How to hide a process in windows 7. How to hide a process in the task manager without additional software

You can view a list of all programs running on your computer with Windows Task Manager. To do this, press the key combination on the keyboard. You will see a list of processes, and the question immediately arises: why is each specific process in this list needed? Let's figure out what is processes and how they can be managed.

Processes is everything that happens in this moment time in the system. IN Task Manager The Processes tab displays all currently running programs. Processes can be "spawned" by either the user or the system. System processes start when Windows boots; user processes are programs launched by the user of the computer or launched on his behalf. All system processes run as LOCAL SERVICE, NETWORK SERVICE or SYSTEM(This information is available in the Task Manager in the Username column).

The task manager only allows you to view the list of processes and terminate their work. To do this, select the name of the process in the list and click the “End Process” button. This means that the program that owns the process is terminated. However, it is not possible to view information about a particular process in the Task Manager.

To manage Windows processes, I would recommend using a more powerful utility called . This is great free program, which also does not require installation. Download it, then run the file from the folder and select the “Processes” tab from the top.
shows all processes in real time, providing comprehensive information on each of them. By right-clicking on the process of interest to us and selecting “File Properties”, we can find out the manufacturer software module, version, attributes, and other information. The context menu of the process also allows you to go to the program folder, end the process, or find information about it on the Internet.

How to get rid of viruses on a computer using Starter?

Very often, viruses and other malware are disguised as various processes. Therefore, if you notice that something is wrong with your computer, run an antivirus scan. If that doesn't work, or if your antivirus refuses to start at all, open the Task Manager and view all running processes.

Special attention allocate a process if it is running as a user and consumes too many resources (columns “CPU” and “Memory”). If you find a clearly suspicious process in the list, end it and see how your system will work after that. If you are in doubt or don’t know which program the running process belongs to, it’s better to go to Google or Yandex, enter the name of the process in the search bar and find information about it.

The Task Manager built into Windows, of course, allows you to disable processes, but, unfortunately, it gives very little information on them, and therefore it is rather difficult to understand whether a process is a virus. The Starter program is much more useful in this regard.

So, to find and remove a virus process from the computer, we do the following:

1. Run the program and go to the "Processes" tab.
2. We find the process that makes us suspicious. Right-click on it and select "File Properties". For example, I chose the file svchost.exe. In the opened window look at the manufacturer of this application:
The point is that practically any process is signed by its developer. But virus applications are usually not signed.
In my case the file svchost.exe signed by the company Microsoft Corporation and therefore we can trust him.
3. If the selected process turned out not to be signed by anyone or signed by some strange company, then right-click on the name of this process again and select “Search on the Internet” - “Google” (the Internet must be connected on the computer).
4. If the sites suggested by Google confirm that this process is viral, then you need to go to the folder of this process (for this, in Starter, in the context menu, select the item “Explorer to the process folder”). Then, after completing the process, delete file here this process.
If you still doubt whether it is a virus or not (perhaps you could not see information about it on Google due to the lack of Internet), then you can simply change the extension of this file (for example, from .exe to .txt) and move it to another folder .

That's all. Today we learned what Windows processes are and what utilities they can be used to manage. In addition, now we can get rid of viruses that masquerade as various processes.

Processes are divided into:

Systemic(programs and utilities that are components operating system and any emergency termination of one of them may cause, like, a crash in Windows).

Anonymous(they are extremely rare, they are program files that are launched as auxiliary ones due to user manipulation, without asking permission to run).

Network/Local(Processes in Task Manager related to LAN, Internet, and Registry are essential Windows programs and components.)

Custom(programs that are launched by the user).

Is it possible to define a "left" process?

It is not always possible to determine the "left" process. If the person who created it and thoroughly disguised it, even an experienced computer engineer is unlikely to be able to calculate it without getting a hint of this fact and studying in detail the behavior of each process.

However, a person who is sure that an extra program is hanging on the computer, and even poorly disguised, will be able to calculate it in a matter of minutes.

How to hide a process in task manager?

The easiest way to hide a process is to rename the main executable. But it is worth considering how the program works and whether it creates additional processes that issue it.

Learn how to hide the Windows Task Manager process

Of course, the anonymity of the execution of some programs will allow you to track those who litter excessively on a personal computer. Such surveillance is especially important when several users have access to a PC.

Also, the desire to hide the process arises among those who install their own program and strive to ensure that advanced users cannot detect its presence in simple ways.

Any execution of a program is a process that needs a certain part random access memory. Processes are divided into:

  • systemic;
  • anonymous;
  • custom;
  • internet related.

It is not recommended for those who do not have practical experience and the necessary technical knowledge to interfere in system processes, since such an unreasonable implementation can provoke extremely undesirable consequences. One of these consequences may be the failure of the subsequent start of the operating system.

You can learn how to hide any user programs, and you don’t need to make huge efforts, just carefully read our recommendations. We draw your attention to the fact that even an advanced engineer who is unaware of your "creative deeds" will not notice the "left" process just like that.

Action algorithm

If you need to hide a software application, you first need to figure out if it is simple, if it starts additional processes that can simply give it away, no matter how you try to hide the program.

If, indeed, your program is simple, if it is displayed in the Task Manager with a single line, we offer the simplest way to hide the process. To do this, you just need to rename it.

So, we will help you figure out how to rename the process in the Task Manager so that the program continues to function perfectly in anonymous mode.

Step 1

Initially, you should go to the folder where the execution file of a specific program is located. If you know where it is located, then use the “route” familiar to you by opening the “Computer” window, going to the system drive C, and then proceeding to its root folder.

If you don’t know where the execution file is hiding, it doesn’t matter, you just need to find this process in the list displayed in the Task Manager, right-click on it, and then select the line “Open file storage location” in the window that opens.

Step 2

After such your actions, the folder you are looking for will open, it remains for you to find the execution file in it. It will not be difficult to search, since this file has exactly the same name as in the list of processes in the Task Manager. In addition, this file has the extension "exe".

Step 3

To rename a file, right-click on it again, and then select the "Rename" line. Now that you have managed to assign a new name to your software application, open Task Manager, see that this rename is displayed there as well.

Of course, what name you come up with will depend on how much your program will become "veiled" for other PC users. An unfamiliar process with a new name will arouse suspicion even faster and force the technical engineer to figure out what kind of program is running on the PC.

For this reason, many experienced users recommend coming up with names that do not arouse any suspicion at first glance.

In particular, open browser Chrome creates multiple processes at the same time, just like Windows. It is desirable to take the same process name, but since the system will not allow two processes of the same name at the same time, it is recommended to use a little trick when renaming. Instead of some English letters in the title, it seems to be accidentally written in Russian. Outwardly, it is impossible to distinguish Russian letters from English ones, but the system will distinguish, therefore, it will allow programs with conditionally the same names to work.


So, as you were able to notice, it is possible to make some software application anonymous without much difficulty. Of course, there are still quite advanced methods that allow you to more reliably hide any process, but they are based on writing complex codes and programming skills. If you do not have such complicated goals for yourself, then hiding running software applications by renaming is a perfectly acceptable option.

Most users, noticing the slowness in the work of their faithful computer, open the Task Manager and try to find out what process has loaded the system so much. But seeing the following picture, they are perplexed - what is wrong?

However, upon closer inspection, the problem is quite easy to detect.

To do this, just look at the status bar of the Task Manager.

The number 77 somehow doesn't match the number in the process list above. It turns out that in the operating room Windows system it is possible to hide processes in the list and, of course, they could not help but take advantage of this various programs with not very good functionality (Trojans, adware, etc.). To view full list running processes will have to use a third-party software. There are quite a lot of them on the Web, but I used the program Spyware Process Detector . It is shareware, but a 14-day trial period is enough for our purposes. After running this program, the picture is no longer so rosy.

The list of running processes has expanded dramatically and very suspicious entries have appeared in it (Zitenop, Mail.Ru, makecab, etc.). Pay special attention to supposedly system names: the same makecab or DCHP (the correct spelling is D HC P). Carefully watch the path of the file being launched - its atypical location can also give out a malicious process. We will try to get rid of all this.
To begin with, I would advise checking your computer for viruses using an anti-virus curing utility, for example Dr.Web CureIt! . The utility does not require installation and can be run regardless of whether you have another antivirus or not. If threats are detected, we neutralize them.

Then you need to try to remove the installed "left" applications. In the standard Control Panel applet Installation and removal of programms or Programs and Features(depending on the version of the system) malware has also learned to hide, so we will again use third-party software - CCleaner . Install the program, go to the section Tools > Uninstall programs. Here, the list of installed software will be more impressive. We remove all suspicious programs by selecting it in the list and clicking the button Uninstall.

After that, go to the Startup section and delete all suspicious items in this list by selecting it and clicking the button Delete. But it's better if you doubt some item or are afraid to delete something you need, instead of a button Delete click Switch off. In this case, you can always turn back the mistakenly disabled item, and you can delete it later, when you are sure that everything was done correctly.

Half the job is done. Now we have to check the list of running services. Services- these are applications that are automatically launched by the system at startup and do not depend on the user. We go Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services and in the window that opens we see a list of all services installed on the computer.

Here the notorious DCHP, Bamcof, Dripkix Service, System Tester Service, Zitenop immediately catch your eye ... As you can see, these services do not have descriptions. These should always be the first thing to look at. But do not forget that quite useful services may not have descriptions, so everything described below should be done only if you are confident in your actions. Otherwise, it is better to contact a specialist.

The next article will talk about how to permanently remove the malicious or unnecessary services that you previously disabled.

I repeat once again: watch what you do! If in doubt, do not touch and consult a specialist. If possible, first choose the option of actions with a shutdown, and only then, after checking the system's health, use the removal.

When something is wrong in the system or we just want to check the effectiveness of the antivirus installed on the computer, we usually press the three cherished keys Ctrl, Alt, Del and launch the Task Manager, hoping to detect the virus in the process list. But in it we see only a large number of programs running on a computer, each of which is represented by its own process. And where is the virus hiding? Our article today will help you answer this question.

In order to determine whether there is a virus in the processes or not, you need to look very carefully at the list of processes. In the Windows Vista operating system, without fail, click the "Display processes of all users" button, otherwise you will not really see anything. First of all, pay attention to the description of the process in the "Description" column. If there is no description or it is somehow “clumsy”, this should alert you. After all, software developers have a habit of signing their creations in understandable Russian or English.
Having noted processes with a suspicious description with a glance, we turn our gaze to the next column - “User”. Viruses are usually launched on behalf of the user, less often in the form of services and on behalf of the system - SYSTEM, LOCAL SERVICE or NETWORK SERVICE.

So, having found a process with a suspicious description, run on behalf of the user or it is not clear on whose behalf, click on it right click mouse and in the context menu that appears, select "Properties". A window will open with the properties of the program that launched this process. Pay special attention to the "Details" tab, which contains information about the developer, file version and its description, as well as to the "Location" item of the "General" tab - the path to the running program is indicated here.

If the "Location" path leads to the Temp directory, Temporary Internet Files, or some other suspicious place (for example, to the folder of a certain program in the directory Program Files, but you are sure that you did not install such a program), then this process MAYBE belongs to a virus. But all this is just our guesswork, for detailed information, of course, it is better to turn to the Internet. There are good process lists at and If, after all the searches, your fears about a suspicious process are confirmed, you can rejoice - a virus, trojan or other malware has settled on your computer, which needs to be urgently eliminated.

But the window with the properties of the file that launched the process from the Task Manager may not open. Therefore, in addition to standard Windows tools, you need to use various useful utilities that can provide maximum information about a suspicious process. One of these programs - Starter - we have already considered (

In Starter, the "Processes" tab provides comprehensive information about the selected process: a description of the program and the name of the file that launched the process, information about the developer, a list of modules (software components) involved in the process.

Thus, there is no need to delve into the properties of the file that launched the process - everything is as it is in the palm of your hand. However, this does not prevent you from right-clicking on the suspicious process and selecting "Properties" to get detailed information about the process file in a separate window.

To get to the program folder that the process belongs to, right-click on the process name and select "Explorer to Process Folder".

But the most convenient option in Starter is the ability to start searching for information about the process right from the program window. To do this, right-click on the process and select "Search the Internet".

After you receive full information about the file that launched the process, its developer, purpose and opinion about the process on the Internet, you can quite accurately determine whether the virus is in front of you or a peaceful hard worker program. The same principle applies here as in the Task Manager. Suspicious are those processes and process modules for which the developer is not specified, in the description of which there is nothing or something indistinct is written, the process or the modules involved by it are launched from a suspicious folder. For example, Temp, Temporary Internet Files, or from a folder in Program Files, but you remember for sure that you did not install the program indicated there. And, finally, if the Internet clearly states that this process belongs to a virus, rejoice - the malware did not manage to hide from you!

One of the most common misconceptions of beginner dummies concerns the svchost.exe process. It is written exactly this way and nothing else: svshost.exe, scvhost.exe, cvshost.exe and other variations on this theme are viruses masquerading as a good process, which, by the way, belongs to Windows services. More precisely, one svchost.exe process can start several system services at once. Since the operating system has a lot of services and it needs them all, there are also a lot of svchost.exe processes.

On Windows XP, there should be no more than six svchost.exe processes. Five svchost.exe processes are normal, but already seven are a 100% guarantee that malware has settled on your computer. There are more than six svchost.exe processes in Windows Vista. I have, for example, fourteen of them. But there are a lot more system services in Windows Vista than in previous version this OS.

Another useful utility, Process Explorer, will help you find out which services are started by the svchost.exe process. Download latest version Process Explorer you can from the official Microsoft website:

Process Explorer will give you a description of the process, the program that launched it, the name of the developer, and a lot of useful technical information that only programmers can understand.

Hover your mouse over the name of the process you are interested in and you will see the path to the file that launched this process.

And for svchost.exe, Process Explorer will show complete list services related to the selected process. A single svchost.exe process can run multiple services or just one.

To see the properties of the file that started the process, right-click on the process you are interested in and select "Properties" ("Properties").

To search for information about a process on the Internet using the Google search engine, simply right-click on the process name and select "Google".

As before, suspicions should be caused by processes without a description, without the name of the developer, launched from temporary folders (Temp, Temporary Internet Files) or from a folder of a program that you did not install, and also identified on the Internet as viruses.

And remember, for the Process Explorer and Starter programs to work properly in Windows Vista, they need to be run with administrative rights: right-click on the program executable file and select "Run as administrator".

However, I want to disappoint you, only very stupid viruses impersonate themselves in the process list. Modern virus writers have long since learned to hide their creations not only from the eyes of users, but also from anti-virus programs. Therefore, save you in case of infection with a well-written malware can only be a good antivirus with fresh databases (and even that is not a fact!), Having a backup copy with all your information and a disk with a Windows distribution kit for reinstalling the system. Nevertheless, it is still worth looking into the list of processes from time to time - you never know what scvhost or mouse.exe is hiding there.

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