Health does not work on iphone 5. How does a smartphone count steps and is the data correct

Pedometers have long settled in the gadgets of modern people. These applications allow you to track the distance, speed, duration of the user's movement in space. This indispensable programs for sports tracking. Today we will compare the features of the 6 best iPhone pedometers.


The app accurately counts steps and can save a lot of battery life. M7 - Steps starts at background once a day in order to synchronize the data. The results can be viewed in the form of cards or simple graphs for the month. In general, the functionality of this application is rather poor.

M7 - Steps compatible with iPhone 5s, iPad Air and iPad mini 2 Retina. You can download the application from the link.

Accurately counts steps, compared to its counterparts. Tracks user activity, presenting the results in a more informative format than the previous application. A multi-colored histogram will be available to you: all days are divided by activity level. Red - the "worst" days, orange - mediocre, green - days with good results. By clicking on the graph, you can switch to displaying distance or steps. Data on average distances for a week is displayed, you can select a period - days, weeks, months.

The Stepz app is compatible with iPhone 5s, iPad Air and iPad mini 2 Retina. To download the program, follow the link.

Walker M7

The application boasts good functionality: in addition to actually counting steps, it can distinguish between a quick step and a run, follow the route of users, record blood pressure, weight, and the number of calories burned. The application contains several additional features to display statistical data.

The Stepz app is compatible with iPhone 5s, iPad Air and iPad mini 2 Retina. You can download the program for free from the link.

The Moves app was acquired by Facebook this spring. A very "advanced" application. Knows how to distinguish between cycling and running, builds a route on a physical map indicating specific places where a person stopped. The charts show different kinds activities highlighted in different colors. The accuracy of counting steps is at a decent level.

Moves, in addition to the latest models of apple gadgets, also supports the iPhone 4s. You can download the application for free from the link.

Displays a fairly impressive list of options. In addition to the steps taken, it will tell you about the speed, distance, activity level, calories burned, etc. It does not have the functionality of laying routes. But Pacer can offer the user two ready-made fitness training plans or help you create your own plan.

Pacer, in addition to the latest models of apple gadgets, also supports the iPhone 4s. You can download

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Let's figure out how to turn on the standard pedometer from the Health app on the iPhone, calibrate it and see what available pedometer apps are in App Store.

This article is for everyone iPhone models 11/Xs(r)/X/8/7/6 and Plus on iOS 13. Older versions may have different or missing menu items and hardware support mentioned in the article.

Turn on the pedometer on the iPhone

The first step is to enable the tracking option, which is enabled by default. Many users turn it off in order to save battery power.

We execute the instruction:

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Use a pedometer in the Health app on iPhone

Launch the Health app. In the "Medical data" menu, click on the "Activity" card. This section contains all user activity for the month, week and day. If you scroll down a bit, you can see the Walk and Run Distance menu.


It displays detailed statistics on the steps taken. To get a detailed report on and days, you should click on a special calendar-schedule, which has an orange color.

In order not to search for this or that value every time in the entire tree, it is necessary to display it in the Favorites menu in the form of a gadget. You can use the "Add to Favorites" switch for this.


In the "Sources" item, you can manage all connected devices.

Calibrating the iPhone Pedometer

The built-in pedometer on iPhone may need to be calibrated. To do this, you must use any free sports program.

Consider the iPhone calibration process using the Runtastic application as an example:


After calibrating the data, the gadget shows more accurate activity indicators.

Best Third Party Pedometer Apps for iPhone

Many users rely on pedometers during their daily walks. How accurate is step counting? Let's take a look at the 6 best pedometers.

These applications were investigated for several weeks. After the walk, the results were compared, and the steps were counted manually. The screenshot below shows a chart with the received data.



This pedometer attracts with a clear and minimalistic interface. The program shows in one of the tabs the number of steps that have been taken in a month, week or day.

The user can scroll left or right on the window to view past days' results. By clicking on this data, you will not receive any other additional data.

You can view your monthly activity as a list with different dates or as a graph. The program runs in the background once a day to transfer data about the steps taken. There is almost no damage to the battery.

The experimental data obtained by M7 - Steps is quite accurate, it coincides with other applications that have the M7 coprocessor. After a day of use, the pleasant interface of the program seems boring, and the lack additional options may frustrate users. The software is useful for those who do not need anything other than the actual counting of steps.



The program relies on data that is received from the M7. The difference with the previous application lies in the additional features and striking design.

The program has a color scale that shows the number of steps you have taken per day, the distance traveled in miles and the average values ​​for the week. On the bright green line at the top you can see the maximum number of steps taken.

Green in the scale is painted maximum amount steps, orange is the average, and red is the minimum. It turns out that the scale is a fairly clear and understandable guide.

If you click on statistics, the bar graph will change from steps to miles travelled. Even if you wish, you can study the number of steps that are made in a month, week or day.

The Stepz pedometer is as accurate as any other best app. The development differs in design, but for a beginner it remains accessible and understandable.

Walker M7

Free program Walker M7 relies on information from the M7 coprocessor. The app shows accurate data and provides more functionality, unlike the previous two pedometers.

Walker M7 not only counts steps, but is also able to distinguish between walking and running, tracks the route, monitors blood pressure, weight and calories burned. The resulting information can be shared on Evernote, Facebook or Twitter.

The application shows the number of steps in a circle in the main screen of the program. On the right, you can specify whether you are going to run or walk, which will help the software track your steps more accurately. The distance traveled, your speed, calories burned and walking time are also displayed on the screen.

Use the buttons in the top right corner to open additional list options. They include the following:

  • Ratings.
  • Map.
  • Statistics.
  • Graphs.

In the graphs, you can switch between distance, steps and calories. If you swipe to the right, you can get information about the user's weight, blood pressure and the amount of accumulated fat.

In statistics, user activity is shown in the form of a colored chart. If you swipe to the left, you will see data about the walk, to the right - about the run.

Walker M7 has advanced functionality and is able to accurately display information. It is possible to independently enter data about your pressure or weight.



In the application, you can see recommendations that will help you lead a more active lifestyle, and track some health indicators. The main screen shows the steps taken during the day, calories burned and activity time. It also displays the level of activity, progress during the day.

If you swipe to the right, you can see a graph of daily activity. By making another swipe, you will get access to the button that should be pressed when taking a long walk or jog.

Pacer has three built-in fitness plans:

  • Drawing up your plan (Build Your Own Plan).
  • Walk for weight loss (Walk 4 Weight Loss).
  • Reach 10K Steps (Couch To 10K Steps).

In the application, you can compete with your friends in the results achieved.


On the main screen of the application, the received data is displayed in a circle, which is located on a rather pleasant background. A group of 7 small circles (user's weekly progress) will be filled depending on the approach to the set goal. If you click on one of the circles, it will show detailed information for the past day.

Quite often, Breeze does not display the route traveled and geolocation, but only shows a bubble with counted steps. At the same time, the application informs you about the progress and sends motivational messages too often. The program is functionally and visually pleasing.


The last app on our list is Moves, which shows movement graphs, steps, starting point, final destination. The software is incredibly well designed, everything works great.

The number of steps taken while walking or running is published in colored circles. The time spent on them is shown. If you scroll down, a graph will be shown that you can scroll left and right. This will allow you to get acquainted with the statistics for the previous days.

With the help of the application, the places of your stops are determined. This territory can be designated independently, for example, work, gym, home.

You can click on a lane or any stop to see it on the map. Routes are marked with different lines:

  • Bus or car - grey.
  • Bicycle - blue.
  • Walks are green.

If the application made a mistake, each of the lines can be corrected. Of all the apps, only Moves really made the difference between walking and cycling.

All of these programs have advantages and disadvantages. Each user chooses for himself the software that suits the functionality and design.

5 (100%) 5 people

Smartphones and other mobile gadgets can serve not only for communication and entertainment, but also for monitoring your own health. Apple was especially successful in this direction, introducing a unique Health app (in English Health or HealthKit) into its iOS 8 operating system.

Health app on IOS 8: features and useful functions

The Health app is a single point where all the medical indicators and data of fitness apps installed on IOS 8 are collected. It accepts a wide variety of information:

  • heart rate data;
  • information about the level of glucose in the blood;
  • data on the number of calories burned;
  • information about the steps taken;
  • sleep and wake schedule, etc.

The "Health" application for IPhone collects and processes information from any sensors integrated into the phone, wearable electronics - watches Apple Watch or fitness bracelets (Jawbone UP/UP24, FitBit). One of the main advantages is that it gives access to all information through a single interface.

Among other things, "Health" is able not only to store information, but also to interact directly with applications (). For example, it can automatically send your calorie intake data to fitness apps. In general, "Health" is a kind of command center that regulates the operation of all health and fitness applications installed on your smartphone. You can find the apps you need for Health and download them in the App Store:

  • My Fitness Pal,
  • Nike+ or Nike Running,
  • mapMyRun,
  • AskMD,
  • MotionX 24/7 and more.

How to use and enter data?

How to use the Health app? In fact, everything is simple:

    • Look for the “Health” icon among the list of applications (there is a white icon with a heart even in a clean system), click on it.
    • If you are launching the program for the first time, it is best to immediately switch to the "Medical card" tab, this will allow you to quickly create your personal medical card. In extreme cases, it will be very useful, because doctors can quickly find out your blood type, past diseases, etc.
  • After you enter all necessary information: Full name, medical card number, desired medicines, etc., you can go to the "Medical data" tab. There you need to provide information about your diet, weight, sleep patterns, etc.
  • Finally, the application has an "All" section where you can enter Additional information: pressure level, bad habits and more

The Health app on iPhone will store all this data and allow you to use it to good use. this information, even share data about the state of your body with your doctor.

The interface itself consists of colored widget tabs that show a schedule of sleep, wakefulness, physical activity, etc. (see screenshot above).

It is quite easy to understand the controls, plus you can always adjust it to suit your habits and needs. The creators of Health have done everything so that everyone can understand their program, so the controls are intuitive and simple.

How to connect a fitness bracelet or app to Health?

In our opinion, the most interesting feature of Health is the import and export of data from one application to another (and their aggregation in Health itself). If you want to use it, then follow the instructions:

    1. Open an app on your iPhone (for example, MyFitnessPal).
    2. We go into the settings and look for an item related to importing and exporting to applications (in our case, this is directly “Applications”).
    3. We are looking for Apple HealthKit, click "Connect".
    1. We go to "Health", find our application and mark the data that we will synchronize.

This is what the Health screen looks like, into which we imported the data on the steps taken from the application:

How to track sleep with Health?

The app itself does not track sleep, but you can import data from apps into it. We consider the best: Jawbone (a fitness bracelet monitors sleep and sends data to the application when synchronizing) and Sleep Better from Runtastic - a smart alarm clock from well-known developers.

Apple didn't talk about it, but the iPhone's built-in pedometer needs to be calibrated.

To do this, we need any free sports program. I recommend Runtastic or Runkeeper.

Articles tagged "CHIP" include short recipes to activate little-known features V operating systems iOS, OS X and Apple gadgets. If you already knew about it– we are proud to present you with a virtual “advanced user” medal. Let's give the opportunity to receive such an award to other readers;)

Why did the problem suddenly pop up?: while walking with a friend around the city, he boasted to me that he had already walked for today 27,000 steps (or 20 km). I took a look at my iPhone and was surprised because my result was 18,000 steps (or 11 km).

We were together all day and there was no way he could go into such a gap, unless he got up early in the morning and secretly began to run, which was not observed for him.

I asked him if the iPhone data matches the activity trackers or sports programs? - to which the friend replied that he had never used any trackers.

So there was a theory about the need to calibrate the iPhone.

After installing Runtastic on his phone, I went to the iPhone settings at Privacy → Location Services → scroll down to System Services → enable Motion accounting calibration(sufficient, but not necessary condition- you need to run the software).

Next, launch the sports software and select the Walking workout. The GPS icon should appear in the top right corner. We walk at a measured pace of at least two kilometers. After that, the built-in iPhone pedometer will become more accurate, and the Health app will display real activity indicators. To improve accuracy, it is desirable to go the same way back faster.

After calibration, the data of the two iPhones become equal plus or minus the error.

Apple Watch owners do not need to install anything additionally, because the necessary training is already available in the watch and is called Walk.

Those who are engaged in fitness or perform exercises for weight loss need a device that counts the number of steps - a pedometer. This is a small and easy device that controls the number of steps taken while walking or jogging. Often given function included in other portable devices - Cell phones, watch, music players. Let's figure out how the device works and why it sometimes counts steps incorrectly.

Appearance of the pedometer

What is this device and how does it work

How the pedometer counts steps depends on the type of device. They have a different counting principle, since there are three types of pedometers:

The device fixes the step, taking into account the negative acceleration of the body at the moment of lowering the foot to the ground. This is taken into account by the electronic sensor.

Reliability of testimony

Pedometers are often attached to the belt, but it is not easy for a full person to do this. It is better to use devices that start automatically at the initial movement. It is required to attach a pedometer on a belt near the front zone of the thigh, in this place the least interference is created. Another option is a fitness bracelet that also counts steps.

The best use of a pedometer is to attach it to your belt

The accuracy of the device also depends on the evenness of the surface on which the person walks. Asphalt is a flat surface, and the pedometer gives a much more accurate reading. If you walk on a primer, sand, the edge of the sea or a river, then in this case the angles of movement change. Since the accuracy of readings varies, it is recommended to purchase a device with vibration protection. The usual error in the operation of the device reaches 5%, but this is a low figure.

The accuracy of the readings is also affected by the person's gait. It is individual and specific for everyone, the speed of walking is of no small importance.

The length of steps is also an individual indicator and also affects. The readings are even affected by the degree of location of the human body relative to the surface of the earth. If it is strongly tilted, then the readings will be inaccurate.

To check the pedometer for the veracity of the readings, you can set it to 0 and test it - walk 20 steps. If the display shows the exact data of the steps taken, then the device is working.

Clock shaped pedometer

Reasons for miscalculation and lack of readings

When the pedometer counts steps incorrectly, it means that it is faulty. This device should not be used, incorrect readings will reduce the effectiveness of weight loss training, for example. Perhaps the balance between calories eaten and expended will be disturbed, and weight correction will also be carried out incorrectly. If a person strives to increase the pace and the number of steps, increases the distance scheduled for the day, then the mistakenly calculated value will bring down the process of increasing loads.

The pedometer must function clearly and correctly, giving readings of activity without distortion. A failure in his work will disrupt the harmony of daily training and reduce their effectiveness.

If the pedometer incorrectly considers what to do in this situation? Common types of device malfunctions are:

Multifunctional pedometer

In order for the pedometer to work without failures, you must follow the rules for its operation and storage:

  • He must be in temperature regime: not lower than -10 degrees and not higher than +40.
  • Do not use sharp objects to open the battery compartment as this may damage the case.
  • Keep the device away from liquids, dust and small debris.
  • Clean the hull wet wipe. Do not use chemicals for this.

If malfunctions of the device are caused by incorrect operation, the guaranteed service is cancelled.

Why is there no indication

In order for the pedometer to work properly, you need to know how to use it. To get started you need:

Parameter setting example

  1. In the settings, you need to set the indications for the length of your step.
  2. Place the device vertically on the belt, on the edge of the pocket or on the wrist, leg - depends on the model of the pedometer.
  3. Start moving.
  4. Take data from the device at the end of a workout or day.

If you decide to count the number of steps for the whole day, then wherever you place the device, it will not show the exact count of steps. Because during the day a man does various activities: driving a car, eating, sitting at the computer and moving the mouse, these erroneous movements can also be mistaken for walking by the pedometer. Therefore, as a result, there will be a large error, which will affect the purity of improving the quality of training.

A pedometer bracelet is quite popular among athletes. This is a reliable and lightweight device, it counts steps and monitors activity, some models additionally count calories. The model is accurate and easy to use. It is light weight and does not feel on the wrist.

Basically, these pedometer models come to the market from China. This electronic device requiring configuration, installation special application and registration on a computer or phone. The bracelet itself must be worn correctly so that the sensor can read the pulse. Therefore, it must be placed exactly on the pulse, otherwise the device will not show anything.

Device in the form of a bracelet

A pedometer is a useful and safe device that will show the load on the body, the distance traveled, the calories burned and other parameters. You need to be able to use it correctly, for which it is enough to study the instructions for use.
