Autocomplete blog wordpress automatic plugin. Google Checkout Address Suggestion and Auto Competitor for WooCommerce

Site autocompletion is a technique that allows you to automate the collection and publication of unique content on your resource. As a tool for autocompletion, plugins are used that are installed by the webmaster on the CMS.

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What is an autocomplete site

Universal designers provide the creation of a site in an hour. You can start the project without outside help and programming skills. An attractive design is provided by the template, and most of the time is spent on the site content. If the product owner focuses on the quality of the content and wants to compete with other projects in the niche, then he will work on the texts. Internet portals, aimed solely at making money, do not need a sophisticated promotion strategy.

  • get indexed in search engines;
  • build a reputation as a safe resource;
  • show regular updates and work on the site.

Professional SEO and website promotion are long-term processes. In such conditions, it is quite difficult to predict the time frame within which the project will begin to return investments and make a profit. To cope with the load, you can work for three or hire a copywriter, programmer and marketer.

Website autocompletion is a cost-effective alternative that will save you from extra costs and shorten the road leading to profit. The secret of auto-completion is extremely simple - the staff is replaced special program or a plugin customized to the needs of the project. Its functions are to collect, adapt and publish content from competitive feeds on your resource.

You can make a fully or partially auto-filled site. The mechanics and nuances of auto-completion depend on the plugin settings and the selected CMS system. The developers present a number functional applications, which autocomplete and adapt to any constructor. Consider the options for their use on the example of the popular WordPress constructor.

How Autocompletion Works: Methods, Overview of Tools

They are engaged in scanning, collecting and placing information. These are plugins that work on the principle of scanning rss feeds. You can set a theme filter or choose specific resources for data collection. When the site autocompletion plugin sees content matching the specified criteria, it does not blindly copy it, but processes it.

To get away from copy-paste and get a unique rewrite, an automatic synonymizer is used. Such text is considered satisfactory by search engine robots. For the visitor of the portal, the information will be useful. You can consider the work of the plugin in more detail on the example of the most common CMS WordPress.

How to set up autocomplete in WordPress

Beginners often cannot decide how to make an auto-filled site. Development should be done on the engine from scratch, choosing the autocompletion method in advance. The webmaster registers the selected domain on the hosting and installs WordPress. Then you need to manually publish several articles with pictures by setting basic settings. After choosing a theme and basic page design, you can connect the Content Master to the engine. In WordPress, it performs several functions at the same time:

  • plugin that copies and publishes articles from competitors' rss (grabber);
  • if there is no rss on the resource, then it imports (uploads) articles in their original form to your site;
  • the built-in synonymizer helps to make the content unique, which competently replaces words, making the text unique.

WordPress allows you to deliver the FeedWordPress, SyndicatePress, CyberSyn and Wp-0-matic autocompletion module to the engine. Plugins work in the same way. Consider the implementation on the example of the most popular add-on - FeedWordPress. To find it, use the search in the admin panel.

In the options, you can adjust the interval for scanning the rss feed for auto-filling the site and setting the conditions for publishing the material. Check the box for postponing news publication to manually edit and check if the synonymizer worked. Determine the frequency of posting news and evenly fill sections.

The advantage of the tool is quality and efficiency. The module collects information on the specified parameters for quick indexing and bypassing the ban. Thanks to the plugin, fast promotion of auto-filled sites becomes a reality.

As an alternative to this method, you can use the publication of purchased copyright content. It is available in article stores and directories on major exchanges. The most famous and copywriting are Advego,,, etc. Register on the service, go to the list of publications, sort finished works themes and buy the ones you like.

The purchase of materials requires a small investment, but this a good option, if for promotion you do not need to post more than 10 articles daily. You will save personal time and expenses for the fee of a full-time copywriter.

Pros and cons of an autocomplete site

To determine the benefits of installing a plugin, let's analyze the pros and cons of an auto-populated site.

The advantage of autofill is:

  • speed;
  • autonomy;
  • no need to develop a content plan;
  • you can simultaneously administer several sites;
  • lack of financial investment in promotion;
  • The plugin is configured without outside help.

The disadvantages of autofill are:

  • The site auto-complete script does not work on all hostings, so before registering, you should ask technical support questions;
  • not all modules work efficiently and some functions will still have to be taken over;
  • the text can reach the level of uniqueness, but at the same time be uninteresting to the user. There is no need to thoughtlessly use plugins, mistakenly believing that they will solve absolutely all problems.

Should you use autocomplete?

You can understand the settings and learn how to create an auto-filled site from the instructions and guides. Prioritize before using this method. If your goal is to make money, then automation will allow you to get away from the routine and quickly make a profit. If you want to get ahead of the competition and take a worthy position, as well as gain authority among target visitors, then it is better to work on content manually.

Auto-completion will not give you a stable position in search engine results. Over time, your project will turn into a copy with an identical set of articles presented under a different sauce. Automation can help you handle large volumes of posts, but each plugin needs a different approach. For example, WordPress modules do not do well with news items that include images. You will have to manually fix everything.

How to make money on an autocomplete website

A webmaster who seeks to maximize profits can create several diverse pages at once. You already know how to autocomplete a site. Before embarking on an idea, it is important to choose a universal niche in which new information often appears. Create 5-10 sites at once, fill them with basic articles and start auto-completion.

The most profitable way to earn money is to place ads from Google Adsense and sell links. It is best to implement monetization a month after successful indexing by search engines. Place your project on exchanges for the purchase and sale of reference mass and set up analytics to see the growth dynamics. Work out the autocomplete scheme on the example of one web resource, and then transfer the successful experience to similar sites.

Any blogger is well aware that in order to keep a visitor on his site, you need the presence of fresh and constantly updated information. However, it's not easy to create new content at regular intervals, especially if you have multiple blogs.

Why autocomplete your site?

Autocomplete refers to the automatic placement of content taken from other sites. It is worth noting right away that non-unique content is not welcomed by search engines, as a result of which such a site can fall quite seriously in search results. But if you still decide to autocomplete your WordPress site, then there are quite good solutions for this.

WP RSS Aggregator

WP RSS Aggregator is the most popular, easy to use and efficient news aggregation plugin. The plugin comes with a lot of features and settings, including: the ability to set multiple sources, update interval, hide or not the source, control the display of material using shortcodes or functions of the theme used, and much more. The plugin is free, but you will have to pay for individual add-ons that expand its functionality.


The FeedWordPress plugin is another very efficient and user-friendly news aggregator. The news collected by the plugin are copied to the database in the form of notes of a separate type, with the appropriate tags assigned. If the required tag is not yet in the database, the plugin will create it automatically.


WPeMatico is a fairly easy-to-use news aggregator that automatically publishes materials from various sources, combining them into so-called "campaigns" according to the chosen topic. To filter the material, it can use keywords, phrases, and regular expressions.

Syndicate Press

The free Syndicate Press plugin lets you add RSS-, RDF- or atom-feeds to pages, articles, widgets of the WordPress site. The add-on has a user-friendly administration page and provides filters, content caching and many other display options. Syndicate Press allows you to broadcast news content in WordPress as if it were an actual part of the site. The plugin is regularly updated by its developers, which provides users with easy to use, stable and functional content for their site.

Push Syndication

The Push Syndication plugin has been specifically designed to manage autocompletion across multiple sites at once. With just one click, you can post on various platforms(up to more than 100 sites). The solution can be used to generate API tokens used to promote blog content on WordPress.

Syndicate Out

The Syndicate Out plugin allows blog owners to auto-aggregate or create themed blogs from any
number of different sources without relying on RSS-channels.


CyberSyn is a powerful, lightweight and easy to use Atom/RSS auto-publishing plugin. It allows you to automatically extract and embed videos from YouTube channels. Has no problems with syndication of various kinds of embedded media content.

Hello friends. Today I will show you how to create an auto-filled website in WordPress. The topic is very relevant for most users who want to quickly fill their project with content.

Not so long ago, one of our users asked us in an email how to make such an auto-filled site. So, let's break it down piece by piece.

An autocomplete site on WordPress pulls information from other sources with the help of special add-ons and plugins and places it on your site. Yes, remember that you are copying material from someone else's source, that is, everything that you have picked up is copy-paste, and for this search engines they won’t pat on the head, but pat on the pope with sanctions ..

But for some, this will be a good experiment in creating satellite sites. Once again I repeat that I only stand for quality sites and when you create a similar auto-filled site on WordPress, then indicate the link to the source. After all, people are trying to write material, to “ennoble” the Internet, to make it better. Don't stoop to the level of assholes..Just good and friendly advice to you. Well, okay, I hope I didn’t offend anyone, and if I hurt someone, so to speak, for a “live”, then I apologize in advance.

What is an auto-populated blog?

An autoblog or auto-filled blog is, as I said above, a website that, without your direct control, “pulls” content from other resources using a channel.

Basically, this definition is associated with content scraping or spam blogs. However, there are many positive and profitable scenarios when it comes to using WordPress auto-populated blogs.

For example, an autoblog can be used to collect news on various topics. That is, you write useful manuals for users and reinforce your site with useful news from the world of the IT industry (car topics, cooking, etc.). It can be used both by corporate sites (i.e. company sites) and private personal blogs.

Having said all this, let's get straight to the point. creating an autocomplete site.

How to make a site autocomplete on CMS WordPress

First of all, you need to install and activate a plugin called WP RSS Aggregator.

The basic version of the plugin is free, but for this tutorial we need to spend money on the Advanced Feeds Bundle add-ons.

It starts at $139 for a single site license for a year, including support and updates. It is possible that there are other alternatives, but we will analyze this one for now.

Once you have installed and activated all addons, just go to RSS Aggregator -> Add New and add a new feed from which we will take the content.

The first thing we need to do is give a name to our RSS feed and then give it a URL.

The next step is to scroll down to the "Feed to Post" section. Here you need to select the type of posts that will be imported from other sites.

By default, the plugin will parse posts and publish them as drafts. You can change this before posting. Don't forget to check the box next to the "Force Full Content" box (it literally sounds like capturing the entire content). Using this option will allow the plugin to copy full version articles.

It can automatically import images from other feed sources and upload them to the media folder on the blog. It can also set the first image as for the article. You need to define these rules to suit your needs.

Adding a new feed as a source for importing posts on your page has a lot of features and settings. You can change them according to your preferences.

You can filter by keywords to import or vice versa to exclude content from them on your site. You can also add custom content before or after the article source.

Don't forget to click on the Publish button when you're done.

Now you can visit the Posts section and you will see the new posts imported into your WordPress site.

Repeat the process if you want to add more feeds. You can check the status of the channels (their status) by going to the section RSS Aggregator » Feed Sources

Quickly add multiple feeds to create an auto-populated site

Adding one at a time and setting up each channel feed to import content can be a tedious task. Fortunately, there is a way out. This is how you can add multiple article and post scraping feeds to your autocomplete wordpress site using the same settings.

First of all, go to RSS Aggregator » Settings and click on the Feed to Post tab. Here you can configure the default settings that will go into work with the addon (our add-on).

These settings will be applied to all feeds you specify in the next step.

Then you need to visit the RSS Aggregator » Import & Export section. Under the import block, you need to specify the name and url of the added feeds.

A separate name of the source url separated by a comma and a space. Add one feed per row. Like here:

After that, click on the "Bulk Import" button (start importing) and watch how your site becomes auto-filled.

That's all for me, I hope that the article was able to answer the main question - how to make an auto-filled WordPress site

Editorial note

At the end of this article, I want to repeat once again that copying everything outright is very wrong. Please, when you start creating auto-filled sites, do not forget to link to the source site. Let's make our Internet the place where everyone will bring something new, interesting for Runet users.

Here is a small P.S. turned out. Until we meet again to everyone who does not stop reading my author's blog. See you soon!

Most recently, I came across an ad that actively described the benefits of auto-filling the site. A smart plugin for WordPress is ready to monitor and publish materials day and night, and the site owner enjoys the flow of money from advertising and customers. “Is site autocompletion really such a cool thing?” I thought. And I decided to deal with this issue, and at the same time explore plugins that can search and publish content.

Since all my sites are very dear to me personally, I did not experiment with them. I managed with a dense study of theoretical material, the opinions of colleagues in promotion and the current requirements of search engines.

How to autocomplete a site

Everything is very simple. To generate content, you need the site itself and the site auto-fill plugin (grabber).

The task of the grabber is to copy information from other sites, to select data according to certain filters.

Good grabbers perform several functions:

  1. They look for material that meets the specified requirements by analyzing given sites and RSS feeds.
  2. The found content is run through the built-in synonymizer, which uniqueizes the text, selecting and replacing words according to their meaning.
  3. Upload the article to the site at the specified time.

AT automatic mode you can publish on the site from 5 to 20 articles per day. The choice of schedule depends on the theme of the Internet resource and on the goals of the owner.

Auto-filling the site with content: pros and cons

First, the main thing: why do you need automatic download texts on the site?

Most often, to save money and make quick money - selling links or advertising Google Adsense.

A person creates a thematic site - news, football, women's topics or something else. And quickly develops it with minimal investment. standard work over the resource implies the involvement of a copywriter, marketer, programmer, promotion specialist, designer. Here, only the plugin is enough - in the free or paid version.

But is everything as smooth and beautiful as in theory?

We will see.

pros autofill:

  • the speed of content creation and its publication on schedule;
  • the possibility of working without;
  • maintaining several sites at once;
  • minimum financial investment;
  • self-configuration of the plugin for any requirements and ideas of the owner.

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