Function graphics program. Apply pre-made chart styles and layouts for a professional look

Any freelancer has faced a situation when he needed to quickly solve a problem, but he did not have the necessary tools. Today, having access to the Internet, many of the tasks can be solved directly in the browser - there are many services on the network for adjusting images, working with audio and video files, text, tables, and so on. In addition, it often becomes necessary to illustrate the created content with graphs and diagrams. The graphs are very informative and allow you to display the relationship between various types data, it is difficult to do without them when creating presentations or reviews, and they must be used if possible. FreelanceToday brings you 10 graphing and charting tools.

Most of the presented tools are quite simple, so it will be very easy to master them.

Chart Maker is a simple and intuitive tool for creating charts. Working with Chart Maker, the user can create five types of charts: line charts, pie charts, histograms, Venn charts, and scatter charts. At the end of the work, you can specify the exact size of the diagram in pixels and either save it on your computer's hard drive or publish it on the Internet - the service generates a link to the image.

The ChartGo tool allows you to create colorful and informative charts. You can work with a variety of chart types, including column charts, line charts, pie charts, and area charts. Using the settings, you can adjust the color and size of the image, change the font style (italic and bold), and mention the source of information. Using the service, you can create your own investment and stock charts, Forex charts, as well as illustrate any data related to finance.

One of the features of ChartGo is the ability to edit a saved graph or chart. The image is stored on the ChartGo server and can be modified. The server generates a link to the chart, so when the original image changes, the chart published on the website or blog page also changes.

A chart is a great way to present information visually. Using free tool Online Charts allows you to create a variety of graphs and charts: line, pie, radar, pyramid, area charts and many others. It is possible to work with color and font type. You can also choose the appearance of the chart: 2D or 3D. The finished chart can be saved to PNG formats, JPG, PDF and CSV. A link to the chart is also provided. The chart can be posted on a website or blog, or shared on social networks. Facebook networks, Twitter and Google+.

A very easy to use chart generator created by John Winstanley. The mention of Google in the name of the tool is explained simply - the generator uses the Google API. With the help of the service, you can create accurate, bright and informative graphs and charts. The finished result can be saved on your computer or published on the Internet. The service also generates an HTML image tag. There are relatively few tools at the user's disposal, but there are all the necessary types of charts and graphs. You can create charts with multiple data sets, grouped histograms (vertical and horizontal) and choose the appearance - 2D or 3D.

Line charts are indispensable when you need to display certain types of data or demonstrate current trends. Line Graph Maker is a very easy to use tool for creating line graphs. Also, using the service, you can create simple pie charts and histograms.

The RAW tool is a powerful platform for creating colorful graphs and charts. The tool makes it possible to display information 16 different ways. The creators of the service did a good job on the functionality, the platform can be used in serious research, since Raw is an intermediate option between professional spreadsheet editors and vector graphics editors. Any person working with confidential information, will be happy to know that Raw only processes data through the browser and does not store it on its servers. The platform does not allow you to create simple line graphs and histograms, the creators of the service suggest using other available tools for this. But if you need to create an alluvial diagram, a circular dendrogram, or something else complex and unusual, then you can use Raw.

The amCharts service is designed to create modern and stylish chart templates that can be used in presentations, at conferences, as well as for illustrating content. There are several initial diagrams, the platform interface is fully configured in a couple of minutes. The main advantage of the service is the ability to create interactive charts and charts, however, this will require the user to have at least basic knowledge of HTML, as they will have to work with generated HTML code that interacts with JavaScript libraries.

If you're looking for an easy-to-use plotting tool, Plotvar is an online service worth checking out. The tool is ideal for illustrating financial analysis, presentations, forum posts or in in social networks. You can create line graphs, bar charts, and pie charts. It is also possible to create dynamic graphs. A "live" graph will allow you to present information in dynamics, which will be appreciated by those users who work with constantly changing data.

Infogram is known as one of the leading infographic creation apps. But it also has tools for creating charts and graphs, and in more than 30 variations. Infogram is a premium tool, it is paid, so you should create diagrams in it in case of emergency. As a last resort, you can sign up for a 30-day trial period. The service has a very wide functionality, the platform capabilities allow Infogram to compete even with such professional graphic editors as Photoshop.

Google Charts online service allows you to create almost any graph or chart. The tool also supports interactive dynamic charts. All charts are created using the HTML5/SVG bundle, so no additional plugins are required to display the information correctly. There is no easier and more convenient tool if you want to create an interactive and scalable chart.

Building charts online is a very useful way to graphically display something that cannot be expressed in words.

Information is the future of e-marketing, with the right message visual images are a powerful tool to attract the target audience.

This is where infographics come to the rescue, allowing you to present various kinds of information in a simple and expressive form.

However, the construction of infographic images requires a certain analytical thinking and a wealth of imagination.

We hasten to please you - there are enough resources on the Internet that provide online charting.

A wonderful Russian-language service that plots online graphs by points (by values) and graphs of functions (normal and parametric).

This site has an intuitive clear interface and easy to use. It does not require registration, which significantly saves the user's time.

Allows you to quickly save ready-made graphics on your computer, and also generates code for posting on a blog or website. has a tutorial and chart examples that were created by users.

Perhaps, for people who study mathematics or physics in depth, this service will not be enough (for example, it is impossible to build a graph in polar coordinates, since the service does not have a logarithmic scale), but to perform the simplest laboratory work quite enough.

The advantage of the service is that it does not force, like many other programs, to search for the result obtained over the entire two-dimensional plane.

The size of the graph and the intervals along the coordinate axes are automatically generated so that the graph is easy to view.

At the same time on the same plane it is possible to build several graphs.

Additionally, on the site you can use the matrix calculator, with which it is easy to produce various activities and transformations.


An English-language service for the development of multifunctional and multi-colored histograms, line graphs, pie charts.

For user training, detailed guide and demos.

ChartGo will be useful for those who need it regularly. Among similar resources, “Create a graph online quickly” is distinguished by its simplicity.

Charting online is carried out according to the table.

At the beginning of the work, you must select one of the types of charts.

The application provides users with a number of simple options for customizing the plotting of various functions in 2D and 3D coordinates.

You can select one of the chart types and switch between 2D and 3D.

Size settings provide maximum control between vertical and horizontal orientation.

Users can customize their charts with a unique title, as well as name the X and Y elements.

To plot online xyz graphs in the "Example" section, many layouts are available that you can change to your liking.

Note! In ChartGo, many charts can be built in one rectangular system. Each graph is made up of points and lines. Functions of a real variable (analytical) are set by the user in a parametric form.

Additional functionality has also been developed, which includes monitoring and displaying coordinates on a plane or in a three-dimensional system, importing and exporting numerical data in certain formats.

The program has a highly customizable interface.

After creating a diagram, the user can use the function to print the result and save the graph as a static picture.

You can find another great application for a spectacular presentation of information on the website, where you can build a graph of a function online for free.

The service is able to work with many types of charts, including line, bubble, pie, column and radial.

The system has a very simple and intuitive interface. All available functions are separated by tabs in the form of a horizontal menu.

To get started, you need to select the type of chart you want to build.

After that, you can set up some Extra options appearance, depending on the selected chart type.

In the "Add data" tab, the user is prompted to set the number of rows and, if necessary, the number of groups.

You can also define a color.

Note! The “Signatures and fonts” tab offers to set the properties of the signatures (should they be displayed at all, if so, what color and font size). It also provides the ability to select the font type and size for the main text of the diagram.

Everything is extremely simple.

The simplest and least functional of all the online services presented here. It will not be possible to create a three-dimensional graph online on this site.

It is designed for plotting complex functions in the coordinate system at a certain range of values.

For the convenience of users, the service provides reference data on the syntax of various mathematical operations, as well as on the list of supported functions and constant values.

All data necessary for drawing up the schedule is entered into the "Functions" window. At the same time, the user can build several graphs on the same plane.

Therefore, it is allowed to add several functions in a row, but after each function, you must insert a semicolon. The construction area is also set.

It is possible to build graphs online according to the table or without it. Color legend supported.

Despite the poor functionality, it is still an online service, so you do not have to search, download and install any software for a long time.

To build a graph, you just need to have it from any available device: PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Plotting a function online

TOP 4 the best service for plotting graphs online

As you know, among the users of GNU/Linux there are quite a lot of people from the academic environment, that is, those people who observe, measure, calculate, compare, and eventually write scientific articles. This work is usually associated with a graphical presentation of information or visualization. In the common people - by plotting graphs. It is about the programs intended for this that will be discussed.

I compared 9 free programs for visualizing 2D and 1D data. All of these programs are available on GNU/Linux, and many are available to users of other operating systems. All 9 programs allow you to build such graphics that you are not ashamed to show or print. This is what is called "publication quality".

The choice of programs is limited to those designed to visualize one-dimensional or two-dimensional data. By one-dimensional (1D) data, I mean a mapping from one one-dimensional set to another, such as functional dependency. By two-dimensional (2D) data, I mean a mapping of a two-dimensional set to a one- or two-dimensional one, for example, a functional dependence or a vector-valued function given on a plane. In my opinion, it is the visualization of one- and two-dimensional data that is the most common task.

Programs focused primarily on the visualization of multidimensional data are excluded from the comparison. However, all these programs deserve a mention: OpenDX, VTK, MayaVi,. All this is interesting, but it's a completely different story. Also, programs for constructing graphs and for other, exotic, visualization methods did not participate in the comparison. Of these, graphviz and prefuse are worth mentioning.

So, in comparison participated:

  • gnuplot- an industry veteran, so almost everyone who needs graphics is familiar with him and knows how to work; I myself use it with pleasure, because with just one or two short commands, you can display the data tolerably;
  • Gri- a lesser known project, actually a programming language for drawing scientific graphs; was originally actively used to represent geographic information, so here full order with isolines and color maps;
  • matplotlib- a relatively young, but rich in features and actively developing project, is a library for the Python language; a feature of matplotlib is a syntax close to MATLAB; hence the second name of the project: pylab;
  • PyX- another package for visualization with Python; the choice between matplotlib and PyX is largely a matter of taste, but it should be noted that some things are more natural to do in one, and others in the other (see table);
  • Tioga- a library for the Ruby language that uses PDFLaTeX to draw graphs; as a result, a qualitative result pleasing to the eye, but a rather steep learning curve (in addition to mastering Ruby, you will need to deal with thioga itself);
  • Ctioga— the same Tioga for those who want now and immediately; chart parameters are set from command line, and Tioga is already used to draw it; unfortunately, Ctioga is suitable only for one-dimensional data, but for them it may well replace gnuplot;
  • GNU plotutils- they are the graph utility; I personally find its interface less intuitive and easy to use, and more limited options than other programs; however, the libplot library included in the same package may be of interest from the point of view of writing your own programs for plotting;
  • plotmtv- far from a new project, and, as it seems to me, is in stagnation; copes well with two-dimensional scalar and vector data; main disadvantage: commands for plotting must be embedded in data files; on the other hand, if files in the plotmtv format are already available, it is easy to build graphs, the quality is very decent, and the main parameters of the graph can be changed using GUI;
  • grace- the only program among those considered, in which you can fully control the construction of graphs using a graphical interface; unfortunately, that is why I still have not managed to make friends with her; its capabilities are very decent, but it is suitable for visualizing only one-dimensional data;
It must be said right away that each program has its strengths and weak sides. Therefore, the choice of a suitable program is a matter that everyone must decide for himself. The choice depends on what data is available and in what format, what kind of graphs you want to get, how high the design requirements are, how quickly you need to get graphs and how many to build them ... The comparison table below should help with this. To begin with, I advise you to pay attention to the examples (links to galleries with examples in the table), they will quickly give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat these programs are capable of.

I personally used and use gnuplot, Gri, matplotlib, Tioga and Ctioga - and am satisfied with each of them. If you need to draw something quickly (for yourself) - usually gnuplot, Gri or Ctioga is my choice. I also use Gnuplot if I need to draw a level surface. If you need to draw contour lines or color maps from 2D data, Gri and Tioga are the best. Matplotlib can also do this, but I met it relatively recently and have so far only used it for different charts.

In comparison, probably, one could also add programs

Graph is a powerful yet free tool for students, schoolchildren and scientists to create graphs of mathematical and trigonometric functions. The program allows not only to set the function by which the graph is automatically built, but also to add a lot of additional elements, including rows of points, tangents or perpendiculars, approximation curves, labels. In Graph, you can easily calculate the length of the curve, the integral area, you can shade the area of ​​the graph, view the values ​​of the function and export the graph to a file.

The first time we run Graph in the program window, we see only the x and y axes. When moving the mouse over the graph area, the status bar displays the current cursor coordinates for each axis.

To add a function by which the graph will be built, click the button [Add new feature] or key Insert. First of all, you need to select the type of function, Graph supports standard, parametric and polar functions. Then, depending on the selected type, we enter the function itself into one or more fields (respectively f(x), x(t) and b y(t), r(t)). Conventional signs are used here, for example, the degree is written as ^, multiplication with an asterisk *. Argument range from, to and step are optional, as well as markers for the beginning and end of the line. But it is desirable to adjust the style of the curve. We can specify the line type, color and thickness, as well as the style (lines, dots). Finally, in the field signature text enter, if necessary, the name of the function. If you leave this field blank, the graph will show the function itself.

Graph instantly builds a graph for a given function. To make changes to a function, just double-click on it in the list of functions on the left. By the way, the program allows you to simultaneously display several graphs of functions in one figure. By enabling or disabling the checkboxes in the list, you can quickly adjust the visibility of charts. The frame with captions for graphs can be easily moved in the graph area.

It would seem that the program builds a schedule for any given function and, in general, nothing more is needed. However, Graph developers have provided a lot additional features. For example, creating a tangent or perpendicular to a function. Click the button [Add new tangent or perpendicular (normal) to selected function] or key F2 and enter line parameters. Required parameter is x value. The rest of the settings are already familiar to us. The line type can be specified as dashed. The new tangent is also displayed in the list of functions and in the labels.

The function of painting the selected area on the chart is very useful. Select a function from the list and click the button [Hatch a section of the graph](or F3). Then we set the hatching parameters of the area. Graph provides the following hatching methods:
- between the function and the x-axis;
- under the function;
- over function;
- between the function and the y-axis;
- inside the function;
- between functions.
Beyond the tab Plot is there some more Settings, where you can specify the name of the selected area of ​​the graph, as well as the color and type of hatching, the display of the border, and, if necessary, the range relative to the intersection.

The shaded area appears in the list of functions and in the label area. You can change it just like any other element - double click in the feature list.

Button [Add Row of Points] opens the settings window for plotting several points with specified coordinates on the chart. We enter the name of the series, and manually indicate the x and y coordinates of each point. Here we select the type of coordinates (rectangular, polar); type, color and size of markers (there are round, square, triangular, diamond-shaped, etc.). Points can be connected by a line, its type, color, thickness and interpolation are set in the settings (linear, one-dimensional cubic spline, two-dimensional cubic spline, half-cosine). In addition, near each point you can display its coordinates, their location is selected in the drop-down list. In a separate tab, we set the error.

After creating a row of points, the button becomes active. [Add approximation curve for selected series of points], which allows you to add a trendline. In the Graph settings, select the type of trendline (linear, logarithmic, polynomial, exponential, exponential, moving average), line type, color, and thickness. In the tab Custom a few more trendline types: BET model, Exponential association, Hyperbolic fit, Rational function, Reciprocal, Saturation-Growth rate and Sinusoidal.

It will no longer be possible to change the trendline type for the approximation curve again, so in this case it is necessary to delete the line and create it again.

Button [Function values] opens on the left additional fields to view the values ​​of the function depending on the given x. We just manually enter the x value and look at the function values ​​​​here. In this case, the dotted lines on the graph show the location of the point.

Button [Show value table] opens a window where you can get a list of values ​​for a given range (fields From And Before) and step. Just click [Computing] And full list will appear in the table. Directly in the table, you can select a range of rows and cells and right-click to call context menu, which allows you to copy values ​​to a clipboard, or export them to a file. Graph provides the ability to export values ​​to CSV and TXT files.

Button name [Calculate path length by function between two points] speaks for itself. We only need to select a section of the curve. This is done easily - click on the curve and with the left mouse button pressed, darken the curve. The calculated curve length is immediately displayed. The range can also be set using the fields From And Before.

Another button with a "speaking" name [Compute the definite integral over the given interval] allows you to calculate the area bounded by the function curve. Here we also select a section of the curve and instantly obtain the calculated value of the area using the integral.

In Graph, you can create labels on the chart, in fact, these are ordinary text labels. However, you can put a special character in the label, as well as an object, such as a formula created in Microsoft Equation.

On the menu Editing - Axes Graph developers offer all kinds of settings for the appearance of the axes and the coordinate grid. Here you can set the minimum and maximum value of each axis, the interval of notches, the display of the grid, the inclusion of a logarithmic scale. In addition, in Graph, you can change the designation of each axis. Many graphs use other quantities, such as time and distance, mass and volume, and so on. In the tab Options set the title of the graph and its location. You can also customize the background color, axes and grid, label fonts, axes and numbers.

Finally, we note the possibility of exporting a graph to graphic file EMF, SVG, BMP, PNG, JPG or PDF format. For this, it is enough in the menu File select item Save as Image. And, of course, the graph and functions can be saved in a special Graph format, and later loaded and continued editing. To quickly copy only the graphics to the clipboard, go to the menu Editing - Copy Image.

Interface language: Russian, English, etc.
OS: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7
File size: 10 MB
License: free
