Flip the image in classmates. Flipping a picture in Microsoft Office Picture Manager

Users of the social network "Odnoklassniki" regularly have to face a serious problem. It occurs after new photos are uploaded. During this action, the picture may be displayed in a mirrored form. The question immediately arises: how to flip a photo in Odnoklassniki? In fact, you should not get upset and give up, because there is always a way out, and today we will tell you several ways to help overcome this problem.


Let's first look at the most accessible method with which you can solve the problem of how to flip a photo on a computer, since you will carry out all the steps in this process using a graphics editor. Perhaps some users have already understood what will be discussed now. Of course, it would be convenient to flip photos directly on the social network itself, but unknown reasons developers did not provide such a function to users.


So, we will turn the photo using a standard graphic editor. It's called Paint. This tool is present on all current operating systems. Windows systems so you don't need to download it from the internet. First of all, you need to open a graphics editor, then add a picture that you want to turn over to it. After that, select a special tool called "Select" and make just one click on the image. If everything was done correctly, then a pop-up menu should appear in front of you, where you should select the “Flip” item. Now you only need to choose the right direction.

So, you know how to flip a photo in Odnoklassniki, while the process of working with graphic editor does not require much time. Everything is done in a few clicks. After the picture has been flipped in the right format, you definitely need to save it, otherwise all your efforts will simply be in vain.


Let's now look at the second method of how to flip a photo in Odnoklassniki, and for this we will use Microsoft Office picture manager. I would like to say right away that this method is more complex. However, if you flip just a few of your pictures through Microsoft Office, it will be very easy to do it later, the most important thing is to learn how to use the program correctly.

We open the application and load the necessary photo into it, then on the toolbar you can notice the flip buttons. When you click on one of them, the picture will rotate in the direction you have chosen. Also, after all the actions, the image must be saved.

Now you know two ways to flip a photo in Odnoklassniki. You can choose one of them and enjoy at any time. There are also services that allow you to flip a photo online, for this you will need to use graphic designers or online photo hosting. In our opinion, the above methods are quite suitable for solving the problem.

Often, Odnoklassniki users suffer from the fact that they cannot turn the photo uploaded to the site. Below I will tell you all the methods that exist today to achieve the desired result.

Using a third-party graphic editor.

Since, for reasons I don’t understand, the ability to flip photos in classmates either disappears or reappears, I think this way the most reliable.

1. Flip photos in the Paint editor

Open the image in the Paint reactor. Select the tool " Highlight” and right-click on the image itself. In the menu that appears, select " To turn”, and then set the desired direction.

After the picture takes the desired location, do not forget to save the file.

2. Flip a picture in Microsoft Office Picture Manager

If your PC has Microsoft package Office, then you can use to flip Microsoft program Office Picture Manager.

To do this, click right click mouse over the photo file and select " To open with» – « Microsoft Office Picture Manager»

After the drawing takes the desired form - do not forget to save it!

After the photo is turned upside down, it can be uploaded to the Odnoklassniki website.

Now you know how to flip a photo in classmates. I hope that the information was useful to you!

Sometimes the pictures taken are displayed as if they were turned on their side or even upside down. This is due to incorrect detection of the current orientation by the sensors of the smartphone during shooting. Eliminating a minor annoyance is very simple. In the current article, we will take a closer look at how to flip a photo in Odnoklassniki using the built-in social network tool or standard Windows programs.

Expanding a profile that has already been uploaded to the profile owner's album is easy. To do this, you will need to perform the following algorithm of actions:

  • Open a social networking site.
  • Find the picture you want to flip.
  • Open it in full screen.
  • Under the image, on the right side, click on the "Rotate photo" link.
  • Click on the line until the image is in the correct position. The rotation is 90 degrees to the right.

Mission accomplished. No additional saves are required. If the change was made from , then after closing it, the changes will not be noticeable until the page is reloaded.

How to flip a photo before uploading to OK

So that during loading and after it you do not have to worry about appearance posted pictures, it is better to rotate before uploading to the network. You can accomplish what you want with standard programs Windows. You don't need to download third party software.

Rotate an image in Paint

To rotate an image in this program, you must:

  • Specify the save location and file name. To avoid making copies, you can replace the original.

Reference. You can quickly add images for editing by dragging a file from a folder onto the program window.

Rotating an Image in the Windows Editor

You need to act like this:

Let's summarize. Flip the image as you can with standard means social network, and through built-in programs operating system. In the first case, users will see an unedited image. When using programs, the picture will be uploaded to the network immediately in the correct form.

The social network classmates is famous for the fact that it allows you to find people with whom we used to study, work, serve, or just once be friends. A huge audience of this social. networks are just adults. Many of them are not computer savvy. Especially for such people, I write short notes where I answer various questions. We recently looked at how you can as well.

Today I will answer the question of flipping photos in Odnoklassniki. Well, right off the bat. Possibilities flip photo in Odnoklassniki unfortunately not anymore. It is not known why the developers removed this feature.

What to do then you ask?

The answer is simple. Before uploading photos to social network, you need to turn them over in advance. Look, I have a few pictures that I want to upload to Odnoklassniki. One of them looks like this:

To open it through the standard Viewing Windows Photos.

And at the bottom on the toolbar, find the icon responsible for flipping 90 degrees. By clicking on this button we achieve the desired result.

It turned out great!!!

Now, when we close the photo, it will retain its appearance and can be uploaded to social networks. net.

Well, what if you need to rotate a photo in Odnoklassniki that has already been uploaded? It seems to me that the only way to get around here is by reloading the snapshots. That is, those that are sideways removed, then aligned on the computer and re-uploaded to the social network.

Uploaded photo

You can rotate a photo in classmates when it has already been uploaded. Now let's see how to do it.

On the computer

If you need to rotate the photo several times, then click on the "Rotate Photo" button next.

Let's try to flip a photo through the phone.

On the phone

As we can see, we won't be able to flip a photo with our phone. Odnoklassniki only flip photos through a computer, so if you need to do this, use a PC.

Photo before upload

Another way to flip photos is to flip them before they are uploaded to the Odnoklassniki website, that is, in special programs on the computer. Let's see how to do it.

Rotate a photo in Paint

Rotate a photo in the Windows editor

In this step by step instructions we told in detail and showed how to flip a photo in classmates. Now you know that you can do this, both before uploading a photo to the Odnoklassniki social network, and after uploading it to the site. But do not forget that classmates allow you to turn the photo only if you use a computer for this. Through mobile app You won't be able to rotate the photo. Therefore, it is recommended to turn the photo over in advance, as it should, and then upload it to photo albums. Better yet, take pictures right away so that you don’t have to flip the photo later, and spend extra time on it.
