Set an icon for a folder on a flash drive. How to make an icon for a flash drive or external drive

Flash drive manufacturers compete in ingenuity, giving their creations more and more new forms, using different case materials and decorating them with rhinestones. However, no matter what original outwardly flash drive you purchase, when you connect it to your computer, you will see the same identical removable disk icon that the operating system will designate it with. This is easy to fix with the help of simple manipulations, the result of which, in addition to purely aesthetic pleasure, can also bring you some practical benefits. But more on that below.

1. First of all, you need to prepare a picture that you want to assign to a removable drive and come up with a name for it. For example, I have a flash drive lying around at home, which is used exclusively for watching movies on the TV screen. Accordingly, I go to the site and select an icon of the corresponding topic there.

2. Save your favorite picture to the root of the connected flash drive. I remind you that this should be an icon with an extension .ico.

3. In the root partition of a removable drive create a file called autorun.inf. It represents the usual text file, so you can use regular Notepad to create and edit it.

4. Edit the created autorun file. It must contain the following entry:

Icon=icon name Label=removable drive name

5. Now we will make sure that the files we created do not interfere with our eyes and are not accidentally deleted. To do this, open their properties and set the attributes Hidden And Only reading.

In addition to giving personality to your flash drive, these simple operations can serve to indicate the cleanliness of your flash drive from viruses. The fact is that when a removable drive is infected, as a rule, the file is replaced autorun.inf, and the icon you assigned will no longer be displayed. Thus, if you connected a USB flash drive and saw a standard icon operating system, then this can serve as a signal about the presence of a virus on your flash drive.

With a few simple steps, you can make your flash drive more interesting by decorating it with some cool icon. From this article, you will learn how to make an icon for a flash drive, from which sites you can download the icon you need, as well as how to find out in time about the penetration of a virus on your flash drive. If the icon from the flash drive disappears, this is a sure signal that a virus has crept into it, because we will add the icon using the autorun.inf file, which is overwritten by the viruses that got on the flash drive.

How to make an icon for a flash drive

In order for the icon to start loading, you need to upload it to a USB flash drive and register it in the autorun.inf file. If there is no such file on your flash drive, then you need to create it. To do this, you will need a regular notepad.

Open the flash drive, right-click and select create - Text Document. IN this document you must provide the following information:


This is what the autorun.inf file should look like:

Image - this is the name of the icon that you will install for the flash drive.

After that, we close the document and save it under the name autorun.inf. If you did everything right, the notepad icon will change to a notepad icon with a gear.

Where to download icons for a flash drive

Now you need to upload the 64x64 px icon you like in ico format to the root folder on the flash drive. Here are a few sites where you can find the right icon for your flash drive: is a foreign site, a favorite source of all kinds of icons for website builders and designers. Iconfinder has a huge number of different, interesting, free icons in different extensions, including the required ico and different sizes. The only disadvantage of the site is that it does not have a Russian version, so you will have to search for icons for English queries. If you understand at least a little English, then this is not a problem for you, otherwise you can use Google Translate to select the right word. Iconfinder also has a catalog of icons through which you can choose the one you like. To search for icons, you can filter them by size by setting the desired one - 64x64 px. is a Russian-language database of icons with an equally huge collection. Here you can find icons using queries in both Russian and English, as well as finding them in the tag cloud.

Having selected the desired icon, upload it to the USB flash drive and rename it as it is specified in the autorun.inf file. In this case, in image.ico.

That was all that needed to be done. To see the result, you need to remove and reinsert the flash drive.

And finally, one more feature. If you paid attention to the image at the beginning of the article, you noticed that part of the name of the flash drive is smeared on it. My phone number is in the title. If you indicate the phone number in the name of your flash drive, then in case of loss of the flash drive, you have a chance that it will be returned to you. And for greater reliability, you can create a text document on the flash drive with a name, for example, "return me to the owner", which will contain information about how the person who found your flash drive can return it to you.

Hello, friends! Since you are interested in how to change the icon of a flash drive, you probably saw an interesting picture from a friend or somewhere else instead of the usual disk image. You can insert a capital letter of the name or an interesting avatar, well, in general, like someone with imagination. This is done very simply.

To change the standard picture to the desired one, insert the USB flash drive into usb port computer, open it.

Now we need to create a text file. Who does not know where to find a notepad: "Start" - "All Programs" - "Standard". To do this, open a notepad on your computer and write the following in it, or just copy: icon=1.ico

You can also set the name to be displayed. For example, instead of Kingston (company name), you can write your nickname or name.

To do this, add: Label= Your_name replace with what you need. If there are two or three words, be sure to insert an underscore between them!

In the end, you should be able to

Label= Your_name

and set the name (autorun.inf) - do not put brackets, only letters.

Where to get a picture?

When you search for a picture on the Internet, its format should be ico and the size of 64x64 or 128x128, 256x256 is a prerequisite. If there is another format, the icon will not be displayed. Here is a good service with pictures and the format we need

Here write what you need, find and download.

Maybe you found an image, but in a different format? No problem go to this service Upload your image. Paste the size and click "Convert File".

When you download, do not forget to rename the picture to 1 !!!

We insert the picture and the text file on the USB flash drive. To prevent you from accidentally deleting these files, we will make them hidden. In fact, they will, but you will not see them.

We select both files and right-click. We press the properties and we are interested in this item "Attributes". Check the box next to "Hidden" and click "OK". The job is done, now you can not be afraid that when you wake up to delete something, hook the files you created.

We look at the result, for this we pull out the flash drive and insert it again. After that, it should display like this:

When connecting a flash drive to a computer, it is often difficult to find it in the list of devices with removable media. An individual icon for a flash drive can correct the situation. In this article, I want to help you figure out how to do this without wasting time and effort.

And I'll start with the fact that my instructions are designed for users of the operating Windows systems. I myself use its version of Vista. If you have another Windows version, it will be a little more difficult for you, but I will try to take this moment into account.

And so we have USB flash drive (slang. flash drive, flash drive, flash drive etc.)- an external storage device used as a flash memory carrier and connected to a computer via a USB interface.

We need that when viewing this device in file manager (e.g. "Explorer") it had a unique icon, or rather icon. Below I will provide step by step instructions solution to this problem.

Step 1: find the icon. And so, the icons of programs, folders, disks, etc. on Windows usually use ICO format and often have the size 16 , 32 , 48 , 96 And 256 pixels to consider when choosing an icon. In order to find a suitable icon, I will use the service.

Go to the site, enter the keyword on English language(eg: cat) and press the Enter button or click the search button. The search result will be a table of those found by keyword icons.

If you do not plan to buy an icon, select " Free» (from English. for free) in the "Price" filter (from English. price) . It would also not be superfluous to extend the limit to 256 pixels in the "Icon Size" filter (from English. icon size) . I also note that if you have Windows XP and older, you can install transparent color in the "Background" filter (from English. background) , otherwise it is better to choose white color.

Step 2: copy the icon to the flash drive. Now we need to copy the file of the icon we downloaded with the extension .ico to a flash drive. If, like me, you use Google browser Chrome, a download bar should appear at the bottom of its window. Click the right side of the button with the "arrow", and in the menu that appears - the item " Show in Folder". This way you can find the saved file on your computer.

Now go to our flash drive, hover over an empty area and click right button mice. In the menu that opens, you just have to click on the item " Insert».

Step 3. Create a system autorun.inf file. We just have to create system file, in which you will need to register the name of the icon file. It is not difficult to do this.

First we need to get the full name of the icon file. To do this, hover over the file and press the right mouse button. In the menu that appears, you just have to click on the item " Properties».

In the window that opens, on the General tab, place the cursor in the field with the full file name, select (Ctrl + A) and copy (Ctrl + C) its value.

Now back to our flash drive. Move the cursor over an empty area and click the right mouse button. In the menu that opens, hover over the list " Create” and click in the submenu item “ Text Document».

In the generated file, change the name from the suggested " New text document.txt" on " autorun.inf” and press the Enter button. In this case, the "rename" window will appear, where you will need to confirm the action, click the " Yes". The file icon will change and it will have a gear icon.

Double click on the file to open it in text editor Notepad and write the following lines in it:


Instead of the name 1415326090_182515.ico, paste (Ctrl + V) the name of your file that you copied earlier. Save the file (Ctrl+S) and close the editor window.

Bonus or virus protection. It is noteworthy that such a solution can become a simple and visual protection against viruses. The fact is that most viruses try to change the file autorun.inf. Thus, if you see that the flash drive icon has become a system icon again, check it for viruses! By the way, the best free antivirus can help you with this!

That's all for me. Thank you for your attention. Good luck!

at 22:44 Edit message

Flash drive manufacturers compete in ingenuity, giving their creations more and more new forms, using different case materials and decorating them with rhinestones. However, no matter what original outwardly flash drive you purchase, when you connect it to your computer, you will see the same identical removable disk icon that the operating system will designate it with. This is easy to fix with the help of simple manipulations, the result of which, in addition to purely aesthetic pleasure, can also bring you some practical benefits. But more on that below.

1. First of all, you need to prepare a picture that you want to assign to a removable drive and come up with a name for it. For example, I have a flash drive lying around at home, which is used exclusively for watching movies on the TV screen. Accordingly, I go to the site and select an icon of the corresponding topic there.

2. Save your favorite picture to the root of the connected flash drive. I remind you that this should be an icon with an extension .ico.

3. In the root partition of a removable drive create a file called autorun.inf. It is a plain text file, so you can use plain Notepad to create and edit it.

4. Edit the created autorun file. It must contain the following entry:

Icon=icon name Label=removable drive name

5. Now we will make sure that the files we created do not interfere with our eyes and are not accidentally deleted. To do this, open their properties and set the attributes Hidden And Only reading.

In addition to giving personality to your flash drive, these simple operations can serve to indicate the cleanliness of your flash drive from viruses. The fact is that when a removable drive is infected, as a rule, the file is replaced autorun.inf, and the icon you assigned will no longer be displayed. Thus, if you connected a flash drive and saw a standard operating system icon, then this can serve as a signal that a virus is present on your flash drive.
