Drm license. DRM license protection - what is it? How to reset a license


Digital rights management (DRM) is software or firmware that intentionally restricts or makes it difficult to various activities with objects of copyright and related rights in electronic form (copying, modification, viewing, etc.) after their sale to the end user. DRM was originally conceived to combat online copyright infringement and save regular revenue from the sale of digital copies, but now DRM brings significant inconvenience to legitimate buyers and helps large companies stifle innovation and competition With the help of software technologies, copyright holders destroy the doctrine of fair use works and prosecute those (including by way of criminal law measures) who try to circumvent the restrictions on fair use that they impose by means of software.

While DRMs are intended to only prevent the unauthorized copying of works, they generally prevent or restrict any copying, including in the context of fair use of works (including free and former proprietary works whose exclusivity has expired) because it is impossible by technical means to automatically distinguish between "legal" copying and "illegal" copying.

DRM tools allow you to limit the number of copies, and may also impose other restrictions, such as limiting the period during which a protected work can be viewed or played. DRM does not allow you to transfer legally purchased books from one format to another, or play / read them in another country where the copyright holder does not provide appropriate support and service.


The issue of protecting works from copying for the first time became very relevant for corporate copyright holders with the advent of recording audio and video tape recorders, the appearance of which made media corporations noticeably nervous, because. anyone could create a copy of a music album or film without leaving home. In the US, this led to the so-called Betamax case, in which Universal attempted to stop Sony from making recordable VCRs. The case was settled in favor of Sony by setting a legal precedent that it is legal to manufacture systems that, in addition to illegal uses (creating illegal copies of movies broadcast on TV), also have significant legal uses (recording TV shows for later viewing in a more user-friendly way). time - given application was also found to be fair use during the trial).

The popularization of computers, the development of the Internet and the general transition to digital methods storage and transmission of information only increased the concerns of copyright holders.

Today, DRM is used by many foreign companies in the field of selling digital content, incl. Amazon, Apple Inc., Microsoft, Electronic Arts, Sony, 1C, Akella, etc.

At the international level, it is the duty of states to ensure “ legal protection and effective means legal protection circumvention of existing DRM is enshrined in Article 11 of the WIPO Copyright Treaty and Article 18 of the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty.

In addition, DRM bypass is also protected by criminal law. The fundamental international normative act in this area, which forms the basis of many national laws of Western countries, is the Computer Crime Convention CETS No. 185, opened for signing in Budapest on 23/11/2001. One of the principles of this Convention is the establishment of criminal liability for the acquisition and use of unlicensed software.

Representatives of the entertainment industry decided to slow down the development of file-sharing technologies for distributing and copying copyrighted content by introducing DRM into the technology. This time, the most popular technology for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web in HTML-5 web browsers was chosen as the object. This initiative was announced by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) under the name "Encrypted Media Extensions" (EME).

DRM (stands for Digital Rights Management) is not a single technology, but rather a class of technologies used by publishers to control digital content. For the end user, it might look something like this: an audiobook purchased from digital form on some site, plays perfectly on the computer from which the purchase was made. But after copying the book to another computer, it turns into a useless file that cannot be played by any player.

Real-life examples of the use of DRM technologies can be much more complex. DRM was originally designed to prevent digital products from being copied, but the next generation of DRM also provided tools to restrict viewing, printing, editing, and so on.

In an attempt to protect the interests of copyright holders, DRM has caused numerous complaints from people who buy digital products. The inability to use purchased music on various personal devices repelled buyers. Eventually, publishers began to realize that it was possible to sell music digitally without DRM protection—and even more successfully.

DRM technologies have received legislative support. For example, in many countries there are laws that prohibit circumvention of copy protection.

But there is one problem with DRM, because these technologies can prevent buyers from exercising their legal rights.

DRM license - what is it in the phone and on the computer?

For example, create backup purchased work.

Without delving into the intricacies of legislation and the practice of applying certain laws in practice, it is possible to propose a strategy that will be completely legal in most countries (among the exceptions, perhaps, Australia can be mentioned). You can create multiple copies of own use or in reserve (but not for sale/distribution). Please note that making more than 10 copies may amount to commercial use, so excessive copying should be avoided. There are no hard and fast rules for making copies, so you could technically lose DRM somewhere along the way and end up with unprotected MP3 copies. However, the use of a program designed to remove copy protection may be unsafe in the context of laws.

Luckily, DRM can also be removed using general purpose software such as MP3 Recorder Studio. Just start playing the purchased protected audio file using the appropriate program (iTunes, Windows media player or other), and capture audio with MP3 Recorder Studio, saving the audio directly to MP3. This process uses the built-in feature of sound cards to capture sound within the device itself. Most sound cards provide a recording device called "Stereo Mix" (various names exist), this device allows you to capture everything that the sound card plays. Installation may be required latest driver from the official website of the manufacturer sound card, because the drivers automatically installed by Windows often disable and hide this device.

More information about copying protected music with MP3 Recorder Studio can be found in this article.

A way to protect media content. Is DRM possible on the Web?

Quite a large part of our projects is related to the storage and transmission of video content on the Internet. One of the frequently asked questions by customers is the issue of protecting content from illegal copying and distribution. There is a myth that there are software products and technologies capable of guaranteeing the impossibility of copying and distribution of video content by intruders. In our report, we tried to talk about existing technologies, their vulnerabilities and about open and free analogues that provide the same level of protection as closed and very expensive products.

Denis Eldandi: Good day to all! So, I will talk about how bad everything is with DRM technologies, and Alexander (Kistanov) will talk about how to live with it. Let's first - a brief introduction about what is video streaming and DRM. The idea of ​​streaming video is to play video or audio that comes from the network without downloading the whole file in advance, with fairly low latency and little buffering; it's called streaming. Streaming saves time and nerves of the user, as well as traffic. Actually, in non-streaming, this does not happen at all. We will be talking about streaming in relation to video hosting on the Internet, and as such, streaming technologies such as RSTP, RTMP and HTTP pseudo-streaming.

With the advent of content on the Internet, especially content in high quality, copyright holders are beginning to worry about protecting it from illegal copying. Therefore, they are offered copy protection, which is called DRM. Officially deciphered as Digital Rights Management, Digital Rights Management. Although many prefer deciphering Digital Restriction Management - Digital Restriction Management.

In general, DRM is a way to prohibit and restrict the creation of copies of a work that are distributed digitally. Although, some DRM vendors now say the goal is just to make it harder to make such copies. Most DRM systems use fairly strong encryption. To read encrypted information, you need a secret key. However, there is almost no sense from this, because for legitimate reading and information and for watching movies, you need the same key as for illegitimate copying, for example. Actually, DRM systems try to somehow hide the key from the user, but since the user part of DRM systems is completely in the hands of the user of the system, he is able to get the specified key using the so-called trusted client problem.

Another vulnerability, though less interesting, is that one way or another the film will end up in analog form at some point, albeit not in a cable to the TV, but on the screen itself, for sure, and from there it can always be written to disk, albeit with some loss of quality. The so-called analog hole is very vulnerable. And of course there is very little enough complete systems DRM systems that would not provide media content in an open (digital) form. For example, there is a very common method of "bypassing" DRM - removing the stream from the computer's video buffer (if you were doing a screencast). On the other side, Windows Media Player, for example, uses various techniques so that it doesn't work. But the developers also do not sleep, and bypass them one way or another. Actually, I didn’t say anything new here, all this is known, there is an organization, a movement that talks about it (on the screen). But DRM vendors still claim to be doing well.

About this thought the developers of RTMP. The RTMP protocol was originally developed by Macromedia for transmitting audio and video over the Internet between a Flash application and a CRM. It uses Port 1235 TCP and works according to the request-response scheme: the client requests a URL, and the server returns the video. The RTMP protocol has different flavors. For example, RTMPT uses HTTP as transport, while RTMPS uses HTTPS/SSL for encryption.

And there is the RTMPE protocol proposed for content protection, and now the manufacturer calls it protected streaming. He should ideally "kill two birds with one stone" - protect (encrypt the stream), and verify the client. The idea was that only the right client could receive the video, which would carry out the check on its side, not show it to “who doesn’t need it”, and it would be impossible to intercept the stream between the server and the client. RTMPE does not use SSL for encryption, the developers decided that it was quite expensive from the server side, i.e. expensive in terms of performance, and decided to make such a home-made “thing” that would use temporary keys and use them to encrypt data. But in fact, since there is no client-side authentication of the server, it is easy to arrange a Man in the middle attack on this protocol, where the “attacker” perfectly receives the content in clear text and saves it on his hard drive.

Also, their so-called client verification is based on a very strange algorithm: the flash application calculates its own hash, takes its own size, and sends it to the server. And the server supposedly knows, and if it arrived incorrectly, it would not give the video. But in fact, it costs nothing to write your own separate client that would download and save data to disk. Of course, saving an RTMPE stream is a little more difficult than clicking right click mouse, and say "save as". But in fact, there are client programs that download anything via RTMPE. And if, of course, the developers set as their goal to complicate illegal copying, then they probably achieved their goal one way or another, but it would be an exaggeration to say that their content is protected. What are the ways out of this situation? Alexander will talk about it.

Alexander Kistanov: As it was said, there really are no exits, practically any existing DRM solution does not provide a 100% guarantee that the content will be protected and safe. So what to do then? In fact, it turns out that there is no need to use any particular DRM solution. The fact is that all existing DRM solutions for web applications have drawbacks. In particular, for example, for some, this is the limitation of the platform, for others, the ability to use these solutions only on Windows and resource requirements; also, DRM solutions often cost a significant amount of money. Again, they are quite difficult to master.

But as we have shown, there is not much point in using them. And almost the same thing can be achieved using some simpler solutions. For example, we usually do not use RTMP in our systems, serving video files via the HTTP protocol. This allows, for example, from a fairly weak server to give a gigabit of traffic, and even more. But how to make it difficult to copy files with this approach?

In fact, there are opportunities for this. IN Adobe Flash, for example, starting from version 10.1, there is such a functionality that allows you to create a video stream played by the player on the fly. This is the append_bytes() method. Using it, one can quite easily write a simple solution that makes saving files difficult. Videos are served simply via HTTP, from the server side it is encoded on the fly with any stream cipher, and on the client side it is encrypted using a hard-coded key. It will not be difficult for a programmer to write such a thing, and it will not be much worse than any existing DRM solution. Thus, copying files will be more difficult.

By the way, why, if it is so easy to copy content, are there so few services that actually duplicate existing ones?

This is because serving the same amount of files as on Youtube would require the creation of the same infrastructure as theirs, which is very expensive and difficult. A potential attacker is tempted to use the content already lying on legal servers, but for his site. This is possible if they buy a paid account, get access to the video in good quality, and after that they create their own website, where they use the video for their own purposes. However, this problem is quite easy to get around even if simple solution using the so-called url verification with token, which is supported in one form or another by almost any HTTP server. The fact is that when we form links to content, we generate a token that contains information about the lifetime of this link and the IP address of the client for which it is valid. This approach virtually eliminates the use of links to content for any illegal purposes.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Questions from the audience:

Does Warner Brothers know that DRM can be hacked? Why do they require DRM?

Denis Eldandi: Warner Brothers is well aware of everything. They demand DRM because they don't listen to the advice of the technical people. Their decisions are more often made by some kind of management that has grown out of the "old school", the old type of information dissemination model. They are accustomed to somehow doing everything the old fashioned way, and "turning a blind eye" to some problems.

— Could you tell us about Flash Access 2.0: how can you “open” it, and what are its weaknesses?

Denis Eldandi: It has a different principle of operation - the license is checked on the server. It turns out that our content is always sold in encrypted form, and the key is the same as in your example.

In fact, "attack" man in the middle could easily have been avoided. It would be enough to check the authenticity of the server, as is done in SSL / HTTPS. But the problem is that the key that is needed to decrypt the content will always be with the client, and he will always be able to use it.

- Unfortunately, I'm not a great specialist in Access. But what I read is a bit of information: it is believed that if the content is not downloaded, but viewed online, then before receiving the stream, we request a license from the content owner's server. And this key also has a limited "lifetime". It seems like it is stated that if I do not use a “rag” copy of video filming, in principle, I will not be able to view the content a second time without obtaining a new license?

Denis Eldandi: But what if you make a "client" that will use a good, correct key, but save it all to disk?

Denis Eldandi: You save the byte decoded stream to disk. That is, instead of giving it to the video card, you save it to a file. And the one who writes the program, who automates all this. What is the difficulty?

- Tell me, what is the scheme of work after all? I want to watch a movie, I go to the ticket office and buy a ticket. The ticket is only valid for my IP address for 5 minutes. I send a request to the license server, and I get a license to view content encrypted along the way. Or?

Denis Eldandi: You have decrypted the content. But instead of watching it, you saved it to disk in clear text. And then they watched it 3 times, and distributed the content to everyone.

What is DRM?

- Tell me, will Google Widevine win?

Denis Eldandi: And what does it mean to win, in a business sense or in a technical one? You see, who wins from the business side is more of a marketing question. On the technical side, there is no one to win, because the idea of ​​​​DRM is initially strange.

- Good afternoon! I have been in the content market for a long time, and I want to say that all copyright holders have qualified personnel. All of them are aware that it is possible to steal, but they are gradually taking small steps along the path of protecting information so that their solutions somehow work. Everything is clear that an ordinary layman wants to watch a video for free, and the copyright holders want to get money for it. This is a normal struggle, and the only question is where it will lead. It was rightly said that either the copyright holders would impose a method that would more or less work for everyone, or they would abandon DRM, as happened several years ago when Warner and Sony and other major majors abandoned DRM in relation to music. And they said: “guys, we are not ready, because we have a high percentage of refusals from people due to the fact that they could not listen to anything at all, or the price is too high.”

It all depends on the situation from the trackers, when all fresh distributions are administratively closed. It seems to me that several departments of operators on trackers that turn off fresh distributions is a much simpler and more effective struggle than implanting a DRM chip in the brain of each user, which then needs to be updated again (laughter in the hall).

Denis Eldandi: Well, how? Administrative methods do not work everywhere. For example, in America they can ban it and send a police detachment. But normal people have already moved to other countries.

- Look: on the site rutracker.ru, for example, there are no fresh distributions. What is shown in the cinema cannot appear on the site, despite the fact that it is possible to agree with the operator to make a digital copy of the film, because there is an administrative server barrier. As a result, it’s very inconvenient that you can’t get fresh content on the tracker, and the copyright holders need at least some time to sell their film until the whole thing goes to the trackers.

I am in no way defending DRM as a user, because it is obvious to me - a problematic system. In addition to the fact that you have to pay money, although I calmly pay for a movie at the cinema, there are many problems with DRM: it is bad, and at the same time it is only under Windows. The question is different: people come to me as a technology supplier and say: “we have the option of distributing Avatar-2 via the Internet 2 days before the cinema, but we can only be allowed to do this for the presence of DRM.” And I say: "sorry guys, there is no DRM." As a result, the contract is lost and money is lost.

Denis Eldandi: Yes, so it's easier to say: Adobe promised that RTMPE is reliable, so we'll do it.

And everyone does it, just those present: don't tell the copyright holders anything that we discussed here, and everything will be fine. (laughter in the hall)

Denis Eldandi: No more questions? Thanks to all!

WMV video format is very widely used in video delivery. However, many WMV videos are blocked with DRM copy protection, such as download or buy videos from Windows Media Player Center, Zune Marketplace, Amazon Video On Demand, BBC iPlayer, Blockbuster, etc. Thanks to the DRM protection license, you can only play videos through the specified media players.

Then you can look for ways remove DRM from WMV files, so you can play your purchased movies in any media player without restrictions. Well, what you need is a professional WMV DRM remover software which can help you achieve your task easily and quickly. Here Video Converter Ultimate is recommended remove DRM protection from WMV video files. It integrates full function DRM removal, DVD Ripper, Video Converter, DVD Creator, Media Transfer as well as Video Editor and YouTube Downloader.

DRM in the field of audio and video

With it, you can get rid of WMV DRM protection and convert protected WMV to any popular video formats like MP4, MOV, MKV, FLV, AVI, etc., and even burn to DVD for playback on DVD players and TV !

Just get DRM removal tool and crack DRM from WMV as easy as ABC!

Remove DRM protection from WMV video files with ease

Download and install this smart DRM converter, install and run it. Then follow below a quick guide to revoke WMV DRM license protection.

1 Add DRM WMV video

Click the "Add Files" button on the top left corner and select the WMV protected files you want to crack the DRM and convert. You can also drag files to the target panel source. As you can see, the added video can be viewed on the right and you can freely take pictures of your favorite movie scenes.

2 Select output settings

Video Converter Ultimate supports up to 160+ format and media players like AVI, WMV, MPEG, MOV, MKV, FLV, MP4, etc. and 100+ video presets for iPod, iPhone, iPad, Android phone, BlackBerry, etc.

Open the output format drop download list to select the output format you prefer.

To change the video settings, click the "Advanced..." button to adjust the video and audio encoding settings and save them as your own profile.

3 Start removing DRM from WMV

The last step to click the "Convert" button is to start removing DRM copyright protection from WMV and converting WMV to the video format you like. After conversion, you can click the "Find Target" button to access the converted DRM-Free WMV videos directly. Now you can enjoy your movie anytime, anywhere with any player!

Here is a video tutorial on how to remove DRM from WMV.

Some phone users are faced with incomprehensible menu settings on their devices. One of these is Android DRM License Reset. What this process is and whether it is necessary is described in this article.

What is DRM

Digital Right Management (in the Russian version - "Technical means of copyright protection") is a technology that enables authors to protect their digital products from piracy. In the case of Android, these are applications.

The protection process is carried out through the introduction by the programmer into the software of some technical means that prevent illegal use. As a result, a person uses the software only for personal needs and cannot copy or transfer it to other people.

A DRM license is a key that opens the application's digital lock. Its design uses complex cryptographic algorithms to prevent rapid hacking.

Important! Hacking or bypassing DRM protection is against the law and entails civil and administrative liability in most countries.

How the technology works:

  1. A person purchases a smartphone or tablet, where (in addition to the OS) special software from the developer is installed.
  2. After turning on and activating the device, pre-installed programs work in demo mode for a limited period (week, month). After its expiration, the software ceases to function and offers to purchase the full version and a DRM license for it.

Reset licenses

The main purpose of the reset function is to stop using the purchased software.

Important! hard reset system does not affect purchased licenses, and removing the latter does not affect the performance of the OS, but will prohibit the use of programs protected by DRM technology.

After that, restart the device if it affected the pre-installed applications.

Note! At the moment, DRM is losing its relevance due to the imperfection of protection. In Android 6 and above, there is no reset function.


The DRM license is the right to use full version software that is acquired from its copyright holder. The reset licenses feature allows you to opt out of such software without affecting the performance of Android.

In this article, we will analyze what a DRM license on Android is and how to remove its protection or reset DRM.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Attention! You can ask your question to a specialist at the end of the article.

What is DRM?

Digital Rights Management (DRM) literally translates to "digital rights management". Management is implemented by placing various technical means in the product in order to create obstacles for the illegal disposal of the program.

The owner can use the protected product only for personal purposes; the user will not be able to sell and copy it. DRM is essentially a kind of digital lock, to which the key must be purchased from the copyright holder.

The DRM key for gaining access has the form of a code, for the creation of which cryptographic algorithms are used. It is hard to hack it, and you can get access only after purchasing a licensed digital product. This technology On Android it works like this:

  • The user purchases a new gadget in which the manufacturer installs certain software.
  • After launching and activating the device, the software will work in a free demo mode. When the trial period ends, the application will stop functioning and will require you to purchase a license.

Purchasing access to the full version of the program is an element of DRM. This is only one of the possible options, there are other examples of protection.

View information about DRM

To view information about the requirements different programs, which applications will be affected by the removal of licenses, whether the gadget supports the technologies that are necessary for normal operation services, should mobile device install DRM info. The application publishes data about DRM components, indicating whether they are supported on gadgets.


You can use this information to find out if you should buy licensed apps or premium accounts. For example, in order to be able to play videos in Full HD and 4K on Netflix, you need Google Widevine level 1.

Many devices come with the third level, it turns out that it makes no sense to spend money on a premium account, because. there will be no quality improvement here - the device does not support the necessary technologies.

Reset DRM licenses on Android

The process for resetting DRM licenses varies by license. With the help of different hacker software, you can:

  • Reset counters for launching programs that have DRM protection.
  • Unlink similar types of files from certain Internet resources.
  • Remove key verification by the software used, etc.

IN android user has the ability to reset all DRM licenses loaded on the gadget:

  • Let's go to "Settings".
  • There we select "Restore and reset".
  • Then click on "DRMreset".

This option should be used quite carefully, because. if you purchased the software with this license, you will no longer be able to access it after resetting the DRM settings. This option should be used in special conditions, for example, in the case of selling the device.

How to remove DRM protection

Many Android software developers have often faced user protests about the inconvenience of digital licenses lately. Despite this, it is still used in many products, including multimedia files, mobile applications etc.

Let's look at the main options that allow you to remove the DRM "digital lock" from the most common file types:

  • The use of specialized utilities. For example, the free software "DRM Removal" or "DRM Media Converter" can deactivate protection from a large number of popular file types. This includes documents with extensions: .ASF, .M4V, .M4B, .WMV and many others.
  • Using converters to convert files protected by a digital license. Such applications include: Note Burner, Sound Taxi, Digital Music Converter, and others available on the Internet. Although they are used for a small range of extensions, after the conversion, a completely "clean file" is available to users.
  • Application of CD and DVD discs. Files with the WMA and WMV extensions can be easily and easily removed from digital protection if you have a computer and blank disc. It is enough to burn WMV to DVD, WMA to CD, and then copy them back to the PC. The DRM license will then be removed from the files.


In many situations one can find free alternative for DRM protected software. By purchasing paid version Software from developers, you guarantee yourself the possibility of using all the options and features of the program.

DRM is an intellectual property protection tool that allows the copyright holder to control access, preventing unauthorized copying and distribution of software. The technology is used on various products, including mobile operating systems, so users periodically have the question of what a DRM license reset on Android is.

What is DRM

DRM is an acronym for Digital Rights Management, which can be translated as "Digital Rights Management". Management is implemented by placing various technical means in the product that prevent the illegal disposal of software. The owner can use the protected product only for personal purposes, he will not be able to copy it and sell it. In fact, DRM is a kind of digital lock, the key to which must be purchased from the copyright holder.

The DRM key for access is presented in the form of a code, the creation of which uses cryptographic algorithms. It is very difficult to hack it, and you can get it only after purchasing a digital product with a license. On Android, the technology is often implemented like this:

  1. A person buys a new device in which the manufacturer preinstalls certain software.
  2. After turning on and activating the device, the software starts working for free in demo mode. At the end of the trial period, the application ceases to function, requiring the purchase of a license.

Buying access to the full version of the software is the DRM element. This is just one of the possible options, there are other examples of copyright protection.

The procedure for resetting DRM differs depending on what is covered by the license. For example, using hacker software, you can reset the program launch counter, unbind files from the site, turn off key verification, and perform other actions to unbind a license. As for Android, here the reset can be done without hacker software.

You must use this feature with extreme caution, because after resetting your license, you may lose access to certain product features. DRM keys needed to work special applications from the phone manufacturer. You can find such programs on Sony, Samsung, etc. devices. After resetting the key, branded applications may stop working, but otherwise the functionality of the phone will remain at the same level.

It has nothing to do with relinquishing a license. If, when the settings are rolled back, all applications installed by the user, as well as personal data, are deleted from the phone, then removing the license only disables the software built by the manufacturer.

If you want to know what are the requirements different applications, which programs will be affected by the removal of licenses, whether the technologies that are needed for the normal functioning of services are supported on the device, then install DRM Info on the mobile device. The application displays information about DRM components, at the same time indicating whether they are supported on devices.
Why is this information needed? To understand whether it is worth buying premium accounts or applications with licenses. For example, to play Netflix videos in Full HD and 4K quality, Google Widevine level 1 is required. Most devices come with the third level, so it makes no sense to spend money on a premium account, because there will be no quality improvement - the device does not support the necessary technologies.

In this tutorial I will show you how to set up android using the example of a Philips Xenium W3568 phone. In this article I will talk about the rest of the menu items, as well as how to enable the item for developers.

Let's move on to location data.

In the Location Data tab, you can enable access to my location data and allow applications to use your location data. You can select location data sources by GPS satellites. Also set by network coordinates, that is, allow sending anonymous geodata and allow applications to determine your location from using Wi-Fi and mobile networks.

In the security tab, you can set a screen lock; by default, you should swipe your finger, but I recommend setting the lock type to be more serious and reliable.

You can choose the type of lock: voice unlock, graphic key, PIN code, password. I'll choose the graphic key.

Now create a graphic key by drawing a line drawing.

I drew the letter M. Click continue.

To confirm, draw the pattern again. Then click confirm.

Also in the security tab, you can set auto-lock after a certain amount of time. First, the display turns off and then the auto-lock turns on. You can set the display to turn off after 2 minutes and auto-lock after 2 minutes. Thus, as soon as the screen turns off, the screen lock will turn on, that is, to enter the smartphone, you will need to draw the pattern that we created earlier.

You can also encrypt data. Requests a numeric decryption PIN or password each time the phone is turned on. Set up a screen lock.

In the security tab, you can set device administrators to remotely lock and wipe information from your smartphone, in case your smartphone is stolen and you do not want the thief to access your data on your smartphone.

Click activate to enable the ability to delete all data on the phone by resetting the settings. Also to change the password to unlock the screen. Lock screen.

Enable or disable installation of applications from unknown sources. By default, applications can only be installed from Play market, but if you include " unknown sources”, then applications can be installed both from the SD card and from the Internet. For safety, check this box only when you want to install applications from the SD card and disable after you have installed. It is not necessary to leave this option enabled, so that when you surf the Internet you do not accidentally install some kind of malicious application.

Also, keep the "verify applications" checkbox checked to prevent installation of applications that can harm the device, or warn about them.

In the language and input tab, you can select the interface language, enable spell checking, TouchPal keyboard (allows you to spell and speed up typing).

In the restore and reset tab, you can save backup copies of application data, point passwords WiFi access and settings for Google servers. Install backup account with data backups. Set auto-recovery, when you reinstall the application, restore a backup copy of settings and data. Reset DRM, that is, remove all DRM licenses.

Also here you can reset your smartphone. Delete all data from the smartphone and make the smartphone like from the store.

Resetting the settings will delete all data from internal memory devices, including: your Google account, system and application settings/data, downloaded applications.

In the Google accounts tab, you can synchronize and transfer data from your smartphone to your Google account.

You can transfer your emails to your Google account from mailbox, browser data, app data, calendar, contacts. Thus, when you change your smartphone to another, it will be enough to use the same Google account as on the previous device to transfer all your contacts from the old smartphone to the new one.

In the date and time tab, you can set the date and time manually or try to use the network time zone (but this garbage does not work, so I recommend setting the date and time manually).

In the on/off schedule tab, you can set when the smartphone will turn on and when it will turn off (for example, you can turn it off automatically at night and turn it on in the morning).

In the accessibility tab, you can configure gestures for magnification, large text, auto-rotate the screen, and speak passwords.
