How to factory reset android. How to do a hard reset on an Android phone (Hard reset)

If an Android-based smartphone has become buggy and freezes, do not rush to take it to service center or perform warranty repairs. Maybe this problem It will be possible to solve the banal reset of the settings (hard reset). In this case, all system settings will be restored to factory settings, and all contacts, installed applications, messages, etc. will be deleted.

What is a hard reset and why is it needed

A complete reset of Android settings to factory defaults is called a hard reset. It is recommended to do it if the smartphone is not stable (often freezes, buggy, etc.). It can be done in three different ways, each of which will now be considered. Before starting a hard reset, do not forget to back up all data.

You can make a complete copy of all smartphone data using the program.

Programmatic way to reset Android

Consists of using standard function, which is in the settings of any Android system. To use it, you need to go to "Settings", then select "Backup and reset" and click "Reset settings". After that, a warning will be shown about deleting all existing data, and at the bottom - a confirmation button "Reset phone settings".

You need to confirm the selected action by pressing the "Erase all" button.
In some old Android versions below version 2.1, reset location may be slightly different. It could be found in the "Privacy" - "Data Reset" section.

Method without applying settings, using code

To do this, dial *2767*3855# in the number entry menu. This will lead to an immediate full restoration of the smartphone settings without any additional confirmation from the user.

Resetting Android settings when the smartphone is not responding

Sometimes there are times when the gadget does not respond to any commands. In this case, the third method of resetting the settings may come in handy. When turning on Android, simultaneously hold down three buttons: "Power", "Home" and "Volume Down". This combination should be held until the “ ” mode appears. In it, select the "Wipe" section (which means full reset settings) and confirm your choice by pressing the "Home" button.

After a hard reset, you may be tempted to restore Android from a backup. However, this should be done with great care - after all, perhaps the problem that caused the problem lay in the previous settings or in one of the installed apps. Therefore, it is better not to take risks, but to set up your smartphone as new by entering your google account details. After that contacts mail letters etc. will be synced with your smartphone. The necessary applications can be installed independently from the Play Market.

Fans of alternative firmware for Android should remember that a hard reset does not affect the areas that store installed additional firmware. This means that any mods and software changes operating system will not be deleted from the phone's memory. A similar fact should be taken into account if a full restoration is performed, for example, in order to return the gadget under warranty.

In addition, a full reset does not affect the contents of the memory card. You will have to remove information from it yourself. However, remember that any deletion with the "Delete" command is easily reversible, and in case of confidential data, it is better to take care of the card additionally.

This happens often: over time, the system of your Android device becomes clogged, your smartphone or tablet starts to work slowly, a lot of errors constantly occur. For some, this may be an excellent reason to replace the gadget with a newer model, but this option is not at all necessary. If the problem is only in the system, then just return to the factory settings.

Android factory settings: what is it?

This should be taken literally: the smartphone will return to the state in which it was released for sale. All user files will be erased, except for those stored on the memory card. But such an operation can give your device a new life. Yes, and the files can be pre-copied to removable media so the losses are small.

How to reset settings using the interface?

In order to restore the factory settings of Android, you do not need any special applications or knowledge of programming languages. Such an operation is initially embedded in the interface of your device, and it is quite simple to start it.

Of course, the interface of a smartphone or tablet will differ depending on the device model and Android version, but in the example Samsung phones you will understand? where can i find this feature.

  1. On your Samsung smartphone, go to "Settings" ("Android"-settings), then to "Accounts" and open the section " Backup and reset."
  2. In this section, it is possible to enable / disable archiving, auto-recovery, including data reset. Click on "Reset data".
  3. You will see a warning that all information will be deleted from the device memory, including the account Google entry and downloaded apps. Confirm data reset.
  4. The device will reboot. After the next turn on, the Android factory settings will be restored.

On earlier versions of Android (before 2.1), is there such an option as data reset? located in the "Privacy" section.

How to restore settings on Android using Recovery?

If your smartphone or factory reset is possible through recovery mode.

Again, recovery mode on different models starts differently. But the principle of switching on is the same: you need to hold down certain keys, including the device. See the user manual for the exact key combination for your model, or ask technical support on the manufacturer's website. On Samsung smartphones recovery mode is started like this:

  1. Turn off the device if it is turned on.
  2. Press the volume up key.
  3. Without releasing the volume key, press the Home key.
  4. Without releasing both buttons, press the power button.
  5. Keep the keys pressed until it starts recovery program mode.
  6. Select wipedata / factoryreset - this will completely reset the "Android" settings from your device.

If, for example, you have Sony smartphone Xperia Z, then you need to start the recovery like this:

  1. Turn off the device.
  2. Press the power button and when the indicator lights up, located at the top of the phone above the display, press the volume up or down key several times.

Sync and restore data on Android

There is a way to help you quickly install applications that are lost due to factory reset. Instead of remembering and separately searching for each application by opening Play market, just go to Menu/My Apps. Next, click on the "All" tab. You will see a list of all the apps you previously installed.

Before deleting settings on an Android device, it is highly recommended to enable synchronization. Thanks to synchronization, you can easily recover all lost data.

So that in the future you can Gmail and calendar entries, turn on your account sync. Go from the options menu to the "Accounts" section and check the options you need.

Photos can be restored if you have a Google+ account. All pictures taken will be automatically uploaded to the server. In addition, the user will be able to access own photographs from any other device.

Android Mail

After the settings are deleted on the device running the Android system, you may want to set up mail again. As it was said, when returning to the factory state, in addition to user files and applications, everything is also erased from the memory of a smartphone or tablet. Accounts. If before resetting you did not have synchronization enabled, then you will have to restore all user options manually. But there is nothing wrong with that. Setting up mail on Android is done through a special application.

The factory option implies the state of the device after purchase, that is, the memory is not completely eliminated. At your disposal will be built-in applications with which the smartphone went on sale. For now, you'll need the Mail app.

Instructions for setting up mail

So, setting up mail for Android is as follows. When you launch the application, you will be prompted to either create new account, or add an existing one to which your Android phone was linked. The settings should be as follows:

  1. Enter your account information (login and password).
  2. Select the protocol for connecting to the mail service. This is required to confirm the password. It is best to specify POP 3.
  3. Next, you will need to specify the domain mail client. For example, mail server from Google will look like this: And the Yandex server: On Android devices, it is most convenient to use mail from Google.
  4. Set outgoing email options. You must enter the name that the outgoing server uses. This is done according to the same principle by which you specified the domain of the mail client. For example

In the same way, you can optionally add an additional mailbox.

None of us can be one hundred percent sure of the reliability of our Android smartphone or its operating system in particular. Glitches, freezes, and sometimes a complete failure to work are quite common among Googlephone users.

The good news is that in 95% of all cases we can fix the situation ourselves without violating the warranty and going to a service center. The way out will be a factory reset, which we will discuss in this article. For clarity, each item of our step by step instructions will be accompanied by a screenshot.

Resetting to factory settings may be needed not only when our phone is buggy. It is also necessary in a number of other cases, for example, sales. Imagine that you decide to upgrade your Android or switch to iOS altogether. Naturally, before handing over the old smartphone to the buyer, it needs to be cleaned. This ensures that neither your personal data nor payment information will fall into the wrong hands.

What will be removed?

If you reset your Android to factory settings, you will get the phone the way it was when you bought it. Even process initial setup will have to go through again. SMS, gallery data, any user files, phone numbers, settings, etc. will be deleted.

It is important to understand that before proceeding with the reset, you will need to create a backup in order to recover from it later. We will discuss how this is done below. Relate to present moment seriously, otherwise all your photos, music and videos will be lost forever.

When working with recovery, full formatting memory, absolutely everything is deleted. But there are some nuances that you should also be aware of. For example, if you use custom Recovery, then its functionality will allow you to erase the firmware itself or its separate section.

Be extremely careful and follow each step of our instructions exactly. Otherwise, your Android smartphone may simply not turn on at one “perfect” moment.

Backup: save data before reset

In this section, we will save data that will be deleted after a factory reset. When the process completes, the media will be restored from the backup. So let's get started.

Copying to a memory card or computer

This method works specifically with media: photos, videos or music. Other files are also copied, such as APK. Data such as SMS or phonebook are backed up in a different way.

So, in order to copy our content, we do this.

To memory card

If you still have a memory card, you can copy data to it. This is done as follows:

  1. Go to Google Play and write "eu" in the search bar. These two letters will be enough for you to be shown ES File Explorer. We use this particular application, as it makes our instructions universal for any Android. Although you can copy data to a USB flash drive using the regular file manager.

  1. Click the green button labeled "Install".

  1. We accept an application request for access to the file system and other system services.

  1. We are waiting for the download to finish, the speed of which will directly depend on the speed of your connection to the network. As soon as the APK is downloaded, it will be automatically installed.

  1. Done - our explorer can be opened directly from here or launched by tapping on a shortcut on the desktop.

  1. When the program is launched, we will see 2 main tiles (unless, of course, you have a memory card installed). The first is the internal memory of Android, the second is external drive. Logically, we need to go to the first one, copy the data from there and place it on the second one. So we do.

  1. All photos in Android are stored in "DCIM" by default. We open the catalog.

  1. Next, we need the “Camera” directory - yours may have a different name.

  1. We pinch one of the photos with our finger and wait until a green check mark appears on it. When this is done, click "Select All".

  1. Now all our files are selected, so it remains to tap on the button marked in the picture.

  1. We return to the "root" of our FS by clicking on the cross in the path line.

  1. Let's move on to the SD card.

  1. In order not to confuse our data with other folders already here, let's create another one. To do this, click the plus icon.

  1. Enter a directory name and click OK.

  1. Select the created folder by tapping on its silhouette.

Catalog Data

  1. Let's move on to data copying. There is another button for this.

  1. Depending on the amount of data being backed up, on the speed of the drive and on the performance specific device, the copy speed may vary greatly. In any case, we are waiting for the completion of the process.

Ready. Now all our photos and videos are in a safe place. You don't have to worry about their safety.

Attention, before you start resetting the gadget, remove the memory card from it.

Important! In order to copy other data, such as APK files or music, you need to visit other directories in the internal memory of the phone. The path to them is different on each Android phone and depends on where you copied the data when downloading from a PC or the Internet. Most often, the music "lies" in the "Downloads" folder.


Copying your personal data to a computer is even easier. To do this, we do the following:

  1. Install the driver for your phone (you can find it on the official website).
  2. Connect the device with any accessible way(USB, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, etc.).
  3. Open Android in Windows Explorer.

  1. Select internal memory.

  1. Just drag the directory to your desktop or another drive.

The copying process will begin, after which the data will be securely protected.

Attention, in some cases, to activate the data transfer mode, you need to enable the corresponding item on Android. You can find it in the "curtain" of notifications.

We use cloud storage

In order to back up our photos, videos, games or music, you can also use the so-called cloud. This is a dedicated disk space that one of the providers reserved for us. For example, let's work with Google Drive.

  1. Most often, Google Cloud is already installed on the system, but if you don’t have it, download the program from the Play Market. To do this, you just need to register a query in the search bar.

  1. Then select the desired result from the search results. In our case, Google Drive is a system application and does not need to be installed.

  1. Install the program and open it.

  1. For a change, we will use not ES Explorer, but regular file manager Xiaomi smartphone Remy Note 4x. We start the utility.

  1. Select the directory that we want to copy to the "Cloud". We, for example, will show "Downloads", but you copy all the important data.

  1. Hold your finger on the file until an icon appears on it. Then select everything by tapping on the little bird at the top right of the screen.

  1. Tap on "Submit" to start the copy process.

  1. We choose our Google Drive. As you can see, you can move data anywhere.

  1. Select a folder in the cloud where the content will be placed. Then click "SAVE".

  1. First comes the preparation.

  1. Then the upload to the server will begin. Naturally, its speed will depend on your network connection.

That's all, the data is in the cloud and we will definitely not lose it.

Synchronization with Google

It remains to consider only the synchronization of our contacts, calendar entries, saving in games, etc. In order for all this not to be deleted, or rather, to be restored in the future, you need to set up a connection with Google. Getting Started:

Attention: our instruction will be shown on the example of a Xiaomi smartphone. In other OS versions and phone models, the names and positions of menu items may differ.

  1. Let's go to Android settings. Most often, they can be found by lowering the "curtain" of notifications.

  1. We go to the item "Synchronization".

  1. We turn it on.

  1. Just before resetting the settings and formatting the phone, you need to force the synchronization. To do this, opposite our account, click the icon indicated in the screenshot below.

Model Features

In some phones, for example, Xiaomi, synchronization can be done not only with Google. Here it will turn out to copy the data to the Mi account, from where they will then be successfully restored. And it works much more interesting than in the "naked" Android. Not only contacts, calendar entries, etc. are restored, but everything in general, including desktop settings. As a result, you get an exact copy of the phone that you had before the reset.

Doing a reset

So, after all the data is saved, we can proceed to the reset process itself. Let's start with a simple one, then gradually move on to more complex and effective options.

Through the menu

Again, everything shown below, we did on our test Xiaomi device Redmi Note 4x with Android MIUI 9 add-on installed. If you have a different model, the steps may be slightly different. However, let's start:

  1. We turn to the settings of our smartphone by lowering the notification line and tapping on the gear indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Next, click on the advanced settings item.

  1. We go to the section indicated in the picture with a red frame.

  1. Click on the reset option.

  1. There are 2 cleaning modes for Android. The first provides for a factory reset, the second completely formats the internal memory of the device. At the very bottom there is a button to start cleaning.

  1. Naturally, in order to delete everything, we will have to confirm our rights. We have this password entry, you can have graphic key etc. As soon as the verification is successful, the deletion of milestones of user data will begin with a reboot of the device.

Service codes

You can also reset Android to factory settings using service code. However, it should be noted that these options do not work on all models. Which code is suitable for your phone, we will not say - this information you have to search on the net yourself. In the same way as the way to enter such codes. The fact is that there are a lot of codes themselves and devices that support them, so there is no way to describe everything.

hard reset

A hard reset (Hard Reset) is performed using a keyboard shortcut held on the device and may be needed when there is simply no access to system settings. For example, you broke the screen, the phone turned off, something does not work or the menu does not open.

It doesn't matter, you can still reset it, and it's done like this:

Attention! On each phone model (HTC, ZTE), the combination of reset buttons may differ, so use our table or find a “hot” combination on the net.

Button combinations for Hard Reset different devices:

Asus, AcerPower button + volume down button
LenovoPower button + volume in both directions.

When vibration follows, we drop the power and press the volume several times.

HuaweiVolume down button and power button (hold for 10 seconds).

When an image appears, then quit power. When the robot appears, move your finger to the volume up button. When the download appears, drop the volume.

LG:Volume down + power button. As soon as the picture appears, drop the buttons and immediately press again. Hold until Recovery appears.
Samsung:Power button + Home button + Volume up button.

Sometimes volume down button + power button (Galaxy S3).

SonyPower button + volume add button. The phone must be on charge. Next, firmly press the reset button. When the image appears, briefly press the power button. Then we drop it and press the volume add button several times.
PrestigioDepending on the model, the volume up / down button + power button.
Meizu, Xiaomi, FlyVolume up button and power button. On Meizu, after the logo appears, we throw the power button, we continue to hold the volume.

Regular Recovery

If you have a regular Recovery, for example, Samsung, select the "Wipe data / factory reset" item by navigating with the volume buttons and activate it with the power key.

Modified Recovery

Sometimes users have a modified Recovery installed, for example, TWRP. Below you will see how to reset through it.

  1. When the recovery is launched (use the same button combinations as for a regular Hard Reset), go to the "Backup" section.

Attention! in front of you TWRP Recovery, in other models of PreOS software, the interface looks completely different.

  1. Select system partitions to be copied. Below we will describe each of them in more detail, and you will decide where to put the checkboxes. Move the slider to the right to start copying.

Note: The backup files are protected in the phone's memory. Be sure to copy them to a more secure location.

  1. The backup process itself looks like this:

  1. When backup copy will be made, you can proceed to the reset itself. We go to the "Cleaning" section.

  1. Here you can simply reset the phone or go to the detailed cleaning settings.

  1. Check the boxes on the items that need to be formatted and drag the bar to the right.

  1. When the cleaning is completed, go to the reboot section.

  1. We select the system and reboot into the Android OS, which will now be reset to 0.

Android reset apps

Among other things, there are many third party programs that can reset your device to factory settings. We will talk about two similar decisions, you have the right to choose any program you like. So, let's look at the most interesting utilities for resetting your phone. You can download them on Google play.

Simple Factory Phone Reset

This application has a large red button, similar to the one for launching a nuclear missile.

Confirmation will follow first.

Then the section will open. system settings, which will prompt you to grant administrator access to Simple Factory Phone Reset.

As soon as the system receives confirmation, a reset will be performed and all your data will be deleted.

Phone Factory Reset

Another program that allows you to reset Android to factory settings. It also does not differ in originality in design. There is an instruction for English language and, in fact, the reset button.

Just like other applications, the utility requires administrative privileges to run.


So, now you, like no one else, know everything about resetting your Android phone to factory settings. There are so many ways to do this depending on the hardware and the situation - choose the most suitable one. We will say goodbye to you, but we will say something else: if you have any questions during the reset process, feel free to ask them in the comments. We will try to help everyone as much as possible.

Video instruction

Problems with an Android smartphone or tablet that cannot be fixed in the usual way- by adjusting the settings or checking with an antivirus, it is often possible to solve it only by hard reset or wipe. hard reset(wipe) is a reset of the operating system settings to the factory state with the deletion of applications, settings, user files, Google account, contacts and other data (with some exceptions: with certain types of reset, multimedia user files remain in place). The essence of the manipulation is to make the device pristine, as fresh from the assembly line.

You can reset the settings on Android to factory settings in the following ways:

  • Through the system application "Settings".
  • By pressing the Reset button (not present on all devices).
  • Through recovery menu;
  • With the help of a service (engineering) code - a special telephone number that you need to “call”.
  • Through a computer using special software: utilities from device manufacturers or ADB - a debugging tool for developers. The latter option is used extremely rarely for this purpose, therefore we will not touch it - we will leave it to the developers.

Reset via the Settings app

Hard reset through the system Settings application is the most simple, but is only available when the tablet or phone boots up and is able to respond to commands.

Before reset, transfer all valuable data to external media(SD card or computer), and contacts from the phone book to the SIM card.

Next, open "Settings", go to "Personal" - "Backup" (in other versions of Android it's called "Backup and reset") and tap "Reset to factory settings".

At the bottom of the next page, tap the Reset Phone/Tablet button. If you want to delete all the data on the memory card at once, check the "Erase SD card" box.

Reset by pressing "Reset"

On the back or side of some devices there is a "Reset" button recessed deep into the case ( hard reset). A short press of this button reboots the device, a long press - 15-30 seconds, resets the system to the factory state.

To press "Reset" it is convenient to use the unbent paper clip or a toothpick.

Reset via the Recovery menu

If the tablet or smartphone does not boot, and also if it is blocked by a virus, the most accessible will be a hard reset through the Recovery - recovery menu.

Attention! Before resetting, the device must be charged or connected to charger. If the battery level is too low, during the reset process, the gadget may turn off, and this will lead to firmware corruption and even more problems.

Also, during the procedure, you should remove the SIM card and memory card from the device.

The way to enter the recovery menu on devices of different brands is somewhat different. How to get into Recovery on your device - find out from the description of the model on the manufacturer's website or the user manual. Hard reset techniques for the most common gadgets are also collected on the website. The resource is in English, but in addition to the verbal description, there are explanatory pictures, so it is easy to use even without translation.

Here are a few examples of resetting devices that are popular with our compatriots.

Samsung G920F Galaxy S6

  • Switch off the device by pressing power buttons(nutrition).
  • Press and hold the Home, Power and Volume+ buttons until you see the Samsung logo on the screen. This will open the Recovery menu.
  • Using the volume rocker to navigate, select the "wipe data/factory reset" option. Confirm your choice by pressing Power.

  • In the next section, select "Delete all user data" (delete all user data).

  • After returning back, click "reboot system now" - restart the system now.

After the next start, the system will be reset.

Lenovo S720

Method 1:

  • Turn off lenovo phone pressing Power.
  • Press and hold the Power and Volume + buttons for about 5 seconds - the screen should appear android logo, and after it - standard menu Recovery (as in the photo above).
  • Using the volume rocker to navigate, select "wipe data/factory reset". Confirm your choice by pressing Power.
  • Then click "Reboot system now".

Method 2:

  • Turn off your phone.
  • Press the camera button and Power. Hold them until the device boots into Factory Mode.
  • If Factory Mode does not open, press the volume rocker so that both halves are pressed.
  • In the menu that appears on the screen after that, select the "Clear EMMC" option. Use volume buttons to navigate, Home to confirm.
  • After that, the phone will automatically reboot and reset the data to the factory state.

ZTE Blade C

Method 1(if the ZTE device boots up and opens at least the lock screen):

  • Touch the emergency call icon.
  • Dial a number *983*987# .
  • Press the call button.

Method 2(if the phone does not boot), completely repeats the first Lenovo way S720.

As you can see, one of the methods for resetting phones and tablets of different brands - through the standard Recovery menu, is the same. In addition to the listed devices, it is suitable for Acer, Ainol, Akai, BenQ, Fly, Doogee, HTC, LG, Meizu and many others. In other words, almost everyone.

If your device has a custom firmware with an advanced recovery menu, then other reset options are available to you. Among them:

  • Wipe cache - clearing the program cache. Deletes only temporary application data, leaving the rest unchanged.
  • Wipe dalvic cache - clearing the buffer virtual machine Dalvik. Helps to eliminate errors in the programs.
  • Format partition_name - clear the selected partition (boot, system, SD-card, etc.).

Wipe cache and Wipe dalvic cache do not affect user data. Use these options if you are afraid that something valuable will be deleted - something that you did not have time to save.

Reset with service code

Service codes are phone numbers that are used to perform various operations, including deleting data from the device. We cited one of these numbers above (for ZTE devices), but besides it, there are also universal ones - designed for different Android devices. Here they are:

  • *#*#7780#*#* . What will happen if you type: everything will be deleted except system applications and data on the memory card.
  • *2767*3855# . What will happen if you type: a full return to the factory state.

Both options are usable if the emergency or normal call feature is available.

Users of devices on the Android OS at some point are faced with its freezing, common mistakes and the sudden cessation of a number of applications. This is due to the accumulation in memory of various unnecessary and residual files that slow down the operation of the OS. Any repair always includes resetting Android settings to factory settings, i.e. deleting all folders with files and applications (the so-called Hard Reset). How to do it yourself?

Before you start removing all junk files and resetting the system, you should copy all important information to a memory card or transfer it to another device.

After resetting the settings will disappear forever:

  • all installed applications;
  • contacts;
  • downloaded and received files (photos, videos and music);
  • set settings (alarm clock, reminders);
  • accounts and passwords.

At the same time, updates of the operating system itself and the software version remain and are not “rolled back” to the original ones. In addition to saving important information, must be removed Google account and clear passwords. Otherwise, when you turn on the device, it will ask you to sign in to your account.

You can reset the settings to factory settings on an Android phone through the settings menu, if the system allows it (some viruses block access to them).

For this you need:

  1. Open "Settings" - "Backup and reset". On some devices, this feature is hidden under Backup & Reset, Privacy, or Accounts.
  2. Find the item "Reset settings (data)" and click on it.
  3. The system will show a notification about deleting all files and accounts.
  4. You must select the "Reset settings" option.
  5. The operating system will issue a second request, it must be confirmed.

The system will start deleting all unnecessary files and reboot the device after the operation is completed. You should charge the device up to 100% in advance, because if it is discharged during the removal process, then unpleasant difficulties will arise, which you are unlikely to be able to solve on your own.

Via phone

You can also reset all settings using the smartphone itself, that is, when using its hardware buttons. To restart the smartphone, you need to turn it off completely, and then simultaneously press several buttons: “Power” and two volume buttons (“more-less”). The phone will restart and reset the settings.

Also, some developers place a special button to update the system. It is very small and is most often located in a recess next to the power button. To start the operation, clamp it with a needle or pencil.

Using Recovery Keys

This method is suitable for devices that freeze at the power-on stage and do not respond to touches on the screen. It is also relevant for users who have forgotten their login passwords.

To reset, press a specific key combination, go to recovery mode(factory software) and from there start System Restore.

Resetting Android through "Recovery" on a turned off gadget occurs in this way:

  1. Press a combination of buttons (for each model it has its own).
  2. Switch to recovery mode.
  3. Go Wipe data - factory reset.
  4. Agree when asked again.
  5. Wait until the end of the operation.
  6. Reboot the gadget by clicking on Reboot System.

Each company that produces electronic gadgets assigns its own hardware key combinations that help users solve the problem that has arisen.

The device models and their hardware keys are listed below:

  1. Lenovo, Aser, Asus, Huawei: "Volume down + reset".
  2. LG: Volume Down + Power. Hold for 10 seconds, wait for the logo to appear, release the keys for 1 second and hold again until you enter Recovery mode.
  3. Samsung: "Home + Power + Volume Up".
  4. Sony: "Home + Volume Up + Power".

If the device does not respond to touches on the screen, use the volume keys and the Power or Home key to select menu items.

Using a computer

If you can’t reset the settings using traditional methods, you can try to do it through a computer, after downloading android program System Development Kit on the developers website.

After downloading the file, you should:

  1. On the device, enable USB Debugging mode: "Settings" - "For Developers" - " USB settings” or “Settings” - “General” - “About phone” - “General” - “Information programs”.
  2. Check the boxes for USB tools and drivers.
  3. Install the driver for the device on the PC and connect it via the USB port.
  4. Open command line and write in it "C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Android\Android-SDK\platform-tools
  5. Enter adb reboot in recovery.
  6. Wait for the system to restart.

After that you can enter New Password and access the menu options.

Service code reset

There is another simple and fast way start a system reset - using a special service code.

For this you need:

  1. Open the phone keypad (in the calls section) or "Emergency call".
  2. Enter the reset code: *2767*3855# or *#*#7780#*#* or *#*#7378423#*#*.
  3. After entering the code without asking for confirmation, the device will start resetting the settings.

Since this feature makes it too easy to access the phone, and if it is stolen, it can play into the hands of thieves, not all manufacturers allow you to restart the system in this way.

What is it for

In what cases is it necessary to restart the system and roll it back to the factory state?

This is usually necessary to resolve system errors, as well as:

  • before selling the device;
  • with a constant system freeze and numerous failures;
  • immediately after a software update.

If you cannot reset the settings yourself, then it is best to contact the service center for help. Because you can inadvertently delete important system files and thereby damage the operation of the device.
