Em dash mac. What are quotes and how to put them on the keyboard

Quotation marks are a symbol, a punctuation mark, which must have a pair. It highlights quotations from a general text, words taken from other texts, or segments of words. It is also used to highlight the irony or figurative meaning of a word, its unusualness, a reference to something.

If in the quotation one more expression is used enclosed in these symbols, then the latter will be of a different kind. For example: I received a telegram: “I am coming tonight. I will stay at the Troitsk Hotel.

In punctuation there is several types similar punctuation marks:

  • "Christmas trees" or "French" they are also typographic;
  • "Paws" or "German";
  • “English double” and “single” (such a punctuation mark is rarely used in Russian literature and writing).

"Christmas trees" are used mainly for printing. "Paws" - in texts written by a human hand. There are also "computer" or typewritten ones, in which the pattern of opening and closing quotes does not differ at all from each other. They are typed using the keyboard on the computer.

IN Microsoft Word French and English are used by default.

How to put Christmas trees, paws and other quotes from the keyboard

There are several ways to put quotes on the keyboard of a laptop or personal computer when typing in any version of Word (including 2010/2013/2016) or elsewhere.

"Christmas Trees"

In this case, the key combination "Shift" + "2" is used. This method will work if the keyboard layout is Russian, and also when "Christmas Trees" are needed:

There is another method for printing this sign. The method is not so often practiced, but it is better to know it too. Change the layout to English and type two letters "ab", then click simultaneously on the buttons " alt» + « X". The opening symbol will turn out, and the opposite is done in the same way as the opening one, but we write “ bb».


If we print in English, then to highlight the word, use "Shift" + "E":

<Одиночные угловые>

To make single angle quotes follow the instructions:

  • change the language to English;
  • clamp " Shift” and click on the letter “ B» - you get an open corner;
  • in order to close it, hold down " Shift"and click on the button" YU»;
  • then we change the layout to Russian and enter the necessary word between them;
  • we continue typing.

Quotation marks "paws"

This view cannot be set from the keyboard, only using autocorrect or ASCII code. We will talk about this further.

Using ASCII Code

To set such characters, you can use a special character table that is not on the keyboard. Below is a picture and an explanation.

To use it you should:

Necessary words are entered inside quotation marks.

Symbols in Word

IN word document quotes can be set in another way. In the "Insert" tab there is an item " Symbol».

It is located in the upper right corner immediately below the "Equation" item.

To use this method you need:

You can use the character table not only in Word, to do this you need to run START and go to Programs - Accessories - Service. In Windows 10, it is enough to find the Standard section in START.

Further use is similar to working in Word.

Quotes in HTML

For html pages separate mnemonics are used:

  • «
  • » - ";
  • &bdquo - ";
  • &ldquo - ";
  • &rdquo - ";
  • &lsquo-';
  • &rsquo - '.

There is one more tag in HTML language. Thanks to him, all the text that will be enclosed inside this tag is framed with quotes. The tag is a small letter of the Latin alphabet "q".

And their appearance will be depend on an attribute"lang" to be injected at the root of the HTML component. When the "lang" attribute looks like this - "lang="ru"", "Christmas trees" will be displayed in the final document.

Remember that all codes are installed in the hypertext markup where they should appear in the browser. Many browsers do not support the dependence of the output of certain characters on the attribute. It is recommended to use CSS layout.

Using autocorrect - how to change quotes in Word

For such punctuation marks, you can make autocorrect so as not to be distracted by switching the keyboard while typing. Autocorrect contributes increase the speed of typing text. To do this, use the instructions below:

  • open a Word page;
  • click on the "File" tab and go to the " Options»;
  • in Options, click on "Spelling" and press the " AutoCorrect Options»;
  • in the "Autoformat as you type" item, which you will see in the window that opens, check the box above the line "Replace straight quotes with paired ones when you type."

By default, Pages moves words that don't fit on a line to the next line. Instead, you can configure the wrapping of such words during the input process. This setting can be set for the entire document or specific paragraphs. You can also add or remove hyphens from all existing text in a document, or just from individual paragraphs.

Using Smart Dash, you can automatically convert double hyphens (--) to dashes (-) in your document.

You can also set the quotation mark format (for example, herringbones, brackets, or double quotes) and use smart quotes to automatically turn straight quotes into herringbones.

Change the automatic hyphenation setting for a document

The hyphenation setting applies to the entire document, except for paragraphs where you specifically added or removed hyphens (see the next task). This setting only affects word hyphenation at the end of a line, it does not affect hyphenation that you enter manually.

Add or remove hyphens in specific paragraphs

This setting only affects word hyphenation at the end of a line, it does not affect hyphenation that you enter manually.

The hyphenation in these paragraphs will not change if you subsequently change the hyphenation setting for the entire document (see the previous task).

Enable or disable smart dash

Enabling or disabling Smart Dash does not affect existing hyphens and dashes in the document, only new text.

    Select Pages >

    In the Formatting section, check or uncheck Use Smart Quotes and Smart Dashes.

Convert existing double hyphens to dashes

If your document uses double hyphens instead of dashes, you can quickly replace them with dashes in the entire document or only in specific text.

Choosing a Default Quote Style

You can set the quote style for single and double quotes to be used in the document. This setting applies to all your Pages documents, but only to new text. Existing quotes are not changed.

    Choose Pages > Preferences (from the Pages menu at the top of the screen).

    Click "Autocorrect" at the top of the settings window.

    In the "Formatting" section, select the "Use Smart Quotes and Smart Dashes" checkbox.

    Click the pop-up menus for double and single quotes and choose a style for each quote type.

Changing the Style of Existing Quotes

You can quickly change the quotation mark style for the entire document, or just for specific text.

Every Habr user who has typed “space-hyphen-space” here at least once can see how the hyphen is magically replaced by an em dash. It worked autocorrect, similar to the one in Word and other word processors.

What is an em dash

A dash, or simply a dash (dash), comes in three main varieties, if you don’t bother:

  • The hyphen, the shortest, is entered from the keyboard.
  • An em dash or EM DASH is a dash the width of the Latin M. Here's how in this phrase.
  • The middle dash or EN DASH is a line as wide as the Latin N. Like this: -
If you bother, there are a fair amount of these dashes, with their own traditions, gurus and holivars. Well, without them.

By occupation, I have to deal with typography, and in order to format the text correctly and immediately, without relying on the mercy of the iron brain, you need to be able to enter characters from the keyboard that cannot be entered. In particular, the very long dash, which is often used in the design of direct speech.

But, as we know: if you can’t, but really want to, then you can. For a long time I sat on Windows, and used a well-known combination to quickly enter missing characters on the keyboard: clamped + a series of clicks on the small (numeric) keyboard. For example, an em dash was inserted by dialing 0151 with the alt held down. (The method worked flawlessly on the popularly beloved Piggy, as it is now - I don’t know, tell me in the comments.)

A few years ago, when I made the final decision to move to Linux, the problem of quickly entering typographic characters arose in full growth. This is not only a dash, these are all sorts of typographic quotation marks - “Christmas trees” and “paws”, as well as Celsius degrees of vodka °, approximate equality ≈ and other necessary things.

As usual, climbed into the Internet to look for a solution. As usual, it was found immediately.

Compose key

Search engines have given out this method in large numbers. What it is?

The Compose method allows, by pressing and releasing a specially assigned key, to enter a code sequence of characters and get the corresponding character on the screen.

For example, pressing 1, and then 2, we get ½. To get the recommended em dash, press the hyphen three times, and so on. Learn the code table, bro requires memorizing code combinations, when intuitive, when not very.

You can assign, for example, the left Win, aka Super, to the Compose role. Or the right one, whatever suits you. However, after some time I felt that some discomfort of the method, felt at the beginning, does not want to dissolve with time. He remembered the rapid method of tapping on the numbers and was slightly nostalgic.

Level 3

Remember, this was a few years ago. There were several mentions of the mysterious third level in the search results stream, but it was not possible to google outright what it is.

And I remained a happy Compose pusher, until one day I got into the jungle of my Linux keyboard settings and stumbled on ... the word “level 3”! Both on…

(Or has it already been translated into Russian? .. I don’t remember. It doesn’t matter. And - I won’t bore you with the lyrics, straight to the point.)

The keyboard has levels. The first level is when you just pressed a key. For example, pressing "A" will print "a"; pressing "2" will print "2".

The second level is when you pressed the key while holding the shift. Then, pressing "A", you will type "A"; by pressing "2" - you will type "@" (in the Latin layout) or """ in Russian.

By activating the third level, you will be able to print other characters, only you need to hold down not the shift, but the modifier key specially assigned to you. It is convenient for me to switch to the third level with the right Alt. It's easy and simple to type frequently used quotation marks, herringbones and em dashes with one hand.

But that's not all! Holding down the shift and the Level3 key at the same time, we will get the fourth level and a few more characters that did not fit in the logical, intuitively expected places of the third.

To enable this feature, Linux users need to remember to enable "additional typographic characters" in the "miscellaneous compatibility options". Well, of course, select a key to select the third level (or the third row, depending on the translation, level 3, in general). After that, you can view and print a map of the symbols involved in the same place in the settings.

But there is also a fifth level - but the inquisitive reader will deal with it himself; the uninquisitive one does not need it at all, as imha whispers to me.

The feature is available in all major DEs (Gnome 3 users will have to install a tweaker). But what about Windows? It turns out that there is such a possibility. Keyword for search - "Birman layout".

I myself, for obvious reasons, did not check this software. I will be grateful for the sensible comments of those who know. I'll bring it in.


AND Linux users, and Windows users can customize their own Birman layout, or use the Compose method, or both, as Winnie the Pooh used to say.

Now we can easily enter the characters ""-°≈½⅓¼←→, numbers in a square², in a cube³, and other chiaroscuro.

And we can even unrestrictedly place stresses everywhere!


Kamrad suggests: 3rd level symbol configuration is in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/typo.

Compose method for Windows users comrade advises: WinCompose project on Github.


For android, there are several keyboards that have something like a third level. A long tap pops up a window where you can choose additional characters. At first I used Hacker's Keyboard, then I switched to her Full Keyboard mod by a Russian-speaking author.

Special symbols

There are times when it is necessary to enter non-standard test characters. Such as ©, ®, ™.

Or the text may be written in a language that uses diacritics, such as German, French, Danish. To enter various punctuation marks (except for a few standard keys on the keyboard, such as a period or comma), special characters, diacritical marks in Windows, the Alt key is used in combination with a certain code. For example, an en dash is entered by pressing the Alt key and typing numeric keypad code 0150 (Alt+0150), and the em dash is Alt+0151. Christmas tree quotes: left - Alt+0171, and right - Alt+0187. In a similar way, you can enter special signs, for example, ©, ®, ° or currency signs: €, £, which are not clearly marked on the keyboard. The method is quite inconvenient, especially if you have to enter a lot of text - you need to have a reference table at hand. You can use the "Character Map" program, which is simply not good for the job when you need to enter a lot of letters with diacritics.

For those who work on Mac OS X, things are much simpler. Mac OS X uses modifier keys that temporarily change the keyboard layout when held down. Remembering keyboard shortcuts for some punctuation marks and special characters helps a kind virtual keyboard. To open it, select Show Keyboard Panel from the current layout icon menu. If this command is not in the specified menu, you should launch "System Preferences" and open the "Keyboard" panel. On the "Keyboard" tab, check the box next to the "Show Keyboard and Symbols panels in the menu bar" option. (In Mac OS 10.9.x Maverix. For other versions of the operating system, the settings for displaying the Keyboard and Symbols panels are located in the Language and Text tab of System Preferences.) After that, the necessary command will appear in the menu of the keyboard layout icon.

To enter certain characters, press the Option key and the letter corresponding to this character. Moreover, it works in both Russian and English keyboard layouts, and each language will have its own characters. For example, to enter ©, press Option + G (Option + P), for £ - Option + 3. To enter other characters, you may need to connect additional languages ​​and fonts.

In almost all programs where there is text input, the en dash "-" is entered by pressing the Option + - keys, the em dash - by pressing the Shift + Option + - keys. This applies not only to test editors, but also to layout programs, Skype and browsers.

Or when working on Facebook, you are typing in Russian and you need to insert a link to the page of a particular person. To do this, type the @ sign, and then, without spaces, the name of this person. There is no @ sign in the Russian layout. And for the sake of entering one character, you need to switch the layout of the layout? Not necessary. We press the "secret keys" Option + 2 and the @ sign is immediately entered. Or you want to add hashtags to your post. To enter the # sign without switching the layout, press Option + 3 and enter tags in Russian. It is clear that if you write in Latin, these keyboard shortcuts are not necessary. If you are typing in Hebrew, then to enter these and some other

characters, you must press the Shift key, not the Option key.

Characters on the Russian keyboard while holding down the Option key

Characters on the Russian keyboard while holding down the Shift and Option keys

To enter diacritics and special characters in Mac versions OS X, since 10.7 Lion, there are two ways.

In the first one, it is enough to press and hold one letter when typing the text, for example “a” - a small window will appear with the corresponding diacritical marks. To select a character, press the number below it.

This trick works in TextEdit, but in text editors NeoOffice or Word is very inconvenient, because when a window with diacritical characters appears, the letter continues to be typed repeatedly. In order for the method to somehow work, it is necessary in System Preferences (Keyboard → Keyboard tab) to reduce auto-repeat to a minimum. In Photoshop or InDesign, this technique does not work at all. The described reception is turned on and off using a special command in the Terminal program. Those who are not friends with command line, can use the TinkerTool program. With this program, you can configure some settings in operating system Mac OS 10, which are not in the standard system settings.

Fortunately, the old method of entering diacritical marks has been preserved. If you press the Option key while the Keyboard panel is open, five keys will be highlighted in orange (for in English). The main diacritics are written on these virtual keys. When you turn on some languages, such as Azerbaijani or Finnish, the number of keys for entering special characters increases. If you press Option in combination with a specific letter, the character will be displayed against a gray or colored rectangle (the color of the selection depends on the program). Then you need to press the key with the letter, and it will appear with a diacritic on top, and the selection will disappear. For example, to type the letter ú on an English keyboard, press Option+E followed by u, the letter you want to place the diacritic over.

Characters on the English keyboard while holding down the Option key

Characters on the English keyboard while holding down the Shift and Option keys


In separate programs, such as NeoOffice or InDesign, when correct setting language input by means of the program, opening and closing quotes-herringbones are entered by pressing the icon ", which is located on the key with the number 2. However, in TextEdit or Skype, despite correct installation replacement of quotation marks in the System Preferences on the Languages ​​and Text panel in the Text tab, quotation marks are displayed not as "herringbones" or "paws", but as a symbol not accepted in Russian typography - "like this". In fact, these are not quotation marks, but an inch or seconds symbol, for example, a monitor 30 ", an angle of 45 ° 10" 33". Christmas trees are typed with an inch sign. This is where modifier keys help us. For example, with the Russian layout, to enter the icon ", you should press the Shift + Option += keys, and with the English layout - the Option + \ keys.

To enter many special symbols: mathematical, musical, punctuation marks, pictograms, currency symbols and others, use the Symbols panel. The command to display this panel is located in the menu of the current layout icon. If it is not there, you should check the item in the system settings Show the "Keyboard" and "Symbols" panels in the menu bar on the Keyboard panel. This panel aggregates all the characters that are contained in the installed fonts. Symbols are divided into categories, if these categories seem small, the list is easily expanded. To do this, click on the gear in the upper left corner of the window and select the Customize list item. In the window that appears, mark the necessary items. When a character is selected, the right part of the window displays the font options in which this character occurs, and its encoding. In Mac OS X Lion, even emoticons appeared in the character table - emoji. When using the latter, such as when sending mail to non-Apple devices, emoticons may not display correctly. It is worth noting that different fonts contain different characters. For example, the ⌘ sign is in the Lucida Grande or Apple Symbols fonts, but not in the Baltica font. Therefore, to print some characters, you will need to install additional fonts.
