Error opening index file of table 1c 7.7. Recovery using the HEX editor

The most common mistakes 1C 7.7

1. Error opening index file of table 1SCONST. To restore index files, run the program in exclusive mode.

Usually, this happens when initial installation bases The solution is suggested)) We launch 1C in exclusive mode. 1C will index the database and it will be possible to download.

2. sort order is different from system.

This error most often occurs during the initial installation of 1C on operating systems Windows Vista and Windows 7. It is associated with various sorting mechanisms in the Windows operating system and the 1C Enterprise 7.7 program.

There are two options here.

2.1. You have a single computer with Windows Vista/7 and 1C [b]or network, but all computers are running Windows Vista / 7.
In this case, you need to change the sort order for 1C Enterprise 7.7 in the database itself.

It is done like this:
- Run 1C in mode Enterprise Configurator 7.7;
- Select " Administration" -> "IB page code table";
- In the list, select the lowest item - " Current system installation ";
- OK.

2.2 You have a multi-user version, but users with different operating systems work in it - Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.
In this case, you need to disable the sort order check.

Create a marker file with the name OrdNoChk.prm with any content. can be empty;
- if you have one base, then you can throw this file to the program itself, i.e. in \\1Cv77\Bin\ This disables the sort order check in the 1C program. But this will still apply to all bases.
- if you have a lot of bases, then it is better to throw this file into the folder with the base. Then disabling the sort order check will affect only this base, where this marker (or signal) file is located. Let's say you have three bases. They work with two bases in Windows XP, and with the third - from different systems. Then, if we throw a marker file only to the third base, then they will be able to work with the third base from different systems.

Why not throw the file OrdNoChk.prm V BIN and not disable the sort order check for all databases at once?
- this way works only starting from the 26th platform and above;
- 1C warns: " The use of this feature can be recommended only in extreme cases, when it is not possible to reconcile the system sort order with the sort order set for information base. When checking sort order is disabled when using the distributed infobase management component, DO NOT use characters of any alphabet other than Latin in the three-letter identifier of the infobases included in the distributed infobase. It should be borne in mind that 1C:Enterprise uses the sorting capabilities of both mechanisms during operation, and disabling order identity checks in them can lead to an unexpected row order for the user, for example, when generating reports".

Therefore, if they work with some database in the same system, it is better to use the standard features. - For example, change the page code table in the database itself and work normally.
- Or use a marker file, but selectively to the base with which they work in different operating systems, without touching the rest.

This approach seems to be more flexible and correct.

Also, keep the following in mind!

It is desirable to place the databases on a machine with Windows XP, and OrdNoChk.prm put in a folder BIN on a Windows 7 (Vista) machine. This will avoid potential problems with the work of such components as URIB. At the same time, it should be remembered that a machine with Windows 7 (Vista) can only be used to work in 1C Enterprise mode.
Any changes in Configurator mode should only be made on a Windows XP machine..
When locating the databases on a Windows 7 (Vista) machine, be sure to bring the IS code page to the system one (according to the first method), and use OrdNoChk.prm already on Windows XP machines, otherwise work with URIB or simply loading previously uploaded data into IB will not be possible.

3. Error creating from component V7Plus.dll (Missing CLSID)

Such an error occurs due to the fact that libraries are not registered in the operating system. In this case - V7Plus.dll.
1C registers libraries dynamically, i.e. the first time you access the desired library.
But he can't.
This usually happens due to lack of rights, or when UAC(in Windows Vista/7). When enabled UAC 1C works with user rights and therefore cannot register the library.
There are two solutions:
- copy V7Plus.dll(or the desired library) to a folder BIN 1C (so as not to be tied to a specific database) and run 1C once on behalf of the Administrator, or from an account with administrator rights. Since it is launched with administrator rights, the library will be registered.
- register manually. To do this, we run command line with administrator rights and give the command regsvr32\BIN\V7Plus.dll, the result of the execution should be a message about the successful registration of the library.

4. Error "Database access requires ODBC driver for MS SQL Server version 3.50.0303 or later.

The error occurs when trying SQL startup version 1C Enterprise 7.7 on Windows 7 (Vista) and is the lack of support for these OS versions of SQL Server below SQL Server 2005 SP2.

Excerpt from the official Microsoft press release:
To provide more high level security, operating systems Microsoft Windows Server 2008 and Microsoft Windows Vista will support SQL Server 2005 Express SP1, while all other editions of SQL Server will require SQL Server 2005 SP2 or later. Earlier versions of SQL Server, including SQL Server 2000 (all editions, including Desktop Engine Edition, also known as MSDE), SQL Server 7.0, and SQL Server 6.5, are operating Windows systems Server 2008 and Windows Vista will not be supported.

There is no solution to date (and it is unlikely that it will appear).

As alternative you can advise the launch of 1C Enterprise on Windows Server 2003 in terminal mode, we recommend the same option for 1C file mode on a network with different versions Windows.

How to reindex the database.

The file version of the 1C program works with dbf files. To speed up data retrieval, the system creates for each *.dbf file a corresponding index file with *.cdx extension. As a result of a failure or incorrect exit from 1C, index files may be broken. Sometimes this leads to a failure of the system to work, for this you need to do a reindex.

Launch 1C:Enterprise in exclusive mode: menu Start -> Programs -> 1C:Enterprise 7.7 -> 1C:Enterprise Monopoly.

When the system works, but the data is displayed incorrectly, you need to force it.

To force it, remove all index files from the directory Database. All files with *.cdx extension are index files. This is a hard version, there is a soft one.

You need to go to the configurator, select the menu item Administration - Testing and fixing information security, tick the required item, Reindexing(remove the rest) and press the button Run. Mode, of course, must be set Testing and fixing. The same, but in automatic mode can be done as follows.

Automatic reindexing of the 1C database

When do you need to re-index 1C? I have a lot of low-skilled users working with the database. Turning off the computer with the power button is normal for them and no explanations work. Naturally, with such a shutdown of 1C, all indexes fly off and they need to be restored and re-indexed at the next login to the system. In this case, automatic re-indexing of the database at night according to the schedule helps me.

To automate the reindexing process, you can use the 1C batch launch mode. To do this, you need to create a file with the *.prm extension, for example reindex.prm, and place the following code in it


You will find a description of these options on the page "Batch mode of the configurator in 1C v 7.7"

The next step is to create a Reindex user in 1C with a Reindex password with minimal rights, and the ability to reindex the database.

To run this batch file you can use the following option:

  • *.bat - script file
  • label
  • entry in scheduler
The launch line for our example would be:

"C:\Program Files\1Cv77\BIN\1cv7.exe" config /D d:\bases\basa1\ /M /N reindex /P reindex /@ reindex.prm

Naturally, you must specify your own paths to the files.
Here, in fact, that's all. When run accordingly, the execution of the batch file will be started. The configurator will open under the specified user, reindex the database, and correctly close the configurator.

Most of the questions and answers are about version 7.7. The eighth version differs from 7.7.

Question: How to determine where the 1C: Enterprise base is located on a computer?

Answer: When you start 1C: Enterprise or Configurator, a launch window appears in front of you. If the desired base is selected (a large field almost in the middle of the window), then at the bottom you can see the path to the base. It should look something like "C:\1Cbase".

Question: How to delete records marked for deletion?

Answer: To do this, you need to close all windows (in the "Windows" menu, select "Close All"). And then, in the "Operations" menu or in the "Regulations" menu (depending on the program and interface), select "Delete marked objects". And then, first click the "Control" button, and then the "Delete" button.

Question: Every time when you try to generate a report on trading operations, the program informs you about the need to restore the boundary of the sequence of documents. What is the document sequence boundary for?

Answer: The document sequence boundary is intended to facilitate the search for user errors made when entering documents. Programs "1C" automatically track the possible violation of the relevance of the results when posting documents retroactively. For example, on January 20, 2005, an incoming invoice was entered, according to which goods were received, and on January 22, 2005, all goods received were written off. In this case, the sequence boundary is on the last document and the totals are current. Now, if the user backdates another invoice for this item for January 21, 2005, the warehouse will have a negative balance of the item, which is an erroneous situation. The sequence boundary will then move to January 21, 2005. When the user starts restoring the sequence of documents, the program will try to post an invoice dated January 22, 2005, but an error message will be displayed due to a lack of goods. In this case, the mistake made in accounting will be localized. It is recommended to restore the sequence of documents daily, checking whether changes made to an error.

Question: When generating a cash book (or other reports), a message appears about the need for temporary settlement for a given period.

Answer: If such a message appears, it means that the results for the current quarter have not been calculated. To calculate the totals for the current quarter, you need to select "Manage accounting totals" in the "Operations" menu, select the current quarter and click the "Set calculation" button. At the same time, the quarter for which the totals are calculated is displayed in the "Total calculation is set to" field.

Question: When launched from the third or fourth computer, the program does not start with a message like "Error accessing table DT****".

Answer: The fact is that the Windows 95/98 operating system does not allow you to keep more than 1024 files open at a time. Given the average database size of 200-400 files, it turns out that the program will not run on 3-6 computers trying to access the database. It is necessary to transfer the database (for DBF versions, you can simply copy the entire directory and rewrite the paths to client machines) to a computer with a different operating system (recommended - Novell, Windows 2000, Windows NT).

Question: What options exist command line for the 1cv7.exe file?

Answer: 1cv7.exe MODE [ /M | /D | /u | /n | /P ], where MODE - startup mode, can take only one of three values: config - configurator mode; debug - debugger mode; enterprise - normal (working) mode 1C: Enterprise. following keys optional: /M - run the program in exclusive mode; /D - database directory; /U - user's working directory (the directory from the list of users is ignored); /N - username; /P - user password; /@<ИмяФайла>- for the configurator mode, specifying the batch launch file Example: 1cv7 enterprise /Dc:1cmainbase /NIvanov /P123, in this case, the program will start without displaying dialogs about choosing the base and operating mode, and without prompting for a name and password.

Question: The program does not start and displays the message "Error opening the index file of the table. To restore the index files, run the program in exclusive mode."

Answer: To solve this problem, you need to run the program in exclusive mode (check the "Exclusive" box when starting the program). Of course, you will first have to ask all users to exit 1C: Enterprise. The offer to restore index files must be answered in the affirmative. This process can take a significant amount of time, from 1-2 minutes for databases of 5-10 megabytes to about an hour for large databases. If you are unable to start the system in exclusive mode, although you are sure that all users have exited the program, then first check your computer, perhaps there is still a running copy of the program. If that doesn't help, then try turning it off. client machines(one by one, with a check after each). It is likely that one of the programs was incorrectly terminated and did not release the database.

Question: When you start the program, a pop-up screen appears with the inscription 1C: Enterprise and immediately disappears.

Answer: This problem arose due to the fact that you are not allowed to write to the database directory. 1C:Enterprise to run requires an entry in this directory. To correct the situation from the server where the database is located, select the share (disk or directory with the database), click right click, select the Properties menu, the Access tab, set the value to Full (or rearrange the indicator to "Open general access to the folder" for Windows 2000). Save the changes, try starting 1C: Enterprise again.

Question: When trying to open a database, the program stops with an error message: "The sort order set for the database does not match the system sort order."

Answer: To fix this error, click on the icon My Computer-> Control Panel-> Languages ​​and Standards. Set the suggested value to "Russian" and restart your computer.

Question: What is the sequence of entering payroll data into a complex configuration or into the 1C: Salary and Personnel program?

Answer: Beginners are advised to use the "Settlement Assistant", which is located in the "Calculation and payment of wages" submenu of the "Documents" menu. If for some reason you do not want to use the assistant, then the data entry sequence is as follows:

1. Fill in the calendars that are needed to calculate the number of working days in a month.

2. If you maintain a staffing table, then you need to enable the use of staffing in the "Configuration Settings" dialog (located in the "Tools" menu) on the "Personnel" tab. Then you need to enter the positions using the document "Change in staffing".

3. Enter the regulatory document "Beginning of the payroll period".

4. Enter the documents "Employment". The directory of employees will be filled in automatically.

5. Enter all necessary accruals and deductions.

6. Enter the document "Salary payment", calculate and pay it.

7. Enter the regulatory document "End of the payroll period", which will form the postings.

Question: Why is the URIB component needed (management of distributed information bases 1C)?

Answer: Often in organizations with geographically remote offices or employees working out of the office, there is a need to organize geographically remote workplaces. For this, a special component "Management of distributed infobases" can be used. In this option, 1C:Enterprise works at each remote location. The work is carried out in Off-line mode. That is, the work of users in each infobase is carried out independently, and data is periodically exchanged and synchronized. During the exchange, only changed data is transferred, so the amount of data transferred is usually small. the exchange can be made with different frequency. In most organizations, data is exchanged once a day or every few days, and in some organizations, data is exchanged quite often - for example, every 10 minutes. From the point of view of the logic of work, the Off-line mode has, of course, a number of features. For example, when writing a document in the central office, the actual availability of goods in a remote warehouse cannot be checked. One of the features of using this option is that the configuration is developed centrally and automatically transferred from the central infobase to others. In addition to the 1C distributed infobase management component, to implement this scheme, you can use a Web extension, file exchange, or terminal access.

Question: The auto-numbering of a document or reference book with a text code has gone wrong, what should I do?

Answer: When introducing a new element of a directory or document, the number proposed by the system was changed with a decrease in bit depth, or a non-digit character was added to the end of the number. For example, the number "0001" has been changed to "1" or "001a". In the first case, new elements up to code "9" will be created, and then an attempt will be made to create an element with the existing code "1". The peculiarity of auto-numbering in this case is that it assumes a constant length of the number ("0001", "0002", etc.). In the second case, the next object will be created with the same "001a" code, because the program cannot calculate a new code because of the letter at the end of the code. The easiest way to fix the situation is to find a document with an incorrect number and change the number in it to the correct one.

Question: The recalculation of the results in 1C begins in 1753. Why?

Answer: This happens when there is an operation or a document with an empty date in the database. You need to find this document (or transaction) and correct the date.

Question: 1C starts slowly (DBF version)

Answer: Often the launch of 1C Enterprise slows down the operation of the anti-virus program. Many antivirus programs check on the fly running and opened files. In most of these programs, you can configure an exclusion by mask (that is, specify which files should not be scanned). For normal operation 1C, the following files should be excluded: *.DBF and *.CDX - tables with data and index files, *.MD - configuration file, *.USR - files with user data.

Question: When working at one computer, does it make sense to check the box - "Monopoly"?

Answer: There is a certain class of operations that can only be performed in the exclusive mode (for example, recalculation of accounting results, deletion of objects marked for deletion, search for links, etc.) and, in addition, the speed of calculations will increase slightly (by 5-15 percent).

Question: In 1C, a new element is not introduced into the directory.

Answer: A new element or group cannot be added to the directory if the hierarchical list mode is turned off. In order to enable this mode, select the "Hierarchical list" item in the "Actions" menu and set this mode.

Question: How to sort directory elements in 1C?

Answer: To sort reference by code, press Ctrl+1, by name - Ctrl+2. It is also possible to sort by other attributes (the attribute must have sorting flag set in the configurator) to do this, place the cursor on the required attribute and press Ctrl+3.

Question: How to make a regular database out of a distributed one?

Answer: When an infobase is converted to the mode of using the URDB component (Distributed Infobase Management), some changes are made to the IB that do not allow using the database in the normal mode. Namely: three tables are added that are responsible for the synchronization process, and changes are made to the 1ssystem.dbf table Do not forget to do backup before: Delete the files 1sdbset.dbf, 1sdbset.cdx, 1sdwnlds.dbf, 1sdwnlds.cdx, 1supdts.dbf, 1supdts.cdx Delete the only entry from the 1ssystem.dbf file Enter the configurator mode, open, for example, configuration properties, add some character to the comment, and then delete it. After that, save the configuration.

Question: I need to get away from the computer for a while. How to make it so that during my absence, without turning off the 1C: Enterprise system, no one could perform any actions.

Answer: To solve this problem, a system temporary blocking mode is provided. It should be noted that it makes sense when a password has been set for the user during the configuration process. To enter temporary blocking mode, select "Tools/ Temporary blocking". A dialog for entering a password will appear on the screen. In this case, all other functions of the program will become unavailable. To continue working with the system, you will need to enter your password.

Question: How is the point of relevance set for a document?

Answer: It is necessary to select a line in the document log with a record about the document, which will serve as a model for setting the relevance point of the results. Next, "Actions", "Install TA on the document."

Question: How can I view and change the transactions associated with a document?

Answer: In the document journal, move the pointer to the document of interest, or simply open it and select the main menu item "Actions" / "Operation transactions", or click the button on the toolbar with the image of a blue letter D and a red letter K. In the window that opens, all transactions will be shown, created with the document. At the same time, the program will not allow you to change anything in the postings.

(Created to accompany clients of Praktika LLC)

Important! Before making any changes in the 1C database, make a backup copy. If 1C is launched in the configurator mode, then through the menu Administration -> Save data. If you already have older copies, don't overwrite them, make a separate archive. If 1C does not start in configurator mode, copy the entire database directory to another location. If you have another storage medium ( second hard disk, Zip drive, writing CD-ROM), it is better to make a copy on it. Question : When launched, the program does not load and displays the message "Protection key not found". Answer: This error can occur due to a number of reasons. Solutions depend on whether you have a network version or a local one. Let's start with the local one, as with a simpler case. We suggest that you perform the following steps. After each attempt, please try to run 1C:Enterprise. It is possible that the problem will be solved at the first step, and then all subsequent ones will not be needed. a)Restart your computer by clicking Start->Shutdown ->Restart Computer ->OK. Wait until the computer will restart, then try to run 1C again. b)You may have forgotten to install the protection driver when installing the program. Then you need to run it by clicking Start ->Programs->1C: Enterprise 7.7->Install protection driver. Restart your computer and try to run 1C: Enterprise again. cCheck the physical presence of the key on the computer, maybe someone touched it and it fell out of the computer. To do this, you need to get to the back wall of the computer case, where the wires are connected. Important: It is highly recommended that you first turn off your computer. The key looks like a bar about 3x4x1 cm. Most likely, it will be red or white color . The key is inserted into the LPT port (the same place as the printer). In any case, you will only be able to insert the key into the LPT port. Important: no need to exert great force, the effort should be comparable to the effort when raising a glass of tea. If the key does not fit into the port, do not try to force it in, as either it is not a key or you are not inserting it into the LPT port. It is better to call the person responsible for computers in your company, or call us. After you have inserted the key into the port, turn on the computer and try to start 1C: Enterprise again. d)Sometimes a printer and other equipment installed "on top" of a key can interfere with its determination by the protection server. Having previously turned off the computer and the printer, try disconnecting the peripherals (most often the printer) from the computer, leaving the key in place. Now turn on the computer and try to start 1C. Of course, in this case, you will not be able to use the disabled device. If you are using the network version and the key is not located on your computer, it is recommended that you contact the person who is responsible for the operation of computers in your company for help. If you are this person, then we can advise you to do the following: a) Check that the problem computer "sees" the server where the key is located. You can either ping the server from the command line by running the ping program from the problem computer with the server computer name as a parameter. For example, c:ping server1c. Or you can simply check the presence of the server computer in the list of computers available to the client by clicking on the "My Network Places" icon. If it turns out that the problem computer does not "see" the server, then you will need to conduct a standard check for network problems. We recommend that you start by checking the integrity of the cables (no breaks), the health of the hub, the health of the network card (is the light on, is the ping command successful), in addition, you should make sure that the necessary protocols are available and that they are configured correctly. b)Make sure that the "Protection Server" program is running on the computer with the dongle. This program is necessary for the work of 1C: Enterprise clients in the network version. You can run it by clicking Start ->Programs->1C:Enterprise 7.7->Protection Server. c) On each computer with 1C: Enterprise there is a nethasp.ini file, which by default is located in C: Program Files1Cv77BIN. This file contains settings for the program that checks for the presence of a key on the network. The file is well documented and you can probably understand its structure. We recommend that you pay Special attention on the lines of the protocols used (perhaps there is one IPX / SPX left, which is not used at all in your network), the key search waiting time (when weak network the program may simply not have time to find it) and links to the server computer (perhaps such a computer no longer exists, it has been moved or renamed). Question: When you start 1C: Enterprise, the program does not load and displays a message like "The database directory was not found C: 1C." Answer: This happened due to the fact that the folder in which the 1C base is located is not available. If the database is located on your computer, then most likely you have moved it somewhere. Remember if you have moved any directories (folders) recently. If you know exactly where the base was moved, or it seems to you that the recently moved folder is the base, then when starting 1C, select the “Change” button in the dialog box (on the right are the OK, Cancel and next buttons - “Change”). Specify a new path to the database and, by clicking on the OK button, start 1C: Enterprise again. If the database is not on your computer, but on a remote server, then it is better to ask for help from the person who is responsible for the performance of computers in your company. If you still decide to fix the problem yourself, then, firstly, you need to check the existence of a network between the two computers (you can simply check the presence of the server computer in the list of computers available to the client by clicking on the "My Network Places" icon). Secondly, you need to find out the location of the directory with the database on the server. After that, by clicking on the "Change" button in the 1C: Enterprise launch dialog box, select "My network environment" -> Server on which the database is located -> Specify the path to the database. Now try running 1C: Enterprise again. Question: I can’t start 1C: Enterprise, the program stops with the error “Data blocking error. Perhaps the data is being used by another task." Answer: 1C: An enterprise can be launched in two modes: Exclusive and Divided. In exclusive mode, only one user can open the database. The above message indicates that someone is already logged in in exclusive mode (perhaps you), and now you are trying to use the database. The first thing to do is to check your computer. Look at the taskbar (to the right of the "Start" button), if you see the inscription "1C: Enterprise" there, then click on it and close it. It was a previously launched copy of the 1C: Enterprise program. Run 1C: Enterprise again. If 1C: Enterprise in exclusive mode is not running on your computer, then two options are possible. The first option is applicable if there are few computers on the network using 1C: Enterprise, and they are located close to each other. Then you can go to each computer and, by selecting the menu item 1C: Enterprise Help -> About the program, you will see the Mode of operation in the very last line. If “Exclusive” is written on the left, then you need to close 1C: Enterprise on this computer and run it on your own. Most likely, the problem will be solved. The second option should be used when there are a lot of computers on the network, and it takes too long to bypass them one by one. Then you need to start the Monitor with the Start -> Programs -> 1C: Enterprise -> User Monitor command. After starting the monitor, you need to select the menu item Monitor -> Active users. You will see a list of computers from which this moment the base is used (each line is a running 1C component: Configurator, Enterprise, Monitor, Debugger). If you pay attention to the leftmost column, you may notice that one of the computers is running 1C: Enterprise in exclusive mode (this is displayed in red exclamation point next to the icon). Go to this computer and close 1C: Enterprise there. The problem should now be resolved. Sometimes it is possible that some computer has incorrectly shut down (or simply “frozen”), then you need to turn it off and turn it on again. If it is impossible to determine which computer occupied the base, and the Monitor does not specify a computer using the exclusive mode, then you will have to turn off all computers (you can do it one by one, trying to start 1C after turning off each computer). Question: The program does not start and displays the message "Error loading metadata". Answer: There is no general solution to the problem here. First, make sure that the correct database path is specified. You can check this by looking at the inscription at the very bottom of the 1C: Enterprise launch window. The path to the database should appear there (something like C: 1C). If you don’t know if this path is the right one, then read the answer to the question “When starting 1C: Enterprise, the program does not load and gives a message like “The base directory was not found C: 1C”. If this does not help, then try contacting the person in charge of computers in your company. If you have no one to turn to or it turns out that the path is correct, but the database, nevertheless, does not start, then it is better to contact us. Question: The program does not start and displays the message "Error opening table index file. To restore index files, run the program in exclusive mode." Answer: To solve this problem, you need to run the program in exclusive mode (check the "Exclusive" box when starting the program). Of course, you will first have to ask all users to exit 1C: Enterprise. The offer to restore index files must be answered in the affirmative. This process can take a significant amount of time, from 1-2 minutes for databases of 5-10 megabytes to about an hour for large databases. If you are unable to start the system in exclusive mode, although you are sure that all users have exited the program, then first check your computer, perhaps there is still a running copy of the program. If this does not help, then try turning off the client machines (you can do it one at a time, with a check after each). It is likely that one of the programs was incorrectly terminated and did not release the database. Question: The program does not start and displays the message "The log file is corrupted." Answer: In your base directory (the path to the base is written at the bottom left in the launch window) there is a Syslog subdirectory. This directory contains the 1cv7.mlg file, this is the log file. Move it to another directory; if you think you don't need the log file, you can delete it. The main thing is to remove the log file from this directory. The next time you start 1C:Enterprise, it should successfully boot up and create an empty log file. Question: When you start the program, a pop-up screen appears with the inscription 1C: Enterprise and immediately disappears. Answer: This problem arose due to the fact that you are not allowed to write to the database directory. 1C:Enterprise to run requires an entry in this directory. To correct the situation from the server on which the database is located, select the share (disk or directory with the database), right-click, select the Properties menu, the Access tab, set the value to Full (or rearrange the indicator to "Share the folder" for Windows 2000). Save the changes, try running 1C: Enterprise again. Question: When trying to open a database, the program stops with an error message: "The sort order set for the database does not match the system sort order." Answer: To fix this error, click on the icon My Computer-> Control Panel-> Languages ​​and Standards. Set the suggested value to "Russian" and restart your computer. Question: When starting the program, the download stops with an error message: "Runtime Error! Program c:Program Files1Cv77Bin1Cv77.exe. Abnormal Termination". Answer: There may be several reasons for this error to occur. First, copy your base directory to another location so that even in the worst case scenario (the lights were turned off during the fix), you can return to the situation before the start of the fix. You can take the following steps to fix this error yourself. After each step, try to start 1C: Enterprise.
  1. Restart your computer.
  2. Reinstall 1C: Enterprise.
  3. Copy the file, which is located in the NEW_STRU directory of your base, to your base directory. For example, if your base is located in the c:1Cbase directory, then you need to copy the file from c:1CbaseNEW_STRU to c:1Cbase. To the question: "Should I replace the current file?" should answer "Yes".
  4. Run the Configurator, select Administration -> IS testing and fixing. Click the Run button.
If the error has not been corrected, then, apparently, you will have to contact Praktika directly. Question: When launched, the program first asks for the encoding (code page and sort order), and then the download stops with an error message: “Unrecoverable database error. Code - 10. Error opening database dictionary. Answer: Copy the file 1Cv7.dd, which is located in the NEW_STRU directory of your base, to your base directory. For example, if your base is in the c:1Cbase directory, then you need to copy the 1Cv7.dd file from c:1CbaseNEW_STRU to c:1Cbase. To the question: "Should I replace the current file?" should answer "Yes". If such a file does not exist in the NEW_STRU directory, but you know the password for the configuration, then you can fix the problems by renaming any metadata object to itself (for example, delete the last letter “l” in the identifier of the MainBranch constant and put it again) . Save the configuration. Question: How to determine where the 1C: Enterprise base is located? Answer: When you start 1C: Enterprise or Configurator, a launch window appears in front of you. If the desired base is selected (a large field almost in the middle of the window), then at the bottom you can see the path to the base. It should look something like "C:1Cbase". Question: When launched from the third or fourth computer, the program does not start with a message like "Error accessing table DT****". Answer: The fact is that the Windows 95/98 operating system does not allow you to keep more than 1024 files open at a time. Given the average database size of 200-400 files, it turns out that the program will not run on 3-6 computers trying to access the database. It is necessary to transfer the database (for DBF versions, you can simply copy the entire directory and rewrite the paths on client machines) to a computer with a different operating system (recommended - Novell, Windows 2000, Windows NT). Question: 1С: The enterprise opens the base for a very long time. Answer: Perhaps this is due to the fact that the antivirus scanner checks all *.dbf and *.cdx files that 1C: Enterprise wants to open. To solve the problem, you need to exclude scanning of files of this type (for example, in the "AVP Monitor" program, this is called "Exclude by mask"). You don't have to worry about viruses from *. dbf files database and index files, as they cannot contain viruses. Question: What are the command line options for the 1cv7.exe file? Answer :

1cv7.exe MODE [ /M | /D | /u | /n | /P],
where MODE - startup mode, can take only one of three values:
config - configurator mode;
debug - debugger mode;
enterprise - normal (working) mode 1C: Enterprise.
the following keys are optional:
/M - run the program in exclusive mode;
/D - database directory;
/U - user's working directory (the directory from the list of users is ignored);
/N - username;
/P - user password;
/T - path to temporary files
/@ - for the configurator mode, specifying the batch file
/W - Web extension initialization

Example: 1cv7 enterprise /Dc:1cmainbase /NIvanov /P123,
in this case, the program will start without displaying dialogs about choosing a base and operating mode, and also without prompting for a user name and password.

Running in batch mode is described in detail in the book “Configuration and Administration. Part Two" on page 252.

Sooner or later in the life of any 1C user, a difficult moment comes when a favorite program refuses to deal with it, not starting at all or issuing messages that are often incomprehensible to an inexperienced person. So, what is 1C trying to tell us and what can we do for it?

1. "Error loading metadata"

2. "The sort order set for the database is different from the system sort order!"

This error occurs when the system encoding and infobase encoding are different (see

3. "Data lock error"

Your base is used in exclusive mode (perhaps it is you). To fix this problem, close the 1C:Enterprise session with exclusive access to the database and log in in split mode. If 1C: Enterprise in exclusive mode is not running on your computer, then two options are possible.

The first option is applicable if there are few computers on the network using 1C: Enterprise or they are located close to each other. By selecting the menu item 1C:Enterprise Help -> About the program on each computer, you will see in the line Working mode. If “Exclusive” is written on the left, then you need to close 1C: Enterprise on this computer.

The second option should be used when there are a lot of computers on the network. Then you need to start the Monitor with the Start -> Programs -> 1C: Enterprise -> User Monitor command. After starting the monitor, you need to select the menu item Monitor -> Active users. You will see a list of computers from which the database is currently being used (each line is a running 1C component: Configurator, Enterprise, Monitor, Debugger). If you pay attention to the leftmost column, you will see that one of the computers is running 1C: Enterprise in exclusive mode (this is indicated by a red exclamation mark next to the icon). Go to this computer and close 1C: Enterprise there. The problem should now be resolved.

Sometimes it is possible that some computer shut down incorrectly (or simply “frozen”), then you need to turn it off and turn it on again. If it is impossible to determine which computer has occupied the base, and the Monitor does not indicate a computer using exclusive mode, then you will have to find and end the 1cv7.exe process in the Manager Windows tasks or turn off all computers (you can one by one, trying to start 1C after turning off each computer).

4. "User directory busy"

5. "Base directory not found"

This happened due to the fact that the folder in which the 1C base is located is not available. If the database is located on your computer, then most likely you have moved it somewhere. Remember if you have moved any directories (folders) recently. If you know exactly where the base was moved, then when starting 1C, select the “Change” button in the dialog box (on the right are the OK, Cancel and next buttons - “Change”). Specify a new path to the database and, by clicking on the OK button, start 1C: Enterprise again.

If the database is located not on your computer, but on a remote server, then it is better to ask for help from the person who is responsible for the performance of computers in your company. If you still decide to fix the problem yourself, then, firstly, you need to check the existence of a network between the two computers (you can simply check the presence of the server computer in the list of computers available to the client by clicking on the "My Network Places" icon). Secondly, you need to find out the location of the directory with the database on the server. After that, by clicking on the "Change" button in the 1C:Enterprise launch dialog box, select "My network environment" -> Server where the base is located -> Specify the path to the base.

6. "Error opening table index file. To restore index files, run the program in exclusive mode"

To solve this problem, you need to run the program in exclusive mode (check the "Exclusive" box when starting the program). Of course, you will first have to ask all users to exit 1C: Enterprise. The offer to restore index files must be answered in the affirmative. This process can take a significant amount of time, from 1-2 minutes for databases of 5-10 megabytes to about an hour for large databases. If you are unable to start the system in exclusive mode, although you are sure that all users have exited the program, then first check your computer, perhaps there is still a running copy of the program. If this does not help, then try turning off the client machines (you can do it one at a time, with a check after each). It is likely that one of the programs was incorrectly terminated and did not release the database.

7. "Log file corrupted"

In your base directory (the path to the base is written at the bottom of the launch window) there is a Syslog subdirectory. This directory contains the file 1cv 7.mlg , this is the log file. Move it to another directory; if you think you don't need the log file, you can delete it. The main thing is to remove the log file from this directory. The next time you start 1C:Enterprise, it should successfully boot up and create an empty log file.

8. When you start the program, a pop-up screen appears with the inscription 1C: Enterprise and immediately disappears.

This error occurs if the platform detects files to run, but the current account (operating system account, not to be confused with account"1C:Enterprise") does not have access rights to the directory where the infobase is located. 1C:Enterprise to run requires an entry in this directory. To correct the situation from the server on which the database is located, select the share (disk or directory with the database), right-click, select the Properties menu, the Access tab, set the value to Full (or rearrange the indicator to "Share the folder" for Windows 2000). Save the changes, try running 1C: Enterprise again.

9. "Runtime Error! Program c:\Program Files\1Cv77\Bin\1Cv77.exe. Abnormal termination»

There may be several reasons for this error to occur. First, copy your base directory to another location so that even in the worst case scenario (the lights were turned off during the fix), you can return to the situation before the start of the fix. You can take the following steps to fix this error yourself. After each step, try to start 1C: Enterprise.

a) Restart your computer.

b) Reinstall 1C: Enterprise.

c)Copy the 1Cv file, which is located in the NEW _STRU directory of your base, to the directory with the base. For example, if your base is in the c :\1C \base directory, then you need to copy the 1Cv file from c :\1C \base \NEW _STRU to c :\1C \base . To the question: “Should I replace the current file?” should answer "Yes".

d)Run the Configurator, select Administration -> IS testing and fixing. Click the Run button.

10. "Unrecoverable database error. Code - 10. Error opening database dictionary"

Copy the file 1Cv7.dd, which is located in the NEW_STRU directory of your base, to your base directory. For example, if your base is located in the c:\1C\base directory, then you need to copy the 1Cv7.dd file from c:\1C\base\NEW_STRU to c:\1C\base. To the question: “Should I replace the current file?” should answer "Yes". If such a file does not exist in the NEW_STRU directory, but you know the password for the configuration, then you can fix the problems by renaming some metadata object to itself (for example, delete the last letter “l” in the identifier of the MainBranch constant and put it again). Save the configuration.

11. DT table access error*

Exceeded the maximum number allowed at the same time open files on Windows 9x.

The fact is that Windows 95/98 allow you to open no more than 1024 files at the same time. This limitation takes effect if network mode work base lies on a shared disk of a computer running under Windows control 95/98. When starting 1C, each connected user opens all .dbf and .cdx files that are part of the configuration. Depending on the complexity of the configuration, 3-6 users can simultaneously work with 1C in this mode.

If you encounter such a problem, you should use a computer with WinNT/2000/2003 as a file server (that is, a computer that stores the infobase directory). You just need to keep in mind that WinNT Workstation (2000 Professional) has no limit on the number of open files, but allows no more than 10 simultaneous connections. Those. No more than 10 users can work with databases on such a computer at the same time. If you need to work with more users at the same time, then it makes sense to consider the option with a dedicated server and operating systems Windows 2000/2003 Server.

If you migrated the database to Windows 2003 Server and you keep getting the same error, then check the number of licenses for connecting users (computers) in Win Server 2003 - there is only 5 by default.

12. "Program security key not found"

This error can occur due to a number of reasons. Solutions depend on whether you have a network version or a local one. Let's start with local, as in the simpler case.

We suggest that you do the following. After each attempt, please try to run 1C:Enterprise. It is possible that the problem will be solved at the first step, and then all subsequent ones will not be needed.

a ) Restart your computer by clicking Start->Shutdown ->Restart Computer ->OK. Wait until the computer restarts, then try starting 1C again.

b ) You may have forgotten to install the protection driver when installing the program. Then you need to run it by clicking Start ->Programs->1C: Enterprise 7.7->Install protection driver. Restart your computer and try to run 1C: Enterprise again. If for some reason the driver was not installed, then install it from the disk that came with the software or download it from the site

c) Check the physical presence of the key on the computer, maybe it jumped out of the computer. To do this, you need to get to the back wall of the computer case, where the wires are connected. Important: It is highly recommended that you first turn off your computer. The key looks like a bar about 3x4x1 cm. Most likely, it will be red or white. The key is inserted into the LPT port (the same place as the printer). In any case, you can only insert the key into the LPT port. Important: no need to exert great force, the effort should be comparable to the effort when raising a glass of tea. If the key does not fit into the port, do not try to force it in, as either it is not a key or you are not inserting it into the LPT port. It is better to call the person responsible for computers in your company. After you have inserted the key into the port, turn on the computer and try to start 1C: Enterprise again.

d) Sometimes a printer and other equipment installed “on top” of a key can interfere with its determination by the protection server. Having previously turned off the computer and the printer, try disconnecting the peripherals (most often the printer) from the computer, leaving the key in place. Now turn on the computer and try to start 1C. Of course, in this case, you will not be able to use the disabled device.

If you are using network version, and the key is not located on your computer, it is recommended to ask for help from the person who is responsible for the performance of computers in your company. If you are this person, then we can advise you to do the following:

a) Check that the problem computer "sees" the server where the key is located. You can either ping the server from the command line by running the ping program from the problem computer with the server computer name as a parameter. For example c : ping server 1c . Or you can simply check the presence of the server computer in the list of computers available to the client by clicking on the "My Network Places" icon. If it turns out that the problem computer does not "see" the server, then you will need to carry out a standard check when network problems. We recommend that you start by checking the integrity of the cables (there are no breaks), the operability of the hub, the operability of the network card, in addition, you should make sure that the necessary protocols are available and that they are configured correctly.

b ) Make sure that the "Protection Server" program is running on the computer with the dongle. This program is necessary for the work of 1C: Enterprise clients in the network version. You can run it by clicking Start ->Programs->1C:Enterprise 7.7->Protection Server.

c ) Every 1C:Enterprise computer has a nethasp .ini file, which by default is located in C :\Program Files \1Cv 77\BIN . This file contains settings for the program that checks for the presence of a key on the network. The file is well documented and you can probably understand its structure. We recommend that you pay special attention to the lines of the protocols used (perhaps there is one IPX /SPX left that is not used at all in your network), the key search waiting time (in case of a weak network, the program may simply not have time to find it) and links to the server computer (perhaps the computer no longer exists, has been moved or renamed).

It is possible that the hardware security key "dead dead". In this situation, you need to contact your supplier software and write an application for the exchange of a security key. Or your copy of "1C:Enterprise" does not have any given key. After all, the key comes only with licensed software.

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