the transition to the test mode to be successful, you must first turn off the "Secure Boot" mode ( Secure Boot)" in the BIOS, so before you start you need to go into BIOS settings(UEFI) of your computer. For various manufacturers motherboards the settings will be slightly different, but we will figure out how to disable "Secure Boot" using the example of our computer with a motherboard Asus board.

So: we start the BIOS (UEFI) and go to the "Download" section. In it, go to the item "Safe Boot" and click it with the mouse.

A small menu "OS Type" appears, in which we select the "Other OS" item.

We save the parameters and reboot. If there is no “Secure Boot” item in your BIOS menu, then it is already disabled at the hardware level and you do not need to perform the above steps.

Now you can run the "ten" in test mode to remove some OS restrictions, in particular those that are imposed when installing unsigned drivers. Open a command prompt (with administrator rights), enter the following command:

bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON

We are waiting for the completion of the execution of each of the commands, after which the system will issue a corresponding notification.

Close the window, reboot. After the reboot, next to the notification panel, we will see an inscription reminiscent of the mode in which the operating system is now working.

You can disable the test mode in a similar way, only the command syntax will be slightly different:

bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF

If the command gives an error, turn off the "Safe Boot" mode in the BIOS.


Performing actions in command line, be careful. And remember - running Windows 10 in test mode reduces the security of the operating system at times.

updated: 03/15/2017

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How to disable Test Mode in Windows 10 (Test Mode)

In Windows 10, more and more are given security measures to protect the user from various threats, from failure installed programs. One of these innovations was the Secure Boot feature of UEFI systems, which prohibits the installation of unsigned drivers in the operating system in such a way that they could only install those that were previously approved by the company. Fortunately for users who need to install a specific, unsigned driver for special reasons, there is a Windows 10 Test Mode feature.

Windows 10 Test Mode is a special mode of operation that allows users to install unsigned drivers and run software without a digital signature from Microsoft. This mode is good because you can run one or another driver and see the consequences on the system without any risks. When you turn on Test Mode, you will see a watermark on the screen, but what if it turns on by itself? And how to disable test mode in Windows 10.

How to enable or disable Test Mode in Windows 10

  • 1. Remember that when you turn off the test mode, the function may cause the driver or program to not work correctly.
  • 2. Keep in mind, if you have Secure Boot enabled in BIOS, we will not be able to enable it manually. (Go to BIOS and look for Secure function Boot, disable it if necessary. It's usually off by default, so don't worry.)
  • 3. If it worked automatically and the Test Mode watermark appeared on the screen and you just need to disable the test mode, go directly to step 4.

Step 1: Run Command Prompt as Administrator:

  • Click Search.
  • Enter cmd.
  • Click right click click on Command Prompt and run as administrator.

Step 2. To enable test mode, enter the following commands:

Bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON

Step 3. To disable test mode in windows 10, enter:

Bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF

Step 4. If step 3 did not help, then try these commands to disable:

Bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions ENABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

Bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF

Restart your computer or laptop.

See also:

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How to enable or disable test mode in Windows 7. 8. 10.

In order to use the test operating mode of the operating Windows systems(7. 8. 10.) you need to perform a couple of simple manipulations with the "Command Line" utility - not to be confused with " safe mode»…

It is probably unnecessary to talk about any "benefits" of such regimes, and if you are studying this article, then you yourself are probably aiming for a certain benefit! So… Test mode can be very useful for the average PC user. - for example, to sign (and install) unsigned drivers!

Below in the text, without unnecessary words, we will learn how to start and disable the test mode of the Windows OS using the Command Line, or with one useful utility for an unenlightened user ...

disable digital signature verification for drivers in Windows 7

Our goal is to have a warning about the test use of the Windows OS in the lower right corner of the Desktop. That is, this inscription indicates that our system is operating in one mode or another.

how to enable or disable test mode windows 7 8 10

In order to start (and subsequently turn off) test modes:

... you should, as mentioned, use the command line ... (how to run the command line) in the "lines ..." window that opens, enter the following commands: (you can copy)

bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING ON - to enable test mode

bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING OFF - to turn off test mode

Do not forget:

reboot the operating system - only in this case the test mode will be turned off or on.

maybe for someone more affordable way:

disable test mode using the Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider (DSEO) utility

So: everything is banal - Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider (DSEO) - download and unpack the archive!

You can download ... well, somewhere here ... by the way, on the page you can read something ...

You will also have something like this window after a successful launch:

After starting "DSEO", all you need to do to enable or disable the test mode in Windows is to select the one you need - respectively: Enable Test Mode (on) or (off) Disable Test Mode.

This method has nuances, if the test mode is enabled - it will be enabled all the time.

It must be said that the method with the DSEO utility is officially called upon to test fresh new drivers.

As mentioned: in the lower corner there will be an inscription "Windows test mode ..."

To remove the inscription (exit the test mode), select Disable Test Mode.

At the next restart Windows- for a few seconds, a “choice” of the boot option will appear - with signature verification ... or without any checks.

We choose the usual boot option ... well, or the modes we need ...

Here is a complete selection of Hotkeys for Windows - with detailed explanations ...

That seems to be what he said on the current topic ...

What is not clear, ask questions ...

MIG subscription - ERA of useful knowledge!!

If something is not clear and you have questions, share in the comments. Together we can do a lot! Take care of yourself - complitra.ru!


Disable Test Mode in Windows 10

If you stumbled upon this article, then you are probably the one. happy owner the words "Test mode" in the lower corner of the screen, with the name installed system and with information about its edition and assembly.

Usually, most users confuse such an inscription with system activation and, instead of turning off the test mode, they frantically try to activate Windows using an activator.

In this instruction, we will look at what can cause the test mode to appear, and also, I will show you the easiest way to disable the same test mode in Windows 10 and permanently get rid of the annoying inscription in other modern systems Windows.

The reason for the appearance of the test mode inscription

Most often, the launch of the test mode for users occurs imperceptibly. Most often this happens automatically when you try to install drivers that do not have a digital signature or various programs, which during the installation campaign could close a request to the user to turn on the test mode to continue the installation, but the user, due to his carelessness, could press the consent button without reading what they wanted from him to continue the installation.

But, sometimes there are cases when the user himself just needs to go into test mode in order to install some kind of driver for the device test device Or something like that.

In general, in a nutshell, the test mode is turned on at the moment when the verification of the digital signature of the driver has been disabled on the computer by the user.

How to get rid of or disable test mode

So for complete shutdown test mode sequentially execute this:

Getting rid of test mode in Windows 10 using a third-party utility

There is also another option that will help you get rid of the annoying watermark without completely disabling it, as we did in the first method.

For example, if you know for sure that you have programs or devices in your system that will not work 100% without a test mode, then this option is ideal for you, as it does not completely disable it, but only removes the watermark from the desktop .

If you don’t know if something can stop working without test mode, then I recommend that you first use the first option by disabling the test mode completely in Windows 10, check the result and, if necessary, turn it back on while removing the sign using this option.

In general, in order to get rid of the inscription, we will use third party program with the name "Universal Watermark Disabler". She represents herself free app, which will help you get rid of most watermarks like test mode. By the way, according to the developer, the application should work without problems on all versions of dozens, eights and 8.1, but, unfortunately, this utility does not support Windwos 7.

I also noticed that more and more videos with reviews of this utility began to appear on Youtube. And from the comments, I can conclude that it really helps the majority, in principle, like me.

As a result, the test mode will remain in the working state, but the message with the notification about the enabled mode will no longer appear.

In general, as always, everything is easy and simple. By the way, if you turned off the test mode, but then decided to turn everything back, you will need to run one more command: , in the same command line and, of course, with admin rights.

Test mode has always been a problem with the Windows operating system, and it has not disappeared anywhere in Windows 10 either. When installing unsigned drivers on a computer, the user runs the risk of encountering a situation where he sees the inscription “Test mode” in the lower right corner of the screen, after which the exact name is indicated operating system and build version. The functionality of Windows will not decrease from this, but this inscription on the screen will take up space, which does not suit all users. In the framework of this article, we will consider: how to enable / disable the test mode in Windows 10 or simply remove the inscription.

What is Windows 10 test mode

Thousands of applications are being developed for the Windows operating system, each of which must be compatible with various computers. They differ not only in hardware, but also in the versions of installed operating systems. To test an application or, for example, an unsigned driver, the user can activate test mode in Windows 10. On versions of the 64-bit operating system, test mode also allows you to remove some security restrictions.

Activating the test mode in the Windows 10 operating system is quite simple, for this you need to do the following:

  1. Run command prompt as administrator;
  2. Enter the command in it: bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON
  3. Press Enter.

After such simple manipulations, the test mode will be activated.

There may be situations when the Windows 10 test mode is activated spontaneously. In such cases, it is better for the user to disable it as soon as possible, since in test mode the system is more vulnerable in terms of security. The test mode in Windows 10 is also disabled through the command line, run as administrator. You need to enter the following command in it:

Bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF

After entering the command, press Enter and restart your computer.

If this way did not help to correct the situation and after restarting the computer, the test mode remained activated, you will need to do the following:

  1. Run the command prompt as an administrator and use the command in it again: bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF
  2. Next, use the command: bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions ENABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
  3. And then enter the third command: bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF
  4. After that, the computer can be restarted and the test mode will be disabled.

Please note: The methods described above to enable and disable the test mode in Windows 10 are also relevant for previous versions of the operating system - Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1.

How to Hide Test Mode in Windows 10

The above described ways to disable test mode in Windows 10. But some users, for one reason or another, have to use it all the time, and they may just need to hide the inscription announcing the test mode, which is located in the lower right corner of the screen.

In the operating system settings, as well as using system utilities, you will not be able to hide information about the Windows 10 test mode. In order for the mode to remain activated, but the inscription has disappeared, you will need to apply a third-party solution. The most popular application that allows you to hide the inscription about the test mode in Windows 10 is Universal Watermark Disabler. This program can be downloaded from the official website of the developers, where it is distributed for free.

After downloading the Universal Watermark Disabler application, run it, click Install.

After that, the application will display a message (in most cases) that its work is on current assembly Windows has not been tested. Click Yes.

After that, from the lower right corner of the screen, the inscription that Windows 10 is running in test mode will disappear, while the system will continue to operate in test mode. If it needs to be disabled in the future, this can be done using the method described above.

Important: Please note that the Universal Watermark Disabler app may not work on new Windows builds 10. In this case, you can try to find its analogue, which are enough on the network.


If in the lower right corner of the desktop Windows desktop 10, the inscription “Test mode” appeared, which also includes information about the edition and assembly of the installed system, which means that a special mode for developers is enabled, which disables verification of the digital signature of drivers.

As a rule, the inscription "Test mode" appears as a result of manually disabling digital signature verification of drivers. That is, if you previously disabled such a check to install certain specific drivers that do not have a digital signature (for a smartphone, printer, scanner and other devices), then the test mode is activated accordingly, as evidenced by the mark located in the lower right corner of Windows 10 desktop

In the following instructions, we will take a closer look at how to disable the Windows 10 test mode, or leave it (if it is necessary for the operation of certain devices that use drivers without a digital signature), removing only the inscription.

To turn off the test mode and mandatory verification of the digital signature of drivers ( this method suitable for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7) requires:

bcdedit.exe /set TESTSIGNING OFF

bcdedit.exe /set loadoptions ENABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

  • Close command prompt → restart your computer.

As a result, test mode and digital signature verification Windows drivers 10 will be disabled.

If, on the contrary, you want to enable the test mode and enable driver signature verification, then similarly run the command prompt as an administrator and run the following commands:

bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON

  • Close command prompt → restart your computer.

How to easily remove the inscription "Test mode" in Windows 10

The free Universal Watermark Disabler program allows you to remove the corresponding label from the Windows 10 desktop, without disabling the test mode as such (in case such a mode is necessary for the operation of certain programs, equipment, and so on).

For this:

The next time you log in, the “Test Mode” inscription will no longer be displayed on the Windows 10 desktop, but in fact the operating system will work in it.


How to remove test mode windows 10

The test mode problem occurs to users quite often, with almost every version. And if earlier people were looking for tips on Windows 8.1, now the question of how to remove the test mode in windows 10 steadily appears on thematic forums. Before we deal with this problem, let's talk about the test mode and its features.

What is TR and why is it needed?

Many users, having seen the message “Test Mode” at the bottom of the screen, do not even understand what it is and why it appears so persistently in each Windows versions. In fact, everything is very simple: this mode removes restrictions when loading drivers into the system.

There are two types of drivers:

  1. Signed. These are drivers that have a digital signature, it is also an electronic security label. Microsoft has introduced special protection for 64-bit systems - the Device Driver Signature Enforcement (DDSE) level. Such drivers allow you to recognize their publisher, thanks to his signature, and if it is reliable, then you can be sure that the “firewood” has not been changed by anyone else.
  2. Unsigned. These drivers do not have a digital signature, as well as no signature of the author, so it is quite possible that they went through more than one fix of handy developers. And it's good if it was improved in some way, but there is a possibility that the drivers could fall into the hands of intruders. Despite this, unsigned drivers are good because they are compatible with 64-bit operating systems, since most licensed drivers work stably only on x32. However, there are also unsigned drivers on publishers' disks, and you can safely install them already.

Remove test mode

If you intend to use only licensed drivers, you need to find out how to remove the Windows 10 test mode. There is a fairly simple way:

Launch Command Prompt as administrator using the Win+R key combination. Or you can do it through "Start"

In the line that opens, enter cmd.

A window will open. In it, write "bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF", removing the quotes before that, and click on the "Enter" button.

As soon as you see a notification about a successful operation, you can restart your computer. When it turns on, you will no longer see the inscription at the bottom of the screen, notifying you that your system is again in test mode.

Test mode is now disabled. If you want to enable it, then you need to use the same algorithm by changing the "OFF" command to "ON". After restarting the PC, you will again see the inscription "Test mode".


How to disable test mode in Windows 10

Probably many have met with the inscription test mode, which appeared for some unknown reason, in the place where you could see the inscription about activating Windows. The reason may be the installation of unsigned drivers on the computer or the disabling of the digital signature verification function.

In this article, we will look at ways to disable Windows 10 test mode and how to enable it if necessary. In principle, the test mode itself does not reduce the functionality of the operating system, but many may not like the inscription, as it is simply annoying. You can remove the Windows 10 test mode inscription even without disabling the test mode, but this method will only hide the information that Test Mode is enabled.

So, to disable test mode in Windows 10, you need to open the command prompt as an administrator and run a few commands. If, when you click on Win + X, there is no command line item, then you should read the following article.

  1. Right-click on Start and select Command Prompt (Admin).
  2. Next, we execute the command in turn:

Remove the inscription test mode Windows 10 using Universal Watermark Disabler

An interesting way that does not disable the test mode itself, but only removes the test mode inscription. The method itself works thanks to the Universal Watermark Disabler utility, which removes the watermark on the desktop. The program itself is no longer working in the latest Windows 10 update, but if you do not use latest version Windows 10 or even previous versions Windows, then this method will work for you.

The method is not very effective, since your Windows 10 will continue to work in test mode.

How to enable test mode in Windows 10

If you suddenly need to enable test mode in Windows 10, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Command Prompt by pressing Win+X and selecting Command Prompt (Admin).
  2. Insert and run the following command:


I will also add that this inscription may appear both after installing the next update, and it may also disappear after installing the latest update. As you may have noticed, we always recommend stopping only the last windows updates 10.

In this article, we learned how to disable test mode in Windows 10. different ways: using the command line and the Universal Watermark Disabler utility. And also below you can watch the video in which everything will be shown clearly.


How to disable test mode in Windows 10

Urgent in our time, such a problem as disabling the test mode in Windows worries many users. It turns out that the problem is that as soon as it starts installing fresh drivers, the user himself may suspect such inscriptions as “test mode” on the screen of his device. After such an inscription, the name of the current operating system and the assembly version are usually indicated there.

In fact, from such an inscription, the device will not start to work worse, but it will not get better either. But there is another problem, not everyone is ready to put up with a decrease in space, as a result of the appearance of the inscription. Further, a very important question arises for the user: is it possible to put it where? and how to actually do it?

Test mode in Windows 10 operating system

Everyone knows that a bunch of applications have always been developed for an operating system like Windows, and the difference in them is not only in hardware, but also in the OS. Especially in order to learn and test any application, you can simply activate the test mode. Moreover, a couple of versions, such as 64-bit ones, can also remove some restrictions on the type of security, which is quite convenient to use.

In order to pass the activation of the test mode in Windows, you just need to do certain actions:

  • run command prompt as administrator;
  • enter the command bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON:\go to ok (enter).

This is how the test mode in Windows was easily activated.

The desire to enjoy the disabled test mode is quite real. After all, it often happens that such a mode simply turns on arbitrarily. Then it is better for the user to turn it off and do it as soon as possible. After all, not everyone knows that it is in test mode that the system is most vulnerable and irreparable harm can be done if precautionary measures are not taken in time in such a situation.

Here's how you can turn it off yourself:

  • call the command line using already known methods;
  • strictly run it as an administrator;
  • enter the following command here: bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF
  • Let's press enter now.
  • let's restart the computer.

Usually this method helps, but there are also cases when it is not possible to turn off the test mode when using it. For such a case, another step has been found, which often helps. Here's what you need to do and how to remove the Windows 10 test mode by another method:

  • Performed 1-4 actions of the previous method.
  • Then we use this command: bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions ENABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS
  • Now we use this command: bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF

Be sure to restart your computer.

It is important to take into account such points that all the methods that were provided to you above are perfect for systems 7, 8, 10.

Not all users are ready to disable such a test mode, and for many it is simply necessary, but the inscription interferes. You can just hide such an annoying inscription and that's it.

You just need to download a program called Universal Watermark Disabler, run it and then click install.

A window will pop up and there you should click "Yes". Then in the next window "ok". We turn off the device and you can turn it on and check its operation. Now the program will be connected, but the unpleasant window will simply hide and will not cause inconvenience.

After turning on the computer again, users in the lower right corner of the Windows 10 desktop. There you could also see the installed copy of the system. For ordinary user The inscription test mode appears for some unknown reason. In principle, the test mode itself does not reduce the functionality of the operating system, but the inscription will interfere with many users.

This article will tell you how to disable test mode in Windows 10. Pay attention to what test mode means. If you did something similar, just roll back the changes. Perhaps enabling previously disabled features will help solve the problem. You can remove the test mode inscription even without disabling the test mode itself using the Universal Watermark Disabler.

The test mode can be turned on in fact without the direct participation of the user. Often, due to the disabling of parameters that are not necessary at first glance by the user, the system automatically activates the test mode after a reboot. The test mode itself is activated to be able to install unsigned drivers or run various software without digital signature.

At the same time, the functionality of the system as a whole is not reduced, but the inscription can be distracting and disturbing. The following reasons for activating the test mode without the direct participation of the user are possible:

  • installation of unsigned drivers on the computer;
  • disabling the digital signature verification function.

Command line

To disable the test mode, it is enough to execute a few commands. Please note that in the latest operating system updates, the command line context menu item has been replaced with an updated PowerShell shell. It will be enough for the user to use any of the other ways to launch the command line.

Universal Watermark Disabler

An interesting way that does not disable the test mode itself, but only removes the test mode inscription. The Universal Watermark Disabler utility removes the watermark from the bottom corner of the desktop. The program itself no longer works in the latest update of the operating system, but if you are not using the latest version, then everything will work.

The method is not very effective, since the system will continue to work in test mode. Disabling test mode via the command line is much more efficient. If you suddenly need to enable test mode in Windows 10, follow these steps:

  1. Launch command prompt by selecting Command Prompt (Admin) V context menuWin+X.
  2. Insert and run the following command:

    bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON


The inscription test mode in the corner of the desktop can either appear after installing the next update or disappear. As you may have noticed, we always recommend installing only Latest updates. If it is not possible right now, then you can always for a month.

Hello everyone Today we will talk about Windows 10, or rather about such a thing as Test Mode, this inscription appears in the lower right corner, how can I remove it? Let's talk about this today, I'll tell you everything, I'll show you everything, I think everything will be clear to you.

If you have this mode turned on, but you didn’t turn it on yourself, then I don’t even know how it happened that it was turned on. I read on the Internet that this mode seems to be turned on somehow when switching from Windows 7 to Windows 10, or when testing Windows 10, well, in general, something related to this. But don't worry, you can safely remove the Test Mode inscription

But in general, what is this test mode for? I'll write some info so you know what it's for. Although I honestly don’t know exactly what it is for, but as I understand it, in this mode, Windows allows the installation of drivers that have not really been tested yet, well, or cannot guarantee stable operation. I turned on this mode manually, in my case it was necessary to install the virtual driver network adapter. Without this mode, the driver was not installed, these are the pies.

By the way, it’s winter on my street, but there is still no snow, there is already frost, today is December 1, 2017, but the snow has not fallen. No, it fell out, but it’s so, well, frivolous and not enough of it .. I want serious snow to crunch under my feet, well, to have a real winter! It's weird, but I love winter.

So, back to our topic. Here's what it looks like to me personally:

Agree that it interferes a little, especially when Windows Activation is still there ... So, to disable the test mode, that is, so that this inscription disappears, you just need to enter some commands on the command line. So, first we launch the command line, we do everything as I show. Right-click on the Start icon and select Command Prompt (Admin):

A black window will appear, here you need to enter the following command (you can copy and paste):

We press enter and then it should be written Operation completed successfully:

By the way, the inscription Windows Activation also disappeared, but this is temporary, such an inscription still appears after 4 hours Windows work 10. Type you need to activate Windows and there will be no such inscription

As you can see, my inscription disappeared after the reboot, but you can still have it! Then you need to enter another command, this one:

bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions ENABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

After inserting it and pressing enter, then insert this command again:

bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING OFF

Well, press enter too. Under the first command and under the second it should be written that the Operation was successfully completed. As a result, you should have a picture like this:

And then most importantly, do not forget to reboot! Well, as you can see, everything is not so complicated, these commands work not only on Windows 10, but also on other current Windows. Well, they should work!

To then turn on the test mode back, well, suddenly you need it, then just enter the following command:

bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON

And then you still need to do a reboot so that the test mode turns on!

Well guys, do you understand everything here? Hope so! And if I wrote something wrong, then I apologize. Good luck in life and that everything is fine with you


While working on a computer, situations sometimes arise (for example, when connecting Android devices to flash them) when you need to install specific and unsigned hardware drivers. In this case, it is best to use the Windows test mode. Let's consider this question in more detail.

Enable test mode in Windows command line

In order for the transition to the test mode to be successful, you must first turn off the "Secure Boot (Secure Boot)" mode in the BIOS, so you must go to your computer before starting. For different manufacturers of motherboards, the settings will be slightly different, but we will figure out how to disable "Secure Boot" using the example of a computer we have with motherboard Asus.

So: we start the BIOS (UEFI) and go to the "Download" section. In it, go to the item "Safe Boot" and click it with the mouse.

A small menu "OS Type" appears, in which we select the "Other OS" item.

We save the parameters and reboot. If there is no “Secure Boot” item in your BIOS menu, then it is already disabled at the hardware level and you do not need to perform the above steps.

Now you can run the "ten" in test mode to remove some OS restrictions, in particular those that are imposed when installing unsigned drivers. Run (with administrator rights), enter the command:

bcdedit.exe -set loadoptions DISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS

bcdedit . exe set TESTSIGNING ON

We are waiting for the completion of the execution of each of the commands, after which the system will issue a corresponding notification.

Close the window, reboot. After the reboot, next to the notification panel, we will see an inscription reminiscent of the mode in which the operating system is now working.

You can disable the test mode in a similar way, only the command syntax will be slightly different:

bcdedit . exe set TESTSIGNING OFF
