Update activex elements. What are ActiveX controls - how to install, configure and use

Modern browsers are quite flexible programs that can be easily customized to the needs of the user. This is done with the help of plugins - special subroutines that expand the capabilities of these very browsers. If you want your web browser to be able to play videos from the Internet and various flash elements, you need to install a special flash player. In the case of the browser Internet Explorer, this role is taken by the ActiveX plugin, which will be discussed further.

ActiveX Add-on Features

Flah Player ActiveX is an extension for the Internet Explorer (IE) browser that allows you to play video elements on the Internet. Main Feature ActiveX technology is the availability special elements controls that are actively used when creating web pages, which allows, if necessary, to download a video or audio player to play media information.

Usually, ActiveX comes with the IE browser, but if the web browser does not have this extension available, then when loading a web page that requires ActiveX, the user will be notified about it.

How to install the plugin?

    1. Open Internet Explorer, go to tab Service where select Internet Options.

    1. In the window that appears, click on Safety where click on Another.

    1. You will see a list of various components. Scroll through this list until you find the menu ActiveX Controls and Plugins. Enter this menu.
    2. Next, install the triggers as shown in the screenshot.

  1. After these steps, confirm changes made and restart the computer.

Ready. The ActiveX control is configured and ready to go. Now you can safely watch videos and play music in your Internet Explorer.

Modern browsers are quite flexible programs that can be easily customized to the needs of the user. This is done with the help of plugins - special subroutines that expand the capabilities of these very browsers. If you want your web browser to be able to play videos from the Internet and various flash elements, you need to install a special flash player. In the case of Internet Explorer, this role is taken by the ActiveX plugin, which will be discussed later.

ActiveX Add-on Features

Flah Player ActiveX is an extension for the Internet Explorer (IE) browser that allows you to play video elements on the Internet. The main feature of ActiveX technology is the presence of special controls that are actively used when creating web pages, which allows, if necessary, to load a video or audio player to play media information.

Usually, ActiveX comes with the IE browser, but if the web browser does not have this extension available, then when loading a web page that requires ActiveX, the user will be notified about it.

How to install the plugin?

    1. Open Internet Explorer, go to tab Service where select Internet Options.

    1. In the window that appears, click on Safety where click on Another.

    1. You will see a list of various components. Scroll through this list until you find the menu ActiveX Controls and Plugins. Enter this menu.
    2. Next, install the triggers as shown in the screenshot.

  1. After these steps, confirm the changes and restart the computer.

Ready. The ActiveX control is configured and ready to go. Now you can safely watch videos and play music in your Internet Explorer.

Most modern users are already aware of such a concept as ActiveX. What are technology data and what are they used for? Today we will try to understand this issue. Let's consider the main aspects, without going too much into technical subtleties.

What is ActiveX? The simplest concepts

In order not to burden unprepared users with unnecessary terms, we will consider the ActiveX technology so that everyone understands what it is. ActiveX controls are actually small programs, from which the site creator or programmer can make up a huge number of interesting designs.

Initially, it was assumed that these elements, which are also called add-ons, will only be used to add certain resources on the Internet. additional features and were only supported by the Internet Explorer browser. To some extent, that is exactly what happened. However, today there are many other controls that also belong to the ActiveX technology. What are they? Yes, most simple example can be considered an add-on in the form of a Flash player from Macromedia, which stood at the origins of its creation.

Today, this add-on is the most common plug-in called Adobe ActiveX Player, or to be more precise, Adobe Flash player. This plugin is able to integrate into all popular modern browsers. In addition to Adobe, which took over this baton from Macromedia, there are many developers of similar plug-ins. However, compared to a unique player, their products cannot be compared, and for this reason, today they are unclaimed. Such elements can hardly be called programs in the usual sense. It is not possible to launch them by double clicking the mouse. The built-in codes of these programs are executed in the environment of Internet browsers.

Scope of Active X Controls

To clarify, consider the main aspects of the use of such technologies. So, for example, with the help of Active X elements, you can integrate video and audio players into the site. In other words, you can watch videos or listen to music right on the site. It is worth noting that the program itself with the shell, as a rule, is not displayed on the resource.

Instead, either a special window is used to view the clip, or sound is redirected through the computer's audio system. Thus, it turns out that the superstructure itself functions in background, hidden from the eyes of a simple site visitor. The same applies to online games. Framework (version 4 or any other) plays a key role in this matter.

It should be noted that .NET Framework is a unique development by Microsoft. In this case, Adobe Active X complements the main platform and is also responsible for playing and opening media elements. This bundle allows you to use elements that were originally written in different programming languages ​​(C ++, Visual Basic, Delphi, etc.). The presence of the Framework 4 element is a prerequisite for the operation of many control and structural elements of websites, including offline.

ActiveX Controls and Java Applets: Differences

Many mistakenly believe that Java applets are also ActiveX controls. They are indeed similar to each other, but there is one significant difference. The point is that the constructs developed with the help of Java function on various platforms and operating systems. And ActiveX has a rather narrow focus only on Microsoft software products.


Today, unfortunately, quite often there are viruses on the net that disguise themselves as Adobe Flash ActiveX elements. Each element, when used, is downloaded directly to the browser, and therefore to the computer. For this reason, certain security measures must be taken into account. The thing is that many users do not even read messages with offers to download and use certain components. They simply agree to the performance of all actions by clicking on the "OK" button.

This can lead to disastrous consequences. It should be noted that in most cases such threats are not always able to be recognized even by Internet defenders and regular anti-virus programs. For this reason, install the same Flash plugins ActiveX is only available from official sources. Roughly speaking, you can install such components only from the website of the official developer. Only in this case it is possible to guarantee safety when using this or that component.

Enable or disable ActiveX in Internet Explorer

Let's talk about how you can properly configure the use of these add-ons in the Internet Explorer browser. First of all, you need to call the Internet Options menu from the Control Panel. After that, you need to go to the security settings. At the bottom there is a button for the "Other" security level. After clicking on it, you will immediately be taken to the Active X settings menu. In order not to pick up any infection from the Internet, you must disable the download of unsigned and insecure elements. Ideally, of course, it is better to use the mode at the “Suggest” level when loading.

Security Settings

It is worth remembering about another means of protection. This is a firewall, otherwise also called a firewall. Here, as expected, there are default security settings. However, fans of playing online can add some executable plug-ins to the list of exceptions. This can only be done if you are completely sure of their safety. But disabling the firewall is not recommended, although some developers advise doing this to ensure the correct operation of a particular application. And many argue that there can be conflicts between the firewall and the application. But it is worth disabling protection, and the consequences cannot be avoided. No proactive defense antivirus program it won't help you.

ActiveX technology in other browsers

Gone are the days when add-ons were calculated only for use in the Internet Explorer browser. Think for yourself, Adobe Active X technology is used in almost all Internet browsers today. She literally became part of them. Without this element, today it is already impossible to imagine the full use of the capabilities of any Internet resource. However, if you look into this issue, then by and large today, of all the known elements and downloadable plug-ins, the use of the Flash player seems to be the most appropriate.

All other elements and additions are essentially simply unnecessary, or raise doubts about the safety of their use. If you give permission to install a dubious element in the browser, then you can make the security system vulnerable. Security holes can exploit malicious codes, trojans, viruses, worms and spyware. The saddest thing is that many browsers lack settings for ActiveX control. Used Windows settings have nothing to do with third party browsers. In other words, they don't apply to browsers.


IN this review we briefly looked at what ActiveX is. We can only hope that this material will allow you to understand the principle of using these add-ons. By now, it should be clear to you that you need to be careful when using these technologies. Otherwise, the consequences for the whole computer system can be pretty deplorable. In the event that you use Internet Explorer as a browser, give preference to security modes above average or maximum. In other browsers, before agreeing to the installation and use of the elements offered by the site, you need to think carefully ten times. The point here is not only the potential threat of computer infection. Installing unnecessary controls and plugins is usually not good for the performance of the browser.

1. Introduction

ActveX Controls is an OCX file (for example, MyButton.OCX) that you can use in your Visual C++ application. Visual C++ and other visual programming languages ​​give you the ability to include an ActiveX control in your program and use it just like a standard Visual C++ control. You place an ActiveX control in a dialog box, set its properties, and bind code to its events. Once you have created your own ActiveX control, you can give it to other programmers who can inject it into their programs.

Because the file extension for an ActiveX control is .ocx, ActiveX controls are sometimes referred to as OCX controls.

In this chapter, you will develop your own ActiveX control, MyClock.OSX, which performs the task of displaying the current time. When a programmer places a MyClock.OSX control on a form or dialog box, MyClock. OCX will continuously display the current time.

2. Create a project

To create a MyClock.OCX control project:

1) Select New from the File menu.

In response, Visual C++ will display the New dialog box.

2) Select the Projects tab of the New dialog box.

3) Select MFC ActiveX ControlWizard from the list of project types

4) Type MyClock in the Project Name box.

5) Click the button on the right side of the Location window and select a directory for the project.

6) Click the OK button.

In response, Visual C++ will display the MFC ActiveX ControlWizard Step 1 of 2

In the ActiveX ControlWizard Step 1 window, leave all settings at their default state and click the Next button.

In the ActiveX ControlWizard Step 2 window, leave all settings at their defaults and click the Finish button.

In response, Visual C++ will display the New Project Information dialog box.

Click the OK button in the New Project Information dialog box and select Set Active Configuration from the Build menu.

In response, Visual C++ will display the Set Active Project Configuration dialog box.

Select MyClock - Win32 Release in the Set Active Project Configuration dialog box and click OK.

This is all! You have now completed the creation of the MyClock.OSX ActiveX control project file and skeleton files.

7. Enabling a custom property in ActiveX MyClock

In many cases, you will need to include properties in your control that are not included in the standard list. These properties are called special.

For example, let's include a special UpdateInterval property in MyClock - the update period:

View -> ClassWizard -> Automation (make sure the Class name window is set to CMyClockCtrl)

Click on the Add Property button

In the External name window, type UpdateInterval

In the Type window, select Long

In window Variable name should be m_updateinterval

In the Notification function window, set OnUpdateIntervalChanged

Verify that the Member variable button is selected in the Implementation box and click OK

Thus, we have determined that the m_updateinterval variable will be associated with the UpdateInterval property, and whenever the value of the UpdateInterval property is changed, the OnUpdateIntervalChanged function will be automatically executed.

Now we need to initialize the UpdateInterval property:

Open file MyClockCtl.cpp

Find the DoPropExchange() function and write the following in it:

// Initialize the UpdateInterval property to 1000

PX_Long(pPX, _T("UpdateInterval"), m_updateinterval, 1000);

Now we need to modernize the OnUpdateIntervalChanged functions:

// check for negativity

if(m_updateinterval< 0)

MessageBox("This property cannot be negative !!!");

m_updateinterval = 1000;

// Set the timer

// Set the timer

SetTimer(1, (UINT)m_updateinterval, NULL);

Well, that's all ActiveX MyClock is completely ready!!!

ActiveX is specialized components, which are separate programs and applications that allow the consumer to create sites of any complexity. The ActiveX.com control can only be integrated into one browser - Internet Explorer. Specifically, the component consists of a set of , which can only be launched in one previously specified Internet browser. Although most modern users World Wide Web complain about slow loading and not the best functionality of Explorer, embedded elements can provide many advantages in work, so you need to know how to enable ActiveX.com.

Elements of the program can be launched in the Internet browser itself

Internet Explorer is the only browser that does not require additional installation. Designed for internet surfing software installed on the user's computer together with Windows OS. Its advantage over other typical programs lies in the use of files at the time of operations that it "takes" operating system. joint Internet work Explorer and Windows exclude errors that may occur during the operation of other typical utilities. In fact, this relationship significantly speeds up the web browser, while minimally loading the system.

Before you enable a custom component, you should be aware that certain files, identical to those used by Internet Explorer 11, help to eliminate or fix errors in the operation of the tool. Compliance with this simple condition causes the codes of the embedded component to be directly processed by the operating system.

Pros and cons of the implemented product

If you install ActiveX.com, the user of the software product will be able to:

  • create different software applications in several languages;
  • do not waste time on additional installation of a set additional applications, because product components can run directly in the web browser itself;
  • use in the work a huge number of modern components that use this frame.

The main disadvantage of the add-in is its main advantage, since the programs used in the process of processing codes draw on the resources of the OS itself. In this case, various errors may appear, which are not always corrected in a safe way.

Before installing ActiveX.com on their computer, the consumer should know that this component is often used by hackers and unscrupulous programmers to create viruses with malicious codes.

Application installation

You can install the component in Internet Explorer 11 in just a few minutes. To do this, you must first open the main window of the web browser, find the query "Site" in the list of tabs. The user will be notified about the need to additionally install program elements. In order to build on the software product, the user will be directed to a place to click on later. Next, you have to carry out a few simple procedures.

IN open window web browser, you need to find the main menu, in which there is the word "Service", click on "Internet Options". After that, the corresponding window with properties will open. On the "Security" tab, you must press the "Other" button located at the very bottom of the list.

In the security settings window opened before the user, a huge list with many various activities. In the list you need to find "ActiveX Controls" and enable them.
