MKV extension: how to open such files. What program can open a file with the MKV extension

Hello dear friends! You did not come to this page by chance. Most likely you are tormented by the question: How to open mkv? If so, then you are in the right place. On this page you will find many useful information about this extension.

First of all, you will learn what the mkv format is and why it was developed. Second, I will review a few free programs, which will help you finally deal with the question of how to open the mkv format.

Any of these programs can be downloaded for free and used for your own pleasure. A bit of lyrics, sometimes we are in a hurry and type characters like xtv jnrhsnm mkv in the line))) I think you understand what I mean?) Haste has never been an assistant. So let's take a quick look at the mkv format.

How to open the mkv format - a short tutorial.

Before reviewing the programs that will help us open the mkv file, it will be nice to understand what kind of format it is and why it is needed. If you are theoretically literate, then next time you will not have questions about opening a particular file format.

Some time ago, a group of programmers got together and set themselves the difficult task of creating a flexible, free and cross-platform file format that would serve as a container for multimedia. This large-scale project was named “in Russian” - Matroska (Matryoshka).

After some time, the task set by the programmers was solved and the world saw a new multimedia container, the files of which had a modest extension.mkv - this is what downloads video files, .mka - when it comes to sound, and .mks - for subtitles. Now, I think, it has become more clear what is needed given format, and based on this we can make some assumptions about how to work with it and what programs are most suitable for this.

Video lesson

How to open mkv format.

A little higher, we figured out that our “stranger” is a format that is typical for video files. So in order to understand how to open it, we need video players. And it is desirable that they be free, i.e. distributed under a Freeware license. And we could use them to open the mkv format, and not only for it)

At this time, there are many players that are compatible with Windows 7 and are perfect for opening our “stranger”. Among them, I singled out three main ones, which are currently the best and most stable.


The first and most optimal (in my opinion) player is called The KMPlayer. A super player that was developed for the whole world by guys from Korea. In my opinion, nothing could be better. I recommend everyone to download it. You will not regret.


Number two is GOM Player, which stands for Guruguru Online Movie Player. From the transcript, you can understand that the advantage of this player is watching movies online. Great for internet users.

Download GOM Player


At number three, we have Light Alloy, which means light alloy. The player is perfect for users with a weak “office” computer. This player practically does not consume computer resources, while displaying video in high quality.

Conclusions: after this article, I hope you have no doubts about how to open mkv. Any of the above players can easily cope with this task. See you again!

Hello! Many of us have experienced this problem: how to open filemkv? And indeed: a very large video is stored in the mkv format. Which is very inconvenient, especially if you are going to watch this video on your smartphone or tablet.

After all, mkv is almost not supported on these devices, a huge size can take up too much space, and you can hardly appreciate the benefits of mkv (in the form of HD video) due to small screens.

In general, by and large, MKV is a Russian development. The name of this format is Matroska. Initially, it was very popular in the anime community. This is understandable: you can add high-quality subtitles there, as well as several audio tracks. What else does an animator need?

So method 1:

Unfortunately, MKV is not opened by all video players. But this problem is quite easily solved. Just follow my advice.

To get started, you need to download free player, which would support this format. VLC Media player (VLC) is perfect for this purpose. It is available for both PC and Mac. Of course, there are many other players on the web, but this one is the best. I recommend that you download it. Below is a screenshot of the site where you can download this program.

Go to the site and click - "Download VLC". After downloading, install the program on your computer (the installation is extremely simple, so I think it makes no sense to describe the detailed steps).

The VLC icon is a traffic cone. We click on it. Further - everything is simple: click on the top panel “Media”, then go to the “Open File” window. We find the desired file and voila! You can watch the ill-fated "MKV".

However, if the video is compressed in RealVideo format, then this procedure may not help. In this case, you need to download a special RealVideo player.

However, downloading MKV Player is not the only way to open MKV. There are a few more. And I will tell you about them below.

Method 2: Download codecs!

In order to open "MKV" you can simply download necessary codecs. Then this format can be viewed directly in the built-in player.

The advantage of codecs is clear: along with "MKV" you will download other formats. That is, you will no longer need to bother because this or that video does not open. You can open any video on your computer!

But this method also has its drawbacks. Namely: You will download not only "MKV", but also a huge number of other codecs that can clog your memory HDD. In a word, installing codecs is a radical solution and is suitable for the lazy.

The official website of the "mkv" format claims that the Combined Community Codec Pack (CCCP) is the best for this format. Or you can choose another codec that will work too: K-Lite Codec Pack. Wherein good decision will "demolish" old codecs manually in order to avoid all sorts of compatibility issues. Below is a detailed video on how to download and install these same codecs. I recommend that you watch this video.

If you work on Mac OS, then the least problematic option for you is to download the player. For example, the same "VLC".

What if it still won't open?

Of course, do not despair. There are several reasons why this might happen. It is possible that the problem is not in your computer, but in the file. Check it on other devices, or run MKV diagnostics using special program matroskadiag.exe. It can be downloaded from the official MKV website.

The problem may be with the "MKV" compression. The fact is that the format of this video is sometimes compressed using "RealVideo", which, to put it mildly, is not entirely reliable. To play it, you will have to download a special "RealVideo-player". It is free and can be freely downloaded from the official website of the developers.

Now consider how to convert MKV?

The structure of "MKV" is very similar to the "AVI" format, which, as you know, is much more versatile. Unlike "AVI", the "MKV" code is open, and the format itself is free for distribution.

Meanwhile, as we wrote above, many people have a problem with the reproduction of this format. Therefore, it sometimes makes sense to simply convert "MKV" to "AVI" and watch this or that video fragment without any difficulties. It is important to choose a converter that, on the one hand, converts the video quickly, and, on the other hand, does it quickly.

However, converting "MKV" to "AVI" is not so difficult. Today there are many converters: it remains only to choose. For example, let's analyze the conversion using perfectly free utility, which I talked about in this article:

At the end of today's article, I hope that my advice will come in handy, and you will finally be able to open MKV on your computer. Fortunately, as you have seen, there are a lot of opportunities for this. Remains to be done right choice. In general, as they say - "Have a good viewing"!

MKV is a multifunctional video file format included in a project called "Matroska" (Russian for "Matryoshka"). The project appeared on December 6, 2002 in France.

In fact, the MKV extension is not a format, but a multimedia container. It separately stores video and audio tracks, subtitles and other specifications file. Due to this, files with the MKV extension have quite useful features. For example, the file has an on-screen menu that allows you to switch tracks, set subtitles, stream over the Internet, and more. If the video file has an MKV extension, it can be divided into chapters and is resistant to drops.

The multimedia project "Matroska" is an open software, which means that files with the MKV extension can be freely distributed, created and used by any program to open and edit them. Nobody can stop you from picking up convenient program to view the file, you can convert it to or make subtitles for the video yourself.

So, you met a video file on your way that has a multifunctional extension such a file? Standard video players recommended by the creators of the "Matroska" project themselves:

  1. VLC is a good fast and powerful multimedia player that works on any operating system. Plays a large number of video and audio files, rarely requires the installation of additional codecs.
  2. Mplayer is a player that was originally written for Linux, but can be played on almost any system. Supports a very large number of audio and video file extensions, codecs are built into the player itself.
  3. The KMPlayer - the player was written for Windows, it has a very flexible interface in which you can customize almost everything - from skin to panning. The player has a large number of different functions:
  • support for subtitles (selection from several presented, the ability to turn them on and off at any time);
  • playback of streaming audio and video;
  • playback of "broken" or incompletely downloaded files;
  • support for compressed albums;
  • playback of a certain section of the file (the initial and final length of time is set);
  • audio signal smoothing and normalization;
  • screenshot support.

This is far from full list functions of The KMPlayer, however, you can see that such a player is a very useful thing in the computer industry.

Video files that have the MKV extension can even be run with native Media, you just need to install a special codec pack. There is also special utility"Matroska splitter", it contains all the tools for playing audio and subtitles for MKV files and will open them in any player. Of course, it's easier to install some external multimedia player with a full set of all codecs and not worry about finding the necessary add-ons for each standard player anymore.

I want to add that video files with the MKV extension can be viewed and have been released by LG and BBK with support for this function.

If you have not had to deal with such a multimedia format as .mkv until now, then before playing it on your PC, you will need to download the mkv player, since it is most suitable for playing the above format with high quality. Indeed, as practice shows, not all common programs will be able to correctly open and play MKV files.

MKV Player is a simple and convenient player in Russian for playing videos, which stands out for its modest technical parameters and is not at all demanding on computer resources. The developers endowed it with a simple and concise interface, which is literally understandable at an intuitive level - it has everything desired functions activated in just a couple of mouse clicks.

You can download the Russian version of MKV Player for free from our website. Further, after successful installation, the system in automatic mode will associate all file formats available to it (including *.mkv), which in turn can be launched with a single click.

The player's menu will easily help you create a convenient playlist, as well as deal with the search for individual necessary materials in it. By downloading the Russian version of MKV Player for free, you can effortlessly play the desired high-quality video and look at other more primitive analogues with a grin.

Automatic installation of codecs

Not very experienced users will be pleased to know that the player itself will search for all the missing video files to play. This, of course, saves a lot of time and nerves.
MKV Player will also be useful when watching DVD videos. And more experienced users can use additional options DVD menu editing software.

Separately, it is worth noting that MKV Player can be configured for special playback of streaming video. Although most users will use only the basic set of its options, namely: normal playback, including in full screen mode, and scroll. And yet, if necessary, the user can change the video playback speed, delay subtitles, and the like.

While browsing the content that interests you, you can share your fun and educational finds with your friends in in social networks. To do this, it will be enough to take a normal screenshot using the player and post it on your page. You can also experiment with the current subtitles by making your own creative edits to them using a special option of the program.

Even if you have not yet very powerful Personal Computer, then you should not be afraid that due to the download of the MKV Player you need, it will become slower. For normal functioning of the program, only 256 MB of free space will be enough. random access memory and a simple processor running at a modest, by today's standards, frequency of 800 MHz.

Comparison with analogues

Of course, MKV Player has other free analogies, but to interact with the .mkv format? this is the most correct and correct choice.

Recently, MKV video has been gaining popularity. The computer differs from other devices in that it is able to open any existing video format. To do this, you just need to install the appropriate program or codec. Many users may have a question, what is the difference between an MKV file and others? By answering this question, it will be possible to understand what programs can reproduce such a format.

What is MKV

MKV is understood as a multimedia container that combines:

  • Video clips;
  • Audio files;
  • Subtitles;
  • Images;
  • Service information.

It is noteworthy that this format allows the use of H.264 and Mpeg2 codecs. This makes it possible to view and also transmit video content in HD quality over the network. Unfortunately for transmission online broadcasts a broadband internet connection is required. The mkv format combined all existing video formats, bringing together all the best. The people call MKV "matryoshka".

Of course, now many formats are able to work with high quality video, but they are all far from MKV. It remains only to figure out how to open mkv and you can enjoy watching movies in HD quality.

MKV playback software

Quite often a situation arises when there is an mkv file on the computer, but none of installed programs does not open it. What to do in this case? It is recommended to install an application capable of viewing MKV files. In fact, you can find more than a dozen such players on the Internet, but it is recommended to pay attention to the following players:

Each of these applications is unique, but all of them can open mkv files. It is recommended to compare these programs and then choose the one that suits you best.

This is one of top players designed to work with any type of video format, including MKV. Not to be confused with the player designed for the KDE environment. The player we need has the prefix "The" and is launched from under Windows.

To download mkv player, you need to visit the official website "". Even an inexperienced user can handle the installation. Compared to other players, KMPlayer is capable of playing all popular audio and video formats. In addition, the program supports a huge number of codecs.

The main features include:

  • Playback of broken and under-downloaded files;
  • Presence of built-in codecs;
  • Ability to install plugins;
  • Support for all popular video formats;
  • Working with subtitles;
  • Noise reduction capability;
  • Support for external filters.

With a similar program, opening an mkv file is not difficult. In order for the player to always function correctly, it must be updated periodically.

The mkv format can be opened with a player such as VLC media player. The player gained popularity due to its openness and cross-platform. You just need to choose the right version.

You can control the program not only with the mouse, but also with a combination of hot keys. It should be noted that you can add a file with subtitles to the player. This is very convenient, especially if the film is dubbed in English or another language. To connect subtitles, you need to place the SRT file in the same folder with the movie. The player will automatically pick it up.

The main possibilities include:

  • Watching a movie in HD quality;
  • Ability to run any type of video files;
  • Working with IPv4 and IPv6 protocols;
  • Built-in set of codecs;
  • Viewing images;
  • Streaming video playback;
  • Setting up Internet radio;
  • Launching incomplete files that are on the computer.

Play is equipped with a plug-in installed in the Internet browser Mozilla Firefox.

The main purpose of the player is to play MKV files. Despite this, the player also reads several other types of formats. Compared to competitors, the player has a rather meager functionality.

The main advantages include:

  • Ability to read the subtitle file;
  • Change the playback speed;
  • Creation of playlists.

In the event that you need to watch exactly the MKV file, download MKV Player.

To watch MKV files, it is not necessary to "interrupt" the entire Internet. It is enough to install GOM Player. For unknown reasons, the player is not as popular as its competitors. Despite this, the player perfectly copes with the tasks. It does not matter what type of files will be played. In addition, the player is able to play any type of video files.

The main functionality includes:

  • Ability to search for additional codecs;
  • Frame capture;
  • Reading damaged files;
  • Watching any movies;
  • Audio capture;
  • Connecting subtitles;
  • Hotkey management.

To open MKV files you can use the control panel. If desired, it is possible to set the default player. Then after starting the video, the program will start automatically.

Many users confuse this player with WMP. In fact, the general in the program can be considered appearance. Media player is better because you can watch almost all movies with it.

Having become acquainted with detailed description program, many users will have doubts, since it does not indicate the ability to read data. No need to be upset, because the player supports DivX 7, which means it can read MKV files.

The benefits include:

  • Capturing an image from a TV tuner;
  • Playing flash content;
  • Setting up hot keys;
  • Command line support;
  • Connecting subtitles;
  • Playback of an additional audio track;
  • Launching DVDs.

Unfortunately, the program has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. You will not be able to adjust the brightness and contrast automatically. Everything must be done manually.


Recently, more and more films began to appear with high quality. Therefore, each user must have a player capable of playing MKV format. Despite the abundance of applications, it is recommended to consider The KMPlayer or VLC media player as the main player. Such programs are best suited for playing HD movies. If the programs are updated in a timely manner, there will be no problems in their work.

Video review: opening MKV files
