Update all system drivers windows 7. The best programs to automatically update Windows drivers

Greetings, dear visitors.

general information

The seventh version of the operating system from Microsoft provides several options that allow you to place on your computer required version BY. So, for example, this can be done through " Control Panel”, download separately or use various applications that facilitate the process.

Standard way

If you want to install new drivers on any hardware without software, you need to follow a simple chain of actions:

After the procedure, the latest drivers should start in your OS.

Official site

Users can also access the developer's main server. Usually here before other places appear important components. Users need only access the menu " Download". Then specify the required device, operating system, select on a laptop or PC, and then simply download the appropriate distribution.

If it is in the archive, unpack it. After that, just run the file " Setup”, and using simple hints, install the element. At the end, a system reboot is usually required.


One of the most effective and popular ways is to use special application. Such programs allow you to update all used components at once. In this case, the minimum number of movements is performed. Today there are many solutions that in fact do the same thing. In general, the software checks the version of the drivers used on each connected component, compares them with the current ones, and installs new ones if necessary. One of the most popular and convenient is considered driver booster. To achieve the goal, you need to do several things:

Official program

Often today, large manufacturers computer components they also release related software that monitors a particular component. Usually, this is found with video cards. Such solutions are offered together with AMD, Nvidia and equipment from other manufacturers.

We only need to download and install the application. Further, each time the system starts, it checks the compliance of the installed components with those offered on the official resource. And when new ones are found, the question of further actions will appear.

Some similar solutions can be configured to do everything on their own, without user intervention. True, in such situations, some problems may arise.


Sometimes the installation of new add-ons in the system leads to incorrect operation of individual components. This means that somehow users need to return everything as it was before. To do this, Windows provides a rollback function. Users need to go to " Driver”, which is mentioned in the first paragraph of the article. This is where the rollback button will be. After pressing it, the operating system will return the previous version of the software.

Installing the latest drivers is one of the effective ways improve the stability of the operating system. There are two main ways to install new drivers: download from the manufacturer's site and use the update service.

Automatic platform update allows you to quickly check for availability latest versions software, download and install the necessary drivers using the Update Center.

The user can and forcefully check if there are more recent drivers for specific device. To do this, follow these steps:

Automatic driver updates in Windows 7

Click "Start" and click on the "Devices and Printers" tab.

In the window that opens, by default it always says "Never install drivers from the Center windows updates". Check the "Yes, do this automatically (recommended)" box.

Semi-Automatic Windows 7 Driver Update

1. Open Device Manager. This can be done using the context menu of the Computer icon (on the desktop, right click mouse) - select Properties.

You will see the "Device Manager" window, first you need to click the "update hardware configuration" button.

2. Then, in turn, open the tabs of each equipment, for example, “Display adapters”, right-click on the device that opens and select Update drivers.

3. The next window prompts you to select a search mode. Better to use auto mode search. If there are no new drivers, a message will be displayed that the latest drivers have already been installed for the device.

If the system detects an updated driver, it will download and install automatically.

If automatic search did not give results, you can try to download the necessary files from the official website of the manufacturer. The address is usually specified in the documentation for the device. Or you can download drivers one by one by going to the official websites of component manufacturers.

Before uploading a file, it is recommended to check if it has digital signature, usually 50% of drivers do not have it, but this will not prevent them from working correctly with your hardware. During the installation of such a driver, it will simply be tedious to click that you agree to install the driver that does not have a digital signature.

A driver, which consists of a single application, usually includes an installation utility that must be run and followed by instructions. After the installation is complete, if desired, you can go to the Device Manager and make sure that the driver has a new version.

If the downloaded driver does not have an installer, the installation is carried out as follows:

1. If the files are in an archive, they must be unpacked before starting the installation.

2. Launch Device Manager (as described in the semi-automated installation).

3. Choose desired device, call context menu and select Update Drivers.

4. In the next dialog box, you must use the link Search for drivers on this computer.

5. The next window will prompt you to specify the directory with the necessary drivers, specify the folder where you unzipped the driver.

For the correct operation of devices connected to a computer, it is important to keep the software up to date, which provides interaction between the hardware and the operating system. Drivers are such software. Let's define various options their updates for Windows 7, suitable for different categories of users.

You can complete the task in Windows 7 through the built-in system tool "Device Manager" or using third party software. Both of these options involve an automatic and manual method of the procedure. Now let's look at each of them separately.

Method 1: Automatic update using third-party applications

First of all, we will study the update method on the machine through third party programs. This is the easiest option and is preferred by beginners, as it requires minimal intervention in the process. We will consider the algorithm of actions using the example of one of the most popular DriverPack applications.

This method is good for simplicity and minimal requirements for the user. But still, there is a small chance that the program will install not entirely correct updates. In addition, often when installing drivers, additional software is also installed, which the user by and large does not need.

Method 2: Manual update using third party apps

DriverPack also provides an option to manually select which drivers to update. This method is suitable for those users who know what needs to be updated, but do not have enough experience to update using the built-in functionality of the system.

  1. Activate the program. At the bottom of the window that appears, click on the element "Expert Mode".
  2. A shell will open prompting you to update outdated or install missing drivers, as well as install some driver utilities. Uncheck all items that you do not need to install.
  3. After that, move to the section "Installing programs".
  4. In the window that appears, also uncheck the names of all objects that you do not want to install. Next, return to the section "Installing Drivers".
  5. After you have refused to install all unnecessary elements, click on the button "Install All".
  6. The procedure for creating a restore point and installing the selected drivers will start.
  7. After the end of the procedure, as in the previous case, the screen will display the inscription "Computer set up".

This method, although a little more complicated than the previous one, allows you to install exactly the necessary software components and refuse to install those that are not relevant for you.

Method 3: Automatically search for drivers through the "Device Manager"

Now let's move on to installation methods using the built-in OS tool - "Device Manager". Let's start with a description of automatic search. This option is suitable for those users who know which hardware components need to be updated, but do not have the necessary update on hand.

  1. Click "Start" and move to "Control Panel".
  2. Open section "System and safety".
  3. Find the item called "Device Manager" to click on.
  4. The interface will start "Dispatcher", which will display the names of device groups. Click on the name of the group where the device whose drivers need to be updated is located.
  5. A list of devices will open. Click on the name of the required equipment.
  6. In the device properties window that appears, navigate to the section "Driver".
  7. In the opened shell press the button "Update...".
  8. The update method selection window will open. Click "Auto search...".
  9. The service will search the World Wide Web for driver updates for the selected device. When detected, the update will be installed into the system.

Method 4: Manually updating drivers through the "Device Manager"

But if you have an up-to-date driver update on hand, for example, downloaded from the device developer's web resource, then it is preferable to manually install this update.

Method 5: Search for updates by device ID

If you don’t know where you can download the latest updates from the official resource, the automatic search did not give any results, and you don’t want to resort to third-party software services, then you can search for drivers by device ID and then install them.

  1. Perform the steps described in Method 3 up to point 5 inclusive. In the hardware properties window, move to the section "Intelligence".
  2. From the list "Property" select "Hardware ID". Right-click on the data that will be displayed in the area "Meaning" and select from the list that appears. "Copy". After that, paste the specified data into an empty document open in any text editor, for example, in notepad.
  3. Then open any browser installed on your computer and go to . In the window that opens, enter the previously copied device code and click "Search".
  4. A search will be performed and a page with the results of the issuance will open. Click on the Windows 7 logo above the list of results so that only the results that are suitable for this operating system remain in the list.
  5. After that, click on the floppy icon next to the very first option in the list. It is the first object in the list that is the most recent update.
  6. You will be taken to a page with complete information about the driver. Here click on the name of the object opposite the inscription "original file".
  7. On the next page, check the anti-captcha box "I am not a robot" and again click on the name of the same file.
  8. The file will be downloaded to your computer. Most often, it represents ZIP archive. Therefore, you need to go to the download directory and unzip it.
  9. After unpacking the archive, manually update the driver using "Device Manager", as indicated in Method 4, or run the installation using the installer, if it is available in the unpacked archive.

You can update the driver in Windows 7 using third party applications, and using the built-in "Device Manager". The first option is simpler, but not always the most reliable. In addition, during the update using additional software, various unnecessary programs. The algorithm of the procedure itself also depends on whether you have the necessary components on hand or whether they are yet to be found.

Good afternoon. I have already written several times in my articles about drivers. If you forgot what they are for, I will remind you: - Drivers are the link between the elements of the computer and the OS installed on your system. When purchasing a new PC item, such as sound card, together with it you are given a CD, which contains the drivers necessary for the correct operation of the sound card.

Of course, I do not mean only sound cards, but all the elements connected to your computer. Be it external or internal devices. Of course, for devices connected to the computer, only drivers created by the manufacturer of these elements are needed. Subsequently, these drivers are updated. There are outdated drivers on the disk. Therefore, you need to go to the device manufacturer's website and update the drivers for this device.

How to quickly update drivers on Windows 7 8.1 10

I said go to the manufacturer's website and update the drivers. But, it's not all that simple. You don't know which drivers need to be updated and which don't. Moreover, there are quite a lot of drivers on the computer.

This is easy to get confused. You can, for example, go to the website of the manufacturer of the same sound card and check if there is an update or not? But, as I said, there are a lot of drivers, and going to the sites of all devices to check for updates is simply unrealistic.

You can do it differently. For example, install updates on the machine. Quite convenient. You do not need to go to the site of a certain element of the computer. But, there is also a minus, moreover, a huge one. Imagine you set up a video card update and started working on your computer. And suddenly, at the most inopportune moment, a message appears on the monitor that a new update has been found and the computer will restart in order to reinstall the drivers correctly. Your work may be wasted if you do not have time to save the data.

What can be done in this case? There is only one way out, install special software to find and update drivers. There are many similar programs on the Internet and it is easy to get confused in them. At the same time, if the program is not of high quality, then, most likely, it will not find the drivers that you need. This is fraught with consequences. For example, the computer may simply not turn on.

What is the conclusion from this? It is necessary to install programs from trusted manufacturers. I like the German company Aschampoo. A fairly well-known manufacturer with many programs. To update drivers, the company offers the Ashampoo program Driver Updater 16.

Update drivers with Driver Updater

The program has a convenient and clear interface in Russian. On this moment, the software can update more than 400,000 drivers from 150,000 devices. Scanning the system is pretty fast. Eat backup drivers, in case something goes wrong.

The update is slower than the scan. And a lot. The duration depends on the number of drivers and themselves. Some drivers update quickly, some rather slowly. But, the main thing is that the drivers are suitable for the computer. Among the shortcomings - the program is paid. But, there is a demo version for a free period. You can go to the manufacturer's website and download Driver Updater (demo version).

But, you can just find a trusted torrent site and download from it this program. Although, this is ugly in relation to the manufacturer. So let's download Ashampoo Driver from Torrent Site. We install the program. Do not forget to put the Russian language during installation.

After installing the program, it immediately starts scanning the computer for old drivers.

My program found 6 outdated drivers.

Before upgrading, I recommend creating a . In addition to the restore point, let's go to the menu with the "Backup" right and create copies of the drivers we need by checking the boxes above them (you can check them all). I advise you to be sure to check the box "Display adapters, monitors, processors, keyboard, mice." Otherwise, if the update fails, the computer may crash.

So, click "Start Backup". The program starts copying the drivers.

Regarding the "Recovery" menu, I think everything is clear. If the update fails, select the necessary backups, and restore the previous drivers by clicking "Restore Now".

Let's go to the "Settings" menu. IN " General Settings» I advise you to leave everything as default. But, if you need, you can check the box above the item, for example, “Scan at startup”. Although, I do not recommend you do this. Why do you need to scan drivers every time you start your computer?

The driver menus show you where the driver backup folder will be located on your hard drive. Over time, I advise you to delete old copies. Don't mess up your computer. Also, make sure that the "Create a restore point" slider is enabled.

If you do not want to update a specific driver, in the menu "Ignored list" you need to put the path to this driver and given driver will not be updated. This can be useful if a certain device on the computer is very old.

In the "Scheduler" you can set the time and day when you want the driver scan to start. For example, let's set weekly, the day is Tuesday and the time you need. You will know that a driver scan will start at this time and will not load the computer during the update.

In the "Connection" menu, we leave everything by default. Otherwise, if you mess up something, the Internet may disappear.

Now it remains to start the update. To do this, click start update. We have a warning.

We agree with the notification by clicking "OK, I understand." We are starting an update.

As you can see from the screenshot, the program backs up, creates a restore point, checks the integrity of the drivers. The update took me two hours. But, these are trifles compared to the fact that the drivers were installed successfully. At the end of the update, an inscription appears: - “Congratulations! Your drivers have been successfully updated."

Conclusion: - Ashampoo Driver Updater 16 is a very convenient and practical driver updater, able to search for drivers quite quickly and efficiently. This is one of the best programs of its kind! Good luck!

To maintain the normal operation of the computer, it is necessary to update drivers from time to time, but searching for and installing them manually is boring and time consuming. And why? After all, this work is easy to automate. Today we will consider the ten best programs for updating drivers on PCs and laptops of all brands and models.

Intel Driver Update Utility Installer is a proprietary utility for finding and updating drivers for any Intel products (processors, system logic, network devices, drives, server components, etc.). Compatible with Windows XP, 7 and newer editions of this system.

The hardware of the PC on which it is installed is automatically recognized by the utility. Checking for new versions of drivers on the Intel website is done by clicking the "Search" button, downloading and installing - at the request of the user.

In addition, the Intel Driver Update Utility Installer allows you to find and download drivers for any other Intel devices of your choice from the list (option "Search manually").

The developers warn that the application installs only typical drivers that do not take into account the features of a particular brand of computer. Therefore, before launching it, it is worth visiting the website of the manufacturer of your PC or laptop and checking if there is anything suitable there.

AMD Driver Autodetect

AMD Driver Autodetect is a similar proprietary tool from AMD. Designed to keep drivers of video cards of this brand up to date (except for AMD FirePro).

After installation, the utility will monitor the relevance of video drivers and provide them timely update. It automatically detects the model of the video card installed on the PC, as well as the bit depth and version of the operating system. When launched, it checks to see if there is a fresh driver on the AMD website. If there is, it informs about it and offers to download it. To start the installation, the user just needs to confirm his consent by clicking on the "Install" button.

AMD Driver Autodetect is also available exclusively for Windows.


NVIDIA Update is a proprietary Windows utility for installing drivers on NVIDIA devices. Like AMD Driver Autodetect, it independently recognizes hardware models and checks for the latest driver on the manufacturer's website. The decision to install is up to the user.

Driver Pack Solution

DriverPack Solution is a lifesaver for service engineers, system administrators and those who earn extra money by providing services for Windows installation and programs. The application is a huge collection of drivers for devices of various brands and models, as well as a module for installing them.

Driver Pack Solution released in two versions - online and offline.

  • The online distribution is designed to be used on a PC that has an Internet connection. Its difference is a small file size (285 Kb). Once launched, the program scans Windows for installed drivers and the relevance of their versions, after which it connects to the database (on own server) and performs an automatic update.
  • The offline distribution (size 10.2 Gb) is intended for installing drivers on a machine that is not connected to the Internet. In addition to the installer, it comes with a database of 960,000 drivers for Windows 7, XP, Vista, 8 (8.1) and 10, both for 32 bit and 64 bit. After launch, the scanning module recognizes device types and installs drivers from its own offline database.

The online version of DriverPack Solution is convenient for permanent home use. In addition to monitoring the relevance of drivers, it allows the user to automatically install and update individual applications, remove software garbage, view a list of equipment, information about operating system and computer security.

The offline version is an emergency solution. Its task is not to select the best, but simply the right driver to start the device. And then update it online.

DriverPack Solution and the proprietary utilities listed above are completely free.

Driver Genius

Driver Genius is a universal driver management tool. The latest edition of the program is the sixteenth, optimized for Windows 8 and 10, but can also run on older systems.

In addition to updating the versions of installed drivers, Driver Genius can:

  • Create backup copies of drivers and save them as archives - regular and self-extracting, as well as in the form of an installer (exe). To restore from a backup, you do not need to use Driver Genius.
  • Remove unused and failed drivers.
  • Display information about computer hardware.

The backup feature is a real treasure for those who frequently reinstall Windows. However, the program itself is by no means a gift: the cost of one license is $29.95. You can use it for free only for 30 days.

Snappy Driver Installer

Snappy Driver Installer is an application created by one of the developers of DriverPack Solution and has a lot in common with the latter. Also available in two versions: SDI Lite and SDI Full.

  • The SDI Lite variant is a module for recognizing devices and searching for suitable drivers on the Internet. Its size is 3.6 Mb. It does not have its own base.
  • The SDI Full option is an installation module plus a base (31.6 Gb). Designed to install drivers regardless of Internet access.

Features of Snappy Driver Installer:

  • Works without installation (only portable version, can be run from a flash drive or DVD).
  • Completely free - no premium features or ads.
  • With an improved selection algorithm, which is based on the principle of "do no harm".
  • It has a high scanning speed.
  • Creates a system restore point before installing the driver.
  • Allows you to change themes according to the user's choice.
  • Multilingual (there is a version in Russian, Ukrainian and other national languages).
  • Adapted for Windows 10.

driver booster

iObit Driver Booster is an app loved by fans computer games. Available in editions Free - free, and Pro - paid. The subscription price for the latter is 590 rubles per year.

Driver Booster has one single function - scanning the system for outdated drivers and installing updates in one click. And not simple updates, but (according to the developers) tuned games to improve performance.

is a free and very simple utility for installing and updating PC drivers on Windows base 7, 8 and 10. Its database includes only original, signed drivers from the official websites of equipment manufacturers.

The application is designed for users with no experience. Support for the Russian language, a minimum of settings and one-button control practically exclude the possibility of confusing or breaking something. And if new driver proves to be inappropriate, DriverHub will remove it from the system and return the old one to its place.

All features of DriverHub:

  • Find missing, update obsolete drivers and additional software. Automatic installation.
  • Simple and expert mode of operation. In expert mode, the user can select a driver from several available ones, in simple mode, the program itself selects the optimal version.
  • Daily replenishment of the database of drivers.
  • Storage of download history.
  • Recovery - roll back drivers to previous versions.
  • Display basic information about the computer.
  • launch system utilities Windows from its interface.

DriverMax Free

DriverMax is a free, uncomplicated, English-language utility, the main purpose of which is the same driver update. Unlike others free apps it has another useful option - creating a system rollback point and backing up installed drivers of the user's choice. As well as restoring from a backup.

After installing DriverMax, it persistently reminds you that it would be nice to register on the site and buy a paid license with advanced features, one of which is fully automatic operation. Annual usage starts at $10.39.

Driver Magician

Driver Magician is the last hero of today's review. I had 2 versions in the recent past, one of which was free. Today there is only a paid one with a 13-day trial period. The cost of the license is $29.95.

There is no Russian language in Driver Magician, but it is not difficult to use it. The set of features is about the same as in Driver Genius:

  • Scanning and updating.
  • Creation backups drivers with the ability to restore both with and without using the program (the backup is saved as a zip archive or installer application).
  • Uninstalling the driver.
  • Backing up and restoring individual user folders - Favorites Internet Explorer, Desktop and Documents, as well as the system registry (one file).
  • Identification of devices unknown to the system.

In the trial period, the program is fully functional. Compatible with any Windows versions.

That, perhaps, is all. Choose what you like best and enjoy.
