Registering a VKontakte page without a phone number. How to register Vkontakte without a phone number? Free disposable number for SMS

Sometimes you urgently need to register in some network. Take, for example, VKontakte. She and many like her ask for your number.

But what if you don't want to give your number? Or has it already been used for registration (two accounts cannot be registered for one number)? Or maybe everything is so urgent that there is no time to buy another SIM card?

Whatever the circumstances, there is always a way out:

  • You can ask for a room from friends or neighbors. But they may not always have a free number for VK. And if it turns out, they can lie or ask for money. In addition, if the number remains with them, they can easily change the password for your account;
  • You can use a free one-time number to simply receive an SMS with a code;
  • You can register in the IP-telephony system and buy a number from them.


IP telephony is a technology for using conventional telephony over the IP protocol. Since Internet traffic is cheaper than using telephone networks, In addition, a virtual phone number is created for free. Although regular numbers are connected for a fee.

In addition, the flow of information is transmitted to digital form and is necessarily compressed in order to save traffic and not transmit information garbage through channels.

You can use this number both from a computer and from a smartphone. Simply install the application and you can start writing SMS or calling. There are also stationary devices for IP-telephony. Virtual numbers are also connected to them.

Free disposable number for SMS

There are services that allow their users to use a free number to receive SMS with a code. It seems to be convenient, but there is one “but”: there are few free numbers.

You go to the service page (for example, tempsms .ru ). Usually numbers are immediately shown on the main page. And on the same page the SMS that came to them are shown. That is, everyone can see your code. This is not the safest option.

The second significant drawback is that you must have time to register before no one has taken the number. Rooms may change every day or several times a day. From a budget standpoint, this is good. In terms of anonymity, too. Because if a whole bunch of people use one number, it will be difficult to track down any specific one. Especially if you use the number only once and with a proxy.

If you need a disposable account and don't want to spend a dime, this is the perfect option. But if you need a VK profile for a long time, this option will not work - if you need to receive another SMS, you will not receive it. Because the number is likely to change. Especially considering that this SMS may be needed only after months.

Personal virtual number

It will be safer to get a virtual number for your own use. So that only you can read your SMS. Fortunately, creating a virtual phone number for free for 10 minutes is not so difficult and is still anonymous. Just don't forget to seal the webcam with tape so that the recording with your face does not get to the intruders)

There are several services that do this:

  • and others.

Everyone, as always, has its own “nuances”. Comtube, for example, allows you to get an international number for free and without a monthly fee (there is a monthly fee for a Russian number). But it cannot be used to register somewhere.

It's not about the policy of the service, but about how the message should look. That is, the SMS that is sent to you must begin with your login on the service. And since VK and other sites create messages automatically, they will never send you SMS in the desired format. Therefore, linking an account through is not possible.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to register for free VK and create new page In contact with. You can do this in one of three ways: standard on the website, via Facebook or via Google mail.

Registering a new VK page

The easiest way to make a page in Contact in Russian is to go through an instant registration of a new user. To do this, you just need to fill out a form on the official website specify the name, surname, date of birth and phone number. Registration is very fast.

There are other options for creating a page: through Facebook or Google mail. But in both cases, you also need to enter a mobile number. But to register without a number, you will first have to get virtual phone. This is a one-time number that is used only for activation.

Way pros Minuses
Standard ✔ Quick access recovery in case of login problems
✔ Protection against hacking
✘ Number required mobile phone
Via Facebook ✔ Automatic addition of personal information from a Facebook page

✔ Protection against hacking

Via google mail ✔ Automatic addition of personal information from Google account
✔ Quick access recovery in case of login problems
✔ Protection against hacking
✘ It is not always possible to register
✘ Mobile phone number required
No phone number ✔ No mobile phone number needed ✘ Difficult to restore access in case of login problems (page hacking, viruses, password loss)

Standard Registration

1 . Let's go to home page VK at the address

2. In the lower right corner of the site we print the name, surname, indicate the date of birth. Then click "Register".

3 . We print your mobile phone number with a code mobile operator. Click "Get Code".

4 . Within a minute of specified number phone will come free sms code message. We print it in a special column and click the "Send code" button.

5 . Type in your password and click "Login". The password must consist of English letters and numbers without spaces.

It is advisable to appoint complex password: longer than seven characters, among which there are letters of different sizes - large and small. And don't forget to write it down in a safe place!

That's it - the page is ready!

You can set it up by clicking on "Continue" or do it later by clicking on "Skip".

Here is what the finished, but not yet completed page looks like:

Your page should load in the Facebook tab. If it doesn't, please sign in.

2. On the VK website in the lower right corner, click on the "Continue with Facebook" button.

3 . A small confirmation window will appear. Click on the "Continue" button.

4 . The data import page will load. Here you need to type your mobile with the operator code and click "Get Code".

5 . We print the confirmation code from SMS into the window and click "Send code".

6. We come up with a password to enter our new page, save it in a safe place and click on the "Login to the site" button.

It is advisable to specify a strong password: from seven characters, consisting of numbers, large and small English letters.

7. A message indicating successful registration will appear. This means that the page is ready and you can use it.

Registration via Google email

You can also create a new page in Contact via e-mail. But only if you have mail in Google ( In addition, the phone number will still have to be indicated.

1 . In one tab, open your mail on, and in the second mobile version VK website at

2. Under the "Sign up" button, click on the "Google" link.

3 . Choose your account.

4 . Click on "Allow".

5 . We print our first and last name. Click "Continue".

6. We confirm the registration: we print our mobile number with the operator code and click "Get Code".

7. Enter the code from SMS and click on "Send Code".

8 . We come up with a password to enter, and then click "Register". The password must consist of English letters and numbers.

Your new VK page will load. To go to the full version of the site, click on " Full version» bottom left.

That's all - now you can use the site!

How to register in VK without a phone number

You can register in Contact without a phone number. To do this, there is such a service on the Internet as virtual number. It's such temporary phone without a sim card. You can receive an SMS with an activation code on it, and this is exactly what we need to create a new page.

The principle is the following:

  1. We get a virtual phone number;
  2. We print it when registering in VK;
  3. We receive an SMS with a code and enter it on the site.
Virtual numbers are free and paid. But in both cases, it must be borne in mind that these are only temporary phones. And that means that if you have problems with logging in in the future, then it will be difficult to return access to the page.

Free virtual numbers

There are services that distribute free phones to receive SMS. They are of several types:

  • Sites with public numbers- pages where available in this moment phones. These are such resources as,,,, and others. Everything is simple there: click on the number, and a list of SMS messages that were sent to it opens.
  • Sites with registration- you need to register for them first and then in personal account SMS number will be displayed. And here, in your personal account, you can read the received messages. These resources include,,, and
  • Applications for Android are phone programs that allocate virtual numbers to users. To get a free number, you need to install the application on your smartphone with Android system and register with it. Most popular apps: Swytch, Telos, Text Me.

In practice, I have tried every free site and every application. I spent several days on this, but never received the coveted SMS with the code.

Some of the numbers are occupied, that is, pages are already registered on them. Other phones Contact for some reason does not accept. And the third SMS does not come. I see only one option: monitor sites with public numbers and as soon as new phone quickly register a page on it.

Note: if you read other instructions for registering Vkontakte without a phone number, they often advise the service. Previously, it was really possible to register through it, but this method has not worked for a long time. Either the issued number does not pass, or SMS does not come to it.

Paid virtual numbers

On the Internet, you can buy a one-time virtual number. This is such a temporary phone that is issued online for a certain period (usually 15-20 minutes). You can get a code for creating a VK account on it.

Step-by-step instructions for registering without a phone

Right now I will show you how to create a new Vkontakte page on a computer without a phone - through a virtual number. I will do this using the example of the SMS Activate service.

Open the site and in the upper right corner click on Login / Register.

Fill out the registration form. Here you need to specify your email and create a password to enter the service.

We go to the mail, open the confirmation letter and follow the link in it.

After that, an email address should appear in the upper right corner of the site. If it doesn't appear, please sign in.

On the left side of the site, select the country. It depends on what number the system will issue, and how much it will cost. It is better to take the number of the country where you are geographically located. If in Russia, then the Russian number, if in Ukraine - Ukrainian.

The cheapest numbers are Chinese. But I do not recommend using them, since Contact often blocks such phones.

The list of services will show the cost and number of available rooms.

If there are no phones available (0 pcs.), You will have to wait. New ones appear about every two hours. The time of their appearance is written at the top of the site.

We click on the inscription "0 rub." in the upper right corner of the site and select "Top up balance".

Choose a payment method and indicate the cost of the room. After crediting the money, click on the Vkontakte line in the left column and click "Buy".

A line with a phone number will appear. We copy it.

Open the site in a new browser tab and fill out a standard registration form.

Select the country of the phone from the list and insert the received number. If the country code is duplicated, delete it. Then click "Get Code".

We return to the Sms-Activate service tab and click on the green checkmark button.

We are waiting for the SMS. The code will come within a minute in the "Code from SMS" column.

Go to the Vkontakte tab, print the received code and click "Send code".

We come up with a password to enter our VK page.

Be sure to save your password - without it you will not be able to enter the site later.

That's it - the page is ready!

Again, go to the Sms-Activate tab and click on the button with the bird.

Be sure to save your phone number. It is through it that you will then go to your page.

To see the number, you need to go to the "History" section in the personal account of the service.

How to protect a page from being hacked

Pages in Vkontakte are often hacked by hackers. This happens due to carelessness of users and too simple passwords.

No one is safe from hacks, even if the profile is empty and rarely used. This will not stop hackers, so it is very important to protect your page.

Customize your profile. To do this, click on the name in the upper right corner of the site and select "Settings".

In the "General" section:

  1. Add your email;
  2. Change the page address;
  3. Assign a complex password.

Complex is a password that consists of 12 characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, and numbers.

Then go to the "Privacy" section and set the visibility of the data on the page. I recommend setting the following settings:

  • Who can post on my page: Friends and friends of friends
  • Who can comment on my posts: Friends and friends of friends
  • Who can call me on apps: Friends only
  • Who can invite me to communities: Only friends
  • Who can invite me to apps: Friends only

If you have registered a page on personal number mobile, it is advisable to enable login confirmation in the "Security" section.

Record data from your page. They will come in handy for any access problems.

Save the following information:

  • Link to the page. It can be found in "Settings";
  • Phone number attached to the page and email. This is also in the "Settings";
  • First name, last name, date of birth indicated on the page;
  • Login password.

Sign out of your profile on other devices. The contact is set up so that the login information is automatically remembered. That is, every time you enter the site, the personal page opens by itself.

This means that all "internal" possibilities social network available to anyone who gets access to a computer (tablet, smartphone).

Any person who enters Vkontakte from your device will be able to read the correspondence, add or delete friends, photos, videos, music, edit personal data. In general, he will be able to do everything that you can do with your page.

To prevent this from happening, you need to exit the profile. To do this, click on your name in the upper right corner and select "sign out" from the list.

It is especially important to exit the profile on someone else's computer or phone.

Then the program for the Internet will forget your data, and the next time you open the site, the personal page will no longer load. But it will still remain on the site - in order to enter it, you will need to enter the login data (phone or mail, password).

Check the site address before entering your page. On the Internet there is such a thing as "phishing sites". These are sites that look very similar to Contact, but they have nothing to do with the social network. Fraudsters deliberately create these pages so that users enter their login information there by mistake.

You can distinguish a real Contact from a fake one by his address. It is written in the top line of the browser. The real Vkontakte site will have the following address:

If the address is different, then you have landed on a fraudulent site. Do not enter your details there!

For more tips on securing your page, see the official security group.

Today, the vast majority of Internet users are registered in various social networks, whether Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki,My Circle and many other communities. We can say that the boom in the growth of registered users of social networks continues even now, every day there are hundreds, if not thousands of new users. Moreover, the number of people connected to the Internet is growing every minute in all countries of the world. Originally Russian social networks are the last three of those listed above: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Moi Krug. However, the largest, most popular social network in Russia is VKontakte. Although evil tongues claim that this platform for communication and interaction between people in the electronic space was completely copied from the most popular in Facebook world, we can safely say that over the years of the parallel development of these two projects, they have changed a lot and VKontakte has a number of differences that distinguish this project favorably. This article will discuss in detail how to register VKontakte via mail.

Registration VKontakte via e-mail

It's no secret that on every site where authorization is present (the ability to log in for personalization, identification, provision of individual services) in order to use the full range of services, prior registration is required. To register, in the vast majority of cases, you need to enter a valid email address and / or mobile phone number. After that, a letter will be sent to the specified address to confirm registration, or a password generated by the system. In addition, these data are also used to enter the system, becoming a login on the site. Registering VKontakte via e-mail is a standard procedure that was used on the site many years ago and does not raise any questions today. However, now the registration process begins with entering a mobile phone number, and after that it is already required to enter your mail in order for you to be sent a registration confirmation letter. Important: The email address must be your own and you must have full access to open an email with a link to activate your account. Otherwise, registering VKontakte via mail should not cause any problems.

VKontakte password recovery via mail

If you have forgotten your password, or someone has changed your password, you can always recover lost data using in a simple way- VKontakte password recovery via mail. To do this, on the authorization page, click on the link "Forgot your password?" and enter the email address that was used during registration. After that, if all the data is entered correctly, the system will automatically send you an e-mail with a link to reset your password, after clicking on which you need to follow the instructions and your password will be restored. In addition, you have the opportunity to restore access to your page using your mobile phone if for any reason you do not have access to the mobile phone to which this account is registered. After entering the phone number, you will be sent an SMS message with a code, you need to enter it in the provided field.

Thus, you have at your disposal several password recovery methods at once, each of them will provide you with access to the page in case you lose your password.

How to create a password that will keep your page secure

When registering VKontakte using mail, as well as in any other social network, you should pay Special attention creation strong password, which will not be easy to hack or guess by brute force to ensure the security of your personal data. This section of the article will tell you how to create a password that will keep your page secure.

Your password should be long enough (recommended length - more than 8 characters), it is desirable to use Latin characters in its composition. To significantly complicate it for hacking without greatly complicating memorization, you should use both uppercase and lowercase letters at the same time, this is one of the most effective ways. In addition, some sites allow the use of special characters, such as: "@", "_", "!", and the like. At the same time, it's good if the password does not contain your e-mail address, you should also not choose a password that matches any other.

What to do so that the page is not hacked

Even if you have chosen a fairly complex password that is almost impossible to crack by brute force, this does not give complete confidence that your page is in complete security. To do this, you should know what to do so that the page is not hacked. The fact is that there are a large number of ways to hack an account using third party programs, which are often disguised as useful applications. These can be programs for downloading music from a social network, settings appearance, browser extensions, etc. It's always worth checking what programs you install on your computer. One of the fairly reliable ways is to search in popular search engines by the name of a particular program. Very often you can see information that the developers of this software use their product (especially if it's free) to hack into the accounts of unsuspecting users. Usually nothing bad will happen, even if you have installed such a program. She may start sending advertisements on your behalf to your friends or simply change the password, but this can be easily avoided if you choose your programs responsibly.

Registration in VKontakte is simple, however, many of my colleagues, at a respectable age, believe that it is difficult. I show how to register in Contact for free, right now.

How to register in Contact - instant registration

To register VKontakte, let's go to the main page of the official website of this social network: (follow the link, or copy and paste into the search bar).

Start of registration VKontakte ru

You will see, on the right, a window For the first time VKontakte?(Instant registration). This is the window you need! Enter your First Name, Last Name, date of birth and click the green Continue Registration button.

The Registration Confirmation window appears. You need to select a country and enter the mobile phone number to which the registration confirmation code will be sent. Nowadays, safety measures are indispensable! Therefore, only one page in the Contact can be registered for one phone number. After that, press the button: To get the code.

Enter the code received in SMS and press Submit code

Another window will appear - Password. Here you need to come up with good password so that no hacker can figure it out! When the Strong password comment appears, then everything is fine! Now press Sign in, and a message will appear in front of you: You have successfully registered!

If you now press the Continue button, you will be asked to provide some more information about yourself, upload a photo, find and import your friends from other social networks. And, you can click the Skip button, and add everything another time.

Attention! I suggest to those visitors who wanted to register in VK very quickly! If you received a message about successful registration, then you now have your own page on the VKontakte social network! You can access this page at any time using your login (phone number or e-mail) and password. Don't forget to write them down! You can add the rest of the information about yourself gradually, with subsequent visits to the site.

Adding information to your VKontakte page

So, you have decided to add information to your newly created VKontakte page. To do this, click on the small triangle in the upper right corner, next to your name.

A menu will appear in which click Edit.

On the page that opens, on the right, find the section you want to edit. For example, I have selected the Education section. In the window that appears, we will see 2 tabs: 1) Secondary and additional education, 2) Higher education.

Search classmates

So that classmates can find you, and you, too, indicate the school where you studied. To do this, first, from the list, select the Country in which you studied, then the city. If the city is not in the list, then enter its name.

A list of schools in your hometown will appear. Find your School. Then select Year of issue. If you had several parallel classes, then indicate the class (a, b, c).

Search for classmates

In order for classmates to find you, indicate the university where you studied.

To do this, select the tab Higher Education

Select the Country and then the City where you studied. A list of universities will open. Choose your university.

A list of faculties of your university will appear - select your Faculty. Then the Chair.

Search for friends in other social networks

In this step, you can add friends from other popular social networks.

On subsequent visits, you can update the information, change the design of the page, and do not forget to periodically change the password for your account.

Video: Registering VKontakte and filling out a questionnaire

In the video tutorial we show:

  • registration VKontakte, filling out a questionnaire, free and fast,
  • how to add a photo by fulfilling all the requirements for photos posted on a social network,
  • how to edit information about yourself,
  • how to comply with security requirements so that your profile is not hacked.

Login to your page in Contact

Things that are obvious to experienced computer users are not always obvious to novice users. I show you the entrance to my page in VKontakte the next day, after registration.

Many people remember how 2-3 years ago the developers of the famous Vkontakte project tightened the rules for creating new accounts, and at the moment the option of registering in a contact without a phone number is excluded in the new user authorization system. A message is sent to the phone, which will need to be entered in a special field. The message includes several numbers.

Only after that, the newly minted user has the opportunity to fully use his account. It turns out that there are ways to help complete the registration on the social network without resorting to using your own mobile number. It is worth getting to know them in more detail.

How to register on VKontakte without a phone using a virtual number

Linking a phone number to a page is an integral step in registering on the Vkontakte social network. It is impossible to avoid it, since registration simply will not be completed.

To date, there are two ways to help deceive the system. They are the following:

The methods presented above have their own characteristics. But, each of them will help to achieve a given goal without using your own mobile number.

Requires a virtual number to receive text messages which will help complete the registration. Help in the case will be the service "Pinger", which will provide this very virtual number.

Registration for the service includes the following steps:

  • Go to the registration page and click on the “sign up” button (create an account).

  • Once the account is verified, the registration process is over. A page will open with several phone numbers suggested. After choosing the one you like, click the “next” arrow.

  • After that, you will be provided with a personal account with a phone number that you will need to register in a contact. It remains only to enter the number generated by "Pinger" into the registration window of the VKontakte network. A code confirming registration will be sent to it. You should save access to the service so that if you lose your password, you can quickly restore access to the page.

Pinger is far from the only service virtual telephony. There are also TextNow, Twilio, CountryCod and others. The listed services are free. You can also use paid ones. In them, registration is much faster. In this case, the question was completely resolved related to how to register on Vkontakte without using a real mobile phone number.

This service is paid (slightly) and provides universal services for temporary use. phone numbers. Tariffication and conditions depend on the service on which you can register using the number issued for use.

  • To do this, go to the service page and go through the registration procedure by clicking on the "Registration" button.

  • A form will open to fill in the data necessary to create an account. Enter the required information and click "Create an account"

  • After that, a page with a user profile will open, where first we press the "Select service" button and select "Vkontakte". To the right is the cost of the service, depending on the service.

  • Then, below, click the "Select Country" button.

  • The next step will be "Get a number". The service will provide the number only after replenishing the balance sufficient to complete the operation. Choose the most convenient service for transferring funds to your account by clicking on "Top up balance".

  • After that, the system will issue a phone number and offer instructions for performing the verification operation with a code when creating an account on the VKontakte social network.

Registration in VK without a phone - with a registered virtual or temporary number

  • We go to the VKontakte registration page and enter the required data and click "Register".

  • On the next page, enter the received virtual number received on the service and click "Get Code".

  • Then we insert the code received in SMS, confirm with the button and a window for entering the password will appear below. Then click "Login".

  • Now the Vkontakte page has been created and you can start designing and editing your profile.

Currently, creating social network accounts through the virtual number service is a very popular way to start a page. Its undoubted advantage is anonymity. The virtual number will not be the fact that a specific person owns the page. Alas, but the method has a minus. If access to "Pinger" is lost, then the opportunity to restore access to the page in one case or another disappears.

Take into account! There may be difficulties with registration in virtual telephony services. Many providers simply block them. The way out in this case is to change the IP address to a foreign one. It is allowed to use anonymizers, for example, ZenMate or Tor.

Vkontakte is the most popular Russian Internet project. It is used not only by residents of our country, but also by many other states. "Vkontakte" seeks to cooperate with other social networks, and in particular, provides the opportunity to register in contact through "Facebook". As a result of this, if someone has a page on the overseas network, then he gets the opportunity to go through a simplified registration. This opportunity allows you not to "shine" your data and is guaranteed to register in "Vkontakte".

  • After that, two forms will appear - an email address and a password from the Facebook social network. They will need to be specified.

As soon as the fields are filled in, the person is on his own Vkontakte page. In the future, it is edited to suit personal preferences. The registration method via Facebook is possible only if there is a page on this social network. Fortunately, registration in it is fast and does not require a mobile phone number.

It is noteworthy that Facebook plans to tighten the rules for using the project in the future. Accordingly, it is likely that registration will take place already with a mobile phone number. The disadvantage of registering on Vkontakte via Facebook is inconvenient in that it will be impossible to restore data for entering the page.

Is it possible today to register in a contact via mail?

Vkontakte users who registered on the social network many years ago remember very well that previously they only needed an email to complete the registration. Today, a mobile phone number is required, to which a message containing a special code is sent.

There were cases when a landline phone number was indicated instead of a mobile number. Next, the “Let the robot call” function was activated. A special instruction was voiced over the phone, which made it possible to complete the registration. Alas, this method of registration is no longer applicable. The point is that with landline number You could register as many pages as you like. They sent threats, insults and advertisements. Creating a page with landlines was disabled.

Many argue on forums and in groups that it is possible to register on Vkontakte using only an email address. In practice, this method is unrealistic. Mailbox is a tool that, in which case, will help restore access to the page. That is, it receives a message with instructions for restoring access.


It should be noted that today free registration in "Vkontakte" without indicating your mobile phone number, is quite in demand. But using services for providing a temporary phone number for registering with VK, they are also very convenient and ask for not so much money. And keep in mind that programs for hacking or bypassing registration rules appear on the network with frequent frequency. 99% of all these programs are malicious viruses and spam. Not only will they not help solve the problem, but they can seriously harm.

The administration of the popular social network in our country is trying its best to reduce the number of fake accounts. So you can be sure to register on Vkontakte without specifying a mobile number using one of the methods described above.
