How to release the inner. How to free up internal memory on Android in different ways? What measures are best taken

We use smartphones every day and over time, the internal memory runs out, it becomes impossible to write new files. In such situations, as well as as a preventive measure, it is necessary to clear the internal and RAM. This can be done with the capabilities of the OS of the smartphone itself, using special programs or by connecting your mobile device to your computer. Consider the main ways to free up memory on Android.

With the active use of the mobile phone, it is necessary to clean the internal memory from time to time. Even without writing new data to the smartphone, the space in the internal drive is clogged with the cache of applications, browsers and other garbage. This leads to the fact that the phone cannot be installed new game from the playmarket or download your favorite movie to watch. In addition, clogged memory can cause slowdowns and system glitches. So how do you clean internal memory? Consider the main methods, using a PC and without it.

Saving files to a microSD card

Before clearing free space internal storage on a tablet or smartphone, it must be prevented from further downloading. To do this, you will need to set the saving of created files to a memory card in the settings of the following applications:

  • Camera.
  • Dictaphone.
  • Internet browsers.
  • Various applications in which data is created, edited and saved.
  • Mobile messengers in which the exchange is made multimedia files(Skype, Viber, etc.).
  • Downloaders for music, pictures, movies, torrents.
  • GPS maps, navigators.

Now the created files will be automatically saved on the microSD card, thus not clogging the internal memory of your phone.

Moving to a microSD card without a PC

To move files without a computer, you will need an installed explorer - a file manager. In some models of Android smartphones and tablets, it is installed as standard software, but in most cases it needs to be downloaded separately. One of the most functional and convenient file managers that can be downloaded for free from the play store is the ES Explorer utility. Its main advantage lies in the ability to select and set an action for several folders or files at once.

To move files in Explorer, you need to select them with a long press. Note that to select multiple documents, you need to check the boxes next to their names. After selecting the files, you need to click on the "more" tab in the lower area of ​​​​the screen, and select the "move to" item in it. Next, you need to select the path to the sd card, create or use a pre-created directory on it.

Moving from Android using a computer

In order to transfer files from the internal memory of the mobile phone to an SD card or to any other external drive, use a computer. This will require:

  • Android smartphone or tablet.
  • Computer with Windows or Mac OS.
  • USB cable.
  • your driver mobile device and other software installed on the PC.

Having connected the mobile phone to the computer, it is required to select the connection mode "data transfer". After that, the files of internal memory and sd card will be displayed as separate section on PC. They can be moved, deleted or copied in the same way as any other files on the computer, freeing up space on the internal storage of the mobile phone.

If you find it inconvenient to connect your phone to PC all the time while USB help cable, you can use free service airdroid. It allows you to connect Android to your computer both remotely and being in the same wireless WiFi networks. In this case, the user also gets access to files stored in the internal memory of the mobile phone. All you need is free access to the Internet for both devices and any browser through which the phone's files will be managed from a PC.
You can familiarize yourself with setting up the AirDroid service and its main features in the video below.

Move apps to microSD card

Probably many have noticed that applications and games on Android are mostly installed in internal memory. To put them on a mircoSD card, you may need root rights access. After they are received, you need to install the Link2sd utility. With it, you can also transfer to a memory card installed applications and games. But it is worth noting that this may affect their operation, as well as the stability of the operating system as a whole.

Some apps and games can be transferred to microSD card and without administrator rights. To do this, you need to download the Android Assistant utility from the playmarket. It includes 18 tools to manage the Android OS. After launching it, you need to go to the "Tools" tab, and select the "App2Sd" item in it. In the list of applications that opens, you can select several at once to move them to the map. Thus, you can clear the internal memory of Android without deleting files.

Deleting files and cleaning up junk

You can remove apps from your phone's storage directly from the settings menu. To do this, select the appropriate item, and then go to the properties of the selected program. To delete other files, you will need a file manager. In it, you can open any directory of the internal memory of the mobile phone and delete documents manually.

Cleaning the phone from garbage: the cache of Internet browsers, applications, registry files is getting rid of unnecessary data. For this, special utilities are used, for example, Clean Master. The advantage of this program is maximum simplicity and ease of use. To clean, simply click on the appropriate button in the menu. In this case, the utility will scan the entire memory for garbage and provide the cleaning results on the screen.

Using cloud storage

And the last way that will free up space in the internal storage of your mobile phone is to use cloud storage. With a stable Internet connection, you can safely store files on: Yandex disk, google drive, [email protected], etc. The advantages of this method include the ability to access information from different devices and reliability of file storage.

Freeing up RAM

The RAM plays a crucial role in the multitasking of a smartphone or tablet, the ability to open several Internet pages of a browser at once, etc. Background processes, installation of programs, as well as additional widgets load RAM. As a result, even the most advanced smartphone models are faced with a lack of RAM and reboot. Let's take a look at a few ways to clean up RAM that will help your phone run more efficiently.

Using OS features

Most manufacturers provide their phones with special utility to clear the RAM. It can be called differently, but most often: clean or cleaning. Just click on it and the utility will automatically unload from the RAM extra programs and widgets.

Via Application Manager

Used RAM

For this method, you need to enter the menu system settings mobile phone. Next, go to the "applications" item and select "working". This tab displays information about which programs and processes are open and running in this moment, as well as how much RAM they consume. Before closing them all, you need to see what can be removed from the list background processes so that the system does not crash. In most cases, desktop services, various launchers, etc. should not be touched.

Using special utilities

The easiest and most reliable way to clean random access memory is the use of special utilities. We have already considered one of these above, this application is Clean master. By running it, you can choose not only to clean up the internal memory, but also the operational one. To do this, click on the corresponding icon on the main screen, and then click on the "Speed ​​up" item. This will display information about the amount of freed RAM.

In modern smartphones, the average amount of permanent memory (ROM) is about 16 GB, but there are models with only 8 GB or 256 GB. But regardless of the device you use, you notice that over time, the memory starts to run out, as it fills up with all sorts of garbage. Is it possible to clean it up?

Initially, out of the indicated 16 GB of ROM, you will have only 11-13 GB free, since the operating system itself occupies some space, plus, specialized applications from the manufacturer can go to it. Some of the latter can be removed without causing much harm to the phone.

Over time, using a smartphone, memory quickly begins to “melt”. Here are the main sources that absorb it:

  • Applications downloaded by you. After purchasing and turning on the smartphone, you will probably download several applications from the Play Market or third-party sources. However, many applications do not take up as much space as it might seem at first glance;
  • Photos, videos and audio recordings taken or uploaded. The percentage of fullness of the permanent memory of the device depends in this case on how much you download / produce media content using your smartphone;
  • Application data. Applications themselves may be small, but over time they accumulate various data (most of them are important for work), increasing their share in the device's memory. For example, you downloaded a browser that initially weighed 1 MB, and two months later it began to weigh under 20 MB;
  • Various system junk. It accumulates in approximately the same way as in Windows. The more you use the OS, the more junk and broken files begin to clog the memory of the device;
  • Residual data after downloading content from the Internet or transferring it via Bluetooth. It can be attributed to the varieties of garbage files;
  • Old versions of applications. When updating an application in Play market android creates backup his old version so that you can roll back.

Method 1: Transferring data to an SD card

SD cards can greatly expand the memory of your device. Now you can find copies of a small size (about like a mini-SIM), but with a capacity of 64 GB. Most often, media content and documents are stored on them. It is not recommended to transfer applications (especially system ones) to the SD card.

This method is not suitable for those users whose smartphone does not support SD cards or artificial memory expansion. If you are one of them, then use this instruction to transfer data from the permanent memory of your smartphone to an SD card:

If you do not have the opportunity to use an SD card, then you can use various online cloud storages as an analogue. It is easier to work with them, and besides, they provide a certain amount of memory for free (about 10 GB on average), and you will need to pay for an SD card. However, they have a significant disadvantage - you can work with files that are saved in the "cloud" only if the device is connected to the Internet.

If you want all the photos, audio and video recordings you have taken to be saved immediately to the SD card, then you need to do the following manipulations in the device settings:

  1. Go to "Settings".
  2. There, select "Memory".
  3. Find and click on "Default memory". From the list that appears, select the SD card currently inserted in the device.

Method 2: Disabling automatic updates of the Play Market

Most apps downloaded on Android can be updated in the background from a Wi-Fi network. Not only can newer versions weigh more than older versions, but older versions are also saved on the device in case of failures. If you turn off automatic app updates through the Play Market, you will be able to update only those apps that you consider necessary.

You can disable automatic updates in the Play Market by following these instructions:

However, some applications from the Play Market can bypass this block if the update is very significant (according to the developers). To completely disable any updates, you will have to go into the settings of the OS itself. The instruction looks like this:

Don't need to trust third party applications, which promise to disable all updates on Android, as at best they will simply perform the configuration described above, and at worst they can harm your device.

Thanks to the shutdown automatic updates you can not only save memory on the device, but also Internet traffic.

Method 3: Cleaning up system junk

Since Android produces various system garbage, which over time clutters up memory very much, it needs to be cleaned regularly. Fortunately, there are special applications for this, and some smartphone manufacturers make a special add-on to the operating system that allows you to delete junk files directly from the system.

Consider initially how to clean up the system if your manufacturer has already made the necessary add-on to the system (relevant for Xiaomi devices). Instruction:

If you do not have a specialized add-on for cleaning your smartphone from various debris, then you can download the cleaner application from the Play Market as an analogue. The instruction will be considered with an example mobile version CCleaner:

Unfortunately, not all Android junk cleaner apps are highly effective, as most of them only pretend to delete something.

Method 4: Factory Reset

It is used extremely rarely and only in emergency situations, as it entails the complete removal of all user data on the device (only standard applications). If you still decide on a similar method, then it is recommended to transfer all the necessary data to another device or to the "cloud".

Freeing up some space on your phone's built-in memory isn't that hard. As a last resort, you can use either SD cards or cloud services.

The speed of the phone or tablet directly depends on the fullness of its memory. In this case, we are talking about all its types. And if you clean the memory in a timely and correct manner, then a device based on Android OS will work much faster and more stable.

Different types of Android device memory

On each Android device several types of memory are used for different purposes. It is important to be able to distinguish between them in order to understand what is at stake during memory cleaning and device optimization. Allocate the following types of memory:

  • RAM device (RAM - Random Access Memory) - is used to store temporary files of those applications and programs that are running at the moment. It depends on it the stability and speed of the device. With a lack of RAM, bugs and other failures appear. And this disadvantage arises either when too many applications are launched, or when temporary files are badly “unloaded” from RAM;
  • device read-only memory (ROM - Read Only Memory) - contains the system files of the device, including the files of the operating system. It differs from others in that it always stores files in itself, even if the phone or tablet is turned off. At the same time, without the use of special programs, they cannot be deleted or changed. Yes, and you should not do this, because changing the permanent memory can lead to damage to the device. In a normal situation, the ROM cannot be changed, and as a result, you are not in danger of filling it;
  • internal memory of the device (Internal Phone Storage) - can be used to store any information. Applications are installed here, messages and photos are saved. The information in this memory can be permanently erased or overwritten. Its clogging does not have a serious impact on performance, but still it needs to be cleaned from time to time, since many installed applications that are not used can still consume device resources in the background;
  • external memory of the device - this includes various memory cards. They can add some storage space to your device, and you, in turn, can transfer installed applications and files to them. Thus, they are used to free up internal memory and expand the possible size for files.

Displaying free memory on an Android device

To find out if you need to clear the memory on the device, you need to see how much it is currently occupied. RAM can be viewed as follows:

It is also easy to find out the permanent memory:

Clearing the memory of an Android device

From time to time it is simply necessary to clear the memory. This contributes to the stable operation of the device and improved performance. There are different ways to clean up.

Cleaning device memory using built-in features

You can clear the device memory and standard means, for example, through the "Application Manager":

  1. Open device settings. Find "Application Manager" in them. Open the "Application Manager" section in settings
  2. On some devices, this item will be called simply "Applications". Sometimes the section may be simply called "Applications"
  3. In the list of applications installed on the device, select the one that you do not use and want to remove. Click on it. Select an application to uninstall from "Application Manager"
  4. Before uninstalling, clear the app data from the device. To do this, go to the "Memory" item. Go to "Memory" to clear app data
  5. Clear app data. This will free up space from settings files and saved application data. If you do not do this, or if this is not possible, the application can still be uninstalled. Return to the previous menu. Click "Clear Data" under "Memory"
  6. Delete the application itself by clicking on the appropriate button. Click the "Delete" button to remove the application from the device

There are a few things to keep in mind when uninstalling apps:

Video: Completely clear the memory of an Android device

Clearing the memory of an Android device using a computer

Another way to clear internal or external memory involves connecting the device to a computer. In this case, you will have several options for cleaning:

  • you can see all the files and folders of the device if you connect the device to the computer as a storage device. Through the "Explorer" delete unnecessary data, such as photos or videos;
  • can be cleaned and various programs. For example, specify the drive of the device to be checked by CCleaner or anti-virus systems. It will also help get rid of temporary files or malicious applications in system;
  • You can use special applications for working with Android devices for cleaning. Eg, Android Commander. It will allow you to delete not only files, but also applications.

Clearing memory through "Explorer"

After connecting the device as a drive, you can get confused in various folders and names. It is worth being extremely careful, since accidental deletion system files may damage the device. To free up the internal memory of the device as much as possible in this way, do the following:

USB debugging allows you to prepare the device for working with programs and access files on it. And now you can start deleting the contents of the following folders:

  • dsim - stores all the photos taken on the phone. They can take up a lot of space;
  • downloads - it contains files of any type downloaded from the Internet;
  • movies - used by default to store videos;
  • music - in it, as the name implies, there are music files;
  • pictures - images that are loaded on the device get here;
  • media - stores any media files.

Other folders should not be touched. They do not take up much space and may contain the files necessary for the operation of the device.

Clear Android memory using special programs

It is inefficient to try to clean the RAM of a phone or tablet manually. Yes, you can try to clear the cache or restart the device, but it is better to install special applications for this. In addition, many similar programs also help clear internal and external memory.

A very compact application that performs its main functions well. This app is capable of:

Using this utility to speed up your device is very simple:

Such cleaning is completely safe and does not require other actions from the user.

An application that will take care of the protection and speed of your phone or tablet with an operating system. Android system OS. It is capable of:

This program has a special mode for speeding up games. To use it, do the following:

This application has a number of additional features. They are optional, but can still be useful:

To clear memory with this application, do the following:

The application from a well-known antivirus manufacturer has two versions: a lightweight one with reduced functionality and a regular one, where many features are available. It allows the user to:

At the same time, the application has a convenient and simple interface, intuitive for each user.

To clear memory using 360 Security, do the following:

Efficient cleaning with CCleaner app

Most memory cleaning apps are very easy to use. It is enough to learn how to work in one, and there will be no problems with the rest. The CCleaner app for Android OS is great for this. After installing it on your device, do the following:

Almost all cleaning applications work in a similar way, and some even do it at the touch of a button.

Reset your phone to factory settings as a cleaning method

There is another method that allows you to clear the memory of the device and significantly speed up its work. This is a factory reset of your phone or tablet.

Resetting your phone to factory settings will delete all files and data on the device. Such an action will help free up as much memory as possible and may be the only way out in case of errors or a serious lack of space on the device.

To reset your device, do the following:

Video: factory reset your phone

Increasing device memory

There are several ways to increase the amount of permanent memory available.

The majority of mobile phone users using operating system Android, may encounter problems that are associated with memory overflow. In order to get out of this situation, there is no universal solution. But it is better to listen to some recommendations.

The article is devoted to the question of how to free up the memory of an Android mobile device. First you need to familiarize yourself with its types. This will allow us to deal with the problem on a global scale. It is worth noting the following types of RAM:

RAM, RandomAccessMemory or RAM;
ROM, ReadOnlyMemory or ROM;
internal storage Interal Storage;
microSD/microSDHC or ExternalStorage.

RAM, RandomAccessMemory or RAM

This RAM is used by the operating system and software to write all the necessary data. Thanks to this, applications start and function without failures. It is worth noting that when the device is turned off or rebooted, it is cleared in a fairly short time, the RAM needs constant power. As you know, the more RAM, RandomAccessMemory or RAM, the more applications run simultaneously on a mobile device. In addition, by its size, you can determine the resources of what capacity can run on your device without problems.

If the amount of RAM is full, an error occurs when starting a new application. The user will be notified that there is not enough space to play. Thanks to the rapid development of technology, today there are android versions 2.2 and above. In such devices, the operating system independently determines what exactly needs to be removed, as well as which applications need to be closed in order to free up space.

Currently, most flagship devices are equipped with memory that has a capacity of 1 gigabyte, and even 2 gigabytes. That is why the problem with its overflow occurs less and less. Concerning cheap phones, tablets and smartphones, they have a capacity of 512-768 MB. In this case, the issue of freeing RAM is still relevant.

ROM, ReadOnlyMemory or ROM

RAM is used exclusively for reading. It stores data that was recorded at the manufacturer's factory. They cannot be changed. The only option is to flash the device or reinstall the operating system. The ROM consists of several sections that are designed to perform all sorts of internal functions.

Interal Storage

It is an internal storage. It stores all the information that is entered by the owner of the device. The internal drive is similar to the hard drive used in a computer. When recording all kinds of applications and data, the free space of RAM is reduced. To free it, it is enough to get rid of excess material that is not used. The remaining capacity for data recording can be seen in the device settings. Therefore, often freeing up RAM space is directly related to cleaning the internal drive.

microSD/microSDHC or ExternalStorage card

It is removable memory. Its volume depends on the card used. True, it is worth considering the presence of the necessary spot in the device, as well as whether the device is supported. MicroSD/microSDHC or ExternalStorage can be compared to an external hard drive that is used by the computer. The phone settings will provide all the necessary information about the amount of free space. On such a card it is convenient to store multimedia materials, which include music, images, videos. Versions of Android 2.2 and higher allow you to transfer all data to the card. As a result, space on the internal drive is freed up. When removing a card, it is advisable to unmount it first.

Free up internal memory on Android smartphones

Most users tend to install more various applications on their own device, modify programs. As a result, the gadget will definitely notify him that the system is full. To clean it, you need to download an additional utility or use the settings of your mobile device.

Thus, the user will definitely know that the memory on his device is full. When downloading the next application, the system will display a corresponding message on the screen. To make it possible to save the material, you can delete unnecessary objects. This frees up space for the required application. As a rule, large volumes are occupied by various updates coming to GooglePlay. A certain part of the programs can be moved to the card using Link2SD.

InternalStorage can be accessed with Root rights. It also promotes effective cleansing. It is also necessary to get rid of temporary files with the .rm extension. They are stored in the datalocalmp folder and have the property of constantly accumulating and clogging the system.

Choice of events

All of the above actions provide for temporary cleaning of the gadget's memory. Is there a solid method to free up internal storage on a phone? During the installation of programs on a tablet or smartphone running the Android operating system, a file is created with the .dex extension in the datadalvik-cache directory.

Sometimes it happens that some system applications they do not have. At first glance, it is a rather strange phenomenon when a program exists, but does not take up space at all. However, this is quite understandable. The fact is, along with these files, the device's memory contains files with the same name, but with the .odex extension. They can be saved, only then you do not need to leave .dex files. Download Recommended additional application. An example of this is LuckyPatcher.

After that, it is worth starting to perform certain actions that will help you find the answer to the question of how to offload internal memory on versions of Android 2.3.6 and higher:

1. First you need to check how much space the application takes. To do this, use the "Properties" menu.
2. LuckyPatcher starts up, after which the required application is selected from the list.
3. It is necessary to click on its icon and hold down, after a pause. As a result, a context menu will pop up on the screen.
4. It is required to select the first two items. The program will automatically create the necessary odex files.
5. dex is removed from the datadalvik-cache folder.

After completing all these steps, the application will work fine and not create problems, taking up 0 MB. In the same way, you can free up memory for other system applications.

To clear the memory of user applications, you need to use a slightly different method. You need to select an application, go to its folder on the memory card. As a result, you can see the free space. For example, there is 1.56 MB of unallocated space, while the dex file covers 1.68 MB. Thus, you can transfer the required application to the system directory. Then the steps described above are performed.

You can also just choose a different application, and leave this one alone. When an object is moved into user memory and an odex file is created and then the dex file is deleted, good quality device operation. It will perfectly cope with the assigned tasks, open the necessary applications and use them without failure. If you transfer the object to a flash drive, then the odex file is deleted, and the program itself stops working. As a result, you will need to install it again or perform a complete cleanup of dalvik-cache.

You should definitely take into account that not every utility is able to work without dex-files. This is typical for games or applications with dex up to 1.5 megabytes. This method relevant only for those applications in which dex-files weigh less than there is memory space. Thus, the actions that allow you to get an answer to the question of how to free up internal memory on an Android device are not difficult, they are easy to perform.

All kinds of gadgets have recently become an integral part of the life of many modern people. Most owners of smartphones and tablets with the Android operating system sooner or later face the problem of lack of memory. In budget models, its volume is, as a rule, no more than four gigabytes, but here it should be borne in mind that at least a quarter of it is occupied by the operating system itself.

All modern games high quality photos, music, and movies require ever-increasing amounts of available memory. So, at some point, the user simply will not be able to install the necessary application, download the necessary data. The lack of free space also negatively affects the speed of the device itself. So, how to free up internal memory on Android? You can move files to external media and optimize your smartphone.

What fills the free space?

When figuring out how to free up the internal memory of a phone on Android, you should pay attention to a few points. Certain methods may be effective in some cases, but completely inappropriate in others.

Before freeing up internal memory on Android, you need to understand where the data that fills the device comes from. Here are some of the most common options:

  • saving photos, music and videos;
  • data used in the exchange on social networks;
  • audio from a voice recorder;
  • data downloaded via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi;
  • applications from Play Store located in the device memory.

How can I prevent files from being saved to the device's memory?

To prevent the problem from recurring from time to time, you need to redirect the download of files from the device’s memory to other media. For example, to a memory card (SD card). For this purpose, you should change the save path settings in the settings of some applications:

  • camera options;
  • voice recorder options;
  • place for browser downloads;
  • location of cached files from applications;
  • regulation of messengers;
  • regulation of loader programs;
  • regulation of navigation GPS-maps.

In all the above settings, the path to a specific folder (or several folders: separately for music, video, pictures and files) must be specified, which is located on the memory card.

How to move data?

It is better to move files from the device's memory to a memory card in similar folders. If there are none, you can create them using any file manager, which is downloaded from the "Play Store", or by connecting the device to a computer via a cord. Moving to places with similar standard names will avoid unnecessary confusion. Folders usually have the following names:

  • bluetooth;
  • DCIM;
  • download;
  • media;
  • movies;
  • music;
  • video;
  • sounds.

Transferring files, as well as creating new folders, can be done in two ways: directly by the functions of the device itself or using a computer. You should not transfer the data, the purpose of which is in doubt. moving program files can contribute to device malfunctions, you should be aware of this before freeing up space on the internal memory of Android.

How to transfer files directly on the device?

To transfer pictures, music and videos directly on the device, it is better to use the file manager. Simple and reliable to use is ES File Explorer. The main function of the manager is precisely to work with folders and files. This file manager is very lightweight, does not take up an already small amount of memory, and is convenient.

To transfer the necessary data, you need to select it with a single long press. Choosing the action "move", you should click on "SD-card". The advantage of this file manager is that the menu allows you to immediately create new folders for transferring files.

How to transfer files using a computer?

In order to clear the internal memory of Android using a computer, you need to connect the device to it using a USB cable. To be able to manage data on a smartphone or tablet, specialized programs and drivers must be installed on the PC. As a rule, such software is installed automatically, but you need to wait a little while the computer determines the type of device and finds the appropriate drivers on the network.

Problems that arise when transferring files using a PC are easily eliminated by the free AirDroid service, which allows you to work with your device from a distance by connecting to a Wi-Fi network. Firstly, this is good because you do not need to additionally install any programs and drivers to recognize a smartphone or tablet. Secondly, this service provides communication between devices at a distance longer than a cable.

And yet, how to free system memory on "Android" through a computer in this way? Everything is very simple here - data management is possible through any browser.

How to move apps to SD card?

How to free up internal memory on Android to offload devices? We note right away that this is not an easy task. The reason is that in order to carry out this operation for applications, as a rule, you need to have special rights, namely administrator rights, which will allow you to fully manage all the files.

You can get administrator status by installing an additional software or change your smartphone settings. In the latter case, everything is much simpler. Devices whose settings can be set to "developer mode" allow you to perform many actions that are not available ordinary users, for example, set fake localization.

If administrator access is already enabled, the next step is to install the Link2Sd application. It allows you to transfer both installed additional and standard applications from the device's memory to a memory card. But here you need to remember that such actions can lead to malfunctions of the device.

Without administrator rights, you can move only a part of the applications. This action can be performed in the device settings. But the standard reception is not very convenient, and if you don’t want to change the settings, it’s better to download android application assistant.

Android Assistant consists of eighteen tools for versatile work with Android. Directly transferring applications is carried out as follows: you should open the program, go to the "Tools" section and select "App2Sd". A list of applications that can be transferred will open.

Also, using this application, you can perform a complex removal, which will help optimize and increase the speed of the device.

How to clean the device from unnecessary garbage?

By following the above steps, you can make significant progress in the process of clearing memory. Once you have set the correct settings, most likely you will not have to do all the steps again from time to time. But you will often have to use information on how to free up internal memory on Android by deleting garbage. Yes, by setting special application(eg Clean Master), you can make the cleaning process quick and easy.

The so-called garbage in the device, which occurs through the accumulation of cached data from the Internet, browser history, applications, is a very common phenomenon. Periodic cleaning allows you to increase the free space on the device and speed up the performance of all actions.

If we disassemble the cleaning of the device from debris using the example of the most optimal and convenient program Clean Master, then there will be no difficulties in using it. You just need to select the "garbage" option and click "clear". The application, conducting a deep analysis, necessarily specifies which files do not need to be deleted.

How to store files online?

To free up internal memory on Android 4.2, you can use the so-called cloud storage. They allow not only to store files, but also to open them with various devices. By installing an application of this type on a smartphone, in order to gain access to data, you will only need to register (when you turn it on for the first time), and then enter your username and password.

Important in working with cloud storage and constant access to the Internet, because the data is placed in " virtual memory". Among the most successful cloud storages are Google Drive, Mega storage, Yandex.Disk or Dropbox.

How to perform a complete cleaning of the device?

To radically clear the memory of the device, you need to perform complete removal all data. The action is performed using the "Formatting" option. As a rule, this item is located in the device settings in the " Backup and data reset. After confirming the user's intentions and deleting the data, the device will reboot and take on its original form, that is, the smartphone will not have everything that was installed and downloaded after purchase.

In general, the instruction "How to free up memory on Android" includes several steps, some of which are interchangeable. Consistent execution of various kinds of actions will lead to an increase in free space, which will certainly lead to device optimization.
