Windows 7 won't install on laptop. Unable to install the program on Windows - errors ...

When installing operating system quite a number of problematic situations can arise. Consider the most common errors that lead to the phrase “I can’t install windows 7”.

  • "The system cannot be installed due to a read error." This type problems are typical for damage boot disk installer or when accessing your computer's hard drive fails.
    To resolve the issue, use a different installation media and check HDD for errors using various boot utilities. To check the quality of the boot disk, you can try to install on another computer. It is worth noting that given error occurs in most cases when using a pirated copy of the OS or custom "assemblies". All these modifications are almost always associated with the removal of certain information from the installation image, which leads to a violation of the integrity of the file.
  • "Formatting could not be completed." Windows 7 is not installed when trying to perform operating system actions with a disk in mode windows work. The existing installation media allows you to perform various operations with hard drive when the operating system is running, but in some cases a system crash may occur when the installer tries to gain access to the HDD sector. The solution is to use the bootable version of the installation disk and perform the formatting operation from under it.
  • "Installation could not complete successfully. Device driver not found." This problem emerged with widespread SATA interface. The reason for the error is the BIOS setting, which is responsible for the type of device being connected. For the system to work properly and complete the installation process, you must set the SATA Mode parameter to ACHI. After that, you need to start the installation process again. The second reason for the error may be the use of devices with unsupported drivers in the computer configuration. This can be like using an outdated hard drive model, or (more often) connecting new devices to the motherboard with an outdated BIOS driver version. To solve the problem, you need to visit the website of the motherboard manufacturer to update the drivers. If this update does not exist, you will have to stop using this equipment.
  • "The installation process ended with unknown error". This message often causes the most trouble to determine the source of the error. According to the analysis, the occurrence of an error occurs due to a failure in the operation of computer components. In this case, the failure can be both systematic and single.
    To solve the problem and successfully complete the installation process, we recommend that you perform the following algorithm.
    1. Turn off the power of the computer and check that the components are installed correctly. Often a message appears due to loose contact between the RAM sticks and the connectors or the interface cable of the hard drive that is not fully connected. During the operation of these devices, a discharge may occur that blocks the operation.
    2. Check with utilities hard working disk. When the hard drive fails, they are the first to stop working correctly boot sectors. When the operating system is running, this may not be noticed for a long time, but the installation activates them.
    3. Use bootable media with a different service pack version or operating system version. If the characteristics are not suitable for installation, an abnormal termination will occur.
    4. Check device temperatures. The installation process activates almost all devices on the computer. With poor thermal control, the processor or hard drive may overheat with emergency failures in their work.

If after all the above steps the error has not disappeared, then the probability of a breakdown is high and you will have to contact service centers to fix it.

- the process is simple. But sometimes there are problems that can interfere with the installation procedure. This article will help you deal with the most common errors.
In the content, you will be able to quickly find ways to solve certain problems caused by specific error codes.

What should I do if an error occurs during installation?

When installing Windows 7, you may experience various problems: The process may be interrupted at different stages and at specific steps (when copying/decompressing files, formatting HDD/SSD, etc.).

If you cannot understand the cause of a particular error, be sure to start by checking the image of your copy of the OS for integrity.

If after at least two attempts you were unable to successfully complete the installation of the system, pay attention to the error code that occurs during installation. Further in the article, the most common of these errors are considered, as well as methods for correcting them.

Corrupted Windows 7 image. What does it mean and how to identify it?

Let's start with obvious signs:

  • The file size of your OS image does not match the size of the image file downloaded from the network;
  • Image cannot be opened/mounted by programs winrar, Daemoon Tools;
  • When reading or copying an image using a program to write a system file to a disk or flash drive, errors occur.
But even the absence of all these signs does not give a 100% guarantee of the overall integrity of the installed system. All because the size is even broken file may fully correspond to the size of the integer, and the writer (its specific version) may simply be inoperative. There is a more reliable way to determine the integrity of the image - checking checksumMD5 our installation image. MD5 hash sum- this is a unique 32-character code, which is obtained by adding the "contents" of all files into one line and applying the special MD5 algorithm.
If at Windows entries 7 per disk at least 1 If the symbol is damaged and written incorrectly, then another unique string of 32 characters will be obtained (this string is called the MD5 hash sum). Thus, by checking the MD5 checksum, we determine whether there are errors in the recorded Windows 7 image.
For this check, we will use the MD5 Checker () program.

Everything is simple: download desired version, unpack it to any place (for example, on the Desktop), open it.

Now we just need to transfer our Windows image 7 into the program window, where you can compare the MD5 of the downloaded file with the initially correct MD5, which is usually indicated on the page of the selected assembly-original system.

Check the program executable file for integrity:

As you can see in the figure below, the value from the column Current MD5 fully complies with MD5 on the site.
Figure 1. Checking MD5 with the original.
Therefore, our file is "not broken" and the content is completely corresponds original installation disk image, i.e. his original content.

Now that we have verified that our image is intact, we can re-burn it.

Preferably on another drive and with a minimum speed (in the case of a CD), in order to completely eliminate the problem with the installation files.
Also highly recommended to try another image OS of interest (Operating System (our Windows 7)).

This item may help:

  • Solve bugs with unpacking and copying files from a possibly non-working flash drive or damagedCD;
  • If some other problems occur during the initial stages of the wizard (optical drive driver error, missingHDDin the setup menu, etc.).

Replacing the image did not help. Less common general problems.

"Windows 7 cannot be installed (GPT standard)"
(Windows setup unexpected error)

On new models of computers (mostly laptops) there may be drives - no matter SSD or HDD - with markup, incompatible With installation program a number of 32-bit assemblies Windows versions.

The most reasonable solution in this situation would be to download and then install Windows 7 x64. So if your computer has over 2GB RAM, it is recommended to install a 64-bit OS. But if you need exactly the x32 version of the system (for example, when transferring a new HDD to old computer), necessary change markup disk WithGPTonMBR.
Change the layout of the HDD/SSD drive (volume Necessarily less than 2 TB) is possible only after its full formatting. This will result in complete data loss. So before you start, make sure that all important data is transferred to the backup storage.
How to find out what markup is on your drive?

Very simple. For this you will need:

  1. Call command linecmd by pressing a keyboard shortcut Shift+ F10 (after an error in the disk selection window for installation);
  2. Enter "diskpart » → click "Enter" → then "list disk » (see below);

Figure 2. Working with the CMD console.

IN columnGPT symbol will be shown asterisk "*" if the corresponding drive has GPTmarkup.

As you can see in Figure 2, none of the drives has this markup, and therefore perform the following actions NO NEED! In this case, the problem should be looked for elsewhere.
But if you still see an “asterisk” opposite the drive of interest, go to step 3.

  1. Now we need to determine the volume of the disk of interest to us, select it with the command select disk (in your case it may be a different number);

  1. Dial a team "clean » (see the figure above), thereby formatting the drive;
  2. Enter « convert mbr".
Ready. Now 32-uh bit system can be installed on your PC.

Driver error when installing Windows 7

This error can be caused by one of two problems:

  1. Required media driver not found;
  2. The required driver for the optical disc drive was not found.
Solution for error like "media driver not found":
Figure 3. Entering commands into the DISKPART utility opened from the command line (cmd.exe)
The simplest thing to do in case lack of a media driver, is to move the Windows 7 flash drive from the USB 3.0 port (blue) to USB port 2.0 (gray-black). Usually after that the installation goes without problems.

There is another way in which you need to download the drivers for your motherboard (or chipset laptop driver) from the official website of the manufacturer and throw them into the root of the flash drive in unpacked form. Then, when reinstalling, when this error occurs, you must click on the "Browse" button and select the flash drive on which the unpacked files are located. Figure 5. Window for selecting a disk with drivers.
The drivers will be automatically installed (if applicable) and the process will continue.

Solution for an error like "no driver for optical drive found":
Figure 6. Error window about the absence of an optical drive driver.
This problem can occur if you are using a CD with a system image written to it. Main possible reasons this error:

  • Badly Recorded installation disk with Windows 7;
  • The DVD drive does not read the disc well.
Therefore, you should make sure that the CD as well as the drive itself are working properly. You can try again with a different media (such as a working USB 2.0 flash drive) or you can try burning a different system image to a new DVD.

When burning a new disc, pay attention to the following points:

  • Be sure to check the installation image as described in the Corrupted Windows 7 Image chapter;
  • Use a low (preferably minimum) disk write speed, as The CD drive may malfunction at particularly high burn speeds.
If you find it difficult to burn a disc yourself, detailed instructions can be viewed on our website:

Issues with Specific Error Codes

Error 0x80070570 when installing Windows 7

This error can be triggered in several cases:

  1. Faulty image (how to check, see heading #1);
  2. Problem with HDD connection and/or in the drives themselves;
  3. Problem with slats (one/all) of RAM.
Step 1:
Check the Windows 7 image as described above ().

Step 2:
First of all, be sure to check all the connections and cables of your HDDs and SSD mounts, after unplugging the computer from the outlet. After all, SATA cables (especially inexpensive ones) tend to wear out, fray, i.e. break down and fall into disrepair.

Further, if this does not help, you need to check the surface of the hard disk: first, with the built-in tool chkdsk, then (at the very least) Victoria programs or MHDD (see the item about checking the hardware).

Step 3:
Check the disk or computer hardware as described in chapter .

Error 0x80070017 when installing Windows 7

Diagnosing this problem is done in exactly the same way as shown in the example above.

code 0x80070017 may also appear after a malfunction Update Center already completely installed system.

And if the methods described above did not help for error 0x80070570, we try to solve the problem by restart "Update Center" through the command console. To run the command line (cmd.exe), you need to do the following:

  • Click on the start button in the lower left corner of the screen.
  • In the window that opens, in the search bar, enter "cmd".
  • The window will display the search results. You need to select the found program "cmd.exe" by clicking on it.
To do this, enter the following commands in sequence:

  1. net stop wuauserver ;
  2. CD %systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution ;
  3. Ren Download Download.old(make sure the Internet is connected);
  4. net start wuauserver .
Ready. Update bug fixed.

Error 0x80070057 when installing Windows 7

The main methods for solving this problem are: To disable backup BIOS image to system drive:

  1. Restart your computer and sign inBIOS.
    For this on the menuSetup you need to press a certain key (Delete, F2, F1, F12 depending on the motherboard) ;
  2. Find an option « Backup BIOS image to HDD» ;
  3. Change the value « Enabled" on « Disabled" (if possible) → Save Changes→ Restart your PC.
Ready. Don't forget to enable backup after successful system installation!

Error 0x8007025d or 0x8007045d when installing Windows 7

In the event of these errors, you should also not rush to a full check of the "iron" part of your PC. The main methods for solving this problem are: And only after that you can start complete diagnosis.

Error 0x80300024 or 0x80300001 when installing Windows 7

« Windows installation cannot be performed at this location»

These errors can occur in two cases:

  1. The drive already contains the old a copy of Windows 7, and installation is done on invalid partition;
  2. Installed incorrectly controller modeSATA in BIOS.
Error solution method for the first case:

Necessary delete partitions created on HDD/SSD, install OS on "Unallocated space"(see the picture below): Attention. The following steps include entering a drive cleanup command. Make sure that all important data is transferred to the backup storage.
Figure 7. Removing the partition on the disk.

  • Go to tab « advanced» ;
  • Select item « System Configuration» pressing "Enter" ;
  • Switch Mode « SATA" on « IDE" (« Compatibility" if you have a laptop) in the line SATA Controller Mode → Save, reload.
  • Attention! On your PC or laptop SATA Controller mode may well be elsewhere or not at all.

    All information must be specified on the forum of the manufacturer of your motherboard.

    In most cases, the problem will be resolved. Otherwise, check the hardware (see chapter ).

    Error 0x000000a5 when installing Windows 7 (accompanied by a BSOD or a blue screen of death)

    This problem is predominantly related to the BIOS or computer hardware and occurs mainly due to a non-working RAM bar (or all at once). Therefore, you need: If no hardware problems were found, try using another image of the installation OS.

    Error 0xc00000e9 when installing Windows 7

    This error is related to the computer peripherals. Perhaps, during the installation wizard, you accidentally touched the USB flash drive, and it briefly left the usb port, interfering with the process. In this situation, the first step is to:

    • Disable unnecessary hardware in the BIOS;
    • Rearrange boot drive to another USB connector (preferably 2.0, i.e. gray USB connector).
    And only if the problem persists, perform a hardware check as described below.

    Error code 0x0000000a

    Error with code 0x0000000a can occur both during the installation of windows 7, and just while working already installed windows.
    Detailed description solutions to the problem with this error are in a separate article: Error code 0x0000000a.

    The operating system image is intact, and using other images does not help. Quick hardware check (Chkdsk, Memtest, Victoria (MHDD))

    You should only skip to this part of the article if you:

    1. We made sure of the integrity of the image of the system files (the image is correct, writing to other drives did not fix the problem);
    2. We completed all the points regarding your specific error code, but this did not work.
    In such a situation, the next step is step by step check hardware computer, those. computer components or "iron".

    Step 1 - Check
    HDDby usingchkdsk:
    1. We call the command line with a combination "Shift+F10" at any stage of system installation;
    2. We enter the command "chkdsk c: /r" we expect a full check and recovery of "broken" sectors on our HDD;

    Figure 8. Results of the chkdsk command.
    1. Close CMD, try to install the system again.
    If this does not help, go to the next step.

    Step 2- RAM check:

    To begin with, it is advisable to disassemble your computer (laptop), carefully remove RAM, blow out dust and put in place.

    If no changes are observed, try starting the computer alternately from one of the bars (if there are more than one). A completely broken RAM bar will simply not allow the startup process to even reach the start motherboard BIOS fees.

    These programs will help you fix (and possibly solve Victoria) some hardware problems with HDD and RAM. First, install them on a USB flash drive:

  • Then we indicate our flash drive (determined by volume) → click OK" ;

  • Figure 11. Selecting a device (flash drive) in the Ghost32 program window.
    1. Click Yes , we are waiting for the download process, in the window that appears, click "Continue" .
    The flash drive is ready. We insert it into the PC that gives an error, boot up, check the RAM and HDD for errors, and bad sectors, choosing accordingly memtest or Victoria.

    These programs should identify problems with components. Programs can help identify problems with the hardware of your computer (hardware failure), after which you will need to seek help from a specialist.

    Sometimes when installing Windows, including version 10, an error message is displayed on the screen. The text of the message is: "Installing Windows on this disk impossible." In this case, the hard drive is displayed in the BIOS. It is also visible at the stage of installing the operating system, where it could be divided into sections.

    This problem occurs for two reasons:

    • the controller is disabled in the BIOS (AHCI mode);
    • the hard drive has a GPT volume.

    Problem with AHCI mode

    In addition to an error message stating that it is not possible to install Windows 7 or 10 on this disk, if there are difficulties with AHCI mode, the computer cannot boot from the selected disk. The reason is that the controller may have been disabled in the BIOS.

    The problem is solved in the following way:

    Problem in GPT format

    Another reason for the impossibility of installing Windows 7 or 10 versions with the display of a similar message may be GPT - the hard disk partition format.

    More recently, all hard drives were of the same type. The only partition style was MBR. Over the past few years, manufacturers have been gradually switching to the production of hard drives with the GPT format. And here boot files with OS are not modified for new formats, and as a result, the above error appears during installation.

    MBR (main boot record) - This programming code and the data required to pre-start the computer. They are located in the initial marked sector of the hard drive. The start of the MBR begins after the initial BIOS analysis of the health of all devices. Its main function is to locate the files that are needed to boot the OS.

    GPT is a new standard for the volume table layout format. A standard built-in interface has also been developed software for computers, replacing the BIOS. It is called UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface).

    The problem occurs due to the fact that the OS installer cannot install Windows to the specified partition, due to the fact that the partition table does not fit it.

    There are 2 methods to fix the problem:

    • installing the system on a similar disk;
    • convert partition to MBR.

    The choice of method should be determined by the following rules:

    • if the computer supports the UEFI interface and you need to install a 64-bit OS (for example, Windows 10), then it is recommended to use the first option. Checking for a UEFI interface is very simple. Graphic mode with the ability to control the mouse indicates the presence of UEFI;
    • if the computer was released several years ago, has a BIOS and you want to install a 32-bit operating system from MicroSoft, then you should convert GPT to MBR.

    Using the MBR limits some features such as:

    • their volume cannot exceed 4 TB;
    • The maximum number of volumes per HDD is limited to 4.

    Installing Windows 7, 8 and 10 on GPT

    Problems installing the OS on a GPT volume usually arise for those who want to install Windows 7, 8 and 10.

    To install an OS on a GPT volume, 2 conditions must be met:

    • install a 64-bit system (for example, Windows 10);
    • boot in EFI mode.

    If the first condition is not met, it is necessary to prepare a bootable UEFI drive.

    But in most cases, only the second condition is not met. Therefore, it is more advisable to immediately go into the BIOS and check the settings.

    There are two options to set in the BIOS:

    • enable UEFI boot;
    • switch SATA mode to AHCI.

    After saving the settings on the computer, you can install the OS. The error won't happen again.

    Convert GPT volume to MBR

    There are several options for converting volume styles. Let's consider them in more detail.

    Converting to MBR when installing Windows via command line

    This method is optimal for use in a situation where installing OS such as Windows 7, 8, 10 is not feasible due to the type of GPT volumes. It can also be useful not only when installing the OS, but also during the regular operation of the OS to convert non-system partitions.

    It should not be forgotten that when converting partitions, all information from them will be lost. Therefore, it is recommended to save everything important in advance on external media information.

    To change the style of volumes from GPT to MBR through the command line, you must:

    • run the command line in Windows as a user with administrator rights;
    • to display the list hard drives connected to the computer, enter the commands "diskpart" and "list disk" in sequence;
    • select the disk to change the style with the "select disk D" command, where D is the disk number;
      Then two scenarios are possible.
      1. execute complete cleaning disk with the "clean" command. This will delete all HDD volumes;
      2. you can also delete HDD volumes one at a time using the "detail disk", "select volume" and "delete volume" commands;
    • start converting the disk to MBR with the "convert mbr" command;
    • Exit Diskpart by selecting Exit. Close command line. After that, it is recommended to continue the installation of the operating system. Message about similar mistake will no longer be displayed.

    You can create volumes on the HDD by selecting the item " Customize Disk».

    The volume style change is complete.

    Changing partition style from GPT to MBR using Windows Disk Management

    An alternative volume conversion method requires a properly functioning Windows 7, 8 or 10 operating system on personal computer. You can only convert a disk volume that is not a system disk.

    The sequence of steps for converting an HDD volume is as follows:

    Utilities for changing the style of a section

    In addition to the standard methods for converting HDD volumes provided by Microsoft developers, you can use third party utilities hard disk volume management, such as

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    Windows 8, you will definitely run into several problems that will prevent you from installing Windows 7 instead of Windows 8.

    Problem 1:

    Unfortunately, it is not always possible to install Windows 7 on drives with a GPT-table of contents - some laptops simply do not allow you to install Windows 7 with UEFI-boot enabled. Unable to install Windows 7 on GPT disks from a non-original disc (for example, from a disc where images with different editions of Windows 7), as well as with "non-UEFI" bootable flash drive(you can create a flash drive with a UEFI bootloader, but not every user can do it). Therefore, the easiest way is to deactivate the above item(s) UEFI-boot (and / or Secure-boot) in the BIOS of the laptop or computer motherboard and then Windows 7 will install without problems. Activating "UEFI-boot" allows you to create a service UEFI partition on the target drive with a GPT (GUID Partiton Table) table of contents. Accordingly, deactivation allows you to install Windows 7 on disks with MBR partitioning.


    In some cases, in BIOS settings can be accessed from the service windows menu 8. You can get into it by performing a regular reboot while holding down the Shift key.

    Problem 2:

    As mentioned above, pre-installed Windows 8 is most often installed on drives with a GPT table of contents. If you are experiencing "Problem 1" from this FAQ, then in order to install Windows 7, the disk must be converted to a traditional MBR (Master Boot Record) master boot area. You can convert GPT to MBR during the installation of Windows 7, namely:
    At the moment when the installation wizard prompts you to select a drive / partition to install the operating system, you need to use the key combination Shift + F10, which will open the command line.

    Command Prompt opens by pressing Shift + F10 during Windows Setup

    On the command line:

    • Type "diskpart" and press the "ENTER" key.
    • At the diskpart command prompt, type without quotes: "list disk" and press the "ENTER" key.
    • Write down the number of the disk you want to convert to an MBR disk.
    • At the diskpart command prompt, type without quotes: "select disk " (Where - disc number) and press the "ENTER" key.
    • Type the "clean" command to quickly clean up the disk and remove all partitions
    • At the diskpart command prompt, type without quotes: "convert mbr" and press the "ENTER" key.
    The command line can then be closed (with the command "exit" or by closing the window with command line). In the drive selection window for installing Windows 7, you must click the "Update" button. After that, you can continue installing Windows.

    Additionally about with Windows 8 preinstalled:

    In order to install Windows 7 instead of the pre-installed Windows 8, you first need to go to the BIOS, in the "Security" section disable" secure boot" , then under "Boot" turn on " Launch CSM" - translate from "Disabled" to "Enabled" (Launch CSM in this case stands for Launch Compatibility Support Module (compatibility mode activation)). After that, save the settings and exit the BIOS. Then you need to go back into the BIOS and in the "Boot" section change the boot priority - select "First boot device" as the first boot device) optical drive.

    You may encounter the message "Windows cannot be installed on this disk" at the stage of selecting the operating system installation partition if not supported loading from the selected storage medium. The reason for such an obstacle is stated in the message of the installer.

    reasons There may be several problems like this:

    • worn out or damaged SATA cable;
    • disabled controller hard drive in BIOS;
    • malfunctions the data carrier itself;
    • absence as part of Windows distribution AHCI drivers;
    • out of format BIOS - UEFI or Legacy - disk partition style - respectively, GPT and MBR.

    Let's talk about the last two problems in more detail.

    Problem with AHCI

    The appearance at one time of the connection mode of the SATA-controller of storage media AHCI, which replaced the old IDE, entailed an additional requirement to the composition of the Windows distribution kit - the presence of the appropriate drivers. AHCI driver support is announced in OS versions starting with Vista.

    But not always Windows 7 wants to be installed on a computer with active mode SATA AHCI controller. There are two exits - distribution change(AHCI drivers can be cut by pirate build packers) and AHCI switching to the old IDE mode. In the latter case, you need to enter the BIOS, find the SATA controller settings section (the sections may be called "Integrated Peripherals", "Storage Configuration", etc.) and change the preset AHCI to IDE.

    MBR to GPT conversion

    Windows won't install if the drive has not the style sections:

    • GPT, while the UEFI interface in the BIOS is disabled;
    • MBR, while UEFI mode is active and Windows is installed from bootable UEFI media.

    The last case is the most common: it is faced by everyone who, either replaced motherboard to a new one with BIOS UEFI support, or connected to PC assembly HDD drives or SSD with MBR partitioning. There may also be two ways out of the situation:

    • refuse from the benefits of UEFI, disable this interface in the BIOS (switch to Legacy) and continue Windows installation to an MBR disk;
    • convert it to GPT.

    If there is no important data on the hard drive, transformation from MBR to GPT will be implemented automatically Windows installer. To do this, at the stage of choosing the OS installation location, you need to delete all existing partitions.

    And as a place of installation specify whole unoccupied space.

    Need to complete the process reinstalling windows, return to the old system And install this program. Or boot up with LiveDisk with AOMEI Partition Assistant included, if access to the old Windows is already impossible. Program developer - AOMEI company - provides the ability to create an emergency bootable media with your products on board. To create such media, you need to use another company product - AOMEI PE Builder. Also, AOMEI Partition Assistant, among other software for system specialists, is part of LiveDisk AdminPE.

    To convert disk from MBR to GPT, follow the steps as in the screenshots below.

    After converting the section style again launch Windows installation.

    Convert GPT to MBR

    If the question is reversed, for example, motherboard do not support BIOS UEFI, but the assembly of components included an HDD or SSD with GPT markup, there will be nothing left but convert it in the MBR. This can be done in the same ways as described above for the reverse process:

    • through removal all sections with Windows Installer if there is no need for the data stored on the disk;
    • by using programs AOMEI Partition Assistant.

    To convert a disk from GPT to MBR, follow the same steps as in previous section article, with the only difference that this time we launch, respectively, the reverse operation.
