Connecting a bluetooth keyboard to a tablet. Instructions for connecting a keyboard, mouse and joystick to an Android gadget

QWERTY smartphones once dominated the business device market. Companies such as Nokia, BlackBerry, HTC, Toshiba and others have created devices for business people who have extensive correspondence with partners. But under the onslaught of touch screens, such smartphones began to rapidly lose ground. On-screen buttons are convenient for those who write a little: they allow you to make more rational use of the front panel area, appearing only when needed. But become a complete replacement mechanical keys they failed.

Touch input makes touch typing more difficult, has more errors, slows down typing speed, and forces you to constantly look at virtual keyboard. If you need to type a lot of text information, an external keyboard connected via USB or Bluetooth comes to the rescue. The second option is more preferable as it is compatible with any Android device. Wired accessories require OTG support and do not work everywhere.

Our review includes interesting Bluetooth keyboards for smartphones that you can buy now. The selection includes both quite classic accessories and rather unusual solutions. Unfortunately, this market is not developed as some users would like. Only a few manufacturers make devices that are comfortable and stylish at the same time. Therefore, we will try to highlight the most attractive keyboards.

Seenda IBK-03 is a foldable Bluetooth keyboard for a smartphone, which is characterized by a combination of compactness and convenience. When folded, its dimensions are comparable to those of a phablet. In the working position, you get a device comparable to a netbook keyboard. Stand included allows you to fix your smartphone on the table. Thanks to the built-in 200 mAh battery, the keyboard will last up to 3 weeks in standby mode or up to a day with active typing. The price of Seenda IBK-03 is about $25.

Another small "clave" is Cvrk-A224. With it, you can not only type long messages from your smartphone, but also recharge it.
The device, concurrently, is also portable battery at 5000 mAh. The dimensions of the Cvrk-A224 are 13x6.5 cm and the price is about $30. The gadget is connected via Bluetooth, but it also has two USB port(full size and Micro). The first is designed to recharge the smartphone, the second - to replenish the charge of the keyboard itself.

The Samsung Keyboard Cover is available for popular South Korean devices such as the Galaxy S6 Edge+, S7 Edge, Note 5 and more. Its cost is from 40 to 80 dollars (depending on the seller, country and smartphone model). A distinctive feature of the gadget is the lack of digital connection interfaces. This is a passive device that works without electricity, therefore, its use does not accelerate the consumption of the battery.

The kit consists of a bumper for the rear cover and a block of buttons overlaid on top of the screen. When it is connected, the smartphone interface adapts, the lower part of the display turns off (fortunately, SuperAMOLED can do this), and the sensor remains active. Button presses are transmitted to the screen through capacitive pads located on the back of the accessory.

Norwegian startup one2TOUCH offers a slim and compact keyboard case for smartphones that does not require charging. The accessory is a regular flip case, but slightly thicker than it (about 4 mm). A thin QWERTY keyboard is built into the cover of the case. To connect to a smartphone, NFC technology is used, thanks to which it became possible to refuse batteries and wires. The gadget receives energy from the induction field generated by the NFC module of the mobile device. Unfortunately, the price of the device is still unknown, and its mass production has not yet been established.

Logitech, a well-known manufacturer of computer peripherals, also could not resist the market of accessories for smartphones and tablets. The universal keyboard K400 Plus, designed for such devices, is not that compact (as much as 33 cm), but a convenient device for typing large texts. Powered by a pair AA batteries. In addition to the keys, the accessory is distinguished by the presence of a touch touchpad and can also act as a mouse on a smartphone. The price of the device is $30 without a case and about $50 with it.

Another interesting Bluetooth keyboard for a smartphone is produced under the iWerkz brand. The foldable accessory, starting at $30, comes in a variety of colors and comes with a stand for your mobile device.
The keyboard is powered by a built-in battery, the capacity of which is not specified. The manufacturer claims up to a month of standby time or 44 hours of typing.

TK-FBP029BK is another compact external keyboard for smartphones that fits any device up to 150mm (diagonal up to 5.5") in height. It comes with a flip cover that can be used as a stand.
It works via Bluetooth, AAA batteries (“mini finger”) are used as a battery. Claimed battery life - up to 2 months (depending on the quality of the batteries).

The tablet is a very handy device. But, like other gadgets, a tablet computer has its drawbacks, namely, it is not very comfortable to type text from a device, especially large volumes. Of course, from the technical side, you can print, but it is unlikely that someone will have the patience and strength for such a "feat". Is there a solution to such a problem? You can connect an additional keyboard to almost any tablet. At first glance it seems that everything is very easy, which is far from being the case. And so for the right self connection keyboard to the tablet, you need to read the instructions, which will help you in this matter.

By the way, it is for this reason that the demand for the so-called netbooks has decreased. Indeed, why buy an inconvenient gadget if you can buy a tablet computer and connect an accessory to it at a convenient time? The benefit of the device is obvious, because you can always disconnect it and now it is no longer a computer, but a quite convenient portable device.

Types of keyboards for tablets

Currently, there are many tablet computers running on different operating systems: Windows, Android, iOS. A virtual accessory will not be able to provide comfortable typing. What are the input devices for these gadgets will be discussed a little lower.

You can expand the functionality of your tablet computer using:

  • Special docking keyboard for tablets;
  • Keyboard covers;
  • USB keyboards;
  • Bluetooth/USB;
  • Bluetooth keyboards.

Designed for connection to specific device. In addition to it, the docking station will also have ports for connecting other devices (it is possible to connect everything that connects to an ordinary laptop, including a mouse). The main advantage is beauty, style and convenience. Some of the keyboard docks have a dedicated touchpad. The only downside is the high price of the device.

- This is a rather unusual accessory for gadgets, which is gaining popularity among users. Naturally, it cannot be compared with a docking accessory, but the main advantage of the former is the ability to connect to almost any device. The price of the keyboard cover is low. It connects conveniently via micro-USB - for this there is a thin cord. Also, an indisputable advantage is the protective function that it performs for the device - this device can quickly become a cover. The keyboard cover will serve as a good protection against all sorts of mechanical damage, accidental touches and dust.

It is an ordinary, good equipment that connects to the device using a wire via USB. This accessory is a great solution for use in the office or at home. Many varieties of USB keyboards may have additional connectors.

Bluetooth/USB is an accessory that is suitable for various tablet computers and can be connected to them when USB help or a Bluetooth connection. The presented accessory is the most efficient in terms of energy saving. For example, if the battery level leaves much to be desired, you can turn off Bluetooth and connect the accessory via micro-USB.

A wireless Bluetooth keyboard can be connected to almost any gadget and other devices that have a wireless connection function. Of course, its advantage is obvious - the connection is carried out without wires. Often, the accessory is small in size and weight, which allows you to use it with convenience, both at home and on the street. But it was not without drawbacks, because Bluetooth "eats" a lot of energy.

Proven ways to connect equipment to your tablet

Each type of keyboard for tablets has its own connection nuances. How to connect the accessory to the gadget correctly can be found below.

Connecting the keyboard using a USB cable, OTG adapter

Often, USB equipment is equipped with ordinary ports. In order to connect such equipment to tablet computer with micro-USB, a special adapter is required - OTG cable. Among other things, the device must have the USB-Host function, it provides the ability to exchange data via OTG. This means connecting a keyboard, flash drive, modem, etc. If OTG is supplied with the tablet computer, you can safely start connecting various USB devices. To connect USB to the device, you need to do this:

  • You need to take the cable and plug it into micro-USB on the device using the required input.
  • The accessory connects to a full-fledged USB output located on the other end of the OTG.

How to programmatically configure an external keyboard for a tablet on Windows:

How to connect a keyboard on Android via usb:

  • If, when connecting peripherals, a tablet based operating system Android does not recognize the device, the first step is to download a special application called English Keyboard, which is available completely free in the content store Google Play.
  • Once the installation is completed successfully, you need to open the settings, "Language and input" and the "Keyboard and input methods" section.
  • In the "Default" menu that appears, select the "Russian Keyboard" item.
  • Next, you need to open the application settings, section "Hardware keyboard" - "Select layout" and check the item External Keyboard Ru.
  • In order to select an acceptable key combination for changing the layout, you can use the "Switch layout" item.
  • If, after all the steps, the Android tablet still does not recognize the hardware, it is recommended to restart it.

Connecting a Keyboard Using Bluetooth

There is an option simple connection without wires - this requires a Bluetooth keyboard. The advantages of this connection method are obvious: there will be no wires that constantly interfere, and you won’t have to puzzle over incompatible inputs and outputs. In addition, almost all models of tablet devices are equipped with Bluetooth module. Meanwhile, there are some negative sides characteristic of a Bluetooth connection. We are talking about increased energy consumption, and this applies to both the keyboard and the tablet computer. If you have to regularly change ordinary batteries in the accessory, then offline work device will be significantly reduced. For Android gadgets, this problem is especially relevant due to optimization flaws. Connecting additional accessories via Bluetooth is no different. To connect a keyboard and mouse to the tablet, you need to perform a number of simple steps:

  • The first step is to make sure that the Bluetooth connection is active on both the tablet and the peripheral device.
  • Many gadgets have an invisibility feature, thanks to which they are not recognized by other devices, you need to turn it off.
  • In the tablet settings (section Bluetooth or " Wireless connections”), it remains only to select the equipment to be connected from the list.

Connecting the keyboard using a Wi-Fi channel

Another convenient way to connect peripheral device without an adapter - use a Wi-Fi connection. It is worth noting that this is the most time-consuming connection option, and it is also difficult to find a peripheral device with the necessary parameters. It is very important to comply with a whole list of requirements, otherwise the performance of the equipment is not guaranteed:

  • The presence of a Wi-Fi module is required (in priority - the same type as on the tablet).
  • The accessory must function without the other network equipment(It is possible that the tablet takes over the function of the router).
  • Both devices must be connected to a single network (full mask match and partial IP address).
  • It requires the ability to process and send data in the correct format.

Read also how to quickly and correctly connect Wi-Fi on a tablet


Surely, it became clear to many whether it is possible to connect an input device to a tablet computer, and how to do it. The procedure itself is not complicated, and if you follow the steps above, you can easily connect any type of additional equipment to the device. With this accessory it will be comfortable to enter text of any size, and in some cases even play. It is necessary to choose peripheral equipment taking into account where, under what conditions and for what purpose the device will be used. It is also important to consider the characteristics of the tablet computer.


Adam's barrack March 19, 2011 at 05:45 pm

android and bluetooth keyboard

  • Lumber room *

Getting started is the hardest part, so I'll skip the introduction. All in essence.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a bluetooth keyboard?
+ Typing is faster with a bluetooth keyboard. (Of course, with a swipe, the speed is higher, but (at least for me) only if you do not take into account typos).
+ By typing “by touch”, you can divert at least part of your attention from the keyboard.
+ Fast access to all special characters. For example, when programming on a phone, this is a big plus.
+ Unlike the built-in one, you don't need to carry a bluetooth keyboard with you if you don't have to type anything big.
- Extra device.
- A small, but still discharge of the battery.
- On the go, you can’t really type, for example, in ICQ - hold both the phone and the keyboard at the same time, while also typing something ... It’s possible, but not very convenient, and it looks strange.

So, if you need to type only occasionally: a little in Google search, a little in SMS, a little more in some Internet messenger - a bluetooth keyboard is not needed. But if you need to print a lot, similar device can make life a lot easier.

Where to buy a bluetooth keyboard?
- Disadvantage - too long delivery. I waited 25 days for the keyboard and by the time it arrived, I had already forgotten why I was buying it.
- In one of the many online stores. There is a minus - too high price. On ebay, the keyboard cost $18, here the same one costs an average of a thousand rubles.

The market has a large number of applications for using a bluetooth keyboard. Most are free.

First I installed Blueinput from But, unfortunately, this program worked very mediocre for me - it often lost connection, could not automatically pick up the keyboard. Often refused to connect. In addition, it was not clear how to add the Russian language.

I got to the market and came across this program. I was bribed by the word root, “Since root rights are used, maybe she will at least emulate clicks normally?” - I thought. Fortunately, I was not mistaken - it works really great. The essence of the program is as follows: the program loads a couple of drivers (this is what root rights are for), after which you can connect the phone and the keyboard, and every five seconds it checks if there is a keyboard nearby. If there is, it connects.

Keyboard customization
All these keyboards are so different. Everyone has their own tricky buttons, like player control buttons. And Android may not see them. And to fix this, you have to tinker.

You need to make a list of key codes that do not work correctly. To do this, you can use this program. (Write scancode).
- Pull qwerty.kl file from your phone. It is located in the /system/usr/keylayout/ folder. Open it with any text editor.
- The lines of this file have the structure "key<код клавиши> <действие> <особенные свойства клавиши>". Change it to match your keyboard.

> List of actions:
> - 0-9
> - SYM - (I have) an input selection window
> - HOME, SEARCH, MENU, CALL, ENDCALL, BACK - regular keys
> - SOFT_LEFT, SOFT_RIGHT, MUTE, GRAVE - unknown keys, it is not clear what they do
> - CAMERA, FOCUS - in theory, launching the camera and focusing
> - DPAD_CENTER, DPAD_DOWN, DPAD_UP, DPAD_LEFT, DPAD_RIGHT - trackball (one bug is associated with these buttons - they change their functions counterclockwise when you turn the device)
> Missing such an important action as, judging by various sources, CAPS or CAPS_LOCK. Neither one works for me. By the way, if the action is not recognized, all the lines below will not be processed.
> Special features:
> - WAKE - the device will wake up and respond to pressing.
> - WAKE_DROPPED - the device will only wake up.
- Upload the modified file back. Set permissions to 644.
- Reboot.

You can also see the contents of the qwerty_ru.kcm.bin file. These are letters for each of the actions, four in each. In theory, you can Russify the keyboard right here, but this is far from The best decision. But if you want, try it. True, they are compiled - search the net for the source file.

Russification of the keyboard
Well, everything is quite simple here. It is worth installing something like ruKeyboard, and it will provide you with a large selection of layouts (if there are not enough of them, nothing prevents you from adding your own) and the ability to quickly switch by pressing Shift + Space.

And to make it really cool - for 150 rubles you can buy stickers with Russian letters for a small keyboard.

If you become the owner of the same keyboard as me, with forty-nine keys - here are my files.


I think no one will deny that the popularity of tablets has grown a lot lately and many users cannot even imagine their work without this gadget :).

But tablets have (in my opinion) a significant drawback: if you need to write something longer than 2-3 sentences, then it becomes a real nightmare. To fix this, there are small wireless keyboards on the market that connect via Bluetooth and allow you to close this shortcoming (moreover, they often come with a case).

In this article, I wanted to take a look at the steps on how to set up the connection of such a keyboard to a tablet. There is nothing complicated in this matter, but as elsewhere, there are some nuances ...

Connecting a keyboard to a tablet (Android)

1) Switching on the keyboard

The wireless keyboard has dedicated buttons for enabling and configuring the connection. They are located either a little higher above the keys, or on the side wall of the keyboard (see Fig. 1). The first thing to do is to turn it on, as a rule, the LEDs should start flashing (or lit).

Rice. 1. Turning on the keyboard (note that the LEDs are on, i.e. the device is turned on).

2) Bluetooth setting on a tablet

In the settings you need to open the section " Wireless network» and enable Bluetooth connection (blue switch in Fig. 2). Then go to Bluetooth settings.

Rice. 2. Setting up Bluetooth on the tablet.

3) Selecting a device from the available ...

If your keyboard is turned on (the LEDs on it should blink) and the tablet starts looking for devices available for connection, you should see your keyboard in the list (as in Fig. 3). You need to select it and connect.

Rice. 3. Keyboard connection.

4) Pairing

The pairing process is the establishment of a connection between your keyboard and tablet. It usually takes 10-15 seconds.

Rice. 4. Pairing process.

5) Password for confirmation

The final touch - on the keyboard you need to enter the password to access the tablet, which you will see on its screen. Please note that after entering these numbers on the keyboard, you need to press Enter.

Rice. 5. Entering a password on the keyboard.

6) Completing the connection

If everything was done correctly and there were no errors, then you will see a message that the bluetooth keyboard is connected (this is the wireless keyboard). Now you can open notepad and type from the keyboard to your heart's content.

Rice. 6. Keyboard connected!

What to do if the tablet does not see the bluetooth keyboard?

1) The most common is a dead keyboard battery. Especially if you are trying to connect it to a tablet for the first time. Charge the keyboard battery first, and then try connecting it again.

2) Open system requirements and a description of your keyboard. Suddenly it is not supported by android at all (pay attention also to the android version) ?!

3) Yes special applications on "Google Play", for example "Russian Keyboard". By installing such an application (it will help when working with non-standard keyboards) - it will quickly fix compatibility issues and the device will start working as expected ...

Connecting a keyboard to a laptop (Windows 10)

In general, you need to connect an additional keyboard to a laptop much less often than to a tablet (after all, a laptop has one keyboard :)). But this may be necessary when, for example, the native keyboard is flooded with tea or coffee and some keys do not work well on it. Consider how this is done on a laptop.

1) Switching on the keyboard

Similar step as in the first section of this article…

2) Does Bluetooth work?

Very often, Bluetooth is not enabled at all on a laptop and drivers are not installed for it ... The easiest way to find out if it works wireless connection- just see if there is this icon in the tray (see Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Bluetooth is working…

Delivery of drivers in 1 click:

3) If Bluetooth is turned off (for whom it works, you can skip this step)

If you have installed (updated) the drivers, then it is not a fact that Bluetooth works for you. The fact is that it can be turned off in Windows settings. Let's see how to enable it in Windows 10.

First, open the START menu and go to the settings (see Fig. 8).

Rice. 9. Go to Bluetooth settings.

Then turn on the Bluetooth network (see Fig. 10).

Rice. 14. Print test...

That concludes, good luck!

Currently, all kinds of mobile devices are very popular. Therefore, every year they become more technologically advanced and functional. With the growing popularity of portable gadgets, there has been an increase in interest in peripheral equipment that can work with mobile gadgets. One of the most common connected peripherals is a physical keyboard. Connecting the keyboard to the tablet does not require special specific manipulations.

Additional Gadgets

Methods and technologies for connecting peripheral equipment to mobile gadgets

There are several basic methods for correct connection and correct interaction of auxiliary information input gadgets with tablets and smartphones:

  1. Wi-Fi based wireless connection;
  2. Wireless connection via infrared or bluetooth;
  3. Connection of additional equipment via cable.

Each method of establishing a connection has its advantages and disadvantages, so what exactly to use depends solely on you and the capabilities of your mobile solution.

Connection via cable or wired adapter

Connecting a keyboard to android tablet most often performed precisely through a cable connection or a direct connection to the gadget, if it has a full-fledged USB connector. In order to connect a keyboard or other equipment via a cable, the following requirements must be met:

  1. The equipment must support the connected gadget and vice versa;
  2. A mobile gadget must have OTG or USB HOST technology in order to be able to interact with an external device at the hardware level;
  3. Drivers or initial settings must be pre-loaded into the system, and also comply with the requirements of the installed mobile operating system. This is necessary in order to USB connection the keyboard to the Android gadget has been correctly configured at the software level for the interaction of peripherals.

The advantage of physically connecting equipment via a cable is that you clearly know what is connected, and the speed of operation and interaction is limited only by the speed of the slowest equipment. Most often, the speed rests on the communication channel, although the speed of interaction of the periphery is very high and surpasses other connection methods. It is for this reason that it is best to connect flash drives and 3G modems via a cable, since it is in this case that data exchange between devices will be maximum.

Connecting equipment via infrared or bluetooth

In order to connect the keyboard to an android tablet, you must first connect the tablet and peripherals to each other, and only then synchronize if it was not completed automatically. To connect you need:

  1. Turn on wireless adapter on an auxiliary device;
  2. Enable wireless network modules in the operating system;
  3. Establish a connection with the mobile assistant;

The infrared port is almost never found, as this technology is outdated. Although on some of the first models it can be found. As for bluetooth, almost everything modern appliances and mobile gadgets are equipped with this radio module version 2.0 and newer samples. Therefore, connecting an external keyboard to the tablet via wireless network much more convenient, since in this case your tablet is not tied to one place by wires, and external equipment can be located anywhere where the signal reaches.

The main advantages of connecting external devices via bluetooth channel:

  1. Mobility and independence of movement of two devices independently of each other within the signal coverage radius;
  2. Compactness;
  3. Ease of connection:
  4. The ability to communicate with several gadgets at the same time (if the software filling of the tablet and the hardware capabilities of the adapter allow).

Therefore, the most mobile and compact solution is to connect a bluetooth keyboard to a tablet. Since in this case you need to have a minimum of everything, and you will be able to use the maximum opportunities.

Connecting peripherals via a Wi-Fi network adapter

To connect an external device via wifi network, you need to fulfill a number of mandatory conditions, without which the success of the equipment is not guaranteed, and more often it is completely impossible:

  1. Pluggable outer periphery must be equipped with a Wi-Fi radio. Preferably the same standard as the tablet;
  2. The device must work without the need for additional network equipment (router), or this function must take over the tablet (receiving and distributing an IP address to the device);
  3. Combining devices into one network. Must match partially IP addresses and fully mask;
  4. Devices must be able to independently process and send commands to the gadget in the correct format.

Due to the complexity of the implementation of the above interaction algorithm, finding a tablet with the ability to connect a keyboard via Wi-Fi is quite difficult. That's why this way interactions with mobile device more often use printers or MFPs.

Software configuration of the tablet and external peripherals

In order for external peripherals to interact correctly and correctly, drivers must be installed in the system, using which it could correctly translate commands from and to external device. Drivers are installed both automatically and manually. For example, the result of the correct connection of the mouse to the tablet is the cursor that appears on the gadget screen.

To connect any USB keyboard is used software ruKeyboard. This program capable of working with external physical keyboards, thanks to which it quickly gained popularity. To configure the keyboard you need:

  1. Install the program;
  2. Go to device settings;
  3. Item "Language and settings";
  4. Check the box next to ruKeyboard;
  5. After that, in the settings of the program itself, select "Hardware keyboard";
  6. In the settings menu item "Select layout" select "External keyboard" from the list of presets;
  7. Open any typing field in third party program or browser on the tablet and select "ruKeyboard" as the input method;
  8. Connect the keyboard to the android tablet;
  9. Test character input.

Establishing a connection and setting up game functionality

In order to connect gaming devices to the tablet, you need to use exactly the method that is declared by the manufacturer. Since it is in this case that you can be sure that the devices will work together. The most common additional gaming gadget is the joystick.

Connecting a joystick to a tablet is the same as connecting a keyboard. The only difference is that you will definitely need the USB / BT Joystick Center program, which is designed to ensure the correct configuration of gaming devices, and also contains the necessary drivers and functions that will ensure reliable connection and correct operation and interaction of gadgets.
