How to distribute Internet phone lenovo to a tablet. How to distribute Wi-Fi from phone to laptop and not get big money

There are situations when the Internet is urgently needed, and it is, for example, only on a friend’s smartphone, good in any modern mobile device Lenovo has a modem function. This is a rather useful feature that helps distribute the Internet to nearby devices, such as other smartphones or even a laptop. Moreover, you can connect even from a dozen devices at the same time, the main thing is that the Internet speed is enough for everyone. Using this feature is quite simple. You can learn more about how to distribute Wi-Fi on Lenovo in the instructions below.

To distribute Wi-Fi from a smartphone or Lenovo tablet, you need to perform a series of simple steps. The first thing you need is to connect to the mobile Internet, it is from it that the network that we are going to distribute comes from. It is recommended to connect to 3G or 4G for stable speed as simple mobile internet is quite slow.

This is done differently in different firmware and smartphone models, but in each case, you first need to go to " Settings", then click on the menu item" More". Further, depending on the firmware version, there may be different items: in one of the OS versions, the item is called " Modem Mode', in others it is ' Dot WLAN access " or " personal hotspot". One way or another, the same function is hidden under this item, it is it that allows you to make the distribution of the Internet work.

How to set up an access point, more will be said later.

Using settings

The modem function works on almost any smartphone, this applies even to fairly old models. So, even on the Lenovo A1000, Wi-Fi distribution is carried out without the slightest problem or interruption.

To safely enable access points on Lenovo, you must first set a password and change other settings. If this is not done, then anyone can connect, which means that this user will be able to waste your precious traffic or, even worse, try to enter the device and steal any data.

Setting a password and other options

You can set a password on any of the company's smartphones, but let's look at how this is done on the Lenovo S860 and its younger model S850.

After setting up the access point, the choice of distribution method pops up, we need " Use WLAN connection". The following menu will open, there you need to click on " Adjust main point wireless network ". Next, a window will appear in which you need to enter the desired name of the access point, its password and security method, including WPA2 PSK and WPA PSK. When all the data is entered, you need to click on the button " Save».

After these simple manipulations, WiFi access ready and, importantly, protected from third-party interference. Now you can freely distribute the Internet to everyone to whom you tell your password.

However, this is not the only way to distribute the Internet. You can do this with the help of third-party programs.

Using third party software

We looked at the basic way of distributing Wi-Fi on the phone, however, using third party applications everything can go faster. Some programs even increase the reliability of the connection. This will be useful for the distributor from the Lenovo phone, since no one will be able to hack it, even if they try.


Osmino is one of the most popular applications that allows you to create a hotspot. This application allows you to create a secure point from which you can distribute Wi-Fi in just a couple of clicks.

You no longer need to think about how to distribute the Internet with Lenovo. All that is required is to download a small application, install it and run it. Immediately after that, the access point settings will open. There you can enter your nickname and the desired password, after that you need to click the " distribute". These actions will start the distribution of the Internet from your smartphone.

The application is quite lightweight and will run on any company device, including Lenovo A5000.

Many people perceive Android devices only as a client of a Wi-Fi network, i.e. a device that uses a wireless network to access the Internet. But in fact, any Android device can be made active equipment, a mini-router (mini- because the number of clients is usually limited to 5), capable of "distributing" the Internet (if the Android device has a 3G \ 4G module) or simply connecting devices into a network. To do this, it is not necessary to install additional applications, you can get by with built-in tools. In this article I will describe step by step how to distribute WiFi Internet using an Android tablet or smartphone.

It is worth noting that the screenshots below will differ from what you will see on your smartphone or tablet, but most of the steps are identical, so having caught the essence, you can easily set up Internet distribution on any Android gadget.

First of all, you need to insert a SIM card into your tablet / smartphone and set up the Internet (to set up the Internet, I recommend contacting your operator to provide you with the necessary settings). After the Internet is working, you can start setting up its distribution over Wi-Fi. To do this, press the Main Menu button on the tablet/smartphone.

Find and press the button Settings".

In the Wireless networks field, click "More" - "Modem mode".

Switch the slider in the Wi-Fi access point field to " On".

Now when Wi-Fi distribution is enabled, you need to configure access to the created access point, to do this, click " Setting up an access point".

Change, if you wish, the name of the Wi-Fi network (SSID), protection (I recommend leaving the one that will be WPA2PSK by default) and specify the password to connect to your Android device, I recommend using complex password consisting of at least 8 characters with capital letters, numbers and special characters (@#$&%). At the end press " Save".

Now your device distributes the Internet, then you need to connect to it, in this example I will connect from a laptop with an operating Windows system 7. In the notification area, located at the right edge of the taskbar, find the Wi-Fi icon and click on it. A list of all visible wifi networks, find the previously created one, select it and click the " Connection".

In our time, it is very difficult to imagine a phone or tablet that does not have access to modern wireless networks, which make it possible to use the fastest Internet. If you want to organize an access point from your device for several more, then this is quite realistic: you can connect from a laptop, and from a phone, and from anything - there would be a Wi-Fi module and the ability to access the network. Today we will talk about how to distribute Wi-Fi from a tablet.

Let's start setting up and turning on

First of all, we will consider devices with the Android operating system, since they are the most common. On other platforms given function more relevant for mobile phones.

It only at first glance seems that the distribution setting is something overwhelming; in fact, you don’t need to download third-party software or radically change the settings with the fear of “bricking” your favorite device.

So, we picked up our tablet and the first thing to do is to find "Settings", and then click on them, going inside. Here we are interested in the "More" item.

On the next screen, you guessed it, we select "Tethering Mode".

It is worth noting that, in addition to Wi-Fi, you can still distribute or connect your phone with a cable to your computer. In principle, you can experiment, but we are interested in the “Access Point” item, which we choose; but it will most likely need to be tweaked a bit.

Now we see the settings page in front of us: here you can view distribution statistics, as well as change some parameters, such as the name of the point, as well as the password for access to it.

This is what the page looks like detailed settings, where, by the way, you can also choose the type of protection and maximum amount users who can connect.

After configuring the access point as you need, you can save the results and simply enable it by checking the box, as shown in the screenshot.

As you understand, for distribution, you will also need to enable data transfer, which can usually be found in the so-called blind, accessible from any page, or you can activate this item by entering the settings again.

The option you need is in the general list and marked in the screenshot.

04/04/2014 . 73 comments

How to distribute mobile Internet from a smartphone via Wi-Fi? Set up an access point (Wi-Fi router) on a phone with Android OS


I promised several times to write detailed instructions in which to tell and show on real example access point setting ( wifi router) , on phones that run on operating Android system. If I'm not mistaken, then on all Android smartphones, it is possible to distribute mobile Internet via Wi-Fi to other devices.

If your phone is running pure Android, then most likely this feature is called "Access point". On HTC smartphones (I have one), this function is called Mobile WiFi router”.

What is this chip, and how it works, I think you already know. If not, then I'll tell you in a nutshell. You can turn your Android phone into an access point, such as a mobile Wi-Fi router. You can distribute the Internet from your smartphone to other devices, such as a TV, tablet, laptops, other smartphones, etc.

That is, the smartphone will take the Internet that your provider provides you and distribute via Wi-Fi. What is it, I think, understood. A very useful feature considering that Mobile Internet now not very expensive, and operators provide quite normal tariffs.

What will we need?

The Android phone itself, configured and working Internet (if websites open in the browser on your phone, then everything is OK), well, and the devices that you will connect to your smartphone. I, on HTC, can connect a maximum of 5 devices at the same time.

I will show by example HTC One V. I will connect asus tablet MeMO Pad FHD 10, and laptop. If you have a different phone, for example, Samsung, LG, Lenovo, etc., then it's okay, the setup process will not be practically different.

Setting up the distribution of Wi-Fi “Access Point” on Android

First of all, turn on the mobile Internet. So that at the top, on the notification panel, the corresponding icon appears.

There we choose " Wi-Fi router and USB modem(may also be “Access Point Connection”). In the next window, click on " Router settings(or Change Wi-Fi Hotspot”).

  • Router name (SSID), this is the name of our Wi-Fi. We indicate any name in English letters.
  • Security, and leave WPA2.
  • Password. This password will be used to connect to your network. Minimum 8 characters. English letters and numbers.

We specify all these parameters, and to start the Wi-Fi router, put a tick next to “Mobile Wi-Fi router” (Wi-Fi hotspot). Tips for connecting devices will appear, just click Ok. On the notification panel, an icon should appear that the router is running.

Everything, you can connect our devices to Wi-Fi.

Connecting devices to the created access point on an Android smartphone

Turn on Wi-Fi on the tablet (for example), go to the list of available networks, see the network we created on the phone there, and select it. Enter the password (I have it 11111111), and press To plug.

Everything, you can open sites.

We connect the laptop

Also, select our network, and enter the password for the network.

The connection is established, the network is connected and with Internet access.

You can connect a TV to Wi-Fi by following these instructions:.

You can see on your phone how many devices are already connected. Just click on the button User Management“. True, some useful and interesting information you won't see it there.

To disable the mobile router, simply uncheck the corresponding item.


As you can see, everything is very simple and convenient. This scheme works quite stably. (if the network is good). Do not forget that a running mobile router decently drains the battery, which is not a strong point of Android OS devices anyway.

More recently, several site visitors were interested in how to distribute the Internet from an Android tablet via a Wi-Fi network. “But really, this is a hot topic for many,” I thought, and set to work on this article. Of course, it’s not at all difficult for experienced people to distribute Wi-Fi from Android, but for beginners or for the time being, people who do not encounter this moment experience some difficulties. Perhaps you have not yet modeled the situation for yourself or have not been in a position where you urgently need to go to global network, and therefore you don’t quite understand why you need the ability to distribute the Internet from a tablet or smartphone at all.

Imagine that you are with your loved ones on a picnic near the city. You have mobile android a device with 3G Internet connected to it, and relatives and friends have a tablet and a smartphone, but there is no wireless access to the global network. One of your fellow travelers is engaged in an online business or some other work activity. And now, by all means, he urgently needs to access the Internet from his device, but he does not have access. So you can help out a friend and distribute Wi-Fi from your device.

In addition, you yourself can become a hostage of a similar situation. After all, often on the road we use a laptop to solve problems. different tasks and it's good if there is a free Wi-Fi zone nearby to get online. But if open wifi there is no access, then you can configure an existing tablet or smartphone with Android OS as a 3G router. The bottom line is that our situations can be very different, and the solution is sometimes quite simple.

Setting up a tablet, smartphone with Android in 3G router mode.

It should be said that the interface of devices based on Android OS may be slightly different, but the meaning of activating the wireless access point option WiFi networks everyone is similar. It is assumed that you have a SIM card inserted into your tablet / smartphone or a USB 3G modem from the operator is connected to the device and the Internet is configured. If the network is not configured, then contact your operator for the necessary settings.

So, to distribute Wi-Fi from Android, you need to go to the "Settings" of your device. Go to the "Wireless networks" section, find the "More ..." tab and go to the "Wi-Fi hotspot" option. On some Android devices, this feature may be called Hotspot Mode.

To switch the device to Wi-Fi sharing mode, you need to activate (check the box) the "Wi-Fi hotspot" function and go to its settings.

In the access point settings, you can change the default SSID (network name) of AndroidAP. It's best to leave your wireless security as is "WPA2-PSK". The password can be from letters, numbers and any keyboard characters from the English layout, but the length must be at least 8 characters. Don't forget to click "Save".
