System error 1722 The rpc server is not available. What is an RPC server and how to fix the error "RPC server is not available


the problem is
there is a server running Windows Server 2008 Std
The server performs the role of AD and DNS

there are errors in the logs

" An error occurred while processing Group Policy. Failed to resolve computer name. Possible reasons:

a) Name resolution error on the current domain controller.
b) Latency of Active Directory replication (created on another domain controller Account not yet replicated to the current domain controller)."

"The DNS server is unable to listen on a TCP socket at address The event data contains an error code. IP address can mean a valid "any address" where all configured IP addresses for the computer are available for use.
Restart your DNS server or restart your computer."

What to look for? Thank you


Directory Server Diagnostics

Performance initial setting:
Trying to find the main server...
Primary Server = MATRIX1
Directory binding error 1722:
The RPC server is not available.
This may limit some of the checks that can be performed.
* AD forest identified.
Initial data collection is complete.

Performing Required Initial Checks

Run Test: Connectivity
DsBindWithSpnEx() function failed with error 1722,
RPC server is unavailable..
......................... MATRIX1 - Connectivity test failed

Performing basic checks

Validation Server: Default-First-Site-Name\MATRIX1
Skip all checks because MATRIX1 server is not responding
directory services.

Perform partition checks on: ForestDnsZones


......................... ForestDnsZones - verification passed

Perform partition checks on: DomainDnsZones
Run check: CheckSDRefDom

Running a validation: CrossRefValidation
......................... DomainDnsZones - verification passed

Performing partition checks on: Schema
Run check: CheckSDRefDom
......................... Schema passed CheckSDRefDom
Running a validation: CrossRefValidation
......................... Schema - validation passed

Perform section checks on: Configuration
Run check: CheckSDRefDom

Running a validation: CrossRefValidation
......................... Configuration - passed verification

Performing partition checks on: EGAIS
Run check: CheckSDRefDom
......................... EGAIS - CheckSDRefDom passed
Running a validation: CrossRefValidation
......................... EGAIS Passed CrossRefValidation

Run enterprise checks on: EGAIS.local
Run check: LocatorCheck
......................... EGAIS.local passed LocatorCheck
Run test: Intersite
......................... EGAIS.local - Intersite verification passed

C:\Users\Administrator>ipconfig /all

Configuring IP for Windows

Computer name. . . . . . . . . :MATRIX1
Primary DNS suffix. . . . . . : EGAIS.local
Node type. . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP routing is enabled. . . . : No
WINS proxy is enabled. . . . . . . : No
DNS suffix lookup order. : EGAIS.local

Ethernet adapter local network 2:

Physical adress. . . . . . . . . : 00-1E-67-22-91-D1
DHCP enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes

Ethernet adapter LAN connection:

The DNS suffix of the connection. . . . . :
Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . : Intel(R) 82574L Gigabit Network Connectio
Physical adress. . . . . . . . . : 00-1E-67-22-91-D0

Auto tuning is enabled. . . . . . : Yes
IPv4 address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet mask. . . . . . . . . . :
Main gate. . . . . . . . . :
DNS servers. . . . . . . . . . . :
NetBios over TCP/IP. . . . . . . . : Included

Tunnel Adapter Local Area Connection* 8:

Media state. . . . . . . . : Media disabled
The DNS suffix of the connection. . . . . :
Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . : isatap.(746B47FD-7AB0-4B0D-98FE-4DB2E19EC

DHCP enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
Auto tuning is enabled. . . . . . : Yes

Tunnel Adapter Local Area Connection* 9:

Media state. . . . . . . . : Media disabled
The DNS suffix of the connection. . . . . :
Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . : isatap.(D3F5E70A-76D0-4007-B912-38442938A
Physical adress. . . . . . . . . : 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-E0
DHCP enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
Auto tuning is enabled. . . . . . : Yes

Third-party software can significantly expand the possibilities operating system, but even the most advanced programs are unable to turn a computer into a universal device. There are tasks that cannot be performed by a single PC due to hardware limitations. For example, to output data to analog printing, you need a fundamentally different device - a printer.

Therefore, to solve complex multi-stage tasks, computers and other devices are often combined into networks, where each component performs its part of the work. Such interaction can be carried out within the framework of different technologies, for example, RPC technology, which will be discussed today. Rather, the conversation will be about the common error associated with it “RPC server is unavailable”. But before proceeding directly to the analysis of solutions, let's say a few words about RPC itself.

What is RPC and how it works

RPC or otherwise remote procedure call can be described as a way of communication between devices, one of which is a client and the other is a server. Also RPC is network service, designed to perform certain actions on remote devices or, as they say, other address spaces. Examples include sending data to and , which implies running some programs on the managed computer.

RPC technology is represented by two basic components - a network protocol and a programming language that provides serialization of objects and structures. Different protocols can be used, for example, the most common protocols are UDP and TCP. The interaction of devices within the framework of RPC occurs through the exchange of packets through the corresponding port. If this chain of steps fails, the service responds with an "RPC server unavailable" error.

When the RPC Error Appears

In most cases, the error occurs on the server side, but users often have to deal with it client machines. You can determine the cause of the problem by examining the contents of the . Often the error is caused by an abnormal termination of the connection procedure, incompatibility software, difference in data structures, installation or updating of various programs and drivers, encryption, disabling a number of services.

The source of the problem can also be the blocking of traffic by a firewall or antivirus, and infection of the computer with a virus cannot be ruled out. But let's talk about everything in order, consider the most common causes of the error in a little more detail.

How to find the reason

What does it mean the RPC server is unavailable, in general terms, is clear. This is the inability to establish a connection between devices, but what to do in such cases? As already mentioned, to find out the cause of the error, you should use the Event Log, which is opened by the command eventvwr.msc. RPC-related crashes are located in the System section, and if you start viewing the Log immediately after an error occurs, then its description will be at the very top. You can also use the search by filtering events by source. Next is a matter of technology - we look at the error code and search for a solution on the Internet.

The RPC server is not available. Error 1722

The most common problem with RPC, which usually occurs in Windows 7. Error 1722 RPC server is not available in the "seven" is accompanied by no sound on the computer. Since there is a problem with the shutdown of a number of important services, the following solution is suggested. Open the Service Management snap-in, find the Endpoint Builder service. Windows points Audio" and enable it if it is disabled. It is desirable to set the startup type to "Automatic".

At the same time, you should check the status of the Remote Registry, Remote Procedure Call, Power, and Server services. They should all work, and they should all have a startup type of "Automatic". You receive an error with the code 1722 and the description "RPC server is unavailable" not only in Windows 7, but also in Windows 10. How to fix it in different versions systems are the same as above.

Printing errors

Error 1722 may also be related to the incorrect operation of applications that ensure the interaction of the computer with printers, which, again, is often caused by disabling services. If you receive the message "Unable to print image, RPC server is unavailable" when printing, make sure that you have enabled and running the services "Print Manager", "DCOM Server Process Launcher", "Remote Procedure Call" and "Power" .

If everything is in order with the services, try disabling the firewall and antivirus for the duration of the session. It happens that the network connection is blocked by these protections. By the way, the “RPC server is unavailable” error with the code 0x800706ba often indicates problems in the firewall between the computer and another device.

Conflict with FineReader

There have been cases of the "RPC server unavailable" error in Windows 10 and earlier versions of the system when running the popular OCR application ABBYY FineReader. But the fault here is not so much the application itself, but its active background service, which somehow conflicts with the RPC mechanisms. Disable it for the duration of the session in the service management snap-in and check the result.

Virus infection

Infection of the computer with malware is another reason for the RPC server error to appear. The fact that the PC is infected can be indirectly indicated by the absence of error records in Windows log. The standard solution is to scan your computer with antivirus applications.

Driver Issues

If the RPC server becomes unavailable when printing after updating the drivers for a video or audio card, printer, etc., there may be a conflict with the RPC mechanisms. In this case, you should roll back to the previous working versions of the drivers.

File Integrity Violation

If the computer has experienced a crash or virus attack, you should check the status of the two main RPC files - spoolsv.exe And spoolss.dll located in the system directory System32. If the files are missing, you must copy them from another computer with the same version of the operating system and place them in the System32 folder, and then start the remote call service manually from the Services Control snap-in. Alternatively, check the system for corrupted and missing command sfc /scannow.

Registry corruption

Sometimes problems are related to the registry. To fix the problem, it's best to use the traditional rollback tool. Also you can copy from folder C:/Windows/System32/config/RegBack SYSTEM file and place it in the parent folder config with replacement. It is desirable to perform this operation from under the LiveCD.


With RPC server unavailable error on local computers, as a rule, can be dealt with by using all the necessary services or by restoring files and the registry (if there were failures). One way to fix the problem is also to update Windows to a newer version. As for the same error on servers, everything can be much more complicated here, however, ordinary users are unlikely to encounter such a situation, since this business usually falls on the shoulders of system administrators.

On computers, various kinds of errors often occur. The problem associated with the unavailability of the RPC server is no exception. It mainly appears when updating drivers, but there are cases when the “RPC server is unavailable” error also occurs when starting the operating system (OS) Windows 7, 8, 10, as well as XP or Server 2003, 2008, 2012. An error may also occur when printing or installing a printer.

RPC is easy method for transmitting information between different processes or a client (the technique that initiates communication) and a server (the device that attempts to communicate with the client) within a system or network. A lot of components of the Windows OS use this method of “communication”. RPC as connection points uses different ports to link systems together.

In the event of a server malfunction, when it is unavailable, the exchange of data packets between systems is disrupted, communication with the remote object is lost, and the functions simply cease to perform it. Therefore, an error occurs.

What is the error and why does it occur

The problem occurs when communication between systems is broken because the server cannot send the port address to the connection point. It may appear for the following reasons:

Finding a reason

The reason that caused the error is easy to identify by its code. It can be viewed in the event log, but it is recommended to do this immediately after a problem is detected:

General Solutions

There are universal ways that help you quickly fix the problem with the ROC server. It will take a little time to complete them, but the result will not keep you waiting.

Restarting the RPC Service

After that, the process will stop working and immediately start.

This defender may simply not allow important data packets to pass through. That is why it is recommended to disable him for a while to make sure it wasn't his fault.

You can do this through control Panel, In chapter systems and security.

Checking the computer time

If the error appeared at the time of starting a program or stopping it, then everything is probably related to time synchronization. You can solve this problem in this way:

Troubleshooting the system

If the error “ROC server is unavailable” appeared when the OS was started, you must do the following:

Virus check

You can also scan the system for malware. Also, if the antivirus detects something, then it recommended to replace. The fact is that if the program did not detect the virus on its own, but only after manually starting the scan, it means that it does not perform its functions.

When a virus is detected, it must be removed.

Error code 1722

The "RPC server is unavailable" error is most commonly encountered with no audio issues. Solved as follows:

Error in FineReader

Many users use FineReader to search and recognize text in pictures. It can cause problems, and you can fix them as follows:

Issues with Bitlocker

Bitlocker protects information on storage media, such as flash drives. And sometimes the work of this technology may cause errors with an RPC server. You can fix this by disabling the technology or simply updating. This can be done via center Windows updates or by downloading the necessary files from the Internet.

Undoubtedly, many users of the seventh version of Windows have seen the error message "RPC server is unavailable" on the monitor or laptop screen. What is this failure and how to fix it, now it will be considered.

The most common RPC server failure situation

When a message appears stating that the RPC server is unavailable, in general, it does not mean the server as such. It's actually a remote procedure call service.

And, as a rule, most often such an error appears when manipulating printers, for example, when trying to print a document or simply install (add) a new printer. And the point here is not even in the device itself, but in the service, which for some reason has stopped working or is simply in a disabled state.

"RPC server unavailable" error: problems with dynamic libraries

So, let's see what can be done to remedy the situation. First you need to make sure that the system has the dynamic library file Spoolss.dll and the executable component Spoolss.exe. They must be located in the System32 directory of the main directory where the system is installed.

If such files are available, there can be at least two failure options: either they are damaged, or the service simply does not start.

Crash with message "RPC server is unavailable" Windows 7: start service from command line

To begin with, the easiest method to fix the situation is to start the service from command line. At this stage, we believe that everything is in order with the files themselves.

We call the command line (cmd) from the Run menu (Win + R) and then write the net start rpcss command there. If everything is fine with the service itself, after restarting the computer terminal (which, by the way, is mandatory), the problem will disappear, and the message that the RPC server is unavailable will no longer bother the user (to stop the service, a similar command is selected, only with the word stop) . If, for some reason, the above method did not activate the service, you will have to go, so to speak, in a roundabout way.

Fixing a bug with original libraries

Now let's look at the situation where the above files are corrupted or missing. In principle, you can do it in the simplest way: copy them from a similar system (from another computer), and then paste them into the System32 system folder.

True, after that, so that the message that the RPC server is unavailable does not appear again, you will need to take a few more important steps and first go to the services section. You can do this from the Control Panel, but it is much easier to use the special services.msc command, which is written in the same Run menu.

In the editor itself, find the remote procedure call (RPC) service and click on autoload, after which specify “Automatic” in the startup type. After saving the changed parameters, as in the first case, you will need to perform a full reboot of the system for them to take effect.

Note: after rebooting, it is advisable to start the system update in manual mode and install the latest update packages. This can play a key role in correctly activating the service. Along the way Special attention pay attention to the system in which the original files will be copied, at least take into account its bit depth.

Comprehensive solution using special utilities

In principle, if there is no way to copy or download the original files, you can do it in a simpler way.

Utilities like DLL Suite will help to correct the situation, which automatically scan the system for damaged or missing components, and then independently integrate the missing objects into it. However, this cannot be limited to just that. At the end of the process, you will still need to make sure that the service is in an active state (enabled) and works without failures. This is done as shown above.


That, in fact, is all that concerns the problem with the RPC service. As you can see, there is nothing wrong with such a failure, and the solution to the issue looks quite simple. The only other thing worth noting is installing new or updating existing printer drivers. Of course, this is not a prerequisite, however, it would be very desirable to carry out such a procedure. This can be done either from the Device Manager, or using specially developed utilities such as the program driver booster or something else.

As for correcting the situation with the service itself, issues related to checking computer systems for viruses were not considered here. Also, methods for enabling (activating) the service were not given, for example, in the group policy settings or by changing the corresponding settings of the system registry keys, since this technique is much more complicated than what was described above. And not every user will want to dig into them, otherwise, what good, you can “plant” the entire system.

Otherwise, no user should have any problems. How exactly to proceed, which method to use, everyone already decides for himself, but, as practice shows, the easiest way is to activate the service from the command line (provided that the necessary files are in order). Methodology with file recovery and activation of this system component from the services section can be applied if the simplest method does not have any effect on the system. And, of course, if you find that the files are damaged or simply missing from the system, it is better not to copy them from another device, but if you have an active Internet connection, use automatic utilities that will download the missing files and integrate them into the system without user intervention. In fact, that's what they were designed for.

Dieser Artikel enthält Informationen zur Behebung des Fehlers "RPC-Server ist nicht verfügbar" unter Microsoft Windows server.


1. Einfuhrung

"RPC-Server ist nicht verfügbar" ist ein relativ häufiger Fehler in Windows, der in einer Vielzahl von Situationen auftreten kann, wobei die meisten mit der Kommunikation zwischen zwei Computern in einem Netzwerk zusammenhängen. Er kann jedoch auch bei lokalen Vorgängen auf einem Computer auftreten. Der Übersichtlichkeit halber wird in diesem Artikel der Computer, auf dem die RPC-Communikation gestartet wird, als der client und der Computer, mit dem kommuniziert wird, als der server bezeichnet.

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) ist ein Mechanismus, der es Windows-Prozessen ermöglicht, miteinander zu kommunizieren, entweder zwischen einem Zahlreiche integrierte Windows-Komponenten verwenden RPC. Bei RPC kommen dynamische Ports für die Kommunikation zwischen verschiedenen Systemen zum Einsatz, doch darüber hinaus muss ein statischer Port (TCP-Port 135) als Ausgangspunkt für die Kommunikation verwendet werden. Die RPC-Endpunktzuordnung hört diesen statischen Port ab.

In einer typischen RPC-Sitzung kontaktiert ein Client die Endpunktzuordnung eines Servers auf TCP-Port 135 und fordert die einem bestimmten Dienst zugewiesene dynamische Portnummer an. Der Server antwortet mit der IP Address und Portnummer, mit der der Dienst beim Starten bei RPC registriert wird, und der Client kontaktiert dann den Dienst unter dieser IP Address und auf diesem Port.

Mögliche Gründe für den "RPC-Server nicht verfügbar"-Fehler sind u. a.:

  • RPC-Dienst gestoppt: Wenn der RPC-Dienst auf dem Server nicht ausgeführt wird, ist die Clientsoftware offensichtlich nicht in der Lage, ihn zu erreichen.
  • Namensauflosungsprobleme: Der Name des RPC-Servers wird möglicherweise auf die falsche IP Addresse aufgelöst, sodass der Client den falschen Server kontaktiert oder versucht, eine IP Addresse zu kontaktieren, die derzeit nicht verwendet wird. Alternativ dazu wird der Name des Servers eventuell überhaupt nicht aufgelöst.
  • Datenverkehr durch Firewall blockiert: Eine Firewall oder andere Sicherheitsanwendung auf dem Server oder eine Netzwerk-Firewall-Appliance zwischen dem Client und dem Server verhindert unter Umständen, dass der Datenverkehr den Server auf TCP-Port 135 erreicht.
  • Netzwerkverbindungsprobleme: Der Client kann den Server u. U. aufgrund eines allgemeinen Problems mit dem Netzwerk nicht erreichen.

Die folgenden, nach Ursache kategorisierten Schritte können bei der Fehlerbehebung des Problems nützlich sein.

2. RPC-Dienst gestoppt

  1. Öffnen Sie die Dienste-Konsole auf dem Server.
  2. Ermitteln Sieden Remote Procedure Call (RPC)-Dienst und stellen Sie sicher, dass er ausgeführt wird.

    Hinweis: Die Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator-Dienst muss in der Regel nicht ausgeführt werden.

  3. Wenn der Dienst angehalten ist, versuchen Sie, ihn manuell zu starten.

3. Namensauflosungsprobleme

  1. Wenden Sie den Ping-Befehl vom Client aus auf den Server an. Verwenden Sie dabei den Servernamen, um zu überprüfen, ob der Name auf die korrekte IP-Adresse aufgelöst wird. Wenn dies der Fall ist, ist Namensauflösung wahrscheinlich nicht die Ursache des Problems, und die verbleibenden Schritte in diesem
  2. Wenn Client und Server Mitglieder einer Active Directory (AD)-Domäne sind, wird DNS für die Namensauflösung verwendet. Stellen Sie sicher, dass der Client und der Server beide die richtigen DNS-Server verwenden, die sich innerhalb der Domäne befinden müssen und in der Regel Domänen-Controller sind.
  3. Wenn die richtigen DNS-Server verwendet werden, überprüfen Sie anhand der DNS-Verwaltungskonsole (IIS-Verwaltungskonsole) auf diesen Servern, ob der RPC-Server den richtigen Datensatz bzw. die richtigen Datensätze im DNS registrier hat. Falls erforderlich, kann der Befehl ipconfig /registerdns auf dem RPC-Server verwendet werden, um die DNS-Datensätze erneut zu registrieren.
  4. Wenn keine AD-Domäne vorhanden ist, kann WINS für die Namensauflösung verwendet werden. Mit dem Befehl ipconfig /all werden unter anderem auch die WINS-Server aufgelistet, die vom RPC-Server verwendet werden. Überprüfen Sie die WINS-Datenbank auf diesen Servern, um sicherzustellen, dass die für den RPC-Server registrierten Datensätze korrekt sind. Falls erforderlich, kann der Befehl nbtstat -RR auf dem RPC-Server ausgeführt werden, um die WINS-Datensätze erneut zu registrieren.

4. Datenverkehr durch die Firewall blockiert

  1. Überprüfen Sie die Einstellungen der Windows-Firewall auf dem RPC-Server.
  2. Wenn die Firewall aktiviert ist, stellen Sie sicher, dass der Datenverkehr auf TCP-Port 135 durchgelassen wird.
    1. Wenn auf dem Server Windows Server 2003 ausgeführt wird, kann die Windows-Firewall die dynamische RPC-Portzuweisung eventuell nicht richtig handhaben. In diem Fall kann es erforderlich sein, die Windows-Firewall zu deaktivieren oder die von RPC verwendeten Ports einzuschränken (siehe Schritt 4).
    2. Wenn auf dem Server Windows Server 2008 or höher ausgeführt wird, stellen Sie sicher, dass der Die Windows-Firewall in Windows Server 2008 und höher sollte RPC-Verkehr standardmäßig fehlerfrei handhaben; wenn dies jedoch manuell konfiguriert werden muss, finden Sie entsprechende Anweisungen in diesem TechNet-Artikel: Allowing Inbound Network Traffic that Uses Dynamic RPC
      Wenn die Windows Firewall in Windows Server 2008 or höher vollständig deaktiviert werden muss, halten Sie nicht den Windows Firewall Dienst an. Befolgen Sie stattdessen die Schritte unter in .
  3. Wenn die Firewall-Software eines Drittanbieters, eine andere Sicherheitsanwendung oder eine Netzwerk-Firewall-Appliance verwendet wird, schauen Sie in der Documentation der Anwendung oder der Appliance nach, ob sie ordnungsgemäß für RPC-Verkehr konfiguriert werden kann.
  4. Wenn die Firewall-Software, eine andere Sicherheitsanwendung oder eine Netzwerk-Firewall-Appliance nicht für die korrekte Handhabung von dynamischem der Sicherheitsanwendung geoffnet werden. Informationen zum Beschränken des von RPC verwendeten Port-Bereichs finden Sie unter How to Configure RPC Dynamic Port Allocation to Work with Firewalls.

5. Netzwerkverbindungsprobleme

  1. Verwenden Sie den Befehl ping, um die grundlegende Konnektivität zwischen dem RPC-Client und Server zu testen. Beachten Sie, dass dieser Test möglicherweise nicht schlüssig ist, da es für eine Firewall möglich ist, den ICMP-Datenverkehr zu blockieren und anderen Datenverkehr durchzulassen. (ICMP, oder Internet Control Message Protocol, ist das Protokoll, das bei ping-und tracert-Befehlen verwendet wird.)
  2. Mit dem Befehlszeilendienstprogramm PortQry können Sie die Konnektivität vom Client zum Server testen und feststellen, welche Ports auf dem Server geöffnet sind. Es bietet Unterstützung für RPC und kann verwendet werden, um festzustellen, für welche Dienste dynamische Ports bei RPC registriert sind und welche spezifischen Schnittstellen sie verwenden. Ausführliche Informationen zu PortQry Version 2.0 finden Sie hier:
