Ubuntu for beginners in Russian. Linux - what is it? Linux OS: review, instructions, reviews

Linux Ubuntu Beginner's Guide - will introduce the novice user to the free and convenient operating system Ubuntu. The manual tells about the system, how to install it, a brief introduction to the programs installed in the system by default, how to configure it after installation, what the Terminal is and how to work with it, installing and configuring the local Apache web server, PHP and MySQL. It is told how to create your own image based on the original Ubuntu, installing your programs, games and updating the system into it. Useful tips for working with Ubuntu are also briefly described.

From The Linux Ubuntu Beginner's Guide in an accessible language and step by step describes the process of installing the Ubuntu operating system on a computer, for a better understanding of which the manual contains the necessary number of screenshots. After installation, we got acquainted with the appearance and standard features of the system, which menus, settings, panels, basic programs and games contains the system.
The manual contains a chapter " Useful programs" which briefly describes the programs of different areas of use: the Internet, audio, video, mail, file managers, online radio, educational, photo, programming, etc. Each program is accompanied by a link to the developer's website and the installation procedure.
The chapter "Decorate Ubuntu" explains many ways to customize the appearance of the system, such as themes, icons, cursor, colors, shadows, and more.
The chapter "Repositories in Ubuntu" will introduce beginners to mastering systems with such questions as what are repositories, what they are for, how to find out which repositories the system already contains, how to connect and remove them.
The manual did not do without such a topical topic as Ubuntu security. The corresponding chapter describes the basics of security in the system.
For those who like to pass their time playing games, the guide contains a chapter that describes how to install games in Ubuntu.
One of the most useful and necessary Ubuntu skills is the ability to work in the Terminal. For this purpose, the manual describes more than 100 most used commands that will significantly increase the possibilities of using the system.

If you are about to switch to Linux for the first time, there are some things you need to know. This guide contains important information to help you get started.

You will learn what Linux is, why you should use it, what distributions are, how to install them, how to use the terminal, how to configure Hardware and many other key aspects.

Linux is an operating system used in a variety of systems from light bulbs to weapons, from laptops to large computer centers.

Everything runs on Linux, from your phone to your smart fridge.

In the user environment, Linux is an alternative to commercial operating systems such as Windows.

Why use Linux instead of Windows?

There are many reasons why you should use Linux instead of Windows, and here are just a few.

  1. Linux OS is supported on older computers. Although Windows XP will still run on older hardware, it is no longer supported, so there are no security updates. There are a number of Linux distributions that are built specifically for older hardware and are regularly maintained and updated.
  2. Some Linux distributions and desktop environments are now more familiar to ordinary users computers than Windows 8 and Windows 10. If you like the external Windows view 7 why not try Linux Mint, For example.
  3. The volume occupied by Windows 10 is huge. A typical Linux distribution is just over 1 gigabyte, although some may be as small as a few hundred megabytes. Also Windows requires at least bandwidth DVD level.
  4. Linux comes with free software and you can change and use it software at your discretion.
  5. Linux has always been more secure than Windows, as there are very few viruses for it, even though the Internet of Things has been under threat recently.
  6. Linux performs better than Windows in many ways, and you can squeeze every last drop out of it on older, limited hardware.
  7. Confidentiality. Windows collects data from Cortana and search in general on a regular basis. While this is not a new thing since Google does the same thing, you can be pretty sure that Linux doesn't do that, especially if you choose free distribution.
  8. Reliability. When a program freezes in Linux you can close it quite easily. When a program freezes in Windows, even when you try to run the Task Manager to close that program, it doesn't always work.
  9. Updates. Windows is very intrusive with its update policy. How many times have you turned on your computer to print concert tickets or other important information to see the 1 out of 450 update installation screen?
  10. Variability. You can make Linux look, feel, and behave exactly the way you want it to. With Windows, the computer behaves the way Microsoft thinks you want.
    If you're still undecided, read this guide to help you decide if Linux is right for you.

Which Linux distribution should you use?

The first question to ask yourself is “what is a Linux distribution?” It's just that the Linux kernel is like an engine. The distribution is actually the vehicle that houses the engine.

So which Linux distribution should you choose? Here are the main ones:

  • Linux Mint A: Does not require advanced computer experience, easy to install, easy to use, and has a familiar desktop experience for Windows 7 users
  • Debian A: If you're looking for a truly free Linux distribution with no proprietary drivers, firmware, or software, then Debian is for you. An old man among distributions.
  • ubuntu: a modern Linux distribution that is easy to install and use
  • openSUSE: A stable and powerful Linux distribution. Not as easy to install as Mint and Ubuntu, but a very good alternative nonetheless
  • Fedora: the most up-to-date Linux distribution with all new concepts included as soon as possible
  • Mageia: rose from the ashes of the once great Mandriva Linux. Easy to install and use
  • CentOS A: Like Fedora, CentOS is based on the commercial Linux distribution, Red Hat Linux. Unlike Fedora, it's built for stability
  • Manjaro: based on Arch Linux, Manjaro strikes a great balance between ease of use and modern software
  • LXLE: Based on the lightweight Lubuntu distribution, it is a full-featured Linux distribution for older hardware
  • Arch: A rolling release distribution means you don't have to install new versions of the operating system because it updates itself. Harder for a new user to master, but very powerful
  • Elementary: Linux for people who like a Mac-style interface

You can read more about the best distributions for beginners in.

What is a desktop environment?

A typical Linux distribution is made up of several components.

There is a display manager which is used to help you log in, a window manager which is used to manage windows, panels, menus, main interfaces and applications.

Many of these elements are combined together to create what is known as the desktop environment.

Some Linux distributions come with only one desktop environment (although others are available in the software repositories), while others have various versions distribution for various desktop environments.

The most common desktop environments include Cinnamon, GNOME, Unity, KDE, Enlightenment, XFCE, LXDE And MATE.

  • Cinnamon is a more traditional desktop environment that is similar to Windows 7 with a bar at the bottom, menus, system tray icons, and quick launch icons.
  • GNOME And Unity pretty similar. They are modern desktop environments that use the concept of launcher icons and a dashboard-style display to select apps. There are also core applications that integrate well with common theme desktop environment.
  • KDE is a fairly traditional desktop environment, but it has a huge number of features and a core set of applications that are easily customizable with a large number of settings.
  • Enlightenment, XFCE, LXDE And MATE- Fairly lightweight desktop environments with panels and menus. All of them are easy to set up.

How to connect to the Internet

While the internet connection is different for each desktop environment, the principle is the same for all.

  1. Somewhere on the panel is a network icon. Click on it and you will see a list of wireless networks.
  2. Click on desired network and enter the security key.

The best system for web browsing

Linux has it all best browsers, including Chrome, Chromium, Firefox And Midori.

It doesn't have Internet Explorer, in other words, who needs it? In browser Chrome there is everything you might need.

Are there decent office suites for Linux?

There is no doubt that Microsoft Office is a premium product and it is very good tool, which is difficult to repeat and surpass the quality of this product.

For personal use and for small and medium businesses you can argue that Google Docs And libreoffice are good alternatives and at a lower cost.

libreoffice comes with a text editor with most of the features you would expect to see in text editor. It also comes with a decent spreadsheet that is also fully featured and even includes a basic programming engine, although it's not compatible with Excel VBA.

Other tools include presentations, maths, databases and drawing packages which are also very good.

How to install programs in Linux?

Linux users don't install software the way Windows users do, though the differences are getting smaller and smaller.

Typically, if a Linux user wants to install a package, they run a tool called a package manager.

The package manager consults repositories that store packages that can be installed.

A package management tool usually provides a way to find software, install software, keep software up to date, and uninstall software.

As technology advances, some Linux distributions introduce new types of packages that are self-contained just like Android apps.

Each distribution provides its own graphic tool. There are common command line tools used across distributions.

  • For example, Ubuntu, Linux Mint And Debian use the package manager apt-get.
  • Fedora And CentOS use the package manager yum.
  • Arch And Manjaro use pacman.

You can learn more about installing applications on Linux from.

Linux Command Line

No matter what Linux users say, it is the need to use the terminal that prevents the system from becoming massively popular. However, this is a useless discussion.

Although it is useful to study the basic Linux commands(the same can be said about DOS commands on Windows), there is no need to do so.

The first thing you need to know is, of course, how to open a terminal, and of course there are plenty of ways to do this.

Why is it called a terminal? Terminal is actually a short name for a terminal emulator, and it takes us back to the time when people logged in on physical terminals. Now all you need to know is that the terminal is where you enter Linux commands.

Once you open the terminal, you should really understand it. The first thing you need to know about rights. You can read more about this in.

The command that users usually recognize at an early stage is the command sudo, but don't start mindlessly typing commands with sudo, not understanding what she is doing, because it could all end in disaster.

While you are working in the terminal, you should also be familiar with switching users with the command su.

Essentially the command sudo allows you to elevate privileges so that you can run commands as a different user. Default other user is user root.

Team su switches the context so that you are running as the specified user. On behalf of this user, you can execute a number of commands.

More facts about Linux

  • The Live Linux DVD or USB allows you to run Linux without installing it on your hard drive. This allows you to test Linux disk before switching to it, and also good for the casual user.
  • Each Linux distribution comes with its own installer, which is a program that helps you set up and install Linux.
  • When a user installs Linux, they can either install it as a single system or install it along with Windows.
  • Linux takes the lead when it comes to playing audio files. There are dozens of excellent audio applications and you can choose one or more that you like.
  • Unfortunately, there is no Outlook on Linux.
  • The great thing about Linux is that you can make it look and feel the way you want.
  • Each Linux desktop environment works a little differently and therefore it will take some time to learn all the bases.


In this guide, we told you what Linux is, why you should use it, what are the Linux distributions and how to choose from them, how to try Linux, how to install it, how to set up Linux, how to navigate Linux, talked about best apps how to install apps and how to use command line.

This should give you a good basis for moving forward.

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WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. When creating this article, 46 people worked on editing and improving it, including anonymously.

Most computers use one version of the operating system Microsoft Windows, but many servers and desktops are starting to use Linux, a free Unix-like operating system. Learning Linux may seem difficult at first because it is quite different from Windows, but at the same time it can be a very rewarding experience.


    Get familiar with the system. Try downloading and installing it on your computer. If you're not sure, remember that it's possible to keep your current operating system and just set aside some disk space for Linux (and you can also run both operating systems with VirtualBox).

    Test your hardware with the "Live CD" that comes with many Linux distributions. This is especially useful if you don't want to install a second operating system on your computer. A live CD will allow you to boot Linux from a CD without having to install anything on your computer. Ubuntu and some other Linux distributions also offer CDs or DVDs that allow you to boot into alive mode and then install from the same disk.

    Try to do what you normally use your computer for. Try to find a solution if you, for example, cannot change a document or burn a CD. Write down what you want to do, can do, and can't do before you take the plunge.

    Explore Linux distributions. When people talk about "Linux", most of the time they mean "GNU/Linux Distribution." A distribution is a collection of software that runs on top of a very small program called the Linux kernel.

    Consider dual booting. This will help you understand the concept of disk partitions and will also allow you to continue using Windows. But be sure to back up all your personal data and settings before trying to set up a dual boot.)

    Install the software. Get into the habit of installing and uninstalling software as early as possible. An understanding of software package management and repositories is essential to a fundamental understanding of Linux.

    Learn to use (and get used to) the command line interface. It is known as a "terminal", "terminal window" or "shell". One of the main reasons why people switch to Linux is because it has a terminal, so don't be intimidated by it. It is a powerful assistant that does not have the same limitations as the Windows command line. But you can just as easily use Linux without using a terminal, just like on Mac OSX. Using the "apropos" command will help you find a command that does a specific task. Try typing "apropos user" to see a list of commands that have the word "user" in their description.

    Familiarize yourself with the Linux file system. You will notice that the "C:\" that you used in Windows is no longer there. Everything starts at the root of the filesystem (also known as "/"), and other hard drives are accessible via the /dev folder. Your home folder, which in Windows XP and 2000 used to be in C:\Documents and Settings, is now located in /home.

  1. Keep unlocking the potential of your Linux installation. Try encrypted partitions, new and very fast file systems (like btrfs), redundant parallel disks that increase speed and reliability (RAID), and try installing Linux on bootable USB flash drive. Soon you will find that you can do a lot!

    • Build your first Linux system with a specific purpose and follow the HOWTO document step by step. For example, the steps to set up a file server are quite simple, and you can find a bunch of websites that will guide you step by step. This will familiarize you with the location of different things, what they do and how to change them.
    • Be patient and persevere if you really want to learn how to use GNU. Don't go from distribution to distribution looking for the one that works the best. You'll learn more when learning how to fix something that isn't working.
    • Call directories "directories" rather than "folders"; although the two words seem to be synonymous, "folders" is a Windows concept.
    • You can get help on almost any program or distribution on the irc server irc.freenode.net (for example: #debian, #ubuntu, #python, #FireFox, etc.). You can also find user communities on irc.freenode.net.
    • Remember that only DOS uses a backslash ("\") to separate directories, while Linux uses a forward slash ("/"). The backslash in Linux is mainly used to escape characters (e.g. \n is a backslash newline, \t is a tab character).
    • There are many Linux sites and mailing lists on the Internet. Search the Internet for answers to your questions.
    • For those who want to learn more about Linux, there are books from publishers John Wiley & Sons, O "Reilly and No Starch Press. There is also a book "In the Beginning ... was the Command Line" ("In the beginning was ... the command line") Neil Stevenson, available at http://www.cryptonomicon.com/beginning.html , and "LINUX: Rute User"s Tutorial and Exposition" available at http://rute.2038bug.com/rute.html. gz.


    • For everyone * nix system x (Linux, UNIX, *BSD, etc.) the administrator or superuser is "root". You are the administrator of your computer, but "root" is not a user account. If the installation process does not do this, then create yourself regular account with "useradd"<ваше_имя>" and use it for your daily business. The reason for separating you as a user and as an administrator is that the *nix system assumes that root knows what it's doing and it won't do any harm. So there are no warnings. If you write the appropriate command, the system will silently delete the file from the computer without asking for confirmation, because root is the one asking for it.
    • Sometimes people advise malicious commands, so check commands before using them.
    • Don't run command rm -rf / or sudo rm -rf / unless you really want to delete all your data. Type "man rm" for more information.
    • Always save backups files before trying to change partitions on your drive when you install Linux. Keep your files backed up removable media such as CDs, DVDs, USB drives, or another hard drive (not another partition).
    • Likewise, don't create a file named "-rf". If you run a command to delete files in that directory, it will treat the "-rf" file as a command line argument and will delete all files in the subdirectories as well.
    • It can be tempting to just write the same command you found on some site, expecting the same task to be done. However, this often does not work because you have more a new version, other hardware, or a different distribution. Try running the command with the --help option first and see what it does. After that, it is usually very easy to fix some minor problems (/dev/sda -> /dev/sdb etc.) and achieve the desired goal.

A few days ago I (hereinafter - the author of the original article - Approx. per.) wrote about books that novice users can download and read to learn Linux on their own. Today in the Linux section we have something for advanced users as well. Here are some tips you should try if you are an experienced Ubuntu Linux user.

1. Manage your command line quickly and smartly
You can use keyboard shortcuts and other command line features to make command entry easier and faster. You should already be aware of the "tab" key that terminates part of a command or even file and directory names.
Here are some keyboard shortcuts you can use in the terminal:
Ctrl-a - move to the beginning of the line
Ctrl-e - move to the end of the line
Alt-] x moves the cursor directly to the next occurrence of x
Alt-Ctrl-] x moves the cursor back to the previous location where x appeared
Ctrl-u delete everything from cursor to start of line
Ctrl-k delete from cursor to end of line
Ctrl-w delete from cursor to beginning of word
Ctrl - y pastes text from clipboard
Ctrl - l clears the screen by moving the current line up the screen
Ctrl-x ctrl-u cancel recent changes. ctrl-__
Alt-r undo all changes in a line
Alt-Ctrl-e expand command line
Ctrl-r incremental reverse lookup in history
Alt-p not incremental reverse lookup in history
!!! run the last command from history
!abc run the last command in history starting with abc
!n execute nth command from history
^abc^xyz replace the first occurrence of abc with xyz in the last command and execute it
Also don't forget to check out 4 sites where you can find cool command line tricks.

2. Run ubuntu apps Linux using hotkeys.
This can be done in two ways:
* Use apps like Launchy or Gnome-Do, which let you quickly launch apps by typing just a few letters from the app's name.
* Or you can bring up the gconf editor (press Alt+F2, then type gconf-editor and hit enter) and go to apps > metacity > global_keybindings. There you need to double-click on any of the run_command_N and specify the hot keys that will launch the application you need. Remember this number N, go to apps > metacity > keybinding_commands, double click on the appropriate command_N (where N is the number you memorized earlier) and enter the name of the application to be launched. For example, if you want to run Firefox, just specify firefox.

At the same time, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the keyboard shortcuts used in Ubuntu by default.

3. Pick up where you left off.

You can set Ubuntu to remember the applications that were open the last time you logged out. When you start a new session, all of these applications will already be running and you can pick up where you left off.
To enable this feature, go to System > Preferences > Startup Applications, go to the settings tab and check the box "Automatically remember running applications when logging out".

4. Create separate section under the home directory of Ubuntu Linux.

A new version of Ubuntu is released every 6 months. Although you can update the system to the latest version using the update manager, sometimes the update may not work correctly, and some users prefer a clean installation in this case.
The disadvantage of this option is that all data in the home directory will be lost. To avoid this problem, you can create a separate partition for your home directory the first time you installing Ubuntu and allocate the necessary amount of disk space according to your needs. The next time you install Ubuntu, simply specify this partition as your home directory (using /home as the mount point).
In this case, all your files and data will be preserved even in the case of a clean installation.

5. Update and install applications for Ubuntu Linux without an Internet connection.

There are several ways to do this, but the easiest one is to use APTonCD. APTonCD allows you to create a CD or DVD discs, containing all the packages you need, which you can later install on computers without an Internet connection.
To create installation media, APTonCD requires a network connection (or pre-downloaded packages). However, once the media has been prepared, you will not need to connect to the network of the machines on which the applications will be installed. Insert the required CD/DVD and use apt-get as usual.

6. Install new fonts, Microsoft fonts and improve font display

Ubuntu doesn't provide much choice when it comes to fonts. However, you can easily include Microsoft fonts such as Arial, Verdana, impact and many more. You can browse various sites and choose the font that best suits you.

7. Use PPA, install the latest software.
Before software becomes part of the Ubuntu distribution or is made available through the repositories, it has to go through a series of steps. Of course, these extra steps guarantee additional stability, but it also means that you don't get the latest software when it becomes available.
If you want to be ahead of the curve, you can find the Personal Package Archives for your favorite software on Launchpad and add them to your system. using PPA only briefly. If this option is giving you too much trouble, you can download the latest deb packages and double-click to install (you will not receive automatic updates for software installed this way).
Using the latest versions, you may encounter a couple of difficulties, but most often they are not critical. You can always visit the Ubuntu Forums and find help quickly.

8. Work as root.
The root user is locked in Ubuntu by default to minimize the possibility of performing unauthorized activities. However, if you "promise to be careful", you can unlock root user in the following way:

1. Type sudo passwd root and enter New Password for root.
2. Go to System > Administration > Login Window, open the Security tab and check the box "Enable local system administrator login"
You will now be able to login as root from the login window. You can also type "sudo su", enter your password and switch to root.

9. Run Windows apps and games.

Who doesn't want to play Counter strike on Ubuntu (if you're interested in games, of course) or even run Photoshop? With Ubuntu.

10. Reduce boot time using profiling.
The Ubuntu Linux developers have done a great job of reducing boot time, Jaunty is fast and Karmic will be even faster. However, there is one more room for improvement - load profiling. Profiling allows Ubuntu to list all files used during boot and sort them according to their location on the hard drive. Due to this, during subsequent system boots, these files will be read faster.
To profile the boot, follow these steps

* In the grub menu, highlight the kernel boot item you use most often.
* Press "e" to edit.
* Highlight the line that starts with "kernel" and press "e" again. Add the word "profile" to the end of the line.

Press "Enter" and then "b" to continue downloading.
Please note that during the first time profiling the system boots slower, but on subsequent boots you will see an increase in speed. Also note that the gain depends on the specific machine and the location of the files on the hard drive, so the speedup may not be significant or even absent in some cases.

11. Try other Ubuntu desktop environments.
If you need something other than the default Gnome shell, you should check out alternative desktop managers. If you're looking for a complete replacement environment, then KDE4, which has a long history, is now very comfortable and beautiful. To get KDE, you just need to run "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop".

12. Create a media center or media server.

It would be great if you could easily view and manage your huge collections of music, videos and photos. enchanted Windows interface media center? Wait, you haven't seen all the cool features yet. You can even access media through your phone, PSP, or other computer if you install a media server on your Ubuntu.

13. Share a Firefox profile with Windows.
Many use Windows and Linux on the same computer. If you are one of them, then you have already had cases where you could not find your bookmarks because they were made in Windows. Find out how you can Firefox between multiple OSes without syncing over the internet (guaranteed if you have the same versions of Firefox). For different computers, you can of course use Weave.

14. Customize Nautilus to your liking.

Nautilus - standard file manager in Ubuntu. You can be content with what you have, but you can make it do more. to improve features or even add new features to Nautilus.

15. Compile your own kernel.
If you don't know what to do over the weekend and want to take the time to tweak something, how about building your own kernel configuration to meet exactly your requirements? Actually, it's more for self-education. Someone might tell you that this only allows you to use the drivers and features that you specifically need, although if everything works fine with the standard kernel and you have no interest in the Linux kernel, then just skip this point.
But if you need some experimental kernel features or need to compile it in a special way, you can always find guidance in the Ubuntu documentation.

16. Change the Usplash screen and create your own background for GRUB.

Have you defended the previous advice for yourself? Here's another one. The Usplash screen is the scrolling text and Ubuntu logo that you see when the system boots.

If you want to change them to something more interesting, run . What could be the best way show your linux-fu, how to customize the first boot screen? You can create your own loading screen using one of your photos, GIMP and a little skill.

Know other features and hacks available Ubuntu users? I'm sure you know. Share them in the comments.

P.S.: Other articles are offered for translation, which are indicated in the links in this article.

You've heard of Linux, but only recently realized that this free and open source operating system source code is something you can really use.

You've heard of Linux, but only recently realized that this free and open source operating system is something you can actually use. It's not hard to install, it has a lot of great applications, and it extends the life of your computers. Today, Linux provides a decent opportunity to play games. Yes, you understood correctly. You don't need to be a Linux expert, you just need someone to hold your hand when you get started.

I hear you and I'm here to help.

What is Linux?

If you are new to Linux, you can make a general assumption that it is an operating system. This is not entirely true. Linux is actually the kernel, the center of the operating system. The kernel allows software (what you see on the screen) to interact with hardware (what you touch with your hands). Without a kernel, your system cannot run.

So when you say Linux, you are most often referring to any operating system based on the Linux kernel, such as Ubuntu or Fedora. As a kernel, Linux does nothing on its own. He needs someone to link and distribute it with all the software needed to get the final result. When this happens, the resulting Linux operating system becomes known as a distribution (or "distro").

What makes Linux different from others?

How is the Linux kernel different? Like most applications that run on it, the kernel is actively maintained by the Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) community.

Open source software doesn't cost money, and anyone can look at the source code and change it as they see fit. This means experienced developers from all over the world contribute their work either for free or through sponsorship from companies such as Canonical or Red Hat. However, you can also improve the software.

In contrast, the Windows source code is not available to anyone other than Microsoft employees, and it is a criminal offense to decompile or reverse engineer it. You cannot create your own Windows kernel, fix bugs, or redistribute an improved version of Windows that you've created.

Linux is different, and the GNU General Public License is part of the difference. This license provides the legal basis for your rights to the software. Originally written by Richard Stallman, it ensures that even when the work is modified or improved, Linux is still in the public domain for other people to use and enjoy. This is the most widely used license in the FOSS community.

The free and open nature of the license can be a double-edged sword. Without a clear revenue model, development can be inconsistent. Some programs receive regular investment while others have been dormant for years. Nevertheless, Linux has now spread to become the backbone of the internet and the most widely used operating system for supercomputers.

After all, while using Linux is very similar to using Windows and macOS, there are aspects that you will need to learn for the first time. We will face many of them as we move forward.

Breathe life into an old PC

One of the common reasons why people switch to Linux is the ability to continue using a computer that no longer supports the latest versions of Windows or MacOS. How good is Linux for this job and why?

    Linux is efficient: Many Linux distributions are based on years of experience in server rooms. System administrators often value slick, clean code that gets the job done without wasting power. The extra five seconds to turn on the system is what many system administrators not ready to accept. Because of such a harsh and demanding environment, Linux distributions have become the best of their kind. Although with software coming from many different sources, it's not the case that every program will make the best use of system resources.

    Linux is customizable: Linux allows users to customize every aspect of the computer's functionality. Some distributions recommend choosing different components and building your own system. Most of them fully provide the work, but allow you to change or change parts as you wish. Many distributions encourage you to make your own tweaks, while tweaking others (such as the elementary OS) may require more specialized knowledge.

    Linux does not require investment: the vast majority of Linux software is free to download and install. These programs are usually quite easy to use, so you do not need to spend money on training courses or books. Everything you need to spend to revive old computer with Linux, it's time.

    Linux is modular and specialized: You can customize a computer that is specifically designed to suit your needs: remote video control, a database of recipes, a control panel for an amazing laser projector that changes intensity by synchronizing with the rhythm of the music. You can build whatever you want. A testament to the quality of Linux modular design is the Red Hat Linux variant that was used to control the electromagnets inside the Large Hadron Collider. You'll be surprised how many things your old computer can still do.

Beginning of work

Whether you install Linux yourself or buy the computer that comes with it, you will need to make a few decisions before doing so. You need to know a few conditions that you have not encountered before. Let's figure it out.

Distribution selection

Recall that a distribution is a Linux operating system that comes with all the software you need to give you the full picture. The kernel is provided along with hardware drivers and applications.

Distributions come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them are aimed at beginners, while others are aimed at the most ardent supporters of the command line. Ubuntu, Fedora and openSUSE are three general purpose distributions suitable for people of all skill levels.

There are many other Linux distributions, and they are all different from each other. Some distributions are customized to serve a specific niche. Thus, you can install an operating system designed for creating multimedia, or an operating system designed for computers with old or weak hardware.

In this case, hardware compatibility is perhaps the most important thing to consider when switching to Linux. While most hardware is supported by default on most Linux distributions, less popular or unusual stuff may not work. In most cases, even if your device is not supported by default, you can follow online tutorials to help you install an unsupported driver or fix the kernel, but this is not for everyone. More on this later.

You can visit Distrowatch to see hundreds of Linux distributions. On the right side you will notice that there are Top 100 most popular distributions. Please note that it is difficult to estimate how many people are using Linux. The Distrowatch databases are ranked by the popularity of each distribution's website. This gives an idea of ​​what people are interested in, but it's hardly an idea of ​​what distributions are most widely used. Ubuntu, for example, is not currently ranked #1, but it is considered the most widely known version of desktop Linux.

Choosing a Desktop Environment

Depending on which distribution you choose, this decision may already be made for you. Most major Linux distributions provide a default desktop environment.

But maybe you haven't decided on a distribution yet. In this case, checking the desktop environment can help you make a decision. Each of them provides various solutions, and some work better on some distributions than others. Here are a few of the most basic ones:

GNOME is the default desktop environment in Ubuntu, Fedora and Debian. While Windows, macOS, and most Linux desktop environments display your open windows on a panel or dock, GNOME does nothing of the sort.

Instead, you switch between open windows by opening an overview screen, a dashboard that also displays an application launcher, virtual desktops, and a search bar that can access files, open software, and execute commands. Although, if you want a traditional panel, there are extensions available for that.

The KDE Plasma desktop is the default environment in KDE Neon, Kubuntu and Chakra. It is also popular among openSUSE users.

KDE Plasma is perhaps the most customizable interface that can be used on desktop computer. For this reason, it is an excellent choice for advanced users and professionals. You can make KDE look like most other desktop interfaces without having to edit obscure files or tweak any lines of code.


Cinnamon provides a simple option that seems familiar to many Windows users switching to Linux. The application menu is in the bottom left corner, system indicators are in the bottom right corner, and open windows are shown in between.

If you don't want to re-learn how to use a computer, switching from Cinnamon can save you a headache. This is the default desktop environment in Linux Mint.

While Linux is a great way to revive an old computer, not every desktop environment will run on aging hardware. You may need to use one specially designed to use fewer system resources.

Xfce is one of the more popular options for this task. This is the default desktop environment in Xubuntu.

Data backup

Before we get to the nicest things, we need to do some preliminary work. Although you probably don't use your old computer anymore, you should open it and find documents, videos, photos, music that you haven't backed up yet. Be careful and double check because you can erase everything from hard drive Later.

Copying is not difficult, but it can be tedious if you have a lot of scattered data. The easiest way to save files is to connect external hard drive to a USB port.

For Windows users:

  1. Double-clicking on the "My Computer" icon on the desktop or in the Start menu opens a window containing a list of files external hard disk.
  2. Find and copy the necessary files by selecting them and pressing Ctrl + C, activating the external hard drive file list. Click inside the window we opened earlier and press Ctrl + V. Alternatively, you can select files and drag them to the external hard drive window.

You can also back up all data in the Cloud. This method makes your data available on other devices with an internet connection, but it will likely cost more over time. It also has a large number of security and privacy risks. Ultimately, you give your data to another person and trust him to do the necessary things.

Checking hardware specifications

A little knowledge about your computer's hardware will be important later if there are compatibility issues. It's important that you write them down now, because if something breaks during the installation process or the first boot, you'll need to search the internet for a driver, patched kernel, or package.

We don't need to write down all the hardware specifications because the drivers for things like ethernet cards are mostly compatible. Bluetooth chips, card readers and printers are more difficult, but most of them are also supported by default.

Let's say you have a very rare Ethernet card. You can use the System Profiler tool to discover specifications after the operating system installation is complete.

If you are using Windows, msinfo32 is small program included with Windows 2000, Me, XP, and later. This program gives you a complete picture of all the technology present in your system. You can find it by opening the start menu and typing msinfo32 into the search box. In older Windows versions you may have to click the "run" button in the start menu and type msinfo32 there.

Installing Linux

Great, you have chosen a Linux distribution, backed up your files, and you know what hardware your computer is made of. It's time to get your hands dirty.

There are three main ways to install most Linux distributions on a computer:

  1. Replace existing OS with Linux
  2. Install Linux alongside an existing OS
  3. Running Linux from a USB Drive

Below are detailed instructions for installing Ubuntu on an existing Windows or macOS model. By choosing from the three options above, the replacement operating system will run smoothly and quickly on your computer.

Installing Linux without removing the existing operating system is called dual booting. Whenever you start your computer, you will be able to select the operating system you want to use. This stops you from getting rid of your old OS, but there is always the option to remove it.

Storing a copy of Linux on a USB flash drive allows you to download a copy of Linux to a friend's computer, lab, or library. This method requires the least commitment from you and your computer, since you do not touch your copies of Windows or macOS.

Using the Linux Desktop

As you know, on this moment, there is no one specific Linux desktop. But if you, like many, if not most, New user Linux - Probably starting with Ubuntu. In this case, when you first log into the new operating system, you will see a screen that looks like this.

This is a worker ubuntu table. While Canonical has added a few interesting elements of its own, the interface you see is not exclusive to Ubuntu. This is GNOME.

For a complete understanding of how to navigate this interface and other software, check out the Ubuntu Beginner's Guide.

Search for additional software

There comes a time when you need more apps. Where do you get them? You can get used to going to a big store and buying a program that you either install from a disc or download from the internet. You can probably get all your apps by going to individual websites and downloading the installers. You can even get all your software from app stores that sell content to you, just like on a phone or tablet.

Programs for Windows only on Windows. The same applies to software for macOS. You will need to find applications designed for Linux.

Most Linux software is now available through app stores filled with free programs. Using them is similar to using the App store on any other platform. Just find the app you want and click the install button.

These app stores are an alternative to package managers, the traditional and more complicated way to get software on Linux. Nowadays, you may never need to use a more advanced tool like Synaptic or Apper, but they give you more control over what you install.

While downloading installers directly from websites is not the preferred way to get Linux software, there are times when this is the only option. For example, how do you install Google Chrome. It is also a common way to install commercial games from online stores such as Humble Bundle and GOG. Just know that you won't be looking for an EXE. It's more likely that you'll find packaged files instead, such as DEB, RPM, SH, or one of the many other formats for Linux.

Now that you know how to install apps, which one will you choose? Alternatively, check out our list the best programs for Linux.

Installing the update

Updates are a free part of Linux. They keep your system running the latest software version. You can also get upgrades user interface and fixes for programs that run in the background.
You can usually install updates through your distribution's app store, the same place you go to download new software. Often it will have its own partition, as is the case with Ubuntu.

Download multimedia codec

Perhaps you have never had to think about codecs before. They allow you to play various multimedia files such as music and video. When you buy a Windows or macOS PC, the codecs come as part of your desktop. This is usually not the case when you install Linux yourself.

This is not a bug or flaw in the Linux desktop - it's a legal issue. Many codecs remain under copyright, and computer manufacturers must pay licensing fees in order to legally distribute them.

Laws vary by country. This is one of the reasons why codecs are available as a free download on many Linux distributions such as Ubuntu and Linux Mint. But there is also paid version, You can download it in case you want the exact license to play these files.

Search for additional drivers

When you change the operating system your computer came with, things don't always go smoothly. Sometimes you will need to install additional drivers or codecs to get the full picture.

If you have graphical problems or you cannot view WiFi networks, You may need to install a proprietary driver. This is software that Linux distributions do not allow you to pre-install, so you must do it yourself. How you do this may vary depending on which distribution you are using. If you have chosen Ubuntu, you can find a section for installing drivers inside the software and updating the application. Software & Updates app.

What to do when you need certain software?

One of the first questions people ask when considering switching to Linux is if they can run a particular program. When we used only one operating system, we tended to view applications as components that any computer should be able to run. But in most cases, an application is actually designed to run on only one operating system. In order to work on another, developers must build a separate version. The Windows version of Steam does not work on macOS, and vice versa. Linux also needs its version.

Since not many people run Linux on their desktops like Windows or macOS, developers often choose not to make a Linux version of software. Often a free and open source alternative that does the same job is sufficient. But there are times when people want to use a program that doesn't work on Linux and for which there is no alternative. While this may be a reason not to switch to Linux, the choice is always yours. Perhaps there are still ways to make this program work.


You may have heard of emulators, the software that people use to play console video games on their PCs. They work with code that is similar enough to mimic (or emulate) the original machines that the games were designed for. The same can be done with programs designed for personal computers.

The most famous way to emulate Windows software on Linux is with Wine. While this doesn't always work, at best a Windows application will run alongside your regular Linux software without any extra fuss.

Because setting up Wine can be tricky, there are programs that will try to do the hard work for you. There are two popular examples - PlayOnLinux and Crossover Linux. The latter is a paid app that also exists for Windows and macOS.

Virtual machines

Emulation allows an application to run on an operating system for which it was not intended. Virtual machines allow you to run the entire operating system inside the current one. So when you need to run a specific Windows program, you can launch your virtual copy of Windows and open the program.

Unlike emulation, virtual machines guaranteed to work. The downside is that you have to boot up a separate operating system in your own window, which can be time consuming and inconvenient. You must also have a copy of Windows or macOS to run. Getting one of the options can be difficult or expensive depending on your conditions.

All is ready!

At this stage, you have installed Linux, studied new interface and installed the software required to run. But your journey is just beginning. There is so much more to see and do in the world of free and open source software!

Since everything is free, you can change your distribution at any time or change your current interface to any other. Nor do you need to open a command line to use Linux, since you can do a lot more if you're curious enough to give it a try.
