Knowledge of ms office software. MS Word program

How to describe skills - in general.

The description of computer skills is:

  1. one line in your resume if you are not a programmer, designer, web designer, layout designer;
  2. a small paragraph if the profession requires knowledge of special programs, computer technologies and tools.

Here's how to describe the general level of computer proficiency (for most office jobs):

"Advanced user. Good knowledge of MS Office package (Access, Excel, Power Point, Word, WordPad), graphic editors ( picture manager, CorelDRAW), e-mail ( Outlook Express). Confident working with different browsers(Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Amigo, Internet Explorer). Working knowledge of Linux and Windows operating systems.

Examples of describing computer skills for different professions


Experienced user: MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, Outlook), Internet skills (Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox) and email (Outlook Express).

Excellent knowledge of 1C 7.7, Trade + Warehouse, 1C 8.2, 8.3, Trade Management, Salary + Personnel, ZUP, FIREPLACE, electronic reporting.

Assistant Manager

Knowledge of Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Linux. Confident user of MS Office (Exсel, Word, Outlook, Access), Internet (Opera, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox) and e-mail (Outlook Express). Text and graphic editors (Word, WordPad, PowerPoint, Access, Paint, Excel, Photoshop). Ownership of Abbyy FineReader 9.0 Professional Edition, MOSEDO.

Confident user of office equipment (fax, MFP, PBX).


Confident user of the package Microsoft Office(Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint), legal systems and programs: Garant, Consultant +, Chief Accountant System, Financial Director System. Possession of programs for the automation of accounting, management activities and electronic reporting (KonturExtern, SBiS ++); 1C-Enterprise.

web programmer

Expert level: PHP‚ AJAX‚ Jquery‚ LeafLet‚ Perl‚ HTML5‚ JavaScript‚ XML‚ MySQL‚ MSSQL‚ Oracle. Confident knowledge of modern platforms for creating and managing sites (CMS‚ FrameWork): 1C-Bitrix‚ UMI‚ NetCat‚ osCommerce‚ Joomla‚ Magento‚ Zend‚ YII‚ Cohana‚ CodeIgnitor‚ Symphony. Knowledge of specialized software systems: Mastertour by Megatek‚ Moodle‚ Elbuz.

Systems Analyst

Case tools: ERwin, BPwin, MS Visio, StarUML, Enterprise Architect, Visual Paradigm.

DBMS: MS Access, MS SQL Server, MySQL Workbench, Firebird SQL.

Project management: MS Project, Project Expert, Jira.

Development environments (languages ​​С/С++, JS, PHP): MS visual studio, Embracadero Rad Studio XE5-7, Borland C++, Aptana Studio, Adobe Dreamweaver OS.

Technologies: Windows Server, Debian, Ubuntu, Cent OS, Elementary OS, LAMP, WAMP, Denwer

Virtualization: Oracle Virtual Box. VMware Workstation, Bluestacks MISCELLANEOUS: Letograf EDMS, 1C, Cisco Packet Tracer, Mathcad, Evernote, MS Office, Apache OpenOffice, LibreOffice.

  • Please read the job posting carefully before describing skills. The first in the list is to indicate the programs that the employer mentioned in the list of requirements for the applicant,
  • indicate programs that you actually know well. If at an interview the employer wants to verify your skills and finds that you have exaggerated your capabilities, this will be your last conversation,
  • the general level of PC proficiency can be described as follows: a) a novice user, b) an average level, c) confident user, d) advanced user.

How to describe computer skills on a resume was last modified: December 26th, 2018 by Elena Nabatchikova

In the section of professional skills or additional information many indicate knowledge of the computer. But not everyone can make a list computer programs for resume. Of course, it is best to indicate only the software with which you really know how to work. After all, a recruiter may ask you to show your skills right at the interview.

Writing rules

Personnel officers advise writing about computer skills even to those people who apply for a position not related to working with a PC. Describing the level of proficiency in this technique, you can specify a list of programs that you know how to use. You also need to write at what level you know the computer. You can specify it like this:

  • confident PC user;
  • average level;
  • initial level of computer proficiency.

But it is not worth it to paint in detail about the knowledge of certain programs. Each applicant can use the following sample writing of this column:

Advanced user. Ability to work with basic programs MS Office (Access, Excel, Power Point, Word, WordPad), graphic editors (Picture Manager, CorelDRAW), programs for sending and receiving electronic correspondence (Outlook Express). I can quickly search for the necessary information on the Internet, I can work with various browsers (Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Amigo, Internet Explorer). Good knowledge of the features of the Windows operating system.

The universal version of this section may look a little different:

Intermediate PC skills. Ability to work with MS Office programs (experience with Excel, Word), search and download the necessary information via the Internet (worked with Opera browsers, Firefox), I can send emails.

The specifics of professions

There are a number of specialties for which it is necessary to list knowledge of programs that help work. Of course, it is better to start the description with general information about the level of computer proficiency and the ability to work with basic programs. For example, in an accountant's resume, this column might look like this:

Confident computer user. Knowledge of basic Microsoft Office programs such as MS Access, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, ability to work with e-mail (including Outlook programs Express, Mirramail, EmailOpenViewPro). Excellent Internet skills in various browsers (worked in Opera, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and others). Knowledge of specialized computer programs: 1C: Accounting 7.7 and 8, Parus, Client-Bank systems.

Too long a list of all sorts of software can backfire: the employer will decide that your knowledge is very superficial.

It would be nice if the applicant for the position of sales manager, in addition to the list of basic PC programs, also indicates knowledge of specialized ones. In his resume, the specified section of the “professional skills” column might look like this:

The level of a competent user. Skills of searching for specialized information on the Internet, experience with various browsers (including Explorer, Opera, Chrome and others). Basic knowledge of Linux and Windows operating systems office programs, text and graphic editors(Word, WordPad, PowerPoint, Access, Paint, Excel, Photoshop). Skills in working with specialized systems "BEST", 1C: Enterprise (specification "Trade and Warehouse"), experience in working with the CRM system that regulates customer relationships.

If the position requires a deeper knowledge of certain programs, then they must be indicated. So, for the position of a PHP programmer, in addition to the ability to work with a PC, you may need the following: knowledge of PHP, social networks API, WordPress API, CSS, HTML, JS, CSS.

In the latter case, you need to focus on your knowledge and on the requirements of the employer.

If mastering new programs does not cause any difficulties for you, it is worth noting this at the end of the section.

Opportunity electronic processing various documents, can be called one of the main reasons for the mass distribution personal computers, both among home users and in the corporate sector. Gone are the typewriters, manuscripts, and even regular letters are rarely seen handwritten. Nowadays, almost any printed matter and documents: be it diplomas or abstracts, magazines or books, statements or notes, reports or presentations, are created on a computer. After all, an electronic document can be corrected, altered, supplemented, sent by email at any time. e-mail, print it on paper or put it online for joint work over it. Probably, I will not be mistaken if I say that almost every person who has ever sat down at a computer had to deal with the processing of text documents, and for many this was the reason for the first acquaintance with a PC.

Despite the fact that all modern operating systems have built-in tools for working with text data, their capabilities cannot be compared with special software, the so-called office applications. They are designed to process all kinds of electronic documentation on the user's computer and therefore, as a rule, consist of several components with a similar interface and good interaction with each other. The most famous office suites are Microsoft Office,, Corel WordPerfect Office, StarOffice, Lotus SmartSuite, Ashampoo Office and iWork (for Mac OS). Each of the products in this area has its own set of components, design solutions and of course functionality. In our today's article, we will get acquainted with one of the most popular office solutions for users developed by Microsoft - MS Office.


This most popular office suite was first released back in 1992 and at the beginning of its journey it included 4 applications that still remain fundamental for it: Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Mail. In 1994 Access was added to this group, and in 1995 - Shedule+. In '97, Mail and the Shedule+ calendar replace the Outlook organizer and add Photo Editor. In 1999, the publishing application Publisher appears, the FrontPage site creation program, and PhotoEditor is replaced by PhotoDraw. After the release of Office XP in 2001, the PhotoDraw image editor finally disappears from the office suite, and in 2003, FrontPage. At the same time, Office 2003 introduces a new data collection and management application, InfoPath.

In general, the office suite of 2003 for Microsoft is becoming a very successful product. It was in it that new design icons in the style of WindowsXP, which undoubtedly influenced the attractiveness of this solution.

Yes, on their own office applications over the years of development, they have matured, and some formats (.doc, .xls) have become the standard in the workflow of most enterprises. Even today, after 8 years, many users continue to use MS Office 2003, not wanting to master the revolutionary interface, first introduced by developers in early 2007.

In Office 2007, the software giant decided to ditch the familiar system menu, replacing it with a Ribbon interface based on tab-separated toolbars. Buttons on ribbons, unlike toolbars, can be of different sizes, for example, those that are needed more often can be larger, and inside them can be samples of applied styles.

The buttons themselves are grouped by subject. Rarely used buttons are usually hidden, but still accessible through a drop-down menu.

Microsoft says this innovative approach brings all the features in one place for a better user experience. user interface, and helps you use Office more efficiently. True, the users themselves met such radical changes coolly, and a lot of criticism was expressed against the developers.

However, the ribbon interface allows users to use many more features of the office suite, because most of them are now in plain sight, not hidden deep in the menu. In Microsoft itself new system management see the future, and the latest development of the company in this area - Office 2010 serves as confirmation of this.

With the release of Microsoft Office 2010, Ribbon has been radically redesigned and improved, which is recognized even by opponents of the ribbon interface. In addition, changes were made to the style of the ribbon design, which was also positively received by users. Therefore, now few people have doubts that the office suite from Microsoft will continue to develop in this direction.

Currently, Microsoft's office suite of applications is being created for operating systems Windows families and Apple Mac OS X and has 32-bit and 64-bit editions.


Now let's take a closer look at those applications that are part of MS Office using the example of the latest version this package - Office 2010. It should be noted that for the convenience of positioning the product on the market, the office suite has several editions, on which the availability of certain applications in it directly depends. For example, the latest Office has six of them: Basic, Home & Student, Home & Business, Standard, Professional, and Professional Plus.

As can be seen from the table, a modern office suite can contain from 2 to 10 different applications, depending on its edition.

Microsoft Word (Word)- application to work with text documents. This word processor has been for many years the most popular of all used in this moment. That is why the "doc" document format has become the de facto standard for modern workflow, and many competing programs have support for compatibility with this format.

WITH using Word, you can easily create beautifully designed, professional-quality documents and organize them. In addition to the many options for styling text, you have various auxiliary tools at your disposal: a table designer, image editing tools, inserting ready-made shapes, a chart and bar graph designer, inserting SmarArt graphic objects for visual presentation of information, and many others. At the same time, users can work together on projects and documents, as well as edit them simultaneously.

Microsoft Office Excel(Excel)- an application for working with spreadsheets. As in the case of Word, it occupies a leading position in the market and therefore the xls format for this type of document is also the de facto standard.

The Excel application opens up wide opportunities for data analysis, as well as managing and exchanging them. Powerful data visualization tools, summarizing data using small charts that are placed in a cell along with text (sparklines), as well as fast filtering of large amounts of data help you compare results effectively, tracking and highlighting important trends. Spreadsheet files can be easily uploaded to the Internet to be shared with other users.

Microsoft OneNote (VanNote)- an application for storing notes and collaborating with them in a single, easily accessible location. Allows you to work with both text and images, as well as video and audio notes.

Notebook sharing gives you the ability to create and edit notes at the same time as remote users, or simply sync your data to keep it up to date. You can also take notes while working in other Office applications or Internet Explorer, and OneNote will provide a link to the location in the original document that you were viewing when you added the note, allowing you to automatically associate ideas with the content you create.

Microsoft PowerPoint (PowerPoint)- an application for preparing presentations. Allows you to create and manage high-quality dynamic presentations. With the help of sound and visual effects(adding video and animation) you get to present viewers with a clear and impactful picture that is as easy to create as it is fun to watch.

With PowerPoint, you can not only add, but also edit multimedia content, applying a variety of artistic and video effects. The application also allows you to use dynamic volumetric slide transition effects and realistic animation effects.

Microsoft Outlook (Outlook)- personal organizer, which includes: calendar, task planner, notes, email manager and address book. This application allows you to manage multiple email accounts in one place, which is much more convenient than checking messages in several mailboxes separately. You also have a single tool for managing all calendars, because in Outlook you can create any number of them for each category of events, so as not to get confused in one large and eventful schedule.

Outlook 2010 allows you to connect to your favorite social networks and centrally track various events taking place there. In addition, you can transfer all your contacts from Hotmail or Gmail services, and all contact information updates of your friends with whom you are in the same social network, such as Facebook, are also automatically reflected in your Outlook contacts.

Microsoft Publisher (Publisher)- an application for creating, customizing and distributing all kinds of professional-quality publications and marketing materials. Even if you don't have experience in graphic design, you can create brochures, newsletters, business cards, postcards, e-mails and other publications using various templates.

Users have access to professional image editing tools, modern technologies object alignment, the ability to create dynamic publications, advanced typographic text design options and a convenient tool for previewing the created material and its distribution. Also not forgotten is the opportunity sharing and distribution of publications.

MicrosoftAccess- Applications for creating and managing databases. This powerful personal data management tool is more aimed at the corporate sector, small businesses and non-profit organizations, although it can also be used by general users, for example, for cataloging home audio-video libraries.

Access 2010 adds new ways to access and share databases. Databases can be viewed and edited directly via the Internet, and users who do not have this application can open web forms and reports through a browser.

MicrosoftInfoPath (Infopass)- application for data collection and management. Typically used by organizations to optimize their own business processes, aimed at advanced business users or developers, and is unlikely to be of interest to home PC users.

InfoPath allows you to create sophisticated electronic forms to quickly and cost-effectively collect information based on the type of solution an organization needs and connect them to business systems.

SharePoint Workspace (Sharpoint Workspace) - an application that enhances the ability to collaborate on documents and their libraries in a single dedicated SharePoint Workspace environment.

This tool is more aimed at business groups in medium-sized organizations and large enterprises that need a single workspace with rich features. public access to data, as well as their joint editing and is unlikely to be useful to home users.

MicrosoftLync (Link) - an application that combines familiar means of communication. It is positioned as a solution for medium-sized businesses and large enterprises. Combines instant messaging, meeting and voice communication. The client has a toolbar that makes it very easy to find and access frequently used functions such as dialer, visual voice mail, as well as lists of contacts and active conversations.


Having reviewed all the components that make up the modern suite of Microsoft Office 2010, it's time to sum up.

There is no doubt that such a set of versatile solutions can satisfy almost any user. The quality level of the created electronic documents using the tools included in this office suite is really very high and accessible even for beginners. That is why some formats from Microsoft Office are accepted as de facto standards for most of the world's workflow.

Probably, many people know (or guess) that this office suite is paid, and its cost and distribution directly depend on its edition. Of the 6 possible options available for home users, only 4 are available: Beginner, Home & Student, Home & Office, and Professional. At the same time, it should be noted that the "Initial" edition, which contains the two most popular applications - Word and Excel, is distributed free of charge, and only with new computers that have pre-installed operating system Windows. Editions "Standard" and "Professional Plus" are distributed only among corporate clients.

by the most budget option for home users there will be an Office suite for home and school. To date, its cost is 2990 rubles. It includes four applications: text editor Word, Excel spreadsheet editor, OneNote note-taking apps, and a creation app PowerPoint presentations. We can say that such a gentleman's set will suit most users who work with documents at home. Also, please note that the office suite of applications for home and study is not intended for commercial use (for profit) and non-profit organizations, as well as government agencies.

And yet, the absence in this edition of such a component as Outlook - a personal organizer and a good mail client, for some it will be a reason to turn their attention to the Office for home and business edition. True, for this set of components, there are no longer any restrictions on the purpose of its use (as indicated by the business prefix), which immediately affects the cost of the product, which more than doubles and currently stands at 6,990 rubles. I think for many, an overpayment of 4000 rubles for Outlook will seem unreasonable and buying this edition for the home remains the prerogative of enthusiasts.

Office Professional contains two additional add-ons, Publisher and Access, publishing and database applications, respectively. But the cost of 17,990 rubles clearly indicates that this product is focused on business use.

So, if you like the Microsoft Office product, then the most optimal set of applications for use on your home PC is Office Home and Student. Well, for all those who are just starting to master office applications, we will soon prepare more detailed materials on each of the applications included in this edition.

MS-21 is a family of promising Russian narrow-body passenger aircraft. The main objective of the MS-21 program is the development and production of an aircraft to replace the Tu-154 and Tu-204 families. The lead contractor for the program is the Irkut corporation.

As part of the implementation of the federal target program "Development of civil aviation technology in Russia for 2002–2010 and for the period up to 2015." in March 2003, Rosaviakosmos held a competition for a project to create a new short-medium haul aircraft (BSMS). In August of the same year, the winner was announced - a project under the working title MS-21, presented jointly by OKB im. Yakovlev and AK im. Ilyushin. Irkut and the Ilyushin Finance Co. leasing company also announced their intention to participate in its implementation. (IFK).

The MS-21 family will include two modifications: the basic MS-21-300 with a capacity of 163–211 passengers. and MS-21-200 for 132–165 pass. The estimated flight range of the first version is 6000 km, the second one is 6400 km. For the MS-21-300, the payload will be 22.6 tons, for the MS-21-200 - 18.9 tons. It is assumed that both modifications will be as unified as possible in terms of airframe and aircraft systems and will receive the same cockpit, designed to be controlled by two pilots. The PD-14 engines of the Perm enterprise Aviadvigatel and Pratt & Whitney PW1400G were chosen as the power plant for the aircraft. The first aircraft will be delivered with foreign engines, which were certified in 2016. It is planned to certify PD-14 in 2018–2019.

The roll-out of the first prototype MS-21-300 took place in the summer of 2016. At the end of May, it should make its first flight.

The MS-21-200 project is at the design documentation development stage. It is expected that the assembly of the first prototype will begin in 2017.

175 firm orders have been received for MC-21 aircraft.

Chronology and present day of the project:

2003- victory of the MS-21 project in the competition for the creation of BSMS to replace the Tu-154 and Tu-204
2007- Corporation "Irkut" was appointed the lead executor under the program
August 2008- approved the general appearance of the liner
2009- selection of the main suppliers of liner components
July 2010- the first firm order for MS-21. The Malaysian holding Crecom became the starting customer, which converted the previously signed preliminary agreement into a firm contract
April 2011- TsAGI began testing the prototype of the MS-21 composite wing; completion of engineering simulator MS-21
June 2012- Irkut Corporation agreed with Pratt & Whitney to equip the MS-21 with PW1400G engines
December 2012- assembled the first compartment of the fuselage MS-21-300
August 2013- presented the first procedural simulator MS-21
October 2015- flight tests of the PD-14 engine began
December 2015- for the first prototype MS-21-300 assembled the fuselage
December 2015- in TsAGI they blew a reduced model MS-21-200
May 2016- USA certified PW1400G engine
June 2016- the first flight prototype MS-21-300 was rolled out
September 2016- The Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) validated the certificate for the PW1400G engine
November 2016- the first prototype MS-21-300 was energized
December 2016- the prototype MS-21-300 was tested in the thrust reverse mode
May 2017- began testing the prototype MS-21-300 for taxiing


May 2017- the first flight of the prototype MS-21-300
2017 summer- start of serial production of MS-21-300
2018- Russian certification PD-14
2018- Russian certification MS-21-300 with PW1400G engines
2019- validation of the Russian certificate for PD-14 in Europe
2019- European validation of the Russian certificate for MS-21-300 with PW1400G engines

Microsoft Project is a comprehensive software project management system and portfolio management optimization tool that allows you to plan and control the project activities of organizations. For this, built-in templates, tools for various levels of analytics and statistics, work time management tools, etc. are used. The article describes the functions and describes in more detail what Ms Project is, how to work in the program, and how to use all Microsoft Project-opportunities.

General characteristics and place of the product among competitors

Since 2007, each a new version Ms Project comes out every three years. Thus, the latest at the moment is the application of the 2016 version with a subscription to "Office 365", compatible with Windows 10, 8.1 and 7. Compared to other similar programs, Ms Project is considered the most common and "light", referring to the entry-level software project management with a classic standard office interface. In the market of single-user and small solutions software occupies about 80% (about 20 million people use it).

It is believed that as an integrated set of methods, processes and tools for Ms Project, it is more often used in the implementation of relatively small design ideas. However, the existence of several paid options - basic, professional and advanced - when choosing the most complete functionality, allows you to significantly expand the capabilities of the program compared to the basic version.

Nevertheless, competitors - analogues of Ms Project, increasing their competitive advantages, often "rebuild" precisely by scaling the means of cost and resource planning and ensuring the organization of multi-user work.

Among these programs aimed at major projects, you can highlight the Russified Open Plan.

Another area of ​​"detuning" is the specialization of the product. Among such software Primavera is popular, which has become widespread in the field of engineering and construction projects as a calendar and network planning tool that allows you to take into account financial, material and labor resources in medium and large projects. Basecamp cloud software tool is considered the main competitor in the ultra-light segment management decisions. At the same time, Microsoft has also been offering a cloud version of its product since 2013.

In addition to the cloud application, several products are available under the Project brand:

1. Project Standard allows custom planning for small projects.

2. Corporate Governance carried out using a special platform, including:

  • the actual Project Server,
  • the corporate version of Project Professional, where collaboration tools (Project Server and SharePoint Foundation / Server) are added to the capabilities of the Standard version,
  • Web-interface technology for reporting on the progress of tasks, for viewing project portfolios and other collaborations (Project Web Access).

The basis of the almost monopoly popularity of the Microsoft product is that it is part of the Ms Office family, which makes it possible to:

  • it is easier to master the management of tools in the familiar environment of Ms Office products (the stylistic similarity of the Project interface with Excel is obvious),
  • customize Ms Project formulas in the style of Excel formulas,
  • adapt the product to the specifics of your business, by programming or by purchasing ready-made solutions based on Microsoft.Net or Visual Basic.

To reduce the problems associated with technical support, Microsoft (for example, via Microsoft program ISV Royalty) stimulates the acquisition of ready-made solutions from partners, while compensating customers for the development of industry solutions.

Tasks and opportunities of the program

Work in Microsoft Project is recommended to start with the development of the project approach as such - familiarization with its principles and methods of design. This is necessary in order to use the tools correctly: divide large projects into parts, adjust time estimates, take into account and lay risks, track teamwork and use motivational techniques. IN study guide, released in 2013 by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation for the development of Project 2010, the first chapters are devoted to an introduction to the basics of project management - planning techniques and building a "project triangle" ("time-cost-scope of work").

In the case of implementing the project approach, the Project program helps to solve the following tasks:

To work in the program, the concepts of "Task", "Resource" and "Appointment" are used. To achieve the goal of the project, the work is divided into tasks. The concept of "resource" is more often applied to an employee, but can also refer to real estate, equipment, materials. In Microsoft Project, assignments occur when resources are allocated to complete a task. It is the appointments that determine the amount of time required to solve problems and, as a result, the total time of the project. For display, analysis and input, there are so-called. task views (Gantt Chart, Task Form, etc.) resources (Resource Graph, Resource Sheet) and assignments (for example, Resource Usage), which are graphical, tabular, and form views.

In order to more fully display the necessary information on one screen, instead of a single (normal) view mode by setting a “check box” in the menu, a combined mode is displayed. In this case, the screen is split horizontally, which makes it possible to see two views at the same time.

The division of work on the project forms a structure in which tasks are represented by different types:

  1. A separate task.
  2. A summary task (phase) consisting of a group of related tasks.
  3. A milestone - a reference mark - a point of an important event, which controls the progress of the project.
  4. A recurring task that occurs regularly during the course of the project (for example, “morning meetings”).

Starting with Project 2010, tasks can be scheduled both automatically and manually, in this case placing the task anywhere in the schedule.

The package of benefits appreciated by Intel, Tesla, Toyota, BMW, Kraft, 21st Century Fox, British Airways and millions of other companies is constantly updated with innovations that can be found on the official Project website, in a special Russian blog or in the Facebook and Vkontakte communities. .
