How to open the programs tab in itunes. Apps not showing up in iTunes

Situation: You have connected your iPad or iPhone to your computer with a cable. iTunes started by itself, or you forced it to start, but the application (program) synchronization function is not active! :(

This is expressed in the inability to check / uncheck the Application Sync checkbox - the entire "Programs" page looks inactive.

As a result, you cannot install new programs from using iTunes, nor delete the extra ones. It is understandable that almost anyone can exclaim: " You can uninstall and install any application without iTunes! This can be easily bypassed app Store by downloading any program via Wi-Fi". That's all true, but if the application weighs several hundred megabytes, and the number of tablets (iPad) on which you need to install this "heavy" application is several tens ... then downloading the same thing many times is absolutely not optimal, and usage iTunes programs- the most convenient option (it is enough to download this application once and install it an unlimited number of times *).

So what if iTunes won't sync apps?

Secondly, in the settings of a particular iPad, there should not be a prohibition on installing and deleting applications. This is checked as follows:

Open Settings -> General -> Restrictions:

We see that the points Software installation" And " Software removal" disabled. This is the reason:

Enable items " Software installation" or " Software removal" - depending on what you need in this moment. You can activate both:

Disconnect and reconnect iPad to computer. Go to the "Programs" section, now you can add and remove programs:

* - subject to one account for all iPad tablets

Not the rarest case - content suddenly disappears from iTunes on a PC or Mac. Only yesterday it was, and today you can not find the desired album, movie or application. In this guide, we will tell you what to do if any content is missing from iTunes.

The problem with iTunes and content disappearing in it is quite common among users. This problem is not completely massive, but there are quite a lot of requests for help on the Web, and most importantly, almost nowhere is the right advice given. Well, now we will correct this situation.

Step 1: Quit iTunes Completely

Step 2: On a Mac: Open Finder, select the menu bar item " Go» → « Personal", then go to the folder" Music» → « iTunes»

On Windows: go to the folder \Users\username\Music\iTunes

Step 3. Transfer the file " iTunes Library.itl" on the desktop. You probably won't need the current iTunes library file, so you can delete it

Step 4. Go to the folder " Previous iTunes Libraries", located in the folder iTunes, which you changed to in step 2

Step 5. Locate the library file whose name matches the date iTunes updates and drag this file to the main iTunes folder

Step 6: Rename this file to " iTunes Library»

Step 7Launch iTunes - Your content should be back in place

Here is a simple way that can help you get back the missing content in iTunes and in most cases all the content is returned to its place. However, you should understand that if the iTunes library file to which you are restoring was created, for example, after you created a new playlist, then you should not wait for this playlist to appear in the application.

In any case, this method is the most effective and efficient, and most often only it helps to return missing content to iTunes, be it music, videos, or applications.

Lately, Apple likes to do not really pleasant surprises for its users and most often it concerns different updates.

Everything they do either ends in mistakes or just a lot of disgruntled fans. One of the nasty topics concerns the latest version of iTunes.

The point is that by setting latest version, you simply will not find the tabs of the program, because it was completely removed from there. Let's figure out how to deal with it.

Why is there no program tab in iTunes?

This situation already existed, but then Apple corrected itself and restored the “Programs” tab that everyone needed so much.

Then appeared new iOS 11 and decided to update the version of iTunes with it. For unknown reasons, this option was removed again.

At the same time, access to the "Ringtones" tab was also removed. But here everything is already clear, because you want to earn more money and fight pirated content.

After walking around the Internet, you come to the conclusion that everything is just slowly moving to mobile platforms and now they will be completely independent.

Where is the Programs tab in iTunes?

You probably guess that the only way to get access to the treasured item is to install an older version of iTunes.

In the old version you need: click MusicEdit Menu- check the box next to Programs and your nightmare is over, because now you can again install games and applications from iTunes.

On one very well-known site you can find more than version 12.6.3 and the source is In early October, they wrote about the return of this section.

Fortunately for us, they got this version and share it with people. Scroll down a bit to find the download links.

Often Apple users are faced with the fact that they do not show programs in iTunes. There are actually not very many reasons why this can happen, and all of them can be listed literally on the fingers of one hand. In today's article, we will talk in detail about these very problems, due to which the "tuna" does not see the program, and also share effective solutions for troubleshooting these problems.

It's all about iTunes versions

So, one of the most common reasons why iTunes does not show programs is the version of iTunes installed. No matter how strange it may sound, but "tuna" is very picky about the versions of its programs. For example, if installed old version or some kind of beta, then iTunes can work completely unpredictably, which is why various problems: program crashes, lack of a list of programs, synchronization errors and much more.

What can be done in this situation? The best option will remove the current version of iTunes and install the most recent and, most importantly, stable version. In some cases, problems in the program can be removed by installing previous version, but not too outdated - this is important.

Reinstalling iTunes

The next reason why iTunes does not show programs is a malfunction of the program itself. This also happens, and this should not be surprising. If iTunes, regardless of version, does not display a list of programs, and indeed does not work correctly, then you need to run it complete reinstallation with the deletion of all created files, folders, registry keys, etc. You can, of course, simply remove the "tuna", and then install it, but this may not always help, because the records and necessary program files still remain in the computer, which will interfere normal operation.

Here's what you need to do to complete clean install iTunes:

  1. First you need to download special program, which will help you completely remove iTunes from your computer. For PC with operating system"Windows" is recommended to use one of these "softins": Total Uninstall, Revo Uninstaller, Uninstall Tool or IObit Uninstaller. For Apple PC owners with installed Mac OS best solution will use App Cleaner.
  2. You need to install one of the above programs, run it and find iTunes in the list that appears. We select "tuna" from the list and press the button in the "Delete" or Uninstall program. The uninstall process will start. It may take some time, so you will need to wait. The most important thing is that when a window appears during the uninstallation process, in which you will be asked to delete all folders, files and registry paths, you must select everything and click "OK". The uninstallation process on Mac OS and Windows can be noticeably different, so don't be intimidated.
  3. Now that iTunes is completely uninstalled, you should restart your computer.
  4. The next step is to open a browser, go to the Apple page and download the latest and stable version iTunes programs. Once the installation file is downloaded, you need to run it and complete the installation.
  5. As soon as the "tuna" is installed in the system, run it, enter your data from Apple account, we synchronize and enjoy a fully functional program that displays a list of applications.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the described actions, so everyone can cope with this task.

Authorization in the program

If the two previous methods did not help, and iTunes does not display programs, then with a high degree of probability there was a failure in synchronizing the Apple account itself. This also happens quite often, which is why many users then have problems when working with "tuna". Failure in synchronization, as a rule, happens most often on Apple smartphones, and not in the program itself on the computer. What is most interesting, if after some time synchronization is restored on the phone, then with the version on the computer, not everything is so smooth. There may continue to be problems that lead to iTunes not showing programs.

What to do in this case and how can I fix this unpleasant problem? In fact, everything is quite simple here. First you need to sign out of your Apple account on your iPhone and sign in again. After that, you need to do all the same, but only in the program on the computer. To do this, you need to run the "tuna", click on the tab at the top " Account" and select "Authorization" > "Deauthorize this computer" in the list. After the exit is completed, you need to click on the "Account" tab again, select "Authorization" > "Authorize this computer" and enter your data from your Apple account. All!


Well, the last reason why programs are not displayed in iTunes is jailbreak. Many iPhone owners like to install jailbreaks on their devices, but they do it not quite correctly, or they choose a version that is not very successful, which ultimately leads to some problems. In particular, synchronization is broken, the sound disappears, programs in the "tuna" are not displayed, etc.

Fixing the problem in this case is also quite easy: all you need to do is reset the iPhone to factory settings, and everything will work again.

A friend of mine was faced with a situation where iTunes the Photos tab was not displayed and it was not possible to copy the desired photos from the computer to iPhone.
The solution here is very simple. You just need to change some settings on the device. We will talk about this below.

Before proceeding with the solution of this problem, I recommend reading the two previous articles. In one I described the process in detail, and in the other I wrote about how to transfer from a computer.
If you have read them, you should already be aware that by clicking on the phone icon in the upper left, an overview window of the connected device opens. By selecting the photo item on the left in the settings, the synchronization options should have opened on the right.
But the message is displayed instead Function " Photo iCloud" enabled. What to do?
From the message it is clear that these settings are controlled by iCloud on the device itself (in our case, the iPhone). We pick up the phone and check.

Change settings on your device

Go to the device settings by clicking on the gear icon. Scroll down and click on Photo. Toggle slider iCloud Music Library to the left (the color of the slider should change from green to gray), that is, disable this setting.
That's all! Now go to iTunes and you will see that there you can set up folders for syncing photos on your computer and on your device. And I already wrote about how to do this in one of the articles mentioned above.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here. Everything can be solved if you know how. If you do not know, then the project website always ready to help you.
