Lightweight laptop OS. List of assemblies of operating systems for weak computers and laptops

To date, netbooks have gained great popularity. It is easy for people to use these small and compact devices. Developers understand this. And we will try to answer the question of what is the best operating system for a netbook.

What is a netbook

Before moving on to the main topic, let's first find out what is a netbook? In simple terms, this is a reduced laptop, a mini-computer that can handle tasks that do not require high power. The performance of a modern netbook is not much inferior to the average laptop, however, a netbook with all this is cheaper. It is lighter in weight, more compact and can work autonomously longer. All these factors allowed this device to compete with the older "brother".

Let's start withWindows 7

There are many operating systems for netbooks. So, when buying a new device, you should take this issue seriously. Let's figure out which operating system for a netbook is best suited. Let's start with Windows 7. This OS is very popular in the world. Most computers run on Windows, and when the seventh version was released in 2009, it was immediately recognized by many computer users. As for the devices considered here, the developers from Microsoft have released operating systems for netbooks of the newest versions. Windows 7 Starter is the most suitable for running on your netbook. Compared to other versions, it is lightweight.

Runner-up for OS X

Apple's OS X boldly takes second place. This operating system for a netbook has a normal interface and a nice appearance. However, it can only be installed on Apple devices. So, if you have an "apple" netbook, then OS X will cost you little. And if not, look for other operating systems.

Third place - Linux Mint

If you need a netbook to solve mainly office tasks, surf the Internet, then the Linux Mint netbook operating system will good choice. This OS is very easy to use and does not require any special knowledge. Before Windows, the Linux Mint system has a huge plus - it is free, and anyone can get their hands on it. For netbooks, it is also used by many users because of its flawlessness when working with these devices.

The choice depends on the comfort of work

Versions of Windows XP (Pro or Home) will also work on a netbook. But you shouldn't take into account Windows Vista, because the requirements of this OS to the hardware exceed the capabilities of small devices. The operating system for netbooks Ubuntu for Netbooks Remix from Linux can run faster than others. Its user interface is adapted for comfortable work on a small screen. It loads quickly and will be understandable even to an unprepared user. The light version of Canonical Ubuntu Light is a creation of Canonical. Lightness is its main feature. It loads and connects to the Internet in 7 seconds.

It is rather difficult to determine which operating system for a netbook will be the best. The point here is in particular the preferences of each individual person. However, in fairness it should be said that most users around the world prefer Windows 7.

It is comfortable to work with Windows on regularly updated equipment, but on older computers it often starts to “slip”. Fortunately, there are alternative operating systems for this case - light and safe.

A recent study by Avast, a well-known company, demonstrates well what kind of equipment people actually use. About a third of users are still on computers that were released in 2009 or earlier. The average age of most personal computers is over five years old.

A quarter of computers have 2 GB of RAM or even less, and the presence of an SSD is rather an exception. We think it's good. Don't worry and keep using your devices. Operating room Windows systems there are also more lightweight alternatives that are suitable for older computers.

Lubuntu: a lightweight version of Ubuntu

The list of leaders is headed by Lubuntu - a compact Ubuntu version with LXDE desktop.

Linux is a lighter system than Windows, in part because it has many various options GUI. If you look at Ubuntu and its "daughter" Lubuntu with the LXDE desktop, then the second seems like a worthy lightweight alternative. The big advantage is that it allows you to use the equipment sparingly without sacrificing your comfort. For a Windows user, working with the system should not be difficult, so it's worth a try.

Linux Mint XFCE: Another alternative to Ubuntu

Slim Mint is a lightweight version of Linux Mint with an XFCE desktop that saves a lot of resources.

Even the most popular version of Linux - Linux Mint - is available with an economical interface. We recommend Linux Mint XFCE for slightly outdated hardware. Be sure to try the built-in tools such as the Xplayer media player or Xreader PDF viewer. They are very careful with resources.

Elementary OS: in the luxurious atmosphere of MacOS

Elementary OS stands out for its chic appearance.

Elementary OS benefits from its looks, as it incorporates macOS design elements. At the same time, Linux is hidden under the shell. Thanks to the built-in AppStore, you can complete the system with additional software; basic programs already installed.

Puppy Linux: It doesn't get any easier

Puppy Linux is a very economical alternative for those who want to save as much resources as possible.

If the aforementioned operating systems are not suitable for you because there are not enough resources, then Puppy Linux may be a good option for you. However, this distribution is significantly reduced in functionality, which makes it somewhat difficult to work with.

CloudReady: Chrome OS for self-installation

With CloudReady, you can install Chrome OS on any hardware.

Option that is different Windows alternatives above: CloudReady. It allows users to install Chrome OS on any hardware. Note: Chrome OS is online, meaning it requires an internet connection to use. The operating system is quite economical, so CloudReady is recommended for use on devices designed for Internet surfing.

Do you use outdated equipment?

Does it still work or is it time to throw it away? Undoubtedly, eventually there will come a time when you have to part with the old equipment. But there is nothing wrong with using old devices for as long as possible. But the software must be fresh - it is better to replace the outdated Windows XP or Vista. If older hardware refuses to work with the current version of Windows, there are always plenty of lightweight alternatives available.

1.5 / 5 ( 39 votes)

Most netbooks are also offered to the buyer with an installed operating system. Such a laptop is completely ready to work and install the applications necessary for a particular user.

There are exceptions: computers without an OS are also on sale. They cost, as a rule, somewhat cheaper than similar ones, but with an installed "OS". The need to install a new "axis" also arises when the existing one "falls", as well as in order to extend the life of old, not very productive machines.

Types of operating systems

Before deciding which operating system is best for a laptop, you should consider the features of all operating systems for this type of technology. The most common three types of OS:

  • macOS;
  • Windows by Microsoft;
  • linux.

It is necessary to consider in more detail the pros and cons of these operating systems.


Installing MacOS on any other laptop will not work except (we are not talking about a virtual OS). This system is intended only for "apple" machines.

Macbooks should be considered only as a whole with an operating system that is regularly updated by the manufacturer.


The system works even on the most low-power laptops. Distributed free of charge in the form of distributors with open source. As a result, the system has the opportunity to modify and change the OS. Linux Mint comes in builds with three interfaces:

  • Xfce - a system for the weakest devices that have less than 1 GB of RAM;
  • Mate - a classic interface for more powerful devices;
  • Cinnamon is a modern version of the interface that can only be installed if there is at least 2 GB random access memory.

The disadvantages of the system include some problems with installing specific devices in which a driver for this operating system may not be written.

Few people know about operating system endless on a laptop, what is it. It is an OS based on Linux. Easily installed on most ASUS and ACER laptops that are sold in Russian stores.


By far the most popular operating system today is Microsoft's Windows.

It is difficult to find a replacement for it, especially for people who work with a number of specific applications that run exclusively under "windows", as well as for gamers.

What "windows" to install?

  • For low-power laptops (up to 1 GB of RAM and a 1-core processor), the “good old” Windows XP is the best fit.

This OS has proven itself very well, all the “holes” and “bugs” in it are “patched” quite well, and if a laptop is only required to provide Internet surfing, work in office applications, watching videos and simple photo processing, then Windows XP will extend the life even the oldest device.

  • After the disastrous Windows Vista, the Seven became a real breakthrough for Microsoft:
    • Fast
    • With a new attractive interface
    • Works with different processor architecture

If the laptop has at least 2 GB of RAM and a 2-core processor, then Windows 7 will be the perfect choice.

The OS has two versions 32 bit and 64 bit. A bunch of application programs now they are released exclusively in 64-bit version. However, for Windows installation 7 64 you need to have at least 6 GB of RAM.

  • - the last of the Windows family has many advantages and, perhaps, as many disadvantages. These include constant unauthorized updates, sending reports to the manufacturer's office, and even spying on the user.

Nevertheless, it is better to install the top ten on a new one, since Microsoft provides its full support, which cannot be said about previous versions systems.


This system was on most computers literally 10-15 years ago. The main advantage of this operating system is the close interaction with the equipment. This is also a disadvantage. latest version appeared in 2003.

FreeDOS is a new, modern and MS-DOS compatible operating system.

The choice of operating system should be approached very carefully, because if you choose the wrong one, you will not be able to use all the capabilities of your device.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to:

  • and laptop power;
  • the availability of drivers in the selected OS for the programs that are planned to be used;
  • ease of installation use.

The choice can be made independently or contact a specialist who, based on the power of the laptop, will advise a specific operating system.

Which operating system to choose for a weak machine

If the machine is weak and does not have a large amount of RAM, then the choice of operating system should be approached especially carefully. Otherwise, problems will arise during operation, the laptop will slow down, up to a complete freeze.

The most suitable operating system for an old laptop is Windows Xp. It requires minimum requirements. But it should be borne in mind that this Windows itself is also outdated.

More suitable for weak devices modern Windows 7. It optimal solution even for very weak machines. They may well be completed with this OS.

Features of installing various systems

All operating systems during the installation process give hints and detailed instructions. This greatly simplifies the installation process. The OS can be loaded both from a USB flash drive and from a disk or other third-party media.

Linux Mint installation can be downloaded from the official website.

When installing Linux, users who are used to Windows may experience difficulties, but it is enough to read the provided OS installation literature on the network and everything will be in order.

Before you start choosing an operating system for a weak / outdated laptop or netbook, you first need to know its exact characteristics. Only starting from them, it will be possible to choose a specific OS.

This is the most milestone, after all, the speed of the system will depend on the correct comparison of requirements and capabilities.

32 or 64 bit system - what's the difference?

It is very important to know all the information about the processor. Initially, it is worth determining what bit depth is supported by it. As for 32x bit processors, they can only work with systems of their own bitness, and 64x copes with both its own and the previous one.

More detailed information about jobs and opportunities CPU, can be found on the official website of its manufacturer.

There is no fundamental difference between 32x or 64x bit systems when choosing an OS. The only difference is that 32x will not be able to detect more than 3 GB of RAM, so even if you set yourself a large “bar” of 6 GB, only 3 GB will be used and no more.

Based on this, it is worth considering not only the amount of RAM, but also the feasibility of installing a 64x bit version of the OS. To find out which Windows is on a laptop / netbook. It only takes a few simple steps

  1. Right-click on the My Computer icon.
  2. Select "Properties".
  3. will appear full information relatively installed version operating system.
  4. Before considering the most acceptable versions for weak laptops, it is worth noting that all of them can be divided into 2 categories:

    1. Official ones like Windows and Linux.
    2. Exotic, like ReactOS, DragonFlyBSD, etc.

    Naturally, you can choose an exotic version of the OS for yourself, but you should understand that in the future it will be very difficult for the user to interact with it and with some classic programs, so it's best to opt for one of the classic options.

    Windows XP

    In recent times, it was one of the most popular versions of the OS, which made a real breakthrough. In order to install it, a netbook or laptop must meet the minimum requirements:

    1. Pentium 300MHz.
    2. 1.5 GB of free hard disk space.
    3. 64MB RAM.
    4. Integrated video card and monitor with a minimum resolution of 800×600 pixels.

    Ease of installation allows you to put the OS on almost any PC from a flash card or disk. The main problem is that support for this version was officially discontinued by Microsoft back in 2014, which means that no updates will be released to it anymore. In any case, this is the most best option for installation on very old laptops and netbooks, which have rather poor capabilities.

    Even though it is a very lightweight OS, due to its being considered obsolete, we cannot comment on its performance or anything else. positive sides, except for the possibility of installation on the weakest PCs, laptops and netbooks.

    Windows 7

    This version of the OS is gaining more and more momentum, as it is also suitable for old or weak netbooks and laptops. The minimum system requirements for installation are as follows:

    1. 1 GHz processor.
    2. 1 GB of RAM.
    3. 16 GB hard disk space.
    4. Video card with DirectX9.

    This version of the OS appeared in 2009 and on this moment it is very popular because it combines the convenience, speed and simplicity of XP with bugs, tweaks and updates.

    This popularity is due to several reasons:

  • not picky about system requirements;
  • stable work without failures;
  • relatively high level of performance;
  • work with almost all known applications, programs, systems and equipment;
  • optimized work on laptops.

This version of Windows is clearly superior to the previous one and will become no less easy to use. weak laptop or netbook.

Windows 8 and 8.1

The next version from Windows is number 8 and its upgrade to 8.1, as users immediately found a lot of “bugs” and flaws that developers had to fix in a hurry.

The minimum system requirements for installing this version are as follows:

  1. 1 Ghz processor with NX, SSE2 and PAE support.
  2. 16 GB free space on HDD.
  3. 1 GB RAM.
  4. Video card with DirectX9.

This version is practically not inferior to the previous one, but not to say that it is much superior to the "seven". It can be installed on a weak laptop or netbook, but for outdated models, most likely it will not work.

As the main difference from Windows 7, one can note the absence of the familiar Start button, instead of which the desktop is littered with menu tiles. In essence, the functionality and performance remains the same, but version 8 is slightly better in speed, which is especially noticeable during system boot after turning it on.

Windows 10

Before attempting to install this version on a weak laptop or netbook, it is important to consider the requirements of this OS:

  1. Processor - at least 1 GHz.
  2. 1 GB RAM for 32-bit systems and 2 GB for 64-bit.
  3. 16 GB of free space for 32x and 20 GB for 64x, respectively.
  4. Video card with DirectX9.

This version is actively promoted by Microsoft, but despite such a dense advertising campaign, Windows 10 cannot objectively be called the best due to the large number of possible problems when working with it:

  • no drivers for older devices;
  • unstable work (new updates are constantly being released to fix this problem);
  • incorrect operation of some applications and programs.

In general, in fact, the difference between 8 and 10 versions from Windows 7, in addition to increased performance, is only in the outer shell. The new graphical, more modern look does not make this version the best option for installation on a weak netbook or laptop.

Moreover, it should be understood that with each increase in the version of the operating system, the consumption of RAM from the side will also increase. different programs and especially antivirus.

Specific consumption of RAM from the side antivirus programs can be learned from system requirements each individual antivirus. This should also be taken into account when choosing an OS.

Installing Legacy Linux Versions

Before you turn your eyes to the GNU / Linux distribution, you need to note 2 main questions for yourself:

  1. Is there a readiness to work on this OS?
  2. What tasks will be solved: watching videos, working with documents, social media etc.

Despite the fact that Linux has some similarities with Windows, the more you start to learn it, the more you realize that there are much more differences. Naturally, you can get used to it over time, but if you have been working exclusively on one Windows versions, it will take much more time.

Among a large number of Linux distributions, the Ubuntu version was chosen as the most optimal. The following requirements are required for its installation:

  1. Supported architecture: i386, x86_64.
  2. Minimum RAM - 512 MB.
  3. The volume on the disk is 3 GB.

It is quite light, since everything is cut down. visual effects and reduced functionality. After installation, it takes only 3 GB, but it is recommended to leave at least 10 GB for the root partition for installing the necessary programs and stable operation of the systems.

Summing up

So, buying or having 10-year-old netbooks and laptops in 2019, you can quite easily use them not only for watching YouTube, but also for work. The main problem often lies only in the performance of browsers and when watching online videos in high quality.

The correct selection of the operating system will slightly smooth out these shortcomings, but it will be possible to completely get rid of them only by “overclocking the hardware”.

Percentage of users of different OS

While the choice of operating system is always subjective, there are a few general guidelines that can be drawn up:

  1. For weak netbooks and laptops, it makes no sense to install fresh Windows versions 8 and 10. Even if everything works, performance will remain at a low level.
  2. When choosing XP or the "seventh" version, you need to pay attention to the correct selection software. It is better to install the most lightweight programs and antiviruses and not overload the processor.
  3. Before installing Linux, it is best to pay attention to the system itself, it must fully support all the requirements of the OS, because otherwise it will not even be installed.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that a weak netbook or laptop in 2019 will still be useful, but you should not expect it to exceed performance, because modern games, programs and even websites consume more and more RAM and other resources.

Modern popular distributions make immodest demands on
gland. And on standard computers 7-10 years ago, if they start, then
definitely won't fly. And such dinosaurs are still preserved in large numbers in
government offices, educational institutions, in the closets of the geeks. The life of such
computers will be extended right choice and OS setup.

To get Linux running smoothly on older hardware,
there are two ways: use an existing distribution with low system
requirements, or finish your favorite distro to the desired condition. Every path
its pros and cons. The first way is faster, but the second gives more freedom.
action and expo :). As a rule, modern distributions need from 384 MB of RAM
For normal operation the CPU frequency is not so critical, 400 MHz is enough). But
you need to understand that it is worth launching Firefox - and a system with 384 MB of RAM immediately
will go to swap. So for normal work with the browser, mail and IM it is desirable
512 MB - 1024 MB. I'll try to choose an OS for a "spherical configuration"
beginning of the 21st century:

  • Processor: Intel Pentium-III 800 MHz;
  • RAM: 128 MB SDRAM;
  • Video card: built-in or discrete with 8 MB of memory;
  • HDD: 20 GB.

Ready solutions

Distributions designed to run on older hardware appear almost
not every day. Unfortunately, in most cases they disappear just as quickly.
as they appear. There are very few long-livers in this niche. These are usually respins.
popular distributions with a "light" DE and a set of prog.

Perhaps the most famous lightweight distribution is DSL (Damn Small Linux). IN
The magazine has written about him more than once, so I will not repeat myself. But long
the lack of new releases and the old kernel of the 2.4 branch make it not the best
choice. The most popular distribution has two options for the old
hardware: xubuntu (by modern standards - a long-lived distribution kit) and a beginner

Xubuntu is the official flavor of Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome and a few other things
software suite (Abiword+Gnumeric instead of Openoffice, Thunderbird instead of Evolution, and
etc). Calling xubuntu a "light" distribution is only conditional -
minimum requirements include 192 MB of RAM (but highly recommend at least
256 MB). However, practice has shown that for 128 MB (with swap), xubuntu still
starts (but not in Live mode) and even tries to work, but very thoughtfully.
It is not recommended to run any applications :). Distribution image size
- 681 MB, and full installation occupies about 2 GB. But in the pluses of the distribution
Huge Ubuntu package base and good localization.

Lubuntu is an unofficial distribution based on Ubuntu with LXDE instead of Gnome and
significantly revised set of software. Except standard replacement voracious
OpenOffice on Abiword+Gnumeric, Firefox replaced with Chromium (in terms of consumption
RAM is a good enough replacement, Xubuntu should do the same).
The distribution at the time of this writing was still in beta status, the release is scheduled for October 2010
(along with the release of Ubuntu 10.10). Lubuntu can already be called "light"
distribution kit, since it is more or less efficient on 128 MB of RAM (and even
starts in Live mode, although with this amount of RAM you have to pervert
with installation). The distribution size is 521 MB, and the full installation takes about
1.5 GB.

Antix - another derivative, this time of a distribution that is not very well known in our country
SimplyMEPIS with the addition of packages from Debian Testing. At the minimum requirements
declared PII 266 and 64 MB of RAM (with a minimum of 128 MB swap). Indeed, recommended
still 128 MB of RAM. There are two versions: full (485 MB) and base (264 MB). Complete
installing the full version takes about 1.5 GB. The latest release is 8.5, released in
April of this year. IceWM is used as DE (although fluxbox, wmii and dwm
also installed). Russification of the distribution is very conditional, it turns on
non-trivial and replete with pearls like "office". But out of the box there is
(thanks to the debian-multimedia repository) most of the necessary for a comfortable
codec life.

Another fairly well-known distribution for old computers is puppy
(permanently hangs in top10 on distrowatch). Although in May of this year a new
Lucid Puppy 5.0 release (based on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx binaries), branch 4.x (with
latest stable release 4.3.1) is still supported and planned to be released soon
4.4. The ISO version 5.0.1 installer takes only about 130 MB, and the OS in
installed form - a little more than 500 MB. Despite its small size, it contains
a considerable amount of application software: abiword, sylpheed, inkscape, gxine (and also
all the codecs you need), geany and more. When launching the browser it pops up
a window asking which browser you want to install (just like in Windows :)).
Although you can run the pre-installed PuppyBrowser, based on Firefox.
In general, the distribution kit tries to resemble a small-soft OS as much as possible, and not
only by design, but also by the principles of operation (for example, work by default
suggested from root). The OS works fine on 128 MB of RAM as after installation,
and in Live mode, practically without using swap. As a window manager
written in C and having a minimum of JWM dependencies is used. Another one
An interesting feature of puppy - when shutting down the LiveCD, save the changed
data to external media.

Slitaz is a relatively young distribution. Release 1.0 was released in March 2008. From
since then, it has been released once a year, the current one at the moment is 3.0. surprises
ISO image size: only 30 MB (smaller than DSL!). In addition to the distribution kit itself with
offsite you can download a separate disk image with all available packages (less
1.5 GB). Openbox is used as a window manager, the panel is LXPanel. On
30MB LiveCD fits Firefox, gFTP, transmission, mplayer, leafpad and
a lot of other nice little things. There is even built-in HTTP (lighttpd) and
SSH (dropbear) servers. There is Russian localization, but not complete (installer,
for example, not Russified at all). To run the standard version in mode
LiveCD recommended at least 192 MB of RAM, 128 MB refuses to run
categorically. For those unfortunates who do not have so much memory, the developers
issued special LiveCD versions: slitaz-loram (enough 80 MB of RAM for
launch) and slitaz-loram-cdrom (only 16 MB is enough).

Tiny Core Linux is the most amazing of "light" Linuxes. Developers
managed to shove a full-fledged OS with x's into a 10-megabyte image. For graphics
the FLWM window manager and the FLTK toolkit are responsible. Not surprisingly, the software suite
minimal: no browser, no text editor. But they can
Literally with a couple of mouse clicks. There is no installer, as such, either -
it is suggested to partition the disk using cfdisk, format partitions manually
transfer files and install grub. Tiny core manages to work well at 64 MB
RAM. Unfortunately, such a small size of the distribution kit was achieved not only for
by throwing out almost all applications. Also excluded many drivers.
For example, a lot of firewood for wireless cards was left behind. So I
would use this distribution only if no other
no longer starts.

hand made

For fast work old PC, it is not necessary to install a separate
distribution - you can always finish your favorite to the desired state. Here again
there are two ways: use ready-made DEs or build your own environment piece by piece.
The first way is easier, the second is more interesting :).

Lightweight DEs include LXDE and Enlightenment (yes, Xfce is not the same anymore...)
LXDE is in the repositories of most distributions. For example, on Ubuntu LXDE
put like this:

$ sudo apt-get install lxde

Thus, we will practically get lubuntu (practically, because
after all, lubuntu has its own additional ppa repository).
Enlightenment is also in the Ubuntu repositories (in 10.04 - only E16, in 10.10 -
both E16 and E17 being developed) and set accordingly:

$ sudo apt-get install e16

$ sudo apt-get install e17

After installation, the bootable DE can be selected when logging into GDM. If
collect your graphical environment, then the number possible solutions May be
limited only by imagination. Conditionally, the graphical environment can be composed of
the following components:

  • window manager;
  • Session manager;
  • Desktop and file manager;
  • Panel;
  • Some useful software like a terminal emulator, archiver, etc.

The agony of choice

The window manager is responsible for the interface of windows in the graphical environment and for their behavior.
The choice of window manager is very wide: from the well-known metacity, compiz and kwin to
"light" openbox, fluxbox, IceWM and JWM. I opted for openbox -
because of the speed, convenient configurator (ObConf) and habit :). Besides, in
unlike many other window managers, openbox is actively developed.

Is there life in the console

Far from last on the list of lung RAM guzzlers
distribution kits are iksy. In some cases, giving up Xs will be good.
solution, and sometimes the only way out. Of course, life in a bare console
requires some preparation and adaptation. But do not think that everything is completely
sad - there are dozens of great console applications for all occasions
life. With framebuffer, you can even view images and videos,
and with gpm - use the mouse. Here is a small list of good console

  • Browsers: lynx (grandfather of text browsers), w3m (has support for
    mouse, cookie and a few other goodies), links (in version 2
    supports displaying graphics via framebuffer);
  • Email client: mutt, alpine;
  • IM: finch (multiprotocol client, "console version of Pidgin"),
    CenterIM (another multi-protocol client. From version 5.0 there will also be
    based on libpurple), irssi (IRC client), mcabber (jabber client);
  • RSS readers: newsbeuter, snownews;
  • Image viewer: fbi (and fbgs is a wrapper for it that allows
    view PDF and PostScript), fbv, zgv;
  • Music players: ogg123, mpg123, mpg321, mpd, moc,
  • Video players: mplayer, vlc.

The next component is the session manager. This is the thing that is responsible for
start other programs (including window manager), their restart in case
crash, and also provides the ability to save a list of running
applications. The element, in principle, is optional, but pleasant enough. How
as a rule, each DE has its own session manager: gnome-session, lxsession,
xfce-session. The staybox, designed for launching, stands somewhat apart.
openbox (and other *box window managers). But it is not in the repository, and it is unknown
Will it develop further? In principle, there are no special differences between these
there are no solutions, so I chose lxsession (part of the LXDE project). Unconfigured
Openbox may seem somewhat austere - black background, no panels,
the only menu on the right button. The choice of panels is probably wider than the choice
window managers: tint2, pypanel, fbpanel, lxpanel and many others. Requirements to
my panels are simple: undemanding to resources, the presence of a switch
virtual tables, application menu, clock, layout switcher
keyboards. I settled on LXPanel. Of the nice bonuses: support for applets
(keyboard layout, clock, menus…), the ability to run multiple copies (if
I want, as in Gnome - top and bottom), a simple graphical configurator.

As a rule, for rendering icons (and sometimes a background image) on the desktop
the table is answered by a specialized utility (like
), or file
manager. Using standard gnome nautilus doesn't fit in
the general concept of a light environment. Suitable "light" options are not so
many: pcmanfm, thunar, rox-filer, emelfm2, xfe, gentoo (not to be confused with
distribution kit :)). I like pcmanfm the most for having bookmarks and tabs,
automounting flash drives, support for file type associations (applications for
default), and in general, for a nice interface. Under the new environment follows
choose related software with low system requirements.

Gnome-terminal is better to change to something easier: terminator, termit,
lxterminal, sakura. I want a bit from the terminal emulator: UTF8 support
and tabs. Under these requirements, lxterminal is quite suitable. Browser along with
terminal is my main working tool. Although there are "light" browsers,
for example, dillo, midory or arora - all of them do not suit me as
tool for everyday work for one reason or another: lack of necessary
technology or job instability. Therefore, as a browser, I left

I don’t need much from a text editor - so that it only exists (anyway
configs, basically, I edit in nano or mc). Install leafpad for text
files, abiword - for odt and doc, gnumeric - for ods or xls. In case of
If you need syntax highlighting, geany may come in handy. As
image viewer, you can use Eye of GNOME, or you can
choose an easier alternative, fortunately, there are many options: geeqie (gqview fork),
ristretto, mirage and others - for every taste and color. I chose geeqie.

It remains to replace network-manager with wicd, and file-roller with xarchiver, and
we get a complete graphical environment. True, it is somewhat foreign in such
lightweight environments will look like gdm. Therefore, it is also better to replace it with
something simpler, for example, slim (Simple Login Manager) - so we will reduce the time

Lightweight Monitor

A good addition to a lightweight distribution would be the conky system monitor.
It is able to monitor any parameter of the system (including using
calling an external script), while consuming a minimum of resources. Install

$ sudo apt-get install conky

Then you need to create a ~/.conkyrc file. The program has a lot of parameters,
so it's easier to take a ready-made .conkyrc and edit it to fit your needs.
Examples of .conkyrc files with screenshots can be found on the official website:

Installation and piling

Now all system components are selected. Can be installed and configured. All
listed is in the repositories of almost any distribution. I will
describe on the example of Ubuntu, but I think for other distributions of significant
differences are not expected. So, we put:

$ sudo apt-get install slim openbox obconf lxpanel pcmanfm lxterminal
chromium-browser leafpad abiword gnumeric geany geeqie wicd xarchiver

During the installation process, you will be asked which login manager to use. Choose

Since we have taken up apt-get, you can clean everything unnecessary from the system along the way,
for example, remove avahi-daemon and kerneloops-daemon. Sane and cups are used (according to
at least by me) not very often - they can be removed from startup for
reducing RAM consumption and system startup time:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/cups stop
$ sudo update-rc.d -f cups remove

But back to the setup. First you need to teach the login manager to run
correct session manager. Slim can work with different sessions (optional
session responds key in the login window), but somehow strange: I never
I managed to get him to correctly start openbox as a default session. Easier
register the launch of lxsession in ~/.xsession:

$ nano ~/.xsession lxsession -session default

In order for lxsession to know which window manager to run, create the file /etc/xdg/lxsession/default/desktop.conf
with the following content:

$ sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/default/desktop.conf
window_manager=openbox session

The programs that lxsession should launch upon login are specified in the /etc/xdg/lxsession/default/autostart file:

$ sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/default/autostart @lxpanel @pcmanfm --desktop

The "@" sign indicates that lxsession will keep track of the state
running program and restart it in case of a crash. Option "--desktop"
indicates that the rendering of the desktop (icons and wallpapers) will be handled by
pcmanfm. You can specify the path to the picture that will serve as wallpaper either through

$ pcmanfm --desktop-pref

or in config.config/pcmanfm/pcmanfm.conf. I also recommend specifying pcmanfm
display the window manager menu instead of its own.

To make lxterminal open from the openbox menu instead of gnome-terminal, you need to

$ sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator

And select lxterminal from the list that appears.


Today, when the amount of RAM in new computers is measured in gigabytes, and
single-core processors are already bad manners, a modern OS capable of running on
computer with the configuration of the beginning of the century, it seems fantastic. And yet, this
is quite real.
