What does synchronization error on android mean. Google account sync won't turn on on Android

Like most others, it is not ideal. It goes without saying that failures can occur in it, especially when installing applications that are not taken from the official service Play Market, and installation of unofficial firmware. One of the most common is the timing error. Google account Android. Let's try to figure out how to get rid of it.

Google Android Account Sync Error: Typical Failures

First of all, we note that in the event of such problems, when the user cannot use some of the features of the system, it is not worth blaming everything exclusively on the “OS” or the device itself.

Most often, users are faced with a message indicating a failure, the exact cause of which has not yet been clarified, but it can be assumed that it is associated exclusively with the actions of the user himself, as well as with wrong settings login. Now gadgets with unofficial firmware will not be considered, since they themselves can harm the system, and they will have to be removed, returning the device to its original state.

Google Android account sync error: what to do?

The most unpleasant in a situation when an account synchronization error appears Google Android on a phone or tablet, there may be a so-called “stuck sync”.

In this case, as practice shows, the whole system “hangs”, and the failure can be corrected by the most elementary reboot of the device. In most cases, this helps (think of frozen programs in Windows - when you reboot, they work again).

Fixing a syntax error

It is likely that an error in synchronizing a Google Android account on a tablet or smartphone may be caused by incorrectly entering your personal data (login and password).

Here you just need to enter the correct entries received during registration (G-mail address is used as a login). As a last resort, you can try to reset your password.

Checking sync settings

Sometimes the Google Android account synchronization error is also associated with incorrect settings in the system itself. You can, of course, try to restore the factory settings, but in most cases this is not required. You just need to go to the settings and look at the included services.

Generally, sync should be enabled for all accounts. To get started, you can uncheck all services that require authentication, and then reboot the device. After that, with the device turned on again, you should again enter the accounts section and check the boxes next to the relevant services and services, including data transfer, browser, etc.

In some cases, it is mandatory to disable the two-level authentication system in the account security settings. At the same time, it is also worth using auto-synchronization and data transfer to

Delete an account

If all the methods above do not help, and the Google Android account synchronization error appears again, you will have to take extreme measures - deleting the existing "account".

To do this, use the settings menu, in which the account section is selected. Here we are interested in her, enter the Gmail address and confirm the deletion with the button below or the menu command.

Now, as it is probably already clear, you should restart the device, after which, if there is an Internet connection and you try to enter Google services, the system will offer either to create new record, or use existing registration data. Enter your username and password and confirm your choice. If this does not help (for example, on devices with installed firmware), you will have to create a new "account", but at the same time about any restoration of the contact list or earlier installed apps and there can be no talk.


Although errors of this type are very common, they can be dealt with most simple methods and means that are not too complicated. It is enough to use only your mobile gadget. In this case, no connection to a computer with an entrance to the installed control program is required.

In addition, it is worth paying attention that the problem of failures that occur on devices with firmware was not specifically considered here. The fact is that when installing unofficial updates, a rather serious problem may arise due to their safe removal, which requires special attention and maximum caution. And then after all, the entire system can be brought to a state of complete inoperability.

The rest of the considered standard means are the simplest and do not cause difficulties for any user. Finally, it can be noted that you can still delete the data and cache of the service itself, but to a synchronization error account these parameters are related, as they say, insofar as.

Many consider Android to be the perfect operating system and don't expect any unpleasant surprises from it (Figure 1). But in reality, there are no perfect OSes, and even Android can be overwhelmed by Google's sync failure.

Often this problem occurs after installing pirated firmware, but sometimes the cause may be certain system failures.

Figure 1. Authentication error window on an Android device

Causes of Google Android sync failure

Very often, the cause of a profile synchronization failure is not specific problems with the operating system or with the device itself, but incorrect user actions.

Auto sync enabled on device

The Google and Android page matching error may be due to outdated settings or disabled auto-sync.

In this case, a factory reset will help. But first, it is recommended to carry out such manipulations:

  • Go to settings;
  • Check the status of all profiles by clicking "users";
  • Next, run the synchronization command;
  • Disable automatic authorization for selected items (Figure 2);
  • Next, restart the phone;
  • After activating it, we again go to users and pages;
  • Select the icons of the necessary services and put a checkmark next to them;
  • Turn on automatic synchronization again.

Sometimes the cause of the failure is one-way timing, which does not allow all-round data transfer. Restarting the function will fix this problem.

Figure 2. Window general parameters synchronization with the Auto Sync item

The device is not connected to the internet

If the device knocks out a violation notification, the reason may be the lack of access to the Internet. The concept of "chronization" implies the exchange of data between the account and the phone, if there is no access to the Internet, it becomes impossible to maintain replica comparability.

Lack of access to the Internet - means no connection with the account. To eliminate this inaccuracy, you just need to connect to the Internet.

Make sure you have access to Google

A profile may be inaccessible if it is not enabled or has been affected by malware.

Note: You can't time your data even if you don't have access to Google.

In the first case, it is enough to simply go to the settings of the device itself and launch the Google launcher function. In the second, you should contact the help of antivirus software or a specialist.

Check for Android Updates

An error in synchronizing a google android account on a phone may be a requirement of the OS to carry out a series of updates if the device does not have auto-updates enabled.

To take advantage of updates for Android, you need to perform a few simple steps:

  • Enter the menu "about the device";
  • Use the item "OS update";
  • Start checking for available updates (Figure 3);
  • If updates are found, they must be downloaded and installed;
  • Then you can try to start Google, the exchange of information should be successful.

Figure 3. Sequence of steps to check for updates on an Android device

Google sync error on Android - what to do

There are many problems with data exchange, but most of them can be fixed on your own. You can try the classic troubleshooting methods.

Deleting and re-adding a profile

If the google account mapping on android is not enabled, the failures may be related to software problems that are responsible for the relevance of the application (Figure 4).

Note:In this case, you should delete the account, download it again and install it in a new way.

Sometimes older versions of software cannot align their elements with newer versions, resulting in a transfer and launch problem. We have a huge selection of different ones on our site.

Figure 4. The sequence of actions for deleting an account

Synchronizing your account manually

If, when starting the application, an error occurs in profile synchronization on android, with the automatic exchange function, you can try to troubleshoot using manual synchronization, which is carried out as follows:

  • Looking for settings;
  • Open the menu about users and profiles;
  • Find the menu for synchronization;
  • Select the desired page;
  • We press the command, which is indicated by three dots.

Forced sync

This principle is to affect the OS if there is a failure of the Google account android contacts, is considered new, but effective. To do this, you need to do:

  • The menu for the interface should be supplemented with a save and restore function;
  • With the help of the first command, we fix the data on the page;
  • The second is to help pass the information to the device, so the elements are matched and the application is launched.

Clear cache and delete data

If the phone memory is overloaded, Google account will knock out an android synchronization error, then you will have to free up space, you can do it this way:

Method 1: we clean out the filled storage, delete all unused and outdated applications, delete or reset the downloaded information on the PC, including music, pictures, videos.

Method 2: we clean the profile cache, for this you need to go to the application, open the archive, delete data, restart the phone.

Figure 5. Clear cache and delete data window in management Android apps devices

What to do if nothing helped

What to do if an account sync error google android not eliminated at all? The only option would be to reset the settings to the factory settings, in order to carry out such a procedure, you must perform a few simple steps:

  • Save all device elements to a flash drive;
  • Open general settings;
  • Press reset (Figure 6);
  • Reboot phone;
  • Restore saved to removable media data;
  • Set auto exchange.

If you had to face an error in syncing your google android account on your phone, you should not reset the settings, first try the traditional methods described above, most often they help get rid of problems with the transfer of software elements.

It may be easier to launch your account, which your phone cannot link to, than it seems at first glance.

Figure 6. The window for resetting the device to factory settings and deleting all data from the device’s memory

To date android platform occupies a leading position in the mobile gadgets market. For their users, the developers have done their best and in the app store you can now find almost any tools for entertainment and work. operating system tightly tied with Google services, which facilitate and reliably protect the work with personal data and the use of all kinds of applications. But the smartphone system may fail and a problem may arise when, for example, android contacts are not synchronized. The fight against this malfunction will be discussed in this article.

Synchronization can be useful to you when you have several gadgets, regardless of Android or iOs. It is with its help that you can easily transfer all the available information from one device to another. The first thing you need to do for this is to create Mailbox Google.

When you log into your "account" on your smartphone, the system will automatically start copying all your contacts and other information to the Google server (to the cloud). At any time and from any device, files transferred to the cloud will be available to you, where you can always see phone numbers, photos and other important records.

You can view the data copied to the cloud by clicking on the link and selecting Contacts in the upper left menu.

To make changes, you need to go to the phone settings menu, and click on the "Accounts and sync" tab, and for more fine tuning service, there is a whole section in the OS called "Google Settings".


Checking the Internet

The first thing you should do before you start troubleshooting is to check if the device has an Internet connection. To do this, open a web browser and go to any page or launch a program that requires access to the network to enter. For obvious reasons, without a connection, it is unlikely to solve the problem.

It will not be superfluous to check access to Google mail - we enter the login and password on gmail.com. In addition, it is worth making sure that there are no failures on the company's servers.

To verify that your account is active, try logging into Play market and start downloading any program. If there is no access, the service will give you an appropriate warning about the need to create a new one or enter an existing Google service.

Checking autosync

It is also worth paying attention to whether the auto-sync mode is activated. It is required that all data in automatic mode connected to the Cloud, which does not require any additional actions from you. Enabling automatic synchronization is done in the settings of the mobile gadget. Scroll through the menu and go to the "Accounts" section, inside which you will find the Google line, in the window that opens, in the upper right corner you need to click on the vertical ellipsis and activate the "Auto sync data" function in the drop-down menu.

Disable Airplane Mode

Try turning airplane mode on for a few minutes and then turning it off. To do this, click on the tray icon. After it is turned off, a re-registration in the network will take place, and a new automatic exchange of information will start.

Clear the storage

When inner memory device is full, no data is being written or sent. To restore functionality, remove unused applications, duplicate photos and music, or files that you no longer need. This also applies to the list of required numbers, since when the memory allocated for them is filled, there will be no connection between the phone and the Cloud.

Delete gmail data

Be careful before proceeding with this step. The fact is that after it is carried out, all SMS drafts and saved signatures, sounds of incoming notifications and other related settings will be deleted. Do data deletion only as a last resort when other methods cannot solve the problem. Do the following:

  • Go to the phone settings menu.
  • Select the "Apps and notifications" item and in the window that opens, click on the "Application information" line.
  • Click on the Gmail button where you need to go to the Vault.
  • Click on the "Erase data" function.
  • Restart your smartphone.
  • Log into your Google account manually.


  • Go to your smartphone settings.
  • Select "Users and Accounts".
  • Click on your account.
  • Click on the "Sync Accounts" option.
  • In the upper right corner, tap on the three vertical dots, and then on the line "Synchronize".
  • Google account sync to android is running.

Removing and re-adding a google account

When carrying out this procedure, you can not worry about the safety of your files and contact list, they will all remain on the server.

To delete an "account", go to the "Accounts" item, select the Google tab and call the submenu (three dots in the right corner), click "Delete". Now you need to restart the device and re-enter your account by entering your username and password.

Forced sync

There are two ways to do this, which will force you to link your android phone with Cloud.

Change the date and time settings. Go to the settings, disconnect the gadget from the network and enter the wrong clock and date settings. Come out on main screen and make the adjustment again, only specifying the correct numbers.

Make the gadget contact the “account” via the ussd command. Open the dialer and enter the code: *#*#2432546#*#*.

Third Party Application

Alternatively, the Fix to Sync Contacts program will help fix the problem. Download it from the Play Market and following the instructions in the description, try to restore the Google service.


In principle, there is nothing special to add to all the instructions given here, one of the methods must definitely work, the main thing is to follow the recommendations given and you will defeat the error.


Delete an account

If all the methods above do not help, and the Google Android account synchronization error appears again, you will have to take extreme measures - deleting the existing "account".

To do this, use the settings menu, in which the account section is selected. Here we are interested in the Google account. We enter it, enter the Gmail address and confirm the deletion with the button below or the menu command.

Now, as it is probably already clear, you should restart the device, after which, if you have an Internet connection and try to log in to Google services, the system will prompt you to either create a new entry or use the existing registration data. Enter your username and password and confirm your choice. If this does not help (for example, on devices with installed firmware), you will have to create a new “account”, however, there can be no talk of any restoration of the contact list or previously installed applications.


Although errors of this type are very common, they can be dealt with by the simplest methods and means that are not too complicated. It is enough to use only your mobile gadget. In this case, no connection to a computer with an entrance to the installed control program is required.

In addition, it is worth paying attention that the problem of failures that occur on devices with firmware was not specifically considered here. The fact is that when installing unofficial updates, a rather serious problem may arise in their safe removal, which requires special attention and maximum caution. And then after all, the entire system can be brought to a state of complete inoperability.

Otherwise, the considered standard tools are the simplest and do not cause difficulties for any user. Finally, it can be noted that you can still delete the data and cache of the service itself, but these parameters are related to the account synchronization error, as they say, insofar as.
