Download removal avast. How to completely remove avast free antivirus from your computer

In this article, I want to touch on the problem of removing Avast antivirus, because they often contact me on this issue. You won’t take much money for removing Avast, you will only lose more time. The whole problem is that it is difficult to remove it (or rather, it is not difficult to remove Avsat, but then you have to clean the registry for a long time). Avast leaves a lot of garbage behind in the computer and in the registry. Registry entries are especially unpleasant. The problem is that if you once had Avast antivirus (this is especially true for those who had trial version program) and the license has ended on it, then you won’t install it a second time, or rather you will install it, but it won’t work anymore, because when you reinstall it, the registry entry has already been written about the end of the license.

In general, I would not recommend using this antivirus. Believe me, it is better not to spare money and install a normal antivirus program, for example, Eset Nod 32 or the well-known Kaspersky. Moreover, the price of a license for a year, for example, Eset Smart Security, is only 1690 rubles, and for 3 computers. That is, if you chip in with three friends, comrades or relatives, then it will come out in total (I’ll save it on a calculator right now) for 563 rubles, and this is for a year (well, plus interest for transferring money via the Internet will turn out to be about 600, and an extension for another year is somewhere around 400 rubles). You paid once and, as they say, sleep peacefully all year and you won’t have to think about how to delete all sorts of Avasts. From my own experience, I would advise everyone to install Eset Smart Security (and not just Eset Antivirus, but Eset Smart Security, since this version is more suitable for active users Internet), Kaspersky is of course also good, but I do not advise you to install it on old computers or computers with low performance.

In this article, we will look at 3 ways to remove Avast antivirus.

METHOD 1. How to completely uninstall Avast (standard removal using the built-in Windows tools, followed by cleaning the registry)

So, we will use the standard Windows tools. The method is very confused for an inexperienced user, and it is worth using it if you have already uninstalled Avast and traces of it still remain.

Open the start menu and go to the control panel

In the control panel, find and select "Uninstall programs"

In the program uninstall panel we find our Avast antivirus and to remove it, double-click on it with the left mouse button

The Avast installation window will open. Select the "Uninstall" tab and click the "Next" button. The deletion process will begin. Follow the instructions of the program. At the end, you will need to restart your computer

IN command line"Run" enter the command regedit R12; which translates as registry editor, and click the "Ok" button

This is actually the R12 registry; the heart of the computer (or rather operating system). We put the cursor at the very top on the line "Computer"

The program will find the first value with the remains of the Anti-Virus. Delete it by clicking on the "Delete" button

And so on until you remove all values ​​with the word Avast. The procedure can take a long time for an inexperienced user. In the end, when the registry is cleared, it does not hurt to restart the computer.

Now Avast is completely removed.

METHOD 2. Removing Avast using the antivirus manufacturer's utility.

I will describe it briefly, since it is unlikely that you will need it, since this utility. also does not completely remove Avast, and after that you will also have to clean the registry.

So go to the official website of the manufacturer at

On the right side of the site, find the "Support" section

At the bottom of the site in the section "Orders and Offers" we find a link to the program

In the lower left corner of the browser we find the downloaded file and run it with one click

The automatic removal process will begin. The computer will reboot into safe mode and run the program, you will only need to confirm the Avast removal process. Then computer five will reboot itself and, in principle, everything is ready.

METHOD 3: Uninstall Avast Completely using special uninstaller programs.

If you are still a novice user, then I advise you to read about this method to the end.

Eating special programs uninstallers, which, after removal, in addition, also clean up the remaining traces of programs from the registry and hard drive, thereby preventing contamination of the computer with unnecessary files left after deletion. They are suitable not only for removing Avast. but also for all programs. So I advise you to choose the most optimal one for yourself and use it constantly. For example, I use Revo Uninstaller, which I advise you. I will not praise it, see for yourself and draw conclusions for yourself.

So run the installed Revo Uninstaller

And we find the Avast program in the list! Select it and click on the "Delete" button at the top.

First, the standard Avast antivirus removal process will go.

We follow the instructions of the program, but at the end we mark the item “Reload later” with a dot (that is, you do not need to restart the computer). Click the "Done" button

Now in Revo Uninstaller you need to scan for the remaining junk files. Mark the item "Advanced" with a dot and click the "Scan" button

Search process junk files and values ​​may take some time, so you can go make yourself some tea or coffee in the meantime. After scanning, the program will display the registry values ​​​​remaining from Avast. We mark all the checkboxes, click the "Delete" button. After the process is completed, click the "Next" button

We restart the computer. Hooray! All is ready.

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Install antivirus programs, in most cases, thanks to convenient prompts and an intuitive process, it is not difficult, but there can be big problems with the removal of such applications. As you know, the antivirus leaves its traces in the root directory of the system, in the registry, and in many other places, and the incorrect removal of a program of such importance can have a very negative impact on the computer. Residual antivirus files tend to conflict with other programs, especially with another antivirus application that you install to replace the one you removed. Let's find out how to uninstall Avast Free Antivirus from a computer.

Most easy way removal of any applications - built-in uninstaller. Let's learn step by step how to remove Avast antivirus using this method using Windows 7 OS as an example.

First of all, through the Start menu, we go to the Windows Control Panel.

In the Control Panel, select the "Uninstall Programs" subsection.

In the list that opens, select the Avast Free Antivirus application, and click on the "Delete" button.

Avast built-in uninstaller starts. First of all, a dialog box opens asking if you really want to remove the antivirus. If there is no response within a minute, the uninstallation process will be automatically cancelled.

But we really want to remove the program, so click on the "Yes" button.

The delete window opens. In order to directly start the uninstallation process, click on the "Delete" button.

The process of uninstalling the program has begun. Its progress can be observed using a graphical indicator.

In order to permanently remove the program, the uninstaller will prompt you to restart your computer. We agree.

After rebooting the system, Avast antivirus will be completely removed from the computer. But, just in case, it is recommended to clean the registry with special application, such as utilities .

For those users who are interested in the question of how to remove Avast antivirus from the operating Windows systems 10 or Windows 8, you can answer that the uninstallation procedure is similar.

Uninstalling Avast using the Avast Uninstall Utility

If the antivirus application for any reason is not removed uninstall in a standard way, or, if you are puzzled by the question of how to completely remove Avast antivirus from your computer, then the Avast Uninstall Utility will help you. This program is produced by the Avast developer himself, and it can be downloaded from the official website of the antivirus. The way to remove the antivirus with this utility is somewhat more complicated than that described above, but it works even in situations where standard removal is not possible, and uninstalls Avast completely without a trace.

A feature of this utility is that it should be run in Safe Windows mode. In order to enable Safe Mode, we reboot the computer, and just before the operating system boots, press the F8 key. A list of options appears Windows startup. Select "Safe Mode", and press the "ENTER" button on the keyboard.

After the operating system has loaded, run the Avast Uninstall Utility. A window opens in front of us, in which the paths to the folders for the location of the program and the location of the data are indicated. If they differ from those that were offered by default during the installation of Avast, then you should register these directories manually. But, in the vast majority of cases, no changes are needed. To start the uninstallation, click on the "Delete" button.

The process of completely removing Avast antivirus has begun.

After the program is uninstalled, the utility will ask you to restart your computer. Click on the appropriate button.

After restarting the computer, Avast antivirus will be completely removed, and the system will boot in normal mode, not in Safe Mode.

Removing Avast using specialized programs

There are users for whom it is more convenient to remove programs that are not built-in Windows tools or the Avast Uninstall Utility, but with the help of specialized programs. This method is also suitable in cases where the antivirus is not removed by standard tools for any reason. Consider how to uninstall Avast using the Uninstall Tool.

After launching the Uninstall Tool, in the list of applications that opens, select Avast Free Antivirus. Clicks the "Uninstall" button.

Then the standard Avast uninstaller starts. After that, we act exactly according to the same scheme that we talked about when describing the first uninstallation method.

In most cases complete removal the Avast program ends successfully, but if there are any problems, the Uninstall Tool will report this and offer another way to uninstall.

As you can see, there are a number of ways to remove Avast from a computer. Uninstalling with standard Windows tools is the easiest, but uninstalling with the Avast Uninstall Utility is more reliable, although it requires a procedure in safe mode. A kind of compromise between these two methods, combining the simplicity of the first and the reliability of the second, is the removal of Avast antivirus third party application UninstallTool.

Avast- free antivirus, which many users install on their computer in an attempt to solve a security problem without financial investment. However, in practice it often turns out that this utility package does not cope with the task and cannot always protect the system from viruses. The question arises of how to remove Avast antivirus from a computer, in order to then install a more powerful, preferably licensed, program.

Uninstalling Avast from your computer

Standard delete

Before removing the antivirus, you must disable its self-defense. You can do this in the Avast settings:

  1. Open antivirus settings.
  2. Go to the Troubleshooting section.
  3. Disable the self-protection module.

After performing this operation, go to the "Control Panel" and open the "Uninstall programs" section. Find Avast in the list, select it and click Uninstall. The uninstall wizard will start, with the help of which you will remove the antivirus from the system.

So standard deletion everything is clear, but the problem is that it often does not help: Avast does not seem to be in the system, but, for example, another antivirus cannot be installed due to errors. How to completely uninstall Avast so as not to encounter such an unpleasant situation? Let's consider two options.

Avast Uninstall Utility

The easiest way to remove Avast completely is to use the uninstall utility from the antivirus developers. It's called Avast Uninstall Utility; You can download it for free from the official website of the program.

  1. Download the uninstall utility.
  2. Restart your computer and log into the system in safe mode.
  3. Run the Uninstall Utility and select the product you want to uninstall.
  4. Click "Uninstall".

In most cases, the official uninstaller handles the antivirus files, completely removing them from the system. If this method did not help you solve the question of how to remove Avast antivirus from your computer completely, then you will have to clean the computer manually.

Registry cleaning

It is possible that when you uninstalled the program, all Avast files were destroyed. However, entries related to the antivirus may remain in the system registry, which prevent the installation of another security utility. You need to get rid of them:

All found lines and sections whose names contain the words " avast", You delete by pressing the Delete key. The continuation of the search is launched by F 3 - you press it and you see the next “tail” of the antivirus that needs to be destroyed.

Implement - this will be safer, but less effective than manual editing, since with programmatic cleaning there is a chance that some "tails" will remain in the system.

Hello dear readers of my blog! Today I will tell you several ways on how to remove Avast from your computer.

Many users who want to switch to another antivirus constantly ask this question. Usually removing Avast is done standard means"Start" - "Control Panel" - "Add or Remove" (in Windows XP), if you are using Windows 7, then at the end of "Programs and Features". Then we find AVAST in the list and click "Delete".

Logically, after the removal process, no more problems should arise. However, when installing a new antivirus, a message appears that it cannot be installed, since AVAST is present in the system. Here is such a non-standard situation.

In fact, the problem is that Avast deletes all its files, but the registry, where its parameters are registered, remains untouched (a small part).

How to uninstall Avast, method #1

Before starting the uninstallation process, check if the self-protection of the antivirus is disabled. To do this, click right click click on the Avast icon, and in the menu that appears, select "Program Settings" - "Troubleshooting" or "Troubleshooting".

Now on the right you can see a list of various options that can be deactivated. Select "Disable Avast protection module!" or "Enable Avast Security Module!" (depending on Avast version). Now you can start removing the antivirus. If these actions did not bring results, then we read the article further.

How to uninstall Avast, method number 2

Go to the "Start" menu - "Run". In the window that opens, enter "regedit" (registry) and click "OK".

Please be vigilant! Do not remove or change registry settings that you do not know the meaning of!

This is what the registry editor window looks like.

In the window that opens, select "Edit" - "Find", or press the keyboard shortcuts "CTRL" + "F", a window with settings for the search will appear.

In it, enter the word "AVAST" and make sure to check the box next to "section names", click "Find next".

When the AVAST section or parameter is found, press the "DELETE" button on the keyboard and continue the search.

If the system does not allow you to delete this data, then you need to go into safe mode and repeat the manipulations.

If no more parameters are found, then restart the computer. Now you can install a new antivirus.

In the event that the method described above did not help you, there are several more methods on how you can remove Avast from your computer.

How to uninstall Avast, method number 3

For it, you will need a utility called Aswclear, download the program from .

Congratulations! Avast has been successfully removed from your computer! Now you can install the new antivirus.

If none of the methods worked, then try using the Revo Uninstaller program. How to use it we read in the article "".

See you soon!

Usually free version antivirus Avast installed on your computer quickly and without any problems. However, if you want to remove this utility, then there is already a whole bunch of errors and warnings. To avoid them, you need to know how to remove Avast correctly. We will talk about the correct uninstallation of the antivirus in this article.

There are three ways to uninstall Avast from your computer at once. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Uninstall using standard Windows tools

The developers of the Windows operating system have created a built-in utility that allows you to completely remove any program from your computer. Moreover, the system uninstaller is in each Windows versions. The uninstaller works rather slowly. However, after uninstalling with standard tools Your PC OS is guaranteed to be cleared of all antivirus components. So to run system utility To uninstall programs, you must:

When the computer starts up again, you need to delete all entries about Avast from the registry. This is necessary in order to prevent the re-installation of the antivirus. So, to clean your PC from records, you need to:

Removing through the official uninstaller

Almost all companies create for their software products uninstallers. Avast is no exception in this regard. You can download the proprietary uninstaller on the official website of the manufacturer ( Go to the specified Internet resource and follow the instructions below:

Removal through third-party software

To remove Avast antivirus you can use software from third party developers. On the World Wide Web, you can find a bunch of utilities that allow you to remove unnecessary software from your computer. We will use a fairly well-known software called CCleaner. So, in order to remove Avast, we do the following:

After the program completely removes Avast, it is necessary. Thankfully, with using CCleaner this process can be automated. Enter the "Registry" section, which is located in the main menu of the utility. After that, click on "Search for a problem". This will cause CCleaner to start looking for unnecessary entries register. At the end of this process, the program will issue a detailed report on the found notes. To remove them, click on the "Fix" button.
