What to write to unlock xiaomi bootloader. How to check if Xiaomi bootloader is unlocked? Refusal to unlock request

Many are interested in the question of how to unlock the Xiaomi bootloader, why it is needed and what benefits the user receives. After all, the procedure is quite complicated and multifaceted. Let's try to figure out what the unlocked bootloader will give, read the instructions, tips, tips and try to avoid possible problems.

ATTENTION! Important information about the bootloader. AT this moment The approval process has been simplified. You do not need to fill out an application.

Download the program, link the Mi account with the phone in the settings (developer - bootloader status) and wait 360/720 hours.Go to "Unlock via Mi Flash Unlock"!

Why unlock bootloader

Below we will talk about at least 3 reasons why to unlock the bootloader on Xiaomi smartphones. But the most important reason is in your hands Chinese phone with MIUI China ROM.

Custom and localized firmware

The first and main plus is the ability to install custom(unofficial) and localized(official, but with modifications specifically for your region) MIUI firmware. Some Xiaomi models accept third-party software, but in most cases, a blocked Bootloader will not allow this. Now, in turn, consider what custom firmware gives:

  • Richer functionality and advanced options that allow you to fundamentally control the entire operation of the smartphone;
  • Installed root rights. Very often, unofficial firmware already has a "Superuser" mode in it.
  • Advanced and sensitive GPS navigator. The location is determined several times faster than on the standard version.
  • A well-optimized operating system kernel that either improves phone performance or extends battery life.

Modified Recovery (TWRP)

By unlocking the bootloader, you can easily or CWM-recovery, which is necessary not only for obtaining root rights, but also for other important operations on your smartphone. Let's take a closer look:

  • Gives access to installing new firmware;
  • Allows you to carry out easily and quickly, keeping and leaving absolutely all data intact;
  • Many small new options, changes and improvements to existing functions;
  • Permission to install batch zip archives;
  • Improved touch interface.

Root rights

First we need to download special program Mi Flash Unlock(we go to the branch of our model on the w3bsit3-dns.com forum, download from the link in the topic header, if you don’t find it, write in the comments, we will reset the link for you). To avoid getting a virus on the device, it is best to download the application from the Xiaomi official website. You can choose the version of the utility yourself, but, of course, the latest update will be the most high-quality and effective (you can download a localized version of the program on w3bsit3-dns.com, that is, in Russian).

It is advisable to put the folder with the program in the root of drive C, for example: C:\MiFlashUnlock.

Step 1Launch Mi Flash

Now open the program Mi Flash on behalf of the administrator, see White screen with text on Chinese(if the localized version is like mine, then in Russian), where the disclaimer rules are indicated. We agree and click on the appropriate button.

Step 2: Login to Mi Account

We get to a new window that requires you to log into your Mi account. Enter password and ID as they did in other situations. That is, while there is nothing new, unusual and complex. We carefully check the specified data and the keyboard layout, since it is at this stage that many users have problems with the appearance of such a notification: “You entered the password and / or login incorrectly.” Click "Login".

Step 3: Connect Phone to PC

After we return to the smartphone itself. Turn it off and change it to pressing the power and volume down buttons at the same time. With a USB cable .

Step 4: Unlock Process

The final final stage: the application begins to detect the smartphone and perform a lot of small necessary operations without our intervention. Waiting for a few minutes in my case 25 seconds), and if everything is done correctly - we receive a notification of successful unlocking - three green dots. Ready!

Bootloader unlock failed: try again in 72 hours

ATTENTION! In 99% of cases, you will not be able to unlock your smartphone, as you still need to pass additional verification.

If you receive a message like: Binding time is too short, Less than 72 hours" or " After 360 hours of trying to unlock the device", know - this is an additional check of your account! That is, you must wait 3 days before repeating the procedure again. You won’t be able to bypass the timer, be patient a little, I went through this and you will pass!

Important! At the time of this writing, Xiaomi decided to increase the additional check for such models as: Mi5X, Redmi Note 5A, Redmi 5A Redmi 5/5plus, Mi Max. They received unreal timer at 360 hours.

After you waited 72/360 hours, repeated the above procedure - did you get 3 green dots? Fine! The bootloader is unlocked. Now proceed to the installation of advanced recovery, that is, TWRP, about this in a separate article, in the category "Firmware".

Unofficial way to unlock (does not work)

The official way is the above option, but if for some reason you cannot wait until the application is considered and approved, or you need to unlock several devices at once, you should resort to little tricks. The chance of successful completion of this operation is 50 to 50%+ possible failures and incorrect operation of the operating system. Still want to take the risk? Then let's get started.

  1. Go to "Settings", go down to the very bottom and click "About phone". Now several times click on the section about the version of MIUI. As you already understood, this is necessary in order to enable developer mode. If it is already active for you, we skip this item.
  2. Now again we return to the root menu of "Settings" - "Advanced", "For Developers".
  3. We see the item "Status of Mi Unlock". A new tab opens, where we click "Add account or device".
  4. Next, download the utility called "Mi Unlock", open it and unlock Bootloader with one click. If everything went well, in the status we see that the bootloader is unlocked.

Bugs and issues

Most often, problems appear due to the server itself, in most cases the user is not at fault. But, nevertheless, you need to know how to deal with them. Here is a list of violations and how to fix them:

  • The most common complaint is stop unprotection by 50%. It reaches exactly half and hangs. Unfortunately, these are site glitches, nothing can be done manually here. It remains only to periodically repeat the attempt. Everything should go well for about 2-3 times.
  • Is not comingSMSon the specified number before submitting an application. The fact is that all security codes are officially sent from China and periodically end for Russian numbers. You need to either turn on the VPN with the Chinese location, or try using a different phone number.
  • Green button disabled. Yes, this is a common problem during the application process. It is solved either by simply reloading the browser, or by allowing the browser to display pop-up windows. Sometimes disabling the ad blocker helps.
  • Can't log in to myMi-account. This is what we talked about above, and it's just carelessness that is to blame. Check which keyboard language is enabled, whether you entered the password correctly and do not confuse the account ID number with the phone number.

    Is a SIM card required?

    No, unlocking can be carried out without it, it does not matter.

    As you can see, if you try, you can quickly and comfortably unlock the bootloader. The main thing is to follow the instructions and be very attentive to the whole process. Good luck!

The article provides instructions for officially unlocking the bootloader on the example of a phone Xiaomi Redmi 4A.

First of all, to see if your device is locked, since the phone may already be unlocked and the steps below are not required. Go to the settings in the menu for developers, open the item "Status loader" and look.

If the bootloader is locked, you cannot install custom firmware or root the device. Follow the steps below to unlock.

Go to the Bootloader Unlock Request page to apply. Create an account and login to the site.

The site may ask you to come up with and enter a nickname for the forum.

Next, a form will appear where you need to specify your name, strange code, phone number, reason for unlocking the phone, enter captcha, agree and accept the terms of the warning. The data must be filled in English language if you do not have the necessary knowledge, use Google Translate. Do not try to copy the reasons that are available on the Internet, the copied reasons will most likely not lead to a successful unlock. Be professional. As an example, we have written (in English) that we want to access system files, to ( Xiaomi users Redmi 4A and not only are familiar with this problem).

After pressing the "Apply Now" button, an SMS will be sent to the phone with a code that you need to enter on the next page and press the green "Next" button.

In our case, we did not receive SMS, and on the 5th day we went back to the unlock page under our account and instead of the request form, we saw a large "Download Mi Unlock" button for downloading the unlock utility.

Download, unzip and run the unlock program. Agree with the warning by clicking the "Agree" button and sign in to your account.

Sign in to your Mi account in your phone settings. If you registered using email and not phone, click on "Other login methods".

In the menu for developers, activate the item "Factory unlock".

Turn off the phone, then turn it on in "fastboot" mode: hold down the volume down key and the power key, the phone will turn on and a hare will appear poking around in the android.

Connect your phone to your computer with a USB cable. The program should automatically detect the device, if this does not happen, install the appropriate drivers. Click on the "Unlock" button and in the pop-up warning, confirm the action by clicking on the "Unlock Anyway" button.

If all 3 green checkmarks light up, the unlock has been successfully completed.

Click on the "Reboot phone" button to reboot your device. Visit the developer menu again to make sure your device is unlocked.

Unlock errors and their solution

Current account is not bound to this device

Disconnect the USB cable, restart the phone while holding the power button, wait for the system to boot, android settings make sure you are logged into your MIUI account (see above) and have granted all permissions. Reboot to fastboot and try unlocking your device again.

Couldn't unlock

Unlock is blocked for 3 days (72 hours). Check if the "Factory Unlock" option is enabled (see above) and try again in 3 days.

If all else fails, and try again to unlock.

We recommend using only latest version"Mi Unlock" program downloaded from the official site, since this software is updated very quickly and those versions that are available on the forums may not work with a high probability.

Since the products of the manufacturer Xiaomi are officially supplied to a limited number of countries, and sometimes not all models distributed in the Chinese market arrive there, users are ready to get these devices in all sorts of, not always legal ways, often trying to save money. This leads to the fact that they have to deal with fakes, unofficial operating system, viruses. For this reason, Xiaomi has officially announced its decision to block the Bootloader (bootloader).

In addition to the above, such blocking is also due to the protection of users' personal information in case of loss or theft of smartphones. In practice, attackers who specialize in such thefts can easily access the gadget's data, but if the bootloader is locked, this will significantly complicate its task due to linking the smartphone to the Mi account.

The blocked bootloader does not affect the official Chinese update, but ROOT will become inaccessible. To enable it, the user will need to unlock the bootloader. In addition, Recovery and Mi Flash updates are no longer available.

Today, to unlock device bootloaders, there are official instruction. To begin with, the user needs to obtain permission for this procedure, which is achieved by the following actions:

  • Login to the official website of the company in your personal account at the link http://en.miui.com/unlock/;
  • An inscription on the blue field “Unlock your mi device” should appear on the screen, immediately below which there is a single “Unlock now” button that you need to press;
  • After pressing the button, you go to the authorization page or to the MiFlashUnlock application download page if the user has previously received unlock access or has a high rank on the Gold Member forum;
  • If there is no access yet, fill in the authorization fields - all fields, including the name, are filled in English;
  • In the request field, you can use the standard phrase: "I want to install ROM from MIUI Russia fan site";
  • Put a tick in the box with consent to the terms and click on the "Apply now" button.

This is a standard workflow at the first stage, at which it is important to follow the sequence of actions, carefully and correctly fill in all the fields without exception, so that at the initial level you will not be denied.

Give gifts

Following Instructions

Further, after authorization, a page will open where the user must manually enter the identity verification code that came to him on his mobile number, indicated by him. After entering the code, the request will be officially accepted for consideration.

Checking the sent request for MIUI and unlock, in particular, is checked within two to ten days. If the request is approved, it will be notified by SMS to the same number that was originally indicated. However, you can check the request processing status yourself on Mi unlock status by clicking on the link http://www.miui.com/unlock/apply.php.

After officially obtaining permission to unlock Bootloader, the task is not solved automatically, it only allows the user to proceed to the next step, where he needs to:

  • Download latest update MIUI firmware on recovery;
  • Download the downloaded to your smartphone and open the unlock program (Updater);
  • Press the Menu section and select the firmware file.

It is important to keep in mind that after the update, all data from the smartphone will be deleted, for this reason, do not forget about the backup. But even at this stage, the device is still with an unlocked bootloader.

Final steps

After new firmware installed, you need to re-authorize on the same unlock mi device using the link that was indicated at the beginning. After logging into your account, you need to download the Mi Flash Unlock application in apk format. from the official site.

Current download options:

  1. Mi Flash Unlock EN miui unlock - English version.
  2. Mi Flash Unlock RU - version in Russian.
  3. There are options for the EU, but on the territory of the Russian Federation this is irrelevant.

After that, you need to turn on your smartphone, hold down the volume down and power buttons at the same time and hold until it turns on fastboot mode. Next, the device must be connected via USB cable to the computer, the application is launched on unlock (one of the two above), we get acquainted with the conditions and click on the "Accept" button.

Immediately after this, a special window will appear on the screen for manually entering data on an existing Mi account - at this stage it is important to know its ID and your password. After authorization, permission will be checked and, if there is an approving status and an inscription about connecting the device, click on the green “Unblock” button.

Unlock duration ˗ about ten seconds. After completion, you can update the smartphone firmware from the official or other site. And, what else should be remembered, within one month you can use the right to unlock only once.


When unlocking the bootloader on their device, many, for carelessness or other reasons, make mistakes, as a result of which it is not possible to obtain the desired permission. You can solve the most common ones as follows:

The percentage of refusals to obtain permission to unlock the bootloader is not so high, but due to your own inattention, you can mess with this procedure for a very, very long time.

Xiaomi smartphones for flashing localized software, but in that article a specific Redmi Note 3 device was considered. Today we will talk about all Xiaomi devices.

The procedure for unlocking the bootloader is not at all complicated, but there are a few nuances that you need to know to get the unlock code. I applied three times to unlock the bootloader, and only the third attempt was successful, and then after a certain feint, but more on that later. We will act in order.

Applying for a bootloader unlock

The whole procedure for unlocking the bootloader can be divided into two stages: the competent execution of the application on the Xiaomi website and the unlocking of the bootloader itself. Previously, you had to apply in Chinese, but a web page in English has recently appeared. Open the link and click on the Unlock Now button.

Enter the details of the MI account to which your Xiaomi smartphone and click on the orange button. If you do not have a Mi account yet, you can register by clicking on the lower left hieroglyphs.

On the new page In the first line, enter your name in English. In the second line, select the country of residence. In the third line, enter the phone number without +7. In the fourth text box, paste the following text:


What is translated into Russian means: To install a localized version of the firmware. Put a tick in the bottom line and click on the green button.

A message will be sent to the number you specified, where the pin code will be indicated, which must be entered on a new page. After entering, click on the green button.

If you did everything right, a congratulations page will appear.

The waiting time for permission to unlock the bootloader is approximately 1 to 10 days. But, perhaps, they will refuse you or not send the cherished SMS at all. If after 10 days you have not received confirmation of the application, then we act according to the second scenario.

We write a letter to the support service at [email protected] . In the Subject field, specify: Unlock Mi Device. In the body of the letter in English, we describe the essence of the issue. My text looked like this:

I have bought Xiaomi Mi4s and I want to install the firmware with the Russian language. I applied for unlocking the bootloader 10 days ago, but the answer is still no. Please help solve the problem.
thank you.

The next day I received a response asking for the following information:

Original purchase channel (website name):
mi account ID number:
email address:
phone number:
phone model:
Phone system version (settings-about phone for check):

After filling out and sending the necessary information, I prepared to wait a few more days. But by the evening I received an SMS, in which there was a link to the necessary application for unlocking.

Bootloader unlock

After receiving an SMS with a positive response, download and unpack the MiFlashUnlock application to your computer. All necessary drivers for your smartphone model must also be installed. When starting the program, we agree to the Disclaimer.

Enter your Mi account details and click on the green button.

The program will check the status of the application and if everything is in order, the following window will appear.

Turn off the smartphone manually. Press and hold the volume down and power buttons at the same time until a hare appears on the device screen. Release the buttons and connect the phone to the PC.

If the drivers are installed correctly, the application will find the Mi Phone device. After checking the smartphone, the bootloader will be unlocked. Three green checkmarks indicate successful completion of the operation. Now you can install TWRP custom recovery on your smartphone and flash localized software versions. To my delight, I forgot to take a screenshot with successful completion unlock, so the last picture had to be borrowed from the Internet.

If the verification stops at 50% and the Couldn’t verify device error appears, then this means that your account has not yet been added to the database. You need to wait another 2 to 10 days.

As can be seen from the description, the procedure is not complicated, but very time-consuming. If you are having difficulty unlocking your Xiaomi devices I'll try to solve them.

PS. An article is being prepared that describes the process of unlocking the bootloader of a smartphone without filing an application.

update. To unlock new devices, use new version MiLashUnlock on

Need to unlock Xiaomi Bootloader to get root and install custom Recovery? In this article, step by step and with pictures, the process of how to do this is described.

Why unblock Xiaomi Bootloader?

If you are planning in the future on your Xiaomi:

  • Get Root Rights
  • Install custom Recovery
  • Install third-party custom firmware

then you need to unlock Bootloader anyway.

Instructions on how to unlock Bootloader Xiaomi

1. Update your Xiaomi firmware to the latest version;

2. Register Xiaomiby creating a personal Mi account;

3. Download and install the program on your computer Mi Unlock (will unlock your Xiaomi);

4. Go to http://www.miui.com/unlock/ :

5. Log in to your Mi account, after which you will be on the page to send a request to unlock the Xiaomi Bootloader (if not, go to this address http://www.miui.com/unlock/apply.php):

6. Fill in personal data: your Name and Surname in English, number mobile phone in international format:

Write a text asking you to unlock Bootloader:

text asking to unlock bootloader

I want to unlock the bootloader of my newly bought device in order to install developer version of MIUI.Thanks!

7. Check the box next to "I confirm ..." and click the button " apply now«;

8. We receive an sms with a code to the number you specified (sometimes it does not come the first time) and enter it:

9. The processing of the request will last from 2 to 10 days, you will learn from sms that you can continue the procedure:

10. Run Mi Flash Unlock Tool and agree to the terms:

11. Enter Mi account details:
