Document from pdf to jeep. Convert PDF document to JPG images

There are several ways to convert PDF to JPG format. PDF was developed in PortScript by Adobe. It is needed to provide printed products in electronic form. To read the PDF format, you need Acrobat Reader. Inside the program, you can find quite powerful options for editing and working with documents and PDF files.

But today we are dealing with how to convert a file from one format to another.

First way

  • Open the desired PDF file or document.
  • It must be scaled so that all the part needed for translation is fully displayed on the screen.
  • Press the key combination Alt + PrtScn on the keyboard to convert PDF to JPG.
  • Now you need to open any graphic editor. The easiest option is the Paint program. It is standard for all Windows operating systems.
  • Now you need to click the "Edit" tab (in Paint) and select the "paste" option.
  • A picture with the image of the necessary pages of the PDF document appeared on the screen.
  • Now you need to crop all the extra parts of the resulting image using the tools offered in Paint.
  • You can save the resulting image in any format, including JPG. You can make an unlimited number of pages this way.

Second way

  • You need to download and then install the following program from this link: (DEMO 33.6 Mb)
  • Open the desired PDF document with Acrobat Reader.
  • Select the "Print" function.
  • As a print device, you need to select not your printer, but the Universal Document Converter program.
  • Now you need to select "Properties"
  • In the window that appears, select "Load settings"
  • You will see a dialog box with different format translation presets. As you may have guessed, we need to select "PDF to JPEG".
  • We press "Open".
  • We confirm the print.
  • The file will be saved to "My Documents\UDC Output Files" - these are the default settings. They can be changed within the program.
  • The file can now be opened with a picture and fax viewer.

Third way

  • There are also services on the Internet that allow you to convert PDF to JPG online.
  • convert pdf file to image online .
  • To convert PDF to JPG, use this service and follow its instructions: online pdf to jpg free convert .
  • Using these resources, you can get copies of both individual pages of the document, and the entire document as a whole, but in parts.
  • The second resource allows you to select the image quality and page limit. The maximum number that can be selected is 20 pages.
  • You will receive images in one archive.
  • The system works like this: you upload the necessary PDF files, the system processes them and converts them to JPG, then you download JPG files of the same content.

The task of converting PDF to JPG is not difficult. We express our confidence that using the materials of our article and the methods that we have proposed, you can easily achieve your goals. We are also sure that having learned once, you will teach others, dear reader.

Convert JPG to PDF

And a little about how to convert JPG to PDF. Several programs will help you with this.

  • Adobe Acrobat Professional - you can simply create a new pdf document. A small window will open, in which you can select all the files from which you will create one common PDF document.
  • Adobe Acrobat Distiller - You just need to select any document and save it as a PDF.
  • Photoshop CS3 is a very handy program that allows you to do everything you need. You can scan the image into it, retouch and correct if necessary, and simply save it in the required format, in your case, in PDF format.

Hello dear friends! The other day, one of the readers of KARTONKINO expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the templates were posted for download not in JPG format, but in PDF format, which seems very inconvenient to her. And, although this is a single signal, the problem, I think, is worth dwelling on it separately. Moreover, in the absence of a graphic editor that supports PDF import (such as Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements), purely technical difficulties arise with editing scan images when you need to decorate them digitally. And the solution to this problem is . And you can do it quickly and for free in at least three ways.

Generally speaking, I chose the PDF format because of the ability to organize the templates included in a particular set and combine them in one file. This was one of the main reasons. Apparently, no one had any critical difficulties with downloading and using pdf files. If this is still not the case, please let me know.

At the same time, sometimes it is more expedient to upload files for download in jpg format, and I do not neglect this. It is clear that the habits and ideas about convenience and expediency are different for everyone. And the choice will not be superfluous at all. So let's see how you can convert PDF to JPG.

Method one: using Adobe Reader pdf reader.

This method can be useful, for example, when you need to edit an image contained in a pdf file in a graphics editor that does not support PDF import. Of course, in this case we are talking about files that are not password protected.

Open the pdf-file in Adobe Reader X. In the main menu of the program, select the command “Editing” - “Take a picture” (check the box).

By pressing the left mouse button, drag the cursor and select the sheet of the document. The image will be copied to the clipboard and a message will appear.

After that, in a graphics editor (for example, in the free Paint.NET), we create a new document of the same format as the original one, that is, A4 (210 x 297 mm), and paste the contents of the clipboard. If necessary, we adjust the image to the size of the canvas in order to maintain all the original proportions and dimensions.

After editing, save the file in any of the graphic formats.

In this way, you can convert entire pages of a pdf file, as well as their individual fragments, into graphic formats.

Method two: using the free PDFCreator program (Russian language is supported).

PDFCreator is a program designed to create PDF documents and, in addition, is capable of creating files in a number of other formats, including graphics.

PDFCreator works as a virtual printer. This means that you can create a file in the desired format from any program that has a print function.

Let's see how it's done. Since the original file is in PDF format, let's open it in Adobe Reader (or any other PDF reader).

We launch the "Print" command. From the list of printers, select the PDFCreator virtual printer. And also select the page that you want to convert.

Sending for printing.

PDFCreator works in 2 stages: first it creates a document in Postscript (.ps) format, and then it prints it to a file of a given format. Usually the transition to the second stage is carried out automatically. In this case, this did not happen, but it's not scary. PDF Print Monitor must be launched (from the PDFCreator folder - PDFCreator.exe file - or from the Windows Start menu)

and add the created file with the “.ps” extension to the print queue.

This will open the following dialog box.

Here you can (but not necessarily) fill in the empty fields. Click "Settings" and select JPEG from the list of formats.

We set the desired resolution and compression quality, save the settings and click "Save".

In the window that appears, select the JPEG format and save the file.

Single-page pdf files (or multi-page ones, when only the first page is needed) do not even need to be opened in Adobe Reader, you can directly add them to the print queue (PDF Print Monitor) and do the manipulations described above.


Method three: using free online converter

This method is the most elementary. It does not require any software for reading pdf files or any converters to be installed on your computer.

We open the site of the online converter and download the pdf file from the computer.

We set the JPG quality - good (Good) or excellent (Excellent). You can also enter your e-mail to be notified when the conversion is completed (this option is optional).

Click the "Convert PDF to JPG" button. The result will be 1 or several (if the source file is multi-page) jpg-files that can be downloaded individually or in an archive.

Everything is extremely simple.

Go to

I hope these methods will help you expand your options when working with PDF files.

Thank you for attention! See you soon in KARTONKINO!

PS. Do you want to be the first to know about new lessons and master classes, as well as about the appearance of new box templates and other useful and entertaining cardboard crafts on the site? Subscribe to updates and receive announcements directly to your inbox!

Good day to all! In this article, we continue to convert PDF formats. However, if earlier we talked about how to convert from PDF to Word and vice versa, then here we will talk about how to convert PDF to JPG or, more simply, make a photo out of a document. What for?

Well, at least in order to be able to view these photos on various devices, because it happens that we buy various electronic devices - electronic frames, watch photos on large screens of smart TVs, convert old paper photos into digital format .. And these are different Chinese devices may work well with JPG, but may not see the photo if it is a PDF format ... In general, situations are different. Today we will get acquainted with the simplest and fastest ways.

There are several options for converting PDF to JPG format. This can be done using applications installed on your computer, as well as using online converters. You can do this with the help of regular screenshots from the screen. How to do all this correctly, we will now consider.

Making a screenshot of a document from a document

If you only need a fragment from a PDF document or one page that you need to insert into any document for illustration, then there is no need to convert the entire document. Moreover, it can be multi-page. To do this, you simply open your document in any program that reads PDF files, select the necessary fragment.

After that, press the button on the keyboard PrtScr. The picture is copied to the clipboard. Next, you open any graphics editor, even the standard Paint. Then, either through the "Paste" menu, or by pressing the "Ctrl + V" buttons, paste the picture from the clipboard. After that, save the inserted screenshot in any graphic format.

However, there is a slight downside here. Too many operations to be done. This is first. And secondly, the screenshot is taken of the entire screen, and if you only need a certain area, you will have to crop everything one way or another. To avoid such nuances, you can use special programs for taking screenshots. One of these is FastStone Image Viewer. What is good about such programs is that you can choose the area for the picture.

Opening FastStone Image Viewer, select the icon for taking a screenshot (highlighted in red). A menu opens where we select the size of the area. In our case, a rectangular one will do. We press, the program will be minimized, and a grid will appear on the screen, with which you will outline the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe image. You do everything with the right mouse button pressed. By releasing the key, the picture will open immediately in the program and you only need to save it. That's all. A brief overview of this program, look at the video:

Save PDF to JPG using popular programs

But, as already mentioned, we do a similar operation in the case when we need only a fragment of text. If we convert the entire document, we will have to use programs. These are either converters or the editors themselves.

One of the PDF viewers where you can save PDF as an image is STDU Viewer. Open the pdf file in it.

Next, the menu "file" - "export" - "as image". A window will appear in which we select the necessary parameters. Image extension: bmp, jpg, etc. Choose what to convert: the entire document, the current page, or selected pages. Then click Save (OK button).

Everything, the document is saved in JPG graphic format.

Making a Photo from PDF in Adobe Reader

This program allows you to save certain fragments of the document in JPG format. To do this, in the "Editing" tab, select "Take a picture".

After that, select the required area and as soon as we release the mouse button, this area will automatically be copied to the clipboard. Now open any graphics editor and paste the image from the clipboard into it.

Convert PDF document in Foxitreader

If you do not have an adobe reader, but a foxitreader, then you can do all the same operations in it. Open the program, open the document in it. Next, find the icon in the form of a camera and click it.

Next, you will need to select the desired area. This area will be automatically copied to the clipboard, after which we also open any graphic editor and paste the picture from the clipboard. Next, save it as a JPG file.

Convert PDF to JPG without quality loss in Photoshop

Great for saving pages from PDF to JPG is such a popular program as Photoshop. Everything is very simple here. We open the program. Next, go to the "file" menu and select "open". In the list that appears, select the desired PDF document and open it. The following window will appear:

Here we choose how many pages to open - one, two or more. For example, one. Select the desired one and press OK. The page has opened. Further, if necessary, we edit the picture and save it in JPG format. In my opinion, this is the fastest way to translate images from PDF, while still editing them right there. I note that editing the text in this way will not work, since it is saved as an image.

Convert PDF to JPG with Online Converter

And finally, for those who work online. There are many such converters on the Internet that will convert your PDF document to JPG. For example, this one -

We go to the site, click "choose file" and insert the document. You can simply drag and drop the file, as indicated by the corresponding inscription. In the list of image formats, select the desired one - JPG.

After that, click the "convert" button. Loading in progress. By the way, in the settings you can choose the quality of the image and what it will be - color or black and white. After downloading, processing takes place, then the converted document will be automatically downloaded to your computer - use it. That's probably all. Choose any method you like and work. And at the end of a short video on this topic.

That's all for today, for now, see you on the blog pages.


A person may run into a problem when the existing file is in an inconvenient format and needs to be converted. Often this happens with documents in pdf format, the native program for them is Acrobat Reader. There may be several reasons for converting the original format into an image, and there are also ways to convert pdf to jpg.

How to convert pdf to jpeg

There are several ways to perform the conversion. Each of them is convenient in its own way, the end result will be the same - you will get a graphic image instead of the original format. You can convert pdf to jpeg through special conversion programs, through free online services, or using the built-in tools of the operating system itself. The last option is very easy to do if you need to convert pdf to jpg for only one or a couple of pages. The conversion is performed as follows:

  1. Open the PDF file from the source folder.
  2. Adjust the zoom so that all the information you need fits on the screen.
  3. Next, find the PrtScr button on the keyboard, press it. The system will take a screenshot and save it to the clipboard.
  4. You will need any graphics editor. You can use the standard Paint application.
  5. Open the program, create a new document and press the "Ctrl + V" button combination or, through the "Edit" item, click on the "Paste" line.
  6. A screen image of the page from the PDF file will appear. You will have the opportunity to crop the edges of the image so that the interface elements do not get into the picture.
  7. Next, click on the "Save" button. By default, the program uses the PNG format, so do not forget to select the JPG option at the bottom of the window.
  8. The method is completely free, you can repeat this procedure as many times as necessary.

Convert from pdf to jpeg online

If there are a lot of pages in the document and there is no desire to screen each one, then you can translate from pdf to jpeg online on special sites. There are a lot of options for such services, you need to drive a query like “pdf2jpg” into the search engine and you will have a wide choice of options for formatting the file. Most of them work on a very simple principle:

  1. Through a special field you will be prompted to download the source.
  2. Next, you will need to specify the mail to which the final result will come, or immediately click on the "Convert" button.
  3. If the file is not sent to you by email, a download link will appear and you can save the document to a location convenient for you.
  4. Services work on a free basis with an unlimited number of pages.

Program to convert pdf to jpeg

If you often need to translate files from PDF, then you can install special software that is designed for this. A pdf to jpeg converter can be free or require you to purchase a license. Such software, as a rule, does not have a complex interface, it is very easy to manage. To translate a PDF file, you can use one of the application options described below.

STDU Viewer

The most affordable and popular pdf to jpg converter is STDU Viewer. The easiest and most reliable way if you need to change a large number of pages. You should install the application if you will often work with this format in the future. The program is distributed free of charge, the way to change the format is as follows:

  1. Open the file through the program.
  2. Next, select the "File" item, the "Export" line and click on "As graphic file".
  3. In the next window, simply set the desired document format for saving, write a name and specify a folder.
  4. Click "Finish".

PDF-XChange Editor

This is another free program for Windows that provides all the necessary functionality for those who are looking for how to convert pdf to jpeg. PDF-XChange Editor works only with the document type in question, but thanks to this it gives excellent conversion speed. if necessary, you can not only translate the data, but also process it. If you want to use the Pro version of the program, you will have to pay for it. The utility provides the ability to:

  • adjust scale;
  • underline interesting points in the text with a pencil, make arrows, frames, curves;
  • highlight with a marker, cross out important places in the book.

Hello dear friends! The other day, one of the readers of KARTONKINO expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the templates were posted for download not in JPG format, but in PDF format, which seems very inconvenient to her. And, although this is a single signal, the problem, I think, is worth dwelling on it separately. Moreover, in the absence of a graphic editor that supports PDF import (such as Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements), purely technical difficulties arise with editing scan images when you need to decorate them digitally. And the solution to this problem is . And you can do it quickly and for free in at least three ways.

Generally speaking, I chose the PDF format because of the ability to organize the templates included in a particular set and combine them in one file. This was one of the main reasons. Apparently, no one had any critical difficulties with downloading and using pdf files. If this is still not the case, please let me know.

At the same time, sometimes it is more expedient to upload files for download in jpg format, and I do not neglect this. It is clear that the habits and ideas about convenience and expediency are different for everyone. And the choice will not be superfluous at all. So let's see how you can convert PDF to JPG.

Method one: using Adobe Reader pdf reader.

This method can be useful, for example, when you need to edit an image contained in a pdf file in a graphics editor that does not support PDF import. Of course, in this case we are talking about files that are not password protected.

Open the pdf-file in Adobe Reader X. In the main menu of the program, select the command “Editing” - “Take a picture” (check the box).

By pressing the left mouse button, drag the cursor and select the sheet of the document. The image will be copied to the clipboard and a message will appear.

After that, in a graphics editor (for example, in the free Paint.NET), we create a new document of the same format as the original one, that is, A4 (210 x 297 mm), and paste the contents of the clipboard. If necessary, we adjust the image to the size of the canvas in order to maintain all the original proportions and dimensions.

After editing, save the file in any of the graphic formats.

In this way, you can convert entire pages of a pdf file, as well as their individual fragments, into graphic formats.

Method two: using the free PDFCreator program (Russian language is supported).

PDFCreator is a program designed to create PDF documents and, in addition, is capable of creating files in a number of other formats, including graphics.

PDFCreator works as a virtual printer. This means that you can create a file in the desired format from any program that has a print function.

Let's see how it's done. Since the original file is in PDF format, let's open it in Adobe Reader (or any other PDF reader).

We launch the "Print" command. From the list of printers, select the PDFCreator virtual printer. And also select the page that you want to convert.

Sending for printing.

PDFCreator works in 2 stages: first it creates a document in Postscript (.ps) format, and then it prints it to a file of a given format. Usually the transition to the second stage is carried out automatically. In this case, this did not happen, but it's not scary. PDF Print Monitor must be launched (from the PDFCreator folder - PDFCreator.exe file - or from the Windows Start menu)

and add the created file with the “.ps” extension to the print queue.

This will open the following dialog box.

Here you can (but not necessarily) fill in the empty fields. Click "Settings" and select JPEG from the list of formats.

We set the desired resolution and compression quality, save the settings and click "Save".

In the window that appears, select the JPEG format and save the file.

Single-page pdf files (or multi-page ones, when only the first page is needed) do not even need to be opened in Adobe Reader, you can directly add them to the print queue (PDF Print Monitor) and do the manipulations described above.


Method three: using free online converter

This method is the most elementary. It does not require any software for reading pdf files or any converters to be installed on your computer.

We open the site of the online converter and download the pdf file from the computer.

We set the JPG quality - good (Good) or excellent (Excellent). You can also enter your e-mail to be notified when the conversion is completed (this option is optional).

Click the "Convert PDF to JPG" button. The result will be 1 or several (if the source file is multi-page) jpg-files that can be downloaded individually or in an archive.

Everything is extremely simple.

Go to

I hope these methods will help you expand your options when working with PDF files.

Thank you for attention! See you soon in KARTONKINO!

PS. Do you want to be the first to know about new lessons and master classes, as well as about the appearance of new box templates and other useful and entertaining cardboard crafts on the site? Subscribe to updates and receive announcements directly to your inbox!
