Yandex disk open access to the folder to everyone. Creating a link to download a file from Yandex disk

You can share your Drive folders with friends or colleagues. Once they have access, they will see a copy of the shared folder in their Drive.

Changes you make to the shared folder (such as renaming or adding a file) will be visible to all participants. Information about the changes will also be displayed in their History.

Full access to the folder will allow members to modify your files and upload new ones. This way you can work on the same data together.

Note. You can create 50 public folders and accept an invitation to 50 other users' folders.

  1. Folder access
    1. Access rights
  2. Actions with shared folders
  3. Out of disk space

Folder access

Access rights

By sharing a folder, you can grant a member the following rights:

    View only - permission to view and download files from the shared folder.

    In this case, the participant will not be able to modify or add files either on the service page or using programs or applications. (The Yandex.Disk program does not synchronize changes that a member with limited access made in a shared folder on your computer.)

    Full access - permission to upload new files, modify files (rename, edit, publish) and delete them.

Access to individual files and folders inside a public folder is not configurable. Folder members lose access to a file in a shared folder if its owner or a member with full access deletes the file or moves it to a private folder.

To see who has access to a folder, select the folder and click on the top bar.

In the same window you can:

    change access rights;

    deny access to members (a copy of your folder will be deleted from their Drives).

The new permissions will be automatically applied to the member of the shared folder as soon as they are changed.

Do other people's folders take up space on my Disk?

No, a shared folder only takes up space on its owner's Disk. When you accept the invitation, the service will copy the entire folder to your Drive, but the space occupied by the folder will not be taken into account. Therefore, you can accept an invitation to access a folder of any size, regardless of the size of your Disk.

If your Drive runs out of space, you won't be able to upload files to a shared folder, even if you're not the owner of that folder. In order for uploads to a shared folder to be available, your Drive must have some free space, despite the fact that the files will not take up space.

How to quickly navigate to a shared folder?

The list of folders that you have opened or accessed can be seen on the page. Each shared folder is marked with an icon.

Actions with shared folders

    All members can rename and move the shared folder in their Drive. This does not affect the granted or received access rights.

    Each member can revoke access to a shared folder by deleting a copy of it from their Drive.

    A member with View Only access can view and download files from the shared folder.

    Note. If you want to but cannot change or delete a file from a shared folder, ask its owner full access to the folder.

Evernote and others. Yandex is not far behind in this. Having created a shared folder on your Yandex disk, you can work on the files in it with the whole team. No need to think about how to coordinate work on documents, where to store them, how to synchronize changes. Yandex will take care of this itself.

How to organize collaboration on Yandex disk

What gives the organization joint work? This is the ability to view, edit, rename files by anyone who has the appropriate rights to do so. They are configured by the owner of the Yandex disk folder.

Consider the sequence of actions in order to make a folder shared and start working together on a project.

  1. Select the folder where the shared files will be located.
  2. In the properties pane on the right, click the "Share Folder" button.
  1. A list of your contacts will appear. Specify the users to whom you want to share, set the rights (view only or full access) and click the "Invite" button.

If the required contact is not in the list, enter his e-mail in the field above and, specifying the rights, send an invitation.

Note: in the picture above, the list of contacts has been erased for privacy reasons.

To access the folder, users must have a Yandex!

After you clicked the "Invite" button, a letter will be sent to the specified email address. It will indicate that you have shared your folder. If the user accepts the invitation, a copy of your "open" folder will be created in his Yandex Disk folder.

If the respondent does not have a Yandex account, they will be prompted to create one.

User rights

When you assign permissions to work with a folder, you thereby determine the set of actions that will be available to users.

  • View only. Assumes reading and downloading files from a shared folder. You cannot add or modify files. A person with such a set of rights acts as an observer.
  • Full access. This means that the user is allowed everything: reading, downloading, renaming, modifying, deleting and publishing (distributing a public link) files from the folder.

You must absolutely trust the person to whom you grant full rights. On the other hand, don't worry too much. You can always deny access to all members of your team or just some. If an attacker deletes the files, you can restore them from the trash.

How to change permissions and deny access

When working together on documents stored on Yandex disk, you can change the rights of an arbitrary user at any time or deny him access to files.

For this:

  1. Highlight a folder that is open on general access.
  2. In the properties panel, use the "Configure access" button. Here you can also see the list of e-mail users who have access to the folder.

  1. The list of contacts will open. It will identify those who accepted the offer of joint work and indicate their rights.

  1. Change the set of permissions, if necessary, or deny access to the folder altogether. To do this, select "No access" from the list of rights. If you decide to deny access to all users, use the "Clear access to all" button at the bottom of the window.
    The user who is denied access to the folder will have its copy on his Yandex Disk deleted!

Which folders cannot be shared

Not all folders on Yandex disk can be used for collaboration. This rule applies to:

  • Folders that you don't own.
  • Folders that contain shared folders (that is, public folders).
  • Folders that are inside a public folder.

What operations can be performed with shared folders and possible problems

Let me remind you that each participant in the joint project creates a copy of the shared package in his Yandex storage and any actions with it are limited only to this copy. Wherein:

  • All users can rename and move the shared folder on your Yandex Disk.
  • Any user can opt out of a shared folder and delete it.
  • If the folder owner deletes it, then everyone will lose access To her.

This leads to two possible problems. Let's say you have access to a shared folder and your important files are stored there. You can lose them at any time if the owner closes your access. Therefore, take care of creating backups in your personal folders.

The second difficulty comes down to reducing the space on your Yandex disk, up to its complete exhaustion. After all, you create a copy of the folder with all its contents. In this case, you must stop sharing and delete the shared folder.

There can be several shared folders. You can view their list using the Yandex disk main menu item " Shared Folders».

In the next article, you will learn about the integration of Yandex disk with social networks and other features of the service.

Method 1: At the time of placing the file in the "cloud"

Immediately after, it is possible to generate an address leading to it. To do this, set the slider next to the name of the uploaded file to the position "On". After a few seconds, a link will appear next to it.

It remains to click on it and choose how you would like to apply it: just copy it, send it via social networks or e-mail.

Method 2: If the file is already in the "cloud"

Method 3: Yandex Disk program

The dedicated Windows app also provides the ability to share the contents of the vault. To do this, you should go to the "clouds" folder, open the context menu of the desired file and click "Yandex.Disk: Copy public link".

A tray message will confirm that everything worked out, which means that the received address can be inserted anywhere using the key combination Ctrl+V

Attention! To perform the above actions, synchronization must be enabled in the program.

How to check files shared by other users

A list of such files and folders is available in the section "Links".

How to remove a link

If you want no one else to access the file or folder on your Yandex Disk, then this feature can be disabled. To do this, simply put the slider in position "Off" and confirm the action.

Files that you delete from the Yandex.Disk folder on the server will be moved to shopping cart.

Files moved to the Trash continue to take up space on your Drive. If you don't have enough space, empty the Trash.

To empty the Recycle Bin on Disk, open the Yandex.Disk folder, right-click the Recycle Bin and select the menu item Yandex.Disk: Empty trash.

Shared files and folders

A file selection dialog will open where you can select any file on your computer. If you select a file that has not yet been uploaded to Disk, the program automatically copies the file to the Yandex.Disk root folder, uploads it to the server, and copies the public link to the clipboard.

You can paste a link from the clipboard into an email, ICQ client or any other program. Any person receiving the link and clicking on it will be able to download the file to which public access has been granted.

Similarly, you can grant access to a folder. Select from the menu Sharing - Select a folder and share.

In the window that opens, you need to select a folder, after which the Yandex.Disk web interface will open in which you need to click the Share the folder button

In the window that opens, enter the e-mail of the necessary people and send an invitation. Here you need to select access rights.

Use in the educational process

It is very convenient to use this feature to check coursework and theses. The teacher creates folders according to the names of students and provides these students with full access (each to his own folder). The student, of course, must also have Yandex.Disk installed.

The student writes the work and saves it in a folder with his last name on his computer. When the Internet is connected (and of course it is connected, because the student writes the work, as if by himself), the file is automatically synchronized with the server and with the folder located on the teacher's computer. And this happens every time the file is saved.

The teacher can also open this file, read, underline, check, comment, highlight with a marker, etc. Once saved, the file will be synced again. No need to carry it on a flash drive, send it by e-mail. The file is already in the right place (the main thing is that it should be at the right time).

Thus, the file has at least three copies, and before submitting the work, the student's "excuse" like "...just yesterday the computer broke, the system flew, the viruses overcame" will not work!

Cloud storages have firmly entered our Internet life, and since everything is interconnected with us, these same storages bring benefits for offline, for example, give a book to download or a photo. You already know how Google Drive works, now let's take a look instructions for using Yandex Disk .

Search Yandex Disk. we will be in the same place as the Yandex wallet - on the Yandex Internet portal at

The screenshot shows that the Yandex Disk button is located in three places, choose any, click and the Yandex Disk page will open. To work with Yandex Disk, you need to have mail on Yandex. I already have mail on Yandex, I think that you already created it too when you opened Yandex wallet.

Clicked and received such a picture.

At the top of the Disk menu. In the picture, the Files tab is open. Here you can upload files, create folders, move files from one folder to another, that is, perform all actions with folders and files. that you do on your computer. I think it’s clear how to download a file, after downloading it will go to the Downloads folder, and then you can already distribute it into folders. And for this, you need to create folders and give them a name so that everything is “on the shelves”.

Click on the plus sign next to the word Upload and your new folder will appear on the right. Delete the name and write your own, what you need. The same window shows all the actions that can be done with the folder. Let's look from top to bottom, from left to right, since this is the most important thing to know and be able to do on Yandex Disk. You can immediately open the folder, in fact, we create folders for the most part in order to look into them. Next, download to your computer, delete. By clicking on next button a menu will open from which all possible actions are clear.

Choose what you need and act. For example, if you select the Move button, a window will appear and you will be asked Where to move the folder?

Click on the folder you want to move to and click the Move button.
We go below. The Make folder shared button allows you to make the folder available not only for reading, but also for adding or editing files attached to it. That is, you and someone else are the full owners of this folder, and the folder will be the same for each of you on his Yandex Disk. Click this button and add friends for access.

Write your email address, select the access level - full or read-only and click the Invite button. At the bottom there is a button to invite friends from Facebook, why only from there, it is not clear, probably, as the most advanced. Invited, click Close and move on.

Click on the Off button and get a full link.

We will analyze the following tabs a little later, but for now I’ll tell you that I forgot something, namely that Yandex Disk is already loaded on my computer, and you have to do it.

Let's go back to the beginning. You have entered your mail and entered the Yandex Disk page. The first thing they show you.

Yes, you will be offered to download the Disk to your computer, I advise you to do this, then the files located on the Disk will be available to you without an Internet connection. You download the Disk, the picture shows where you can then look for it. I'll show you where the Disk is located on my computer.

Pay attention to the Disk icon on the Taskbar. You can open the Yandex Disk folder directly from there and not only open it, but perform all the necessary actions with Yandex Disk.

And the Yandex Disk folder itself looks like an ordinary folder on a computer.

So, you can upload files to Yandex Disk directly to the Disk folder on your computer, and then turn on synchronization and the contents of Disk on your computer and on the Internet will become the same. And then you'll take care of the access levels of your folders.

Let's continue studying the Yandex Disk menu. Camera tab. Look at the picture, everything is clear, there is nothing to add. Although I will add. Yandex Disk is available on any device - computer, tablet, phone. The disk loads photos automatically: from the phone whenever there is Internet, and from the camera every time you connect to a computer.

Let's see how it works on the example of Odnoklassniki. I press the Odnoklassniki button. A window appears asking you to allow access.

I allow the next step.

The following menu tabs Shared folders and Links duplicate the actions that we have already covered in the folder actions. Or rather, they do not duplicate, but only those folders that are common and only those files and folders to which you give links are collected inside these tabs.

The next tab is the Cart. Don't forget to clean! That's all, use Yandex Disk with benefit and pleasure, and see you on the pages of Computer ABC pro100.

I forgot to tell you that when you download Yandex Disk, a very convenient application will be installed on your computer - Screenshots in Yandex Disk, and we'll talk about this next time.

Yandex disk who sees my files, local disks:Yandex Disk. Installation, features, application

Novice Internet users may be interested in what Yandex Disk is. Let me explain right away - this is cloud storage, disk space that is provided to any user with Internet access.

What is Yandex.Disk for?

It helps to store files that are rarely used on personal computer(archives, program images, photographs).

Note! The amount of allocated disk space is usually 10 gigabytes.

Using Yandex Disk often saves valuable data that has been previously duplicated on a computer and in cloud storage.

For example, if the operating system does not start as a result of a failure or a broken HDD, the owner of the files can log into his Yandex account and download them to a new device. This forethought saves a lot of time and money.

It remains only to learn how to use Yandex Disk - in order to be able to personally experience all the benefits of the project.

Registering a mailbox

Unfortunately, the creators of the service did not provide for the possibility of using Yandex Disk without mail. Therefore, you must first register a personal box:

Open the site and follow the link "", located in the corner of the page.

Enter your first and last name. You can use an invented pseudonym or real personal data, there is no difference.

The screen will welcome the new user and notify you that you have been given 10 gigabytes of disk space in perpetuity. It can be freely used to save files of various formats.

If the allocated 10GB is not enough for you, there is an opportunity to purchase additional gigabytes of disk space for money.

How to use Yandex Disk for the first time?

When you log in to Yandex.Disk for the first time, we are prompted to download an application for a computer (“Download Disk for Windows”). I think you should not rush to install the application. To begin with, it is better to evaluate all the advantages of the online version. Therefore, we say "thank you" and close the window with the invitation.

Next, go to the main tab "Files". There you can upload or download data, as well as create new directories. To add your first file to the cloud storage, just click on the appropriate button and select it on your computer.

The process of completing the task depends on the size of the file and the connection speed provided by the provider. When the operation is completed, a new item will appear in the main or pre-selected folder.

After that, the received address must be copied to the clipboard and sent to any user. Anyone can download information via a direct link - even if he does not understand what Yandex cloud storage is and how to use it.

Program for Yandex Disk

You can use the storage service not only through the web interface, but also through the official program on your computer. But it is better to do this when you master the online version of the disc.

The Yandex.Disk application is optimized for working with files. While a regular browser often makes mistakes when loading large amounts of information and even automatically closes in the middle of the process.

You can download the application on the site and install it on a PC for free. Our guide will help you with this:

Go to Yandex Disk and select your operating system from the list provided.

Download the installation image to your hard drive and run it by clicking on it.

Accept the license agreement, wait for the installation, and the program will appear in the registry of your computer.

In the window that opens, enter your email address and password to gain access to your personal file storage.

After that, the main directory with a list of files, as well as folders and partitions, will be displayed. To load new information, be it an archive, video or image, just drag it with the mouse into the program window and wait for the task to start.

In general, working with storage elements is completely similar to the web interface, except for the increased speed of data processing and high convenience.

feature installed by Yandex The drive on the computer is the integration into the operating system. After installation, the user will see that in the "My Computer" folder appeared new disk. It is on it that the files uploaded to the cloud will be duplicated - for greater security.

If desired, Yandex Disk for Windows can be configured in detail, managing synchronization, the amount of allocated space, and other important aspects. This makes the application flexible, functional and very user friendly.

To configure Yandex.Disk, find the icon in the lower right corner of your computer screen. Click on it to go to the disk settings.

Next, going into the settings, we can designate the folders that will be automatically synchronized. That is, their contents will be automatically duplicated in the Yandex disk cloud. To do this, go to the "synchronization" tab of the disk settings and uncheck the folders that do not need to be synchronized.

Thus, you have learned how to install and use Yandex Disk. This cloud storage will help free up your computer's memory and secure your valuable files - while you only need to pay money if you want to increase the size of the allocated space. And even a novice computer user can master the cloud. You just need to follow these instructions and have a desire to learn how to work with the service.

What happens if I move the Yandex.Disk folder?

If you move the Yandex.Disk folder without specifying a new location in the program settings, the program will recreate the folder in its original location. To move your copy of Drive, click the Drive icon, select Settings from the menu, and enter a new folder path: the program will automatically transfer files to the new location.

Can I not keep Drive files on my computer?

What happens if I delete files from the Yandex.Disk folder?

The program will consider that you no longer need the files, and when synchronizing, it will move them to the Trash. These files are stored in the Recycle Bin for 30 days, after which they are automatically deleted from the server. Files deleted from the server cannot be restored. You can restore files from the Recycle Bin only in the Yandex.Disk web interface.

Attention. Files moved to the Trash continue to take up space on your Drive. If you don't have enough space, empty the Trash.

If you only want to delete the local copy of the files, disconnect your computer from Drive:

  1. Click the Yandex.Disk icon.
  2. Go to the Account tab.
  3. Click the button Disconnect computer from Drive.

Also in the settings of programs for Windows and for Mac OS X, you can turn off the synchronization of individual folders to save space on your computer.

Can I restrict access to the Yandex.Disk folder?

If you want to close a folder, for example, from other users of your computer, you can restrict access to it using standard Windows tools. However, keep in mind that restricting access may interfere with the operation of the program.

What happens if I uninstall the program or reinstall the operating system?

Drive files may remain on your computer but will not sync. To automatically synchronize files with the server, install the program and log in.

How to choose another folder for synchronization with the server?

  1. Go to the General tab.
  2. Specify a different folder for synchronization with the server.

How can I find out how much free disk space is left?

  1. Select Settings from the menu.
  2. Go to the Account tab. The tab displays information about free, used, and available disk space.

How to configure the program to work through a proxy server?

  1. Click the Drive icon in the notification area.
  2. Select Settings from the menu.
  3. Go to the Proxy tab.
  4. Select an item.

Yandex.Disk forWindows- cloud file storage. The information is stored on Yandex servers. You and users with authorized access have access to view. The Service stores information with a volume of up to 20 GB. Information will not take up space on a physical medium, and you can access it by connecting to the Internet. The article describes how to install, configure the service and work with it.

How to install the program?

Two use cases for data storage:

  • Install the program;
  • Use the online service in a browser.

Yandex.Disk in a browser

All functions of Yandex.Disk

  • Data storage, creation, sending:
  • In the figure under the number 1, the ability to create and edit documents;
  • In the left column of the menu, all sections by category: Photos, Albums, Folders, Links, History. The section under the number 2 on the screenshot;
  • Item "I.Pictures" is a search for images on the Internet;
  • Photos from social networks allow you to synchronize your Yandex account with personal pages on Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and Instagram;
  • In the center of the page there is a field "Upload files" (number 3). To upload to the service, the document is dragged into the frame. A window will open with folders on your computer. Select files and click "OK";
  • Under the four is a field for viewing all recent documents;
  • If you are using the Google Chrome browser, install an extension that helps you keep track of all changes. In the figure, this button is marked “5”;

By default, only 16 GB of free space is available on the cloud. The volume is expanded by the “Buy more” item (number 6 in the figure).

Section 1 contains all account statistics. Under the deuce - the ability to expand the intradisk space by 10, 100 and 1000 GB. Attention! This service paid. The cost for one month is 30, 80 and 200 rubles for each extension, respectively. It is possible to buy an annual subscription for 300, 800 and 2000 rubles. The second option is much more profitable than the first. Payment is made by bank card or Yandex.Money wallet. Bonus incentives are available for users. For inviting friends, the user receives up to 10 GB extra bed(for each person 512 MB).

Principle of operation

You uploaded any document to the site. Now let's figure out what actions can be performed with it. Let's look at the picture:

Do not want to use the service in the browser? Download the program to your computer:

  • On the screenshot, select the item "Download Disc for Windows";

The figure shows the appearance of the software after installation in Windows. Cloud folders and partitions look like a regular operating system folder. This increases the practicality and usability of the service. The program icon is located in the Start menu bar. Clicking on it will open context menu:

    • Under the number 1 is a gear that calls the settings menu. You can use the functions described for the online version in the browser;
    • The "Take a screenshot" function has been added to the stationary version;
    • Number 3 indicates the following possibilities. The folder icon opens the directory with all the documents on the computer. The browser icon opens the site and takes you to the online version. Synchronization between the program and the site. Each time the cloud is updated, the program will be synchronized with it. That is, both utilities are exactly mirrored, which excludes their configuration separately.

Installation is possible on all versions of Windows from XP Service Pack 3 and newer. There are no restrictions on the technical characteristics of the PC. Download the utility only from the official site, so as not to catch a virus and install malware.

How to set up Yandex.Disk?

Let's go to the program settings through the gear and see the sections:

  • Basic. Set startup options at startup and display news;
  • Account - shows the free and used space on the virtual disk;
  • Synchronization. Disabling site and computer synchronization;
  • Screenshots. Buttons for creating screenshots and editing are configured. Conveniently, all screenshots are immediately uploaded to the cloud drive. A folder is also set in which the made pictures are automatically saved;
  • Section Extras. Here you can configure Yandex Disk to automatically update the version, set a limit on the allocation of Internet connection speed and return the settings to factory settings.

The cloud is convenient for people who work on the road, constantly move, and so on. One Yandex account is enough to gain access to personal data. An account is created for a cloud drive, email and other services from Yandex.

Installation on other devices

For full synchronization and free access to the cloud on any device, install the application for smartphones and tablets. To download, go to the Play Market or the App Store.

Good day! You know that somewhere around 12 million people have already forgotten about flash drives and are using what is now in trend and convenient, namely, I'm talking about cloud data storage. Until now, it was believed that flash drives are the future, but this is far from the case, it will soon become the past because many factors such as the loss of a flash drive, fell into the water or trampled naked and other factors influenced the appearance of cloud data storages like . And so for those who have not yet understood what it is, I explain, this is a virtual flash drive on Yandex, where you can store files up to 20 GB for free. In this case, you can download your files to any computer that is connected to the Internet. I think you understand what this means? You will always have access to your files, no matter where you are in America or Italy, they are not threatened by rain, snow, hurricane or other cataclysms. The only condition you need is access to the Internet.

How to install Yandex.Disk?

First you need to register on Yandex, I think it's nothing complicated and you'll figure it out yourself. And if you have an account, then registration is not needed, just go in and continue the installation.

They give you 3 GB just like that. Now, to get another 6 GB for free, you need to go through three simple steps:

  1. Install Yandex.Disk - give another 3 GB
  2. Upload several files to the Yandex.Disk folder - give another 2 GB
  3. Tell a friend - get another 2 GB

You get a total of 10 GB just like that. I think you are asking yourself the question: What else can you do to get at least another 5 GB? You will need to post it on social networks and your friends should follow it and simply create an account in Yandex.Disk. Thus, you will receive 500 MB for each friend, and they will give 1 GB to a friend, that is, you get another 10 GB. Of course, this is not the limit for those who do not have enough 20 GB.

For 30 rubles a month you are given 10 GB, for 150 rubles 100 GB, and if this is not enough for you, then for 900 rubles you will get 1 TB. And if you buy with a code, they give you another 2 months for free. You can pay Yandex Money or Bank card. For details read this one.

After you have installed the program on your computer, the Yanex Disk folder will appear on the desktop.

  • And you can also find it in the tray, that is, in the notification area;
  • In the start menu;
  • Or find it in the Computer folder;

By clicking on the Disk icon in the tray you can:

  • Open disk folder;
  • Go on the website
  • Increase the volume of the Disk;
  • See how much free space;
  • Enable or disable synchronization, as well as view its status;
  • Change settings.

Status indicator on Yandex.Disk

The Yandex.Disk folder is synchronized and all files are saved in it. Files are also saved with this icon.

The files are still syncing or uploading.

You can turn on file sharing simply by changing the button from off to on, and if you don’t want to give access anymore, just turn it off and even if friends have a link, after turning it off they will not have access to your folders.

Managing files on Yandex.Disk.

In fact, this folder is no different from the rest of your folders on your computer, the only difference is that it is connected to Yandex. Everything that you put in this folder at home, after the icon appears that the file is saved, you are already at work when you go, if it is already there or install the Disk with the same username and password, after synchronization it will have the same folders with the same name that you put it at home and you do not need to carry a USB flash drive with you.

Of course, you can still show photos and videos to friends only by sending them a link to the folder and they will watch directly from the public folder, or if they want, they will simply save what they need in one file or download it in one archive.

To offload computer disk space and organize files, most users resort to cloud storage on the Internet. There are a lot of such sites, almost every email has them, however, the Yandex.Disk service has several advantages: you can use it both virtually and on your computer, while choosing which folders you want to synchronize and which you don’t . That is, you can store your music on a virtual disk, and save photos and documents both there and on your computer. Each folder and album on the Yandex.Disk service has such functions. Apart from convenient program for a computer, you will discover a mobile application that also synchronizes with a single cloud. Learn more about how you can use this site.

Registration and installation of Yandex.Disk

Since the storage implies the use both on the site and on your PC, you will first have to register and then install the application on your computer. Of course, this is not at all necessary, but this way you will discover new opportunities for yourself.

Fill out the form with the following information:

  • In the first two lines, indicate the first and last name, they do not have to be real at all.
  • On the third line, write down the invented login, which is not occupied by anyone.
  • Further, the same password is indicated in the next two lines to eliminate the possibility of a typo.
  • You can choose not to enter your mobile number by clicking on the "I don't have a phone" link above the yellow button. Then the system will prompt you to come up with a question and answer in case you lose access to your account.

Now click "Register".

  • So you entered your Yandex.Disk
  • First of all, you will see a message asking you to download the application to your computer. Agree and click on the appropriate button on the screen.

  • Downloading and installing the software will be fast enough, you will need a standard procedure: specify the installation directory and agree to the license agreement. However, at the very end, a somewhat unexpected offer may await you: note that the checkbox next to the phrase "Set search settings and make Yandex home page" is already set. If you do not want to make Yandex your search engine and home page, uncheck this box.

  • That's all. You just need to specify a folder for storing synchronized files, or skip this item and use the standard folder.

How to use Yandex.Disk on the site

By entering your drive on the site, you will find yourself by default in a folder with all your files. Pay attention to the interface: all your sections and subsections with folders are located in the left menu, and there is a notification and settings icon on the top right.

  • First, you should understand the main function - uploading files. Click on the yellow "Download" button.

  • Now you can select any folder or file on your computer and upload it to disk.

  • You can freely move files around folders on the disk, as well as create new documents and sections by clicking on the "Create" field.

  • Some Microsoft Office applications and the creation of albums and sections are available here. This is very handy for maintaining neat sorting.

  • In addition, on the right, you can set up notifications so that the site does not bother you again.

How to use Yandex.Disk on a computer

  • The "Yandex.Disk" icon will always be in your tray from the bottom right. To open it, right-click on the icon.
  • There is a folder on your computer that exactly copies what is in the cloud on the site. You can set up synchronization yourself later.

  • If you click on the gear, you will see a menu in which there is the main item "Settings".

  • It is very important to customize this window for yourself: folders are set here that should be synchronized on all devices, the behavior of the program.

  • Taking screenshots is a nice bonus. You can take a screenshot by clicking the appropriate button in the Yandex.Disk menu or by holding PrnScn on your keyboard.

I recently wrote about a new service from Yandex, a 10-gigabyte cloud service.

He talked about it and that so far access to the repository is by invitation. Showed me how to apply for a free 10 GB to store my files online. Yandex's response letter said that applications are being considered within a few weeks.

But today I already received a response with an invitation. It's only been three days. Either I began to use Yandex, or they don’t have enough guinea pigs there - I don’t know ...

The letter from Yandex.Disk Captain looks something like this.

"Yandex.Disk invites you on board


Access to Yandex.Disk is open to you.

To activate the invitation and start using the service, click on the "Start Disk" button, and then log in or log in to Yandex.

After activating the Disk, you can always use the following link to enter:

Yandex.Disk Team"

On the right in the letter there is a little blue button "Start the disk", which I did.

The Yandex page opened, at the top of which there are tabs: Letters, Contacts, and so on. And a new tab "Files" appeared - this is the Yandex.Disk management section.

3 GB is immediately available, but it is suggested: "Follow 3 easy steps and get 10 GB of free space." To increase the disk quota, you need to install Yandex.Disk for your operating system(I wonder how you can use the original 3 GB without it, a mystery ...) + 3 GB, download "a couple of files using the program" + 2 GB, tell a friend + 2 GB.

Downloaded the Yandex.Disk installer(about 750 kb, I don't know how much the program itself weighs).

After clicking on the "Finish" button, we begin to get acquainted with an overview of the Yandex.Disk service.

"Yandex.Disk is a folder that will help connect your devices." People familiar with cloud file storages, such as Dropbox, have already understood everything.

“She works simply. You save files in the Disk folder on one device and receive them on another.

Now your files are not tied to one computer or phone. You can start working with documents in the office, and continue on the way home - from the same place where you finished ... ”(the long-run-in ones do an excellent job with this).

We continue our acquaintance with Yandex.Disk:

“Click on the Yandex.Disk icon in the tray and select “Open Yandex.Disk folder”.

Yandex.Disk is also available in the File Explorer navigation bar and in the Start menu.

“Move any file to the Yandex.Disk folder. While the file is being copied, a blue light will be lit next to the icon.

As soon as a green signal lights up next to the Drive icon, indicating the completion of copying, you will be able to access the file from any computer connected to the Internet. To do this, you just need to go to the Disk tab and Yandex.Mail.

And finally, “if you still have questions, open the “Welcome” file, it is waiting for you in the “Yandex.Disk” folder.

On this, I closed the presentation of the cloud file storage service from Yandex and pressed the "Login" button.

A message appeared in the tray: “Yandex.Disk. Connection established...".

And the computer got a new disk - "Yandex.Disk" with the first two folders (for some reason in English) "Documents" and "Music" and a readme file, which earlier, if you remember, Yandex called "Welcome".

In general, I opened it and read another version of the instructions for using Yandex.Disk. Those who are familiar with such services will not be interested in reading.

Welcome to Yandex.Disk

We are glad to welcome you aboard Yandex.Disk! This file will help you get to know the service and find out what to expect during your flight.

Yandex.Disk is a free service for storing and working with your files on any device connected to the Internet.

Use the Disk when it suits you:

1. Install the program for Windows or Mac OS X and upload files by simply transferring them to the Yandex.Disk folder.

2. Send files from Drive to friends and colleagues using the Yandex.Mail app for iOS and Android.

3. Work with documents anywhere in the world: all your files are available on the Yandex.Mail website in the "Files" tab.

Where is Yandex.Disk located on a computer

Once Drive is installed on your computer, you can start it.

On Windows:

1. From the tray (notification area).

2. From the Start menu.

3. By opening Computer or File Explorer. You will find Yandex.Disk in the "Favorites" section.

To make Yandex Disk always at hand, move the Disk icon from the pop-up window to the tray (notification area): Yandex.Disk is located in the menu bar, the Applications folder, or the Favorites section in the Finder.

On Mac OS X:

By clicking on the Disk icon in the tray (Windows) or menu bar (Mac) you can:

Quickly open the Yandex.Disk folder or the Yandex.Disk web interface;

See which files have been synced or changed recently;

View the status of Disk synchronization and the time remaining until its completion;

Change Yandex.Disk settings.

The Yandex.Disk icon has a status indicator. You will also see it next to the files stored in Disk:

All files are saved and synchronized.

Files are being uploaded or synced.

How to manage files using Drive

The Yandex.Disk folder on your computer is the same as all other folders, only it is connected to the service. Everything that you transfer to this folder will be automatically saved on Disk and will be available from other computers and phones on which Yandex.Disk is installed, as well as on the Yandex.Mail website in the "Files" tab.

For example, if you install Yandex.Disk on a work computer, the Yandex.Disk folder will appear on it, where you will find all the files that you transferred to the same folder at home. You will find the same files on the Yandex.Mail website in the "Files" tab.

To make files available when your computer is not at hand, install the Yandex.Mail application on your phone - versions with Yandex.Disk are available for devices on iOS platforms and Android.

With the help of Yandex.Disk, you can easily find any sent or received mail attachment. Search for attachments by document type or sender address in the Mail section of the Yandex.Disk web interface.

If you don't use Yandex.Mail yet, set up the collection of emails from your mailbox for the Yandex account to which Yandex.Disk is connected.

Answers to basic questions

How much does it cost to use Yandex.Disk?

Not at all. Yandex.Disk - free service.

How much space is on my Drive?

Initially, 3 GB is available to you. The volume can be immediately increased up to 10 GB.

Where are the files stored?

All files that you move or copy to the Yandex.Disk folder are uploaded to Yandex servers. Copies of the files are also stored on your computer. Thus, the Yandex.Disk folder on your computer is a point for synchronizing files with the server.

How long are files stored on the service?

Until you remove them. The storage period of files is not limited.

Is it safe to store my files on Yandex.Disk?

Absolutely safe. Your Disk is protected by the most modern technologies, and information is transferred using a secure encrypted protocol. All files stored on the Yandex.Disk service are scanned by the Dr.Web anti-virus program. Moreover, store data on Yandex.Disk securely - no matter what happens to your computer or phone, the data on your Disk will be completely safe.

That's it...

Good size for file storage. Let's see how practical and functional it is.

Method 1: At the time of placing the file in the "cloud"

Immediately after uploading a file to Yandex Disk, it is possible to generate an address leading to it. To do this, set the slider next to the name of the uploaded file to the position "On". After a few seconds, a link will appear next to it.

It remains to click on it and choose how you would like to apply it: just copy, send via social media or email.

Method 2: If the file is already in the "cloud"

Method 3: Yandex Disk program

IN special application Windows also provides the ability to share the contents of the vault. To do this, you should go to the "clouds" folder, open the context menu of the desired file and click "Yandex.Disk: Copy public link".

A tray message will confirm that everything worked out, which means that the received address can be inserted anywhere using the key combination Ctrl+V

Attention! To perform the above actions, synchronization must be enabled in the program.

How to check files shared by other users

A list of such files and folders is available in the section "Links".

How to remove a link

If you want no one else to access the file or folder on your Yandex Disk, then this feature can be disabled. To do this, simply put the slider in position "Off" and confirm the action.
