CPU load 100 percent what to do. Solving problems with unreasonable CPU usage

Many users experience CPU or disk usage while running a browser. Basically, the loads are small, but there are times when the values ​​rise to 100 percent. This situation can be caused by both one active browser and any of the launched ones (Yandex, Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla). Today we will tell you what steps you need to take in the first place to reduce downloads.


There can be many sources of such a load. First of all, it is worth mentioning banal things - there are too many active windows (in one we watch a movie, in the other we process a photo, a file is downloading, etc.). High loading is also caused by viruses (advertising trojans, hijackers), which, in principle, are now focused on such applications. Do not discard the optimization of the system itself - outdated Windows assembly often fails. In any case, there can be many sources, so it is worth performing standard operations.

Fixing 100 percent load

Operations to reduce workload can be divided into two stages - simple and complex actions. Under simple actions means reboot, cleanup, update. Start with simple steps, although not all will be effective, but they will definitely not be superfluous in optimizing work. If simple things - restarting the browser and PC do not help, you need to do the following.

Browser and operating system cleaning

Checking system settings


If the browser still loads the processor up to 100%, it will need to be deleted, apparently its packages will fail somewhere. You can standardly demolish the program and clean up the residual folders in CCleaner (option Cleanup - Registry). You need to download a new install only from official resources. In rare cases, your “hardware” simply no longer pulls the configuration of such programs, so here you need to roll back the browser version to an earlier one. But the main thing to remember here is that older versions do not support many technologies (HTML5, video codecs, etc.).


One of the most common reasons why a computer slows down is processor load, and sometimes incomprehensible applications and processes.

Not so long ago, on one computer of a friend, I had to deal with “incomprehensible” CPU usage, which sometimes reached 100%, although there were no programs that could load it that way (by the way, the processor was quite modern Intel inside Core i3). The problem was solved by reinstalling the system and installing new drivers (but more on that later ...).

Actually, I decided that this problem is quite popular and will be of interest to a wide range of users. In the article I will give recommendations, thanks to which you can independently figure out why the processor is loaded, and how to reduce the load on it. So…

1. Question number 1 - what program is the processor loaded with?

To find out how much the processor is loaded, open the Windows Task Manager.

Buttons: Ctrl+Shift+Esc (or Ctrl+Alt+Del) .

By the way, very often the problem arises of the following plan: you worked, for example, in Adobe Photoshop, then they closed the program, but it remained in the processes (or this happens all the time with some games). As a result, they “eat” resources, and not small ones. Because of this, the computer starts to slow down. Therefore, very often the first recommendation in such cases is to restart the PC (because in this case such applications will be closed), or go to the task manager and remove such a process.

2. Question number 2 - there is CPU usage, applications and processes that load - no! What to do?

When setting up one of the computers, I encountered an incomprehensible CPU load - there is a load, there are no processes! The screenshot below shows how it looks in the task manager.

On the one hand, it is surprising: the “Display processes of all users” checkbox is enabled, there is nothing among the processes, and the PC load jumps 16-30%!

To see all processes that load the PC - run free utility Process Explorer. Next, sort all the processes by load (CPU column) and see if there are any suspicious "elements" there (task manager does not show some processes, unlike Process Explorer).

Link to office Process Explorer site: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/bb896653.aspx

Process Explorer - load the processor by ~ 20% system interrupts (Hardware interrupts and DPCs). When everything is in order, usually, the CPU usage associated with Hardware interrupts and DPCs does not exceed 0.5-1%.

In my case, the culprit was hardware interrupts and DPCs. By the way, I’ll say that sometimes fixing the PC load associated with them is quite troublesome and complicated (besides, sometimes they can load the processor not only by 30%, but by 100%!).

The fact is that the CPU is loaded because of them in several cases: problems with drivers; viruses; the hard disk does not work in DMA mode, but in PIO mode; problems with peripheral equipment (e.g. printer, scanner, network cards, flash and HDD drives, etc.).

1. Problems with drivers

The most common cause of CPU usage is system interrupts. I recommend doing the following: boot the PC into safe mode and see if there is a load on the processor: if it is not, the reason is very high in the drivers! In general, the simplest and fast way in this case, it is to reinstall the Windows system and then install one driver at a time and see if the CPU usage appears (once it does, you've found the culprit).

Most often, network cards are to blame here + universal drivers from Microsoft, which are installed immediately with Windows installation(sorry for the tautology). I recommend downloading and updating all drivers from the official website of your laptop/computer manufacturer.

Plus check your computer sometimes third party programs(who are looking for adware, mailware, etc.): about them in detail.

3.Mode work hard disk

The mode of operation of the HDD can also affect the loading and performance of the PC. In general, if the hard drive does not work in DMA mode, but in PIO mode, you will immediately notice this with terrible “brakes”!

4. Problems with peripheral equipment

Disconnect everything from your laptop or PC, leave the bare minimum (mouse, keyboard, monitor). I also recommend paying attention to device Manager, will it not contain installed devices with yellow or red icons (this means either there are no drivers or they are not working correctly).

How to open device manager? The easiest way is to open the panel Windows controls and enter the word "dispatcher" into the search bar. See screenshot below.

Device manager: there are no drivers for devices (disk drives), they may not work correctly (or most likely not work at all).

3. Question number 3 - overheating and dust can be the reason for loading the processor ?!

The reason why the processor can be loaded and the computer starts to slow down is that it may be overheating. Usually, the characteristic signs of overheating are:

  • increased cooler hum: the number of revolutions per minute increases because of this, the noise from it is getting stronger. If you have a laptop: then swiping your hand next to the left side (usually there is an outlet for hot air on laptops) - you can notice how much air is blown out and how hot it is. Sometimes - the hand does not tolerate (this is not good)!
  • braking and slowing down the computer (laptop);
  • refusal to boot with errors reporting failures in the cooling system, etc.

For example, in the AIDA 64 program, to view the processor temperature, you need to open the " Computer/sensor«.

AIDA64 - processor temperature 49gr. C.

How to find out what temperature is critical for your processor and what is normal?

The easiest way is to look at the manufacturer's website, this information is always indicated there. It is rather difficult to give general figures for different models processors.

In general, on average, if the temperature of the processor is not higher than 40 gr. C. - then everything is fine. Above 50gr. C. - may indicate problems in the cooling system (for example, an abundance of dust). However, for some models of processors, this temperature is the usual operating temperature. This is especially true for laptops, where due to limited space it is difficult to organize good system cooling. By the way, on laptops and 70 gr. C. - maybe normal temperature under load.

Dust cleaning: when, how and how many times?

In general, it is advisable to clean a computer or laptop from dust 1-2 times a year (although a lot depends on your premises, some people have more dust, some less ...). Once every 3-4 years, it is advisable to replace the thermal paste. Both operations are not difficult and can be performed independently.

In order not to repeat myself, I will give a couple of links below ...

How to clean the computer from dust and replace the thermal paste:

Cleaning a laptop from dust, how to wipe the screen:


That's all for today. By the way, if the measures suggested above did not help, you can try to reinstall Windows (or even replace it with a newer one, for example, change Windows 7 to Windows 8). Sometimes, it is easier to reinstall the OS than to look for the cause: you will save time and money ... In general, sometimes you need to do backups(when everything works well).

The processor is a key element in the PC, data processing takes place through it. Any program or application loads the processor to one degree or another. The less processor is loaded, the faster and more stable the system works (files, folders, applications open quickly). Therefore, it is very important that the processor is not loaded at 100% and has free resources to process the necessary tasks.

The main reasons for the maximum load

There can be several reasons for the maximum CPU usage by 100% in Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, and each has its own solutions. Most common cause is the consumption of all processor resources by a certain program or service. It can also be a malfunction of the service due to which it starts to behave unstable.

Many do not attach much importance to cleaning the PC from dust and replacing thermal paste, which leads to overheating, thereby giving heavy load on the CPU.

To make sure exactly what is the reason for the high processor load, you need to a number of diagnostic manipulations to identify it.

Determine the program that loads the processor

To reduce the load on the CPU, you can use Task Manager. You can get into it different ways : press simultaneously Ctrl+Shift+Esc or Ctrl+Alt+Delete or go through the start menu to context menu taskbar and there already find the dispatcher.

When the task manager is open, you need to go to the " Processes”, which will display the processes and services of the system. For convenience, they can be sorted by clicking on the column at the top " CPU" or " CPU» (in different Windows versions differently).

And after these manipulations, you can see which program or service is loading the CPU. It often happens that "heavy" programs (which consume a large amount of PC resources) leave after closing residual services or applications not correctly terminated, thereby affecting the performance of the computer. Very often browsers "sin" in this way. In addition, often videos in high quality, which the PC simply cannot handle, can load and slow down work.

You can solve this by clicking LMB (left mouse button) on the application that consumes the CPU and clicking " End task”, thereby removing the program from the PC resources. You have to be careful here because There's a possibility terminate some system service and then you have to manually restart the computer.

CPU load for no reason

It happens that in the standard Task Manager utility, processes that load the CPU are not visible, but the processor is still 100 percent loaded for no reason. In such cases, you can contact third party programs.

Download and run the AVZ program. Go to "Tools/Process Manager" there will be showing all processes running on the computer. Main advantage AVZ is that the program marks system processes in green. Those. you should look closely if there is a svchosts.exe process, which is painted black.

If no third-party processes are found, then you can try disable auto update Windows.

To disable updates, you need to go to the tab " Services”, the easiest way is to press Win + R, in the window that appears, write services.msc and click “OK”. In the window that opens, find the line " Update centreWindows”, double-click on it and select “Startup type” - Disabled, and click the “Stop” button below. Then save the settings and restart the PC.

CPU load due to overheating

The key parameter for the stable operation of the computer is its temperature. If the CPU starts to overheat, then the user notices unstable system operation, freezes, “ blue screen” and sudden shutdowns of the PC.

To find out the CPU temperature, you should use third-party programs, such as Aida 64.

The computer may overheat several reasons:

  1. Pollution. A computer or laptop requires constant cleaning (once every 6-12 months), because dust accumulates in it during use, which impairs the operation of coolers and the heat transfer of the radiator, thereby contributing to overheating.
    Solution: take the computer to service center to clean it, or open the side cover yourself and gently but thoroughly remove all accumulated dust. (If you are a laptop owner, you will have to carry it to a service center)
  1. Cooler malfunctions. The main task of the cooler is to continuously supply cold air to the heatsink to cool the CPU. If it fails, the computer starts to overheat. You can verify the malfunction yourself, you should open the side cover of the computer and see if the cooler rotates normally (if there are any squeaks, crackling)
    Solution: If the cooler is really defective, you should immediately contact the service center for its subsequent replacement.
  1. high room temperature. This problem is very actual in the summer season, at home and on the street it is hot, therefore, the cooler will suck in hot air. Because of this, its efficiency in terms of cooling drops significantly.
    Solution: You can open the side cover of the computer yourself and direct a conventional fan there. For laptops, special stands with cooling are produced.

Outdated PC

New technologies are moving forward very quickly, the computer sphere is one of them. Every day there are updates for various programs and every year standard programs begin to consume more and more resources.

If at startup standard application (browser, paint, photo viewer) CPU usage becomes 50% or 100% and does not decrease, then most likely it is time to update the PC configuration.

Applications in startup

Many people use PC for years without reinstalling windows and cleaning it from programs. Over time and the installation of certain applications, the autorun of the system becomes clogged and when the OS is loaded, programs are loaded that a person has not used for a long time. Because of this, the CPU can be constantly loaded, to avoid this you should clear "startup"

There is a popular utility CCleaner, with its help you can remove programs, which you have not used for a long time, leaving only the most relevant and antivirus.

If, after turning on the computer or working in Windows for a while, you suddenly see that the speed of work has noticeably decreased or the computer has completely stopped responding, then the reason for this may be the computer freezing - i.e. when it is busy executing files and does not respond to requests from other computer devices or programs. What should be done in this case, how to correct the situation?

Mostly 100 percent CPU usage in Windows is due to malware activity or software bugs. Below we will consider a few common simple tricks on what to do to fix this problem.

To get started, just restart your computer. Sometimes it happens that some application freezes due to problems in the application itself and continues to use the processor, often at 100 percent. You can remove it through "Task Manager" - "End Task".

Just don't forget to check "Display processes of all users" or "Details" - to display complete list processes. After you remove the task - reboot - check if the download problem is gone or not.

If restarting the computer did not solve the problem, go to the step Windows checks for malware. Run a full scan with the antivirus you have installed. You must understand that the presence of an antivirus does not exclude the possibility of infecting a computer. The best way to check is to use virus scanners famous developers. They are free, do not require installation, they can be burned to a USB flash drive or CD and, after booting from them, run a PC scan - this will increase the chances of catching most malicious programs.

Perform an analysis of the Windows operating system if you observe a high percentage of CPU usage

Using special software, analyze why a particular process starts and CPU usage increases to 100%. For example, "AnVir Task Manager" is well suited for this. It allows you to assess the level of risk and change the startup type of the application at startup, process or service (the menu shown in the figure is called right click mice) i.e. you will be able to understand what to do with it - the cause of the problem.

Thus, disallowing the launch of applications with high level At risk, you are very likely to get rid of processes that load your CPU by 100 percent.

While using a computer, there are times when performance starts to sag due to 100% CPU usage. It is not always possible to solve the problem quickly, since there are many causes of the problem and not everyone knows about them. Why is the computer processor loaded at 100 percent without visible reasons, we will understand below.

The first reason to pay attention to is the presence of a program that loads the processor and reduces the performance of the computer. The "pest" is defined as follows:

  • Launch the "Task Manager";
  • The launch is performed by simultaneously pressing the keys Ctrl + Alt + Del or through the start menu;
  • After opening the program, select the "Processes" tab. It displays all running on this moment system processes and programs;
  • To identify the pest, sort the processes in order of CPU usage;
  • End the program. To do this, select it with the left mouse button, then click on the "End task" button;

When closing the program, keep in mind the following nuances:

  1. Stopping an important system process will entail the need to restart the computer manually, as the operating system may freeze;
  2. Some applications leave side processes after closing that affect the processor. This often happens when the browser is closed in an emergency;

The main reasons for the maximum load

There are many reasons for loading the processor and reducing its performance. Among the main ones are:

  • Driver failure;
  • Many applications run in autoload mode;
  • The system is attacked by viruses;
  • The operating system is loaded by antiviruses;
  • Problems with hard drive;
  • Peripheral equipment fails, which affects the operation of the processor;
  • Many applications are running at the same time;
  • The problem is in the code;
  • Applications running in background, take up a lot of resources;
  • The reason is a hardware malfunction;

Note! Several reasons can affect the performance of the processor at once.

Each element of the computer operates under the control of a separate program, which contains all the algorithms for interacting with other devices. Such programs are called drivers and sometimes the reason for the processor load lies in them. To fix a problem with faulty drivers, do the following:

  1. Go to the official website of the manufacturer and download the new version software for the device;
  2. Reinstall the driver and restart your computer;

Note! New versions of drivers do not always work correctly due to insufficient optimization of the program code. When downloading, pay attention to the "stable" mark. Its presence means that programming code optimized and should not cause any conflicts with the system when using it.

Some drivers are difficult to find on their own and nothing is clear on the developers' websites. In that case, use third party applications that search for and install the missing software.

A large number of programs in startup

Among modern applications installed on a PC, there are more and more such software products, which, after installation, start working in autoload mode. It means:

  • The program automatically starts when the computer is turned on;
  • In autoload mode, the application accesses the Internet, downloading updates without notifying the user;

One or two applications won't put much load on the processor, but 5-10 will become a serious problem. The problem is fixed like this:

  1. Simultaneously press Ctrl+Alt+Delete;
  2. Launch the "Task Manager";
  3. Select the "Startup" tab;
  4. We allocate unnecessary programs and click the "Disable" button;

Working on the Internet is accompanied by the risk of catching a virus that loads the processor, interfering with its work. Most often, viruses disguise themselves as system processes, and even with the help of antivirus program extremely problematic. In this case, the following action will help:

  • Restart the system and boot Windows 7 in "Safe Mode";
  • To do this, during the reboot, press the F8 key, after which we select the mode we need;
  • After activation operating system check it for viruses. To do this, it is not necessary to download and install separate anti-virus software. There are services on the Internet that allow you to do this without installing it on your computer. Dr.Web offers a similar service;

Antivirus activity

The operation of the antivirus may also affect the operation of the central processing unit (CPU). The fact is that even when the system is idle, when the user does not perform any actions, the antivirus routines do their job, monitoring the system in search of an enemy. If the computer is weak or the antivirus is configured incorrectly, failures are observed during operation. You can remove them like this:

  1. We configure the operation of the antivirus by choosing an economical mode or disabling unnecessary elements;
  2. We change the antivirus to a less resource-intensive one;
  3. We update computer hardware to a new one;

Other effective ways, without the risk of damaging the OS or antivirus is not.

The hard disk affects the processor in two ways:

  • The hard drive fails, because of which the OS performance suffers, and as a result, the processor;
  • OS updates are being installed, which affects the performance of the processor;

The first problem is solved by purchasing new equipment. Yes, it's expensive, but over time, the hard drive will completely fail, and you simply won't be able to start the computer. The second problem is fixed like this:

  1. We are waiting for the download and installation to finish, after which we continue to go about our business;
  2. Disable automatic download of updates;

Other reasons for a drop in processor power due to hard drive should not be.

Problems with peripheral equipment

When connecting third-party equipment - a mouse, keyboard, printer or scanner, the drivers may not install correctly. Because of this, at work peripheral device and the OS, conflict situations arise, which leads to the allocation of additional processor resources to solve the problem.

Steps to fix the problem:

  • We turn off the peripheral equipment in turn and monitor the response of the processor. If after disconnecting any device, the load is gone, reinstall the drivers;
  • Drivers on the device are installed, but do not work correctly. This is displayed in the "Device Manager";

Often, the computer itself signals the incorrect installation of drivers, but you simply do not pay attention to this, continuing to work on programs that are not native to the equipment.

Huge number of running processes

The most simple reason, which causes processor overload. The fact is that each process, not even visible to you, takes a certain amount of power from the processor, forcing you to follow its actions. Resources are not unlimited and at some point the computer will start to slow down, thereby indicating congestion. Dealing with the problem is easy - close unnecessary applications. This will unload the processor and the speed of the operating system will return to normal. It is not necessary to close all applications. Choose the ones that are least used at the moment or those that are quick and easy to open when the need arises.

Important! Develop the habit of not being lazy and closing unnecessary pages on the Internet, applications that are no longer needed. You will notice how the speed of the PC will increase, and its work will stabilize.

Program type problem

Software-type problems include the unstable operation of an application. For example, Chrome loads your processor at 100 percent. In this case, closing the application, deleting it, and then downloading it will help. new version. Often such troubles arise due to the installation of non-licensed software in which the program code is damaged.

Such an application does not work optimally, taking extra resources from the processor that were not required during the operation of the licensed product. If the reinstallation did not help, then the problem is not in the program. Most likely the computer is infected with a virus or the hard drive is becoming unusable.

Operation of background system processes

After turning on a computer or laptop, Windows automatically performs a huge number of system processes, and they do not stop even when the user does not perform any active actions. The System.exe process is responsible for their work, which is checked first of all when suspicions arise.

You cannot turn them off, since the operation of the OS directly depends on them, be it Windows 7 or Windows 10. Other OSes are built on a similar principle. The following things affect the workload of this process:

  • Service automatic updates Windows;
  • The work of anti-virus programs;
  • The action of viruses;

Optimizing or eliminating these causes will bring your system processes back to normal, stabilizing your PC.

Computer and processor obsolescence in particular

As in the case of a hard drive, the processor does not last forever and its working resource is gradually spent. This is due to:

  1. Long service life of the equipment;
  2. Inappropriate conditions for keeping equipment;
  3. Marriage in the manufacture;
  4. The computer worked in enhanced mode, being subjected to constant overloads;

All this can not positively affect the work of technology. You can solve the problem related to the technical side of the process using the following algorithm:

  • clean up system unit removing all dust and dirt with a vacuum cleaner. Special attention devote to cooling systems, as increasing the temperature of the processor overloads it, gradually disabling it. You can determine whether the processor is heating up or not using special applications, in a large number posted on the Internet. If cleaning did not help and the equipment continues to heat up, change the thermal paste covering the top of the processor;
  • Check if the OS is working at startup simple applications, such as Notepad or Paint. If the “Process Manager” shows at least 50% CPU usage when they are started, and it does not fall, I recommend paying attention to new computer models by changing the old hardware to the new one;

A step-by-step check of the PC for all the reasons listed above will identify the problem and the performance will return to normal. The main thing is not to rush, carefully completing all the stages of troubleshooting.
