Than install offline updates. Setting up forwarding in IIS in pictures

Some Windows 7 users are experiencing issues with the default Update Center operating system. Windows 7 searches endlessly for updates, fails to download them, and keeps looking for more.

Such a problem can cause a lot of trouble. Firstly, the latest patches will not be installed on your computer, which can reduce work efficiency OS. Secondly, while the search is on, processor and physical memory heavily loaded. This may not be very noticeable on powerful PCs, but on “weak” ones it is very unpleasant. This article describes what to do if Windows Update 7 cannot complete the search for updates.

Setting up automatic search

Firstly, you need to completely disable windows update, loading the operating system, as it goes on indefinitely. Subsequently, you can fix the problem and activate it back, if you like. But even without Windows updates still works stable. Many users disable them on purpose and experience no problems.

You will need to do the following:

After that follows to restart a computer to stop searching. Now your system will not try to look for new updates. If you need to enable this feature, you can do it in the same menu.

Stopping the service

In some cases, the method described above may not work. For example, when you try to reboot, the computer will take a long time to download and install some kind of patch. And after turning it off and on manually, all settings will return to their original state. And accordingly, the endless search will begin again Windows updates 7. To fix a similar problem, you need to completely disable the service in charge of work Update Center.

After these steps, the search for updates will be completed. To run it, you need to reset the service configurations to their original state.

In some cases, stopping the service and restarting it may solve the problem. Try this before resorting to more complicated methods if the computer is looking for new patches for a long time.

Correcting errors in system files

Often these problems result from damage to important system files. This may occur as a result system failures, actions of virus programs, incorrect installation of previous updates and so on.

On Windows there is special utility , with which you can automatically find and fix similar errors. It does not have a graphical interface, so to work with it, users need to run the system command line.

This is done in the following way:

If you want to copy this line, you must use the context menu by clicking right click mouse inside the window. The Ctrl + V combination in the console does not work.

After that Windows will scan everything system files . All found errors will be corrected. After that, you should restart your computer and start searching for updates again. If the process is still too slow- needs to be searched other ways to solve the problem.

Microsoft released special update for their operating systems, fixing Windows Update, which is endlessly looking for updates. The download links are on the official website of the developer, so you can download the patch without resorting to the services Update Center.

  • For owners 32-bit version Windows -
  • For Windows with 64 bit architecture -

You need choose the interface language of your OS and click on the red Download button. Further simply run the downloaded file, wait for the installation to finish and restart your computer. In most cases, this patch solves all the problems that arise.

Updates KB3020369 and KB3172605

If the previous solution did not help, then you should update the seven by installing two more updates, restarting the computer between their installations. This method was suggested by several of our readers at once and it really helps a lot.

Troubleshooter from Microsoft

Another way to solve the problem is to use the Microsoft troubleshooting tool. Its action is somewhat similar to "sfc / scannow", with the difference that it was created specifically for Update Center and can solve a much larger number of problems. Besides, she has GUI , which makes it easier for users who are not used to using the console.

Do the following:

Wait for the operating system scan to complete. If the utility detects any problems, it will notify you and automatically apply the fixes.

We hope this article helped eliminate the endless search for updates to the seventh version of Windows, significantly speeding up your computer and making it much more stable.

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With the release of the Windows 7 operating system, a large number of different functionality and features have been added. Among them, the standalone update installer can be especially noted. In the list of its features, you can list automatic search on official Microsoft resources and on local computer suitable updates and installing them without unnecessary notice to the user, as well as an intelligent system for searching for updates according to those specified in a specific directory.

Installation methods

There are two main ways to install this software product.

  1. Download in Windows system 7 update tool. After the download is complete, create a folder called Updates and copy the installation files of the system updates you need into it. Then run the downloaded file and wait for the installation to complete. The program is designed in such a way that it automatically checks if the next update is installed. In case of repeat given file skipped. Upon completion of all work, the computer will restart. As a result, the user receives a system with all the necessary updates installed.
  2. You can use the services of the operating system itself. The toolkit used by the autoinstaller is fully present in the starting version of the Windows operating system and it is enough to correctly access it to start the installation. The second method involves launching auto-updates using the executable bat file. Create a directory with nested subfolders CAB and MSU. Put the necessary updates in them according to the extension. After that create a clean Text Document and copy the following into it:

@Echo Off
Title Installing Windows7 Updates
For %%A In (CAB\*.cab) Do Call: kbin %%A/quiet
For %%F In (MSU\*.msu) Do Call: msin %%F/quiet
Start /Wait pkgmgr /ip /m:%1 /quiet /norestart:msin
Start /Wait %1 /quiet /norestart
@Echo Off
Go To: EOF

In a nutshell, you can comment given code like this: read all files with the cab and msu extensions and run them without restarting the computer and additional messages.

Save the document in the root folder in bat format and run it for execution. Upon completion of all Windows installations will reboot.

During the installation process, you must follow a number of rules:

  • Observe the bitness of the installed updates and the operating system. It is useless to try to install an update for an 86-bit system in a 64-bit windows and vice versa.
  • Avoid express updates. This file type is designed to eliminate critical errors and subsequently included in the general update. That's why given type files are not accepted by the autoinstaller.
  • Avoid changing directory names and locations. The script from the second paragraph refers to specific folders with a specific location relative to the file being launched. If you do not know how to change the path data in the script code, then strictly observe the specified provision.

Offline update for Windows 7 operating system

Since recently, Microsoft is forcing you to upgrade to windows 10,
not particularly ceremonious with the wishes of customers and when updating online from the system,
downloads gigabytes of unnecessary mass without the knowledge of the user, to switch to win 10,
which, as you know, is crammed with various tracking modules and trimmed settings.
This set allows you to upgrade working system Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 only necessary updates, and you can also integrate updates into the distribution of the installation image for builders of personal windows builds 7.
All unwanted updates are excluded.
Can be installed on any edition of Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2, any bit depth and any language.
The installer determines Windows version and necessary updates.
Updates for all versions included Internet Explorer, all critical, recommended, and security updates.

Year of issue: 2019 (March)
Version: 19.4.10
Developer: simplex
Bit depth: 32bit, 64bit
Interface language: Multilingual (Russian is present)
Tablet: Not required
System requirements: Windows 7 or Server 2008 R2


1. Run the downloaded file (It is possible on behalf of the administrator)
2. Confirm the installation of updates with the button OK
3. Wait for the update installation to complete (Never turn off the computer!)
4. When installation is complete, restart your computer to apply the updates.

The system must have at least 10 GB free space on the hard drive and preferably at least 1 GB of free RAM.

For flexible installation of the set, you can use the following keys and their combinations:
Key / Reboot for automatic reboot, if required.
Switch /S for a completely silent installation without windows and messages. Register matters.
Key / Silent for passive installation - you can see the progress, but the installation is completely automatic.
Key /IE11 to install the Internet Explorer 11 browser and its localization.
The /Temp= switch allows you to set a temporary working directory. It does not have to be empty, but it must exist.
The /NoSpace switch allows you to skip checking free space on system partition, not recommended.
You need to automatically install all updates, IE11 and restart the computer: UpdatePack7R2.exe /ie11 /silent /reboot
You need to covertly install all updates to existing products, do not change the IE version, do not restart the computer: UpdatePack7R2.exe /S
The following keys are for integrating updates into the distribution:
The /WimFile= key specifies the location of the wim file, you must specify an absolute path.
The /Index= key specifies the system index in the wim file, for each index it is necessary to perform the integration again.
The /Index=* key allows you to perform one-by-one integration of updates into all indexes of the wim file.
The /Optimize switch allows you to optimize the size of the wim file after integrating updates.
Before specifying the index, it is useful to run the command: Dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:C:\install.wim (replace the path with your own).
Not all updates can be integrated (see table), but they will not affect the security of the system.
Need to integrate IE11 and all updates into 1 index: UpdatePack7R2.exe /ie11 /WimFile=C:\install.wim /Index=1
You need to integrate IE11 and all updates into all indexes: UpdatePack7R2.exe /ie11 /WimFile=C:\install.wim /Index=*
You need to integrate only updates to existing products, do not change the IE version: UpdatePack7R2.exe /WimFile=C:\install.wim /Index=1

Possible automatic installation SP1 if it is not installed on the system. To do this, you need to place the files Windows6.1-KB976932-X86.exe and Windows6.1-KB976932-X64.exe in the same directory with the set.
If next to the set there is UpdatePack7R2Start.cmd - it will be executed before updates are installed, UpdatePack7R2Finish.cmd - after installation, UpdatePack7R2Wim.cmd - after updates are integrated. By default, console windows will be shown. To hide them, the first line in the cmd file must begin with ":hide" (without quotes). The update set keeps track of the exit code from the cmd files, in case a reboot is needed. This code is 3010 (command exit 3010).
If you want to apply your tweaks after installing Internet Explorer 11 on a working system, place the ie11.reg file in the set folder and it will be imported automatically.
Some keys can be replaced by renaming the set file itself. So to install IE11, you can add the word "ie11" anywhere in the suite filename, "--" for automatic reload, and "++" for passive installation.
You need to automatically install the suite on a working system along with IE11 and restart the computer: rename UpdatePack7R2.exe to UpdatePack7R2--ie11++.exe
This will be exactly the same as using following keys: UpdatePack7R2.exe /ie11 /silent /reboot

The size of the distribution kit (wim-file) will be increased by the size of the installed updates.
Integrated updates can be uninstalled even after the system is installed.
It is recommended to unload the resident anti-virus monitor from memory while the set is running.
A detailed update installation log is located in the %WinDir%\UpdatePack7.log file.

*Some screenshots from older versions, but the installer itself has not changed in principle.

For all systems Windows families installation of update packages. And the seventh version, although it is considered the most stable of all currently existing ones, was no exception. However, it also sets the search first. Updating Windows 7 can take an infinitely long time for various reasons. Consider all aspects related to this. The solutions proposed below help to eliminate an unpleasant situation in 99% of cases. And all of them are simple enough to be used by even the most inexperienced user in matters of system configuration. But first things first.

Why is the search for updates endless (Windows 7)?

Let's start the consideration of the main issue by finding out the causes of violations in the operation of the update service. Among the main root causes, most experts point to malfunctions in the Update Center itself and the system services that are involved in this process.

Now situations with virus exposure will not be considered, since each user must take care of protecting his computer himself. Consider how to eliminate the infinite 7 on your own. There are at least three ways to do this.

Windows 7: Infinite Update. Diagnostics of the "Update Center" by means of the system

Because the endless process search for update packages is associated specifically with the "Center", it is logical to assume that this service needs to be checked for operability.

If use software the system itself, the problem that Windows 7 updates are endless is eliminated through the built-in debugger. You can call it from the Run console (Win + R) by entering the line msdt / id WindowsUpdateDiagnostic, after which a window will appear in which you should use the link to additional settings. In the new window, first you need to check the box opposite the permission to automatically apply fixes, click on the link to run as administrator and click the continue button. After that, it remains to wait for the end of the diagnostic process, go to the "Update Center" and set manual search followed by installation confirmation.

Diagnosing problems with a special utility

If someone does not like the method proposed above, or just too lazy to dig into the debugger settings, you can go the other way.

From the official Microsoft website or any other trusted resource, download small program called WindowsUpdateDiagnostic. By the way, it is also suitable for more recent versions of the system.

After the first start of the utility, select the update center line and activate the troubleshooting. They will be displayed in the results, which may indicate problems with the drivers or with the hard drive. Please note that the program does not fix the problem in Windows 7. Infinite Update is only defined and indicated by it possible reason. So you have to install drivers or check HDD himself.

Drivers can be installed from the "Device Manager", but this is too long a process. It is better to use automated tools like driver booster With automatic search and integration of drivers into the system.

Download standalone update package

If the problem persists, you still have to pay attention to the Windows 7 Update Center again. The endless search can be fixed by another method.

To do this, you need to download the so-called standalone package with the number KB3102810 to your computer, choosing the appropriate bit depth for the system (32 or 64 bits) when downloading. You can download the package, again, either on the Microsoft website or on another resource. But that's only half the battle.

Stopping the Update Center service

In Windows 7, an endless update can only be fixed if the service itself, which is responsible for finding and installing updates, is deactivated. You can try to complete active process in the "Task Manager", but, as a rule, this will lead to nothing, and the service will be activated again.

Her complete shutdown can only be done in the corresponding section of the services, which is accessed through the services.msc command, entered in the corresponding Run menu bar.

Here you need to find the line of the update center, through the right click call context menu and select the stop command.

In order not to rummage through the services directory, you can use the command line with administrator rights (cmd in the Run console), where you should write the net stop wuauserv combination.

Package installation and manual search for updates

Now the most basic thing is installing the standalone package. We launch it with the standard double click on the downloaded file and agree to the installation offer.

After that, the installation process starts. When finished, you will need to restart your computer. If errors occurred during the process of integrating the package into the system, then something was done wrong at the stage of disabling the update service. Repeat the above steps and run the installer again. In addition, it is possible that the standalone package installation file itself was not completely downloaded (this also happens). In this case, as is already clear, you need to repeat its download or download from another source.

When the package is successfully installed and the system is rebooted, you should go to the "Update Center" and use the manual search for updates.

If nothing helped

Finally, if none of the above helps, you can remove the endless update in Windows 7 by installing the UpdatePack 7 Live service pack (build version 07/31/2016).

Upon completion of its integration into the system, the search for updates will automatically start. It is very likely that a lot of them will be found (in some cases their number can reach two hundred or more). You should not be surprised, because, in fact, after installing the package, the user gets an almost “clean” system in which no updates were installed.

Note: you can install this pack only on top of the existing Service Pack 1. If it is not there, the updater will not be installed. The way out is to install SP1 (at least even from the official Microsoft website).


As you can see, there is nothing particularly critical in the considered problem. It is eliminated quite simply by all the proposed methods. It goes without saying that such solutions only apply to a system that has not been found to have potentially harmful or active threats that could disrupt or block the Windows Update service. In all other cases, such solutions help. In the matter of preferences, the user himself decides how to proceed, although you can use complex diagnostics first, and only then install a standalone package or service pack. Which one to choose? Actually, absolutely no difference. Yes, and the opinions of users about installing either one or the other update diverge, so you will have to decide for yourself.

Error 0x8000222

The information is relevant for Windows-7. When installing a service pack, an error message appears, such as: Offline installer windows update encountered error 0x8000222

Windows Update Offline Installer encountered error 0x8000222

When installing NET FRAMEWORK 4.0 and 4.5, it appears ERROR HRESULT 0x8000222

What to do?

Rename the SoftwareDistribution file to SoftwareDistribution.Old

Run the command prompt as an administrator and enter the command net stop wuauserv and press Enter. With these actions you will stop Windows Update. If you do not stop it, then you will not be able to rename the folder.

Rename the file with the command ren %windir%SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.Old or open the C drive, find the WINDOWS folder and open it. Find the folder called "SoftwareDistribution" and rename it to "SoftwareDistribution.Old" . The full path looks like this: C:WindowsSoftwareDistribution

Launch command prompt again as an administrator (if you closed it) and type net start wuauserv and press Enter .

What to do? (Same thing only in more detail and with pictures)

Click: start, all programs, accessories. Right-click on the "command prompt" line, in the window that appears, select "run as administrator".

To stop the update center, type net stop wuauserv and press Enter

You can find the SoftwareDistribution folder like this, click the "start" button, then click on the "computer" line (it's on the right), drive C, and in Windows folder look for the SoftwareDistribution folder and rename it to SoftwareDistribution.Old .

To start the update center, type the command net start wuauserv and press Enter
