Why is win on the keyboard how to turn it off. How to turn off the computer using the keyboard: using the Start menu, Run menu and other methods

Today we will look at a simple, but in some cases useful setting. operating system Windows 7 is power button actions. In other words, we will set the action of the power button, which will occur when you press this button while the computer is running.

This material will be especially useful for those who have small children who periodically turn off your computer by simply pressing the power button on system unit. And as you know, explaining to a small child that it’s better not to do this is quite difficult, more precisely, it’s possible, of course, but from experience I can say that they will do it anyway. Also, this feature is useful for those who sometimes accidentally turn off the computer, for example, with their foot :).

Many novice computer users, in particular operating Windows systems 7 and 8 don't know that such power button settings even exist. Therefore, today I will talk about these settings, with which you can prevent the computer from turning off by pressing the power button on the system unit.

Power button settings in Windows

There are several actions that can be set when pressing the power button in the Windows operating system, namely:

  • No action required- everything is clear, nothing will happen when pressed;
  • Dream- putting the computer into sleep mode;
  • hibernation- putting the computer into hibernation mode, this is a kind of more economical mode in terms of power consumption, compared to sleep mode;
  • Shutdown- as I understand it, this is the default action, i.e. turning off the computer.

Note! I have described the power button settings for Windows 7 Pro and the screenshots below are also taken on this operating system.

How to customize the action of the power button?

For this we open "Control Panel -> Power Options -> Power Button Action".

And after that, the computer will stop turning off by pressing this button.


Remember that the computer can now be correctly turned off only through the menu "Start -> Shutdown".

If you want to know a few more useful settings for the Windows 7 operating system, then I advise you to read the material - Inconspicuous features of Windows 7.

After the above steps, your child will not be able to turn off the computer by pressing the power button on the system unit, but this will not help in cases where the child turns off, for example, a UPS or a surge protector :).

Hello. As you understand, the keyboard for me is a constantly used tool. Both as an author of articles, and as a gamer, and even banal surfing on the Internet, I have to do with constant typing to search for new ideas. And, of course, I still happen to press the Win key (the same one that Windows icon). Yes, it happens much less frequently now, but it does happen. Due to the specifics of my site, I cannot disable it, I need it for work. But for you, those who, in principle, do not need it and who never use it, I can tell you how to do it.

So, for this we need in the registry, in the branch:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout

create binary parameter Scancode Map. And give it a value:

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 5B E0 00 00 5C E0 00 00 00 00

But you won't be able to do that, through the built in Windows editor register. And everything written above is indicated for professionals who can do it manually. For ordinary users I have easier solutions :)

So, since the registry editor does not suit us, we have several options left:

1) Add parameter via cmd

3) Using registry export files

More primitive, but no less effective way- reg files. Let's move on

It would seem, why do this? Still, there are times when the Windows key (the one between Ctrl and Alt) gives the user a headache. For example, to avoid accidental shutdown of the game during particularly active online battles. That is why manufacturers of gaming keyboards often bundle software with the ability to disable software Windows key. If you came to this article from a search, then you probably know why you need to disable the Windows key.

Does your keyboard not have built-in mechanisms to disable the Windows key? No problem. Switch off Windows button on the keyboard, you can also use the usual system tools, namely using the registry editor. If this method is not an option for you, consider also disabling the Windows key using simple third-party utilities.

For reference: Execution of this instruction requires account with Administrator rights. If you don't have one, you will need an Administrator password.

One more time for reference: After disabling the Windows key, you will deprive yourself of many useful bonuses, like dozens of keyboard shortcuts. If you have read several of the instructions on our website, you have probably noticed that we often recommend using a combination of Win+ R(execute) Win+ X (context menu Start), Win+ E(Conductor), Win+ I(Parameters) and many others. All of them speed up your computer (not to be confused with speeding up your computer) and save you a few extra clicks. Once the Windows button is disabled, all of these shortcuts will no longer be available. You can read more about keyboard shortcuts in Windows in the article Windows Hot Keys.

How to Disable the Windows Key Using the Registry Editor

A relatively simple method that does not require the user to download any third-party software or a long time to complete. All actions take place inside the system editor Windows Registry. Please note that there are certain risks associated with editing the registry, so we advise you to follow the instructions carefully and never change registry values ​​blindly. No matter what happens, you are solely responsible for your computer.

To enable the Windows key back, you need to follow the same instructions, only delete the key you created ScancodeMap. Please note that launching the registry editor using a key combination Win+ R it won't work anymore (you just turned off the Win button), so use the search. Just open the start menu and type the same command regedit and press Enter.

How to disable the Windows key using SharpKeys

This simple but very functional utility will allow you to turn off the Windows key or change the settings of any other button. We won't go into too much detail on how to use SharpKeys, but will only focus on disabling the Windows key (or keys if you have two). The advantage of SharpKeys over disabling through the registry editor is that the utility allows you to equip a key with some more useful action, and not just a dull disabling.

To return everything back and turn on the Win button again, open the same SharpKeys, click on the parameters you recorded and press Delete, or DeleteAll. Then press again WritetoRegistry so that the application can overwrite your changes and roll back everything to its original state. After that, don't forget to restart your computer.

Such a simple instruction will help you get rid of random game shutdowns or any other phenomena that made you turn off the Windows key.

If the Win key on your keyboard bothers you, and you do not use its combinations with other keys, then you can turn it off. Due to accidental pressing of this key, users often crash out of games or other programs. This key is disabled through the registry.

First you need to open the Registry Editor. To do this, open a search for your operating system (in Windows 7, by clicking on the button "Start", search at the very bottom, in Windows 8, it's in the pop-up menu on the right of the screen), and type " regedit ».

Now in the registry editor itself, you need to go to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout , then, in the right part of the window, click on an empty space right click mouse and create binary parameter under the name " Scancode Map ».

After that, on the newly created file, right-click and select "Change Binary Data" .

In the window that opens, you need to enter the same as in the picture below, only what is in the red frame. When entering data, two characters will be automatically entered, in addition, you do not need to press the spacebar.

After entering all the characters, press OK and restart the computer. The Win key is disabled. To enable it back, simply delete the "Scancode Map" file.

Regular shutdown of the personal computer allows you to restore the high performance of the gadget. When the power is turned off, the cache is cleared, unloaded RAM, all are closed background programs and applications.

There are situations when it is urgent to turn off the computer, but due to a number of circumstances, do this in a standard way impossible. For example, one of the applications caused the PC to freeze. Or a broken mouse prevents you from opening the Start menu and shutting down.

Some users even prefer to save time and use all possible hot keys and turn off the power of a computer or laptop using a keyboard shortcut. In such cases, many PC owners have difficulty with how to turn off the computer using the keyboard. There are several ways to shut down a device without a mouse.

How to turn off the computer using the keyboard: using the start menu

The first and easiest way to turn off a laptop or computer using only the keyboard is to use the Start menu options. But how to turn off the computer using the keyboard through the Start menu?

First you need to press It is located in the bottom row of keys and the “Windows” checkbox is drawn on it. After clicking, the standard “Start” window will open. Next, using the Tab key, you will need to switch the focus to the “Shut down” or “Shutdown” line. After pressing the enter button, the user will be presented with several options: "Shutdown", "Restart", "Sleep", and "Hibernate". You can select the one you need using the navigation keys.

Turning off the computer through Win + X

There is a faster and easy way, using the keyboard in a few seconds. You need to activate the keyboard shortcut Win + X. After clicking, a list of actions will open, from which you will need to select "Shut down" or "Log out".

After the focus has been moved to the desired item, you can use the right arrow to call up additional functions, which determine how to shut down the computer.

Turning off the computer: calling the “Shut down” menu

Another way to quickly turn off the computer using the keyboard includes a combination of hot keys.

The user will need to call a special menu "Shutdown". To do this, you need to press the Alt + F4 keys. In the window that appears, use the navigation keys to select the required function: shutdown, reboot or hibernation mode. To start the shutdown process, you only need to press the enter button.

Turn off the computer using the Run window

Among the many ways to turn off the computer using the keyboard, there is one that many users do not know about. This method Shutdown means using the Run window.

In order to open the window, you need to press the key combination Win + R. In the pop-up dialog box, you must enter the following text shutdown /. The rest depends on the user's intentions. If you want to turn off the computer, then the letter s is printed after the special character. If you need to restart your personal computer - r.

The command is activated using the enter button.

Turning off the computer from the keyboard in Windows 8 and 10

IN latest versions Windows operating systems have introduced some interface changes. And thanks to this, another way appeared how to turn off the computer using the keyboard in Windows 8 and 10.

To quickly turn off the computer, the user must press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del. The familiar desktop screen will change to a system window, where you can use the Tab key to set the focus to the shutdown computer icon in the lower right corner.

To turn off the device, just press the enter button and select the desired option.

Mouse emulation

Manage personal computer inconvenient without a mouse. Standard Features keyboards do not provide for a complete replacement of the mouse with the help of keys. However, the additional features of the Windows operating system allow you to almost completely replace computer mouse keyboard. To do this, you need to activate the "Emulate mouse" mode.

To enable emulation mode, you need to press LeftShift+LeftAlt+NumLock. Next, a dialog box will open, in which the user will be reminded that this combination includes a new keyboard mode. To start emulation, you will need to agree to the proposed conditions and click on the “Yes” button.

After activating the mode, you can start working without a mouse. The entire number pad, with the exception of the “0” and “5” buttons, is screen navigation. By pressing these buttons, you can gradually move to the desired areas of the desktop. The number "5" is a click. Her quick double tap is a double click.

Thus, when using “Mouse Emulation”, you can quickly get to the “Start” menu and turn off the computer in the usual way, without using the touchpad or mouse.
