Fundamentals of informatics and computer technology abstract. Introduction to the school of the subject "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering

1. A skydiver jumped from an airplane flying at a speed of 180 km / h at an altitude of 1300 m, and opened his parachute at an altitude of 600 m. Air resistance is proportional to the square of the speed. Write an algorithm that determines the time the skydiver falls until the moment the parachute opens.
2. Under the conditions of exercise 1, a paratrooper groups up at an altitude of 1000 m and the drag coefficient decreases from 0.004 to 0.003. Write an algorithm that calculates the time the skydiver falls until the moment the parachute opens.
3. Make an algorithm similar to the "fall" algorithm for calculating the oscillations of a load on a spring (acceleration is proportional to the deviation from the equilibrium position).
4. The ball was suspended from a spring from a school dynamometer, pulled down from the equilibrium position by 1 cm and released. The stiffness of the spring is such that at the moment the ball is released, its acceleration under the action of gravity and the elastic force of the spring is -4 m/s2. Write an algorithm that determines after how many seconds the ball will rise to its maximum height.
5. Make an algorithm that calculates the coordinates and speed of a ball released at a height h m above an infinite inclined plane inclined at an angle a to the horizon, t sec after the start of motion. The beats are elastic.
6. Solve exercise 5, if with each rebound of the ball from the plane, the modulus of its speed decreases by n%.
7. The body moves along an inclined plane under the influence of gravity. The resistance force is proportional to the speed of the body. Write an algorithm that calculates the length of the path traveled by the body in time t from the start of motion.
8. An elastic ball is placed on the top step of an infinite staircase (step width 1, height h) and rolled with speed v. Considering the ball to be a material point, and the impacts to be elastic, write an algorithm that determines the numbers of the first n steps that the ball will hit.
What can a computer give to a designer and technologist in modern production? First of all, it can facilitate the work with drawings. With the help of a computer, a new drawing can be prepared several times faster than on a conventional drawing board. If the drawing is already stored in a computer and you need to make small changes to it, then this can be done dozens of times faster than behind a drawing board. It is enough to indicate which parts of the old drawing need to be replaced and what needs to be put in their place, and the computer will create a new drawing. The most common fragments of drawings, individual blocks and assemblies can be stored in computer memory and used to create new drawings. The use of such a library of drawings allows you to increase the productivity of the engineer behind the "electronic drawing board".
None new design cannot be used without testing. If a computer is used to create a structure, then all information about the structure is in the computer's memory. In this case, tests can be carried out without making the structure, but by simulating its behavior on a computer. At the same time, the designer can calculate various characteristics (for example, weight, volume, coordinates of the center of gravity), observe the work of the structure in different modes(including those that are impossible or dangerous to reproduce in practice). The design can be easily changed during these computer tests by choosing the best option, to study how the stresses will be distributed during the operation of the structure, etc. Such modeling drastically reduces the development time and improves its quality.
If the Draftsman replaces paper with a sheet of metal, and the pen with a cutter, then we will receive commands like "lower with a cutter", "move with a cutter (th. x. y)", etc. Such devices that work with real metal blanks are called machines with numerical control (CNC). Into the composition of the machine
a control computer may also be included, into whose memory a work program enters via communication lines.
By changing the program in the computer memory, you can reconfigure the machine to produce a new type of part. This makes it possible to create flexible automated production (FAP), i.e., production, the reconfiguration of which for the production of other products is carried out by changing information (programs) in the computer memory.
Having calculated the required part on a computer and having machine tools with numerical control, it is possible to combine design and production into a single cycle. In this case, the information obtained during the design, directly, "without leaving the computer", will be used for production. This approach can significantly reduce the development and production time of new products. Having in the memory of the computer the required shape of the part, it is possible with the help of the same computer to calculate how the cutter of the machine should move in order to make this part. Knowing the trajectory of the cutter, it is possible to calculate the processing speed, the supply of coolant, etc. The use of a computer makes it possible to manufacture complex parts accurately, with high accuracy and without human intervention. The supply of blanks from the warehouse, their transfer from machine to machine and the shipment of finished products to the warehouse can be carried out by computer-controlled robots, transport carts, etc.
Let it be required to represent a complex-shaped surface in a computer, for example, the hood of a car. One method, the so-called finite element method, is to break up the surface of the hood into small pieces that can be roughly considered flat, such as triangles. To set such a surface composed of triangles in a computer, you can use the M20 information model:
integer N | number of triangles (M20)
1., Model M20 is uneconomical: the same vertex can be included in several triangles and its coordinates will be stored repeatedly. Change the M20 model so that the information is not duplicated.
2. Assuming that the thickness of the hood and the density of the metal are known, make an algorithm for calculating the weight of the hood within the framework of a) the M20 model; b) your solution to exercise 1.
3. Compile an information model for representing volumetric details and algorithms for finding a) weight; b) the surface area of ​​the part.
4. Think of a way to set the temperature on the surface of the M20 model. Write algorithms that calculate: a) the maximum temperature of the model; b) the average temperature of the model; c) the area of ​​the surface zone where the temperature is above 100°.
We have considered only some of the largest areas of application of computers. It is now hardly possible to list them all - personal, home, gaming, built-in and other computers have already gone into hundreds of millions. Computers are built into airplanes and cars, watches, washing machines, food processors and even sports shoes. The use of computers made it possible, for example, to create a satellite navigation system for cars (when a map of the surrounding area and the exact position of the car are displayed on the screen in front of the driver, no matter where he is). The use of computers opened the way to the "world library" - the possibility, without leaving home, to get a copy of any book, article, description of an invention, etc. In developed countries, a person from his home computer can order tickets for trains, planes, ships along a complex route with many transfers, book hotel rooms for the right dates and even book theater tickets at transfer points. And this is only the beginning of the formation of global information networks!
But we do not travel every day, but we buy something almost daily. This is where computers can help too.
Perhaps you have seen a rectangle of black and white stripes on some imported goods (photo inset). This is the unique barcode of the product. In modern stores, the cashier does not have to type in the cost of the goods, or even remember it (and this is impossible when there are more than 30 thousand items of different goods in one store). It is enough to pass a bar code past the cash register reader, and the computer will determine the price of the goods itself, and at the end it will display the cost of all purchases on the scoreboard.
For each product, the store's computer remembers not only its current price (and the price may vary depending on how much the product is in demand), but also its quantity. If the stocks of some goods are running out, then the computer itself (via the information network) will send a request to the warehouse. The warehouse computer, having received such requests from different stores, will plan the optimal loading of transport, transportation routes - and by morning all the goods will be in place.
What about our customer? After all, he needs to pay for the goods. Do not think that he will count the pieces of paper and count the change. For settlements, electronic money is used - special plastic cards, which store information about the buyer's bank account in a special way. It is enough to insert this card into the cash register - and the computer itself will transfer the required amount from the buyer's account to the store's account (more precisely, it will send a request to the bank, and the bank's computer will make the necessary transfers). With this technique, the cashier spends seconds serving one customer, and there are simply no queues.
The computer can be used not only for work, but also for leisure. The advent of computers led to a revolution in the field of games. Number computer games, which have appeared over the past two decades, has already surpassed the number of games invented by mankind in the entire previous history of civilization. A significant proportion of the computers in the world are used for games.
Computers are invading every area of ​​life. Even computer crimes have appeared (when, for example, a payroll program transfers unearned money to the account of the program author). Another example: a few years ago, one of the VAZ programmers, in protest against low wages, introduced a deliberate error into the program and thereby stopped the main conveyor for several days (remember paragraph 23.2). As a result, the plant suffered great material damage, not comparable to the salary of all VAZ programmers taken together, and the programmer was disqualified and transferred to the workers.
We talked a lot about the merits of computers and their role in the life of society. However, like any other human invention, a computer can bring not only benefits, but also harm. The idea of ​​when it is inappropriate to use computers, what are the main mistakes in their applications, is an important part of computer literacy. Therefore, we briefly list a few such cases.
1. The transformation of computers from a means into an end. The use of computers in itself is by no means a sign of technological progress. Rather, on the contrary, progress is more often associated not with the improvement of the existing one, but with the transition to a new technology. For example, the transition to precision casting eliminates the finishing machining of parts and makes the computer that controls this processing unnecessary. The desire to "introduce computers" can prevent such a transition and thereby slow down scientific and technological progress.
Likewise, cancel additional fee for long-distance telephone calls can make unnecessary a computer that calculates their cost depending on the duration of the conversation and the distance between cities. The construction of tunnels and overpasses can abolish traffic lights and computer traffic control. The transition to new principles of wages, taxation and social security may make it unnecessary to calculate wages on a computer, etc.
2. Errors in algorithms. The computer only executes algorithms. These algorithms can be made with errors or on the basis of misconceptions about reality. For example, one of the first US air defense computer systems (60s) raised an alarm on its very first duty, mistaking the Moon rising from the horizon for an enemy missile, since this "object" was approaching US territory and did not give signals that it "mine".
3. Wrong input data. The result of the computer operation depends not only on the algorithm, but also on the information being processed. Errors in the source data are no less dangerous than errors in the algorithms. A few years ago, for example, in Antarctica, a plane with tourists on board crashed because the flight control computer had incorrect take-off airport coordinates and the computer erroneously calculated the flight altitude over the mountains.
4. Computers are not omnipotent. Not every problem of information processing can be solved with the help of a computer. There are problems whose solution algorithms are currently unknown. For example, there are still no acceptable algorithms that would make it possible to distinguish a cat from a dog in a photograph or to correctly translate a work of art from one language to another. It also happens that the algorithm is known, but it cannot be executed, since even the fastest computers will need millions of years to complete it (an example of such a problem is an error-free game of chess). Therefore, the notion that if a person does not know the solution of a problem, then it must be “put into a computer” and the computer will give an answer is deeply mistaken.
5. Underestimation of the social consequences of computerization.
Finally, and most importantly, the use of computers is changing people's lives. Therefore, the question of new applications of computers must first of all be considered from the point of view of social consequences, and not from the standpoint of “can this computer” or “cannot”, whether it is beneficial or not. Many stages of informatization of society have difficult to predict social consequences. The introduction of automatic factories requires the transfer of a significant part of the workers from the production sector to the service sector. If work in the service sector is considered less prestigious in society, such a transfer can cause social tension. The organization of work at home allows you to increase the amount of free time, but destroys the scope of communication with colleagues. The spread of computer games leads to the fact that children develop faster, but they are less outdoors and communicate less with each other. In many cases, computers simply should not be implemented. For example, computers should not be entrusted with human affairs related to the adoption of moral and ethical decisions in the upbringing of children, the formulation of goals for the social development of society, and the establishment of the guilt of those accused of a crime.


1 Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus Educational Institution "Polotsk State University" BASICS OF INFORMATICS AND COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY EDUCATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL COMPLEX for students of the specialties "Accounting, analysis and audit", "Finance and credit" Compilation and general edition by S.E. Ryasovoy Novopolotsk 2005

2 UDC 004 (075.8) LBC i 73 O 75 REVIEWERS: A.L. Labut, Deputy director of the branch 214 of the Belarusbank, Novopolotsk; A.P. Kastryuk, Ph.D. tech. Sci., Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics Recommended for publication by the Methodological Commission of the Faculty of Finance and Economics O 75 Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering: Study Method. complex for stud. special "Accounting, analysis and audit", "Finance and credit" / Comp. and general ed. S.E. Ryasova. Novopolotsk: PSU, p. ISBN The topics of the course being studied, the volume in hours of lectures and laboratory studies are given. Represented guidelines and assignments for laboratory work, a collection of tests on the topics of the course, questions for the exam, recommendations for organizing rating control of the study of the discipline. Designed for teachers and students of universities of economic specialties. UDC 004 (075.8) LBC i 73 ISBN Ryasova S.E., comp., 2005 UO "PGU",

3 CONTENTS Introduction... 5 Working programm... 5 Lecture notes Introduction to computer science Definition of computer science. The subject and main task of computer science Basic concepts of computer science Types and properties of information Perception, collection, transmission, processing and accumulation of information History of the development of computer science Trends and prospects for the development of the information society Glossary of terms Questions and tasks for self-control Computer technology History of the development of computers Classification of computers Representation of information in a computer Device personal computer(basic configuration) Storage media Peripherals personal computer Computer software Glossary of terms Questions and tasks for self-control Fundamentals of algorithmization and programming The concept and basic properties of an algorithm Methods for writing algorithms Varieties of algorithm structures Programming Programming languages high level Basic concepts of object-oriented programming Glossary of terms Questions and tasks for self-control Operational Windows system Purpose, classification and main functions of operating systems general characteristics operating system Windows Basic GUI Elements Windows File system and file structure Windows Main menu Windows Help system Windows Exchange data in Windows Standard Applications Windows Glossary Questions and tasks for self-monitoring Maintenance systems Programs Maintenance

4 5.2. Archiving programs Computer viruses And antivirus programs Glossary of terms Questions and tasks for self-control Computer networks Purpose of computer networks Local and global networks. Basic concepts Glossary of terms Questions and tasks for self-control Global network Internet A Brief History of Development Internet Telnet Services Basic Concepts World Wide Web Search information on the Internet Glossary of terms Questions and tasks for self-control Microsoft word processor Word Structure word processor windows Microsoft Word Preparation technology text document Tables Use of graphic objects in Microsoft documents Word Printing a document Glossary of terms Questions and tasks for self-control Spreadsheet processor Microsoft Excel Entering and editing data Working with Microsoft Excel books Formatting data Organizing calculations Diagrams Managing data Analyzing data Glossary Questions and tasks for self-control Computer graphics. Presentation preparation tools Classification of computer graphics Software tools for working with graphics Presentation preparation tools Development of presentations Reproduction of presentations Glossary of terms Questions and tasks for self-control Laboratory workshop Tests Exam questions Literature

5 INTRODUCTION In the course of the transformation of economic relations, the market for computers has expanded significantly, mainly due to the inclusion of medium and small enterprises in it. Currently, enterprises are actively using computer technology for accounting, control over the fulfillment of orders and contracts, preparation of business documents, document management, acceptance management decisions, ecommerce. At the same time, the need for qualified economic specialists with a high level of knowledge in the field of informatics, who can easily adapt to the rapidly changing market of hardware and software for computer technology, primarily personal computers, has increased. Under these conditions, the training of a specialist whose level of knowledge meets the listed requirements becomes an important task. The educational and methodological complex (EMC) for the course "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering" is aimed at solving this problem. This EMC includes the work program of the course "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering", a lecture notes on ten topics provided for by the work program, guidelines and assignments for laboratory work (18 works in total), a collection of tests on the topics of the course, questions for the exam, and also a system for assessing students' knowledge. WORKING PROGRAM Aims and objectives of the discipline The purpose of teaching the discipline. The purpose of teaching the discipline "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering" for the specialties "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", "Finance and Credit" is to form the necessary knowledge on the use of modern basic computer technologies as a tool for solving practical problems in their subject area. Tasks of studying the discipline. The objectives of the course "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering" are to obtain: knowledge about the basic concepts of computer science; 5

6 system knowledge in the field of hardware and software of personal computers in an amount sufficient for their effective operation in solving basic functional tasks of the user's subject area (formation of text, tabular and graphic documents, dynamic presentations, use Email and information fund Internet); skills of confident work on a personal computer when solving basic functional tasks of the user from the relevant subject area. Subjects, the assimilation of which is necessary for studying the discipline "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering". For the successful study of the discipline "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering", students need to master the following subjects: "Higher Mathematics": a common task mathematical programming; geometric interpretation of problems linear programming(ZLP); graphical method for solving LLP; simplex method for solving LLP; transport problem of linear programming and its solution; concept of method dynamic programming. "Foreign (English) language": basic normative phonetic, grammatical, lexical rules; types of speech activity: perception, speaking, reading, writing in a foreign language. The content of the discipline Lectures: p / n Name of the topic The content of the topic The volume of hours 1 Introduction to computer science Definition of computer science. The subject and main task of informatics. Basic concepts of computer science. Types and properties of information. History of the development of informatics. Trends and prospects for the development of the information society. 2 2 Computer technology History of development and classification of computers. Representation of information in a computer: information coding, number systems, units of measurement of information. Personal computer device. Peripherals of a personal computer. Software of computer facilities. 6 6

7 p / n Name of the topic Fundamentals of algorithmization and programming Windows operating system Service systems Computer networks Global network Internet Word processor Microsoft Word Spreadsheet processor Microsoft Excel Computer graphics. Means of preparing presentations Contents of the topic The concept of the algorithm, the main properties of the algorithm, how to write it. Varieties of structures of algorithms. Programming. High level programming languages. Basic concepts of object-oriented programming. Purpose, classification and main functions of operating systems. Windows operating system, its general characteristics. GUI Windows, its main elements. File system and the Windows file structure. Main windows menu, its purpose. Help system Windows, its use. Data exchange in Windows: clipboard, object linking and embedding technology (OLE technology), dynamic data exchange (DDE technology). Standard Windows Applications. Maintenance programs. Archiving programs. Computer viruses and anti-virus programs. Purpose of computer networks. Local and global networks. Basic concepts. Brief history of development. Basic concepts. Internet Services. Basic concepts of the World Wide Web. Search for information on the Internet. General characteristics of the word processor MS Word. Technology for preparing a text document. Creating and editing tables. Use of graphic objects. Document printing. General characteristics of the word processor Microsoft Excel. Basic concepts of spreadsheet MS Excel: book, sheet, cell, address, range. Spreadsheet development technology: data entry, formulas, data formatting. Construction of diagrams and printing of documents. Data management: data sorting, reporting. Data analysis: parameter selection, data substitution tables. Computer graphics: by purpose (artistic, illustrative, business, etc.), classification by dimension (2D and 3D graphics), by image formation method (raster, vector). Software tools for working with graphics. The concept of presentation. Functionality presentation development software. MS PowerPoint as a presentation tool. PowerPoint technology. Hours Volume Total:

8 p / n Name of the topic Computer technology Fundamentals of algorithmization and programming Windows operating system Utilities Global network Internet Word processor Microsoft Word Spreadsheet processor Microsoft Excel Laboratory classes: Contents of the topic Presentation of information in a computer: number systems, methods for converting numbers from one number system to another . Introduction to basic PC configuration. Familiarization with the keyboard (groups of keys, assignment individual keys, work with a keyboard trainer). Volume of hours Development of algorithms of various structure. 2 Working Windows table. Windows main menu. tricks Windows controls using the mouse. Working with windows. Operations with file structure. Explorer program. Working with files and folders in Explorer. Creating and using shortcuts. Using the Windows help system. Acquaintance with the WinRAR archiving program. 2 Acquaintance with information retrieval systems on the Internet. Introduction to the MS Word interface. MS Word toolbars, their customization. Creating a text document: setting page, paragraph and font options. Move through the document. document viewing modes. Selection of various fragments of text; copying, moving and deleting fragments. Create lists in a document. Creating and designing a table, calculating in a table, applying an autoformat to a table. Creation of artistic titles. Creating and editing a drawing. Inserting graphic objects into a document. Data entry: Navigating a worksheet, selecting groups of cells, entering and editing data, editing data in a cell, entering data into cells using AutoComplete. Move through the workbook. Insert, delete, rename, copy, move sheets in a workbook. Compilation of formulas: autosummation of rows and columns, compilation of elementary formulas, compilation of formulas using the Wizard of functions. Data formatting: Automatic data formatting, copying formats, formatting using the Formatting toolbar. Working with diagrams: building diagrams, editing diagrams. Data analysis: parameter selection, data lookup tables

9 p / n 8 Topic name Application for preparing PowerPoint presentations Topic content Printing worksheets: preview pages, configure page settings, insert headers and footers. Development of presentations. Control playback of presentations. Volume of hours Total: 36 KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT 4 Students' knowledge during the semester is assessed according to the rating system. The rating assessment of students' knowledge in the course "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering" is carried out in the following positions: control tests at lectures on the topics studied; laboratory works; final control (exam). For passing one test on a studied topic, performing one laboratory work, as well as passing an exam, a student can get from 0 to 5 points. The points scored are multiplied by the weighting coefficient of the corresponding lecture topic, or laboratory work, or exam. The values ​​of the weight coefficients for the topics of lectures and laboratory work are determined based on the amount of hours allocated to study the relevant topic or perform laboratory work. Position name Weight coefficient Topic "Introduction to computer science" 0.5 Topic "Computer engineering" 1.7 Topic "Fundamentals of algorithmization and programming" 1.1 Topic "Windows operating system" 1.1 Topic "Service systems" 0.5 Topic " Computer networks” 0.5 Theme “The global network Internet” 0.5 Theme “Microsoft Word word processor” 1.8 Theme “Microsoft Excel spreadsheet processor” 1.8 Theme “Computer graphics. Presentation preparation tools” 0.5 Laboratory work (for all works) 0.56 Exam 2 Maximum amount points that a student can score per semester is 100 (50 points for passing control tests in lectures and 50 points for completed tests). 9

10 During the tenth academic week of the semester, assessment is carried out. The maximum number of points that a student can score by the time of certification is 50 points. A student who scores at least 30 points is considered certified. A student is allowed to take the exam if he scored at least 55 points for the semester. Students who score at least 80 points in a semester may qualify for a grade without taking an exam. The examination grade "8" (almost excellent) is automatically set on the day of the official examination for students who have scored at least 80 points. The examination grade "9" (excellent) is automatically set on the day of the official examination for students who score at least 90 points. The examination grade "10" (excellent) is automatically set on the day of the official examination for students who score 100 points. Students whose current rating corresponds to the grades "8" (almost excellent) and "9" (excellent) are allowed to take the exam on a general basis to increase their grade if they wish. If the attempt fails, the preliminary score is saved. Students taking the exam on a general basis are graded according to the following rules: if the sum of points scored for the semester is 0 (zero), then the student receives a grade of "1" (unsatisfactory); if the sum of points scored for the semester is less than 30, then the student receives a grade of "2" (unsatisfactory); if the sum of points scored for the semester and in the exam is less than 60, then the student receives a grade of "3" (unsatisfactory); if the sum of points scored for the semester and in the exam is at least 60, then the student receives a grade of "4" (satisfactory); if the sum of points scored for the semester and in the exam is at least 65, then the student receives a grade of "5" (almost good); if the sum of points scored for the semester and in the exam is at least 70, then the student receives a grade of "6" (good); if the sum of points scored for the semester and in the exam is at least 75, then the student receives a grade of "7" (very good); if the sum of points scored for the semester and in the exam is at least 80, then the student receives a grade of "8" (almost excellent); if the sum of points scored for the semester and in the exam is at least 90, then the student receives a grade of "9" (excellent); if the sum of points scored for the semester and in the exam is 100, then the student receives a grade of "10" (excellent). 10


12 1. INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE 1.1. Definition of informatics. The subject and main task of computer science Computer science is a technical science that systematizes the methods of creating, storing, reproducing, processing and transmitting information by means of computer technology (CT), as well as the principles of functioning of these tools and methods of managing them. The word informatics comes from the French word Informatique, formed as a result of combining the terms Information (information) and Automatique (automatics), which expresses its essence as the science of automatic information processing. The subject of informatics consists of the following concepts: Hardware means of VT; software means of VT; means of interaction between hardware and software; means of human interaction with hardware and software. As you can see from this list, in computer science Special attention focuses on interaction issues. There is a special interface definition for this. Methods and means of human interaction with hardware and software are called user interface. The main task of computer science is to systematize the techniques and methods of working with hardware and software of CT Basic concepts of computer science The basic concepts of computer science include the following concepts: 1. Information is a reflection of the real world with the help of signs and signals. In a narrow sense, information is understood as those phenomena that a person receives from the surrounding world. The concept of "information" is closely related to the concept of "information systems". 2. Information systems perform technological functions for the collection, accumulation, storage and processing of information. 3. Information technology is a purposeful process of information transformation, using a set of means and methods for collecting, processing, storing and transmitting information. 12

13 4. Informational resources information used in production, technology, social management, specially organized and processed on a computer. 5. Infosphere is the total information space. 6. Informatization of society The widespread introduction of a set of measures aimed at ensuring the full and timely use of reliable information, and depends on the degree of mastering and development of new information technologies Types and properties of information All the variety of information surrounding us can be grouped according to various criteria. On the basis of "area of ​​origin" information is divided into: elementary reflects the processes and phenomena of inanimate nature; biological reflects the processes of flora and fauna; social reflects the processes of human society. According to the method of transmission and perception, information is distinguished: visual information is transmitted by visible images and symbols; auditory is transmitted by sounds; tactile is transmitted by sensations; organoleptic is transmitted by smells and taste; machine issued and perceived by means of computer technology. Information created and used by a person is divided into types for public purposes (Fig. 1.1). TYPES OF INFORMATION Mass Special Personal Socio-political Popular science Scientific Technical Economic Management Rice Types of information 13

14 In computer science, two forms of information representation are considered: analog (continuous) body temperature; the melody played on the violin when the bow does not come off the strings and does not stop; vehicle movement; discrete (intermittent) seasons, dot and dash in Morse code. Information has a number of properties: adequacy, i.e., the degree of compliance of the information received by the consumer with what the author has invested in its content; reliability of the correspondence of information to objective reality (both current and past) of the surrounding world; completeness, i.e., the sufficiency of information for making a decision. The concept of completeness of information is faced by everyone who has to perform official tasks. If the initial data is incomplete, it is not easy to make the right decision; redundancy - this quality allows a person to strain his attention less and get less tired; objectivity and subjectivity The concept of objectivity of information is relative. So, for example, it is generally accepted that as a result of observing a photograph of an object, more objective information is formed than as a result of observing a drawing of the same object made by a person; accessibility is a measure of the ability to obtain this or that information; relevance is the degree of correspondence of information to the current moment in time Perception, collection, transmission, processing and accumulation of information Perception of information is the process of converting information coming into technical system or a living organism from the outside world, into a form suitable for further use. Thanks to the perception of information, the system is connected with the external environment (which can be a person, an observed object, a phenomenon or a process, etc.). The perception of information is necessary for any information system. Information gathering is the process of obtaining information from the outside world and bringing it to a standard for a given information system. 14

15 The exchange of information between the system that perceives it and the environment is carried out by means of signals. A signal can be defined as a means of carrying information in space and time. Sound, light, electric current, magnetic field, etc. can act as a signal carrier. The collection of information, as a rule, is accompanied by its registration, i.e., the fixation of information on a material carrier (document or machine carrier). The transfer of information is carried out in various ways: using a courier, sending by mail, delivery by vehicles, remote transmission via communication channels. Remote transmission over communication channels reduces the time of data transmission. For its implementation, special technical means. Some technical means of collection and registration, automatically collecting information from sensors installed at workplaces, transfer it to a computer. Both primary information can be transmitted remotely from the places of its occurrence, as well as resultant information in the opposite direction. In this case, the result information is reflected in various devices: displays, scoreboards, printing devices. The flow of information through communication channels to the processing center is mainly carried out in two ways: on a machine carrier and directly to a computer using special software and hardware (Fig. 1.2). Fig. General scheme of information transfer In modern developed information systems, machine processing of information involves sequentially-parallel in time solution of computational problems. This is possible if there is a certain organization of the computational process. Computing problem addresses requests to the computer system as necessary. The organization of the process involves determining the sequence of solving problems and implementing calculations. The solution sequence is set based on their informational relationship, when the results of solving one problem are used as input data for solving another. 15

16 Technology electronic processing information man-machine process of execution of interrelated operations occurring in the established sequence in order to convert the source (primary) information into the result. An operation is a complex of technological actions performed, as a result of which information is transformed. Technological operations are diverse in complexity, purpose, implementation technique, and are performed on various equipment by many performers. The storage and accumulation of information is caused by its repeated use, the use of constant information, the need to complete the primary data before processing them. Information is stored on machine media in the form of information arrays, where data are arranged according to the grouping feature established during the design process. History of the development of informatics The history of informatics can be divided into the following stages: Articulate speech, language has become a specific social means of storing and transmitting information. 2. The emergence of writing. Man received an artificial external memory. The later organization of postal services made it possible to use writing as a means of transmitting information. 3. Typography. Printing can be called the first information technology. This stage increased the availability of information and the accuracy of its reproduction. 4. The fourth stage is connected with the success of the exact sciences. This stage is characterized by the emergence of such means of communication as radio, telephone, telegraph, and television. In addition to means of communication, new opportunities have appeared for obtaining and storing information, photography and cinema. It is also important to add to them the development of methods for recording information on magnetic media. With the development of the first computers, the emergence of computer science as a science is associated. At present, computer science is a complex scientific and technical discipline. Informatics under its name unites a rather extensive complex of sciences, each of which is engaged in the study of one of the aspects of the concept of "information". 16

17 1.6. Trends and prospects for the development of the information society The mass media have accustomed us to the idea that the 21st century will "give" us an information society, in which the majority of workers will be engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information. The main milestones of its development are foreseen in the works of science fiction writers. It is interesting to know how the richest man in the world sees the prospects of the information society, the actual owner of Microsoft, Bill Gates. The rest of the presentation is based on his ideas. The personal computer (PC) revolution has come true and has affected the fate of hundreds of millions of people, but a new revolution of interpersonal communication is on the threshold. The day will come when it will be possible to conduct business, study, conquer earthly spaces, have fun, make friends, show photos to friends without getting up from the computer. And this in no way deprives us of the joy of direct knowledge of the world and pleasures, such as walking through the forest or aimlessly staying on the beach sand. But just as various mechanical devices save us from hard physical labor, so information tools will bring the human mind to a new qualitative level. Nowadays, the lion's share of working time is taken up by searches. optimal solutions and necessary information. New tools will not only help to accumulate information, systematize it and share it, but also make any knowledge available. This will become possible because even now computers are becoming cheaper with the same rapidity with which they penetrate into all areas of human activity. They connect with each other in a single mind to communicate with us and for us. Connected together, they form a worldwide network, which has already been called the "information highway". The Internet (Internet), uniting computers, serves to exchange information at the current level of technical development and is a prototype of the information highway, a huge step forward, but will it still be when the network develops to a level where it does not matter where a person is, with whom you communicate, in the next room or on another continent. Here you will be able to chat with anyone who wants to talk to you; view books from all libraries in the world at any time of the day; be able to watch your favorite TV show whenever you want; if you wish, you can get detailed information on whether or not 17

18 other event. Information will become available at any moment and extremely personalized. All this, in turn, will lead to a revision of your worldview and self-awareness, you will in many ways come closer to understanding what you are. The screens will be of various sizes, but no more than two or three centimeters thick. The screen can be hung on the wall like a blackboard or a picture, and you can watch movies, "call up" masterpieces of world art, read texts, write, draw directly on it, as the computer will perfectly parse your handwriting and convert it into a standard font. What do you take with you when you leave the house today? Probably keys, money, watches, credit cards, notepad, diary, book, camera, player or voice recorder, radiotelephone, pager, concert tickets, city map, compass, calculator, photos This and even much more will fit in a computer wallet. He will acquaint you with the mail, remind you of all scheduled meetings and calls, help you send notes to children, colleagues, send faxes, tell you about the weather, and give a report on the latest stock quotes. At a business meeting, you will make notes in it, and at a boring meeting, you will read a detective story or review thousands of pictures of your children. Your wallet will accept electronic money for storage, which is not afraid of any fake. At any time, he will contact the computer of any store. And if your son urgently needs pocket money, you will immediately transfer the five from your electronic wallet to his. When such wallets become ubiquitous, people will forever get rid of the queues that often appear at airports, ticket offices and other public places. It will look like this: as soon as you approach a train car or a cinema, the PC-wallet will automatically signal that your ticket has been paid for. You won't even need keys to get into your home or office: the mini-computer will confirm electronic lock that the owner came. For complete security you can get a password. Let it be a voice or a fingerprint. As soon as you give the order to transfer money, the wallet will ask you to say the cherished word or put your finger on it. The control system will be simplified to the limit. The user can select the desired operations and commands from the menu, or will simply give orders to his wallet out loud. 18

19 There will be many stations on the highway created exclusively for entertainment. Access to pleasure will be as easy as a game of bridge or chess with your best friend, even if he is far away from you. You will be able to watch TV reports on sporting events from anywhere in the field or even through the eyes of a microcamera attached to the uniform of a football player or hockey player. You yourself will scroll through replays of sharp or controversial moments of the game and even choose your favorite commentator. You can listen to any song at any time of the day anywhere in the world by selecting it from the music library, which has EVERYTHING. Other network features will have purely practical functions. When you go on vacation, don't forget to launch the Home Manager program on your PC. She will take over the functions of the heating regulator, notify the mail so that you do not receive correspondence and newspapers, turn the lights on and off, creating the appearance of habitation of the home, pay electricity bills and telephone bills. The navigation capabilities of the highway will allow you to move from one information place to another instantly. Let's say you're watching a newscast, but you can't seem to recognize the person at the prime minister's right hand. You place the cursor on his face, and text will immediately appear in the corner of the screen with his biography and the latest events in which he was involved. If you want to see the new exposition of an art museum or gallery, you can do it without leaving your home, without any hustle and bustle. Moreover, you can examine any fragment of a canvas or sculpture with the most in detail while listening to the comments of prominent art historians. And if someone at this time makes the same excursion, you have the right to exchange impressions with him, of course, if he wishes to make contact with you. The possibilities of the highway will even allow you to assemble your own gallery of your favorite exhibits. You will also place them on the "walls". Moreover, you will have the opportunity to experiment with world masterpieces. For example, combine fragments of different paintings in one or put together all the still lifes. And finally, the last version of the "navigation" mode, in my opinion, the most useful of all. It's called "agent". This mode will, so to speak, filter your thoughts. Based on the experience of your life and the accumulated knowledge, he will pay attention to the fact that, according to 19

20 his opinion is useful to you. For example, how great it will be if I get a computer that is aware of all the cases and new projects that appear in the minds and machines of my employees. Even now I try to keep abreast of everything that happens in my company, but I pay attention to something, I miss something. And if the appearance of everything original and new will be followed by a machine that will immediately inform about it. Some people think that it is extremely dangerous to endow the machine with such functions: what if it gets out of control? But it seems to me that sooner or later it will inevitably happen. We are also moving towards a cashless society (cash will be withdrawn from circulation). First, a credit card will be used, and later, subcutaneous implantation of the number. The European Society has already developed a plan for this. The Society officially began its existence on January 1, 1993. It includes 12 European countries. This is the future center of world control. There are 23 satellites that can read any information, even from objects that are minimal in size, for example, from a postage stamp. There are also satellites of a new series called LUO, which control everything from a low altitude. It is impossible to hide from them anywhere, to any height or depth. Summarizing what has been said, one can single out the characteristic features of the information society and the dangerous tendencies of informatization. Characteristic features of the information society: the problem of the information crisis has been solved, i.e., the contradiction between the information avalanche and information hunger has been resolved; the priority of information in comparison with other resources is provided; the main form of development is the information economy; society is based on automated generation, storage, processing and use of knowledge with the help of the latest information technology and technology; information technologies have acquired a global character, covering all spheres of human social activity; the unity of all human civilization has been formed. Dangerous tendencies of informatization: growing influence of mass media on the society; increasing violation (or even destruction) of the privacy of people or organizations through information technology; 20

21 increasingly difficult problems of selecting high-quality and reliable information; an increase in the gap between developers and consumers of information technology to a strategically dangerous size; strengthening the problem of adaptation of some people to the environment of the information society. Glossary of terms Perception of information is the process of converting information entering a technical system or a living organism from the outside world into a form suitable for further use. Informatics is a technical science that systematizes the methods of creating, storing, reproducing, processing and transmitting information by means of computer technology (CT), as well as the principles of functioning of these tools and methods of managing them. Information is a reflection of the real world with the help of signs and signals. In a narrow sense, information is understood as those phenomena that a person receives from the surrounding world. The transfer of information is carried out in various ways: using a courier, sending by mail, delivery by vehicles, remote transmission via communication channels. Information gathering is the process of obtaining information from the outside world and bringing it to a standard for a given information system. A signal is a means of transferring information in space and time. The technology of electronic information processing is a human-machine process of executing interconnected operations occurring in a set sequence in order to convert the initial (primary) information into the final one. The storage and accumulation of information is caused by its repeated use, the use of constant information, the need to complete the primary data before processing them. Questions and tasks for self-control 1. What is informatics? What is the origin of the word "computer science"? 2. What is the subject of computer science? 3. What is the main task of informatics? 21

22 4. List and describe the basic concepts of computer science. 5. Types of information, their characteristics. 6. Describe the properties of information. 7. What is the process of perception of information? 8. What is the information gathering process? 9. How is information transmitted? 10. What is machine information processing? 11. What is the technology of electronic information processing? 12. What is the reason for the need to store and accumulate information? 13. Describe the main stages in the development of informatics. 14. What are the trends and prospects in the development of information technology? 15. What are the characteristic features of the information society and the dangerous trends of informatization? 22

23 2. COMPUTING EQUIPMENT 2.1. The history of the development of computers In the development of computer technology, several generations of computers are usually distinguished: on vacuum tubes (40s - early 50s), discrete semiconductor devices (mid-1990s), integrated circuits (in the mid-1960s). The history of the computer is associated with human attempts to automate large amounts of computation. Simple arithmetic operations with big numbers difficult for the human brain. Therefore, already in antiquity, the simplest counting device, the abacus, appeared. In the 17th century The slide rule was invented to facilitate complex mathematical calculations. In 1642, Blaise Pascal designed an eight-bit summing mechanism. Two centuries later, in 1820, the Frenchman Charles de Colmar created an adding machine capable of multiplication and division. All the basic ideas that underlie the operation of computers were outlined as early as 1833 by the English mathematician Charles Babbage. He developed a project for a machine for performing scientific and technical calculations, where he predicted the device modern computer. For input and output of data, Babbage suggested using punched cards sheets of thick paper with information applied through holes. At that time, punched cards were used in the textile industry. The control of such a machine was to be carried out by software. Babbage's ideas began to be embodied at the end of the 19th century. In 1888, the American engineer Herman Hollerith designed the first electromechanical calculating machine. This machine, called a tabulator, could read and sort statistical records encoded on punched cards. In 1890, Hollerith's invention was used in the 11th US Census. The work that 500 employees did for seven years, Hollerith, with 43 assistants on 43 tabulators, completed in one month. Further development of science and technology made it possible in the 1940s. build the first computers. In February 1944, at one of the IBC enterprises, in collaboration with scientists from Harvard University, by order of the US Navy, the Mark-1 machine weighing 35 tons was created. 23

24 "Mark-1" was based on the use of electromechanical relays and operated with decimal numbers encoded on punched tape. The machine could manipulate numbers up to 23 digits long. It took her 4 seconds to multiply two 23-bit numbers, which wasn't fast enough. In 1943, the Americans began developing alternative computing machine based on electronic tubes. In 1946, the first electronic computer ENIAC was built. Its weight was 30 tons, it required 170 m 2 of space for placement. Instead of thousands of electromechanical parts, ENIAC contained 18,000 vacuum tubes. The machine counted binary system and produced 5,000 additions or 300 multiplications per second. Vacuum tube machines ran faster, but the vacuum tubes themselves often failed. To replace them in 1947, the Americans John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Bradford Shockley proposed using the stable switching semiconductor elements invented by them transistors. The improvement of the first models of computers led to the creation in 1951 of the UNIVAC computer, which became the first mass-produced computer, and its first copy was transferred to the US Census Bureau. In 1959, integrated circuits (chips) were invented, in which all electronic components together with the conductors were placed inside the silicon wafer. The use of chips in computers makes it possible to shorten the current paths during switching, and the calculation speed increases tenfold. Reduced size of cars. The appearance of the chip marked the birth of the third generation of computers. In 1970, Intel employee Edward Hoff created the first microprocessor by placing several integrated circuits on a single silicon chip. This revolutionary invention radically changed the idea of ​​computers as bulky, heavy monsters. With the microprocessor, fourth-generation microcomputers appear, capable of being placed on the user's desk. In the mid 1970s. attempts are being made to create a personal computer for a computer intended for a private user. In the second half of the 1970s. the most successful samples of microcomputers of the American company Apple appear, but on 24

25 Personal computers became widespread with the creation in August 1981 by IBM of the IBM PC computer model. Application of the principle of open architecture, standardization of the main computer devices and ways to connect them led to the mass production of clones of the IBM PC, the spread of microcomputers around the world. Over the last decades of the XX century. Microcomputers have made a significant evolutionary path, have greatly increased the speed and volume of information processed. In the modern sense, a computer is a universal electronic device designed to automate the creation, storage, processing, transportation and reproduction of data. A set of devices designed for automatic or automated data processing is called computer technology. A specific set of interacting devices and programs designed to serve one work area is called a computing system. The central unit of most computing systems is a computer Computer classification Classification by purpose The method of classification by purpose is related to how the computer is used. According to this principle, large computers (electronic computers), minicomputers, microcomputers and personal computers are distinguished. Large computers. These are the most powerful computers. They are used to serve very large organizations and entire sectors of the national economy. Abroad, computers of this class are called mainframes. In Russia, the term large computers has been assigned to them. The maintenance staff of a mainframe computer is up to many tens of people. On the basis of such supercomputers, computing centers are created, which include several departments or groups. minicomputer. Computers of this group differ from large computers in their reduced size and, accordingly, lower performance and cost. Such computers are used by large enterprises, scientific institutions, banks and some higher educational institutions that combine educational activities with scientific ones. To organize work with minicomputers, a special computing center is also required, although not as numerous as for large computers. 25

26 Microcomputer. Computers of this class are available to many enterprises. Organizations using microcomputers usually do not create data centers. To service such a computer, a small computing laboratory consisting of several people is enough for them. Despite the relatively low performance compared to large computers, microcomputers are also used in large computing centers. There they are entrusted with auxiliary operations for which it makes no sense to use expensive supercomputers. Personal computers (PC). This category of computers has received particularly rapid development over the past twenty years. From the name it is clear that such a computer is designed to serve one workplace. Despite their small size and relatively low cost, modern personal computers have considerable performance. Many modern personal models outperform the mainframe computers of the 70s, the minicomputers of the 80s, and the microcomputers of the first half of the 90s. The Personal Computer (PC) is quite capable of meeting most of the needs of small businesses and individuals. Personal computers became especially popular after 1995 due to the rapid development of the Internet. Starting from 1999, the international certification standard specification RS99 began to operate in the field of personal computers. It regulates the principles for classifying personal computers and stipulates the minimum and recommended requirements for each of the categories. The new standard established the following categories of personal computers: Consumer PC (mass PC); Office PC (business PC); Mobile PC (portable PC); Workstation PC ( work station); Entertainment PC (entertainment PC). According to the PC99 specification, most personal computers currently on the market fall into the mainstream PC category. For business PCs, the requirements for graphics playback tools are minimized, and there are no requirements for working with audio data at all. For portable PCs, it is mandatory to have the means to create connections remote access, that is, computer communications. In the category of workstations, the requirements for 26

27 data storage devices, and in the category of entertainment PCs to graphics and sound playback devices. Classification by the level of specialization By the level of specialization, computers are divided into universal and specialized. On the basis of universal computers, it is possible to assemble computing systems of arbitrary composition (the composition of a computer system is called a configuration). So, for example, the same personal computer can be used to work with texts, music, graphics, photo and video materials. Specialized computers are designed to solve a specific range of tasks. Such computers include, for example, on-board computers of cars, ships, aircraft, spacecraft. In many cases, the tasks of specialized computer systems can be handled by ordinary mainframe computers, but it is believed that the use of specialized systems is still more efficient. The criterion for evaluating the effectiveness is the ratio of equipment performance to its cost. Classification by standard sizes By standard sizes, personal computers can be classified as follows: desktop (desktop), portable (notebook), pocket (palmtop). Desktop models are the most widespread. They are part of the workplace. These models are easy to change the configuration due to the simple connection of additional external devices or installing additional internal components. Sufficient dimensions of the case in the desktop version allow you to perform most of these works without the involvement of specialists, and this allows you to configure computer system optimal for solving exactly the tasks for which it was acquired. Portable models are often used by businessmen, merchants, heads of enterprises and organizations who spend a lot of time on business trips and travels. WITH laptop computer can work without a job. Pocket models perform the functions of "intelligent notebooks". They allow you to store operational data and get quick access to it. 27

28 Compatibility Classification There are many various kinds and types of computers. They are issued by different manufacturers, are assembled from different parts, work with different software. In this case, compatibility becomes a very important issue. various computers between themselves. Compatibility depends on the interchangeability of components and devices intended for different computers, the ability to transfer programs from one computer to another and the ability to work together different types of computers with the same data. hardware compatibility. In the field of personal computers, two hardware platforms are most widely used today: IBM PC and Apple McIntosh. In addition to them, there are other platforms, the prevalence of which is limited to certain regions or certain industries. The belonging of computers to the same hardware platform increases the compatibility between them, and belonging to different platforms lowers it. In addition to hardware compatibility, there are other types of compatibility: compatibility at the operating system level, software compatibility, compatibility at the data level Representation of information in a computer Encoding information To automate work with data related to different types, it is very important to unify their form of representation; for this, the coding technique is usually used, i.e., the expression of data of one type through data of another type. There are the following ways of encoding information: symbolic, linguistic, tabular, graphic. Any coding method is characterized by the presence of a base (alphabet, thesaurus, color spectrum, coordinate system, base of the number system, etc.) and rules for constructing information images on this basis. Natural human languages ​​are nothing more than concept coding systems for expressing thoughts through speech. Languages ​​are closely related to alphabets (systems for encoding language components using graphic symbols). History knows interesting, albeit unsuccessful attempts to create "universal" languages ​​and alphabets. The same problem of a universal coding tool is quite successfully implemented in certain branches of technology, science and culture. As examples, we can cite a system for writing mathematical expressions.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface .................................................. 3 Chapter 1. The concept of information. General characteristics of the processes of collection, transmission, processing and accumulation of information 1.1. The main tasks of informatics ...............................

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PROJECT (YEAR OF IMPLEMENTATION 2015) The work program of the academic discipline was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialties of secondary vocational education

Explanatory note The work program on informatics and ICT (grades 0) was compiled on the basis of the author's program of the course "Informatics and ICT" (basic level) Ugrinovich N.D., published in the collection "Informatics.

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Bezruchko V.T. Workshop on the course "Informatics". Work in Windows 2000, Word, Excel: Proc. allowance. - 2nd ed., add. and reworked. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2003. - 544 p.: ill. ISBN 5-279-02569-0 Unlike

Computer science. Ed. Chernoskutova I.A. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2005. 272 ​​p. This book fills the acute shortage of computer science textbooks for secondary vocational education. The main benefits of the grant are

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    presentation, added 03/28/2013

FOUNDATIONS OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND COMPUTING EQUIPMENT (OIVT), a subject introduced in the middle of the institution of the Russian Federation since 1985/86. It provides for the study of the laws and methods of collecting, transmitting and processing information using electronic computing technology. The purpose of teaching OIVT is to form " computer literacy" (see ) and education of information culture of students The main emphasis is on the formation of students' skills in using computers.

The introduction of JIHT into the first grades of secondary schools was preceded by many years of experimental work on the study of elements of computer science and the use of computers in secondary schools. classes with in-depth study of mathematics During this period, programming was taught by a professional. and calculates » There was a transition from programming in machine codes and meaningful notation to programming in algorithmic languages ​​Naib in the practice of learning received such languages ​​as Algol-60, Fortran, Almir, etc. in high-level languages, the consideration of information processing tasks available to schoolchildren made it possible to strengthen the general educational significance of education. This served as the basis for the development in the mid-70s of the content of optional courses in programming in secondary general education schools. Studying programming in classes with in-depth study of mathematics, in educational production centers, in extracurricular activities in schools, revealed which elements of informatics are appropriate. brazno introduce into Wed general education school

The concept was developed informatization of education which, in particular, determined the content of teaching the basics of informatics in the education system. The evolution of this content to a certain extent corresponds to the gradual formation of the very concept of informatization. There are three stages.

The first stage is connected with the generalization of the international. experience of teaching students computers in the 60s. (“Teaching computers. A brief guide for teachers in secondary schools.” International Federation for Information Processing IFIP - “Computer education for teachers in secon-dary schools: an outline guide”, 1971). Basics were formulated. conceptual provisions, recommendations and proposals for the development of the content of school. learning.

It was planned to study the actual computers and some data on their role in decomp. fields of science, technology and culture. The issues of organization, presentation and processing of information, algorithms and means of their description were considered. Both assembly languages ​​and high-level languages ​​were used as a programming tool. One of the main indicators of achievement of international The standard for teaching programming was the use of algorithms. high-level languages ​​(Fortran, Algol, BASIC, PL-1, Kobol, etc.).

The second stage is connected with the analysis of the state and prospects of teaching the basics of computer science in the fatherland. school. In book. "School informatics (concept, state, prospects)" by A.P. Ershov, G.A. Zvenigorodsky, Yu.A. , uch.-method, and organizational. ensuring the use of computers in school. uch. process." Approaches to teaching programming, requirements for the language of the beginning were discussed. training, stages of school implementation. informatics course. Having substantiated general education. the value of the course of informatics and its place in cf. school, this book to a large extent predetermined the introduction to cf. general education new school subject of OIVKh. In essence, the content of the new course was also proposed. The only acceptable for general education. The school was supposed to “train on the basis of a specially created language that reflects all the basic concepts of the modern. programming". The system is given. concepts and ideas, to-rye should be reflected in the design of account. programming language and become the basis for building a method, a course scheme. Within the framework of general education. Informatics course it was recommended to consider the trace, elements: program, prescription, prescription system, procedure, variable field, name, conditional prescription, cycle, ext. name (parameter), function, data, data structures. Together with the language training was supposed to use an appropriate programming system.

The concept of informatization of education (3rd stage) was published in the journal. "Informatics and" (1988, No. 6;

1990, No. 1). It notes that the content of education in the field of informatics should be "not specific skills and abilities, but developed human skills to expand and improve these knowledge, skills and abilities." The course of informatics is considered in the perspective of high efficiency of new informats. technologies (NIH) in teaching. IEWT subject. it is advisable to transfer from Art. classes in incomplete cf. school. The following elements of computer literacy are singled out, such as: the role and place of THEM in society; ability to work with a computer in an operating environment (text editor, database, graphic editor, spreadsheets); knowledge of the structure and capabilities of computing, systems and means of information transmission; basic knowledge. concepts of algorithmization and programming; about math. modeling. One of the components of computer literacy is elementary programming.

Introduction to the school OIVH in the 1st floor. 90s provided with the program and trial accounts. and method, aids. This means that part of the 2-year course is devoted to the study of algorithmic. language (the so-called academic algorithmic language) and elementary programming techniques using it. Algorithm. the language performs two functions: it allows you to standardize, give a single form to all the algorithms considered in the course, which is important for the formation of algorithmic. culture of schoolchildren; provides a propaedeutic study of programming languages. In addition, in conditions where schools do not yet have computers, algorithmic. language is optimal. a language oriented to the use of commands by a person. In the introductory part of the course, an idea is given about information and its processing, and also discusses the beginning. computer information. Before studying the algorithmic language, the concept of an algorithm is introduced, the properties of algorithms, ways of describing them, examples of algorithms and their executors (human, computer, etc.) are considered. The command system of the language, its concepts and constructions are considered in the following. sequences: simple and compound commands, conditions and commands of repetition and branching, auxiliary. algorithms, compound conditions, tables of values. The program is presented in two blocks (grades 1-9 and grades 2-10-11). In the first block, the study of algorithmic the language is completed and consolidated by a section on the construction of algorithms for solving problems from the courses of mathematics, physics and chemistry; in the second - the principles of the design and operation of computers are considered; Students are expected to be familiar with programming. Algorithmic matching is provided. language and programming language. Such information about the language is provided, such as the alphabet of the language, data representation, variables, main. commands (input, output, assignment, program execution control), subroutines and standard functions language; gives an idea of ​​the computer software, the role of computers in the modern. society and development prospects will calculate, technology. In the first trial allowances for cf. uch. institutions "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering", ed. A. P. Ershov and V. M. Monakhov (parts 1-2, 1985-86), program material of several. concretized, slightly changed the order of presentation and the degree of detail otd. questions. Main a programming tool is a certain account. algorithmic language. In addition to the commands noted in the program, commands for working with graphics are considered. information. For their implementation, an idea is given about the performer, who can move and draw on the plane. The first part of the manual provides information about the microcalculator and examples of working with it, in the second - students get acquainted with the rapier and BASIC programming languages. Information about these languages ​​is very concise.

Based on experience with trial accounts. A trial “Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering” (1988) by A.P. Ershova, A.G. Kushnirenko, G.V. Lebedeva, and others was developed with the help of manuals. modified school. algorithmic language, basically keeping with the previous manual, but trying to make the material more accessible to schoolchildren. This textbook, revised and republished in 1990, has essentially become an alternative manual for the CIVH for cf. schools. In it, school algorithmic the language is supplemented by means of input and output of information; the language system includes teams of performers Robot and Draftsman; means, given to the use of computers: information. models, uch. information systems, etc.

Algorithm. the language used in the manuals is focused on the so-called. machineless version of the OIVH course. For its machine support, an E-workshop was developed and the KuMir programming system (Set of educational worlds) was created, to which various devices can be connected. performers (Robot, Draftsman, ATV, Builder, etc.).

In 1986, a competition was announced for the creation of a textbook for the OIVKh course. A competitive program was also proposed, in which the content of the training is focused on active practical work. work of high school students with computers. It was supposed to use software ped. funds in the account. process. IN competitive program(volume 102 academic hours) the nomenclature of obligatory topics was fixed and their sequence was indicated. At the same time, the authors of the textbooks were given the opportunity to change the content of each topic, depending on the specifics of the method of presenting the material adopted by them. Main course topics: introduction; initial familiarity with computers; basics of algorithmization; basics will calculate, techniques; the basics of programming, solving problems on a computer, computers in society Each topic indicated the requirements for knowledge and skills of students, guiding the authors in the degree of detail of the issues studied The program provided an approximate composition of the course software For recording algorithms, an algorithmic language was recommended Further choice of a specific programming language was carried out at the discretion of the authors of the textbooks. According to the results of the competition, schools were recommended another alternative textbook for EIHT - "Fundamentals of Informatics and Calculate Techniques Trial Textbook for 10-11th grade Wed School" (1989) V. A. Kaimina et al. current manuals, the authors used a language close to educational algorithmic to describe the algorithms, which means that attention was paid to checking the correctness of algorithms and programs. tva and rules of work, students are informed about databases, knowledge bases and elements of the prolog language After working with algorithms using the algorithmic language, students are invited to study the BASIC programming language The algorithm (described in the algorithmic language) is systematically compared with the program (in the BASIC language) the section (chapter) "Fundamentals of Informatics" is specially allocated, in which the issues of analyzing the implementation and proving the correctness of the algorithm, modeling on a computer, setting up a computational experiment, using the Prolog language for solving information-logical problems, etc. are discussed.

In 1991, on the recommendation of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, a textbook on EIHT for 10-11th grades was published by A. G. Gein et al. As a means for describing algorithms, it uses an algorithmic language that is somewhat different from that used in previous manuals; gradually by considering a certain system of commands for a number of executors (for example, Calculator, Draftsman) The simplest commands are gradually supplemented by branching, looping and calling auxiliary algorithm commands In the course of the presentation of the material, along with descriptions of algorithms using executor commands, programs in BASIC are also given When considering the tabular method of organizing data (arrays) there is one more executor - the Robot-manipulator (or Robot) After studying the commands of the executors and applying them to the description of algorithms for solving various problems, a systematic consideration of the commands of the BASIC programming language and programming on it begins

To activate the independent work of students and strengthen the practical orientation of the course, the textbook provides descriptions of 20 laboratory works, which discuss the solution of planning problems, the "forensic" task, the text editor, the spreadsheet, the tasks of encryption and decryption, programming on the computer "Krokha" The authors of the textbook have developed the necessary software for machine support of the course

In the practice of teaching JIHT, there was a tendency to study the course not only at the senior, but also at the middle level of school. general information about computers The issues of presentation and processing of information are described in more detail. The chapter is devoted to the description of external devices of computers. Students get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200balgorithms and the means of their description. Diagrams, a verbal step-by-step description of algorithms are used, examples of simple programs in basic and pascal are given. The manual provides for familiarization of students with calculate by the system, file organization, task language of the operating system, text editors, preparation of documentation and schedules on a computer ), organization of work will calculate the center

On the main topics of the course, a number of practical works are provided, familiarization with the process of charging and discharging a capacitor, the operation of a transistor switch, working with a remote typewriter, implementing the Bache game, mastering text editor and etc

Teaching the elements of informatics to schoolchildren has become widespread, for example, the Robotland system, focused on students in grades 3-5 and designed for 2 years (A A Duvanov, Yu A Pervin, Ya H Zaidel-man, E H Ermakov, 1988) The main directions of the course are scientific-theoretical, practical, programming, research. As a programming tool, cockroach, corrector, etc. languages ​​are used. Schoolchildren work with a flexible system of performers. There is a possibility of further transition to one of the learning language programming systems - logo or rapier

By the beginning of the 90s, a large number of experimental programs for the EIHT course were developed, aimed at students of different ages and covering almost all grades from 1st to 11th. The development of informatics courses is being activated, taking into account the profile differentiation of classes and schools. "Computer Science and Education" Despite the availability of alternative textbooks on EIHT for grades 1, in the practice of teaching computer science, materials developed by teachers, university professors, programmers are widely used, in which approaches to teaching the EIHT course are used that differ from those recommended in the current manuals. to varying degrees, new information technologies and computer support of the course are used Instead of a learning algorithmic language, as a rule, widely used programming languages ​​are used (naturally, some simplified versions of languages ​​\u200b\u200bare considered at the initial stage, then the selected subset can be expanded depending on the specific conditions of learning niya) The introduction by some universities of the JIHT exam has set a new pedagogical task - the implementation of the continuity of the school and the university in teaching the basics of computer science stay relevant

Lit Krivosheee V F, Anti-pov I N, Bokovnev O A, Fundamentals of Informatics for schoolchildren, "SP", 1985, No. 3, Talyzina N F, Implementation of computers in the learning process - a scientific basis, "SP" 1985, No. 12, William R, McLean K, Computers at school, trans English, M, 1988, Computer science in concepts and terms of Kn for students of the st grades of the middle school, edited by V A Izvozchikov, M, 1991, Pronina S E, Computer science textbooks Retrospective review, Ped informatics, 1994, No. 1

AND H Antipov

Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia. - M: "Great Russian Encyclopedia". Ed. V. G. Panova. 1993 .

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