The mounted disk has a gpt partition style. What does "GPT disk" mean? Error fix options

When installing Windows, many users encounter a problem when installing the operating system on this disc is not possible because the selected volume is in the GPT partition style. In this article, we will teach you how to get out of this situation in several ways at once, and at the end we will even present a video in which we will show the whole process in as much detail as possible. Without delay, let's get started.

MBR (Master Boot Record) is the so-called master boot record. The area of ​​memory that occupies the first 512 bytes of any drive. It can be traditional HDD, and solid-state storage media SSD. The main disadvantage of this technology is the maximum volume (2.2 TB) of supported devices. In addition, their number is limited to 4 units.

GPT (GUID Partition Table) - more advanced and new technology, which is part of the UEFI mode (a full replacement for the BIOS). GPT is located at the very beginning of the drive, but unlike an MBR-protected partition, in its second sector. The first sector contains the same MBR for compatibility with older PCs. This technology not only has no restrictions on the size and number of disks, but also has a number of additional useful functions.

Some computers and laptops do not support UEFI and GPT, as a result, the operating system "refuses" to install, and we see an error related to the impossibility Windows installation.

Backing up data

  1. In the window that opens, select the disk management section, click right click mouse on the desired media and select "Properties".
  1. We switch to the "Volumes" tab and in the place marked with the number "2", we look at the type of boot record. In our case, this is just a GUID or GPT.

If you have “MBR” written on this line, then the disk is formatted in the desired format and this is not the problem.

Using the command line

You can also find out if GPT is used on our drive through command line. It is done like this:

  1. Taking advantage Windows search, we find the command line itself by entering the characters "CMD" into the line marked with the number "2". After that, select the desired result in the search results.
  1. On the command line itself, write "diskpart" and press Enter.
  1. Next, enter the command "list disk" and press Enter again.
  1. Let's look at the result. If there is an asterisk next to the partition, then the disk is using GPT technology. Accordingly, on the contrary, if it is not there, you have an MBR.

If you are convinced that GPT is present, proceed to the instructions for solving the problem of the impossibility of installing Windows by converting the master boot record of the selected disk to MBR.

How to convert GPT to MBR?

Due to constant updates to the operating system itself and UEFI technology (GPT), the options below may differ or not work at all. If you encounter such difficulty, just move on to the next method.

Attention: some algorithms for solving the problem described in this article provide complete removal all data. Only one way leaves them in place. So read the description carefully before you get started!

Windows Tools

This option provides for changing the type of only the disk that is secondary. That is, if you are trying to transfer the partition on which Windows is installed and running, nothing will come of it.

In other cases, we do this:

  1. Using the search, we find there a tool called "Administration". To do this, simply enter search query and choose desired option from issue.
  1. Go to the "Computer Management" item.
  1. In order to convert the disk type from GPT to MBR using Windows, you need to initially delete all partitions. To do this, right-click on each of them and select the appropriate action.

Attention: all data on the selected partition will be permanently deleted!

  1. We click on the unallocated area with the right mouse button and select the option to convert the master boot record to MBR format.

After that, the conversion will start and the disk will start working in MBR mode. If for some reason this option does not work for you or the conversion menu item is unavailable, just go to the next option.

Third party software

This method compares favorably with the others in that all the data on the converted partition will remain intact, as will its markup. Nevertheless, if we were you, we would still make a backup, since the software sometimes also crashes.

Let's get started with our guide:

  1. Download the Acronis Disk Director application from its official website and proceed with the installation. To do this, run the installation file and click "Yes".
  1. We are waiting for the end of unpacking the data.
  1. At the next step, just click the "Next" button.
  1. We accept the software license and click on the button marked in the screenshot.
  1. We refuse to participate in the improvement program and continue with the installation.
  1. Specify or leave the default installation path, then move on.
  1. Choose the installation mode that suits you.
  1. Everything is ready, we just have to click on the "Continue" button.
  1. We are waiting for the installation to finish.
  1. We complete the installation by clicking on the indicated button.
  1. When the program is launched, select desired disk and select the convert button. Since in our case the partition is already in MBR mode, we see the option to convert it to dynamic disk(GPT). If you have a second type of boot entry, the button will do reverse operation, that is, install an "MBR"-record on the drive.
  1. To confirm the operation, click the button below.
  1. All changes made in the program must be confirmed by clicking on the button with the image of the start flag. We press it.
  1. Once again we confirm our intentions by clicking on the "Continue" button.
  1. The progress of the conversion operation is displayed in this window. Usually the process does not take much time, but it greatly depends on the size of the disk and its speed.

If this option did not solve your problem, and you still see the message "Windows cannot be installed on this disk because it has a GPT structure", continue to the next method.

Using a bootable flash drive

Using bootable media, we can convert the disk type directly via windows installer. Naturally, all data will be irretrievably lost.

Important: this instruction is suitable for Windows 10. In earlier operating systems, you need to create boot drive in this way: for and for .

Ready? We do the following:

  1. We download a utility from Microsoft called Media Creation Tools from its official website and run the file.
  1. We are waiting for the completion of the preparation.
  1. We accept the Windows Installer License Agreement.
  1. We select the mode of creating bootable media, and not updating the current system. After that, click on "Next".
  1. Choose a language user interface, a release of Windows and its architecture.
  1. Here we indicate a direct download and installation on a USB flash drive, which you should already have installed on your computer by this time.

Do not forget that all data from external drive will be removed.

  1. We see that our media is detected and click the "Next" button.
  1. The download of the Windows distribution kit will begin to the temporary folder of the computer. We are waiting for the end of the process, the duration of which depends entirely on the speed of your connection to the network.
  1. The second stage is writing the downloaded image to our flash drive.
  1. When everything is ready, you will see a window like this. Here you just need to press a single button.

Users who install the latest three versions of Windows operating systems - 7, 8 or 10 (any build) on their PC can see a message on the screen with the text “the selected disk has the GPT partition style”.

The problem lies in the incompatibility of outdated laptop or computer software with more modern characteristics drive.

The choice of a specific solution to the problem primarily depends on the bit depth of the installed Windows systems and firmware interface (BIOS or UEFI).

What is GPT and MBR?

Before you continue to install the operating system on your PC and convert partition styles, it is worth finding out what the cause of the problem is.

Thus, most of the relatively old motherboards completed software BIOS, whose tasks were to perform primary diagnostics and boot the operating system.

By the way, on our website you can read.

The software was designed to work only with boot records of the MBR type.

More new version interface, UEFI, allows you to work with both old styles and new ones, GPT.

Rice. 1. Error when installing Windows on a disk with GPT partition style.

The benefits of the updated software are improved boot speed and data security - due to more reliable boot and support for hardware-based drive encryption.

In addition, UEFI works with the GPT style, which supports writing and reading large files. This is especially important for sizes hard drive exceeding 1 TB.

You should know: UEFI is compatible with both BIOS and MBR. And, therefore, when working with the new interface, the style of the disk does not matter. At the same time, the BIOS does not work with either UEFI or GPT.

Rice. 2. Defining disk styles using special utilities.

Solutions to the problem

As a rule, most more or less new motherboards are already equipped with a modern interface.

And problems with installing the operating system due to the GPT style can appear only in two cases - if the computer is relatively old or support for the new style is not installed in the UEFI settings.

The first version of the problem is solved in only one way - by changing the settings of the hard disk.

As a result, work with big files it will be more difficult, but the system will be able to install.

If the problem is disabled GPT support, you just need to enable it and continue installing the platform.

Installing the system on disks with GPT

It is advisable to solve problems with installing the system on a HDD with GPT partitions, observing the following conditions:

  1. Using a 64-bit system;
  2. By setting the boot mode to UEFI.

However, most often the cause of the error is the failure to fulfill the second condition, since it hardly makes sense to install a 32-bit system now (except for computers with 32-bit processors).

To correct the situation, you will either need to change the BIOS settings, or prepare it in such a way that it supports working with UEFI automatically.

BIOS or UEFI setup

The first steps to follow when installing one of the last three generations of Windows on a PC is (or rather, UEFI).

This usually requires pressing a certain key during the boot process of the operating system.

In Windows 7, most often you need to press Esc , F1 or F2 , depending on the motherboard manufacturer.

For Windows 8, this will require changing the system boot settings (through the additional options of the Diagnostics menu, called by the keys Win + C).

Rice. 3. Entering the menu for changing the boot of the Windows 8 system.

For Windows 10, to enter the UEFI settings, you will have to run:

  1. Click on the notification icon and select the settings item;
  2. Go to the update and security window;
  3. In turn, select recovery partitions, special boot methods and immediate reboot;
  4. After the system has been rebooted, select advanced options and UEFI settings.

Now that the BIOS has turned on, you should configure its menu for automatic installation new system to disks with GPT.

To do this, the user must install the UEFI interface boot instead of the standard CSM.

Rice. 4. Installing the boot of the new UEFI interface.

The second step is to select the appropriate disk mode - instead of IDE, designed for the old type of HDD, you should choose.

Configuration can be done in the Peripherals or SATA Configuration menu.

Rice. 5. Setting the mode of operation with SATA disks.

Sometimes, for Windows 7, you need to additionally disable such an option in UEFI as .

Need to know: In various options UEFI all these items can be located in different places. However, the setting names are retained and are relatively easy to find.

You will be interested in:

Possible installation problems

After making all the changes, just save them and restart your computer (or laptop). There should be no error messages or other similar problems.

If the problems still remain, you should fix them by creating a special boot disk.

One of the easiest ways to do this is to use the command line or special programs Rufus type.

Rice. 6. Create a boot disk that supports GPT by default.

When using such a drive, the probability of an error-free installation of the system is almost 100 percent.

However, to be safe, one more step should be taken - to delete the bootmgr file in the main directory of the USB flash drive, which can lead to another attempt to boot without GPT support.

Now the system will definitely install without errors.

Convert disk from GPT to MBR

In the absence of the ability to configure UEFI, and especially in the complete absence of this interface, the user has no other option but to change the partition styles.

To do this, you can try to use the already built-in tools of the installed operating system or special utilities.

Important: If necessary, the ways to change styles back from MBR to GPT are just as simple. What's more, the data written to the disc is not lost, unlike conversion to an older format.

Convert via command line

An option to change the style of disks, suitable for computers with an outdated boot interface and, moreover, an old-style HDD (IDE).

A necessary condition for performing such actions is that the hard drive partitions must be empty, since all data is deleted during the conversion process.

If the information on the disk is not needed by the user, it can not be deleted.

Changing the style to MBR by the installer of the operating system will require the following steps:

  1. When choosing a partition type during system installation, press the Shift and F10 keys;
  2. In the command line that opens on the screen, enter two commands - first discpart, then list disk;
  3. After the list of hard disk partitions appears, write select disk A, where A is the number of the part that should be converted to GPT.

The next user action can continue with the clean command. In this case, all partitions of one of the disks will be deleted.

The second option is manual deletion, which requires you to enter three commands in turn (detail disk, select volume, delete volume).

The last step is to change the style. To do this, another command is entered in the line - convert mbr.

After the manual conversion to MBR has been performed, it is required:

  1. Enter one more final command Exit ;
  2. Close command line;
  3. Partition the disk into new partitions (it is advisable to leave a smaller part of the HDD for the system and applications, and for storage important information- large);
  4. Continue installing the operating system.

As a rule, no errors occur in this case.

The only reasons for the problems to continue are problems with the hard drive or a corrupted software distribution.

In the first case, to fix the problem, you will have to contact the service, in the second, use another installation disk.

Selected drive has GPT partition style when installing Windows

Attention: this is not the only way to solve the problem: you can also simply enable EFI boot for the installation drive without converting the HDD.

Convert to MBR in Disk Management

The second option for manually switching from GPT to MBR is suitable for computers that already have a running Windows 7 or 8 installed, and the disk is not a system disk.

To resolve the issue, the user is required to:

1. Go to the disk management menu (one of the easiest options is through the run window, in which you should enter the diskmgmt.msc command);

Rice. 7. Disk management menu.

2. Find a physical (that is, not a partition, of which there can be many on the HDD) hard disk to be converted;

3. Delete all partitions from the HDD by selecting the delete item in the menu;

4. Right-click on the disk name and select convert to MBR.

5. Restart your computer and continue installation.

Convert GPT hard drive to MBR basic

Convert GPT hard disk to MBR (basic) using Paragon Hard Disk Manager.

Style conversion tool

Except standard ways, involving the use of built-in Windows tools, there is also the opportunity to simplify your task using special utilities.

Some of the most convenient are Minitool Partition Wizard and Acronis Disk Director. The disadvantages of these applications is the need to pay for their purchase.

While downloading the Aomei Partition Assistant program can be done completely free of charge.

And among the many possibilities there is not only a change in styles, but also other customization options. hard drives.

Rice. 8 Working with Aomei Partition Assistant

Need to know: When using applications that allow you to change the hard disk style settings, you can delete the first boot partition of the HDD. In this case, converting GPT to MBR and vice versa will be much easier.

Hello! During the installation of the Windows 7 or Windows 8 operating system on your personal computer, it often happens that at one of the installation stages an annoying inscription is displayed on the monitor screen, which says that installationwindows on this disk is not possiblegpt, because its partition style is in GPT format.

In our today's issue, we will briefly go over such concepts as UEFI, GPT, MBR and BIOS, and also consider a detailed algorithm of actions that will allow you to successfully complete the installation that has begun when this message does not allow you to move from the dead center.

Windows cannot be installed to this drive gpt

To solve this problem, several methods will be considered. The first of which means complete installation operating system to a disk with GPT partitions.

The second method involves changing the format of the GPT disk partitions to the MBR format, which will give you the opportunity to cope with the installation without much effort and unnecessary pop-up errors. Let's first consider the pros and cons of the two methods above, and also talk about which one is preferable to use depending on the specific situation.

So, for starters, let's figure out what is "BIOS" and "UEFI", as well as the disk formats "MBR" and "GPT".

The BIOS is a special software that, when the computer is turned on, diagnoses and analyzes its entire system, and then loads the operating system, focusing on the boot record of the MBR hard disk. Somehow, in one of my past articles, I devoted a separate lesson, in which I told in more detail what BIOS is, its purpose. I recommend that you read this article:

Most of the latest computer models use an alternative system called UEFI instead of the outdated BIOS system. Such a system is considered more reliable, fast and functional. She implements well safe boot, and also provides decent support for drivers and encrypted hard drives. But you can also read about this in more detail in one of my previous articles:

In addition, it perfectly reads the GPT partition format, which allows you to use drives with a large number of partitions. It is also worth saying that the developers of the "UEFI" system made it compatible with the BIOS and MBR.

The trend is that the volume of hard drives is constantly increasing. Many modern devices have hard drives with a capacity exceeding 4000GB. In this regard, we can say with confidence that the future is for "UEFI" and "GPT".

So, I suggest you proceed to the consideration of our today's question with you - "Installing windows on this disk is not possible gpt." At the end of today's article, a video will be presented on how to install Windows on such a disk with a GPT partition.

Method number 1. Installing the operating system on a disk with the "GPT" format

It is worth saying that the problem with the "GPT" format usually occurs for those who are trying to install the seventh or eighth version of Windows. So, in order to realize our plans, we should do one of two things - start installing the "64-bit version", or boot the system in "UEFI" mode. One of these actions will fail and, most likely, it will be the second. In this case, we need to perform only one or two manipulations - change a few settings in the BIOS system, or change the same settings, plus prepare the UEFI boot drive for work.

First of all, you need to check the settings in the BIOS system of your computer. In order to log in, at the very beginning of its loading, you must press a special key. Depending on the laptop model, this key can be "F2" or "F9". On stationary computers, the “De” l key is most often used for these purposes. Moreover, on the monitors of most devices, a corresponding prompt is displayed during boot, indicating the key that must be pressed to enter the "BIOS".

It should also be noted that the last Windows version 8 allows users to enter BIOS settings when the system is already fully booted. For these purposes, you must use the special Charms service bar, which, as a rule, is located on the right side of the screen. By clicking on it, from the list that pops up, you need to select the "Change settings" tab, then click "Update and recovery", after which you should continue by selecting the "Recovery" item, then "Boot options", then press the "Reboot the system" button.

Next, you need to go to the "Diagnostics" item. There from available additional options select the UEFI Firmware option. Thus, you must be in BIOS settings, from where you will need to activate some functions. First of all, you need to change the boot priority by setting "UEFI" instead of "CSM". You can do this by going to the "BIOS Features" tab (on some systems, this may be the "BIOS Setup" tab). Next, go to the "Peripherals" tab, where you also change the SATA operation mode. To do this, instead of "IDE" set "AHCI".

Additionally, it is recommended to set the secure boot mode. To do this, set " secure boot". It is worth saying that there are many interfaces for the same BIOS version. Sometimes it can take you by surprise. However, it is worth understanding that the main points and interface elements are usually the same. The difference lies only in the way they are placed on the screen. Knowing this, you should not have serious difficulties regarding search and navigation. In the image below, I have shown my version.

After making these changes, you can safely proceed to install the operating system on a disk with the "GPT" format. Depending on which media will be used for booting, you may encounter the same error again. This often happens when using bootable flash drive if it does not support UEFI boot. The problem can be solved quite simply - for this you need to format it and burn it again, taking into account the appropriate settings. You can change these settings in different ways, but it is better to use the command line. In general, I will only note that when using a boot disk, everything should go smoothly.

Using boot disk or a flash drive that supports "UEFI" booting, it remains to install the system by setting the boot to "BIOS".

Method number 2. Installing the system by converting the format of disk partitions "GPT" to "MBR".

This method is perfect for those who do not want to understand complex BIOS settings, but simply want to install the usual seven. In this case, all manipulations will have to be done during the installation of the operating system. It should be noted, however, that the following steps involve complete cleaning data from the system disk.

So, in order to change the GPT format to MBR, start the Windows installation with installation disk. Then, launch a command prompt. To do this, hold down the key combination "Shift + F10". Next, you need to run a command called "diskpart". To do this, simply enter the given word and press "Enter". Then enter the directive called "list disk" and then also press the "Enter" key.

After executing this command, you will be prompted to select the number of the disk whose partitions need to be converted from the "GPT" to "MBR" format. Select the disk number using the "select disk Z" command, where the fictitious letter Z is the number of the disk to be formatted. This drive needs to be completely formatted. To do this, enter the "clean" directive and press the "Enter" key.

Next, we proceed directly to the conversion process. To do this, run the "convert mbr" command. At this stage, the process of converting a disc to the MBR format can be considered completed. It remains to exit - just enter keyword"exit" and press "Enter".

At the end of today's article, I would like to note that each of the above methods is quite good, as it allows you to correctly solve the problem associated with the incompatibility of the "GPT" format, however, it is recommended to choose one or the second method depending on the specific situation. The first method is ideal for the newest and most modern computer models when installing a 64-bit version of the OS on them. Such computers tend to run on "UEFI". This BIOS is quite easy to distinguish - it has an interesting GUI, unlike the old one, which used a regular blue background, with white characters placed on it.

For a better understanding of today's material, I suggest you watch the video below:

Accordingly, the second method is suitable when installing a 32-bit version of the OS on older device models with a "blue" BIOS. In this case, a method that involves converting the disk partition to a different format is probably the only option in the case of the BIOS. When using this method, it is also important to know that "MBR" disks do not allow more than four partitions and cannot have more than 4000GB of memory. On this this review I conclude, see you all in the next article.

The hard drive as a storage device is useless without special configuration. Without it, it is impossible to install an operating system on a hard drive and run it. It is impossible to record, store and read information in the usual way.

Hard disk layout

For the interaction of the computer and the hard disk, markup must be applied to the latter. With the help of it, the computer, its BIOS, finds on the hard drive places from which the OS starts loading. With the help of this markup on the hard drive, it is indicated what space is used for what.

For the convenience of the user, manufacturers produce hard drives already with marked markings, and ordinary user don't have to deal with initial setup disk. But when working on a computer, situations arise when it becomes necessary for the user to know about the sections of a hard drive, their types and purpose.

To date, apply two main ways to mark up a hard drive:

  • MBR is a popular markup that has been used in the past and is still in use today.
  • GPT - partition style - modern markup designed to work with modern hardware.


Disk partitioning became widely used in the 80s of the last century, as the only one used on a PC. At that time, life included personal computers, they worked under the operating room DOS system, which required downloading from third-party media. A little later, Windows appeared.

To boot the system on a hard disk boot sector is created. The computer at startup refers to it, there was an initial load. The initial boot items are loaded. Then control is transferred to the main loader, usually the installed operating system.

In fact, when you turn on the computer, the master boot record is accessed. This is how the English abbreviation MBR is translated - Mster Boot Record.

With the appearance of this markup and mass adoption, its capabilities more than satisfied the requirements of the equipment. But with the introduction of new technologies, the standard has exhausted itself. Restrictions on the use of MBR, incompatible with modern equipment:

  1. Use of hard disks with a capacity of no more than 2 TB.
  2. A hard drive can contain no more than four main partitions, as a result - a limit on the number of simultaneously installed healthy operating systems (In the case of Windows 7.8 - no more than two).
  3. Low markup reliability. If the boot sector is damaged, the OS cannot be started.

Despite its venerable age and limitations, MBR will remain the most popular style of boot recording. The main advantage for users is the ability to simply and quickly install any combination operating systems .


The GPT markup style is relatively recent. A partition on the media uses a unique identifier, the partition name. The character length of the name allows you to create so many names that among all the sections of existing hard drives there will not be two with the same name.

When using GPT partitioning, the first system, boot, partition is created on the hard drive, in which the information necessary to boot the computer is stored. This section will replace the BIOS of the computer. There can be 127 other sections. Each of them can be the main one and a separate operating system can be installed on each.

Partitioning data is stored in several places on the HDD, which speeds up the access time to the hard drive and the security of information. If data is damaged, it can be restored from another copy.

GPT partition sizes are limited by the file system and operating system capabilities. The conditional disadvantages of such disks include the fact that, despite the possibility of installing an unlimited number of operating systems, you can actually install only free or licensed ones.

Manufacturers of Windows OS bind the product license not to the user's equipment, but to the unique name of the hard drive partition where the system is installed. When changing a partition or replacing a hard disk, the license must be reset.

GPT compatibility

New GPT markup style imposes compatibility restrictions:

Also, compatibility should include the protective mechanism of GPT media: the protective MBR. When trying to partition a modern hard drive MBR partitioning software, the program will see one large MBR partition and will not be able to mark up data on it. This will prevent you from losing information on the GPT media.

How to find out MBR or GPT

To find out the layout of an MBR or GPT disk, just use the standard Windows tools. Click the "Start" button, right-click on "Computer" in the menu. Select "Manage" from the menu that appears. The Computer Management will open. You can also go here from the "Control Panel", "Administrative Tools".

Select "Disk Management" in the left column. A list of disks will appear in the center column at the top. Below is a visual representation of the devices. In the lower window on the media of interest, press the right mouse button, in the menu that appears, select "Properties".

The properties window of the hard drive will open.. The Volumes tab will list the partition style as Master Boot Record (MBR) or GUID Table, meaning a GPT disk.

You can also find out the markup using system program diskpart. To start, press Win + R on the keyboard, enter Diskpart, enter, agree with the security question. In the program interface, enter "List disk", press enter. In the list of disks owned by the system, disks with GPT structure will be marked with an asterisk in the GPT column.

Create and convert discs

When converting disks, the data contained on the hard drive will be irretrievably lost. Create backup disk.

Creating a GPT disk comes down to converting the MBR disk to GPT. To do this, you need to go to "Disk Management"(See "How to find out the disk layout"). On the disk selected for conversion, you need to delete all volumes: in the upper part of the window, right-click on all volumes in sequence and select "Delete Volume".

After deleting the volumes, you need to right-click on the basic GPT or MBR disk from below, select "Convert to GPT" or "Convert to MBR". Then follow the instructions and give the necessary explanations.

UEFI and GPT disks

With the advent of the new GPT markup style on the market, the old BIOS became irrelevant. The UEFI bootloader is used to start the computer with all its benefits:

The style of hard disk layout depends on the equipment and tasks that the user puts in front of the computer. Despite the moral old age MBR markup, it is rightfully considered the most convenient and understandable for the mass user. The absolute implementation of devices requiring GPT markup has not yet happened and will not happen soon. Also, the difference for the average user is almost imperceptible.

Let's consider many ways about the error "Windows cannot be installed on this disk. The selected disk has the GPT partition style." Used to be old system MBR disk partition and it could no longer operate with the new TR(terabyte) amount of data. They came up with the GPT system for disks and introduced it with the new uefi graphical bisos. Let's start with the presented dilemma with our own, standard means. I want to note that some users described their actions that they simply go into bios and disable UEFI mode. It all depends on many factors, up to windows architecture, 64 or 32 bit.

Solutions: Installing Windows on this drive is not possible. Selected disk has GPT partition style

1. Change UEFI Boot Mode

Nowadays, most motherboards support both traditional boot and UEFI Boot. Users can choose the most appropriate one in the bios settings. Look closely! Bios is different for everyone.

  • Change value UEFI, instead of CSM in the Feature or Setup section.
  • In the Peripherals line, click the SATA mode: AHCI instead of IDE.
  • (This item is optional, try it if it didn't work above). In the Key Management line of the Secure Boot function, which is located on the BOOT tab, change Other OS instead of Windows UEFI Mode.

If you are recording from a USB flash drive and this method does not work, then overwrite the . Unforgettable! Press f10 to save the settings.

2. Removing partitions when installing windows

If you do not mind the data and want to do everything quickly, then delete all partitions when installing windows, and then format the entire hard drive. Then re-create the partitions you need. This will set up a new table on the hard disk.
  • Delete all disk partitions.
  • Recreate them.

Format ( The method will erase all data).

3. Convert or convert GPT disk to MBR

The method will erase all data.

  • When an error appears, click OK to close the error message and press the key combination Shift + F10, Shift + Fn + F10 (for laptops) to bring up cmd (command prompt). If nothing works, then go back one step to the windows installation interface and press the Shift + F10 button to start cmd again.
  • Enter the following commands in order: diskpart -> list disk -> select disk 1 -> clean -> convert MBR. String translation: diskpart -> disk list -> select disk 1 (1 denotes number of GPT disk) -> clear -> convert MBR. The picture shows which commands were entered. You can type codes in a line based on the picture. When the diskpart program converts to MBR format, you can exit this program and continue installing Windows.

4. Apply the standard disk management utility

If another OS is available on your laptop or it is possible to create a bootable Life DVD, flash drive. It will be possible to use standard program in windows "disk management". You can also connect your hard drive HDD to another computer.
  • To run the program, click "start", right-click on my "computer" or desktop icon, select in context menu"Management" and "Disk Management"
  • Delete all partitions or volumes on the disk one by one via right click, "delete volume". (Delete Volume)

  • When the drive becomes unallocated, click on the drive and select " convert to MBR disk" (Convert to MBR Disk). After these steps, the original GPT disk will be converted to MBR disk, and then you can proceed to install Windows on this disk.
