Personal account all for the family. Tariff "All for the family" from Beeline

So we waited, content thieves are developing and launching effective schemes for extracting money from sites with premium billing. It works no worse than the famous "MMS-postcards", but it is almost impossible to catch the hand, and there are no formal violations. The only weapon in the fight against this new scourge is common sense and foresight.

The use of premium mobile Internet billing for the purpose of "unrighteous gain" was inevitable, this "tidbit" looks too tempting. It is strange that it took so long to gather, and only now there are signs of an impending epidemic. Perhaps the operators themselves monitored the functioning of sites with the so-called premium billing too closely, and the owners of these resources were afraid to risk a profitable partnership. Or the old, well-run schemes of theft brought and continue to bring sufficient income, and the scammers were simply too lazy to strain themselves with the development of new schemes. One way or another, in 2010, "entertainment" with premium GPRS billing looked like separate episodes of the "pen test", all the most interesting was ahead. It looks like this “ahead” is fast approaching, and premium rate scams will soon take their rightful place in the hit parade of the most profitable cheating schemes.

Hits of last season

Let's digress for a moment from the latest developments in this area and recall the main record holders. As another, next in a row, warning and to understand the reasons for the emergence and prospects of a new misfortune.

The screenshot shows two honored veterans of the industry. The sample on the right is a direct “scam” for sending an SMS message to a paid short number, which has almost gone out of fashion. This particular scheme is still in effect and "earns" money due to the fact that the subscriber is offered not to send an SMS to a short number, but to reply to an incoming message from this number. The result is exactly the same, but many do not understand this and boldly send an answer. The line at the bottom about "support" is another legitimate trap. Doubters climb to the " support" site, which by default opens the first page of the SMS price catalog. As you may have guessed, the pages are sorted by price "from bottom to top", and the visitor sees a list of "three-ruble" messages. You still need to guess, look for the desired number in the column on the left, click on it and see the price of 300 rubles. instead of 3 rubles. Before us is an example of a relatively intelligent and not very effective approach.

The sample on the left is the undisputed champion of last year. AND good example of how pumping money can be put on a conveyor belt. The message in the screenshot came to a new SIM card that had just been inserted into the phone, the link to "Congratulations MMS" leads to the page for downloading a jar file with a Trojan that sends SMS to short numbers. Nothing fundamentally new, we have already written about this technology more than once. The scheme has gained “nationwide popularity” due to its simplicity, accessibility and mass character: the necessary numbers and prefixes are easily added to the jar constructor, and then there is a mass SMS mailing from anonymous SIM cards in a row according to the list of numbers. Few of those who actually received “congratulations” fall for the bait, plus a huge number of SMS goes to inactive or not yet sold numbers, plus the phone numbers of senders are promptly blocked due to complaints. But these SMS are sent by the thousands, and even a tenth of a percent of the “congratulations” that worked brings a good income. Success factors are the speed and mass character of the "carpet bombing". Judging by recent examples, the technology of "mass coverage" of the subscriber base will also be used in fraudulent schemes with premium billing.

And the time for schemes with premium billing has already come, this is an objective reality. Let's remember how for about a year the schemes of "direct" divorces with sending SMS to content numbers almost outlived their usefulness, the phrase "SMS to a short number" itself became almost a household word. And how many wonderful, sometimes talented finds there were in this area! I dug into the archives of screenshots and almost burst into tears from nostalgic tenderness. Now, during the sunset, schemes are entering with registering a phone number on the site and then entering the received code, life cycle this technique is also not infinite. It's time to start promoting something new on an "industrial scale".

Another argument in favor of premium traffic billing is the security of such schemes from special services that block access to content. Last year, all three operators were forced to open access to the connection of special bans on voice calls short toll numbers and sending content SMS, scandals around “blockers” and a whole series of frankly fraudulent schemes turned out to be too loud. All these content bans do not apply to special prices for GPRS traffic, and from the standpoint of scammers, this is also a plus.

Finally, the scheme is also promising from the point of view of the current trend of using 3G networks as mobile broadband access. The number of modem users is growing exponentially, and for content scammers, this is an uncultivated field with excellent potential. The main thing is to properly mechanize and put on stream the harvest, as it was done with MMS-congratulations.

New collection "Spring-summer 2011"

As I wrote above, sites with premium billing are a relatively new source of content income. Officially, the scheme was developed "for the convenience of users", who would doubt it. No need to send any SMS from which people already shy away like hell from incense, no need to enter suspicious confirmation codes anywhere. Getting to such a tricky site, we simply start paying 10-20 times more for GPRS traffic, this is considered a convenient payment scheme for valuable content posted on a premium site. We have already described this “premium” technology in detail, you can (and should!) read the text.

Now about how this wonderful scheme has already been put to the service of thieves and is successfully functioning. In the best traditions of “MMS postcards”, a “carpet bombardment” of phone numbers according to the list is implemented, but not ordinary SMS are sent, but something similar to flash SMS without a return address of the sender and with an active link hidden in the giblets of the message. The ingenuous and meticulous Chinese device allows you to look inside such a message and get acquainted with its contents, and on most normal phones we will see a flash message with the text “You have been ordered a souvenir-confession!” and an active "View" button or something like that. At least, this is how eyewitnesses describe this message, so far I haven’t come across “live” on a suitable device.

When you press the button (or the message itself on devices with touch screen) we download a nice little "recognition souvenir" to our phone in the form of a nice picture sized 320 x 240 pixels, this picture is half the size of the above screenshot. And it should weigh 15-20, at most 50-60 kilobytes. An ordinary picture would have weighed so much, but craftsmen managed to inflate our experimental Mishka to an impressive size of 1.31 megabytes.

The monstrous heavyweight record holder is hosted on a site with an innocent name-address mobpics, it does not appear in the list of resources with premium rating. But legally, it is a “dedicated part” of another resource, which is very much on this list, as we are informed by a mandatory warning under the terms of the contract on the mobpics website. All conditions-requirements are met, and the happy recipient of the "recognition souvenir" receives his bear with a heart for only 95 rubles. when downloading via APN internet or for 250 rubles. when downloading via Wap-point.

Of course, this scheme for using premium traffic charging is far from the only one. On the forums, messages regularly slip through about “hitting” a few tens of rubles for visiting such “very special” sites. I can assume that correctly placed banners with links can generate pseudo-visits to such sites with by no means "pseudo" billing, but these are only assumptions. In general, there are still surprisingly few complaints about premium billing.

But the scheme of mass distribution of direct links to "pictures-souvenirs" looks very promising. The beauty of the scheme is that the scammer leaves almost no traces behind him: the flash message is not stored in the phone's memory, the sender's number/address is unknown, and the user is unlikely to remember from which regions the cute bear came. And in general, it is unlikely that the fact of receiving a simple picture on the phone with a slightly increased cost of mobile Internet is unlikely. And if he guesses to connect these events, then to whom and what can he prove? This is not a jar Trojan downloaded from the link, which can be dissected and pulled out into the light of God's short numbers of the contenter and the prefixes of the scammer. Here, the fact of visiting a site with premium traffic billing is simply recorded, and no one is interested in what exactly the user downloaded from this site, and how he got there at all. There is a desire - add http://wap. to the beginning of the direct link and admire the well-fed bear cub weighing 100-250 rubles, but DO NOT do it from your phone or via modem!!! And ask yourself: where are the warnings categorically promised by the operator about special traffic tariffing? The answer is obvious, and the possible consequences are obvious too. I don’t want to build gloomy forecasts, but in the history of our content scams, “separate, insignificant episodes” have more than once turned into massive epidemics of banknote withdrawal from naive users. So, it's time for operators to think now, and not wait for scandals at the federal level. And you and I - as usual, do not click on anything and do not believe in all sorts of confession souvenirs from mysterious strangers.

    I try to disable all services through the Megafon Personal Account. In my opinion, this is not only the fastest, but also the most convenient way. Considering the fact that in support of Megafon you can call for hours.

    In addition, it will never be superfluous to go into your office and check if you have once again been connected to a couple of paid, absolutely unnecessary services (it happened to me recently), and be sure to check for all types of services, and not for one (to do this, check the box next to each service name).

    And, finally, the third option is through a USSD request: you need to send the command *105*1800#, a call.

    In order to disable the GPRS service on Megafon, you can call the contact center operator using free number 0500. Or send a special command for this by typing *105*1800# and pressing the call button.

    Well, the last way is to turn off GPRS using the Service Guide system in your personal account, on the Megafon website.

    Disabling the GPRS service on Megafon is not difficult, and there are three ways to do it quickly and easily:

    • by typing *105*1800# on the phone keypad and pressing the call button
    • by calling the operator and informing about the desire to disconnect to the number 0500
    • Using the Service Guide menu.
  • For all questions, you can always contact the Megafon operator service, although it can be very problematic to get through. Therefore, for a quick disconnect, there is a combination * 105 * 1800 # and a call. After sending the combination, the service is disabled automatically. Although you can turn it off, you can not turn it off

    In order to be able to quickly disable GPRS - Internet on Megafon, you need to send on your tariff plan USSD command*105*1800# and internet connection will be disabled. Or you can call the Megafon operator and he will do everything for you.

    There are several ways to disable the GPRS service on a megaphone. You can either call the operator and talk to him about the shutdown. Either you can do this procedure through your account on the site, or you can dial a command on the phone. The command looks like *105*1800#

    We can say that the GPRS service on Megafon is one of the basic ones and few people know how to turn it off. But in some cases, for example, when a child abuses traffic, it just needs to be done so that crazy bills do not come to the downloaded picture in the style of I am a cool baby.

    If you need urgent disable GPRS service on Megafon, then the easiest way is to use the USSD command - * 105 * 1800 #. Dial this combination and press the Call key. Wait for you to receive a response notification sms, in which you will be confirmed that GPRS is now disabled.

    Another way disable GPRS on your Megaphone, this is to go to the company's website. Register there and enter your Personal Account. Here you will be given the opportunity not only to disable GPRS, but also a huge opportunity to manage all Megafon services.

    If you do not have such an opportunity or you do not know how to enter Megafon's personal account, then simply call the call center at 0500 (it is free) and ask the operator to turn off the GPRS service for you.

    Shutdown methods:

    1) through the operator, number 0500,

    2) through the Service Guide,

    3) by special command *105*1800#.

    But this service it is not necessary to turn it off at all, it will not bother anyone if you turn off the ability to connect to the network in your phone settings ...

    Everything is very simple. You just need to go to the megaphone website, you just need to select your region, then find the section or link called Guide service, and already there you can manage different services and tariffs.

    In order to disable the GPRS service on Megafon, you must send from your mobile phone type query *105*1800#call.

    You can also turn off GPRS Internet on MegaFon in your account on the official website of the operator.

    Or call the MegaFon contact center at short number 0500 and contact a company communications representative.

Sharing communication services - now it is possible with the help of tariff plans from the Beeline company. By connecting a special tariff plan (hereinafter referred to as TP), which involves the addition of additional numbers, you can share with your loved ones, friends, colleagues the included packages of minutes, text messages, internet traffic. At the same time, the volume of communication services that is required is determined individually by the subscriber when connecting the services of the Beeline company.

The tariff plan "Family" is presented in several variations: for economical / optimal / intensive communication. It is enough to select any of them, add additional numbers, and you can start making calls, using the Internet and sending SMS messages to any subscribers (not only Beeline). The tariff plan "Family" is an excellent choice for those who want not only to save on expenses for cellular communication, but also monitor the activity of additional numbers. What are the conditions for connecting this tariff, what advantages it provides - this will be discussed in this article.

The line of tariff plans "Everything!"

As mentioned earlier, for a family, you can choose the tariff plan that is necessary for the volume of included minutes / megabytes / messages. Line "Everything!" contains 4 options: for 500, 800, 1200 and 1800 rubles. The more, the “larger” the packages provided within the framework of this tariff. Also, the cost is reflected in the number of rooms that can be tied to the main one.

The following important facts should be noted immediately:

  • Connection and usage conditions may differ in different regions of the country. For example, the Family tariff plan (Beeline, Moscow and the region) allows you to share all available packages only for a subscription. a fee of 800 rubles. While for Kazan subscribers, similar conditions can be obtained by connecting a tariff plan for 500 rubles per month.
  • Even if the main number is blocked (due to lack of funds or other circumstances), communication services for the connected numbers will be available in the normal mode.
  • The provision of service packages that are included in the selected tariff is made for all subscribers linked to the main number equally. This means that it is impossible to limit, for example, the use of the Internet for a specific family member by allocating a certain amount of traffic for him.

Features of the tariffs of the "Everything!"

  • Subscriber. fee for tariff plan is debited in advance, once a month (on the day of connection / transition to the selected TP).
  • The debiting of funds according to the tariff plan is made from the number to which the add. numbers (it is considered the main one).
  • Only home region numbers can be selected as additional numbers.
  • If there are no funds on the account of the main number at the time of debiting the monthly payment, other subscribers will have to pay for minutes, SMS and Internet, according to their traffic (“All for the Family”).

How it works?

Detailed information about what conditions are offered for the above TP options should be found on the official website of your region of the Beeline company. The tariff plan "Family" is connected, like any other tariff, through the office (if we are talking about purchasing a new SIM card), through the Internet self-service system, through specialists technical support, via a mobile phone (entering relevant requests and commands). Consider one of the most convenient ways to manage your account - through a personal account on the operator's resource mobile communications. Before you start changing the tariff plan, be sure to fulfill the following conditions:

  • Visit the website of the Beeline company (the tariff plan "Family", a description of the options for which can be found in the "Tariffs" section) and decide on the volume of services that may be required.
  • Top up the account balance by the amount that will be obtained after adding up the subscription fee for the selected TP + 100 rubles (this amount is charged when switching to any tariff plan of the “Everything!” Line), so if we are interested in a tariff plan for 800 rubles, then to the account you need to pay - 900 rubles (subscription fee is charged at the time of connection to the tariff).
  • Refuse the options and services connected to the number, which, to one degree or another, duplicate the communication services included in the selected TP (for example, if the number is connected unlimited Internet, then you can refuse it, because the tariff plan provides for included megabytes).

The order of connection (transition) to the TP "Everything!"

After replenishing the account, you should go to your personal account (or dial the appropriate command on the phone, you can see it on the official resource of the mobile operator), select the tariff you are interested in, read its terms again and connect. Then you need to move on to adding numbers. This process simple, just follow the prompts of the Internet service. After specifying the numbers, the specified subscribers will receive an SMS message to confirm the binding to the general TP.

"Beeline": tariff plan "Family" (advantages)

Advantages of the line of tariff plans "Everything!" obvious:

  • the ability to share the included service packages with other numbers;
  • general balance (you don’t need to deposit funds to other numbers, it’s enough just to be “in the black”, the main thing is to replenish the balance of the main account in time);
  • cost-effectiveness (by choosing a tariff plan with the required amount of minutes, messages or Internet, you can provide yourself and your family with communication services).


Line of TP "Everything!" became really popular with all Beeline subscribers. The “Family 07” tariff plan, which was previously available in some regions of our country (for example, in Tatarstan) and allowed you to communicate with your “favorite” numbers at a reduced cost, cannot be compared with the offers of the mobile operator that we considered earlier in terms of profitability. Using TP options from the "Everything!" equally available to different devices (tablet computers, smartphones, phones) of one subscriber.

"All for 800"

If you connect to this tariff plan, you can link up to 2 numbers to it, for which Beeline offers 7 GB for use mobile internet, 1000 free minutes for online communication, as well as 500 SMS messages. The cost of using the tariff for the whole family is 800 rubles per month.

"All for 1200"

If you want to choose the “All for 1200” tariff for a family, then the operator will provide you with 10 GB to access the network, 2000 minutes for talking on the phone, and an SMS package of 1000 messages. You can connect up to 4 numbers, and its cost will be 1200 rubles.

"All for 1800"

Connect your loved ones to this tariff, and you will get 3000 minutes, 15 GB for Internet communication, 3000 SMS-messages provided by the package. Up to 6 people will be able to communicate by phone within the framework of this tariff, and the subscription fee for the whole family will be 1800 rubles per month.

How to connect "Everything!" for family?

To do this, you should buy a starter package with the "All!" and bind to it the number of relatives that its conditions allow. You can add numbers yourself, just go to your "Personal Account" on the Beeline website. After you do this, connected subscribers will receive a notification from the operator in the form of an SMS message. To complete the connection, you must reply to the message from the service number.

Bonuses for connecting people close to the package

In the period until September 27, 2016, the promotion is valid. You can transfer your loved ones to the “Everything!” tariff, after which they will be able to use mobile communication services for free. For you, in case of connecting relatives, there is also a really promotional offer - 500 rubles of bonuses that you can spend according to the program.

Can I connect to the tariff without changing the number?

If your family uses the services of other domestic mobile operators, but it’s too troublesome for them, then Beeline gives them the opportunity to connect without changing their previous phone number:

  • In order to receive bonus funds and connect your loved ones to Beeline, you need to contact the company's customer service center along with the subscriber you want to add to the Vse! for family. You must have proof of identity with you. You and your relative are required to write a statement of your intentions to switch to Beeline.
  • The subscriber connected to the services of the operator receives temporary number on a new Beeline SIM card with the tariff "Everything!". After that, your loved ones will immediately be able to use the tariff.
  • If you do not have the opportunity to contact the office along with the connected subscriber, then there is a way out of this problem. A new client will be able to switch to Beeline on his own, subject to the purchase of a SIM card with a temporary number. , the subscriber will be able to add it to the list of numbers according to your tariff and use it for free.
  • After eight days, the old number will be transferred to new card. Thus, the temporary number will be replaced with the old one. The client will be notified additionally about the activation of the service, in the form of an SMS message from the operator, which will be sent to two SIM cards simultaneously. Before the old data is transferred to the new card, you will be able to use it as before.
  • The transition to Beeline is paid additionally: for the return of the number, a fee of 100 rubles is charged from your previous account.

In addition to a mobile phone, other devices (eg tablet, modem, etc.) can also be connected to the family package.

The tariff is all for the Beeline family is specially designed for people who often visit Internet resources. The operator offers several subscribers to use one tariff at once. Let's analyze what this offer is and will it be beneficial for users?

The company's managers claim that this is a great chance to save money on mobile communications. How does the solution work? One family member switches to the tariff from the "Everything" line. This procedure is then repeated by others.

This will allow several subscribers to use one offer from Beeline at once - to jointly spend minutes, SMS and Internet traffic. In this case, the subscription fee will be charged only from the main number, which was indicated as the main one when connecting the program.

On this moment the operator offers quite favorable tariff solutions - the size of the packages is freely enough for the whole family. The maximum available number of family members is up to five people.

The offer developed for general use is additional and excludes the subscription fee. The cost depends on the selected tariff from the line. Below we provide solutions from this category with approximate prices. The cost and terms of provision depend on the region in which you live:

EVERYTHING 15GB200 min and 300 sms$13.33 per day
EVERYTHING 217GB400 min and 300 sms20₽
EVERYTHING 322GB1200min and 300sms30₽
EVERYTHING 430GB2000 minutes and 300 sms50₽ per day
Absolutely EVERYTHING30GB5000 min and 300 sms83.33₽ per day

Everything for the family Beeline allows subscribers to use minutes and other packages at the expense of one number. When you use up available calls or traffic, when you connect additional services money will be debited from the same account.

The system can also withdraw funds from other connected subscribers. This happens if there are not enough funds on the main number. Remember - up to 5 users can use it simultaneously.

If the client lost the SIM card, or it was blocked, then the solutions of the "Everything" line will automatically turn off, and the cost for connected subscribers of the Family tariff will become as follows:

  • Outgoing calls, including within Russia to Beeline numbers - 0.25 r per minute. When calling foreign operators in local communications - 1.6 r / m.
  • Long-distance communication - 3 / m.
  • Internet goes down.
  • SMS - 2p.
  • The cost of calls abroad depends on the country and varies from 30 to 80 rubles.

How to choose the "Family" tariff

At the moment, a wide range of products is available to subscribers advantageous offers. It is quite difficult to decide on the right decision. What to look for when choosing a tariff for family use?

After reviewing the tariff description, we can conclude that large service packages are perfect for a large family, where everyone uses mobile Internet and makes frequent calls. In order not to make a mistake with the purchase, make a small calculation: calculate how much money is spent monthly on social networks, calls (including roaming) and SMS. After getting the result, choose a plan from the range that allows you to use the same services, but cheaper.

This will allow you to see the savings after the 1st month. The number of people who will use your tariff also matters. Beeline provides many different options that differ in price. If the family is large, then it is better to choose a tariff with a wide package of services, but the price for such an offer will be appropriate.

Pros and cons of the tariff

Let's look at the positives first:

  1. The subscription fee is charged only from one number, and access to minutes and the Internet is open to five authorized users.
  2. You can use the solution not only through your phone, but also through other gadgets, where there is a place for a SIM card.
  3. A great chance to save on phone calls.
  4. There is a convenient personal account for controlling waste.

The disadvantages of users attributed the following criteria:

  • Adding a new number is subject to prepayment.
  • Additional subscribers must be in the same city.
  • Only one person can control spending - the main number.

How to connect "All for the family" Beeline

If you are already using this offer and decide to switch to a tariff plan of another plan, then only one number should carry out the change procedure, additional ones will be connected automatically. They don't have to pay a subscription fee.

The tariff plan All for the Beeline family is connected as follows:

  1. Call to hotline by number 0611.
  2. Contact the nearest operator's office.

It is important that there are sufficient funds in the account.

Focus on the selected tariff "VseMoe", put on the balance an amount exceeding the monthly subscription fee. After connecting, you should figure out how to add other subscribers:

  • Log in to your personal account.
  • In the connected options, find the one you need and click "Add number".
  • Then enter the number you want to invite.
  • Confirm the action with a code.
  • At the end, you need to restart your smartphone.

How to disable the tariff "All for the family" Beeline

Disabling is available in your personal account, in the office or by calling technical support 0611. Also, the program will be deactivated if the main phone switches to another tariff. Additional subscribers are also deleted in the personal account. Go to the service settings and select the option to disable the number.
