How to sign out of google account on android. Signing out of the Play Market account on an Android device

Registering account Google on your Android phone or tablet, you agree to one implicit condition: you will be let in but not let out. No, someone will not take your account prisoner and “nail” it forever to the device, just registering Gmail mail and making it your account is a much more understandable and obvious operation than deleting it. However, there are plenty of ways to remove a Google account from an Android device. They just don't stand out.

This method is embedded in the Android function. It will suit you in the following cases:

  • You decide to transfer your gadget to the possession of a loved one and you are not embarrassed that he will get access to your data, contacts and applications, since you trust him.
  • You need to delete your account to fix some glitch on the device.
  • You want to log in with a different account.

You don't have to worry about the data on your tablet or smartphone. After the demolition of the account, all information belonging to it - applications, files, contacts, personal settings, etc., will remain in place. If that suits you, let's go:

  • Launch the Settings app (Settings).
  • Go to "Personal" -> "Accounts and sync".
  • In the column on the right, select the desired Google account (address Gmail).
  • Tap the menu button in the top right corner of the screen and select the "Delete account" option.

  • Confirm your consent to the deletion, enter, if necessary, a password, and after the operation is completed, restart the device.

Something went wrong and the account is not deleted

Several times I had to deal with such an error - when I tried to delete a single Google account on Android (the owner of the gadget), the operation hung and did not complete until you stopped it manually. The account remained in place.

One of the solutions turned out to be extremely simple. It is for the case when you want to log in to the device under a different account, make it the owner, and delete the old one.

  • Launch the Gmail app by tapping this icon.

  • Open the menu behind the hamburger button in the top left corner of the screen and click Add Account.

  • Select Google.

  • If you already have another Gmail account, click "Existing". If not, "New". If you choose the second option, follow the mailbox registration instructions that you will receive next.

  • Next, go back to the settings of the Gmail Mail application. Now there are 2 users - old and new. One (usually old) is loaded as the main one, the second one is simply present in the list. Switch to the newly added user by tapping its icon.

  • After that, click "Manage accounts" and repeat the operation of deleting the old one. Most likely, this time there will be no problems. The second account will remain the only one and become the owner of the device. All files, contacts, settings and applications of the old account will be in place.

On different gadgets and in different versions Android, individual points of this instruction may not be performed as described. But the principle is the same everywhere.

Deleting data from the Google Accounts app

On some devices, you can delete your account in another simple way. Run system utility"Settings", go to the "Applications" section on the "All" tab. Find "Google Accounts" in the list and click the "Erase Data" button.

On some firmware, you should erase the data not of this application, but of "Google Apps".

Delete Google account and all user data (return device to original state)

This option is applicable in the following cases:

  • If the owner does not remember the password of his account and cannot recover it.
  • If the above methods of deleting an account do not work correctly or the function is blocked by malware.
  • Before selling the gadget and in other similar cases.

You can remove all accounts and all user information from your phone in different ways. The easiest way to do this is through the menu of the same Settings application. In my example, the reset button is located in the "Personal data" - "Backup" section.

On other firmware, both the subsection and the button may be called differently and located in a different place. In particular, on Samsung it is located in the "General" menu and is called "Backup and Reset", on some Lenovo - in the "Restore and Reset" section ("Reset Settings" button). On other devices - somewhere else. Check this in the user manual.

After pressing the button reset android will warn you that all applications, settings and accounts will be completely removed from your tablet or phone. If you agree, click "Reset settings" again and wait about 5 minutes. After restarting, you will get a pristine device.

If the device password protected, which you don’t remember, you can reset in a couple more ways:

  • Through recovery menu(option Wipe Data/Factory Reset). How to get to this menu, read the instructions for the device.
  • Long press recessed reset buttons located on the body of the phone or tablet. On some models, it is hidden under the back cover.

An even tougher method of deleting an account, when absolutely nothing helps, is flashing the device through a computer, which is similar reinstalling Windows on PC. After that, of course, there will also be no user data and applications left.

Warning: some tablets and phones are so tightly tied to the owner's account that they require authorization under it even after resetting and flashing. And getting around this request is very, very difficult (there is no single solution, it is different for each brand of device). Therefore, while you have access to your Google account information, write down your login and password in a notebook or file on another device and store it in a safe place.

For those with root permissions

Those who managed to get superuser rights on their device have one more opportunity to demolish their Google account than the rest. You can simply delete the accounts.db file where Android stores account information. For this you will need file manager with access to protected service data, such as Root Explorer, and ... nothing more.

So run root explorer, go to the / data / system folder (on some firmware - to / data / system / users / 0 /), open with a long touch context menu accounts.db and select Delete.

How to log out of your Google Play account, mail and other applications without deleting your account on Android

Some users are wondering if it is possible to remove your account only from the Goolle Play store, Gmail mail and other applications that use authorization, but keep all files, programs and settings on Android. I answer: you can. If the way to add a second account through mail program did not help, you can do this by changing the password of your current Google account.

For this:

  • Log in to the My Account section of using any web browser. Go to the "Security and login" subsection.

  • On the next page, click the "Password" button.

  • Enter your current password to verify that it is you. Then you will have the opportunity to change it to a new one.

If the gadget is connected to the Internet, the next time you enter Google Play and your mail program, the system will ask you to log in. All you have to do is enter your new account details.

How do I sign out of Gmail on my phone and computer? As you can see, the interface of the Gmail service has undergone various changes recently, it is very easy to get confused in it. And that is why some new users may have a question: “How do I log out of Gmail?” There is nothing wrong with that. You may need to log out of your gmail account if, for example, you entered your data on the computer of an acquaintance or friend.
Well, this is pretty easy to do.

1. First of all, when you log into gmail, you will see this window:

2. After that, you should look up to the upper right corner. Your account icon will be located there:

3. As you can see, there is a "Logout" button. Click on it and go to the account entry tab. Then enter the details of the account you want to use.

If you saved your account information, then Gmail may prompt you to sign in under it. You can also add multiple accounts at the same time.

As you can see, nothing complicated. It is enough just to figure it out, after which you will not have any questions.
Also, some users may have a question: “How do I log out of Gmail on my phone?”, Since, unfortunately, there is no logout button in the mail client. It is possible to change and add accounts, but there is no way to leave them. However, there is a way to solve the problem. On a smartphone, under Android control, you can easily do this.

Why is this happening? The thing is that the Gmail account itself is not stored in the client, but in the phone itself. That is, you can exit it only by deleting your account from your smartphone. It should be remembered that when deleting an account from a device, you automatically delete all information associated with it: contacts in the phone book, information about programs.

To remove an account from a device:

1. Go to phone settings;

2. Go to the "Accounts" tab and find the "Google" button;

Many users of devices running the Android operating system are well aware of the application store through which they download all the programs and games necessary for a smartphone or tablet. In order to be able to install applications, you must be logged into a personal account. For all Androids, this account is Gmail. By registering Mailbox on this service, you can become a full-fledged user by gaining access to all applications. But what if there is already an account on the phone? How to log out of the Play Store account and use a personal account?

What account is used in the "Play Market"?

At the first attempt to open the "Market", the user will be prompted to enter data from an existing account Gmail services. Without authorization, further actions will be impossible. Therefore, you should prescribe your data in the device settings in advance. This will allow you to fully work with your smartphone. Before moving on to the main issue of this article and talking about how to log out of your Play Store account, I would like to remind all users once again why a Gmail account gives you the right to use the store.

When might you need to sign out of your Google Account?

When purchasing a new gadget, you can be sure that there are no existing accounts and saved accounts, as well as the absence of any saved media files, etc. But when buying a smartphone or tablet from your hands or in stores that sell used devices, it is easy you can borrow someone's Gmail account. How to log out of the account in the "Play Market" in this case? Should I use the account that is already in the phone settings? As for the second question, it is categorically not recommended to use other people's data. After all, this can lead to unexpected consequences. One of them may be changing the password for the account by the previous owner. And in this case, all services will be unavailable, including mail, contacts (if data synchronization is configured).

How to log out of the account in the "Play Market" on the phone?

The only way to stop using the "Play Market" on a cellular device is to remove your Google account from the gadget's settings. To do this is quite simple. It is enough to go to the device settings, then open the "Accounts and synchronization" section (in some smartphones, the list of accounts may be located on the main page of the settings form). Then you need to find the desired account, go to it or click on the select button (if any). In the list of available actions, you must select the delete operation and confirm your intention by clicking the appropriate button. After that, in the open list can be added new account. Moreover, it is possible not only to enter the data of an existing account, but also to create a new one.

How to log out of the account in the "Play Market" on the tablet?

If you are using a Tablet PC and need to get rid of an outdated or outdated account, you should follow the same steps as with your phone. How to log out of an account in the Play Market without completely deleting the account? Currently, a Google account provides comprehensive access to various services. It is unrealistic to refuse the "Play Market", while retaining the opportunity to use others. Thus, the removal of authorization data is inevitable. After adding a new account to the list, access to Google Play will be restored.

Other ways to sign out

In addition, you can get rid of an account simply by changing the account password: you can do this in the profile settings on another device. In this case, when you try to enter the Play Market, you will receive a message stating that you need to enter authorization data.

Everyone probably knows that to access Google Play, you need to enter your Gmail account login and password, after which the system will “link” your account to your Play Store account and synchronize user data, settings, contacts, and those installed with Google. Play apps.

But sometimes (eg. pre-sales preparation device), the question arises how to exit the Play Market on Android. It would seem that everything is simple - the exit is the same as the entrance, but not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. And numerous questions from phone users and android tablets- “how to log out of Google Play on Android” is a confirmation of this. So let's answer your question.

The problem can be solved in several ways, three of them, the most popular, we will now describe.

The first option is to delete your Google account.

Through " Settings» in the main menu, go to « Accounts", choose Google. Now, by tapping on your account, we open the context menu (three dots in the upper right corner). From the drop-down tab, select " Delete account»:

On the system prompt that appears, we confirm our choice. After the account is deleted, you will need to enter the data of a new user to authorize it.

The second option is to exit Google Play via Factory Reset

The measure is radical, but if you part with your phone (or tablet) for good, then it is quite justified, because, as a result of this procedure, full reset existing settings to factory settings, including all user information. Therefore, if you decide to resort to this method, leaving the device in your use, take care of saving backups. Now about the procedure itself.

In the main menu, click the item " Settings»:

Find the section Personal data", open the sub-item" Recovery and reset". We press the field " Reset". Information about what will be deleted will appear. Press the button " Reset phone settings»:

Radically, but the result is one hundred percent.

The third option is to change the password in your Google account

Signing out of the Google Play account is possible after changing the password in the account. To do this, open the page, Enter your username and password:

Then we go to " account settings". Scroll the page and find the item " Password", click:

A window will open in which you need to enter the current password, and then a new one and its confirmation. After that, it remains to press the button " Change password».

After changing the password in an active Google account when signing in to Google Play market the system will ask for a password. And then, you will need to perform a new authorization procedure with a different login/password pair.

Here, in fact, that's all. Now you should not have a question how to log out of your account google play. Good luck!

Video information:

Sign out of the app store Android smartphone or tablet is required to change an account, transfer a phone to another owner, or to troubleshoot errors in operation installed apps and services. Forced logout can be done by changing the password or resetting the data, which is a more radical way compared to temporarily logging out of the account. These methods are described in more detail below.

We exit the Play Store by deleting the account from the smartphone

This method is useful for solving problem situations when Google services do not update correctly or the application store gives an error.

Important note. Before you exit the Play Market on a smartphone with the Android operating system, make sure you remember the password. It will be required for this operation and subsequent login.

Double caution is recommended for users with two-factor authentication enabled in Google services. Make sure that the linked phone is available and its SIM card is active, otherwise you will not be able to enter the password from sms. If your smartphone is lost, use the backup option to restore access via email.

Forced exit from the Playmarket by changing the password

The method will help if the smartphone is lost or stolen. From any device connected to the Internet, go to Google page under your account. Do it from an Android smartphone through a browser or from a personal computer.

Click on the square of dots in the upper right corner next to the user's profile picture and select My account.

Change your password using the Google Account Login menu on PC

This action in case of theft of the phone is tantamount to blocking bank card. After it, the attacker will not write off money from the cards linked to the account and will not send spam.

Go to the Security and login section, select change password, as shown in the figure.

Changing your password will help you log out of the Play Market on Android smartphones and from browsers on Windows computers that you use.

Change the password through the menu Sign in to your account on an Android phone

The menu for changing the password can be accessed through the Settings of the Android phone if the computer is not available.

Delete an account and its data through the Account Settings menu

This action is equivalent to exiting the Playmarket, described above for the case when the phone is available. It is performed by regular means of the mobile operating system and completely eliminates the entire history of user actions, clears his contacts and files.

How to find your phone without leaving your account

Please note that on the Google site, the user has the opportunity to try to find the phone without resorting to drastic measures to change the password and delete the account.

To do this, use the Find phone section. A list of all active devices that are logged in with an account owned by the user is displayed.

Options available:

  • Find a smartphone or tablet in real time if it is registered to a Wi-Fi or cellular network.
  • Turn on the ringer on your mobile phone and find it by sound.
  • Block and delete data from cell remotely.

Of the actions on the phone, the most convenient are: Call and Find.

The first option will turn on the ringer at full volume, even if the vibrating alert is on. The second will show the phone on the map online. The last location where the smartphone was registered in cellular networks or Wi-Fi, was able to determine the coordinates by GPS. This will help if the battery is dead and the gadget is in the off state.

Through the phone search menu, you can Exit Play account Market on Android gadget. The user selects the device that they have lost. The action does not apply to other gadgets with a login.

Reset data to exit the Play Store on Android

This feature has been in Android for a long time, but users underestimate its usefulness. A data reset removes account information, files downloaded by the user, applications installed by the user from the phone. Thus, with a high degree of probability, the problem interfering with the Android App Store will be eliminated.

Other reset options will not help you exit the Play Market on Android. They remove only the phone and network settings set by the user, which does not lead to changes in files and accounts on the gadget.

Data reset - best option bringing the phone to the factory state before selling or transferring to friends, children and loved ones for free use. In this case, they will not be able to open your files, log in to websites and Internet services with your account.

How to log out of the Play Market on Android temporarily

A user who uses an Android smartphone for work and at home has a problem changing an account for a while or switching between them.You can use one of the tips above: log out of the current account and log in under another one. But in modern phones there are ways more convenient.In this case, three tips will be useful.

Using the multi-user mechanism in Android 7

Create Clone Apps on the Desktop

To work under different accounts, you no longer need to sign in to your account in operating system. If you need to use two VKontakte or SnapChat, create clone programs.In particular, this can be done on Xiaomi smartphones through the Dual Applications mode. Shortcuts are created on the desktop to work with two logins.You receive messages on your work and home Skype or VKontakte. Signing out of your Google account and the Play market is not required. The main account gives the user privileged rights. In particular, he can delete an alternative account at his own discretion, without obtaining permission from its owner.

Using the Second Space

To use two Google accounts on one smartphone, Xiaomi developed the Second Space mode. Send
