The computer does not see the phone samsung galaxy s6. Why is your PC not detecting Android when connected via USB

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What if samsung kies cant see phone(given that you have, for example,)? First of all, it should be noted that this application is free software that helps a mobile device interact with a personal computer. Many owners of Samsung phones use it when connecting the device to a PC. However, there are cases where Samsung Kies does not see the mobile device. How to proceed in this case?

Tips for users whose Samsung Kies did not see the phone

First of all, you should make sure that the problem really arose with Samsung app Kies, not with the computer itself. If the PC does not see mobile phone as a connected device, the problem may lie precisely in the computer - for example, it may occur with drivers or a USB port. It also does not hurt to scan the entire system for viruses.

If the connected device is identified, but samsung kies does not see the phone anyway, you can try to close and open the program, disconnect the cable and reconnect it. Alternatively, connect to another USB port, preferably on the back of the PC, and not on the front. The program should not be launched until the operating system itself "sees" the phone.

The next step is to check the connection settings in the menu mobile device. The scheme is as follows: "Settings" → "Connection" → "USB" → " USB Debugging". Additionally, you can restart your phone. However, this may not help either. In this case, the owner of the mobile device is advised to try reinstalling the drivers on the device as well. By clicking the upper left line in the program, you must select "Restore driver" or "Install driver". Drivers can also be updated in this way: "Control Panel" → "Device Manager" → phone selection → "Update Drivers".

If this procedure does not help, the user should try to reinstall the program itself. Possibly originally installed old version, or the latter, but incorrectly. You should go to "Add or Remove Programs" ("Programs and Features" in Windows 7) and remove the previous Samsung version Kies. Then you should clean the registry - for example, using the CC Cleaner program, but this is not necessary.
After uninstalling the program, you need to restart your computer and install it latest version by downloading it from the official Samsung Kies website. Before installation, it is recommended to disable anti-virus software. When installing the program, select context menu"Run as administrator".

Other cases when Samsung Kies may not see the phone

Sometimes the reason may be that a file with an extension that is too long (for example, too heavy or large) is saved on the memory card or in the built-in memory of the mobile device. You can try to remove the memory card. If such a file is still on the phone, you can temporarily move them to a separate folder on your PC. It is better not to delete those files whose purpose is unknown, but at the end of the work, simply copy them back.

If the cause is still not found, it is better to try to contact a specialist.

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Connecting a Samsung phone to a computer through is not always successful. Sometimes the computer does not recognize the device, does not read it internal memory And does not open folders (but charging is still going on).

The causes of the problem can be hardware or software. But regardless of this, the first step in resolving the situation will be to reboot both contacting devices. In some cases, this is enough, the contents of the smartphone are again viewed from the PC.

The reasons related to this group are related to mechanical moments:

  1. Damaged USB cable.

One of the frequent justifications for the inability to connect the phone to. A cable from an unverified manufacturer serves little, with active use - no longer than a couple of months, and then wears out.

But even a high-quality conductor may turn out to be unsuitable for use if it is touched by a cutting object, gnawed by an animal, and so on. To check for damage in the cable, you need to connect the phone through it to another PC. If the phone is not recognized again, then the element will have to be replaced.

  1. Damage to the computer USB port.

The cable connection port may also be defective. This includes a broken USB controller, and a damaged southbridge on motherboard. Correcting the situation, they try to use a different connector. If the move turned out to be ineffective, then the root of the problem is something else.

  1. Damage to the telephone jack for connection.

If water gets into the connector, as well as after bumps or scratches, the socket may be completely dysfunctional and require a complete replacement.

  1. Battery problems.

You need to remove the battery, insert it back and reconnect the device to the computer.

Software reasons

If the above options do not fit your situation, then you can think about software dysfunctions of devices:

  1. Settings.

Using the settings, you need to check the box in the "USB connection to a computer" section so that the phone is perceived by the PC as a "Media device" (" USB stick"). Also, at the time of connecting to the computer, the lock must be unlocked from the smartphone.

Non-working or not updated drivers no longer correctly show the connection status via the USB port. These programs can be restored using the source disk or the resources of the site of the organization that manufactures the motherboard.

This includes those cases where some special programs are required for the latest phone models, but they can also be obtained from the relevant sites.

  1. Unreliable operating system.

The issue is solved only by changing the existing OS to a working one.

  1. Unreliability of custom (modified) firmware.

Some users make firmware for phones on their own, this may be the reason that the computer does not see the Samsung phone via USB. It remains only to return to the standard version of the firmware.

  1. Viruses.

The usual option, but the problem disappears after using the antivirus, followed by a system reboot.


If the above methods did not bring any benefit, then you can take a chance and reset the settings. But remember that as a result, the device will lose everything that fills the internal memory of the phone, so you can’t use this method without a reason.

Sometimes it is necessary to connect Android to a computer under Windows control to transfer certain files. Sometimes problems arise, and the computer does not see the phone via USB, it charges, but does not allow you to move files.

We propose to consider the possible options in a generalized way, and then discuss all the solutions to the problems.

Reasons why the computer does not see the phone via USB

This may be due to software incompatibility or technical problems. From time to time, the cable is damaged, the contacts in the smartphone break. In the first case, you need to try another cord, and in the second, contact service center to replace the connector. Also, a broken port in the computer can cause problems, so switch the wire to a different socket to fix the problem. These are the most common hardware failures.

WITH software bugs more difficult, since there are a lot of reasons for failures. These may be missing or outdated drivers, incorrect connection modes (when the computer charges the smart, but blocks the transposition of documentation into folders) and other incompatibilities, which we will discuss in detail below.

What to do if the computer does not see the phone?

Listed below are all the ways that can help solve the cable connection problem.

Check your USB connection settings

The method will help if, when pairing charging in progress, but the information does not come out. To transfer documents, you need to connect your Android as a media device (MTP). To do this, follow these steps.

Attention!In some cases, you may have to connect your phone to your computer and switch between different options several times before the desktop recognizes your device as a media device.

If you have older versions of Android, then try this.

Connect the device to the computer, it should be recognized.

Install the USB MTP driver

It happens that the smartphone is not displayed due to driver problems, so try updating it.

Once the driver is installed, the PC should recognize android phone. You may need to restart your computer for the update to take effect.

Download and install Media Feature Pack for Windows 10

We have already mentioned that the MTP protocol must be used to transfer content. It's related to Windows. media player, and some versions of Windows 10 don't have a player Windows Media and supporting related technologies. If your Windows version 10 does not recognize Android, please download and install Media Feature Pack from Microsoft official website.

Use the included USB cable

Remove Android Drivers

Sometimes there is no system latest drivers or they are not installed correctly. It is recommended to remove them and reinstall them.

It remains to check if the method worked.

Activate USB Debugging

From time to time, the connected gadget is recognized when USB debugging is active. If you are using Android 4.2 or later, this feature may be hidden. To enable it, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to "Settings - About phone".
  2. Click on "Build number" 7 times.
  3. Go back.
  4. Open "Settings - For Developers".
  5. There, scroll down and activate "USB Debugging".

Sometimes it is already on, in which case it should be turned off.

Turn on Airplane Mode

If Windows no longer sees the phone, start the flight mode through the panel quick settings in the blind or by going along the path "Settings - More". Often after that the device is recognized by the PC. This is an easy way, so feel free to try it out.

Reboot your phone in Recovery or Fastboot mode

Read about how to enter it in our other article, where we described the process for each manufacturer. After you get into fastboot mode or recovery, connect your smartphone to a PC, wait until the necessary components are installed. After that, an explorer should open in front of you with a proposal on what to do with the connected device. When finished, restart Android.

Install KIES from Samsung

If your Samsung gadget is not recognized by Windows, download software KIES from the manufacturer's official website and install it on your computer. With it, you can definitely connect your smartphone.

Use USB 2.0 ports

Try switching the cable from USB 3.0 to USB 2.0. Users reported that it sometimes worked for them.

Reinstall ADB

Windows occasionally does not recognize the smartphone due to problems with Android interface Composite ADB, so you should reinstall it.

This solution works with Android 5.0 and newer OCs, but it may also be compatible with older ones Android versions. Users have reported that it is not always worth downloading the USB driver from Google, and often this problem is resolved simply by following the first four steps.

Reboot your Android device

Sometimes this simple solution is the most effective. People have repeatedly reported that after rebooting the phone, the computer recognized the mobile phone without problems.

Connect your phone directly to your computer

Some USB devices may not be recognized if you connect them to a USB hub or extension cable. Therefore, if you are using a USB hub, disable it and connect your Android directly to the PC to solve the problem.

Clear cache and data for external system storage and storage systems

This solution works on Android 6 and up. But if you have more than old system anyway, try doing this.

After deleting the cache and data, restart the gadget and reconnect it to the computer.

Sync Android to PC with a third party app

This does not guarantee 100% performance, but it often helps. Just install the sync app from Play market, which will help the computer to recognize. Try, for example, Mobile Go to connect and transfer data from Android and iOS to PC.

There are many reasons why the computer does not see the Android phone. We hope that these solutions will be useful for you and you will solve your problems.

As a rule, if the computer does not see the Android phone connected to it, then the problem looks like this: the smartphone screen displays the charging process, but there is no access to the files on it and to the device itself. In this article, you will learn why the computer does not see samsung phone via USB.

The reasons may be the following:

Damaged USB cable

Cable failure is not always immediately visible. Very often, the charging wire can fail without obvious external signs. The reason for this is the low-quality devices that the market is teeming with.

To test the functionality of the USB cable, just connect it to another computer, and for greater reliability, to another phone. If these actions did not give a result, then the wire needs to be replaced.

Damaged computer USB port

Repairing the port without the help of a specialist will not work, but you can check it elementarily. If the computer does not recognize the smartphone, then you need to connect through a different USB port. It helped - it means the reason is found, no - we move on.

System problems in the phone

Sometimes the problem of lack of connection is solved very simply: turning off the smartphone, removing the battery from it for a few seconds, returning it to its place and turning on the device. Simple and effective.

Phone jack broken

If the phone was damaged by water, or its connector was subjected to mechanical damage, then this may be the problem. Alas, if cleaning the nest does not work, then only replacing the damaged part will help.

Incorrect connection settings

In the device settings, you need to find the menu for USB connection to a computer. In many Samsung models, it is located at “Memory”> “Properties”. If by default there is a check mark next to using USB as a modem, remove it, find the “Media device” item and activate it.

Driver Issues

They are solved by installing drivers from the "native" disk, or by downloading them from the official website of the manufacturer.

Also, the problem may be the power off of some ports on the computer. You can check this by going to the “Control Panel”, finding the item “Hardware and Sound”> “Power Options”> “Power” in it. Next, open the appropriate settings and click on change additional options. In the menu that opens, open the USB settings, and then the options for temporarily disabling the USB port. Change its value to “Disabled” and activate it with the “Apply” button.

Device driver problems

In the "Device Manager" item "Portable devices" should be without any warning signs. You should also check the performance of the device through the "Properties". If it is not there, then you need to reinstall the corresponding driver.

Another solution is to update the smartphone drivers. On the Samsung Galaxy A5, as well as on other models of the brand, this can be done using the Samsung Kies software.

Android OS malfunction or viruses

In this case, cleaning the phone with an antivirus, resetting it to factory settings, or completely flashing it can help.

As you can see, there can be a lot of options for why the connected Samsung phone is not a computer, so you need to be patient to find a solution. We hope everything works out for you!

Computer can't detect Android device via USB? The problem is quite common, and its cause can be either a banal cable breakdown or a malfunction in the operating system. In most cases, in order for your gadget to be successfully detected by a computer, you need to activate the correct connection type in its settings.

In this guide, we will describe in detail what can cause the device to be incorrectly detected on a PC via a USB cable, and we will also consider all options for solving the problem.

USB debugging on different versions The OS is located in different sections of the menu:

  • Version 2.3 and earlier - Settings > Applications > Development.
  • Version 3.0 to 4.1 - Settings > Developer options.
  • Version 4.2 and new - Settings > About phone > Build number (quickly click on it about 7 times), after that go back to Settings > Developer options.

If after these steps, when the cable is connected, the phone or tablet simply charges, then the reason for this phenomenon is that it is connected in media player or charging mode.

Wrong connection mode selected.

In this case, when reconnecting, open the notification shade and select "Enable USB storage" in it.

Or go to settings Android systems and try to find a menu with connection methods, in which select "Connect as a media device (MTP)".

Correct connection mode.

Tethering enabled

The problem may occur due to the modem mode being enabled. Go to network settings and make sure that this mode is disabled.

Accordingly, if it is activated, then it is necessary to disable it by simply dragging the slider to the "Disabled" mode or uncheck the box next to it (it all depends on the version of the system and shell).

One of the first things to do if the computer does not see the Android smartphone via USB is to check the connection. There is a possibility that there is a malfunction in the cable or one of the computer (device) connectors.

In the event that the system does not notify that a new USB device is connected, then you need to make sure that the USB connectors are working. Just plug in any other device (for example, a regular USB flash drive) into the connector and check how it works. If it is not detected, the connector may be defective. Try connecting your Android device with a different connector.

If the computer detects the device, but does not want to recognize it as a disk drive, it is likely that an additional driver needs to be installed.

Driver update

One of the most common reasons why the computer does not see Android when connected is the lack of installed drivers for your phone. Also, drivers for working with an Android device may be accidentally deleted or simply need to be updated.

In order to configure the driver yourself, use the instructions below.

The subtleties of connecting a device on Windows XP

If the connection is established on a computer with the Win XP operating system, for correct identification in the system, you may need to install an additional Media Transfer protocol, which can be downloaded. If the device is old (2010, for example), it may work correctly without installing the protocol.

If you are using a relatively new device, it is recommended to upgrade to a more recent version of the Windows operating system.

Other Possible Causes and Solutions

If all the methods described above did not help solve the problem when the PC does not see the Android phone, then the reason may be something else.

  • Clearing memory.
  • Sometimes, you need to delete unnecessary files if all the memory on the memory card is full. Try cleaning and USB connection again.

  • Checking your phone for viruses.
  • To date, many viruses roam the Internet, including those designed specifically for mobile devices. operating systems. Download an antivirus on your device and scan it. After that, try to connect it to the computer again, if the content is displayed, do not be too lazy to scan the device's memory again, but already with the antivirus installed on the PC.

Alternative synchronization option - Bluetooth or WiFi

In case you solve the problem due to which Personal Computer or the laptop does not see the Android phone in any way, but you urgently need to transfer files from the device to the PC, you can use one of the applications for exchanging data via Bluetooth or WiFi. Among such applications, pay attention to or.


As you can see, there are quite a few reasons for this problem, and they are all different. But the most common is the activation of any other connection mode on the phone, except for the USB drive we need. Therefore, first of all, we recommend paying attention to this.

Also, a conflict may arise due to the active “Modem Mode” function, drivers, and in some cases due to a malfunction in the equipment.

In addition, it should be recalled that manufacturers recommend using only original USB cables, since cheap Chinese counterparts not only fail quickly, but can also harm the USB ports of the device.
