Official g62 hp driver download. Download drivers for HP G62 laptops

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This page contains information about installing the latest HP G62 driver downloads using the HP (Hewlett Packard) Driver Update Tool.

HP G62 drivers are small programs that enable the Notebook hardware to communicate with the operating system software. Constant update HP G62 software prevents crashes and maximizes hardware and system performance. Using outdated or corrupt HP G62 drivers may result in system errors, malfunctions and failure of equipment or computer. Moreover, installing the wrong HP drivers can make these problems worse.

Advice: If you are inexperienced with updating HP device drivers manually, we highly recommend downloading the HP (Hewlett Packard) G62 Driver Utility. This tool will download and update the correct HP G62 driver versions automatically, protecting you against installing the wrong G62 drivers.

About the author: Jay Geater is President and CEO Solvusoft Corporation, a global software company focused on innovative service programs. He has been passionate about computers all his life and loves everything related to computers, software and new technologies.

Hewlett-Packard laptops are quite in demand among users, but to ensure their performance in the Windows OS environment, it is imperative to install drivers. In our today's article we will talk about how to do this for owners of the HP G62.

Download drivers for the device in question, as for any laptop, can be done in several ways. In each of the cases described below, the approach to solving the problem is different, but in general, none of them will cause difficulties in execution.

Method 1: Hewlett-Packard Support Page

The search for software for any equipment, whether it is a separate piece of hardware or a whole laptop, should always be started from the official website of the manufacturer. HP G62 is no exception to this important rule, however, with some nuances. The fact is that G62 is only the first part of the model name, and after it comes a more complex index that belongs to the device of a specific hardware configuration and color. And if the second does not matter in our case, then the first is the determining factor.

The HP G62 line includes more than ten various devices, so to understand which specific model you have, find its full name on the case or in the user manual that comes with the kit. We will proceed directly to the search for drivers.

  1. The link above will take you to the search results page of the Hewlett-Packard website, where all HP G62 laptops are listed. Find your model in this list and click on the link under its description - "Software and Drivers".
  2. Once on the next page, first select operating system, and then specify its version (bit depth).

    Note: Since the laptop in question was released quite a while ago, the Hewlett-Packard website provides drivers and software only for Windows 7. If your HP G62 has a more recent version installed, or vice versa, old version OS, we recommend using one of the following methods.

  3. After entering the required information, click on the button "Change".
  4. You will be taken to a page listing all available software and drivers for the HP G62.

    Opposite each item, the name of which begins with the word "Driver", click on the plus sign on the right to view information about the software component. To download it, click on the button "Download".

    A similar action will have to be performed for each driver in the list.

    There is a small life hack - in order not to download files separately, in front of each of them, a little to the left of the download button, find the icon for adding the driver to the so-called virtual basket - so they can be downloaded all together.

    and in the section "Net"— Software for laptop network and wireless modules.

  5. If you downloaded all the drivers one by one, proceed to the next step of the instructions. If you used the life hack we suggested and added all the files to the Recycle Bin, click on the blue button above the list of drivers "Open download list".

    Make sure that the software components you need are listed, then click "Download files". The download process will begin, during which all the drivers, in order of priority, will be downloaded to your laptop. Wait for this process to complete.

  6. Now that you have the necessary files in your possession, install them on your HP G62.

    This is done in the same way as with any other program - run the executable file double click and just follow the prompts of the built-in wizard.

  7. The disadvantage of this method is obvious - each driver has to be downloaded separately, and then installed on a laptop in the same way. It will take certain time, although in general this way is the safest and most effective, however, it also has a more convenient alternative, and also the official one. We will tell about it below.

Method 2: HP Support Assistant

Hewlett-Packard, like most laptop manufacturers, offers its users not only a set of drivers, but also specialized software. The latter also includes HP Support Assistant, an application designed to install and update drivers in automatic mode. It will also work for the HP G62.

  1. After clicking on the link above, click "Download HP Support Assistant".
  2. Once the application installation file has been downloaded, launch it by double-clicking the LMB.

    which will accompany each stage,

    until the installation is complete and the following notification appears:

  3. Launch HP Support Assistant and run it presetting, acting at its discretion or following the recommendations of the developers. Once you've made your selections, click "Further".
  4. If you have such a desire, go fast learning to use the application by reading the information on the screen and pressing "Further" to move to the next slide.

    Go to tab "My Devices", and then to the section "My laptop"(or "My computer").

  5. In the next window, click on the link "Check for updates"

    and wait while your HP G62 is fully scanned.

  6. After HP Support Assistant collects the necessary information about the configuration of the laptop and analyzes the operating system, a list of missing and outdated drivers will appear in a separate window.

    In the block "Available Updates" check the boxes next to each software component, then click the button "Download and Install".

    All detected and downloaded drivers will be installed automatically without any action from you. At the end of this procedure, you just need to restart the laptop.

  7. Using HP Support Assistant to install and update drivers on the HP G62 is a simpler and more convenient task than the option proposed in the first method. The indisputable advantage of a branded application is also the fact that it will definitely notify you of available updates in the future, offer to download and install them.

Method 3: Specialized software

You can install drivers on the HP G62 in automatic mode not only using a proprietary application. For these purposes, similar to it, but more functional solutions from third-party developers are well suited. Like HP Support Assistant, any of these utilities will scan the hardware and software components of the laptop, download missing software and necessary updates, install them on their own or offer to perform these steps manually. Our article will help you choose the right G62 service application.

There are few functional differences between the programs discussed in this material, first of all, the difference manifests itself in ease of use, as well as the volume of its own software databases and supported equipment. The leaders according to these criteria are DriverMax and DriverPack Solution, we recommend paying attention to them.

Over the past holidays, I again got into my hands, now another laptop HP G62-b26ER ( intel core i3, 4gb, hdd 250gb, video intel + ati), respected people asked to bring him back to life, as he just "was a stake".

It all started not badly enough, it seems that it’s complicated: save files, “roll Windu”, programs, return files to initial position. People even bought a licensed Windows separately from the one originally preinstalled on the laptop.

Looking ahead, I will say that this is the worst laptop that I have ever held in my hands and set up in the last year.

When turned on, I immediately noticed that the laptop was wildly heated even during normal loading (I began to worry that the plastic on the table could melt, the fan on the processor worked like an airplane turbine, blowing hot air streams). I haven't given much thought to it yet...

I saved the necessary files for people and began to “roll Windu”, in this case Windows 8.1. During the installation process, the laptop turned off a couple of times due to overheating, but I “pressed it up” and “Windows” was successfully installed, then I did not suspect that this was only the beginning of the Marlezon ballet ...

After loading "Windows" and the appearance of the desktop, literally after 10 seconds, the laptop began to randomly go into reboot (I did not even have time to look at the logs to try to determine the essence of the problem), and so on in a closed loop. I didn’t want to figure it out, I decided to return to the Recovery partition with the preinstalled factory Windows 7 home.

But even here the “fist of friendship” was waiting for me, it was not possible to recover from it, because during the installation process a link to a damaged file appeared and crashed, I had to use it in the usual way.

Next, download the drivers from the official website:

We “roll” everything in turn, reboot and see a black screen. I went deeper into the essence of the problem, it turned out that with the ATI discrete video card driver sp50704 there is a big problem, it just doesn't work and like in my case, it seems to be a black screen after restarting the laptop.

It took a few more hours to solve the problem, more than once I had to use native Russian words (and then, I assume that the process I did is not universal and may not be applicable on the same laptops):

- Delete installed driver ATI video cards, for example, use Driver Fusion > cleaning amd - display, reboot (the maximum available screen resolution will be no more than 1024 * 768)

- First, download and install all updates that will be available in the Update Center windows update(they are also not downloaded and installed quickly, and in the process of installing updates, my laptop also turned off a couple of times due to overheating, installing updates took 3-4 hours), restart the computer.

- stop the service Automatic updates Windows (more precisely, disable it altogether, this is important)

- Download this driver from the official site sp50231.exe and install these video card drivers, restart the laptop.

- After the reboot, a window appears (I don’t remember exactly how it sounded verbatim, but something like this): “Your computer has a new video card profile. Set it up?”... In no case do we press the “Set up” or “Yes” button (otherwise, after setting up the profile and rebooting, you will get a black screen again), we refuse to set up the profile. We reboot the laptop and see that the resolution has become quite normal and the ATI discrete card driver has “caught up” and is working.

- In no case do we update the ATI drivers to the proposed later versions, and do not install any Update on Windows, this will lead to the same black screen.

So, we managed to solve this problem, I decided to load the video card a little with an old 3dmark in order to see how it works, under load the video card also went down due to overheating after 5 minutes. Apparently, that "percent", that "video card" in this laptop leaves much to be desired and have a factory defect. The CPU load test also showed overheating and plunged the laptop into darkness. There was an idea to flash the BIOS, which I actually did, but latest firmware the situation with overheating does not change in any way, on the laptop you can still bake pancakes. This laptop from HP greatly disappointed me, I have never seen such “unsuccessful” products from HP, to put it mildly.

I looked at the forums, "craftsmen" offer to solve the problem with overheating for an average of 6500 rubles, but for this laptop I would not even give 3000.

Good job everyone, hope it helps someone...
