Visual bookmarks are not installed. Adding visual bookmarks in different browsers

Hello. Today I decided to write an article that will be interesting to everyone who has their own Wi-Fi router installed. For some reason, I'm sure that even if you protected your Wi-Fi network with a password, you still had a question, but how to see who is connected to my wifi router. And if so, then you've come to the right place 🙂 . Now I will write as quickly as possible to see which of those mean neighbors hacked into your Wi-Fi network and quietly uses your Internet 🙂 .

You can just go to the settings panel WiFi router, and see the information we need.

I will show on the example of the TP-Link TL-WR841N router, I just have one, but even if you have a different router, then find necessary information in the settings it will not be difficult, so let's continue.

How to find out who is connected to a Wi-Fi network?

All we need is just to go to the router settings, go to the appropriate tab and figure out the “criminal” who steals the Internet 🙂.

So the most important thing is to get into the router settings. Enter in the address bar of the browser (this address works for me) you can also try . In any case, on those pieces of paper that were bundled with the router, it is written how to enter the settings (or see below the router).

We get to the router management page. Now we need to find a page where we can see who is connected to our Wi-Fi router. I have a TP-Link TL-WR841N router on my router, and I think at all TP Link, go to the “Wireless” tab and select “Wireless Statistics”. We look in the table how many devices are connected to your WiFi networks. As you can see, I have two devices, no, these are not neighbors 🙂, this is my phone and tablet. As you can see, it displays MAC address device, type of encryption, and number of packets transmitted.

You can also see on one tab who is connected to the network, not only via Wi-Fi, but also via cable.

Click the "DHCP" tab, then "DHCP Clients List". As you can see, here I already have three devices, my computer, which is connected via a network cable, has also been added. This page displays not only the MAC address, but also the name of the device and the IP that has been assigned to the device. Clicking on the “Refrech” button refreshes the statistics.

Popular routers D-LINK, look for the tab “Active session”, on it and see who is connected to the router.

You will probably ask, well, there are devices there, but how to understand where mine are and what to do if there is an extra MAC address? I answer, in order to find out the MAC address of your device in the list, or not, for example, go to the settings on your phone and in the item something like information about the phone, or about the device. Look there what your MAC address is, how to do it on a computer, read the article

One of the main problems with using wireless wifi network is unauthorized access to it by third-party users. Often, attackers connect to someone else's Wi-Fi, which is protected by a password that is too light or does not have one at all. The presence of additional connections reduces throughput channel for each client, as a result of which the owner of the router feels a sharp drop in Internet speed. A reasonable question arises: "How to find out who is connected to my Wi-Fi and how to block intruders?"

Signs of third-party connections to a Wi-Fi network

  • The most obvious signal of the appearance of extra users is a decrease in the speed of access to the Internet.
  • Another symptom is the constant flickering of the indicators on the router at a time when all standard devices seem to be turned off and should not be making requests.

How to view connected devices in the "admin panel" of a Wi-Fi router

To check who is "sitting" on your Wi-Fi, you need to go to the router settings. As an example, let's take the router, the configuration of which we talked about in a separate article. So, to go to the web interface of the router in any browser, we drive the IP address into the address bar . Next, in the window that appears, enter the username and password (by default admin And admin).

If you have already changed your password initial setup router, then accordingly we enter a new value. Standard login details for the control panel network device are usually indicated by reverse side his corps.

After passing the authorization, we get into the interface of the administrative zone of the router. In the case of our TP-Link TL-WR841N, select the section in the menu Wireless - Statistics wireless mode (Wireless - Wireless statistics). See who is currently connected to your Wi-Fi network.

To identify foreign devices, deactivate the Wi-Fi module for all your connected devices (tablets, laptops, smartphones). If after such actions the list is empty, then there are no strangers on the network. Otherwise, there is unauthorized connection. You can block access to Wi-Fi of extra devices here by clicking on the "Deny" button.

Another way to set a ban is to go to the "MAC Address Filtering" section, enable this function and add all unwanted addresses to the rules.

More detailed information on all devices connected to your Wi-Fi router, including wired ones, can be seen in the DHCP Clients List tab of the DHCP section. Some router models provide the ability to block third-party connections precisely through the DHCP settings.

Using Third-Party Apps to Monitor Wi-Fi

Various utilities allow you to establish the fact of unauthorized use of a wireless network. One of the most popular - Wireless Network Watcher. Find and download this program won't be difficult. Once launched, the application scans the network and shows who is connected to the Wi-Fi router.

The list displays IP, MAC addresses, device names and manufacturers. Your router and computer have a special designation in the “Device Information” column - we immediately exclude them from outsiders. The remaining lines require verification. You can calculate "outsiders" by turning off "your" devices (they will immediately disappear from the program list) or by matching MAC addresses.

The disadvantages of applications include the lack of functionality in them to restrict the access of an attacker, if there is one. You still have to block wifi settings router. In addition, network scanning will only work if at least one computer is connected to the router via a cable.

Among the advantages of the utilities, and specifically the Wireless Network Watcher program, we highlight the possibility of background monitoring of all connecting devices. Click on the menu item “Settings” (Options), and then check the boxes next to the options “Background Scan” and “Sound when a new device is detected” (Beep On New Device).

Now the connection of any device will be accompanied by a corresponding sound signal.

How to secure your wireless network

The first step is to change the factory password to access the administrative panel of the Wi-Fi router. Applied to TP-Link routers this is done in the "System Tools" section - "Password" subsection.

To increase the level of security, you can also register specific MAC addresses that will be allowed to change the settings of the router. To enter this restriction, go to Safety - Local control . On the tab that opens, set the switch to "Only computers listed in the list can perform administration" and set the required MAC addresses.

Another mandatory item is to set a password directly for the Wi-Fi network itself. This is done on the “Wireless Security” tab in the “Wireless” section. The password should be long and complex enough to be hard to guess. Encryption method is better to choose WPA/WPA2.

Well, in order to be 100% protected from encroachments by undefined users, you should hard-code a list of trusted MAC addresses. We already did something similar when we wanted to ban suspicious addresses. Now, on the contrary, we will allow, but only fixed ones. Let's go along the way Wireless - MAC Filtering(Wireless - Wireless MAC Filtering) and select the switch position "Allow access to stations specified in the enabled entries". Let's add allowed addresses a little lower. Now only they will be allowed to access our Wi-Fi.

We hope that after reading this article, you will be able to take full control of your home wireless network, and the question “How to see who is connected to my Wi-Fi” will no longer be so relevant.

Question from user

Good day.

Tell me, how can I find out who is connected to my Wi-Fi network, can someone be connected to it except me? (neighbors, for example). The speed just inexplicably drops every evening (you can’t even watch YouTube without lags), I don’t know what to do ...

PS I called the provider - they say that everything is in order with the network.

Good day!

Everything, of course, can be, but most often Internet brakes, lags and are not connected with the fact that a neighbor has connected to you and downloads your traffic, but with more ordinary things: the poor quality of the provider's network (just in the evening everyone comes home from work and hangs "channel - resources are not enough), software errors and crashes in your OS, etc.

Now about how to see which devices and computers are using your router ...

Option number 1: using the web interface of the router

The easiest and most informative way to find out which devices are connected to a Wi-Fi network is to look at the router settings (web interface). Almost every modern router (in 99% of cases) has a tab in the settings that shows all active devices.

To help! How to enter the router settings (instruction) -

Most often, to enter the router settings, it is enough to enter IP (or, into the address bar of the browser. "admin" is used as the password and login.

For example, in my Tenda router there is a "Status" tab that opens by default (as soon as you enter the settings). In it, you can find out the number of connected devices, the overall download and upload speed (see screenshot below).

Note. Depending on the router model, firmware version, the menu and settings sections may differ slightly. As a rule, you need to find the tab "Status" (Status).

Connected devices (Tenda router) / Clickable

For detailed information about connected devices, you need to go to the "Bandwidth Control" tab: pay attention to the name of the devices, and the activity of their work.

Bandwidth control (Tenda router) / Clickable

If we touch on models of other routers, then, for example, in TP-Link routers you can see a similar tab in the "Wireless mode / wireless statistics" section. Opposite each device is shown (you can immediately find out which device is the "neighbor").

Another example below: in the English version of the firmware ( D-link router) you need to open the "Status/Wireless" tab (in Russian "Status / wireless connection") .

In general, it is almost impossible to give screenshots for all models of routers and firmware in one article. But fortunately, the menu is identical in almost all models (you can also use the technical instructions for your device).


If you notice that you have more computers (devices) connected to your router than you connected to it yourself, be sure to change the security settings.

Install New Password, make sure you are using WPA2 with AES encryption, enable MAC blocking, and disable WPS. All this is quite simple to do in the web interface of the router.

Instructions for setting up routers:,

Option number 2: with the help of special. programs

If you can’t open the router settings (sometimes this happens), then you can also see who is connected using programs. True, in this case you can only find out about the "extra user" ... But in order to change the password or disconnect the "unnecessary" user from the network, you still have to go to Wi-Fi web interface router and change settings...

Wireless Network Watcher [for Windows]

Note : application for Windows OS

Wireless Network Watcher - main window after network scanning / Clickable

A free and portable (no need to install) utility to quickly scan a Wi-Fi network. After launch, it will automatically "run" over the entire network and show all active devices (their MAC addresses, IP addresses, names, adapter name, etc. information).

By the way, the resulting list can be sent to text file, HTML, XML, CSV and print. Very handy to then go through all your devices and do a mini-inspection to see if its MAC address matches...

WiFi Monitor [for Android]

Note: Android App

A simple and convenient application for monitoring Wi-Fi networks from a smartphone, tablet. To see all active in this moment devices on the network - go to the "Scanning" tab and click the button of the same name at the bottom of the window. After 10-30 sec. the network will be scanned and you will see a list of devices. Easy and fast?!

By the way, Wi-Fi Monitor also has handy features: you can see the speed of reception, upload, channels (which ones are busy with you, which ones are your neighbors), find out the signal level, etc. the necessary information.

I hope the situation has been clarified!

The Internet is an integral part of the life of a modern person: wireless network breed at an enviable rate, but in proportion to them, the number of “freebie” lovers who prefer their neighbor also increases. At the same time, the rightful owner of an unscheduled "shared" access point gets only trouble: traffic drops, etc.

Therefore, the question “how to find out who is using my wifi” is more than relevant today, and in this article we will tell you how to see how many users are connected to a wifi router.

How to check how many devices are connected to wifi?

To find out if enterprising neighbors use your wifi, you first need to determine.

For most modern routers, the factory settings are indicated on the service sticker located on the back of the device.

Here, the IP address line contains a combination of numbers (in most cases, this is or, which is necessary to access the device settings.

To see how many devices are connected to wifi, in the router control panel, find the section where all active users your wireless network.

Optionally, you can delete or ban the Mac address of the selected device here, thereby preventing the thief from further access to your traffic.

Is it possible to find out who is using my wifi without using router settings?

In addition, you can calculate who is using my wifi using special software, designed specifically for monitoring wireless networks.

As such programs, or the “Wireless Network watcher” utility, which can be downloaded for free at open access the Internet.

After installing the program, it scans your network and shows all computers and mobile gadgets connected to the router.

At the same time, for each device, basic data is indicated (mac address, device name, manufacturer's company and device model), with the help of which illegal WiFi users can be calculated.

However, third-party connections can only be banned through the router's web interface.

To protect your WiFi network from "encroachments" it is recommended to install only complex unique ones: it is desirable to use Latin letters of different case and numbers. You can also disable and limit the number of users that can connect to your network.
