Google returns additional fields in the snippet. Rich snippets in Google: step-by-step instructions

Hello. Today I will show you another way to increase the number of transitions to your site, but from the Google search engine. Last time the topic of creation was touched upon, and today everyone’s favorite Uncle Google is up next.

So I click twice as often on sites that display the webmaster’s avatar in Google results, have a star rating or quick links, as well as many other bells and whistles that advanced search engine markup allows.

Before reading this article, do not be lazy to return to the “” post and read this material, where I told you the basics of correctly drafting descriptions for projects, thanks to which you can increase the number of clicks on the site in the TOP search results.

What does a snippet look like on Google?

I think it’s no secret to you that search engines themselves generate snippets for sites, and if the webmaster does nothing, the site’s snippet will be presented in the form of micro markup, that is, in a form familiar to everyone.

As you can see, Google has slightly simplified the display of sites in search results, when compared with Yandex, limiting itself only to:

Agree that this display of the site looks somehow dull and faded. Here it is very difficult to somehow influence the increase in click-through rate on the site, unless you come up with a catchy title and description of the page, while not forgetting about the relevance of the searched query.

Extended markup can contain the following data:

As you can see in the screenshots, the expanded display of pages has a number of useful features. Allows you to better understand what is on the pages of the site without going to it.

It makes it easier for users to find information, and thanks to graphics, sites become more noticeable compared to others, which increases the number of clicks on them.

How to expand the description of sites in Google of all topics

Before we go into all the bad stuff, I want you to understand this: the rich snippet is rendered based on a structured data markup scheme.

Simply put, in order for the search engine to understand what it needs to display on your page in its results, you must first mark up your page using a certain list of commands, using the following formats: microform, microdata or RDFa.

In order to somehow simplify this matter for search engines Google, Bing, Yandex and Yahoo agreed among themselves on a single format that works in, using a microdata schema. this is a site that contains all the HTML tags intended for marking up website pages in ways that are recognized by the largest search engines.

To be honest, even for me it’s still a bit difficult to figure out how to correctly mark up data on a page. For a month now I have been trying to display the star rating for each entry in Google search.

However, so far the most powerful search engine does not want to pick them up from my pages, although it shows that everything is marked up correctly.

All you have to do is wait, I’ll write about the results, so don’t miss new articles, it will be interesting.

The snippet may include information about upcoming events, times and locations, which will allow visitors to better navigate the search results and go to such sites.

How to make such markup in the body of the page, read from manuals Google.

This markup is best displayed for companies and organizations (hotels, inns, restaurants or entertainment centers). For a specific organization, you can specify various properties: telephone, address, name, etc.

Read more about how to expand the snippet for such data from manuals Google.

If you can evaluate each article, for example, using a star rating, and if you mark this rating using the proposed methods from Google, then you will see the following picture in the results.

I believe that sites with stars receive the most clicks; they already very much attract the visitor’s attention, distinguishing the site from others. How to add such stars to a snippet we read from manuals Google.

If you are the owner of a culinary website, then expanding the snippet using the “Recipes” method will be very useful. If I want to find a recipe for a dish I need, then I mostly click only on sites with a picture of that very dish.

If you also want to show such pictures to visitors in search results, then read management Google.

Navigation elements include additional links to other pages of the site or in other words - quick links.

Find out how to create such navigation from manuals from Google.

Finally, we come to the most common format of an extended snippet, which allows you to learn more about the owner of the site.

In addition to the proposed method of marking up a page using structured data from manuals from Google, most webmasters, including myself, follow a path that is more understandable to us.

All you need to do is link your profile from Google+ with the content of the page, and as a result, your photo will appear in the results. I talked in more detail about how to confirm authorship in the article “”.

If the site pages contain information about songs, then Google can display links to these songs in the snippet. It is very convenient to go to the music you are looking for.

How to implement this on your website, read from manuals Google.

If you are the owner of an online store, then you have a great opportunity to increase product sales. To do this, you need to tell Google which product parameters (price, availability, reviews, etc.) to display in the extended page descriptions.

How to properly set up a snippet for products, read from manuals Google.

If you have video materials on your pages, you can configure the markup in Google so that it displays it in its results. Very relevant for sites that have predominantly video content: films, TV series, videos, etc.

How to set up an extended snippet, read from manuals Google.

I am sure that many do not understand at all what and how to do with these microdata, microformats and RDFa. If it is very difficult, then you can turn to programmers or try to figure it out further on your own, fortunately there is enough information on the Internet.

In any case, to make sure that you did everything correctly, you can check how the structured data of the page is displayed in the Google Webmaster panel this link.

Benefits of a rich snippet

First . Improves visitor trust in the site. This happens mainly due to the fact that a photo of the author is displayed next to the site description. Most often, people click on sites they recognize.

Second. Hint for PS. By marking up the page, the webmaster helps the search engine better recognize what is displayed on the pages of its site.

Third . Large amount of information. In order for a visitor to learn more about the page, thanks to the rich snippet, he does not have to visit it, since it contains all the factors that interest him.

Fourth. Behavioral factors improve. If there is a high click-through rate of a site in the search results, that is, the ratio of clicks on a site link to the number of its impressions, the greater the likelihood that the search engine will rank such a page higher than others.

In conclusion of the article, I would like to remind you once again that all the steps described above will not give you a 100% guarantee that the Google snippet will be displayed the way you want.

Remember that you are only helping him create a snippet, but how he will form it depends only on him. Bye everyone!

Of course, if your site is on the first page of a search engine for some query, that’s good. You need to strive for this, this will be a decisive factor in the popularity of your project, and your profit will depend on it (if the project is commercial). But, it should be noted that traffic to the first position in the search and to the 10th position are different things. There are many statistical studies that give approximate percentages of traffic distribution by position. You can find the exact data somewhere else. One thing is clear: the further from the first position, the less traffic. The tenth position in Google can potentially give approximately 10% of all visitors who typed this query. And this despite the fact that it is more clickable than the 9th (because it is the bottom one).

A little theory

The logical conclusion of any search request made by a person should be a transition to a site where there is exactly what the person was looking for. After finding such a site, a person experiences moral satisfaction and stops searching. Therefore, if on the first page of search results above your site there are many high-quality and professionally made projects, then you should only hope for a miracle. There is only one way out - to make a high-quality website. But, there is still one point that can give a little advantage - you need to force the human eye to focus specifically on the description of your site in the search results. I will not touch on the topic of creating informative snippets so that they hint that the site contains exactly what you need. This is all clear. Let's imagine that all 10 sites from the search results have high-quality informative snippets. What can be done in this case to attract more attention?

How to increase the CTR of a website in Google search results?

There is an exit. To increase the click-through rate of a snippet (CTR - clickthrough rate), you need to somehow visually distinguish your site from the rest in Google search results. A person will always pay attention to differences in the overall homogeneous mass. The text of site descriptions (snippet) is a mass, a mass of text. If you don’t focus on some individual words, but look, as it were, through the text, behind it, then nothing special catches your eye. To make the snippet text catch your eye, you need to make either clumps of pixels in some part, or make empty space, or make vertical combs (several identical lines of text one below the other).

Why snippets for Google, you ask? It is the most predictable in terms of displaying snippets. Only Google will display what I tell it. In fact, any website owner should be able to choose how his description will look in the search results, and not how Yandex wants.

How does Google create a site snippet? Participating in the formation of the site description in the search results are: tag , <meta name=”description”>, the contents of the alt=”” parameter of the first image in <a href="">html code</a>, text internal and <a href="">external links</a>, a description of the site in the Dmoz directory, or just text from the site page. Also, recently there have been many opportunities to highlight your site using microformats for Google rich snippets. But, this is a topic for another article. Perhaps I will still find the strength to implement my long-planned project of creating snippets for Google and everything connected with it.</p> <p>If not empty <b><title> </b>– the first line of the snippet is formed from it. If <b><title> </b> empty - then Google can select the text of the first link that contains the typed <a href="">keyword</a>, if there are none, then the text of the very first link in the html code or part of the main text.</p> <p>The other two lines of the snippet (sometimes three) are formed to contain text relevant to <a href="">search query</a>. If <b><meta name=”description”> </b> is not empty and relevant to the request, then the site description is taken from it. There is a certain <a href="">maximum size</a> <b>description</b>, if there is not enough text in it, then Google fills in <a href="">free place</a> relevant pieces from the text. If <b><meta name=”description”> </b> empty, but parameter <b>alt=””</b> first picture <b><img> </b> is not empty, then this text is taken. If <b>description</b> is irrelevant to the request, then the site description is formed from pieces of relevant text (at the discretion of Google). <br>If the site is present in <b>Dmoz</b>, then Google can take the data for the snippet from there. To disable showing a site description from Dmoz, you need to insert this html code into the site: <b><meta name=”robots” content=”noodp”> </b>.</p> <p>In order to influence the creation of a snippet, you need to select the most suitable option from all of the above: <b><title>must not be empty</b>; <b><meta name=”description”>not empty, relevant to the request, not short</b>. Next, it's a matter of technology.</p> <h2>Google snippet optimization. Let's move on to practice</h2> <p>Objective: to focus the user's eyes on the description of your site. I suggest making clots in the text. Any repetition of the same character many times works very well for this: AAAAAAAAA, WWWWWWWWW, iiiiiii, 88888, @@@@@@@@, ##########, [[[[[[[ [,< <<<< >>>>>>, and so on. Any graphic special characters are also suitable: ❄ ❆ ☀ ☁ ☂ ☔ ☽ ★ ☎ ☘ ☙ ☢ ☑ ☒ ☯ ☗ ☰ ☱ ☲ ☲ ☴ ☵ ☶ ☷ ☻ ♠ ❤ ♦ ◆ ♨ ♬ ♻ ♼ ⚀ ⚅ ⚈ ⚉ ⚑ ⚫ ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ █ ▒▓ ▀▄▀▄ ═ ╬ ╦ ╩ ╦ ❥ ✿ ❋ ✩ ✮ ✯ ✰ ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ .</p> <p>The whole difficulty lies in filling in the text <b>description</b> to the fullest, and force Google to move the text to the second line the way we need it. It's not that difficult, you just need to know a couple of nuances. In fact, this transfer is done by the browser when the width of the field containing the text is exceeded (the Google CSS class is responsible for this). Well, the maximum description size I got was 155 characters. That is, we need to make a block of text so that it is at most close to 155 characters and there is a forced transfer in the place we need to the second line. You can control the transfer, knowing that the browser does not break words. The only remark is that you can’t just take and make the entire second line from one unbroken word - Google won’t accept it and will put an ellipsis (...). you need to insert words and symbols inside that Google understands as spaces: hyphen, underscore (I haven’t tested all possible options yet, sometimes the tail of such a description after a word is cut off to the very end). For now, try to attach a similar “tail” after the text in the second line, not with a space.</p> <h2>Let's consolidate the information received with a real example.</h2> <p>Since I have already begun to notice sites in Google results that use my snippet creation methods, I think it’s time to show my cards a little.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>This snippet uses “#” in title and description. Several such symbols in a row perfectly concentrate attention. <br>The stars ★ are also very noticeable. Here I have used them to depict the review rating. It turned out well. I think that the word “““- recommended” will also not go unnoticed, because there is no such inscription near other sites. Also, the snippet contains the company email. But, of course, this design with ❺ attracts the most attention. On another site using a similar snippet template, the average CTR for position 9 on page 1 of Google results is approximately 12%. This <a href="">Google data</a> Webmasters Tools for the last 3 months.</p> <p><b>How can I do that?</b></p> <p>This beauty can be achieved using special data microformats, which <a href="">Google already</a> has been used for a long time when displaying websites. I will not describe in detail what this is in this article, but will focus on our example.</p> <p>To make such a snippet with ❺, you need to insert the following text into the html code of your site:</p> <p><div xmlns:v=””><br> <span typeof=”v:Breadcrumb”><a href=”http://вашсайт.com/” rel=”v:url” property=”v:title”>Your text</a> › </span><br> <span typeof=”v:Breadcrumb”><a href=”http://вашсайт.com/раздел-сайта.php#content” rel=”v:url” property=”v:title”>❺❺❺❺❺</a> › </span><br> <span typeof=”v:Breadcrumb”>Your text</span><br> </div></p> <p>As a result of my experiments, I found a way to force Google to show the same text near the site URL. The problem with displaying such a snippet for the main page of the site was also solved. To do this, you need to simply add a so-called “hash link” to <a href="">home page</a>/#hash. Where hash is the id of some element on your page.</p> <p>Also, it is worth noting that Google has already paid attention to such snippets. If previously it was possible to use such jokes as ▀▄▀▄▀ or ████ ☑, now many of such symbols are already prohibited from being displayed near the URL. Or they are shown only in regional results, but do not work in (or work, but <a href="">bread crumbs</a> must be short and begin with a letter).</p> <p><img src='' height="73" width="350" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Another feature that still works is the ability to enter the URL of another site in Breadcrumb (instead of a link to a section of the site, not the home page). Then from the Google snippet it will be possible to go to another site if the user clicks on a link such as ❺❺❺❺❺ in our example. This can be used by “black hat SEOs” to direct traffic from forum profiles to their sites without using redirects. Or you can use the service as another url to find out how users click on the snippet.</p> <h2>Snippet generator for Google</h2> <p><i>This article was written in 2008, after several years of successfully applying the described techniques in practice. Much has changed since then, but the basic idea remains the same.</i></p> <p>Don't forget to hit the social buttons if you liked the article</p> <p>Sometimes when you search for something on the internet, you find a descriptive page at the top of the search results. These are rich snippets. In this post, the first in a series about how these same snippets work in <a href="">Google search</a>, we'll find out when, where and why Google shows featured snippets.</p> <h2><br>What it is?</h2> <p>Let's look at the featured snippets, in this case when one of them appears for the query “Why is the sky blue?”</p> <p>We call them rich snippets because, unlike our regular search results, the page description comes first. In fact, by using rich snippets, we turn the conventional format around. That is, we show the snippet, hence the name - “rich snippets”. We also generate snippets in a different way from our regular snippets, making them easier to read.</p> <p>We show rich snippets in search when we believe the format will help people find what they're looking for faster, both in the description and when they click a link to read the page itself. This is very useful for those who use mobile search or voice search.</p> <p>Here are some examples where rich snippets significantly improve the quality of search results by making <a href="">easier access</a> to information from <a href="">good resources</a>, big and small.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Rich snippets aren't just for written content. Google recently launched video snippets that can take you directly to the right place in the video you're looking for.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>Rich snippets help with mobile and voice searches</h2> <p>Mobile traffic surpasses desktop traffic all over the world. And with growth <a href="">voice assistants</a>, more and more people are starting to do <a href="">voice requests</a>. In these cases, the traditional “ten links” format does not work in principle; extended snippets immediately come to the rescue; it is in these cases that they are especially useful.</p> <p>Of course, we continue to show regular results when users request them, along with rich snippets. This is because rich snippets are not mentioned as the only source of information. They are part of the entire range of information we provide, giving people a selection from a wide range of sources.</p> <h2><br>People click on rich snippets to learn more</h2> <p>When we introduced rich snippets in 2014, there was some concern that they might cause a decrease in publisher traffic. What if people receive <a href="">necessary information</a> from snippets and will not go to the site itself?</p> <p>It quickly became clear that featured snippets actually drive traffic. This is why publishers share tips on how to increase the chances of getting into them, because they realize that this functionality brings visitors and traffic.</p> <p>When it comes to oral rich snippets, we cite the source page in the oral result and link to the page in the Google Home app, so people can click and learn much more.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>We understand that featured snippets should work in a way that helps support the sources that ultimately make those snippets. That's why we always take publishers into account when making updates to this functionality.</p> <h2><br>Working on improving rich snippets</h2> <p>The vast majority of rich snippets work as expected, so we can tell from our usage statistics and from reports from quality evaluators, people who are paid to evaluate the quality of our results. Last year's third-party testing from Stone Temple indicated 97.4% accuracy for rich snippets and related formats such as Knowledge Graph.</p> <p>Since rich snippets are very useful, especially for mobile and <a href="">voice search</a>, we are working to iron out any kinks with them as they continue to grow and develop.</p> <p>Last year, we received deserved criticism for featured snippets that said women were evil and that former US President Barack Obama was planning a coup. We screwed up in these cases because we didn't properly weigh the authority of the results for such rare and extreme requests.</p> <p>To correct and improve the situation, we have undertaken efforts that have included updates to our search quality evaluators to give more detailed examples of low-quality pages that they would flag as appropriate, which may indicate misleading information, unexpected offensive results, deception, and conspiracy theories. This work has helped our system better identify when results are biased toward low-quality content. If defined, we may choose not to show them in featured snippets.</p> <p>Even when featured snippets have great content, we are sometimes made to look like fools because it may not seem like the best answer to the query. At first glance, he may not respond to the request at all.</p> <p>For example, a request <span>"How did the Romans tell time at night"</span> showed a sundial, which was completely useless at night.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Left. Until recently, this query showed a sundial. On right. Now we give the best answer - a water clock.</p> <p>Since the example above may make you chuckle a little, we take such questions very seriously, just as we do with any problem brought to our attention or that we find ourselves. We study them and use the knowledge we gain to improve rich snippets in general. In the case above, this led us to show the best result - a water clock.</p> <h2><br>When matches can be useful</h2> <p>Another improvement we've been considering to better convey information through a rich snippet is to provide not exactly what the user is looking for, but an answer close enough to help you get the information you're looking for.</p> <p>For example, the snipper above about the sundial was a response to the query “How did Romans tell time”. We then showed a fairly approximate answer, because we were not confident enough to show an accurate result based on how the Romans determined time at night. We knew that sundials were used by the Romans primarily to tell time because there were so many pages discussing it. And the way they indicated time in the evening was less discussed, so we had less data to build a clear relationship.</p> <p>Showing close results may seem strange at first glance, but we know from anecdotal evidence that people often research the source of the featured snippet and find out exactly what they were looking for there. In our case, the page on which the featured snippet is based explained that the Romans used water clocks to tell time at night. We just didn't have enough confidence in the past to show this information in a featured snippet.</p> <p>We are considering expanding the use of this format, which we have just adopted, only in a limited number of situations, to make it clearer when we use approximate results.</p> <p>For example, we can show “How did Romans tell time?” at the top of the rich snippet, as shown in the layout below:</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Our tests and experiments will ultimately determine what we do with it all. We may well choose not to expand the use of this format if our testing shows that people often inherently understand approximate results and that they are shown without needing to be marked as extended.</p> <h2><br>Improving results by showing more than one rich snippet</h2> <p>Sometimes a rich snippet alone is not enough to answer a question. For example, “how to set up call forwarding” depends on the operator. This is the case where our recently launched feature helps you interactively select an extended snippet based on the specific situation. In the example below, you can see how it allows people to quickly define solutions for different providers.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>Another soon-to-be-released format is designed to help people find information better by showing them more than one rich snippet that relates to what they were originally looking for.</p> <p><img src='' height="1000" width="551" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Showing more than one rich snippet can ultimately help in cases where you encounter conflicting information asking the same question in different ways.</p> <p>For example, people who searched for “are reptiles good pets” should receive the same snippet as “are reptiles bad pets” since they are looking for the same information. How are reptiles used as pets? However, the featured snippets we provide contradict each other.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>This happens because sometimes our systems reward content that is clearly tailored to the user's request. A page indicating that reptiles are good as pets is shown to people who searched for the fact that they are good. In a similar situation, a page that pointed out that reptiles are bad as pets seems to be the best match for people who searched about them being bad. We are looking into a solution to this issue, including showing multiple answers.</p> <p>“There are often multiple valid points of view provided by publishers, and we want to give users the ability to see those points of view from multiple sources,” Mat Gray, a development engineer who manages the rich snippets team.</p> <h2><br>Need your feedback</h2> <p>Rich snippets will never be absolutely perfect, and neither will search results in general. In a typical day, 15% of the requests we process have never been done before. This is just one challenge, along with sifting through billions of pages of information online to help people understand the world.</p> <p>Last year, we made it easier to send feedback to us in cases where rich snippets require revision. Just use the “feedback” link below the rich snippet. Your feedback, along with our internal testing and review, will help us continue to improve the quality of this functionality.</p> <p>"We talked about what a snippet is, what it should be, and how it is formed in search engines. Now you know that Google snippets are created primarily from the Description meta tag (although there are exceptions).</p> <p>We'll show you how to create a rich Google snippet that includes useful additional information.</p> <h5>How to set up a snippet in Google?</h5> <p>Basic customization options using semantic markup</p> <p>What do you need to do to get something like this attractive snippet on Google indicating the rating and average bill?</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Google itself strongly recommends using semantic markup. By the way, we already wrote about it in an article dedicated to Yandex snippets. Just in case, let's repeat:</p> <p> micromarking is a format for describing a site using special HTML encoding attributes. Markup indicates <a href="">search robots</a> what type of information is contained in the text. Robots read the written codes and enter the marked information into the appropriate sections. The codes can be viewed on</p> <p>Thanks to semantic markup, you can place additional information in the snippet on the following categories of data:</p> <ul><li><i>Articles:</i> author, picture, section, rating, publication date.</li> <li><i>Restaurants:</i> menu url, phone number, rating, picture, address, opening hours.</li> <li><i>Goods:</i> price, rating, picture, brand, reviews.</li> <li><i>Activity:</i> venue, picture, start date, price.</li> <li><i>Applications:</i> author, publication date, picture, category, <a href="">operating system</a>, requirements, rating, reviews.</li> <li><i>Regional companies:</i> picture, phone number, opening hours, address, rating, e-mail, reviews.</li> <li><i>Movies:</i> picture, director, actors, reviews, rating.</li> </ul><h5>Markup Helper</h5> <p>Google has a convenient tool for marking up pages - “ <a href="" target="_blank">Structured Data Markup Wizard</a>" With its help, you can easily and quickly create markup by simply selecting the desired places on the page with the mouse:</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h5>Conclusion</h5> <p>As in the case of the Yandex snippet, we recommend first setting up the semantic markup of This will allow you to distinguish your site from competitors, increase the number of clicks and, as a result, increase site traffic. Don’t be lazy, spend a few hours studying the markup rules or order its development from specialists. And believe me, the result will not take long to arrive.</p> <p>Every day search technologies are expanding and providing more and more opportunities to ordinary webmasters. If earlier we could increase website traffic by optimizing it and buying links, now search engine <a href="">Google system</a> gives us another tool - extended snippets (so-called Rich snippets).</p><p>This article will discuss this new concept, the impact of such snippets on website promotion, and will also give <a href="">step-by-step instruction</a> with pictures on setup and optimization.</p><p>If we talk <a href="">in simple language</a>, then - it's more <a href="">detailed description</a> web pages (documents). Rich snippets do not participate in document ranking and do not affect search results. They have only one task - to attract the user’s attention by giving him more necessary information already on the search results page.</p><p>Another one <a href="">positive side</a> the use of such technology increases user trust by providing them with reliable information. Therefore, do not underestimate their effectiveness.</p><h2>For which sites is it effective to use rich snippets?</h2><p>Before applying these innovations to the site, you need to decide on the goals of this improvement. Such manipulations are effective only in special cases. You shouldn’t lump all sites under the same brush and install these same snippets for everyone, because this will benefit some sites and harm others.</p><p><b><span>Improved snippets are good for sites:</span> </b></p><ol><li>with mobile applications;</li><li>with copyrighted content;</li><li>with audio and video content;</li><li>with culinary recipes</li><li>related to the organization of various events;</li><li>selling goods (online stores).</li> </ol><p>Otherwise, all these improvements will not give a good effect. You will only waste your time installing them.</p><h2>How to make rich snippets on Google. Step-by-step instruction</h2><p><b>Step 1. Link the site to your Google+ account</b>, so that your photo is displayed next to your snippet. It looks quite presentable, definitely increases the CTR in the search results and certainly increases the user’s trust in your site. This point is useful for those who write content for their website themselves and want to promote their name. It looks something like this.</p><p>Linking Google+ to your website is best done for blogs, author projects, online diaries, and other similar projects. The main rule is that you can only deduce <a href="">own photo</a> with a clear face. Just pictures, logos and other pranks will not work and will not be displayed in the search results.</p><p>This blog has an excellent manual on how. So you can do everything step by step. And here we will go further.</p><p><b>Step 2. Set up the address display in the snippet</b>. To do this, we will need to use micro markup. I can’t write in more detail than Google itself, so enjoy all the information at the link. If you do everything as it is written there, you will get something similar.</p><p>This is relevant for websites of hotels, hotels and the like. It is better not to use this to display the address of a regular company. In your case, it will be better to just show yourself on Google maps.</p><p><b>Step 3. Add information about events to the snippet</b>. If you have a website on which announcements of any events are constantly published, then you need this. Using the same micro-markup, you can display information about any event directly in the search results. To implement, you should read the instructions from Google.</p><p><b>Step 4. Display the article rating</b>. This kind <a href="">additional information</a> in a snippet will not harm any site. But it makes sense to put it only if your site has <a href="">active audience</a>, who will not be too lazy to give grades.</p><p>How to put such stars in your snippet is written on the Google website. Everything there is clear and accessible, written in Russian.</p><p><b>Step 5. Display pictures for recipes in snippets</b>. This is done very simply with the help of this manual. I advise you to apply it only to recipes, and not to use this markup in other topics.</p><p><b>Step 6. Display quick navigation links</b>. This is a very convenient thing that appears only on reputable sites where there is an active audience. How to display them is perfectly written in the snippet. It will look something like this. By the way, it perfectly increases CTR in search results.</p><p><b>Step 7. Display the video to the left of the snippet</b>. This only makes sense if every post on your site contains video footage. Such a snippet will give the greatest effect to sites about movies, TV series and other videos or video reviews. Setting up this snippet is quite simple using these instructions.</p><p>All the steps above cannot be applied to one site. You must understand that you can only choose 1-2 possible options that will be applicable to your site and will have a positive effect.</p><p>In general, you need to understand whether rich snippets from Google will help your site or not. If you have a site with little traffic and no one is interested in, then they definitely won’t help. But such an improvement should be applied to good sites for people, so you will improve behavioral indicators, increase CTR and, consequently, traffic from search. And don't forget about.</p><h2>How to technically implement micro markup for a beginner</h2><p>Another way out of the situation is <b>plugins</b>. Quite a lot of them have already multiplied. Each of them is applicable to one type of markup. It is better to choose them based on ratings and reviews.</p><p>Well, for hardcore lovers there is another way out - <b>do everything yourself</b>, Googling the missing pieces of the puzzle to get everything working as it should.</p><p>You can check whether your snippet works or not using this <a href="">link</a>. If you have any questions, don’t be shy, that’s what comments are made for.</p> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var _acic={dataProvider:10};(function(){var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript";e.async=true;e.src="";var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,t)})() //--> </script><br> <br> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </div> </article> <div id="post-ratings-1455-loading" class="post-ratings-loading"> <img src="" width="16" height="16" class="post-ratings-image" / loading=lazy loading=lazy>Loading...</div> </main> </section> <div id="right-sidebar" 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