How to update lumia apps. How to update windows phone on any smartphone? Step-by-step instruction

And in our case - Windows phone.

Some people change mobile phones all the time to achieve this goal, but not everyone has enough money and, in the end, it's inconvenient! After all, you will have to transfer contacts, photos, make settings, adjust the device for yourself from time to time. All this takes time.

In order to remain a user of Windows Background, which will meet the latest trends in the world of smartphones, it is enough to follow the software update of your pet, and it does not matter whether it is Windows phone 7.1 7.5 7.8 or even 8 th version!

How to find out when will the update come out and produce Windows Update Background I will tell you in this article!

There are two ways to update: the first is updates using a personal computer and the Zune program installed on it, the second is updating without using a PC directly from a mobile phone.

First way (using PC):

1. Connect the device to the PC, open the Zune program

2. Go to the “options” section

3. Go to the “Phone” tab and select “Update” in the left menu

4. The program will first check for available updates. And then update software to latest version

5. Update process completed

The second way (directly from the device):

1. Connect your phone to a Wi-Fi network

2. Go to the “Settings” menu

3. Select "Update Phone"

4. If updates are available for your smartphone, then wait until the update process is completed

Now you have in your hands not just a phone, but a Windows Phone with state-of-the-art software! If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them in the comments.

Greetings, dear readers.

Smartphones are very popular today. Their manufacturers are constantly trying to supplement the already used operating systems, and sometimes release new ones. At the same time, the necessary files do not get directly to the device on their own, but only at the request of the user. In general, the process differs depending on the new OS. Later in the article I will tell you how to update the Windows background with different versions.

Immediately after the presentation of the new operating system from Microsoft, users had the opportunity to install it on their device by installing the program NSU. But soon the developers closed access to it. At the same time, experts immediately figured out how to place another version of the system on your smartphone through Zune (Zune).

After the procedure, users will receive a wide list of add-ons:

    new desktop;

    customizable tiles;

    dynamic wallpaper;

    a large selection of design colors;

    protection from children and unauthorized unlocking.

At the same time, owners of the Lumiya 800 model from Nokia will also be able to enjoy great features:

    data transfer via Bluetooth;

    creating ringtones;

    there are many photo editing tools;

    many new applications become available.


    During the procedure, all information must be saved, including programs, music, photos. But it's better to do it in advance. backup.

    The process takes about an hour and a half or less.

    Everything is done through a computer, USB wire, smartphone and Zune.

So, to install a new OS, you need to perform a number of actions:

Then a few success messages will appear, you can happily enjoy the new OS.

Up to 8()

The update package from version 7.8 to 8 will allow mobile users to enjoy many previously untested features: the notification center, improved calendar, upgraded camera performance, reduced power consumption and much more.

Obtaining the eighth version directly depends on the country and model of the unit. A list of all supported devices can be found on the official Microsoft website.

To change the OS version from 7.5 to 8, you need to perform a number of actions:

The process lasts from 10 minutes and can take up to half an hour - it all depends on the number of installed applications.

To 10()

The latest OS introduced for own mobile devices, turned out to be Windows 10. Oddly enough, the developers have thought through an extensive list of devices supported by this version of the software. You can find out if you can upgrade from 8.1 to 10 on the official Microsoft website.

So, after you have made sure that your device really supports the current version of the operating system, download and install the program for free Upgrade Advisor. Now you need to follow a few simple steps:

Important! As you can see, the process occurs in two stages. So, the assembly is installed first 10586.107 , and only then 10586.164 .

As always, you can watch an informative video on this topic:

Well, you can achieve results without a computer and with it. It all depends on the current device, the version already in use operating system and the desired result.

I hope you manage to do everything that you have in mind. Subscribe to the blog and tell your friends to always know the way out of any unplanned situation with a computer, smartphone or other devices.

For active users For smartphones, updating the operating system is an extremely important issue, as developers gradually make the platform more stable, more practical and simply more attractive in appearance. If we are talking about the Windows Phone system, then today it has lost all its positions, and the percentage of users is reduced to a minimum. Despite this, the OS still receives certain updates. Moreover, it is important to pay attention to the Windows 10 Mobile platform, which has lost many of the shortcomings of the original system, and is now actively used by many users.

Update Windows Phone

First of all, it is worth noting that often a notification about a possible system update comes by itself. To do this, you just need to lower the notification curtain and take all the suggested actions.

Otherwise, you can go to "Settings" and select the "Update" section. After clicking on the "Check notifications" button, it will become known whether there are fresh updates. Also in this section, you can set up a daily check for updates. For example, you can put on 10 o'clock in the morning.

How to update Windows phone

In the event that an update is present, you should be aware of some requirements related to the operation of a mobile device.

  • First of all, the charge of the smartphone should be enough to carry out the update (often it is more than 70%). It is desirable to have a full charge at all, since a lot of charge is spent during the update, especially if the device is no longer new.
  • It is important to use when updating, as large updates can take a lot of traffic mobile network, or even send the owner of the smartphone to the list of debtors. The so-called minor updates, which are 2-3 MB in size, can also be downloaded via the mobile network.
  • There must also be free space on the device memory. If your smartphone has a memory card slot, updates can also be downloaded to this storage medium.

When an update is available for installation, just click on the "Install" button, after which the phone will reboot in the appropriate mode. Typically, the system installation process takes about 10 minutes, but sometimes longer if it is a major update. After installation, the smartphone will reboot, and then the applications and other information will be adapted to the new version of the platform.

If during the update the smartphone “freezes” (there is no progress for several minutes), then you need to simultaneously hold down the volume down and power buttons, a vibration should occur, which will reboot the device.

The Windows 10 Mobile platform is an operating system designed for smartphones and tablets with screen sizes up to 9 inches. With its advent, mobile devices have received almost the same features that are available for personal computers with the same OS version. At the same time, many users of the previous platform have a question about how to update Windows Mobile and increase the functionality of their devices. And owners of smartphones with an already installed platform periodically receive from the company Microsoft Opportunity installing a new build of the same Windows 10.

Windows 10 Mobile Latest and Anniversary Updates

The latest Windows 10 Mobile update package available for download on the official website of the manufacturer appeared online on August 16, 2016. It was called Anniversary and provided users with many benefits in the form of increasing the functionality of applications such as Microsoft Edge, Cortana, and Notification Center. At the same time, owners of supported devices did not need to take almost any action to receive the package. It was enough to manually check for an update for the phone and install it. For some devices, this package is not available because only users of supported smartphones and tablets can upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary and later from 2016.

Cumulative updates continue to be released by the software manufacturer. And last on this moment is version 14393.448 dated November 9, 2016. Installing it allows you to fix the errors of previous updates and increase security, but does not provide noticeable improvements in functionality. Therefore, if the smartphone is not yet installed Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary update , you don’t have to think about how to update the system anymore - already in April, Microsoft releases a new assembly.

April build of Windows 10 Mobile

According to information on the official Microsoft website, from April 25, 2017, users of smartphones with previous builds of Windows 10 Mobile will have the opportunity, how to upgrade to windows 10 mobile to the next version– Creators Update. It gets the number 1704 and should provide users with a greater degree of security compared to builds 1511 and 1607. Among the features of the updated platform:
  • support for virtual reality technology and 3D content;
  • quick response to a device security threat;
  • increase the stability of wireless access to the network;
  • transition to HTML5 technology instead of the obsolete Flash.
For users participating in the Windows Insider Testing Program, the ability to download build 1704 has been available since April 5th. Moreover, both for late access and for early access. In addition, with Microsoft servers You can download Creators Update RTM builds as an ISO file and install it using a PC.

Windows 10 Update for Windows Phone

For the owner of a device with the Windows Phone operating system installed, it is also possible to upgrade the platform to a more modern version. Although, before you try to upgrade your phone to Windows 10 Mobile, you should find it in the list of supported devices. The names of smartphones can be found on the official website of the software manufacturer.
Installing a new operating system on models that are supported by Microsoft is a multi-step process:
  1. Find and download in the Store special application Update Assistant;
  2. Open the program and click "Next";
  3. Wait until the assistant finds an update available for installation;
  4. Check the box next to the item that allows updates to Windows platforms 10 and click "Next" again;
  5. Do not take any other action until the update is complete.

Before, how to update windows 10 mobile via computer, you should first backup all the information on your smartphone and download the WP Recovery Tool application from the Microsoft website. In this case, connecting a phone that is not in the list of supported models to the computer will cause a corresponding message to appear on the screen. If the device is supported, the smartphone is detected and after clicking on the tile with its name, the firmware update from the official servers starts. And, if earlier the way to update Windows 10 Mobile via a PC allowed you to install the system even on unsupported models, from 07/23/2016 the developer closed the opportunity.

Possible Window 10 Mobile Update Issues

When installing the operating system, certain problems may arise:
  • if the movement of the gears that indicate the load continues for more than 2 hours, a failure has occurred in the process of transmitting information. To solve the problem, the smartphone reboots, and then the installation continues;

  • The battery of the smartphone can sit down right during the download. You can avoid this situation by ensuring that the battery is fully charged before starting the installation of the system;
  • The device memory may not be sufficient. In this case, it is allowed to use a microSD card as a drive on which the system will be installed.

A failed installation in some cases requires not only a reboot, but also the removal of the battery. After returning the battery to its place, sometimes you can just continue flashing. But, if the previous operating system was already partially damaged, you will first have to restore its performance from Windows Device Recovery Tool.

Should you upgrade from Windows Phone to Windows 10 Mobile?

  • If Windows user Phone there is a question about Windows 10 Mobile, is it worth upgrading? software, as arguments for a positive answer can be called:
  • increase in the number quick settings;
  • built-in support for OTG connectors and USB Type-C;
  • update voice assistant Cortana;
  • built-in Skype application for voice and video communication;
  • a new package for working with office documents.
After the owner of a smartphone compatible with the new operating system succeeded update windows mobile windows phone, he will have at his disposal almost a full-fledged computer. And he will be able not only to control the gadget with one hand, but also to scale the interface, continuously play the music he listens to and use the new store. Windows Store- the same as for PC.

Articles and Lifehacks

Have you thought about buying windows device phone, how to update it at home? What actions will you have to take, what will you need for the new firmware version, or is it better to take your phone to a specialist so that he does everything himself?

Preparing to install new firmware

  1. You will need the zune app to install updates on your device.
  2. After that, make sure that your phone is fully charged, check the memory card to make sure it has enough space for the download file.
  3. If there is not enough memory, remove the applications that you do not use, and also transfer photos and videos to another medium.
  4. Check HDD computer, because if there is not enough memory, the installation file will not be loaded.
  5. Check that the PC has a stable connection to worldwide network, in some cases you will have to change from wireless connection with internet to wired.
  6. Check the date and time on your phone, in this case, it will be easier for developers to figure out which update you need.

Installing the update

On a certain day, you should receive a notification that the a new version firmware. Then you choose the time to install, in some cases the update can take up to an hour.

If you could not immediately install the update, then the developers will remind you again in a few days.

  1. Connect your mobile device to personal computer via usb cable. If the zune application does not automatically start, then turn it on yourself.
  2. In cases where the application itself asks to update it, then strictly follow the instructions, and then restart the computer. Now you can click the update button in the application and wait until a message appears that the new version is installed on the device.
  3. Clearly follow all the tips that you see on the PC monitor, and in this case you will not have any problems updating the version of your gadget on windows phone.

Official free computer program Windows Device Recovery Tool from Microsoft will allow you to quickly and easily restore or update your smartphone on Windows Phone.

At the beginning of this article I will describe the above program, and at the end I will share my experience of switching from an Android smartphone to a Windows Phone smartphone, express my impressions and thoughts on this not very common operating system for smartphones. So…

Windows Device Recovery Tool

I want to say right away that since it is almost impossible (very difficult) to “stagger” or “tire out” a smartphone with a Windows Phone system, this program users in 90% of cases use exclusively to update the firmware of their mobile friend and assistant to a newer (actual) version.

Why Windows Device Recovery Tool?

Of course, you can do this procedure without using a computer (from the smartphone itself, via WI-FI or via a mobile network), but there are several disadvantages to this method:

  1. The phone must be well charged (I would advise you to comply with this condition and using Windows Device Recovery Tool).
  2. Communication must be very reliable.
  3. With the above computer program, get new firmware much earlier, immediately after its release, without taking into account the region and operator (Microsoft is distributing this case gradually and waiting for an update for the phone can take weeks or even months).

Windows phone update

You will laugh, but updating the Windows Phone firmware using the Windows Device Recovery Tool is so easy and simple that even taking screenshots is not enough.

The program is installed with a couple of clicks and to check for updates, you just need to connect the smart to the computer.

This does not require special drivers - this is one of the advantages of a shell from one manufacturer (the connection to the computer is lightning fast and without problems, because they are blood relatives).

If your software is outdated and there is a new one, the program will show it and tell you what to do next (of course, in your language)…

Download Windows Device Recovery Tool

A program for restoring or updating Windows Phone is being distributed in several ways:

After watching dozens of articles and video reviews about Windows Phone, a week ago I courageously purchased a Microsoft Lumia 640 XL smartphone (the article is over 4 years old 😉).

Before that I had 4 years samsung galaxy S2, so I'm a real defector from Android to Windows Phone.

What prompted me to cheat on everyone's favorite and leader among mobile systems? I'm sick of having to charge my phone EVERY DAY! This is probably the main reason.

The second is that the 4.3-inch screen has become noticeably small. The smart also accumulated a bunch of garbage, became a little stupid and buggy (cleaners no longer helped - a full reset was needed with setting up the device again).

The first day after the purchase, I was a little disappointed - the habits left over from Android and its personal customization affected. But 2-3 days passed... and I became a confident member of the Windows Phone Witness cult (for a full one year).

Pros of Windows Phone

I want to warn you right away - all the negative reviews and opinions that walk among the people are related to Windows Mobile (there was a real poop), the corporation's previous attempt to win mobile market. Don't confuse this craft with Windows Phone 8.1 or Windows 10 Mobile!

Battery… no, not like that — B A T A R E Y!!! This is something from the fantasy world. Immediately, after the first switch-on (at 13.30), the battery showed 43% of the charge - I could land it only the next day and with the help of a running navigator (at 14.00).

All this time, I did not let go of the phone from my hands and did not let it go into standby mode (except at night, of course)! By the way, not a single percent of the charge goes away overnight.

After the extreme points for the battery controller (full discharge and charge) were set, some correct settings energy saving (no loss of functionality), oil painting…

Taking this opportunity, I want to say hello to the past - the good old mobile phones that worked without drug addiction from the outlet for a week or more.

Time and progress do not stand still - I say hello to myself from 2020, from my smartphone, which I charge once a week and edit articles on the site from its 7-inch screen.

Do you think that my new smartphone with a 5.7-inch screen is on the shelf and therefore these numbers are optimistic?

I have to disappoint fans of Android phones - over the past two days I have downloaded a bunch of programs via mobile network and WI-FI, tried them all (choose the best ones), demonstrated the work of the navigator to my friends several times, read the news on the network and looked through the statistics of the site, set ringtones on contacts, asked them a photo ... and of course, 15-20 calls daily.

Can you tell me an Android smartphone model with the same screen that will last 5 days without recharging? There are no such in nature!

Such survivability is not related to my particular phone model, but a consequence of a careful attitude to the resources of the operating system itself.

If you turned off the program in your smartphone, it turned off and did not hang in the processes. There is absolutely no need for any optimizers, cleaners, task managers in Windows Phone!

We smoothly move on to the second plus - the speed of Windows Phone.

To say that the mobile phone flies is to say nothing. And most importantly - it will ALWAYS be like this! So Windows time Phone will not start to get stupid - programs do not clog the system and do not lay their larvae in the wilds of CLOSED code.

Speed WI-FI connections, mobile network, bluetooth, launching a navigator in 2 seconds (in any room) ... - they cause a shock, the highest class!

The third plus is the interface. A controversial issue - many may not like it right away, but believe me, after 2-3 days you get used to it and wonder how comfortable it is and how everything is at hand. Tiles are brilliant for a smartphone!

No need to root the phone, install custom firmware and mods with patches, customize icons and launchers, “smoke” forums and cut the poor fellow for yourself - you pick up the device and use it.

I had such a feeling of high from technology twice in my life - when I moved from TAZ VAZ to a foreign car, and then to a real car (Mercedes).

The fourth plus is a complete symbiosis with the desktop Windows 10 operating system Their mutual love is visible immediately and distinctly.

The fifth plus is devices on Windows Phone has always been noticeably cheaper than equal competitors on Android.

I find it difficult to decide on the other pluses - this is a consequence of the system or the smart hardware itself (its model), so I will not describe them.

I will briefly say about the quantity and quality of programs for Windows Phone - do not believe those who say that they are bad and there are not enough of them.

There are enough of them in the manufacturer's store - I found everything I need (readers, browsers, banking, players, viewers ...) and they all work perfectly.

By the way, here is the sixth plus - the complete absence of viruses. It’s not easy for software authors to pass Microsoft’s check for lice - maybe because of this there are fewer programs in their store than in Google Play(but they are ALL tested and with a guarantee of safety).

Such a Windows Phone update using the Windows Device Recovery Tool. to new useful computer programs And .

Useful program

Convenient program photo editing

A simple and understandable photo editor "Home Photo Studio" will allow users with any level of computer training to create real masterpieces at home in a matter of minutes.

I only review programs! Any claims - to their manufacturers!

The need to update the operating system of the phone sooner or later arises for almost any user. Especially if a new version of the operating system has become available. True, the update does not always lead to the desired result. But still, even the developers of mobile devices themselves advise updating in a timely manner, especially if a new version of the operating system appears. In devices on Windows base Phone such possibility just exists. True, in order to upgrade to Windows Phone 10, you will need to carry out a set of actions.

The easiest way to update Windows Phone

The easiest way to update the operating Windows systems Phone is to use the corresponding section in the "settings" category:

  1. We go to the "All settings" section.
  2. We find the menu "Update phone" and check for available updates.
  3. If there are available updates, then select "Download", and then "Install".

The update process may take a long time. During this period of time, it is better not to carry out any actions with the smartphone in order to avoid problems with installing the update.

The battery charge should be monitored during this procedure. Better connect your phone to charger even if the battery is fully charged.

Updating with special applications

If you completed the previous checklist and as a result saw the alert “Phone does not need to be updated”

But if you know for sure that an update is available for your device, then you will need to download the Upgrade Advisor application and carry out a set of updates using it.

  1. Download and install Upgrade Advisor.
  2. After installation is complete, activate the application.
  3. Check the box next to "Allow upgrade to Windows 10".
  4. Program in automatic mode will identify available updates, and then you will need to act strictly according to the prompts presented.

Before you update your phone, make sure you have the required free space. Otherwise, various errors may occur in the process that will not allow you to update the device. Also make sure you have a stable internet connection. wifi network, as you will need to download an update that is not small in size.
