Win 10 network printer sharing. How to set up access to a printer on a local network: detailed instructions

Task: you need to install a network printer in Windows 10. Given: the printer is connected to the network and you know its IP address.

Solution: in line Windows Search type "Advanced printer setup" and run the found installer:

In the "Choose a device or printer to add this PC" window that opens, the system will first try to find any devices on its own. If the desired printer was found automatically, then just click on it. If the printer was not found, then follow the link "The printer that I want isn't listed":

Because we know the address of the printer, then in the "Find a printer by other options" window that opens, select the item "Add a printer using a TCP / IP address or hostname":

In the next window "Type a printer hostname or IP address" in the device type (Device type) select "TCP / IP Device", and also enter the IP address of the printer:
After clicking Next, the system will start searching for the device at the specified address (Detecting TCP/IP port):
If the system could not find the printer, it will display the "Additional port information required" window:
If this happens, then you may have made a mistake when entering the address, to check, select "Custom" and click "Settings ...". In the "Configure Standard TCP/IP Port Monitor" window that opens, correct the address if necessary: Save by clicking OK and then the Next button. The system will search for the device again, as well as search for a suitable driver for the found printer in the "Detecting the driver model…" window. If the driver cannot be found automatically, you will be prompted to select a driver from the list in the "Install the printer driver" window. Find your printer model:
If you can't find your model, you can click Windows button Update so that the system downloads the driver from the Internet (this can take quite a long time):
After the update, the list will appear again, find yours and click Next. Next, the "Type a printer name" window will prompt you to enter a name for the printer. You can leave the default name here:
After clicking Next, the printer installation will begin:
During the installation process, a User Account Control prompt window may appear asking if you want to allow the installation, click Yes. If the installation is successful, you will see a window where you will be asked to print a test page:
Click the "Print a test page" button to test the printer's operation:
After the test page prints, click Finish.

You will now see the newly installed printer in the Devices and Printers window.

Printing to a network printer on Windows 10 from XP

Recently one of the clients discovered that after doing free update From Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, it was no longer possible to print documents to a network printer connected to this machine from computers running Windows XP (despite the end of support for Windows XP, it is still widely used in small and budget organizations).

If you double-click from a Windows XP computer on a network printer installed on a Windows 10 PC (the network is working group without a domain), an error appears

Operation could not be completed. Access is denied.

When you try to connect a network printer on XP through the Connect printer context menu item, you are prompted to specify a user name and password with rights to remote computer(Windows 10).

After entering a username and password (even a local Win10 account with administrator rights), an error appears:

The credentials supplied are not sufficient to access this printer. Do you want to specify new credentials?

Once again we indicate the password and again in a circle .... What is most interesting, files located in shared network folders on Windows 10 can be opened from an XP client without any problems (this is clearly not the lack of SMB 1.0 support). Those. The problem only occurs for network printers. If a shared printer in a similar configuration is connected to Windows 8.1, printing from XP works without problems.

What they tried to do: in the Network Control Center and Sharing on Windows 10, they turned off the password request for network access to a Windows 10 PC (“Turn off sharing with password protection”), switched to Enable File Sharing for Devices That Use 40- or 56- Bit Encryption, tried to create the same local users on both systems. Nothing helped.

As a result, to connect a shared network printer on Windows 10 from a computer running Windows XP, I had to use the old workaround - connecting the printer through a local port.

Finish installing the printer, restart both computers, and then try sending the document to print. The document should print successfully!

Setting up network printing from under Windows 10 Pro 64x on an HP LJ 1010 printer connected to Windows XP


sainthelg (sainthelg) wrote, 2015-12-15 16:45:00

Task: Connect to a Windows 10 Pro 64x network printer HP Laser Jet 1010 connected to a Windows XP machine.
I must say right away that it took almost 3 weeks to solve this problem. Not all the time, of course, but periodically returning to it. Didn't find an answer anywhere.

HP has officially disowned support for this printer in Windows 10:

So let's get started. All slides in one video:

I apologize in advance Russian speaking users for Ukrainian-language screenshots - for me, as a Ukrainian, it's more convenient and pleasant :-) Perhaps I didn't translate certain terms into Russian very correctly or not like translators from Microsoft - sorry.

01. Download the printer driver for Vista 64x and extract it to a separate folder.

02. Press Win + X (start windows menu Power Shell), select "Control Panel"

03. Open the "Devices and Printers" section

04. Click the "Add Printer" button

05. At the bottom of the window that opens, click the link "The required printer is not in the list"

06. In the next window, click "Browse"

07. Find in the network environment the computer to which the desired printer is connected.

08. Select the desired printer

09. Copy full network path

10. Select "Add a local or network printer manually" and click "Next"

11. Select "Create a new port", select the port type "Local port" and click "Next"

12. In the next window, paste the previously copied full network path from the clipboard as the port name

13. Press OK14. In the driver selection window that opens, click the "Install from disk" button

15. In the next window, click "Browse"

16. Find the folder into which the driver was unpacked at step No. 02, select the hpc1015w.inf file in it and click the "Open" button

17. In the next window, click "OK"

18. Select the model of the printer to be installed and click "Next"

19. Agree with the offer or come up with your own name for the installed printer, click "Next"

20. Select "Do not share this printer", click "Next"

21. If necessary, check the box "Set as default printer", print for verification test page and click "Finish"

Congratulations, you are now able to print again from Windows 10 64x over the network to your HP LJ 1010 shared on a Windows XP machine!

You can install other network printers in the same way, I checked it on the Canon LBP3010 - everything works fine, although before that it didn’t want to be installed, constantly at the stage of installing the driver for this network printer an error window fell out and the spooler service fell, moreover, like on Windows 7 64x, and on Windows 10 64x: I hope that my experience has helped someone. If you solved the problem of another printer in this way, please unsubscribe in the comments, indicating the model and other information, maybe this will help someone else. Thank you! Tags: hp lj 1010, windows 10, windows xp, x64, driver, network printer

How to install a printer in Windows 10

As a result of the global update that Microsoft started, a new operating system, Windows 10, was born. The new operating system added both the classic system management model and a new one that duplicates and replaces it.

This approach greatly complicates the installation peripherals, especially such as printers, for PC users. According to the developers from Microsoft, this approach to system management should greatly facilitate management and configuration. To help the user deal with the installation of printing devices, we have prepared a material in which we will consider setting them up in Windows 10.

Installing a Printer in Windows 10

If you connect your old or new printer via USB to a Windows 10 computer, you will see how quickly the OS sets it up to work. Installation is carried out through a huge database of drivers that are preinstalled in the operating system, as well as through the update center windows update.

If everything is clear with the installation via the USB interface, then what about the connection using a serial port, via a Wi-Fi network or via Bluetooth. To deal with this task, we will consider an example in which we will show the installation of a printer not through USB cable.

For our example, we will take a new inkjet from the company Canon PIXMA G3400. A feature of this inkjet is that it can connect to a PC via Wi-Fi wireless technology.

Printer PIXMA G3400 connects to Wi-Fi routers using WPS technology. Therefore, in order for the inkjet to connect to your WiFi networks, the router must have WPS support. Some routers may have WPS disabled. The image below shows WPS enabled on the D-Link DIR-615 router.

Now let's connect PIXMA G3400 to the router in our local network. To do this, first of all, turn on the printer to the network. After that, press the Wi-Fi button, which is located on the control panel, and hold it until the orange indicator blinks once. Immediately after the orange light blinks, the Wi-Fi light next to it will start blinking blue. This means that the printer has entered the wireless network search mode.

Now let's connect the router to our printing device. To do this, we will press the button on the device responsible for WPS and hold it until the Wi-Fi indicator on the printer stops blinking and continues to glow blue. After these steps, our inkjet will connect with wireless network.

In order for Windows 10 to see the Printer PIXMA G3400, let's move on to its settings. To do this, go to the "Start" menu on the "Settings" tab, which will open the operating system settings.

Now go to the "Devices" section and click the "Add a printer or scanner" button. After the search, the link “The required printer is not listed” should appear, which we will follow.

In the wizard window that appears, select the item, as shown in the image below.

Also at this stage, you can select the desired method of connecting the device. Next, we will continue the work of the wizard, which will start the search for our printer. During the search, select the desired model of the printing device and continue the wizard.

The wizard will then begin the installation process. It will install the necessary drivers for the PIXMA G3400 and make it the first default in the system.

The example shows that any PC user can set up a wireless printer. In addition, setting up a wireless printer from the example is similar to setting up models from other manufacturers. It is also worth noting that for each wireless printer there is a manual that describes in detail the installation process. The manual can be found with the printer or downloaded from the manufacturer's website.

Installing the Printer from the Driver Disc

As mentioned above, when you connect a printer via a USB cable, Windows 10 automatically finds a driver for almost any printer. But what to do in this situation if you bought a new printer and you need to connect it to a Windows 10 PC without access to the Internet.

Windows 10 installs drivers for new devices through the center windows updates Update, so we'll use the driver disk that came with the printer. For example, we will also select the Printer Canon PIXMA G3400 and connect it to a computer running Windows 10 via USB.

Our next step is to install optical disc into the DVD drive and launch it. After starting the disk, we will get to the start window. In this window, click the Printer Settings button, which will take us to the window where you need to accept license agreement.

We accept the license agreement and proceed to the next step, in which we allow the wizard to perform all actions.

In the next window, select the connection for the printer via USB.

After these steps, the installer will begin installing the driver for the printing device. After completing the driver installation, you will see a new Canon PIXMA G3400 inkjet installed in the system.

The above example is quite simple and any PC user can figure it out. It is also worth noting that if your printer is old, then Windows 10 can easily find a driver for it automatically without an Internet connection.

What is a virtual printer in Windows 10

Many users on a Windows 10 PC have come across a printer called "Microsoft Print to PDF" on the system. This printer is virtual, that is, software, not physical. Its main function is to print PDF file. Printing any information on this virtual device will save it to a PDF file. In some cases, this is very convenient.

Consider an example of printing a page from a browser Microsoft Edge. To do this, we will open a browser on the page

Now let's go to the browser settings and select the "Print" item.

This action will take us to the browser print page.

On this page, press the Print button, after which we will be transferred to the window for saving the printed information in PDF format.

The example shows that using a virtual printer from Microsoft, you can print any information, be it a browser or Text Document. I would also like to note that if you want a virtual printer with advanced features, then you should use third-party virtual printing programs. by the most functional programs virtual printing are PDFCreator and doPDF.

Summing up

From our article, we can conclude that the developers from Microsoft did their best and made the operating system very user-friendly. Judge for yourself, from the considered examples it is clear that almost any user can handle the installation of a wireless printer, and you don’t have to bother with setting up via the USB interface at all.

In addition, the new operating system has its own virtual printer, which can be very useful in some situations. After reading this material, our reader will understand that installing and configuring a printer in Windows 10 is not a difficult task at all.

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Printer not working on windows 10

Hello everyone, today we’ll talk about the situation when the printer does not work on windows 10. After upgrading to Windows 10, many users encountered problems with their printers and MFPs, which the system either does not see, or they are not detected as a printer, or simply do not print as it was in the previous version of the OS, the funny thing is that with each new update, the number of old devices that this operating system supports is decreasing, so don't be surprised if at some point your old printer won't start.

If your printer does not work properly in Windows 10, in this instruction - one official and several additional ways that can help fix the issue. I will also give Additional information See support for popular printer brands in Windows 10 (at the end of this article).

Diagnosing printer problems from Microsoft

First of all, you can try to automatically resolve problems with the printer using the diagnostic utility in the panel Windows controls 10, or by downloading it from the official Microsoft website (I note that I don’t know for sure whether the result will differ, but as far as I could understand, both options are equivalent).

To start from the control panel, go to it, then open the Troubleshoot item, then in the Hardware and Sound section select Printer Usage (another way is to go to devices and printers, and then by clicking on the desired printer, if it is in the list , select Troubleshoot). You can also download the file from the official Microsoft website or here to run the printer troubleshooter.

This will launch a diagnostic utility that will automatic mode checks for all typical problems, which may prevent the correct operation of your printer and, if such problems are found, will fix them.

Among other things, it will check for: the presence of drivers and driver errors, the operation of necessary services, printer connection problems and print queues. Despite the fact that a positive result cannot be guaranteed here, I recommend trying this method first.

Adding a Printer to Windows 10

If automatic diagnostics do not work, or if your printer does not appear in the list of devices at all, you can try adding it manually, and for older printers in Windows 10 there are additional features detection, if windows 10 is blocking the installation of the printer, write a comment, I will help you deliver.

Click on the notification icon and select "All settings"

Printer not working on windows 10-01

(or you can press the Win + I keys), then select "Devices" - "Printers and Scanners".

Printer not working on windows 10-02

Click the "Add a printer or scanner" button and wait: maybe Windows 10 will detect the printer itself and install drivers for it (it is desirable that the Internet is connected), maybe not.

Printer not working on windows 10-03

In the second case, click on The required printer is not in the list, which will appear under the search progress indicator. You will have the opportunity to install the printer according to other parameters: specify its address on the network, note that your printer is already old (in this case, the system will search for it with changed parameters), add a wireless printer.

Printer not working on windows 10-04

It is possible that this method will work for your situation.

Installing Printer Drivers Manually

If nothing has helped so far, go to the official website of your printer manufacturer and find the available drivers for your printer in the Support section. Well, if they are for Windows 10. If there are none, you can try for 8 or even 7. Download them to your computer.

Before starting the installation, I recommend that you go to the Control Panel - Devices and Printers and, if your printer is already there (i.e. it is detected, but does not work), right-click on it and remove it from the system. And after that, run the driver installer.

Windows 10 support information from printer manufacturers

Below I have collected information about what popular printer and MFP manufacturers write about the operation of their devices in Windows 10.

  • HP (Hewlett-Packard) - The company promises that most of its printers will work. The ones that worked on Windows 7 and 8.1 won't require a driver update. In case of problems, you can download the driver for Windows 10 from the official website. Additionally, the HP website has instructions for solving problems with printers from this manufacturer in new operating systems:
  • Epson - promise support for printers and MFPs in Windows Required drivers for new system can be downloaded from the dedicated page
  • Canon - according to the manufacturer, most printers will support the new OS. Drivers can be downloaded from the official website by selecting the desired printer model.
  • Panasonic - promise to release drivers for Windows 10 in the near future.
  • Xerox - write about the absence of problems with the operation of their printing devices in the new OS.

If none of the above helped, I recommend using Google search(and I recommend this particular search for this purpose) for a query consisting of the name of the brand and model of your printer and "Windows 10". It is very likely that your problem has already been discussed in some forums and a solution has been found. Do not be afraid to look at English-language sites: they come across the solution more often, and even automatic translation in the browser allows you to understand what is at stake. This is how the network setup is done windows printer 10 and when windows 10 does not see the hp printer.


I think the benefits of having a printer set up on a local network are obvious to everyone. Simple example:

If access to the printer is not configured, then you first need to transfer files to the PC to which the printer is connected (using a USB flash drive, disk, over the network, etc.) and only then print them (in fact, to print 1 file, you need to make a dozen " unnecessary" actions);

If the network and printer are configured, then on any PC on the network in any of the editors, you can click one button "Print" and the file will be sent to the printer!

Comfortable? Comfortable! Here's how to set up a printer for networking in Windows 7, 8 and will be discussed in this article ...

STEP 1 - Setting up the computer to which the printer is connected (or how to "share" the printer for all PCs on the network).

To be able to use the printer by any PC on the network, you must correctly configure the computer to which it is connected.

To do this, go to the Windows control panel, in the section: Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center.

In the window that opens, you need to open three tabs in turn (Fig. 2, 3, 4). In each of them, you need to check the boxes next to the items: enable file and printer sharing, disable password protection.

Rice. 2. parameters public access- expanded tab "private (current profile)"

Rice. 3. expanded tab "guest or public"

Rice. 4. expanded tab "all networks"

Here, select your printer, right-click on it (right mouse button) and select the " Printer Properties". In the properties, go to the " Access"And check the box next to" Sharing this printer» (see fig. 5).

If access to this printer is open, then any user of your local network can print on it. The printer will be unavailable only in certain cases: if the PC is turned off, is in sleep mode, etc.

Rice. 5. Sharing the printer for general access over the network.

You also need to go to the tab " Security", Then select the user group" All"And allow printing (see Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Now printing on the printer is available to everyone!

STEP 2 - How to connect the printer on the network and print on it

Now you can proceed to setting up computers that are on the same local network as the PC to which the printer is connected.

The first step is to launch a regular explorer. At the very bottom left, all PCs connected to your local network should be displayed (relevant for Windows 7, 8).

In general, click on the PC to which the printer is connected and if in step 1 (see above) the PC was configured correctly, you will see a shared printer. Actually - click on it right click mouse and in the popup context menu choose the connection function. Usually, the connection takes no more than 30-60 seconds. (there is an automatic connection and configuration of the drivers).

Then select the connected printer, right-click on it and enable the option " Use by default«.

Rice. 8. use the default network printer

Now, in whatever editor you are (Word, notepad and others), when you click the " Print"- the network printer will be automatically selected and you will only need to confirm the print. Setup completed!

If when connecting printer network error occurs

For example, common mistake when connecting a printer - this is the standard "Windows cannot connect to the printer .... ” and some error code is displayed (like 0x00000002) - see fig. 9.

It is impossible to consider all the variety of errors in one article - but I will give one simple advice that often helps me get rid of such errors.

Rice. 9. if an error has come out ...

You need to go to the control panel, go to " Computer management", and then open the tab"

As always, thanks in advance for any addition to the article! Successful work!

In previous windows versions 7, 8 and even 10 (in versions 1607, 1709) it was possible to create or connect to home group selecting Private network. In version 1803, Microsoft removed this feature, and by choosing a private network, you won't have any other steps to set up a printer over a network in Windows 10.

In this article, I will tell you in detail how to set up a printer over a network in windows 10. We will not consider connecting a printer over a local network, tying it to a router and giving it an ip address. Consider the option where all laptops or computers are simply connected to the same network (router).

To begin with, we determine to which computer the printer will be connected via a usb cable, let's call it the Master. If you have chosen, then download the drivers from the official site or use the disk that came with the printing device and to the selected computer. We try to send a test page for printing, if printing goes on, we move on.

We need to know Device name (Computer name) of this PC, as this data will be needed in the future. Start - Settings - System - About, where we see Device name DESKTOP-N951FE1 ​​(you will have a different name).

Remember, then proceed to the next step. Click .

If you get the picture below instead of the picture above, then turn it off.

Then back to the tab State and choose below Sharing options. On this page in the category Guest or Public choose Turn on network discovery And Enable and printers. In general, we do everything as in the picture below.

How to share a printer over a network

To be honest, we already shared it. Now I will explain how to connect the printer to a network of computers in Windows 10. We sit down at the PC on which we want to set up office equipment - let's call it Secondary. Repeat the action, click Start - Settings - Network and Internet - Status - Change connection properties - Public.

In the next step, we do the same, only select Turn off file and printer sharing.

Then open Explorer, in the left column at the very bottom, select Net and see the device name that we remembered earlier. We double-click on it, we see our network printer, - we click, it should start, after which the printer will appear in the list of your devices in Windows 10. If you try to connect to network folder (Device name) asks you to enter Username and password, then you need to specify the data that is entered on the Main computer when it is turned on.

The same needs to be done with the remaining Secondary computers with operating system windows system 10 version 1803, to which you also need to connect the printer via LAN.

Well, in general, that's all. I hope everything turned out to be clear and not too tricky.

The best "Thank you" is your repost .sp-force-hide ( display: none;).sp-form ( display: block; background: #ffffff; padding: 15px; width: 560px; max-width: 100%; border-radius: 8px; -moz- border-radius: 8px; -webkit-border-radius: 8px; border-color: #289dcc; border-style: solid; border-width: 2px; font-family: Arial, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; background -repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: auto;).sp-form input ( display: inline-block; opacity: 1; visibility: visible;).sp-form .sp-form- fields-wrapper ( margin: 0 auto; width: 530px;).sp-form .sp-form-control ( background: #ffffff; border-color: #cccccc; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; font -size: 15px; padding-left: 8.75px; padding-right: 8.75px; border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; height: 35px; width: 100 %;).sp-form .sp-field label ( color: #444444; font-size: 13px; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold;).sp-form .sp-button ( border-radius: 4px;-moz-border-radius: 4px;-webkit-border-radius: 4px; background-color: #0089bf; color: #ffffff; width: auto; font-weight: bold;).sp-form .sp-button-container ( text-align: left;)

Today we will tell you how to open a folder for the local network (popularly “share”) and give other computers access to your files. Instructions on the example of Windows 10.

Shared folder

1. Settings on the tab General access

For creating network resource on a computer with Windows 10, create a folder or select an existing one, right-click on it and call Properties:

Go to the tab General access.

Select Advanced setup:

Check box Share this folder.

Click the button Permissions:

Set up permissions for different users or groups. In most cases here you need to allow read for the group All. In our example, we allowed full access to a network folder: both for reading and for writing.

After setting, click OK:

2. Settings on the tab Safety

Go to the tab Safety.

Click the button Change:

Here you need to specify which users are allowed access at the level of NTFS rights. Again, in most cases, you should allow it to everyone. To do this, click the button Add:

Enter the word "All" with a capital letter in the field and click OK:

Now the band All appeared on the list. Click Save:

Now, in order to have access not only to the folder itself, but also to subfolders and files, you need to change the NTFS settings.

Click Additionally:

Check box Replace all permission entries of the child object with those inherited from this object.

Click OK:

Click Yes:

Wait until the rights are applied to all nested objects. How more files and folders within this directory, the longer the application process may take.

Attention! An error may occur while applying the parameters:

If you encounter it, read about how to fix it.

3. Set sharing options

On Windows 10, click Start - Options and select Network and Internet:

Select an item Change Extra options public access:

In Windows 7 and 8.1, it's best to right-click on the network icon next to the clock, select Network and Sharing Center:

Expand Section Private.

Turn on file and printer sharing:

Now expand the section All networks.

Set the switch to Disable password protected sharing.

4. Firewall settings

In order to be able to connect to a PC over the network, you must allow incoming connections in the Windows Firewall.

Here you have two options:

  • disable it completely (which is NOT recommended);
  • create a rule that allows network traffic(in a separate article)

Need to set up a printing device so that you can command it from different PCs? A detailed guide will tell you how to connect an MFP and turn it into a network one. From here it will become known how to install networks in different Windows:

  • 8/8.1;

Connecting the device itself, installing drivers, as well as making the machine control public and setting the desired printing settings - all this will not take much time.

Setting Printer Access in Windows XP

Converting a printing press into a networked one is a task that takes several simple steps. If the user has just connected the printing equipment to the computer, then the first thing to do is to install the drivers. And after that, you can proceed to the configuration itself.

Advice: to save on paper, it is better to choose an option that can print on both sides, as it does.

What to do - 7 steps:

  1. In the Start menu in XP, select Settings and go to the tab that gives access to printers and faxes. It can also be found in the start through the control panel.
  2. Call the installation wizard menu and follow its instructions.

3. Until the printer selection window appears, just click Next.
4. Mark the device for printing, which is connected to another laptop / PC - network.
5. Write the name of the MFP to which you want to connect.

Note: in the Name field, you will need to type the path to the device. If you cannot specify it exactly, you can use the Overview. In this case, you do not need to fill in the field with the name of the printer.

Setting up network access to the printer in Windows 7

To make the printing machine available to those who use a localized network, you first need to set it up. To do this, you just need to add to desired group all laptops that need to be shared.
What to do next:

  • make sure that the printing device connected to the host PC, which is controlled on Windows 7, works: for this, you just need to print a test page;
  • set up general access on all PCs that are part of the group, as well as set the name of the equipment, for example, Epson L805;

  • remove password-protected access and save changes.

After that, the specified printer will appear on all laptops that are part of the Win7 network.

Advice: if devices will be connected to the printer, it must be checked in the additional drivers menu.

Setting up network access to the printer in Windows 8, 8.1

Before connecting a printer in Win8, you need to make sure that the network is configured correctly: all computers that are part of the group should be visible to each other. You also need to connect the printer to the host PC: all required drivers must be installed and the files printed.

Connecting to a network printer in Windows 10

To set up an MFP in Win 10, as is the case with other operating systems, you need to make it public. Then the device can be used remotely - over the network. But first you need to make sure that the option that allows you to open such access is not disabled in the system. This is done in the tab where additional parameters can be changed. It is easy to find it through the network management menu. You should also make sure that, in addition to accessibility, network discovery is enabled.

Once all these checkboxes are checked, you can start connecting. To do this, select the section with devices and printers in the system. Here you should find the connected MFP (future network) and go to its properties. This can be done by right-clicking the computer manipulator on desired printer, allow access to other devices and name the network device.

Important: the device name must be written without spaces, for example,

Setting up an MFP in Windows 10 via Wi-Fi

At the top of the devices and printers section, click the button to add an MFP. The computer will search for printers. If he finds nothing, he will display a link on the screen that will inform you about it. You have to click on it.

In the window that appears, you will need to set the switch so that it is possible to select a public printer by name. Now you need to enter the network path to the MFP. It should look like this:

After clicking on "Next", the PC will start looking for drivers, and when it finds and displays the classic message before installation, it only needs to be allowed. In a few minutes everything will be ready. A window will appear informing you that the installation was successful.

Setting up a computer to print from

Depending on the type of printer, it can connect to the computer in different ways:

  • via USB - this is how most instances are connected;
  • via LAN (using an Ethernet cable);
  • , How

Having connected the printing device to the PC in one of these ways, it must be connected to the network and installed. Usually the necessary drivers are on the disk that the manufacturer comes with the printer. If there is no disk, then the necessary drivers are easy to find on the Internet.

Note: To add the MFP to the network, you must make it public. To do this, follow the steps described in the previous sections.

How to set up the printer to print

Some of the settings are set in the "Devices and Printers" section of the system, the other - in the printer itself.

Advice: to print documentation (reports, abstracts, term papers), a laser device is enough, for example,. It does not require installation next to the main PC, because it is able to connect via wi-fi.

To specify the desired printing settings through the printer properties, you must click on the appropriate icon and select the desired item.

Setting up printing through the printer properties

  • What can be done


  • select page orientation (portrait/landscape);
  • print quality;
  • print type


  • number of copies;
  • paper settings;
  • zoom settings

"Graphic arts"

  • customize the font;
  • customize text;
  • set the density;
  • set toner/ink saver


  • put a watermark on the sheet;
  • control the duplex printing option;
  • change the print order of a document

Note: settings may be named differently in different printers. But their essence is clear intuitively.

Setting up a printer over the network is not that difficult and not that long. The main thing is to install the device correctly, finding the necessary drivers, and allow other devices to access the MFP. Further - it's up to the small. Special differences in terms of installation and configuration in various Windows versions, as can be seen here, almost none.
