Where is the hdmi connector on the computer. How to connect a TV to a computer (laptop) using an HDMI cable? TV as a monitor

I welcome everyone! The "seven" has many of its "branded" troubles, which are not always easy for ordinary users to deal with. But we will help you with this! So, the topic of today's lesson is setting up an HDMI cable.

  • We will look at how to connect the cable;

  • What settings in Windows need to be activated;

  • Detailed at the end of the article Video instruction.

After you have connected the HDMI cable to your laptop / computer and TV, right-click on the “Desktop” and select the “Screen Resolution” line from the drop-down menu. By the way: at the moment when you have connected the cable, you will see a window in which the “Screen Settings” field and a circle divided into two parts, with numbers 1 and 2. Set the settings in the required fields, such as: “Screen ”, “Permission”, etc. Next, in the "Multiple screens" field, set the "Duplicate these screens" function. Now click on the "Apply" and "OK" button. Thus, you activate all the necessary settings for an adequate image.

Let's move on to the sound settings on the TV: these settings are made on the computer! Click on "Start" - "Control Panel". In the system settings window that opens, select the "Hardware and Sound" item. Click on it and select the options "Sound" - "Manage sound devices". By clicking on it, you get a separate "Sound" window. In this window, you should see the icon of the TV connected to the computer, for example "Samsung". A little lower in the same window you will see the "Speakers" option. We move the cursor over the TV icon (namely the TV, not the speaker) and click the right mouse button. A menu will pop up, in which we select the line "Use by default". Attention: if everything was done correctly, then a green “bird” should appear in the window near the TV. If you want to turn off the sound, then turning off is done in the "Speakers" window: right-click, select the "Set as default" line and click on it. Here is such a strange pattern. However, that's exactly how it works. Click "Apply" and "OK". By the way, it's probably not a secret for you that gps navigator you don’t have to buy if you have an android phone, you just need

Many owners of both devices try to connect a computer to a TV via HDMI. Some get it right away, others have problems. Let's say right away that at first glance, it would seem that it is not a difficult task, but it can turn into many problems.

Connection problems

What are the common problems:

  1. There is a picture on both devices, but the sound on the TV responds;
  2. There is an image on the monitor, but it is not on the TV or there is an inscription, “Cable is not connected”;
  3. With a high resolution of the TV screen, for example, Full HD 1920x1080, the computer monitor distorts the image.

Terms and Conditions

Conditions under which it will be possible to connect a computer to a TV:

  1. The presence of an HDMI cable, preferably version 1.4 and higher if you need support for 3D mode;
  2. The presence of an HDMI output on a computer video card or laptop;
  3. If possible, support two devices of the same screen resolution;
  4. Installed OS Windows 7, 8, 10.

HDMI cable must be selected the correct length, the choice here is large, you can find cables up to 20 meters long.

Often the LCD TV is attached to the wall. For many, when connecting an HDMI cable to it, this causes difficulties, although everything is simple here, everything has already been invented before us.

Use, invented just for such a case.

The 90 bend can be in different directions, so before buying such a corner, consider where the cable will go.

You may also encounter the problem of the lack of HDMI output from the video card. Look, it can be built in somewhere else, for example, integrated into the system board.

If it is not there either, then it will not work to connect the computer to the TV, unless there is a second DVI output on the video card.

For this case, you can use a DVI-HDMI adapter as a solution to the problem.

If you want to connect other devices to the TV, for example, a camera, then it must have a mini-HDMI output. This also applies to tablets, netbooks, etc.

Accordingly, the cable must be appropriate.

If, for example, the TV has only one HDMI input, and there are many sources, for example, a computer, laptop, camera, tablet, etc., then you can additionally get an HDMI switch, the so-called “switcher”.

Using the special remote control included in the kit, you can quickly switch between data sources.

You can save money on switchers by buying a cheap Chinese version from 5 to 10 dollars. You can order directly from China, though you have to wait a couple of weeks.

They work no worse than those sold in our stores. And expensive models will be justified only if you often watch videos in Full HD quality.

What does the user get

By connecting the TV to a computer and other devices, it becomes possible to:

  • Watch videos of any format, from AVI, MP4, MOV to Full HD and Blu-ray, from the TV screen;
  • View slide show;
  • Play computer games;
  • Chat in in social networks and on skype
  • Work with documents and programs;
  • View large format photographs;
  • Conduct online conferences and much more.

It is convenient, practical, modern.

When we figured out all these points, we proceed to connect the computer to the TV.

Connection process

Let's take TV as an example. An expensive model, but it doesn’t matter, in most cases the algorithm of actions is the same for both expensive models and cheap ones.

Wimdows 7 operating system, read how to install it.

We connect our HDMI cable to the appropriate sockets on a computer or laptop. At the same time, the monitor is connected to the computer via the DVI output.

ATTENTION- all devices must be de-energized, otherwise the HDMI ports may fail and then you will not connect anything anywhere.

The TV has four HDMI inputs, which is good news. One of them is visible in the photo.

We connect our cable to it. We carefully check that the connectors are tightly seated in the sockets.

We turn on both devices and watch the monitor and TV.

As a rule, such information appears on the TV screen:

  1. Cable not connected;
  2. Check the source setting and cable connection.

This situation needs to be corrected.

We take the remote control from the TV in our hands and press the button "Source" (Source), it is located at the top right.

In the menu that appears, select "External", and then press HDMI and confirm by pressing the button on the remote control located in the middle.

If everything is connected and configured correctly, then on the TV screen you should see the splash screen of the computer desktop.

If not, then the screen extension settings are not configured.

Here we are using the method − duplicating screen.

To change the settings anywhere on the computer desktop, right-click, and a window with a menu will appear.

Press " Screen resolution" and configure the settings as follows:

  • Screen - ½ multiple monitors;
  • Resolution - 1920 x 1080 (TV screen resolution, you may have a different one);
  • Orientation - landscape;
  • Multiple Screens - Duplicate these screens.

For TV screens that support a resolution of 1920 x 1080, you can set the resolution to 1280 × 720, while the stash of folders and files on the TV will be displayed in large sizes.

Click "OK".

Such actions should correct the situation.

Screen resolution problem

The problem may arise in the mismatch between the resolution of the TV screen and the screen of the monitor or laptop.

For example, there is an LG 19M35A-B monitor that supports HD 1366 x 768 resolution, and we have a TV that supports 1920 x 1080 screen resolution in Full HD video format.

In this situation, it will not be possible to achieve an ideal picture simultaneously on both screens. Here you need to choose what is more important now and set such a resolution in the settings (see above).

Or get a monitor, for example, LG 22MP55D-P, which already supports Full HD 1920×1080 resolution and then you will have a perfect image on both devices.

Desktop extension method

This method is not suitable for everyone. It is necessary that in the settings of the video card of your computer there was an opportunity to configure the resolution of several displays.

Most NVidia video cards have such capabilities.

Again, right-click anywhere on the screen and go to "Screen Resolution" (see above).

  • We expose the main screen, for example, the BeenQ monitor;
  • Resolution 1280 x 1024;
  • Orientation - landscape;
  • Multiple screens - expand these screens.

No sound

Reason 1

Situations when there is no sound after connecting a computer to a TV are common.

It must be remembered that both video and audio signals are transmitted through the HDMI cable, and if the TV supports 3D, you need a cable version 1.4 and higher.

But, as a rule, this is not a hardware problem, but a software one. All settings are in Windows 7.

At the top, click on the "Sound" menu item.

By going to the next section, you may not see the device we need there.

To make it appear, right-click anywhere in the window and click "" in the additional window that appears.

We have Samsung - 1. We activate it by right-clicking and the "Enable" menu item. Don't forget to click OK.

Now the sound on the TV should appear.

Reason 2

The next reason for the lack of sound is the lack of support for high definition audio output.

To see if it's supported given function computer at the moment, go to "Device Manager".

To do this, right-click on the icon "Computer" - "Properties" - "Device Manager". Or press the Win+Pause hotkeys.

Pay attention to the item "", there should be as shown below.

If there is no such device, then reinstall the drivers on the video card or update them.

Reason 3

If the TV has several HDMI inputs, then, as a rule, the first of them is guaranteed to receive digital audio by default, while the other inputs need to be configured (depending on which TV model).

To do this, you need to delve into the settings of the TV and set the desired parameters.

Some moments

If you want the boot process to be displayed on the TV screen and not on the monitor screen when the computer boots, then disconnecting the latter from the network will not be enough, it must be disconnected from the DVI output.


Summing up, we can say that connecting a computer to a TV is not difficult, it is enough to get an HDMI cable of the right length and have the necessary inputs and outputs on both devices.

At the same time, hardware problems, as a rule, are quite rare, basically you need to know how to correctly set certain settings in Windows 7 in the TV settings interface.

Video on connecting a laptop to a TV.

Under ideal conditions, all work will take you up to 10 minutes.

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Modern televisions may well replace the computer display. But how is the computer to the TV?

We have collected various ways solutions to this common problem.

Connection selection

First, attention will be paid to the best options regarding image quality, with which you can easily connect. After that, several additional methods will be given.

There is a possibility that the user will need to buy a cable in the store. Usually it is not very expensive, but to purchase various devices you can go to a radio specialty store or a retail chain that sells consumer electronics.

Please note that the presence of gold plating on expensive cables does not affect the quality of the displayed image.

So, here are a few options for connecting a computer to a TV:

  • HDMI- ideal, because to work with it, you just need to connect the connectors. As a result, not only the sound, but also the image will be well transmitted. Only one problem is possible - sometimes it may not work from a laptop.
  • VGA- one of the easiest to implement ways to connect television. To do this, you only need a cable that is sold complete with monitors. There is a possibility that the user has an unused device at home. If necessary, you can buy it in a specialized store.
  • With cable from DVI things are the same - to work with it, you only need to buy an adapter and a cable.
  • Alternatively, you can use a composite cable S-video. You can work with it both through a cable and through an adapter. It's just that he's not considered the best way connection, because the image may not be very clear. So such a connection does not apply, if any modern technology. The connection is the same as when working with consumer players.

Connecting with HDMI

Surely many users have heard about this connector. It is on all modern TVs.

An HDMI cable has the same connectors on both ends.

Can be purchased cheap cable. That's only if the user plans to work in 3D mode, it is better to use latest version HDMI cable.

A similar socket is located on the video card near the monitor connection.

If there is no discrete graphics card, the slot will be located on motherboard, that is, near the USB port. However, it will look the same.

With a laptop, everything is much simpler - it has the same HDMI socket. That's just it is on different sides, depending on the model with which the user works.

Sometimes the TV hangs on the wall and it is very difficult to insert the cable from behind. It is for this situation that a cable with plugs at right angles is sold.

Alternatively, buy a dedicated HDMI corner.

VIDEO: How to connect a computer to a TV via HDMI

How to connect a computer to a TV via HDMI

Connecting a TV to a computer via a VGA connector

Video Graphics Array is an interface designed to receive and transmit analog video signals. Sound transmission in this option of connecting a TV to a computer is completely absent.

Before connecting, make sure that both devices - both the computer and the TV - are equipped with VGA connectors and that a special cable is available.

To make such a connection, your computer must be equipped with an operating system of at least .

Connect the PC and the TV with a VGA cable in the off state, and then on the remote control remote control TV, press the SOURCE button (in some models it may be INPUT) and in the menu that appears on the screen, select as an external signal VGA(on some models - PC or RGB).

After that, confirm the selected changes by pressing the OK button.

Right click on free space on the desktop and in the drop-down list, go to the menu.

In this menu, you are given the choice of using both a TV and a computer monitor, as well as setting the required resolution.

In addition, you can select the option to use multiple screens, in which the following options will be available to you:

  • Duplicate Screens- a function that allows you to get the same image on the monitor and on the TV screen;
  • Expand screens- will allow you to simultaneously watch a video on a TV screen, and, for example, print text on a computer;
  • Display desktop 1 or 2- this function operates only one of the available screens - either a monitor or a TV.

In general, the process of such a connection is not difficult, however, it creates some inconvenience associated with the transmission, in this version, of sound.

It will have to be connected with a separate cable or use a remote acoustic system.


Another option for connecting a TV to a computer is to connect using S-Video connectors.

This option is convenient because all TVs and computers (except very old ones) are equipped with an S-Video connector.

All that is required of you is to connect these devices with an S-Video - S-Video cable.

Before connecting, both the TV and the computer must be de-energized, after that, insert one end of the cable into the connector on the computer's video card, which is a round black socket, and the other into the S-Video socket on the TV.

While downloading on a computer operating system the TV screen will blink, indicating that an external signal source has been detected.

The next step is to set up the video card. To do this, click on the free space on the desktop and in the menu " Properties» go to tab « Options» .

Then choose the item « Additionally» and in the window that opens opposite the name of the video card, activate the item « Clone» .

After application given parameter click on item « Display" and from the available list, select the name of the TV.

Then on the TV, search for the signal source and adjust the image.


Miracast technology differs from DLNA in that such an option for displaying multimedia information from a TV to a PC simplifies the task of viewing not only recorded files stored on the gadget’s hard drive, but also played online on one of the built-in ones.

That's just the Miracast technology has the only drawback - it is very demanding on computer resources.

So it is supported only by individual computers, as well as tablets and laptops that have powerful hardware stuffing.

It is important to implement such modern technologies in the TV itself.

If the TV only optionally supports Miracast, then you will have to spend extra money on an adapter that easily connects to the HDMI port.

The wireless monitor technology is very simple - the displayed image is compressed using a special algorithm.

After that, it is mirrored via Wi-fi to a large TV display.

In this case, there is no need to connect the TV to one of the local networks using a router.

PC and Smart TV can be connected without a special router.

As many of you probably know, home network can be created without using a router. In this case, the role of the access point will perform.

This is done in several ways:

  1. You can create a connection in one of the dedicated management consoles;
  2. Alternatively, use ;
  3. Take advantage third party programs, For example, Virtual Router Plus.

Keep in mind that most built-in Windows tools are more reliable and stable.

In addition, users no longer have to spend time searching for programs and installing them on Personal Computer. So the registry will not be too clogged.

This method is considered one of the simplest.

Logging in as an administrator, proceed to launch the command line. To cope with this Windows 8 task, use the key combination Win + X.

When the menu appears, select " Command line". In the seventh version operating system combination must be pressed Windows keys+ R in the window that opens, and also write cmd and press Enter.

Be sure to write the following command netsh wlan set

and after that press Enter .

Creation new network after that it will be completed and you can start its launch. To do this, write on the command line


It is important to say what to create virtual network can only be done once.

However, after the module is reloaded, the user must enter a command to successfully start the Internet.

As a result, the user will only have to connect to the computer by performing the necessary steps that have already been done when working with the router.

Control TV from PC wireless network wi-fi is possible using the same programs.

Various add-ons are known, with the help of which it is much easier to control the TV using a smartphone.

In this case, the phone is used as a control.

So, this article shows the main ways to connect a computer to a TV.

It is very easy to cope with this task if you choose the appropriate option and follow the instructions given. Then the user will not have any difficulties with the connection.

Modern flat panel televisions, like computers, are digital devices. All processes occurring inside them represent the transformation of digital streams, which is in constant motion. At first glance, it seems that it is quite simple to transfer a lot of different information that is inside a computer to a regular digital tv, which will act as the same monitor, only larger. But in reality, this process is more difficult.

If earlier, in order to connect a CRT TV to a computer, only RCA connectors were needed, which, first of all, output standard images, now we want to see higher quality images, such as HD video, but to transmit this image quality, we need HDMI connectors.

HDMI connector located in the video card, it is designed specifically to connect a computer monitor to a TV using a cable of the same name. It's safe to say that the HDMI interface is more advanced than its "big brother" VGA. Through this interface, you are given the opportunity to transfer higher quality video files simultaneously with the transfer of sound. So it is more logical to use this connector when connecting the TV to the computer.

Procedure for connecting a TV to a computer via HDMI

Shutdown. First, turn off both devices. To the switched off TV, simply connect the computer using the purchased cable. But first you need to insert one end of the cord first into the HDMI output of your computer, and the other end of the cord into the HDMI input of the TV. In order not to face the problem of reducing the quality of the image or sound, you should not connect the DVI output of the computer to the TV HDMI input, and vice versa. Connectors must be the same. After the cable is inserted, the TV must first be turned on. You will immediately understand that the TV is connected to an external source by slight blinking of the screen when the Windows of the connected computer boots. Don't forget to set your TV to AVI mode, because it allows the TV to receive signals from an external source (a connected computer) and not from an antenna. Select the corresponding input as the source in AVI mode HDMI TV.

Setting. The very first time you connect your computer to your TV, you will need to make sure you adjust the picture. To do this, you need to right-click on the desktop, then everything depends on your operating system, but one thing is for sure, that you need to find the graphics card settings. Call on desktop context menu by pressing right button mice.

If you have Windows 7 installed on your computer, select " Screen resolution”, then find the line “ Screen and choose the appropriate option. If the connected TV is not automatically detected, then in the same window, click the " Find” and wait for the TV search to finish.

In Windows XP, select " Properties", press the button" Options", then press the button " Additionally”, and then select the appropriate value.

The desktop of your computer will appear on the TV screen.

If necessary, in the properties of the video card, you can adjust the resolution, desktop size, color correction and make other image settings.

If you often use the TV as a second monitor, then it is best for you to make the settings in it exactly the same as in Windows. Follow the instructions for your video card. Many video cards have modes such as " Clone" or " Mirror”, where both displays are configured exactly the same. You can also make both monitors work independently of each other, all this is available for the “ Extended desktop».

Before connecting the TV to your computer

Look carefully to see if the devices have the necessary inputs, outputs and appropriate adapters.

If you have to work with a desktop computer, then make sure that there is an HDMI connector on the back of its system unit, on the video card, it is often found on modern computers, but not always. The TV, in turn, must have an HDMI interface. Both of these connectors will ensure the transfer of high-quality images and sound from your computer to your TV.

Also, you need to purchase special cables. These can be DVI-HDMI adapters, if you have a cable of the first type or DVI-HDMI and HDMI-HDMI cables. By selecting the right components, you can easily connect these two devices.

When connecting HDMI, it is important to remember that if only a TV is connected to the computer via the HDMI connector, and an additional monitor is not connected, when starting the OS, your desktop will automatically appear on the TV screen. But there are exceptions in which the screen remains black. Therefore, it is best to first set the video card to a certain resolution of the TV. This can be done if, additionally, via the VGA or DVI output to system unit connect a computer monitor. Then it will accurately show the image, and you can set the desired resolution for the TV in the video card driver.

It is also necessary to remember that the HDMI inputs of the TV sometimes have names, and you need to connect to the computer exactly the one that has the same name as the computer, if necessary, you can set the input name yourself. Of course, this may not be true for all TVs, but it happens that the computer works more correctly with just such an input.

If you have a FullHD TV (that is, HD Ready 1080p), your computer must necessarily output 1080p resolution, and if it is an HD Ready TV, then 720p resolution is enough.

Types of HDMI connectors and cables

First, let's take a closer look at what HDMI is. HDMI is a high definition multimedia interface. It can often be found on new models of computers, laptops and TVs. This interface uses digital method transmission of information, which is why the transmitted images retain their quality. Through the HDMI connector, it is possible to transfer digital data, both audio and video. HDMI is now very popular, because it is one of the most advanced and advanced interfaces.

To date, there are three types of HDMI connector:
Type A- a standard connector, the most common in technology.
Type C (micro HDMI), Type D (mini HDMI)- found on laptops, camcorders, laptop computers. These are smaller versions that have all the functions of the prototype.
Type B– This connector has an extended video channel that allows you to transmit images with a resolution higher than 1080p. But this type of connector is not as popular as the first three.

Each type of HDMI connector requires a special wire. There are 5 main options for HDMI cables:
1. Standard. Supports video resolution up to 1080p.
2. high speed. Supports almost all video formats, including even 3D and Deep Color.
3. Standard with Ethernet. As you can see, among other things, it can provide Internet access.
4. High Speed ​​with Ethernet. Also supports internet.
5. Automotive. A special type designed to connect car HDMI devices.

By connecting HDMI-HDMI, the sound is most often transferred to the audio channel of the TV from the computer without additional cables and special problems. The main thing is to configure the audio parameters of the computer by using the option " audio output via HDMI". In accordance with this, the HDMI cable must have a full wiring. It just happens that manufacturers of cheap cables do not do this, and then the user puzzles, and only at the end guesses that the cable needs to be replaced. It happened that low-quality cables generally stopped data transfer, or worsened it.

Innovative Philips, Samsung, LG flat-screen TVs, like a PC (personal computer), are considered digital devices.

Without exception, all the processes taking place in them are, in fact, changes in continuously moving numerical flows. It may seem that transferring to an ordinary digital TV, which will act as the same display, a large number of different information that is located inside the laptop is quite simple. However, in practice this process much more difficult.

How to connect a TV to a computer via HDMI, we will consider in this article.

How to connect

If earlier, in order to connect a kinescope TV and, RCA connectors were required, which provided the output of a conventional type of image, now we want to see images highest quality, but to ensure transmission of this quality, we already need HDMI connectors.

The HDMI connector is located in the video card, it is designed to connect a laptop display, such as Toshiba, to an LG TV with cable support.

It can be noted that the HDMI interface is more ideal than VGA. With its support, you are given the chance to broadcast higher quality video in sync with sound. For this reason, it is more logical to use this connector directly when connecting a TV to a PC.

Order of operations

In order to connect a TV to a laptop, you need to do the following:

  1. Shutdown. First, turn off both devices. To a non-working TV, simply connect the PC using the purchased cable. However, you must first insert the single end of the cord into the PC connector, and then insert the other end into the TV connector.
  2. After the wire is in its place, you need to turn on the TV. The device must be in AVI mode (switchable in the TV settings), because it allows the TV to receive signals from the PC.
  3. Setting up. The first time you connect your laptop to your TV, you should definitely adjust the picture. To do this, you need to right-click on the desktop, then it all depends on your OS:
    1. If Windows 7 is installed on your laptop or PC, then you need to select "Screen Resolution", then look for the "Screen" line and select the best option. If the connected TV was not immediately found by the laptop, then you need to immediately click "Find".
    2. In Windows XP, you need to select "Properties", click "Settings", then "Advanced", and then select the optimal value.

    The desktop of your laptop will be reflected on the TV screen.

    Note: if necessary, in the properties of the video card, you will be able to fully debug the image quality.

    If you often use the TV as a 2nd display, then it is best for you to configure the options in it as on a PC. Follow the instructions for your video card. In it, you can configure the “Clone” or “Mirror” modes, where both monitors are configured completely identically. In addition, it is possible to make both monitors work independently, all using the Extended Desktop mode.

Why the PC does not detect the TV

In some cases, the computer does not see the TV even though everything has been done properly. In order to find out why there is no signal, you need to diagnose.

The causes of problems may be an old TV model or the fact that the laptop does not support the video format of the device.

Watch a video in which an experienced user shows how to connect a laptop to a TV using an HDMI cable:
