Selection of drivers for windows 7. Driver Booster Automatic search and installation of drivers

Driver Pack Solution Online is simple and fast way find and download one or another "vital" driver for a webcam, video or audio card, WiFi adapter, printer, etc.

The free DriverPack Solution program is designed to automate the process of installing, updating, and searching for drivers in the Windows OS environment, and is distributed by the developer in several versions, including online and offline versions. The advantage of the latter is that in order to load almost any necessary driver for sound, network card, wi-fi, etc. no Internet connection is required - all drivers are already in the DriverPack Solution database, which can be written to a disk or flash drive, and be extremely useful from time to time, for example, when reinstalling the operating system. With all this, the main disadvantage of the offline version of DriverPack Solution can be considered the volume of the full database - almost 11 GB, which is unlikely to be acceptable for users with a slow or limited Internet connection.

In order not to download the entire database of drivers, but to find and install only those that require updating or are missing in the system, the developers offer an alternative solution in the form online version, which is completely free, easy to use, and its distribution is less than 3 MB in size, but its only drawback (if it can be considered as such) is that it is strictly required to have an Internet connection.

And so, how to find and install the necessary drivers using DriverPack Solution Online:

  • Download the program (from the official website or from us);
  • We launch the program, and we see something like the following (we strongly recommend choosing a manual installation);
  • In the "Install Drivers" menu, we see a list of drivers that require updating (example in the screenshot), but we do not click the "Install All" button!

for the reason that we are kindly suggesting that we also install some additional programs in the load (marked with checkmarks in the screenshot), to open the list of programs, click on the “Soft” menu (in the screenshot).

Thus, if you choose at the initial stage automatic installation, then along with the drivers, the programs marked with checkmarks (although not bad ones) would get to the computer.

Then we just have to wait for the download and installation process to complete, click "Finish" on this process is completed.

In conclusion, let's clarify this point - many users probably noticed on the left in driver pack menu Solution Online button "Do you want to disable Windows tracking?".

By pressing this button, after a short period of time, we see the message “Windows tracking was successfully disabled”, while the button works not only in Windows 10, where the problem of user data privacy is particularly relevant, but also in other versions of the operating system from Microsoft - Windows 8 and Windows 7, in connection with this, a reasonable question arises: “what exactly is turned off, and does given function generally?".

This functionality works, but it is extremely problematic to completely block the transmission channel of user data (telemetry data) in Microsoft. This is because, along with the well-known data transmission channels that DriverPack Solution Online blocks (for example, some windows updates, blocking requests to a number of known this moment data collection servers over IP, disabling various services responsible for sending "diagnostic data", preventing error reporting from being sent to Microsoft, etc.), there are a number of channels that are still unknown, and besides, from time to time Microsoft introduces new ways to collect data (for example, with the release of the next update), etc. Therefore, it is a priori impossible to completely disable surveillance in Windows, especially with regard to Windows 10.

Installing and maintaining up-to-date drivers for the computer is a guarantee of the correct operation of all devices installed in the PC. Finding and installing drivers on your computer takes time. To save time on drivers, use free program to search, update and install Driver Booster free. With this utility, you can update and install drivers with the click of a mouse, you do not need to open system properties and surf the sites for a long time to find the necessary driver. The program itself will find the missing and outdated drivers, will search for them on the Internet and install the driver itself. The user will only need mouse clicks to confirm actions on the drivers.

Automatically find, download and install drivers

After starting the program driver booster immediately starts scanning all the equipment installed on the computer, displays a list of drivers installed in the system and notes the necessary and recommended drivers for installing or updating. The user only needs to select the driver needed for installation in the list and click the mouse button, allowing the program to independently, in automatic mode download and install it. Driver Booster has a feature that automatically starts the program at the same time as the operating system is loaded, thanks to which the utility will periodically check the drivers already installed on the computer for new versions and warn the user about the need to update them. If for some reason you do not need to update individual drivers, right-click on it in the list of devices and select context menu"Ignore" - the program will no longer check for new versions for this driver until the user removes the device from the list of ignored devices in the Driver Booster settings. In the same place, in the settings, you can choose the skin of the program, the interface language, the option to autorun the application, the modes for checking for driver updates, the folder for saving drivers downloaded from the cloud, and select the options for connecting Driver Booster to the Internet.

Screenshots of Driver Booster

Drivers on the computer ensure the stable operation of certain devices and / or programs.

To maintain such normal functioning, they must be regularly updated, which is quite long and difficult to do manually.

Therefore, there is a need to find a high-quality and functional program for timely update drivers.

Features of choice

When determining which program will best suit the needs of a particular user, Several indicators need to be taken into account:

  • Ease of use of the program, its interface and settings;
  • Possible set frequency of updates, search for fresh drivers;
  • Ability to work automatically background without user intervention;
  • The load on the hardware resources of the device - so that one program does not slow down the operation of the entire computer;
  • The efficiency of searching for drivers, and, consequently, the operation of the entire program.

Considering all these factors, the user will be able to choose the most suitable option for himself.

Criterias of choice

To make it as easy and quick as possible to evaluate the functionality of the programs listed, the table below includes their technical characteristics.

Table 1 . Specifications and functionality of software for automatic update drivers
Name Operating Systems What is downloading? Content Type The type of work launch
Intel Driver Update Utility Installer Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 Typical drivers background User initiated
AMD Driver Autodetect Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 Drivers for video cards from AMD (except AMD Fire Pro) background
NVIDIA Update Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 Drivers for video cards from NVIDIA Video card drivers only background Download initiated by user
Driver Pack Solution Drivers and updates Drivers for network and installed devices, updates Active
Driver Genius Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 Typical drivers Drivers for network and installed devices Active Launch, search and download is initiated by the user
Snappy Driver Installer Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 Typical drivers Drivers for network and installed devices, updates Active Launch, search and download is initiated by the user
driver booster Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, Linux Drivers and updates Drivers for network and installed devices, updates Active Launch, search and download is initiated by the user

The programs in the table and in the text below are listed in order of decreasing popularity among users, convenience and expediency of applications.

Intel Driver Update Utility Installer

The official software from the Intel developer searches and downloads any drivers for installed and network devices.

Runs in the background, but the start of the search is initiated by the user. After the search is completed, a list of drivers appears, from which you can select the ones you need.

  • Official developer;
  • Efficient full search for basic drivers;
  • Different types of updates.


  • Search only for network drivers, without taking into account the features of the laptop;
  • The launch is initiated by the user - there is no automatic search;
  • The installation of the downloaded drivers must also be initiated manually.

Igor: “I'm a big fan of developer software because I find it has fewer crashes and bugs. And this one didn't disappoint me."

AMD Driver Autodetect

This program is designed to automatically search for updates for AMD video cards.

When running, the program constantly checks the developer's website for fresh drivers.

If drivers are found, the program sends a notification to the user about it. If desired, the user can initiate the download.

  • Automatic mode of operation;
  • Narrow specialization, which means the accuracy of the content found;
  • Constant updating of the state of the video card.


  • Able to update only video cards and only AMD;
  • Not suitable for AMD FirePro card type;
  • Does not download drivers on its own without user intervention.

Olga: “I use a fairly powerful video card and am completely satisfied with it. However, it is possible to keep it in working condition only thanks to this program - it is quite difficult to search for drivers manually.


The program is designed to search, download and update drivers NVIDIA graphics cards any model.

Features of the program are almost completely similar to the previous version.

With a given frequency running program searches for new drivers for the video card on the official website and other sources, and if it finds them, it notifies the user about it.

The user can then initiate or reject the download.


  • Narrow specialization of drivers;
  • The need for user participation in the update process;
  • Not too convenient and familiar program interface.

Kirill: "If you use an NVIDIA graphics card, you can't do without this program."

Driver Pack Solution

DriverPack Solution is an archive program containing many drivers and updates and constantly expanding the base when Internet access is available.

Suitable for many devices and operating systems, therefore it is indispensable for computer masters.

Works both online and offline.

When working online, it downloads new drivers for devices that need it (analyzes the system).

When offline, it detects the necessary drivers and installs them automatically from its own archive.

  • Offline mode of operation;
  • Presence of own archive;
  • Optimized for any system, the ability to independently analyze the system.


  • Sometimes the database contains outdated software solutions;
  • All processes are initialized by the user - there are no background, automatic ones;
  • Great utility weight.

Julia: “I fix computers at home, and quite often I need to update the drivers. So far this program has not failed.

Driver Genius

This is a universal driver management tool that searches, downloads, installs a driver after the user initializes these processes.

In addition to downloading, it allows you to archive drivers, rollback to older versions, and more.

Unlike other programs on the list, it is optimized not only for searching and downloading, but also for managing drivers.

Creates archives, restore points and more.

  • Ability to create driver restore points;
  • Archiving downloaded materials;
  • Work with all types of devices and maps.


  • Absence auto start processes - everything must be initiated by the user;
  • Quite a significant load on hardware resources during operation;
  • Large weight of program archives.

Ivan: “The program is not bad, but the computer loads a lot. On my budget Lenovo, I had to look for simpler alternatives.

Snappy Driver Installer

The program is from one of the developers of DriverPack Solution, therefore it has a lot in common with this software. Presented in Lite and Full versions.

The light version has only a module for searching and downloading drivers, which automatically recognizes devices.

The full version also forms its own database of drivers and is able to work online.

  • The ability to choose the best version for yourself - the light one takes up a minimum of space, but works online, the full one weighs a lot, but can work without Internet access;
  • Completely free;
  • A good driver search algorithm based on the “do no harm” principle.


  • No auto and background modes;
  • All processes are initialized by the user;
  • Not always high-quality search and analysis of the system.

Andrew: “A rather convenient program, but I use only the Lite version. Full heavily loads the processor during operation.

driver booster

The program is easy to use and has a Russian-language interface.

It has only one function- scanning the system for outdated drivers, notifying the user about this, searching and downloading, and then installing, new up-to-date drivers.

A distinctive feature is the presence of changes in standard drivers, which, according to the developer, improves the performance of games and reduces the load on the processor.

The program is launched by the user upon request, by clicking on the Start button, the user starts scanning.

After its completion, the program offers a list of found optimized drivers for installation.

The user selects the necessary ones and starts the installation.


  • Availability free version programs;
  • The ability to optimize drivers, increasing the performance of games;
  • Low load on the hardware resources of the computer when working in active mode.


  • Full functionality is available only in a paid Pro versions(the cost of the license is 400 rubles per year);
  • Narrowed functionality - no databases, driver archives, restore points and other things are created;
  • Great involvement of the user in all processes performed by the program.

Evgeniy: "enough functional program but I still don't understand what additional functions provides paid version. The free basic version is enough for the average computer user.”


The choice of the most suitable program for downloading and installing drivers depends on what requirements are placed on it.

For a user who forgets to check the status of the drivers on his own, versions that can work in automatic or background mode are suitable.

In the event that the user wants to understand what is being installed on his PC or is looking for specific drivers, a program that provides a list of found software.

Software from Intel is in the first place because, since the program is official, it has the least number of malfunctions and failures.

However, it only downloads generic drivers.

Programs capable of creating archives are the most convenient for developers.

At the same time, it is desirable that the program be able to work offline.

If the computer often crashes and gives various errors, choose software that creates a restore point before installing each new driver.

version: from 15 August 2019

A driver update program that can scan the system in two to three minutes, find outdated versions and download new ones.

The new version of Driver Booster is able to update drivers not only for computer components and connected devices, but also for computer games.

version: from 14 August 2019

DriverMax Free is free utility, used to search and backup the so-called "firewood".
As a rule, in order for the computer to recognize the connected device, special programs are needed - drivers. They also ensure the normal interaction of the processor with the video card or, for example, with the motherboard.

version: 19.7.5 from 05 August 2019

Graphics lag while playing Crysis 3 or Battlefield 4? Graphics adapter can't handle fast processing of large video files in high resolution? You should consider new advanced video card drivers. Of course, if you have a video card AMD Radeon.

AMD Radeon Drivers Adrenalin Edition(also known as a variant of the name AMD-Catalyst) is a software package designed to improve the performance of a video card. If you play games with cool graphics or deal with video processing, then you probably understand how important it is that the video card does not let you down.

version: 431.60 from 24 July 2019

NVIDIA has released an updated version of the Forceware driver. These drivers are used to operate NVIDIA video cards on a computer running Windows XP, Vista, Win7 and Win8 32/64 bit.

The drivers are intended for video cards with hardware support for API DirectX 8/9/10/11 (GeForce 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 900 series), as well as motherboards based on nForce 760i SLI and solutions with integrated graphics.

version: 17.10.14 from 01 July 2019

DriverPack Solution is a utility for installing new versions of drivers in automatic mode. This software is a set of software components to which you can add or extract the necessary drivers for your devices into a separate archive.

Drivers play a decisive role in the correct operation of devices and their components. They tend to become outdated, and for high computer performance, the driver database must be updated periodically.

version: 7.126 from 26 June 2019

A set of components for proper operation network adapter Realtek family. Drivers are ready to use immediately after installation and do not require separate configuration.
This software can be used for external devices and adapters integrated into motherboard PC. All modern components are supported, including boards with throughput up to 1024 Mbps. Download network realtek driver PCIe GBE Family Controller is available for computers running Windows or Linux. The architecture of the platform does not matter - the software is compatible with 64-bit and 32-bit systems.

version: dated 25 June 2019

If you want your computer to optimally display game graphics and play video files High Quality without any brakes, you should take care that graphics adapter was in perfect condition.

It will help to achieve this GeForce Experience- a program from NVIDIA, which can be downloaded for free by every user whose computer is equipped with an appropriate video card.

version: from 06 December 2017

A useful utility for scanning the drivers installed on your computer and downloading their latest versions. Capable of creating backups software designed for connected devices to avoid problems when the system crashes.

In order for the devices connected to the computer to be displayed and work normally, special programs - drivers are required. They can be bundled with purchased software or downloaded from the Internet.

The driver installer is a very necessary thing if you want to save your own time.

The term "driver" is applied to software that allows operating system interpret commands for hardware computer.

Drivers for key elements of the system are part of the OS. Software for more complex devices (video cards, tuners, etc.) is distributed by their manufacturers.

Dozens of drivers may be needed to operate a particular system.

Monitor their status and compliance latest versions is difficult on its own.

To monitor the status of drivers and track the latest versions, special programs have been developed - driver managers.

Such a program scans the hardware of the system, determining the models of components. Based on the compiled database, a search is made for the most suitable drivers on the network.

There are driver managers in the form of disk images. In this case, the search the correct driver produced offline and on the basis of the collected database.

Manager or manual installation?

Attention! Manual installation of drivers is the lot of real gurus, but only because the latter are more experienced and have more in-depth knowledge than the creators of managers.

Users who do not have such high level knowledge, in such matters are trusted by special managers.

Instead of a grueling search for the appropriate versions on manufacturers' websites, just press a few buttons and the process will start automatically.

After that, it remains only to choose the most suitable option and approve the download and installation.

In addition, programs for installing and removing drivers independently create a system restore point.

If unwanted effects occur, you can cancel last changes. When installing manually, this important point may be missed.

Driver Managers

follow constant updating Sets of software on your own is quite a hassle.

It is much more convenient to search for drivers through special program there is a saving of time and effort.

Driver Pack Solution

MCS Driver Disk

Another good interface for working with drivers. It is a static software base that is great for offline use.


Large database of drivers;

Good balance of weight and versatility;

Expanded system monitoring;

Constant database update.


Inability to work online;

Sometimes it crashes (when Auto status request is enabled).

Device Doctor

The program provides access to a huge database of drivers for 13 million devices.


Huge base of devices;

Compactness (the client takes only 10 MB);

Availability of a free version;

The ability to save the results of a system scan to download the necessary drivers;

Weekly device database update;


Lack of Russian localization;

The impossibility of full-fledged work in offline mode;

Based on the results of the scan, drivers are not automatically updated, but download links are issued;

System restore points are not created.

Drivers Install Assistant

A tool for searching and automatically updating drivers. An internet connection is required to work.


Free distribution;

Tracking the system in the background;

Integration with all Windows versions that are older than 2000.

Constantly updated database of drivers.


Shortcomings in the organization of the interface;

The presence of small bugs in the work of checkboxes.

Automatic driver installation

Driver installer: how to update everything at once?
