Winlock on the keyboard how to disable. How to disable the Windows button on the keyboard

Each version of the Windows operating system has a set of services by default. These are special programs, some work constantly, while others are included only at a certain moment. All of them in one way or another affect the speed of your PC. In this article, we will talk about how to increase the performance of a computer or laptop by disabling such software.

We will consider the three most common Windows operating systems -, and, since each of them has both the same services and unique ones.

Opening the list of services

Before proceeding to the description, we will talk about how to find a complete list of services. It is in it that you will turn off unnecessary parameters or transfer them to another mode. This is done very easily:

Now let's go directly to the list of services that can be disabled in different versions of Windows.

Remember! Do not disable those services whose purpose you do not know. Doing so may cause system malfunction and performance degradation. If you doubt the need for the program, then simply switch it to manual mode.

Windows 10

In this version of the operating system, you can get rid of the following services:

Diagnostic Policy Service- helps to identify problems in the software and tries to fix them automatically. In practice, this is just a useless program that can only help in isolated cases.

Superfetch is a very specific service. It partially caches the data of the programs you use most often. Thus, they load and work faster. But on the other hand, when caching, the service consumes a significant part of system resources. In this case, the program itself chooses what data it puts into RAM. If you are using a solid state drive (SSD), then you can safely disable this program. In all other cases, you should experiment with turning it off.

Windows Search- caches and indexes data on the computer, as well as search results. If you do not resort to it, then you can safely disable this service.

Windows Error Logging Service– manages the sending of reports in case of unscheduled shutdown of the software, and also creates the corresponding log.

Changed Link Tracking Client– registers changes in the position of files on the computer and in the local network. In order not to clog the system with various logs, you can disable this service.

Print Manager– Disable this service only when you are not using the printer. If you plan to purchase a device in the future, then it is better to leave the service in automatic mode. Otherwise, then you will puzzle for a long time why the system does not see the printer.

fax machine- similar to a print service. If you do not use fax, then turn it off.

Remote registry– allows you to remotely edit the registry of the operating system. For your peace of mind, you can turn off this service. As a result, the registry can only be edited by local users.

Windows Firewall- Provides protection for your computer. It should be disabled only if you are using a third-party antivirus in conjunction with a firewall. Otherwise, we advise you not to refuse this service.

Secondary login- allows you to run various programs on behalf of another user. You should only disable it if you are the only user on the computer.

net.tcp port sharing service– is responsible for using ports according to the corresponding protocol. If you do not understand anything from the name - disable.

Working Folders- helps to configure access to data over the corporate network. If you are not a member of it, then disable the specified service.

BitLocker Drive Encryption Service- responsible for data encryption and secure OS startup. The average user will definitely not need it.

Windows Biometric Service– collects, processes and stores data about applications and the user himself. You can safely turn off the service in the absence of a fingerprint scanner and other innovations.

Server- is responsible for sharing files and printers on your computer from the local network. If you are not connected to one, then you can disable the mentioned service.

This completes the list of non-critical services for the specified operating system. Please note that this list may differ slightly from the services you have depending on the edition of Windows 10, and in more detail about the services that can be disabled without harm to this particular version of the operating system, we wrote in a separate article.

Windows 8 and 8.1

If you are using the mentioned operating system, then you can disable the following services:

Windows Update– controls the download and installation of operating system updates. Disabling this service will also avoid updating Windows 8 to the latest version.

Security Center- Responsible for monitoring and maintaining the security log. This includes the operation of the firewall, antivirus and update center. You should not disable this service if you are not using third-party security software.

smart card- only those users who use these same smart cards will need it. Everyone else can safely turn this option off.

Windows Remote Management Service– provides the ability to manage your computer remotely using the WS-Management protocol. If you use the PC only locally, then you can turn it off.

Windows Defender Service- as in the case of the Security Center, this item should be disabled only when you have another antivirus and firewall installed.

Smart Card Deletion Policy- disable in conjunction with the "Smart Card" service.

Computer browser- is responsible for the list of computers in the local network. If your PC or laptop is not connected to one, then you can disable the specified service.

In addition, you can disable some of the services that we described in the section above.

  • Windows Biometric Service;
  • Secondary login;
  • Print Manager;
  • Fax machine;
  • remote registry.

Here, in fact, is the entire list of services for Windows 8 and 8.1, which we advise you to disable. Depending on your personal needs, you can also deactivate other services, but you should do this carefully.

Windows 7

Despite the fact that this operating system has not been supported by Microsoft for a long time, there are still a number of users who prefer it. Like other operating systems, Windows 7 can be somewhat speeded up by disabling unnecessary services. We covered this topic in a separate article. You can check it out at the link below.

Windows XP

We couldn't get around one of the oldest operating systems either. It is mainly installed on very weak computers and laptops. If you want to learn how you can optimize this operating system, then you should read our dedicated tutorial.

This concludes this article. We hope you were able to learn something useful from it. Recall that we do not encourage you to disable all of these services. Each user must configure the system exclusively for their needs. What services are you shutting down? Write about it in the comments, and also ask questions, if any.

Sometimes a situation arises when you need to disable autorun of some programs in Windows 7 in order to reduce significant resource consumption and speed up your computer, namely reduce system boot time when turned on.

The fact is that some programs, after installation, put themselves on autorun when you turn on the computer.

Now we will analyze several ways to disable autorun of those programs that you do not need.

But be careful, because some programs are needed for the system to work and are service ones. Disabling them may affect some of the functionality of the Windows 7 operating system, its security.

Remove programs from the startup folder through the start menu

You may already be familiar with this method, if you have been using a computer for a long time, you could accidentally discover it yourself without any additional information, but for beginners, the information may still be new.

Go to the Start menu > All Programs and find the Startup folder.

Everything that is there is launched when the computer is turned on. And so that these programs do not start, it is enough just to remove them from there.

We use the standard windows 7 utility - MSConfig

This utility, MSConfig, is already on your computer by default and you do not need to install it, just run and use it.

And it's very easy to run it:

Open the Start menu again and type msconfig in the search bar.

It will be found immediately, you just have to click on its shortcut to launch it.

If for some reason you don’t have a search bar in the Start menu, then you can simply press the Win + R keyboard shortcuts and the following window will open:

Enter msconfig there and click OK.

As a result, we should run the msconfig utility. It looks like this:

Go directly to the "Startup" tab. Unchecking the boxes will disable unnecessary programs. But if you do not understand what each of them is responsible for, then it is better not to disable it.

After you click OK, you will be prompted to restart your computer, but you don't have to.

This utility is very convenient, but it is also not functional enough, because. is not able to provide us with the ability to disable absolutely all (any) programs from autorun.

Therefore, we will consider a few more ways.

Removing from the windows 7 registry manually

We start the registry editor. To do this, we press the usual keyboard shortcut "Win + R" or again in the search bar in the "Start" menu, we already type the words "regedit".

A very scary incomprehensible window is launched with many folders that look more like abracadabra than names.

But we are not afraid, but calmly understand everything and gain knowledge!

Among these folders, in the distant wilds, there are two sections of the autorun "seven":

general (local registry), which is used for all users, the address is:

personal registry - for the current user, at the following address:

I.e you need to get into the Run folder, expanding the folder tree one by one.

They contain files that run with Windows and you can easily delete them as usual - by right-clicking and selecting "delete".

You can first go to the first address, clean it up, and then take on the second one.

Disabling autorun programs using third-party software

Now we will talk about the third-party program Autoruns, which is distributed completely free of charge (freeware), but at the same time very powerful and functional - in just a couple of clicks it can disable absolutely everything that can automatically start when you turn on the computer.

Download Autoruns program You can follow the link from the official site: KB)

At the office website - the English version, but we can easily figure it out, even without knowledge of this foreign language.

The downloaded archive has the .zip extension and can be unpacked by any archiver.

There are 4 files in the folder. We are interested in "autoruns.exe", which we run (it is advisable to right-click on the file icon and select "run as administrator").

At the first start, we will be asked to accept the license agreement, which we will do by clicking on the “Agree” button.

The program looks like this:

We immediately open the “Everything” tab, which is a list of absolutely all startup objects.

But in order not to get lost there, there are tabs in which all this is broken down separately: Winlog, Drivers, Explorer, etc.

If you uncheck the box, we will disable autorun. If you click on a line, you can see a description of the object below: the version of the program, the path of its location on the computer, size, etc.

In the “Logon” tab, there is a list of programs that we could disable using the previous methods described in the article.

You may notice that some lines are highlighted in pink - these are just objects that do not have a detailed description, and in yellow are those whose files have been deleted and can no longer be loaded, but are simply listed. Those. they may or may not be removed.

Again, be careful when disabling something you don't know anything about. Perhaps this is necessary for the main operation of Windows 7 and after disabling these services, the computer will not work as it should.

For the laziest we provide video tutorial of the whole process:

The latest version of the operating system from Microsoft is literally crammed with various components and services. And if some of them can be considered conditionally useful, then some of them would be desirable to turn off and not remember about them anymore. And many who want to download and try it in action note this very desire. Since every action is inside the operating system, every word entered subsequently turns into an advertisement. In this way, Microsoft is trying to get the maximum benefit from the owners of shareware Windows 10.

Removing everything unnecessary that can track your actions and analyze them is easy enough. And this can be done absolutely at any time. Do not worry if you did not immediately turn off unnecessary components.

During system installation

To use this method, during the installation of Windows 10, you must abandon the default settings and click on the barely noticeable "Settings" inscription. It is located at the very bottom of the existing text.

In this section, you will be presented with all the components that may interfere with the future work of Windows 10. To prevent this, you must disable them all by moving the slider to the appropriate position on the left. In total, you will have to disable two pages of functions.

It is also undesirable to enter your username and password registered on the Microsoft website during the installation process. This step can be simply skipped, it does not affect anything. To do this, at the bottom there is a small inscription "Skip this step."

If you meet these minimum requirements, then the new operating system will practically not indicate any information about the user. It simply will not have special functions for this. Since all the necessary components for this are simply disabled. Therefore, you can use it easily and fearlessly.

If the operating system is already installed

On an existing operating system, disabling all unnecessary components that can interfere with a calm and anonymous life is not very difficult. Only you will have to disable only some of the functions of Windows 10, which are especially annoying. Namely:

  • Windows Defender.
  • Context search.
  • advertising ID.
  • cloud services.

Each of them has its own way to turn it off.

Windows Defender

To get rid of this tool, you need to go to Settings, and then proceed to the "Update and Security" section. There is a tab such as "Windows Defender" in which we need to work. You should disable the functions responsible for sending data and protecting the cloud, as in the screenshot.

By the way, if you don't want to go through the settings, just install any other antivirus. This will turn off Defender automatically.

Contextual search and Cortana

These two tools are turned off together. Of course, in Russian Windows 10, the latter does not work by default, because Russification was not invented for it. However, it's better to be safe.

You should click on the search in the bottom line of the desktop, and then click on the lowest icon in the left column that displays Settings. And there you need to disable both Cortana and Internet Search.

Advertising ID

To disable this functionality, you need to go to the Settings we already know, from there go to the Privacy section. In the general settings, located at the very top of the left column, you will have to remove the “on” state. for the first three components.

The next tab we need is Speech, Handwriting and Typing. Here you need to prevent Windows 10 from forwarding your speech in order to learn the functionality of Cortana. Anyway, we already turned it off.

After completing these steps, do not close Privacy - it will still come in handy.


To get rid of passing these parameters, you will have to program a little. For this, a built-in tool called PowerShell is used. To use it, you need to put the PC into console mode using the Windows + X key combination.

A command line will appear in which you need to type the combinations written in the screenshot.

In short, these commands delete already collected telemetry data, disable the operation of this service and completely cut off the ability to record any new data.

After that, we open Privacy again, and from there we go to “Reviews and diagnostics”. It is necessary to completely prohibit the formation of reviews (select the appropriate item in the drop-down menu), and then set the item “Basic information” in the “Diagnostics and Usage Data”.


To prevent cloud storage from working, it’s enough not to use your account when working with Windows 10. To do this, you need to find the section in Settings that allows you to manage accounts, and then go to the “Your account” section from there.

You can opt out of using a Microsoft account by signing in with a local account. To do this, just click on the appropriate inscription and enter the data. Thus, only those components of the 10th generation system that are required can be left.

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Back in the Windows XP operating system, developers introduced a special service that was responsible for periodic updates. They were automatically downloaded via the Internet from Microsoft servers to the user's computer, and the system determined whether to install them at the user's request or automatically. Consider why they are needed, and how to disable Windows 7 updates.

What are they needed for

According to the creators of the system, fresh updates have a positive effect on the operation of its program code. They specifically work to improve and optimize the operation of computer processes in the system. As a result, all efforts are designed to increase performance. The computer should become more responsive, and various flaws and errors should disappear. More often than not, updates also provide new features:

  • improved diagnostic and troubleshooting tools;
  • supported by modern peripheral equipment;
  • new functions are added to the system;
  • patches for the Windows security system and other usefulness are added.

For those who have a licensed Windows system, installing such updates, as a rule, does not threaten anything.

But, based on the bitter experience of many computer owners, these updates are only needed if they are able to bring real benefit. But who among ordinary users will be able to determine in advance the usefulness of the improvements proposed by Microsoft. If some game or program is unstable in this operating system, then it will tell you which updates are needed. But when the computer works reliably, stably and does not give out unexpected glitches, then what's the point of updating if it already works smartly. As the admins joke: "it works - don't bother", but it's better to completely disable Windows 7 updates. Often they can cause a lot of problems. Why take the risk, and if you're lucky.

Why would you need to disable

There are several reasons for the question of how to disable automatic updates in Windows 7:

  • The user has a pirated version of the operating system. And if you completely disable the update, the risk that the Microsoft server will issue a "red card" and limit the functionality of the operating system for using unlicensed Windows 7 is reduced to zero.
  • It is not uncommon for an updated system to suddenly give a critical error that only a full recovery can fix, and it is clearly too late to ask how to disable Windows 7 auto-update.
  • The small size of the system drive, most often it is the "C" drive. And since the packages with fixes are very voluminous, the free space instantly disappears. Therefore, it becomes simply necessary to disable automatic updates on your computer.
  • The need to wait for the computer to turn off after an update in Windows 7. Those who updated faced a situation when they needed to turn off the laptop, and a warning appeared on the monitor screen that this should not be done, because “updates are being installed on Windows 7 1 of 1235 "! And the user must choose either an updated system or a deep sleep. Here you will inevitably think about how to prohibit the system from updating.
  • If the Internet is limited in incoming and outgoing traffic. For such users, the question is also relevant, how to disable automatic updating of Windows 7.
  • If the Internet channel has a low speed, then it is better to disable this service in Windows 7 forever.

If at least one of the above reasons is relevant for your system, then it is better not to look for Windows 7 updates.

Well, now about how to disable updates. There are two ways. Let's consider each of them separately.

Disable completely

Before turning off Windows Update 7, it is necessary to find management service. Consider the sequence of actions:

  1. After pressing the button Start, a window will open in which you need to select "".
  2. It's the turn of the section "".
  3. In the list we find the line "".
  4. In the window that opens, almost at the bottom there is an item " Windows Update". It must also be activated by double-clicking on the left mouse button.
  5. In the window that appears, in the line " Launch type» select the item « Disabled” and click the Stop button. It remains to click on the Apply button and confirm your actions with the OK button.

After this service is completely disabled, the system will not be updated. But if you want to receive Windows 7 updates, if you carry out all the steps again, you can restore full functionality by changing the settings.

Disable only automatic update

If you want to reserve the right to manually download and install updates yourself, you can limit yourself to disabling automatic search.

Let's see how to do it:

Now the system will search for updates, but will not automatically install without the user's permission. The owner of the computer can manually download updates from the Download Center at any time by clicking on the button Check for updates.

Disable system notifications

After the actions taken, the system will not search for updates and install them automatically. But that is not all. Since this is a negative event for Windows 7, it will still remind you of this with a flag with a red cross in the right corner of the monitor.

Let's turn off this reminder of the changes made:

Now the red cross has disappeared and the operating system does not display reminders.

But nothing prevents you from updating manually if you wish. It is enough to start the search for Windows 7 updates again.


Finishing this short description of why you need to update the system, and how to disable the update service, we want to remind you that each user can install the update manually, as well as disable the update service completely or partially. We hope these short instructions will help you. They are quite simple, but will keep the computer working for a long time.

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