Where to put a password on your computer. How to set a password on a computer with any version of Windows

Setting a password on a computer is not a very difficult task. The main thing is to know where and what to press, what settings to make. In this article, we will describe in detail the process of setting a password when turning on the computer in two ways. A simple way using standard Windows properties and a more advanced method using settings in the BIOS. We'll also give useful tips from the “Your PC World” portal, to restrict access to important settings and information on your computer.

This method is the simplest and most popular. When setting a password to log in Windows user A special window will be displayed in which you will need to enter a password to log in:

Instructions for setting up a password:

In our example, we will perform the setup on the Windows 7 operating system. If you have Windows 8 or more installed old version Windows XP, the settings there are exactly the same, so you can safely use these instructions.

Click “Start” and select “Control Panel”:

Go to the menu item - “User Accounts”:

And enter the password to log into windows:

It's best to come up with strong password and write it down on a piece of paper. And the hint should be written in such a way that other people cannot guess. Remember that the tooltip will be visible to all users!

Once the password has been configured, you can restart the computer. When the operating system boots, a password entry window should appear:

How to set a password to boot a computer in the BIOS?

A password to turn on the computer can be set not only using the standard properties of the operating system, but also using the BIOS. This method will be especially effective if you want to deny access to people who are familiar with the computer. The advantage of this method is that the password entry window will appear not after Windows boots, but before it. Therefore, it is very difficult to select or bypass such a password (in the case of the first method, this is much easier).

Setup instructions

However, not all BIOS versions support setting a password to boot the computer (do not confuse the password for entering the BIOS)! For this reason first you need to check the possibility of setting up such a password.

To do this you need to go into the BIOS. To get there, press the F2, F4 and Delete buttons simultaneously while restarting the computer. If you did everything correctly, a window like this will open in front of you: Then go to the “Security” tab and see if there is a line called “Password on boot”

" If there is such a line, change its setting from “Disable” to “Enable” and set the desired password:

After this, save the settings by pressing the F10 key and confirming the action by clicking on the “Yes” button.

If you do not have this option, then you will have to use the first method, which we showed at the beginning of the article. Setting a login password for a specific application or PC file is very simple. Using standard OS functionality and several third party utilities

you can protect any information from unauthorized users. To set a password on a computer or laptop, read all the methods presented.

  1. The first protection option is to install a key when you turn it on. In this case, before the operating system fully loads, you will see a window on the screen asking you to enter a combination of characters. Creating multiple accounts allows you to install a separate code for each (useful if the computer has several users). To install such protection, you must do the following (for Windows 10):

  1. First you need to open the Settings window. To do this, right-click on the “Start” icon and select the appropriate item.

  1. Now go to the Accounts section.

  1. In the “Login Options” tab, next to the “Password” item, click on the “Add” button.

  1. Enter your password twice and create a hint. In order not to forget the main combination and not face account blocking, be careful when choosing a hint.

To complete the procedure, click on “Finish”.

Now, when you log in using this account, you are required to provide a password.

Windows 8 and 10 also allow you to set a separate PIN. It does not replace full-fledged protection, but is used as an alternative to avoid wasting time entering a complex and long password.

  1. To set a PIN code, use the instructions provided:

  1. In the same “Login Options” window, click on the “Add” button in the “PIN code” item. To begin, confirm your login..
  2. account

Now set a short PIN and click OK. Starting with Windows 8, developers have added the ability to enter a graphic key on tablets and laptops with. On ordinary computers it can also be entered, but only with the mouse. To enable the feature, use the following guide:

  1. Open Settings again (as in the first instruction) and go to Accounts. In the “Login Options” section, click on the “Add” button in the “Graphic Password” subheading.

  1. Confirm your account login to begin setting up the pattern.

  1. To select a picture, click on the corresponding button.

  1. Select a picture and click “Open”.

  1. Now click on the marked button to confirm your image selection.

  1. On the selected picture, draw three objects with your mouse or finger. The system will record each of them.

  1. After that, confirm the key by drawing the same shapes in the same order. After successful entry, you will see a congratulations message from Windows. Click on “Done”.

After successfully entering the pattern, you will have access to the Windows desktop.

Protection using a regular password is relevant for Windows XP and Windows 7. Graphic key and PIN code are available only for versions 8 and 10 of the operating system.

Microsoft Account

Windows allows you to sign in using a Microsoft account. Thanks to this, you can make purchases in the Microsoft Store and use other company services. In addition, you can protect your account with a password. To do this you need:

  1. Open "Options".

  1. Now open Accounts.

  1. In the “Your data” tab, click on the marked button.

  1. Enter your login ( Email, phone or Skype).

  1. Enter your password and click “Login”.

Using the command line

If you want to install protection as quickly as possible and have minimal knowledge of the command line, then use the following guide:

  1. Open command line. The fastest way to do this is through Win + R and the “cmd” command.

  1. Enter the command "net users" to get information about accounts.

  1. Now enter “net user username password”, where instead of username you need to enter the account name, and instead of “password” you need to enter the security key.

  1. Ready! All that remains is to reboot your account and check that the settings are working.

Application protection

A simple Game Protector utility will help you in this matter, which can be downloaded from its official website. To use the application, follow the instructions:

  1. Go to the website and click on the “Download Now” button.

  1. Run the installer and click on “Next”.

  1. Check the box to accept the terms and conditions license agreement and click “Next”.

  1. Specify the installation folder.

  1. Specify the folder name for the menu and click “Next”.

  1. You can also create a shortcut on your desktop.

  1. Now click “Install” and wait for the unpacking to complete.

  1. Despite the name, the utility allows you to protect not only games, but also any other applications. In this way, you can block your child’s access to the browser, Telegram, work programs, and so on. Launch Game Protector and click "Open" to select the application's executable file.

  1. Select the exe file and click “Open”.

  1. Now enter the password twice (1). If necessary, you can change the icon and name of the application (2).

  1. After setting all the parameters, click “Protect”. Now, when you start the program, you will have to specify the invented Password.

Unfortunately, Game Protector does not allow you to protect a folder, disk or flash drive. Therefore, let's look at the functionality of another utility.

For folder

To set a password for a folder, we will use the functionality Password programs Protect Folder (download link). After installation, launch the application and do the following:

  1. Click on the "Lock folders" button.

  1. Select the folder you want to protect and click OK.

  1. Enter your password and click on “Lock Folder”.

  1. You can also install protection on a folder by right-clicking on it and selecting the item marked in the screenshot from the menu.

This way you can restrict access to any browser (Yandex.Browser, Google Chrome etc.) so that children cannot surf the Internet without supervision.


  1. Launch BIOS settings using the dedicated button when you start your computer. After that, open the “Security” section and select “Administrator Password”.

  1. Enter the combination twice and click OK. After this, restart your computer.

Disk protection

Modern Windows includes BitLocker, which helps protect HDD. To use it, you must follow the instructions:

  1. Open the “This PC” window and right-click on to the required section Winchester. From the menu, select Enable BitLocker.

  1. This procedure can only be performed as an administrator. In the window that opens, check the box next to the first item and enter the password twice. Then click on the “Next” button.

  1. Select a location to save the recovery key.

  1. Select "Encrypt entire disk".

  1. To start blocking, click on “Start encryption”.

  1. You will now be able to access the content hard drive only using the given key.

Wi-Fi password

Special programs or standard Windows tools There is no password protection for the Wi-Fi network. To do this, you need to use the proprietary settings of your router. Let's look at the process using ASUS as an example (the procedure may vary appearance interface and button layout):

  1. Log in using your login and password to the IP address or

  1. Now open the " Wireless network" Select Authentication Method WPA2-Personal.

  1. Enter the key (1) and apply the changes (2). Wait until the router reboots. Now when connected to Wi-Fi networks you will have to enter the code.

How to protect an archive

If you create an archive with data, you can protect it standard means WinRAR, not via third party programs. To do this, do the following:

  1. Collect all the necessary files in one folder, right-click on it and select the marked item.

  1. In the window that opens, click on the “Set password” button.

  1. Enter the key and confirm it. To save, click “OK”.

  1. Now configure the archive itself and click “OK”.


Now you know how to use standard Windows utilities to protect your PC, third party applications to install a key, etc. These instructions will help you hide important data, limit access to games or the browser, and completely block access to your computer to unwanted users.


Watch the video to fully understand this topic. After watching, you will not have any problems with blocking data using a password on your PC.

Hello, dear readers. Today we will learn how to create a password for a user in the Windows 7 operating system. As a rule, on home computer, at Windows installation, a single user is created, which by default is the local administrator on this computer. Thus, when you turn on the computer, the profile of this user is automatically loaded.

One of the ways to protect information and personal data is to set a password to log in. operating system. This may be needed by parents who want to protect their child from the negative influence of the Internet and computer games, as well as the children themselves who are trying to save their computer from annoying parents.

So, to set a password on your computer, click Start and click on the account icon.

In the window that opens, click .

Enter New Password twice. You can also write a hint in case you forgot your password.

Press the button Create a password.

Now, the next time you boot Windows, the system will ask you to enter a password.

Creating a new user

An alternative to setting a password for the only user in the system is to create a new user and also protect his account with a password. This is convenient if several people use the computer.

To do this, click Start/Control Panel.

Set the control panel type as Small icons, and press the item user accounts.

In the window that appears, click .

In the next window you need to enter the name of the new account, and also select the access level - Regular access or Administrator. After this, press the button.

That's all, so a new user has appeared in the system.

Information stored on laptop disks is at greater risk of leakage than on home desktop PCs. After all, many owners carry a mobile computer with them and sometimes leave it uncontrolled. To prevent data from falling into the wrong hands, it must be protected. The easiest way to do this is with a password.

Let's talk about how to set a password on a laptop and what protection method will be optimal for you.

Three lines of laptop password protection

The initial level of protection is setting a password to access the OS. Allows you to hide the contents of the disk from curious dummies, but not from those who are seriously aimed at stealing data.

The next one is more reliable way- this is setting a password for Laptop BIOS. To hack it, an attacker will have to work very hard.

The maximum level of protection is provided by setting a password on the hard drive. But it is better not to use this option unless absolutely necessary. Below you will find out why.

Password protection of access in Windows

Why is it good

Simplicity and safety.

Why is it bad?

Low reliability. Easily hacked. Not suitable for protecting particularly valuable information.

Who is it suitable for?

For those who want to protect personal files from access by others, such as family members or colleagues.

How to install on Windows 7

To set a password for your account Windows entries 7, just take 3 steps:

  • Click “Create a password for your account.”

  • In the next window, fill out the fields shown below: enter the passphrase, its confirmation and a reminder hint. The latter is not necessary. Save the setting and reboot.

Now every time you turn it on Windows computer will require you to authenticate.

How to install on Windows 8-10

For the first time, Windows 8 users have the opportunity to use not only a symbolic password, but also a graphic one, to log into the system. The latter, if designed correctly, is no less reliable than a text one, but is much easier to remember.

In Windows 10, in addition to password protection, the “PIN Code” and “Windows Hello” functions have appeared. A PIN code is a short combination of numbers that a user can enter instead of an account password. Microsoft records. According to the developers, this is done to simplify login for those who use the computer in safe environment, for example, only at home.

The Windows Hello feature is a relatively new feature. Its essence lies in the system recognizing the user’s fingerprint, face or iris. It is convenient, but does not work on all devices and is currently not fully debugged.

The section for managing all types of passwords in the “eight” and “ten” is located in the “Settings” application. In Windows 10, it opens through the Start menu (the gear-shaped button).

In Windows 8 (8.1), to do this, you need to open the Charms miracle panel, click “Settings” and then “Change computer settings”.

Further steps on both systems are very similar, so we will consider them only using Windows 10 as an example.

While in the Settings application, open the Sign-in Options section and select the right type password and click “Add”.

  • To create a text password for your account, open the “Password” subsection. Enter the code phrase, confirmation and hint in the appropriate field.

The pin code and picture password are only available for a Microsoft account (under a local administrator, these functions are inactive).

  • To set a PIN code (in Windows 10), enter several numbers in the fields provided, confirm them and click OK to save. Unlike a Microsoft online account, the PIN will only work on that device.

  • To create a graphic password, load any graphic image. Please agree to use this image when creating your password. After that, draw a few simple shapes on the image that are easy for you to remember, and repeat the drawing 3 times.

BIOS and disk password protection

Why is it good

It is highly resistant to burglary. Not only protects the entry into the operating system, but also prevents modification BIOS settings(including preventing the laptop from booting from another medium).

Why is it bad?

If you forget your password, it is extremely difficult to gain access to protected media. Sometimes it’s impossible.

Who is it suitable for?

For those who store particularly valuable data on a laptop.

What's special

Unlike desktop PCs, BIOS password On most laptops, it is impossible to reset by disconnecting the flash memory battery, where the BIOS microcode with all the settings is stored. He's not there. Passwords are recorded in a separate non-volatile eeprom memory, which is not erased when the power is turned off.

A forgotten password on some laptop models can be reset using special passphrases. The method for selecting these phrases on Asus, Lenovo, HP and other brands of laptops is not the same and is not always effective. Often the problem can only be solved by flashing the storage module on the programmer.

The hard drive password is stored in a secure area magnetic media, and also in the controller memory. When the user enters the password, both copies are compared. This dual method of storing the password ensures maximum security of the data on the disk, but in case you forget to restore or reset it impossible. The information will be lost forever.

How to setup

  • After turning on the laptop, press the key combination to enter the BIOS Setup Utility.
  • Using the arrow keys, go to the “Security” tab. The required options are circled in the screenshot. Select “Change (Set) Supervisor Password”, press Enter and enter the passphrase in the field that appears.

  • If you want to set a password for a user (user rights in the BIOS are limited to viewing and changing minor settings, such as date and time), select “Change (Set) User Password” and do the same.
  • The option to set a password for the disk is located here and is called “Change (Set) HDD Password”. If it doesn't exist, it means your computer doesn't support it.

  • To save the settings and close the utility, press F10.

Now you will have to enter passwords every time you turn on your laptop, without them Windows boot and access to information will be prohibited.

If several people use one computer, then there may be a need to hide personal data (photos, correspondence, files) from curious people. You can solve the problem by setting a password on your computer when you log in. The sequence of actions depends on the version of the operating system. Let's consider all possible ways.

How to put a password on your computer when you turn it on on Windows 7

In Windows OS, you can create accounts for each PC user with separate rights and restrictions. To log in to a specific account you will need to enter a code. Let's look at how to set a password on a computer running Windows 7.

« Start» → «» - ….

« Create an account" We need to come up with " Name" and save the changes. Followed by "".

In the special field, enter the invented code. It can contain letters, numbers and special characters. There are no restrictions on the use of the Cyrillic or Latin alphabet.

Very important! The password is case sensitive. That is, “lilies of the valley” and “Lilies of the valley” are different words. Therefore, it is important that .

Save the changes and restart the PC. The next time you log into your account, a window will appear asking you to enter your password.

How to set a password on a PC when logging in to Windows 8.10

You can protect a computer with Windows 8 OS in the same way as with Windows 7 OS. Place the cursor over the right panel and select “”.

On the " Users"Click on "".

After entering the characters, click " Ready" Here's how to quickly set a password on your computer when you log in.

In Windows 8 you can create graphic passwords in the form of a combination of circles, lines and dots. However, the user will need to fill in the size of the shapes and their direction, otherwise they will not be able to unlock the PC.

How to password protect a computer running Windows XP

You can also set a password on your computer through the menu item “ Start – – ».

In the next window, click on “”.

We enter the invented code (a combination of numbers, letters and symbols) into the lines. The created password must be entered twice or copied from the top line and pasted into the bottom line. After that, click "".

Reboot the PC. Now, every time you start a user account, you will need to specify the invented code.

Locking the system through BIOS

Login to the BIOS OS is carried out before loading the Windows OS. Therefore, in order to set a password on the computer through the BIOS, you need to restart the PC. As soon as the first window appears with the name of the system, press and hold F2-F8 + Del(depending on OS version).

In the menu that opens, select "".

A window will appear for entering a 6-character password. It will not be possible to use the Cyrillic alphabet, since it is not possible to switch the language.

In the next window you will need to confirm the specified password. About successful completion The operation is indicated by the message:

This is how you set the password to enter the BIOS OS. To block an account, you need to go to " Advanced BIOS Features» select sub-item "".

If this line is set to " Setup", then the access code will be requested only when loading the BIOS. You need to change it to "".

To save changes, click F10. Here's how to quickly set a password on your computer when you log in.

"Parental control" - protection from children

Parental control A computer is a set of programs designed to limit the use of PCs by children. With their help, adults can block websites " 18+ ”, time spent on the Internet and the period of PC use in general. " Parental control" can be connected using the operating system through the menu item of the same name in "".

This function connects to a specific account. If it is not there, then you must first create an account for the child, and then configure the parameters for accessing information.

Changing access parameters.

The easiest way is to limit the time interval, that is, set the time at which the user can log into the operating system. The schedule can be adjusted by day of the week.

Access to games is specified separately.

For each application separately:

For Online Games your own settings panel.
